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Work-Related Inequalities in Health : Studies of income, work environment, and sense of coherenceToivanen, Susanna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Ill health is unevenly distributed across different groups in society, with the disadvantaged groups displaying higher rates of ill health than the more advantaged groups. The aim of the thesis is to study work-related inequalities in health, and to focus on how income, aspects of the physical and psychosocial work environment, and sense of coherence, individually or jointly, generate inequalities in a number of health outcomes in the Swedish working population. The studies are based on survey data and national registers during the period 1990-2003.</p><p>For cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence and mortality, the impact of income was stronger than that of work environment factors. The psychosocial work environment (women and men) and income (men only) were associated with psychological distress. Income (women) and the psychosocial work environment (men) were associated with musculoskeletal pain. Thus, both income and work environment are important in generating health inequalities in the working population.</p><p>A strong sense of coherence (SOC) moderated the effect of physical demands on musculoskeletal pain in both genders. SOC moderates, yet not consistently, the impact of adverse working conditions on psychological distress and musculoskeletal pain. Hence, the results do not fully support the hypothesis that sense of coherence is a global health-protective factor. However, differential vulnerability in terms of the strength of SOC contributed to work-related inequalities in health.</p><p>The risk of stroke was higher for women and men in occupations with low job control than for those with high job control. The risk of intracerebral hemorrhage was highest in women in low job-control occupations, while low job control did not significantly increase the risk of brain infarction in women. Job control was related to mortality from stroke in women, but not in men. The effect of job control on stroke mortality in women was consistent in all classes except for upper non-manuals.</p>
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Arbetsmiljöarbete och lönsamhet : En litteraturstudieJohansson, Cecilia, Nordlöf, Hasse January 2008 (has links)
<p>Att uppnå en hög lönsamhet och produktivitet är viktiga prioriteringar inom organisationer. Mycket pekar på att ett effektivt arbetsmiljöarbete ökar dem båda. Det finns indikationer på att arbetsmiljöarbete inte utnyttjas för att ge lönsamhet. Till synes verkar inte den kunskapen vara allmänt känd. I arbetsmiljöarbete finns pedagogiska processer, då främst i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Ett perspektiv inom arbetslivspedagogiken är att vidareutbildning och kunskapsutveckling har som yttersta syfte att öka organisationens produktivitet. Syftet med litteraturstudien har varit att dels få fram hur lönsamhet definieras i ett urval texter, dels att få veta på vilket sätt arbetsmiljöarbete kan påverka lönsamhet. För att besvara frågeställningarna begränsades urvalet till att endast inkludera texter innehållande arbetsmiljöarbete, någon form av lönsamhet samt effekter av det. Sexton texter inkluderades i urvalet, till dem användes en textanalysmall som bestod av fyra frågor. Oavsett hur de olika texterna definierar lönsamhet gör resultatet tydligt att arbetsmiljöarbete på många sätt är ekonomiskt lönsamt. Svaren anger att stora delar av vad som påverkar lönsamheten är psykosociala faktorer. Två slutsatser, som båda påvisas av 50 % av de utvalda texterna, är att lönsamhet uppnås genom att förbättra de anställdas hälsa samt att ledarskapet har stor betydelse för en organisations lönsamhet.</p>
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Faktorer kring korttidssjukfrånvaron på Ekgårdens äldreboendeMejman, Viktor January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer kring hög korttidssjukfrånvaro (sjukfrånvaro dag 1-14) på Ekgårdens äldreboende i Vingåkers kommun. Metoderna som använts är granskning av frånvarostatistik, intervjuer med tre chefer och enkätundersökning bland de anställda (n=26). Den undersökta gruppen består nästan uteslutande av kvinnor med relativt låg inkomst och utbildning, faktorer som enligt tidigare forskning sammanfaller med hög sjukfrånvaro. Studien visar även att de anställda i den undersökta gruppen fått erfara täta omorganisationer och chefsbyten samt att de upplever vissa brister i den fysiska arbetsmiljön i form av tunga lyft, fysiskt ansträngande arbete och dålig luft samt i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i form av höga krav och låg egenkontroll. Dessa faktorer kan vara bidragande orsaker till den höga korttidssjukfrånvaron.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to investigate factors concerning high levels of short term sick leave (absence day 1-14) at the old people’s home of Ekgården in Vingåker. Methods used include statistics revision, interviews with three managers and questionnaire among employees (n=26). The group of employees consists almost exclusively of women with relatively low salaries and low level of educational attainment, which, according to previous research, coincide with high levels of sickness absence. The study shows that the group of employees during the last couple of years has had to endure quite a few reorganizations and changes in management. They also experience some shortages in their physical work environment like heavy lifting, physical demanding work and poor air ventilation and in their psychosocial work environment with high demands and low self control. These factors might be contributing to high levels of short term sick leave.</p>
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Inställning till förtroendearbetstid och upplevelse av psykosocial arbetsmiljö hos poliser vid Ekobrottsmyndigheten.Elmquist, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats berör området förtroendearbetstid, psykosocial arbetsmiljö och specifik arbetstillfredsställelse hos poliser på Ekobrottsmyndigheten. Enkätstudiens fokus<strong> </strong>avsåg upplevelse av krav, kontroll, belöning, ledarskap och lön relaterat till deltagarnas positiva alternativt negativa inställning till förtroendearbetstid. I undersökningen deltog 101 av EBMs 183 poliser. Sjuttiofem procent av deltagarna ville fortsättningsvis ha förtroendearbetstid. Studien visade att kvinnliga poliser, positiva till förtroendearbetstid, till skillnad från manliga poliser positiva till förtroendearbetstid, upplevde högre kontroll av arbetstakt. Inga signifikanta skillnader förelåg mellan positiv och negativ inställning till förtroendearbetstid avseende krav, belöning, uppmuntrande ledarskap samt rättvist och stödjande ledarskap.</p> / <p>This bachelor thesis is about non-regulated working hours, psychosocial work environment and specific job satisfaction among police officers at the Swedish National Crime Authority. This questionnaire study was focused on experiences of demands, control, reward, leadership and payment and if there were differences in these factors depending on attitudes towards non-regulated working hours. In this survey participated 101 of total 183 police officers. Seventy five percent of the police officers had a positive attitude towards non-regulated working hours. The women with a positive attitude towards non-regulated work hours, unlike the men with a positive attitude, experienced higher control of working pace. There were no significant differences among the groups do to the factors of reward, encouraging leadership or of fair- and supportive leadership.</p>
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Ger gruppstorleken effekter på musikundervisningen? : En jämförande studie av hur lärare och elever upplever musikundervisningens arbetsmiljö och lektionsinnehåll i år 7-9 i förhållande till gruppstorlek / Does group size affect the music lesson? : A study comparing how teachers and students experience their work environment, and contents of the music lessons in grades 7-9 with relation to group sizeMartinsen, Karin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna undersökning är att få mer kunskap om gruppstorlekens betydelse för musikundervisningen i år 7-9. Jag jämför hur lärare och elever upplever arbetsmiljön under lektionstimmarna i förhållande till gruppstorleken. Anpassar lärarna sin undervisning till gruppstorleken och hur upplever de möjligheterna att uppnå läroplanens mål. Metoden för undersökningen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra musiklärare vid fyra olika grundskolor, varav två undervisar i helklass och två i halvklass samt en enkätundersökning med ett urval elever på de berörda skolorna. Sammanlagt 188 elever svarade på enkäten.</p><p>Resultatet av min studie visar att tillgång till och utformning av lokaler, stöd från skolledning samt antal elever man undervisar, i minst lika stor utsträckning som klasstorleken påverkar hur lärarna upplever sin arbetsmiljö. Eleverna är generellt mycket positiva i sina upplevelser av arbetsmiljön på musiklektionerna och de flesta anser att de spelar ofta. Eleverna i helklass är något mer positiva i sina svar, men det är också en större andel av dessa elever som deltar i någon form av musikundervisning utanför skolan vilket sannolikt påverkar utfallet. Elever i helklass upplever oftare högre ljudvolym på lektionerna och lärarna för dessa klasser har också fler tydliga regler för att förebygga höga ljudnivåer. Ändrade kursmål och den ökade risken för hörselproblem hos musiklärare indikerar att mindre undervisningsgrupper i musik borde vara att föredra inte minst för att förbygga stress hos lärarna.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to gain more knowledge about the affect of group size in the teaching of music in compulsory school, grades 7-9. I want to compare how teachers and students acknowledge their work environment during the lessons in relations to group size. I also want to know if the teachers adjust their tutoring in spite of group size, and in what sense they acknowledge the possibilities to carry out the curriculum.The method for this study is a qualitative interview with four teachers in music at four separate compulsory schools, in which two tutors teach larger groups, and two teach smaller groups. There was also a questionnaire for selected students at the schools, of which 188 answered the questions.</p><p>The results of my study show that the access and design of classrooms, support from the principal and the total amount of students the teacher is tutoring, are of at least the same importance as group size in comparison to how the teachers experience their work environment. The students are generally very positive to their work environment, and they state that they often play during lessons. The students in the larger classes are somewhat more positive, but there is also a bigger part of them that are joining music teaching in some form outside of school, which probably affects the result. Students in larger classes more often experience louder volumes during the music lessons, and the teachers of these classes also have clear rules to keep the volume at a lower level. Changes in the curriculum and the increased risk for music teachers acquiring problems with hearing, indicate that smaller classes should be preferred during music lessons, while also helping to prevent teachers to suffer from stress</p>
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How does IT feel @ work? And how to make IT better. : Computer use, stress and health in office work.Åborg, Carl January 2002 (has links)
<p>The introduction of computers in working life has changed the very nature of many jobs and the entire work situation for a great number of people. How has this affected the individual´s health and well being? With the large increase in the use of computers we have witnessed an increase in reports on negative effects on users´health. The puropose of this thesis is to describe a number of studies on health effects of office computerisation conducted over a period of 20 years. The emphasis of the early studies was on psychosocial factors and stress effects while the focus in the more recent studies was to take into account occupational health in software development. The following conclusions have been drawn: We still face severe problems concerning the computer users´health and work environment. Much of the negative health effects are associated with stress. The introduction of new computer systems can result in an increase in various work-related health risks. These risks are related to several interacting factors, with two of the more important factors being work organisation and contents and design ot the computer system. Current methods, models and tools for system development are insufficient to prevent work environment and health problems encountered in administrative case handling work. To counteract these problems more attention needs to be given to social and organisational factors during system development. </p>
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Psychotherapeutic encounters : masculine ideals of gender and the construction of hysteria in nineteenth and early twentieth-century America / by Brent W. MissoMisso, Brent W. 10 May 1996 (has links)
Early nineteenth-century America witnessed social
change which significantly altered the structure of human
relationships. Out of this transformation came new
configurations of gender and sexuality which colored
relations between the sexes well into the twentieth century.
But these gender prescriptions did not merely serve to
pattern male/female interactions, they informed the
Victorian America male self-concept as well. As this study
will demonstrate, men born and raised in the middle of the
nineteenth century were bombarded with a masculine ethos
which would permeate their personal and professional lives.
This study focuses particularly upon men who entered
the medical profession. More specifically, this is an
investigation of those practitioners who took up
psychotherapy in the course of conducting their medical
practice. Overall, the thesis will show that gender roles
did indeed influence medical professionals in the
investigation and treatment of hysteria in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century.
The first chapter is an overview of the issues to be
addressed in the thesis. The formal study begins in the
second chapter with an examination of the construction of
gender roles in nineteenth-century America. The third
chapter summarizes the development of the professions and
the subsequent ascent of medicine. The process of
professionalization created a reciprocal relationship
between medical science and the broader culture by which the
medical practitioners of the late nineteenth and early
twentieth century achieved an unprecedented status. As the
mediators between medical knowledge and society,
practitioners based their scientific opinions directly upon
their congenial view of the world. The fourth chapter
explores the therapeutic encounter centered upon hysteria.
The hysteria malady, closely linked with femininity over the
sweep of its long history, provided physicians with a
diagnosis that allowed them to discourse on social concerns
about gender difference in general, and about the
troublesome nature of women in particular. Finally, the
fifth chapter traces the introduction of psychoanalysis into
the American psychotherapeutic scene. As a form of
psychotherapy taken up by a small group of practitioners
interested in psychological theories of illness and healing,
psychoanalysis was gradually adopted and then modified to suit the needs of American professionals who continued to be
guided by ideas of masculinity forged in Victorian America. / Graduation date: 1996
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Ett patientvänligt sjukhus : - exemplet Visby lasarett / A patient friendly hospital : The example of the Visby hospitalRonsten, Barbro January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Work-Related Inequalities in Health : Studies of income, work environment, and sense of coherenceToivanen, Susanna January 2007 (has links)
Ill health is unevenly distributed across different groups in society, with the disadvantaged groups displaying higher rates of ill health than the more advantaged groups. The aim of the thesis is to study work-related inequalities in health, and to focus on how income, aspects of the physical and psychosocial work environment, and sense of coherence, individually or jointly, generate inequalities in a number of health outcomes in the Swedish working population. The studies are based on survey data and national registers during the period 1990-2003. For cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence and mortality, the impact of income was stronger than that of work environment factors. The psychosocial work environment (women and men) and income (men only) were associated with psychological distress. Income (women) and the psychosocial work environment (men) were associated with musculoskeletal pain. Thus, both income and work environment are important in generating health inequalities in the working population. A strong sense of coherence (SOC) moderated the effect of physical demands on musculoskeletal pain in both genders. SOC moderates, yet not consistently, the impact of adverse working conditions on psychological distress and musculoskeletal pain. Hence, the results do not fully support the hypothesis that sense of coherence is a global health-protective factor. However, differential vulnerability in terms of the strength of SOC contributed to work-related inequalities in health. The risk of stroke was higher for women and men in occupations with low job control than for those with high job control. The risk of intracerebral hemorrhage was highest in women in low job-control occupations, while low job control did not significantly increase the risk of brain infarction in women. Job control was related to mortality from stroke in women, but not in men. The effect of job control on stroke mortality in women was consistent in all classes except for upper non-manuals.
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Arbetsmiljöarbete och lönsamhet : en litteraturstudieJohansson, Cecilia, Nordlöf, Hasse January 2008 (has links)
Att uppnå en hög lönsamhet och produktivitet är viktiga prioriteringar inom organisationer. Mycket pekar på att ett effektivt arbetsmiljöarbete ökar dem båda. Det finns indikationer på att arbetsmiljöarbete inte utnyttjas för att ge lönsamhet. Till synes verkar inte den kunskapen vara allmänt känd. I arbetsmiljöarbete finns pedagogiska processer, då främst i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Ett perspektiv inom arbetslivspedagogiken är att vidareutbildning och kunskapsutveckling har som yttersta syfte att öka organisationens produktivitet. Syftet med litteraturstudien har varit att dels få fram hur lönsamhet definieras i ett urval texter, dels att få veta på vilket sätt arbetsmiljöarbete kan påverka lönsamhet. För att besvara frågeställningarna begränsades urvalet till att endast inkludera texter innehållande arbetsmiljöarbete, någon form av lönsamhet samt effekter av det. Sexton texter inkluderades i urvalet, till dem användes en textanalysmall som bestod av fyra frågor. Oavsett hur de olika texterna definierar lönsamhet gör resultatet tydligt att arbetsmiljöarbete på många sätt är ekonomiskt lönsamt. Svaren anger att stora delar av vad som påverkar lönsamheten är psykosociala faktorer. Två slutsatser, som båda påvisas av 50 % av de utvalda texterna, är att lönsamhet uppnås genom att förbättra de anställdas hälsa samt att ledarskapet har stor betydelse för en organisations lönsamhet. / Ergopriset
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