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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autonomisation, élargissement et coopération des Organisations intergouvernementales : le cas de l'UNESCO, de l'OMC et de l'OMPI / Autonomus, extension and coopertaion of intergovernemental organizations : the case of UNESCO, WTO, WIPO

Soubra Itani, Hala 07 December 2012 (has links)
La préoccupation initiale de cette recherche était d’évaluer le rôle que pouvaient jouer les OIG dans la bonne gouvernance mondiale. Il s’agissait donc de savoir si les OIG étaient capables de penser globalement ou si elles demeuraient liées par les politiques des grands Etats. L’enjeu principal est ainsi devenu la mesure de leur degré d’autonomisation face aux intérêts des grandes puissances. Dans ce but, nous nous sommes penchés sur leur élargissement vers de nouveaux domaines d’action, pas nécessairement inscrits dans leur mandat initial et qui peuvent même changer la nature de l’Organisation. Cet élargissement dicté par l’environnement des OIG, engendre chevauchement et recoupement, et impose l’analyse de la coopération éventuelle entre elles. Nous avons donc étudié le rapport entre l’autonomisation des OIG, leur élargissement et leur coopération, en supposant qu’une plus grande autonomisation permettrait un plus grand élargissement et exigerait, en principe, une plus grande coopération. A cet effet, trois Organisations ont fait l’objet de notre étude de cas. Il s’agit de l’UNESCO, l’OMC et l’OMPI. Certes, les trois Organisations ont des origines différentes mais elles se croisent après un élargissement ou un développement de leurs activités autour d’un lieu commun : la culture. Un sujet apparemment « soft » mais qui camoufle des enjeux économiques assez importants. Il divise la communauté internationale et crée des tensions sérieuses au sein des forums internationaux. La domination culturelle remet en question la diversité culturelle. Les PED sont de plus en plus en difficulté pour sauvegarder leur culture face à l’ouverture des marchés et au développement de la technologie dictés par la globalisation. L’inquiétude face à la domination culturelle est également celle de quelques pays développés comme le Canada, la France, qui voient leurs territoires dévastés par la culture américaine surtout au niveau de la production cinématographique. Nous avons pu dégager à travers notre recherche que le rapport entre les OIG à travers la production des différentes normes dans le domaine culturel apparait plutôt conflictuel que coopératif, même si paradoxalement ce sont les mêmes Etats qui adoptent les différentes normes ici et là. Il semble que le jeu de pouvoir dans les différentes Organisations n’est pas le même, les acteurs ne sont pas les mêmes, les enjeux ne sont pas les mêmes et les valeurs ne sont pas les mêmes. Ceci dit, l’autonomie ou l’autonomisation recherchée par les OIG les pousse dans une direction qui n’est pas tout le temps favorable à la coopération interétatique. Il en découle la multiplicité des normes d’une part et leur incompatibilité d’autre part. Dans certains cas, elles sont même contradictoires. De même, la hiérarchie entre les OIG n’est pas fixée d’une façon permanente. Elle est plutôt changeable et réversible. Tout dépend de la façon dont l’Organisation poursuit ses objectifs, et comment elle interagit avec son milieu. Les Organisations « faibles » ou « idéologiques » ont leur fonction dans l’architecture mondiale. Elles se placent entre les pays riches et les pays pauvres et tentent d’établir un certain équilibre, rompu par les forces économiques. Ces Organisations peuvent minimiser ou bloquer ou retarder l’application des normes. Nous concluons avec l’idée que le conflit ou la compétition entre les différents acteurs de la scène internationale y compris les OIG rend la gouvernance mondiale acceptable mais que la bonne gouvernance mondiale reste une utopie. / The first concern of this research at its inception was to assess the role of Intergovernmental Organizations in global Governance. Are IGOs able to think globally or are they so tied to the most powerful states that they lack autonomy? The next step was to measure the degree of autonomy of these IGOs and their capacity to go beyond the most powerful states interests. We also aim as studying the process of their extension to new fields that are not necessarily mentioned in their initial mandate and that could even change the nature of the Organization. This extension dictated by their environment generates overlapping actions and cross-cheking procedures, which make the study of an eventual cooperation between them necessary. Our objective is therefore to study the relationship between IGO's autonomy (i.e., the process of their autonomisation), their extension and their cooperation. The greater is the autonomy of an IGO, the greater is its extension, and supposedly greater is its cooperation. For that purpose, our case study focuses on three Organizations that have the subject of culture in common: UNESCO, WTO and WIPO. Indeed, these three Organizations have different origins but are dealing with culture, since they extended their initial scope of interest. UNESCO dealt first with the physical heritage and then with the intangible heritage and eventually addressed the diversity of cultural expressions that can includes tradable goods and services. WTO, which was originally conceived as a Forum of negotiation for free trade, is now involved in Intellectual property of cultural goods through the TRIPS. WIPO, the technical Organization for Intellectual property now harbors a debate on Traditional knowledge, Genetic resources and Folklore. These subjects are obviously related to UNESCO's intangible heritage and cultural expressions, and to the concerns of the WTO since the products of Traditional knowledge and genetic resources are tradable goods. Thus, the intersection point between these three Organizations is culture. A subject that is apparently soft is actually hiding important economic issues. In particular, it divides the international community and is the source of serious tension in international fora. Cultural domination is threatening cultural diversity. The developing countries are becoming more and more unable to preserve their culture when confronted to open markets and to the technology development enhanced by globalization. Some developed countries such as Canada and France are also worried about the threatening of their culture by an American invasion of their territories through cinema and television productions. We conclude that the relationship between different IGOs in the field of cultural norms production looks more conflictual than cooperative even if, paradoxically, the same states are adopting the norms in most fora. Since the power game was different in each Organization, actors and values are different as well. Consequently, the autonomy targeted by IGOs is not always translated into a better inter states cooperation. It generates a multiplicity of norms. In some cases, they are even contradictory. Likewise, the hierarchy of IGOs is not permanent, but changing and reversible. The rank of an IGO depends on how it is pursuing its objectives and how it is reacting with its environment. The weakest or the most ideological Organizations have a function in the international architecture. They are positioning themselves between rich and poor countries, and try to establish some balance, not to be overwhelmed by big economic players. These Organizations can minimize, block or delay norms' implementation. Thus, it is the competition between the different actors that makes global governance acceptable. Therefore, good global governance remains an utopia.

The (In)ability of the International Intellectual Property Regime to Adequately Protect Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Legal Analysis on the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Context of Sustainable Development

Makipour, Sanam January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of the nature and online resolution of domain-name disputes

Hurter, Eddie 08 1900 (has links)
The thesis analyses selected aspects of domain-name law, mainly from the perspective of trade-mark law. It discusses the evolution of the domain-name system and how it operates as background to a more detailed discussion of the theoretical classification of domain names. The thesis then examines the interplay between trade marks and domain names, and the resolution of domain-name disputes resulting from the inherent tension between these two systems. The main principles of domain-name dispute resolution are identified by way of an analysis of the panel decisions handed down in terms of the international Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the South African domain name dispute resolution regulations. This analysis always addresses, too, the extent to which national trade-mark law principles (with reference to the laws of South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America) apply, and the extent to which this is appropriate. / Private Law / LL.D.


林培勳 Unknown Date (has links)
圖書館除典藏當代文化外,亦負有發展教育、傳播文化、提供資 訊等功能(公共圖書館宣言)。隨著科技的進步,人類文明不斷向前推 展,尤以電腦科技的日益精進,網際網路的使用者快速成長,圖書館 無論是在資料蒐集、整理、資訊的提供等功能上,都面臨數位化的需 求。 關於數位化圖書館所涉及之著作權法問題,可分為二大部分探討: 一、紙本館藏數位化重製,及數位化後透過網路提供圖書館服務之著 作權法問題。 二、圖書館直接從市面上購置數位著作,其取得與利用之問題。 壹、圖書館數位化涉及之著作權法問題 一、重製概念是否包含「數位化重製」 貳、圖書館網路服務涉及公開傳輸權 一、新法對於線上文獻傳遞服務之影響 二、圖書館內部網路使用與公開傳輸權 三、線上列印之合理使用審查 參、可否經由網路出借數位館藏 肆、圖書館取得數位著作授權之困境 一、數位著作取得、利用之限制 二、相關著作權仲介團體之欠缺 四、解決機制 (一)相關著作權仲介團體之設立 (二)利用著作的送存制度 (三)電子資料庫市場的擴大 伍、修法方向 一、明文賦予圖書館數位化重製權 為了順應數位時代下圖書館數位化之時代潮流,並得以有效地保 存館藏著作,著作權法應於第四十八條明文賦予圖書館得將館藏著作 數位化之權限,為合理使用之部分。至於數位化之館藏,無須區分已 公開或未公開發行之著作,蓋即使未公開之著作,亦有以數位化重製 保存以及提供利用之必要。不過,對於數位化重製仍須有一定之限 制,亦即,若在市面上已有相關之數位化著作存在,則不得再就館藏 數位化,而應付費取得使用之權限。 二、限制圖書館數位化服務之範圍 基於數位著作保護技術措施尚未成熟,若直接賦予圖書館就數位 重製後之著作,可透過網路或類似管道提供公眾利用,將造成著作權 人之嚴重損害。因此,數位化後之館藏,在館內使用時,僅限於數位 化資料之檢索用途、全文內容閱覽,若讀者第四十八條第一款要求圖 書館重製著作,則僅能提供紙本的版本,不得將全文內容之數位化檔 案交與讀者利用;又就實體館外之使用者,圖書館僅得提供線上目錄 檢索,但不得提供線上資料全文內容閱覽及線上列印。若有此需求, 仍須取得著作權人之授權或同意始得為之。 三、增訂法定授權制度給予著作權人補償 在賦予圖書館數位化重製權利的同時,應採取前述的法定授權制 度或其他類似著作權補償制度,對於著作權人經濟之不利益加以適當 補償,以衡平雙方利益。圖書館依法進行數位重製,須向著作權人給 付主管機關所制訂公布之使用報酬。 四、學術論文資料庫之建置 本文認為,為了促進學術交流與進步,或可賦予圖書館建立論文 數位化全文之資料庫,以提供檢索、網路傳輸及線上列印。為避免影 響層面太廣,其範圍應限於依照「學位授予法」取得學位之本國博碩 士論文。不過此種利用將對論文之著作權人造成影響,應增訂法定授 權制度,給予著作權人一定之補償,才不致於不合理地損害著作人法 定利益。 五、圖書館共同營運準則之制訂 本文建議,為著作權專責機關之經濟部智慧財產局,可仿照美 國之CONTU(National Commission on New Technogical Uses Cppyrighted Works),制訂供圖書館營運遵守的準則,以使圖書館在 進行重製或其他圖書館服務時有所依循。

Contribuições ao estudo do direito internacional da propriedade intelectual na era Pós-Organização Mundial do Comércio: fronteiras da proteção, composição do equilíbrio e expansão do domínio público / Contributions to the study of international law of intellectual property in post-world trade organization era: frontiers of protection, balance reshape and expansion of public domain

Polido, Fabrício Bertini Pasquot 02 July 2010 (has links)
Após 15 anos de sua adoção pelos Membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio, o Acordo sobre os Aspectos da Propriedade Intelectual Relacionados ao Comércio (TRIPS) ainda permanece como um dos pilares das modernas instituições do sistema internacional da propriedade intelectual e merece contínua análise de seus efeitos sobre países em desenvolvimento. Nesse sentido, tendências expansionistas e níveis mais elevados de proteção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, nas distintas esferas do multilareralismo, bilateralismo e regionalismo, são, no entanto, confrontadas com as necessidades reais dos países em desenvolvimento, que ainda devem explorar as flexibilidades existentes no Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual. Isso parece ser evidente após a fase de transição do Acordo TRIPS. A implementação de obrigações relacionadas à proteção substantiva e procedimentos de aplicação efetiva da proteção (observância) dá lugar para controvérsias resultantes das demandas pelo acesso aos bens do conhecimento - bens da tecnologia e informação na ordem internacional. O presente trabalho oferece contribuição para o estudo do Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual na Era Pós-OMC e propõe uma análise e reavaliação de seus elementos, princípios e objetivos. Enfatiza a tarefa imperativa de redefinição do equilíbrio intrínseco da propriedade intelectual e a manutenção e expansão do domínio público, concebidos como valores de ordem pública internacional. Nesse contexto, o trabalho propõe analisar os objetivos futuros de um regime internacional da propriedade intelectual, em parte consolidados pelos proponentes da Declaração de Doha sobre TRIPS e Saúde Pública e a Agenda da OMPI para o Desenvolvimento. Em sua estrutura, o trabalho divide-se em três partes. A primeira parte (Status Quo: O Presente e o Passado dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual na Ordem Internacional) analisa as políticas e objetivos justificam o regime internacional da propriedade intelectual, seus fundamentos no Pós-OMC/TRIPS e convergência das competências relacionadas à propriedade intelectual na ordem internacional. A segunda parte (O Passado Revisitado rumo ao Futuro dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual) aborda as implicações das tendências expansionistas e fortalecimento dos padrões de proteção da propriedade intelectual, concentrando-se em dois casos principais: a harmonização substantiva e os sistemas globais de proteção e observância dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. A terceira parte (Futuro dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual na Ordem Internacional) propõe a redefinição dos princípios e objetivos centrais do Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual no Pós-OMC (equilíbrio, transparência, cooperação internacional e transferência de tecnologia) e a manutenção e expansão do domínio público, flexibilidades e opções para acesso aos bens da tecnologia e informação. / After 15 years from its adoption by the Member States of World Trade Organization, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) still remains as one of the main pillars of the modern institutions of international intellectual property system and deserves a continuous assessment analysis of its overall impacts on developing countries, their innovation systems and developmental concerns. In this sense, expansionist trends and higher levels of protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in multilateral, regional and bilateral levels - are nevertheless confronted with the actual needs of developing countries in exploring existing and pending flexibilities within the international intellectual property legal regime. This appears to be true particularly after the post-transitional phase of TRIPS Agreement, where implementation of the multilateral obligations related to substantive protection and enforcement procedures gave rise to considerable contentious issues emerging from demands for access to global public goods, knowledge goods. This Doctoral Thesis offers a contribution to the current debate on International Intellectual Property Law in Post-WTO Era and proposes an analysis and reappraisal of its elements, principles and objectives. The work aims at focusing the imperative task of redefining the intrinsic balance of intellectual property and maintenance and expansion of the public domain as values of an international ordre public. In this context, we analyze the systemic objectives of a prospective international intellectual property regime, which were in part consolidated by the proponents of Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health of 2001 and WIPO Development Agenda. In the first part (Status Quo: Past and Present of Intellectual Property in International Order) we analyze the main development of the current international intellectual property regime, its foundations in Post WTO/TRIPS, and convergent intellectual property related competences in international legal order. The second part (Present revisited towards the future of intellectual property rights) approaches the implications of expansionist trends and strengthening of standards of IP protection. In this case, our work focuses on two particular cases: the substantive harmonization and global protection systems and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The third part (Future of Intellectual Property Rights in International Legal System) further analyses core objectives and principles of International Intellectual Property Law in Post-WTO (balance, transparency, international cooperation and transfer of technology) and proposals for the maintenance and expansion of public domain, flexibilities and options for the access to the knowledge goods.

Contribuições ao estudo do direito internacional da propriedade intelectual na era Pós-Organização Mundial do Comércio: fronteiras da proteção, composição do equilíbrio e expansão do domínio público / Contributions to the study of international law of intellectual property in post-world trade organization era: frontiers of protection, balance reshape and expansion of public domain

Fabrício Bertini Pasquot Polido 02 July 2010 (has links)
Após 15 anos de sua adoção pelos Membros da Organização Mundial do Comércio, o Acordo sobre os Aspectos da Propriedade Intelectual Relacionados ao Comércio (TRIPS) ainda permanece como um dos pilares das modernas instituições do sistema internacional da propriedade intelectual e merece contínua análise de seus efeitos sobre países em desenvolvimento. Nesse sentido, tendências expansionistas e níveis mais elevados de proteção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, nas distintas esferas do multilareralismo, bilateralismo e regionalismo, são, no entanto, confrontadas com as necessidades reais dos países em desenvolvimento, que ainda devem explorar as flexibilidades existentes no Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual. Isso parece ser evidente após a fase de transição do Acordo TRIPS. A implementação de obrigações relacionadas à proteção substantiva e procedimentos de aplicação efetiva da proteção (observância) dá lugar para controvérsias resultantes das demandas pelo acesso aos bens do conhecimento - bens da tecnologia e informação na ordem internacional. O presente trabalho oferece contribuição para o estudo do Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual na Era Pós-OMC e propõe uma análise e reavaliação de seus elementos, princípios e objetivos. Enfatiza a tarefa imperativa de redefinição do equilíbrio intrínseco da propriedade intelectual e a manutenção e expansão do domínio público, concebidos como valores de ordem pública internacional. Nesse contexto, o trabalho propõe analisar os objetivos futuros de um regime internacional da propriedade intelectual, em parte consolidados pelos proponentes da Declaração de Doha sobre TRIPS e Saúde Pública e a Agenda da OMPI para o Desenvolvimento. Em sua estrutura, o trabalho divide-se em três partes. A primeira parte (Status Quo: O Presente e o Passado dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual na Ordem Internacional) analisa as políticas e objetivos justificam o regime internacional da propriedade intelectual, seus fundamentos no Pós-OMC/TRIPS e convergência das competências relacionadas à propriedade intelectual na ordem internacional. A segunda parte (O Passado Revisitado rumo ao Futuro dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual) aborda as implicações das tendências expansionistas e fortalecimento dos padrões de proteção da propriedade intelectual, concentrando-se em dois casos principais: a harmonização substantiva e os sistemas globais de proteção e observância dos direitos de propriedade intelectual. A terceira parte (Futuro dos Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual na Ordem Internacional) propõe a redefinição dos princípios e objetivos centrais do Direito Internacional da Propriedade Intelectual no Pós-OMC (equilíbrio, transparência, cooperação internacional e transferência de tecnologia) e a manutenção e expansão do domínio público, flexibilidades e opções para acesso aos bens da tecnologia e informação. / After 15 years from its adoption by the Member States of World Trade Organization, the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) still remains as one of the main pillars of the modern institutions of international intellectual property system and deserves a continuous assessment analysis of its overall impacts on developing countries, their innovation systems and developmental concerns. In this sense, expansionist trends and higher levels of protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in multilateral, regional and bilateral levels - are nevertheless confronted with the actual needs of developing countries in exploring existing and pending flexibilities within the international intellectual property legal regime. This appears to be true particularly after the post-transitional phase of TRIPS Agreement, where implementation of the multilateral obligations related to substantive protection and enforcement procedures gave rise to considerable contentious issues emerging from demands for access to global public goods, knowledge goods. This Doctoral Thesis offers a contribution to the current debate on International Intellectual Property Law in Post-WTO Era and proposes an analysis and reappraisal of its elements, principles and objectives. The work aims at focusing the imperative task of redefining the intrinsic balance of intellectual property and maintenance and expansion of the public domain as values of an international ordre public. In this context, we analyze the systemic objectives of a prospective international intellectual property regime, which were in part consolidated by the proponents of Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health of 2001 and WIPO Development Agenda. In the first part (Status Quo: Past and Present of Intellectual Property in International Order) we analyze the main development of the current international intellectual property regime, its foundations in Post WTO/TRIPS, and convergent intellectual property related competences in international legal order. The second part (Present revisited towards the future of intellectual property rights) approaches the implications of expansionist trends and strengthening of standards of IP protection. In this case, our work focuses on two particular cases: the substantive harmonization and global protection systems and enforcement of intellectual property rights. The third part (Future of Intellectual Property Rights in International Legal System) further analyses core objectives and principles of International Intellectual Property Law in Post-WTO (balance, transparency, international cooperation and transfer of technology) and proposals for the maintenance and expansion of public domain, flexibilities and options for the access to the knowledge goods.


MARISA GANDELMAN 16 August 2002 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo principal da presente dissertação é discutir a dinâmica dos relacionamentos entre estados, e entre estado e sociedade, que giram em torno da produção e do acesso ao conhecimento, entendido como o estado da arte, da ciência e da tecnologia e as crenças e idéias de cada época a esse respeito. O exame desses relacionamentos será feito através do estudo do regime da Propriedade Intelectual, o que torna necessário discutir as teorias de regimes a fim de entender sua importância nas relações internacionais. Trata-se, portanto,de duas discussões interligadas, cada uma em seus aspectos substantivos, que levam a conclusões tanto a respeito da importância dos regimes como a respeito da dinâmica dos relacionamentos que giram em torno da produção e do acesso ao conhecimento. Minha proposta é discutir os dois temas centrais desse trabalho através da análise de como aconteceram as mudanças no regime internacional da propriedade intelectual e a mudança de regime. As mudanças serão identificadas a partir dos instrumentos legais que constituem o regime, dos debates sobre a adoção de agendas de revisão desses instrumentos legais, e do exame das coalizões formadas em função dos interesses particulares dos atores em cada um dos diferentes foros de negociações. Outra contribuição que esse estudo pretende trazer é uma pesquisa da literatura sobre o tema da propriedade intelectual que adota abordagens teóricas e ferramentas analíticas da disciplina de Relações Internacionais. / [en] The proposal of this work is to discuss the dynamics of interactions between states and between states and society, in which the main object is the production and access to knowledge - here understood as the state of the art, science and technology, and the beliefs and ideas about it. This dynamics is analyzed through the study of the Intellectual Property International Regime, what makes it necessary to discuss also regime theories and the meaning of regimes to International relations. Two separate and interconnected discussions will be developed, each one with its own aspects, and will bring us to conclusions both about the importance of regimes and about the dynamics of interactions on production and access to knowledge. The two main discussions are advanced through the analysis of regime changing. The changes are identified on the legal instruments which constitute the Intellectual Property regime, through the analysis of the debates over the agendas of revisions on these legal instruments, and through the exam of the coalitions created around particular interests of the actors in each of the different forum of negotiations. Another contribution this study intends to bring is a research on the literature about Intellectual Property that takes a theoretical approach and uses analytical tools of the discipline of International Relations.

Aspects of the nature and online resolution of domain-name disputes

Hurter, Eddie 08 1900 (has links)
The thesis analyses selected aspects of domain-name law, mainly from the perspective of trade-mark law. It discusses the evolution of the domain-name system and how it operates as background to a more detailed discussion of the theoretical classification of domain names. The thesis then examines the interplay between trade marks and domain names, and the resolution of domain-name disputes resulting from the inherent tension between these two systems. The main principles of domain-name dispute resolution are identified by way of an analysis of the panel decisions handed down in terms of the international Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the South African domain name dispute resolution regulations. This analysis always addresses, too, the extent to which national trade-mark law principles (with reference to the laws of South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America) apply, and the extent to which this is appropriate. / Private Law / LL.D.

Analyse comparée franco-américaine de la protection des œuvres par le droit d’auteur / Franco-American comparative analysis of the copryright protection of works

Dagher, Chantal 26 October 2017 (has links)
L’appel au renforcement de la protection du droit d’auteur dans le but de mieux lutter contre la contrefaçon, surtout avec l’avènement et le développement incessant des nouvelles technologies, est-il justifié ? Le bilan des efforts déployés récemment sur la scène internationale pour réaliser un tel renforcement, ayant débouché sur l’élaboration du très controversé ACTA, démontre que la réponse à cette question ne peut être ni simple ni immédiate. Evaluer l’opportunité et déterminer la nécessité de renforcer cette protection ne peuvent se faire qu’après un examen approfondi des solutions juridiques, existantes déjà dans les dispositifs nationaux des deux Etats qui assurent chacun une protection efficace des droits des auteurs, tout en adoptant des approches diamétralement opposées en la matière à savoir, la France et les Etats-Unis. Une fois ces deux droits comparés, une inégalité dans le niveau de protection ressort, appelant des améliorations qui passent par une intégration d’institutions juridiques « venues d’ailleurs ». Cette intégration qui aura pour résultat d’harmoniser ces deux droits, dans le respect des particularismes nationaux, pourra se réaliser à l’aide du droit comparé. L’harmonisation des droits nationaux dans le respect de leurs différences est aussi l’oeuvre du droit international surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’une matière qui ne peut être traitée qu’à l’échelle internationale, voire mondiale. Pour pouvoir comprendre les raisons de la persistance des différences entre les deux droits menant à cette inégalité, l’examen des instruments internationaux adoptés en la matière, censés harmoniser la protection du droit d’auteur, est indispensable. Le bilan de cet examen s’avère mitigé dans la mesure où, les spécificités nationales l’emportent, bloquant ainsi le processus d’harmonisation. Or, le droit comparé a comme rôle principal de préparer un terrain favorable à une harmonisation internationale réussie, en dégageant des solutions concrètes, pratiques et surtout adaptées puisque ne heurtant pas les traditions juridiques nationales qu’il aura réussi à identifier. / Is the call to strengthen the protection of copyright in order to better fight copyright infringement, especially with the advent and the constant development of new technologies, justified? The results of the recent efforts on the international stage to achieve such a purpose, which led to the drawing up of the very controversial ACTA, show that the answer to this question cannot be simple nor immediate. Assessing the appropriateness as well as determining the need to strengthen this protection can only be made after a thorough review of legal solutions that already exist in the domestic law of two states, each of which ensures effective protection of copyright while adopting diametrically opposite approaches in this field namely, France and the United States. Once these two domestic laws have been compared, inequality in the level of protection appears, calling for improvements that go through an integration of legal institutions "coming from somewhere else". This integration that will have as a result the harmonization of these two laws while taking into account the national specificities, can be realized using the comparative law. The harmonization of national laws while respecting their differences is the work of international law as well, especially when the subject matter could only be addressed on an international even global scale. To understand the reasons for the persistence of differences between these two laws leading to this inequality, review of international instruments adopted in this field which are supposed to harmonize the protection of copyright, is essential. The results of this review are mixed due to the fact that national differences prevail, thus blocking the harmonization process. However, comparative law's primary role is to prepare the ground for a successful international harmonization, by providing concrete, practical and appropriate solutions given the fact that they do not conflict with national legal traditions that the comparative law has managed to identify.

The compliance with intellectual property laws and their enforcement in Jordan : a post-WTO review & analysis

Nesheiwat, Ferris K. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the implementation, enforcement and evolution of IP laws and regulations in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The period of interest includes the last decade of the twentieth century and the first decade of the twenty first century, with emphasis on the role played by Free Trade Agreements struck between Jordan and the United States, the European Union, and Jordan’s accession to the World Trade Organization. This thesis also examines the enforcement of the current set of IP laws in Jordan, and looks at their social and economic compatibility with the Jordanian societal norms and economic realities. This thesis argues that Jordanian IP laws lack a meaningful social and economic texture, and have failed to be evenly enforced in Jordan, essentially because they do not fit the Jordanian culture and are not compatible with Jordan’s economic stage of development. Additionally, the thesis argues that IP laws have had insignificant economic impact on the Jordanian economy as the majority of technologies used in Jordan, and the majority of foreign direct investments attracted to Jordan, are not IP related. Finally, the thesis argues that the current Jordanian enforcement model, which is built on coercion by donor countries, is serving the interests of foreign companies to the exclusion of the local citizens, and will not, in the long run, produce an enforcement model based on self-regulation by Jordanians, themselves. The laws, therefore, are unable to produce tangible results for the Jordanian people, or help meet their economic interests. The last part of the thesis deals with recommendations and suggestions aimed at creating an integrated approach to the adoption of IP policies.

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