Spelling suggestions: "subject:"women""
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Priority současných žen:zaměstnání nebo mateřství / Modern Women´s Priorities: Career or MotherhoodDROZDOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The thesis presents an overview about the fact in what extent contemporary women want to devote themselves to a full-time upbringing of children and a career. The theoretical part gives a description of the development of a woman status in relation to the motherhood and employment. It shows an image of a contemporary woman, family and gender roles. An issue of harmonization of the motherhood and career nowadays is described as well. The practical part processes a research focused on finding out the priorities of contemporary women in relation to their career and a full-time upbringing of children. The aim of the thesis was to find out whether women prefer their employment and career to a full-time upbringing of children. Another set objective was to ascertain if women decide for both roles and whether they manage them simultaneously. The research of a quantitative character was chosen to achieve the objectives and to test the hypotheses. The used methodology was a questioning in a form of an anonymous questionnaire. The basic sample of the quantitative research consisted of young women aged between 24 and 45 living in the Pilsen region. 250 questionnaires were distributed in the period of February and March 2012. 146 completed questionnaires were returned. The total return was 58%. The results were processed in the xlsx programme using contingency tables and a correspondence analysis. If we summarize all the data obtained by processing the research, we conclude that children remain the priority of contemporary women. Another finding is that women try to combine these two areas despite obstacles which can appear. It would be interesting to extend the research in a similarly focused study but with a differentiation of subjective and objective factors influencing respondents´ opinions. A subsequent comparison of the results would show the ratio between internal and external factors influencing the priorities.
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Narrativas de vida de mulheres alcoolistas: contribuições para a prática da enfermeira no CAPS ad / Narratives of life of alcoholic women: nurse`s practice contribuition in the CAPS adDaniele Oliveira Aguiar 12 February 2014 (has links)
Estudo de natureza qualitativa utilizou o Método de Narrativa de Vida, cujo objeto foi a motivação da mulher alcoolista para iniciar e aderir ao tratamento no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial de Álcool e outras Drogas (CAPS ad). Os objetivos foram: a) conhecer os motivos que levam a mulher alcoolista a iniciar e aderir ao tratamento; b) descrever o itinerário terapêutico percorrido pela mulher alcoolista; c) identificar os fatores que favorecem a adesão da mulher alcoolista ao tratamento; d) discutir a contribuição das narrativas das mulheres alcoolistas para a prática da enfermeira no CAPS ad. Foram entrevistadas 26 mulheres usuárias de álcool em tratamento no CAPS ad, oriundas de dois cenários distintos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: um CAPS ad de uma cidade do interior do Estado na região Sul Fluminense no Médio Paraíba e um CAPS ad na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O arcabouço teórico de sustentação do estudo baseou-se em dois pontos: A Reforma Psiquiátrica no Mundo e no Brasil, a evolução da Política Pública, a Legislação Brasileira para atendimento de usuários de álcool e outras drogas, incluindo Itinerários Terapêuticos, a atuação da Equipe Interdisciplinar no CAPS ad e o papel da Enfermeira e da enfermagem na Saúde Mental e no CAPS ad. O alcoolismo feminino, retratando a evolução do papel da mulher contemporânea na sociedade, questões de gênero e as implicações biológicas, culturais e sociais do alcoolismo onde Edwards e colaboradores discutem as questões biopsicosociais envolvidas na questão. A coleta de dados utilizou a entrevista aberta, com pergunta única: Fale-me a respeito de sua vida que tenha relação com a sua motivação para iniciar e aderir ao tratamento de dependência alcoólica que realiza no CAPS ad. A análise evidenciou: que um dos motivos que caracteriza o alcoolismo feminino refere-se ao prazer proporcionado pelo álcool como escape para as mulheres aliviarem o peso de suas vidas. Estas viveram e experimentaram a solidão, a dor, o sofrimento, a vergonha, a discriminação, as perdas e os agravos físicos e psicológicos decorrentes do uso abusivo de bebida alcoólica. Estas mulheres viveram seus conflitos e suas dores sozinhas com raríssimas exceções, até chegarem ao fim do poço, quando então decidiram procurar e aceitar ajuda. Os itinerários terapêuticos apresentados foram: Hospital Geral; Unidade Básica de Saúde; Pré-natal; Alcoólicos Anônimos (AA); CAPS; CAPS i; Ambulatório de Psiquiatria; Hospital Psiquiátrico e Clínica Especializada de Internação. A motivação para terem iniciado o tratamento foram: desejo de mudarem a realidade que viveram; a perda do poder familiar, ou seja, a perda da guarda dos filhos; a solidão que viveram e a imposição de terceiros para iniciarem o tratamento. Como motivação para adesão ao tratamento foi encontrada na totalidade das narrativas a permanência para conseguir ficar sem uso de bebida alcoólica, e o apoio que receberam da equipe interdisciplinar. Na percepção das mulheres em relação à atuação da equipe interdisciplinar do CAPS ad foi relatada sobre a ajuda que receberam, a escuta, o acolhimento, a paciência, o relacionamento interpessoal entre usuários e profissionais, o cuidado, a força para continuar e a valorização delas como sujeitos essenciais de suas histórias. / Study of qualitative nature used the Narrative of Life Method, which object was the motivation of the alcoholic woman to begin and adhere to treatment in the Center of Psychosocial Attention of Alcohol and others Drugs (CAPS ad). The objectives were: a) to know the motives that lead the alcoholic woman to begin and adhere to treatment; b) to describe the therapeutic itinerary traveled by the alcoholic woman; c) to identify the factors that favor the adhesion of the alcoholic woman to the treatment; d) discuss narratives`s contribution of the alcoholics women for the nurse`s practice in the CAPS ad. Twenty-six women users of alcohol in treatment in CAPS ad, originated from two scenarios distinct in Rio de Janeiro State: one CAPS ad of a city in the state in the southern region in the Middle Paraíba Fluminense and one CAPS ad at Rio de Janeiro city. The theoretical support for the study was based on two points: The Psychiatric Reform in the World and in Brazil, the evolution of Public Policy, the Brazilian legislation for serving users of alcohol and other drugs, including Therapeutic Itineraries, the performance of the team interdisciplinary in CAPS ad and the role of nurse and nursing in Mental Health and CAPS ad. The female alcoholism, depicting the changing role of contemporary woman in society, gender issues and biological implications, cultural and social aspects of alcoholism where Edwards and colleagues discuss the biopsychosocial issues involved in this matter. The data collection used the open interview, with single question: "Tell me about your life that is related to their motivation to initiate and adhere to the treatment of alcoholic dependence that performs treatment at a CAPS ad." The analysis showed: that one of the motives that characterizes the female alcoholism refers to the pleasure derived from alcohol as an escape for women lighten the weight of their lives. They have lived and experienced the loneliness, the pain, the suffering, shame, discrimination, losses and physical and psychological injuries resulting from the abuse of alcoholic beverage. These women lived its conflicts and sorrows alone with very few exceptions, until they reached the "end of the pit," when then decided to seek and accept help. The therapeutic itineraries presented were: General Hospital, Basic Health Unit, Prenatal, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), CAPS, CAPS infant, Psychiatry Clinic, Psychiatry Hospital and Hospitalization Clinic. The motivation for having started the treatment was: desire to change the reality they lived, the loss of family power, that is, loss of child custody; loneliness they lived and the imposition of a third part to initiate treatment. As motivation to treatment adherence was found in all the narrative permanence to get run out of alcohol use, and support they received from the interdisciplinary team. In the perception of women regarding the role of the interdisciplinary team in CAPS ad was reported on the help they received, the listening, acceptance, patience, interpersonal relationship between users and professionals, the care, the strength to continue and valorization of them as essential subjects of theirs stories.
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Viver o amor como o desespero: a angústia e a mulher / To live love as despair: anguish and the womanVivian Martins Ligeiro 21 June 2010 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O presente trabalho tem como intuito investigar as possíveis implicações entre a angústia e a mulher. Nosso objetivo principal é pesquisar de que maneira a mulher experimenta a angústia e como este estado afetivo irrompe na vida psíquica feminina. Para tanto, recorremos a uma pesquisa na bibliografia psicanalítica sobre o tema, sobretudo na obra de Freud e no ensino de Lacan. Partimos da indicação daquele autor de que a angústia de castração, que se demonstra estruturante da vida psíquica do homem, não se apresenta como a base da angústia no outro sexo. O correlato da angústia de castração é o medo de perder o amor, que nos remete à investigação de um período arcaico da história da mulher: sua relação pré-edipiana com a mãe. Este primeiro enlace amoroso, que a mulher reeditará constantemente a cada novo encontro amoroso, servirá de base para toda sua vida erótica. Serviremo-nos, a fim de ilustrar esta questão, do romance O Amante, de Marguerite Duras, e da obra de Camille Claudel que demonstram a intrínseca relação devastadora entre a mulher, a angústia, o amor e a mãe. / The present work aims to investigate the possible implications between the woman and anguish. Our main focus is to research the ways that the woman experiences anguish and how such an affective state bursts out in the psychic feminine life. In order to conduct the research, a psychoanalytical bibliography about the topic was revisited, especially in Freuds work and Lacans studies. The research was based upon Freuds indication that castration anguish, shown as structuring in a mans psychic life, does not present itself as the basis of anguish in the other sex. The correlate to the anguish of castration, for a woman, is the fear of the loss of love, which leads to the investigation of an archaic period in a womans history: her pre-oedipal relation with the mother. This first love bond, which the woman will re-edit several times in each new love encounter, will serve as a basis throughout all her erotic life. In order to illustrate such an issue, Marguerite Durass novel,The Lover, and Camille Claudels works have been chosen to show the intrinsic devastating relation among the woman, anguish, love and the mother.
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Há mulher na estrutura perversa? / Is there woman in the perverse structure?Ligia Gama e Silva Furtado de Mendonça 01 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação propõe-se a discutir a existência de mulheres estruturalmente perversas a partir da teoria psicanalítica, sobretudo através das contribuições indispensáveis de Freud e Lacan. Inicialmente, ao estudar a perversão, há a dificuldade de isolá-la como uma estrutura específica distinguindo-a da psicose e da neurose a partir do ponto de vista fenomenológico devido à manifestação polimorfa-perversa da sexualidade humana. No entanto, uma das questões discutidas ao tratar este tema tão nebuloso é se há mulher na estrutura perversa, ou se as posições perversas seriam apenas restritas ao homem. Logo, para esta pesquisa, fez-se necessário, além de abordar as questões referentes à mulher, entender o percurso freudiano no estudo da perversão, desde os seus primeiros usos até a sua formação conceitual. Para isso, é preciso compreender os diversos usos do vocábulo Verleugnung em Freud e o estudo de Lacan que, por sua vez, consolida o termo como um mecanismo perverso. Examinando acerca do fetichismo e dos pares de opostos freudianos que as questões decorrentes da aproximação entre mulher e perversão se perfizeram. Finalmente, mostrou-se essencial abordar a discussão quanto à clínica da perversão e ilustrar a teoria tratada através de casos da literatura e de exemplos oriundos da arte.
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The experiences of class and gender relations and women workers at GEC, 1945-1965Mulholland, Kate Ellen January 1990 (has links)
This study is an ethnographic account of the experiences of a group of women workers at the GEC in Coventry during the post-war decades from 1945-1965. The company since its establishment grew from a single plant to a large multi-national company emerging as the major employer of female labour in the Coventry labour market. In outlining the emergence of the company as a major employer of women this thesis takes account of the character and development of the local labour market - thus providing a framework in which to contextualise the growth and character of the GEC as a 'woman's factory’. A major theme of the thesis concerns the ways women experienced the sexual division of labour, and the way this impinged upon their job choice and preference for the GEC. This question is organized around their experiences of recruitment, selection of working patterns and patterns of wages within the company. A second important theme concerns workplace culture -when the character of management's and women's role will be considered as a feature in the construction of female stereotypes in terms of jobs and skills. Another key theme in the thesis considers women's experiences of skill, training, job experience, promotion and the changing character of job and gender boundaries - whilst exploring such experience within the context of gendered skill and job hierarchies. The question of management control and its implications for women’s experiences constitutes a further important theme. Within this context women's experiences and ways of coping with a variety of management strategies are considered - whilst highlighting the character of change, the fragmentation of work and the importance of gender in shifting labour market conditions. The final theme considers women's perceptions and experiences of resistance and trade union organization.
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Exploring local understandings of child sexual abuse : voices from an informal settlement in Nairobi, KenyaShipman, Helen R. January 2016 (has links)
Since the emergence of the global child rights movement in the late 1990s, there has been a notable increase in research and policy focusing on child sexual abuse (CSA) in African settings (Mildred & Plummer, 2009). My thesis contributes to this field by using a case study approach to examine how residents of an informal settlement define and respond to CSA. Studies in Tanzanian settings have started to explore communities’ perceptions of CSA (Abeid, Muganyizi, Olsson, Darj, & Axemo, 2014; Kisanga, Nystrom, Hogan, & Emmelin, 2011). However, the thesis moves beyond questioning what types of sexual acts are understood to constitute CSA, instead asking why some acts are considered abusive and others not. Recognizing the culturally constructed nature of abuse, it examines how living within the informal settlement context affects residents’ understandings of two prominent themes: consent and harm. The thesis also examines local protective mechanisms for preventing and responding to acts of CSA. When considering CSA prevention, it notes that local prevention strategies typically utilize a risk avoidance approach; there is consequently inadequate emphasis on addressing social, economic and infrastructural factors perpetuating the risk of CSA within informal settlements. Moreover, in a research setting where statutory and community-based normative frameworks co-exist, the thesis analyses the impact of legal pluralism on decision-making relating to access to justice. Drawing on Moore’s (1973) concept of semi-autonomous social fields, it argues that the co-existence of multiple systems allows for a high level of choice over which interventions to pursue. However, adults typically make decisions on victims’ behalf, potentially choosing interventions that meet their own interests, rather than prioritizing the child’s. The choice offered by co-existing normative systems can therefore disadvantage victims of CSA in their pursuit of justice.
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The ownership of small domestic kitchen appliances and the effect of their usage on the nutrient intake of adult females in England and CyprusEfstathiou, Aglaia January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding family physical activity and health related behaviours : a multi-layered approachArchbold, Victoria Sarah Jane January 2010 (has links)
In spite of the growing awareness of the importance and health enhancing benefits of physical activity (Anderson et al., 2000; Barengo et at., 2004; Kaleta et al., 2006) the population still remain predominantly inactive (Haskell et at., 2007). Limited UK published data (to date) has simultaneously examined children and families health and physical activity patterns (Wing, 2000). The research aimed to explore and better understand the determinants associated with children and families health related behaviour and physical activity patterns and investigate the underlining factors which direct current and guide future health related behaviour choices. Prior to Study 1 an extensive needs assessment of the area (gathering data on the children and families literacy levels and understanding of research) was undertaken to assist in the development of Study 1's measures. Study 1 then utilised a parental (Goding, 1985; Baker et al., 1994) and children's (Baldings, 1997) health related behaviour questionnaire to explore the habitual physical and nutritional behaviours of children and their families in Knowsley (UK) thus creating a baseline of data to investigate further. One hundred and fifteen children (n=115; M=55, F=60) mean age of 8.6 years completed the self-report questionnaire from five Knowsley MBC (UK) primary schools. Fifty-seven parents (n=57; F=54, M =3) completed and returned the postal self-report questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS for windows Version 7 and descriptive statistics (cross tabulation with two dimensional tables), frequency distributions and Chi Square used to assess the children and parents' nominal health related behaviour results.
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Liverpool, 'the world in the city' : subjective and objective perception evaluations of the integration of woman immigrants in Liverpool, 2001 to 2009Bertali, Nunzia Di Cristo January 2011 (has links)
The study focuses on foreign women who have been living in Liverpool from the year 2001. The investigation mainly analyzes the subjective perception of integration and the objective outcome. Literature has neglected, in general, the role of women in migration and in particular the importance of the integration of women, in the host society, for the well being of the whole family. It is often assumed that if the local Authorities adopt policies that respect diversity the immigrants will automatically feel integrated and become a vital part of the wider society. The responses obtained from 100 English women were compared to the ones received from 100 foreigners and 23 respondents who were born in the United Kingdom. The women from the UK: Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, were considered as foreigners because people who are born in any of the countries that form part of a Nation State feel strongly about their ethnicity. This research tries to discover whether the perception of the women contacted reflects the objective outcome of the survey that has been conducted with the help of a questionnaire and evaluated by using a purposely created tool. The tool enabled the construction of a table to show the discovered differences. They show that there is a marked difference between the subjective perception and the objective outcome of integration. It is therefore acceptable to speculate that foreign women in Liverpool are integrated in their "diaspora space" but not within the wider society of the city. If the mothers are not integrated is unlikely that their children will be. This condition can, as a first consequence, cause confusion in the children and perhaps lead to their rejection of the local culture and, secondly, prevent any sort of integration that in turn should avert the formation of a cohesive society. Integration in the wider society can only be achieved if the subjects speak the local language. However the learning of English in the country of origin will not encourage the absorption of the culture of the country where the language has originated. Therefore fluency in the host language could be another aspect encouraging the creation of self-segregated communities.
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A mulher na literatura portuguesa: sua imagem e seus questionamentos através do gênero epistolar. / The woman in the portuguese literature: her image and their questions through the letter gender.Carlos Aparecido Ferreira 20 March 2002 (has links)
Trabalho que tem como objetivo apontar a transformação da imagem da mulher através dos tempos, tal como tem sido representada na literatura, desde suas origens bíblicas, até o final do século XX. A análise dessa imagem feminina, em sua trajetória histórico-literária se apoiou em textos de várias épocas, começando pela Bíblia, passando pela Era Medieval (cantigas de amor e cantigas de amigo), Era Clássica (episódio de Inês de Castro, em Os Lusíadas; Carta de Guia de Casados, de Dom Francisco Manuel de Melo; e As Cartas Portuguesas, de Sóror Mariana Alcoforado), Era Romântica (as cartas entre Camilo Castelo Branco e D. Ana Plácido; e as cartas entre Simão e Teresa na obra Amor de Perdição de Camilo Castelo Branco) e Era Contemporânea (Novas Cartas Portuguesas). Através da poesia e do gênero epistolar verifica-se uma linha horizontal a percorrer todos os períodos literários: a linha que registra a permanência da imagem da mulher-mãe e mulher-esposa, consagradas pelo sistema familiar patriarcal. Entretanto, verifica-se que, aqui e ali, surgem cortes verticais nessa linha horizontal, os quais correspondem a questionamentos femininos buscando romper a linha da tradição. A localização dessas "linhas" e "cortes" são os pontos básicos desta dissertação. / This work that has as objective to point the transformation of the womans image through the times, just as it has been represented in the literature, from their biblical origins, until the end of the century XX. The analysis of that feminine image, in his historical-literary path, leaned on in texts of several times, beginning for the Bible, going by the Medieval Era (love ballads and friends ballads), going by Classic Era (episode of Inês de Castro - in the Lusíadas; Carta de Guia de Casados, of Dom Francisco Manuel de Melo; and the Portuguese Letters, of Sóror Mariana Alcoforado), going by Romantic Era (the letters between Camilo Castelo Branco and D. Ana Plácido; and the letters between Simão and Teresa in the Amor de Perdição - of Camilo Castelo Branco) and Contemporary Era ( Novas Cartas Portuguesas). Through of the poesy and of the gender letter a horizontal line is verified to travel all of the literary periods - the line that registers the permanence of the woman-mothers image and woman-wife, consecrated by the patriarchal family system. However, it is verified that, here and there, vertical cuts appear in that horizontal line, wich correspond the feminine question looking for to break the line of the tradition. The location of those "lines" and "cuts" are the basic points of that dissertation.
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