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Organizational environment and turnover : understanding women's exit from the Canadian ForcesDavis, Karen D. (Karen Dianne) January 1994 (has links)
Women's exit from employment has been explained in relation to their individual characteristics and family status, but little attention has been given to the relationship between women's experience in employment and their decision to leave. Attrition data indicates that women become even more likely to leave the Canadian Forces, relative to their male counterparts, after 10 years of service. A qualitative approach was used to explore the relationship between organizational environment and exit among women who left the Canadian Forces after serving more than 10, but less than 20 years. The analysis, which is based on interviews with 23 women, suggests that although organizational policies and regulations are evolving in attempts to integrate women, the experiences of women as women within a male-dominated organization contribute significantly to the attrition of women from that environment.
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Job satisfaction at IT SMEs in DurbanPeerbhai, Reshina January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)-Business Studies Unit, Durban Institute of Technology, 2006
xvii, 137 leaves / The purpose of this study is to assess the job satisfaction of employees at
selective IT SMEs in Durban and to ascertain if the personal characteristics of
gender, age, race, and tenure influenced job satisfaction. This was assessed
by determining if these employees were satisfied with their reward structure,
their work environment, and the impact of gender, age, race and tenure on job
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L'influence des facteurs professionnels sur la détresse psychologique et les problèmes musculosquelettiquesVincent, Catherine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Enabling the performance of nurses in rural Guatemala : the role of relationships / Att stödja sjuksköterskors arbetsprestation i landsbygdens Guatemala : Betydelsen av mänskliga relationerHernández, Alison January 2014 (has links)
Background: Enhancing the performance of front-line health workers serving vulnerable populations is crucial for redressing inequities. Traditional approaches have focused on introducing technical solutions, such as guidelines and incentives, to modify performance outcomes. Recognition of the complex social nature of health system function draws attention to the intangible software elements that shape performance, including the values, ideas, interests, and norms that guide human behavior and interactions. Insight into the operation of software elements can provide a base for people-focused solutions to support health workers and enable them to confront constraints in low resource settings. This study examines the social environment of the practice of front-line auxiliary nurses (AN) in rural Guatemala, in order to understand the role of health system software elements in enabling their performance and to gain insight into how organizational support can be strengthened through locally-relevant actions. Methods: A mixed methods approach provided a multi-level view of the AN practice environment, situated in the regional health system of the rural department of Alta Verapaz. Interviews with ANs and observations of practice were conducted to understand the values orienting them and how these shaped their relationships with patients and communities. A theory-driven case study of AN supervision was conducted in selected health posts to understand the values orienting supervisors in their role and examine how these shaped their relationships with ANs. The participatory method of concept mapping was used to examine the views of health workers, district and regional managers on actions to strengthen organizational support for the performance of ANs. Results: The values of nursing vocation and community connectedness were prominent in ANs’ interpretations of their work. In relationships, nursing principles oriented them to be attentive to understanding patient needs, and a shared ethnic identity and personal experience of local needs served as a base for engaging with local leaders in community work. The dominant orientation of supervisors in their role was managerial control, and it provided limited support. It contributed to standard-centered relationships with ANs focused on fulfillment of ministry criteria. Supervision oriented by a holistic understanding of ANs’ needs and the goal of improving patient care was more successful in enabling AN motivation. This relationship was characterized as people-centered, based in a shared interpretation of the value of work with patients and the responsive support provided to ANs’ problems. “Organizational climate of support across levels”, where working relationships are characterized by respectful treatment, attention to psycho-social well-being and responsiveness to needs, was identified by health-system actors as a top priority for improving performance. Conclusions: To enable performance, there needs to be a balance between attention to standards and attention to the human dimensions of health worker practice. The dominant approach to supervision did not recognize or build on AN values. Supervision and management should be oriented by a more holistic view of the ANs’ work and their needs, in order to promote a people-centered approach to working relationships. Locally relevant action to strengthen district and regional management’s support for AN performance should focus on operationalizing performance goals that go beyond standards to encompass care that responds to patient and community needs.
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Sjuksköterskors uppfattning av strukturell empowerment på svenska vårdavdelningar : En kvantitativ studieRosén, Frida, Nilsson, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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"Man vill ju jobba med barnen!" : en kvalitativ studie om lärares upplevelser av hälsa på arbetsplatsen / One wants to work with the children : a study on teachers health at work.Christensson, Liselott January 2014 (has links)
Bilden av lärares arbetssituation som presenteras i media är vanligtvis negativt vinklad. Exempelvis visar en undersökning att endast en tredjedel av lärarna upplever sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö som god. Ungefär hälften av de upplevda problemen med arbetsmiljön kan härledas till den administrativ arbetsbelastning. Trots detta upplever majoriteten av lärarna i grundskolan sitt arbete som meningsfullt och känner stöd från sina kollegor. Det finns således två parallella och delvis motstridiga bilder av hur lärare upplever sin arbetssituation. Syftet med denna studie var att utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv undersöka vilka frisk- och riskfaktorer lärarna på en F-6 skola anser att de har på sin arbetsplats samt hur dessa faktorer kan påverka lärarnas upplevelse av hälsa i sitt arbete. Metoden som användes vid datainsamlingen var kvalitativa individuella intervjuer med sex lärare. Resultatet visade en delad bild av lärarnas upplevelser av sin arbetsmiljö. De friskfaktorer som var starkast och som lärarna var mest samstämmiga kring var elevarbetet och meningsfullheten kring de elevnära arbetsuppgifterna samt det stöd de upplevde från arbetskolleger och chefer. Majoriteten av lärarna menade att de upplevde obalans mellan elevarbete och övrigt arbete. Lärarna menade att dokumentation och andra uppgifter tog större utrymme av deras arbetstid än vad de önskade och flera av dem uttalade önskemål om att få mer tid för planering av lektionerna. Konklusionen är att lärarna mår bra av och tycker om att undervisa och vill ha mer tid för detta. / The image of teachers' work situation as presented in the media is usually negatively biased. For example, a survey shows that only a third of the teachers perceive their psychosocial work environment as well. About half of the perceived problems with the work environment can be traced to the administrative workload. Despite this experience the majority of teachers in primary schools finds their work meaningful and feel support from their colleagues. There are thus two parallel and sometimes contradictory images of how teachers perceive their work situation . The purpose of this study was that from a salutogenic perspective examine the healthy and risk factors teachers on an F-6 school experienced in their workplace and how these factors can affect teachers' perception of health in their work. This may be the basis for continued health promotion efforts at teacher workstations. The method used in the data collection was qualitative individual interviews with six teachers. The results showed a split image of teachers' perceptions of their work environment. The health factors that were strongest and that the teachers were most consistent about was teaching and the meaningfulness around the work with the pupils, the duties and the support they experienced from work colleagues and managers. The majority of teachers felt that they perceived imbalance between the work with the pupils and other work. The teachers felt that documentation and other tasks took up more space in their working time than what they wanted and many of them expressed a desire to have more time for planning lessons. The conclusion is that teachers feel good and like teaching and want more time for this.
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Det ingår i jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om hot och våld i klientrelationer på MigrationsverketCosta Flores, Casandra, Costa Flores, Valeria January 2014 (has links)
Att arbeta med utsatta människor i en statlig verksamhet som tjänsteman kan för de flesta människor verka ofarligt – men hur är det egentligen? Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns ett stort mörkertal när det kommer till klientrelaterat hot och våld och att incidenterna inte tas tillräckligt seriöst. Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en större förståelse för vad de ökade hoten får för konsekvenser för personalen på Migrationsverket. Vi vill belysa och synliggöra spänningsfältet i klientrelationen som leder till att hot och våld mot handläggare ökar. Det teoretiska ramverk som används i uppsatsen är gräsrotsbyråkrati, makt och klientrelationer. Genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med handläggare på Migrationsverket har vi fått fram underlag som visar att hot och våldssituationer förekommer i större omfattning än vad det anmäls och rapporteras om. Resultatet visade att mörkertalet är stort vid incidentrapporteringen och att det råder en ”det kommer med jobbet”-mentalitet bland personalen. Maktfördelningen har en stor roll i klientrelationen och är en bidragande orsak till att incidenter uppstår. Vidare visar det sig att negativa beslut är de som tenderar att utlösa hot eller våld från klienten och att det väldigt sällan rapporteras kring eller anmäls om inte klienten tar till fysiskt våld. Slutligen visar uppsatsen att förebyggande arbete måste ske i en större omfattning. / Working with vulnerable people in a government controlled authority may for most people seem harmless - but is it really? Previous research has shown that there is large hidden statistics when it comes to client-related threats and violence and that the incidents are not taken seriously enough. The purpose of this paper is to gain a greater understanding of what the increased threats and violence towards officials in a government controlled authority can lead to. We want to shed visibility over the attributes in the client relationship that leads to threats and violence against the government officials. The theoretical framework used in the paper is street-level bureaucracy, power, and client relationships. We have performed six semi-structured interviews with officials from the Swedish Migration board, which have shown that threats and violence towards government officials occur to a greater extent than it is shown and reported on. The results showed that the hidden statistics is large in incident reporting and that there is a "it comes with the territory" mentality among officials. The distribution of power has a major role in client relationships and is a contributing factor to incidents occurring. Furthermore, it turns out that negative decisions are the ones that tend to trigger threats or violence from the client and that it is rarely reported unless the client resorts to physical violence. Finally, the paper shows that prevention work must be done on a larger scale.
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Kemikalier som en del av arbetsmiljön : En fallstudie om hantering av och risker med kemikalier ombord på en svensk passagerarfärja / Chemicals as part of the working environment : A case study on chemicals risk management and handling on board a Swedish passenger ferryTufvesson, Linda, Wall, Evita January 2014 (has links)
Kemikalier hanteras i det dagliga arbetet ombord. Syftet med den här studien var att ta reda på hur kemikalier hanteras ombord på en svensk passagerarfärja. Frågeställningarna koncentrerades på produkt- och metodval, kommunikation och tillämpning av rutiner och instruktioner samt riskmedvetenhet hos besättningen. Studien genomfördes som en enfallsstudie och bestod av dokumentanalyser, observationer och intervjuer med besättningsmedlemmar. Resultatet visar att informanterna på däcks- och maskinavdelningarna hade stora möjligheter att påverka arbetssituationen vad gäller hantering av kemikalier till skillnad från informanten på intendenturavdelningen som enbart hade begränsad möjlighet att påverka. En god kännedom om säkerhetsdatablad fanns hos samtliga informanter, liksom en hög riskmedvetenhet. Den personliga skyddsutrustningen prioriterades högt och sågs som en viktig del för att minska riskerna med kemikaliehanteringen. Den slutsats som drogs var att det praktiska arbetet med kemikalier ombord fungerade tillfredsställande, men dokumentationen kan förbättras i form av tydligare instruktioner och utförligare information. / Chemicals are a part of the daily work on board. The purpose of this study was to find out about the handling of chemicals on board a Swedish passenger ferry. The research questions were focused on choice of products and methods, communication and application of routines and instructions and risk awareness among the crew members. The study was carried out as a single-case study and consisted of analysis of documents, observations and interviews with crew members. The results show that the informants on the deck and engine departments had ample opportunity to influence the working situation in regards to handling of chemicals. The informant from the service department had limited ability to influence. All informants had a good knowledge about material safety data sheets and a high awareness about risks with chemicals. The personal protective equipment was highly prioritized and regarded as a vital part to minimize the risks with chemical handling. The conclusion drawn was that the practical work with chemicals on board functioned satisfactorily, but the documentation could be improved in terms of clearer instructions and more detailed information.
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"medarbetarna ska hålla i längden" : en kvalitativ studie om en hälsointervention ur ett chefsperspektiv / Employees must be sustainable : a qualitative study of a health intervention from a manager's perspectiveFrögner, Ulrika, Nilsson, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
Organisationen har en betydande roll i medarbetarens livspussel. Det finns mycket att vinna för arbetsgivaren genom att hantera problem och finna lösningar som passar den anställde. Studier av hälsofrämjande interventioner på arbetsplatsen visar att bäst resultat uppnås om interventionen riktar sig samtidigt till både individen och organisationen. Syftet med studien var att beskriva kommunanställda chefers uppfattningar av hur en interventionsstudie, som chefernas medarbetare deltagit i, påverkat arbetsplatsen. Studien syftade även till att söka förståelse för chefernas vidare tankar kring hälsofrämjande arbete på organisationsnivå utifrån ett perspektiv där hela vardagen inkluderas. Metoden som användes vid datainsamlingen var individuella intervjuer. Det genomfördes sex intervjuer med chefer inom socialförvaltningen i en kommun. Resultatet av studien visade att cheferna var positivt inställda till interventionsstudien, men cheferna märkte inte någon förändring på arbetsplatsen eller på deltagande medarbetare. De ansåg att chefen var ytterst ansvarig för hälsa på arbetsplatsen och individen ytterst ansvarig för sin personliga hälsa. Slutsatsen från studien visade att chefens hälsosyn påverkade i vilken utsträckning organisationen kunde tillgodogöra sig kunskap från hälsointerventionen. Chefens syn på vilka faktorer som innefattas i arbetshälsa kan genom kompetensutveckling breddas och därmed skapa bättre förutsättningar för en mer hälsosam arbetsmiljö. Litteraturgenomgången pekar på att en gemensam grundsyn i organisationen och strävan mot en balans i vardagen för medarbetaren är viktigt i det hälsofrämjande arbetet på arbetsplatsen. En positiv effekt av en intervention som fokuserar på livspusslet är att det kan leda till mer hållbar personal som stannar längre, vilket kan bidra till att organisationen blir mer konkurrenskraftig och attraherar ny personal. / The organization has a significant role in an employee’s work-life balance. There is much to gain for the employer by addressing problems and finding solutions that fit the employee. Studies of health promotion interventions at the workplace show that the best results are achieved if the intervention focuses simultaneously on both the individual and the organization. The aim of the study was to describe municipal employed managerial perceptions of an intervention study, that managers employees participated in, affected the workplace. The study also aimed to seek understanding of managers further thoughts on health promotion at an organizational level from a perspective where everyday life was included. The method used for data gathering was six individual interviews with managers in the social department in a municipality. The results of the study showed that managers were in favor of the intervention study, but the managers did not notice any change at the workplace or on participating employees. They thought that the manager was responsible for health at the workplace and that individuals were responsible for their own health. The conclusion from our study showed that managers attitude towards work-related health affects to which extent the organization can assimilate knowledge from a health intervention. The managers opinion of which factors are included in work-related health can be broadened through education and create better conditions for a healthier work environment. The literature review suggests that a shared ethos of the organization and the pursuit of work-life balance for employees is an important step in health promotion at the workplace. A positive effect of work-life balance interventions are more sustainable staff who stay longer, which makes the organization become more competitive and attractive to new staff.
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Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų nuomonė apie stacionarinių sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų organizavimą ir darbo aplinką / The opinion about health care organization and work environment among health service workers in Šiauliai city and Joniškis district hospitalsMameniškytė, Ieva 06 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - įvertinti Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų nuomonę apie stacionarinių sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų organizavimą ir darbo aplinką.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti gydytojų ir slaugytojų nuomonę apie stacionarinių sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbo aplinkos ypatumus.
2. Ištirti ir palyginti sveikatos priežiūros darbuotojų nuomonę apie sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbo aplinką miesto ir rajono ligoninėse.
3. Įvertinti stacionarinių sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų organizavimo ypatumus ir problemas sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose.
Tyrimo metodika: Vienmomentinis kiekybinis tyrimas atliktas 2012 m. kovo-rugsėjo mėnesiais. Tyrime buvo apklausti 497 respondentai: 111 i6 Joniškio ir 386 iš Šiaulių (atsako dažnis – 95,6 proc.). Tyrimui atlikti buvo panaudotas originalus klausimynas. Statistinė analizė buvo atlikta taikant SPSS programinės įrangos paketą.
Tyrimo rezultatai: Vertinant respondentų darbo sąlygas nustatyta, kad daugiau nei pusė (53,6 proc.) savo darbo sąlygas vertina vidutiniškai, 39,0 proc. labai gerai ir gerai ir 7,4 proc. respondentų labai blogai ir blogai. Dauguma (91,3 proc.) respondentų savo darbo sąlygas apibūdino kaip lydimas emocinės/psichologinės įtampos, 61,4 proc. darbas lydimas fizinės įtampos, pusė - darbo priemonių stygių bei darbą su dezinfekuojančiomis medžiagomis, trečdalis - pažymėjo darbą ankštose patalpose, ketvirtadalis – darbą blogai vėdinamose patalpose, o 18 proc. respondentų paminėjo asmens apsaugos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim - to evaluate the Šiauliai city and Joniškis district hospitals health care workers opinion on inpatient health care organization and the work environment.
The objectives: 1. To determine the opinion of doctors and nurses about the inpatient health care work environment. 2. To investigate and compare the health care staff views on the health care work environment for city and district hospitals. 3. To assess and evaluate of inpatient health care organization characteristics and problems of health care facilities.
Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in 2012 March-September. The study surveyed 497 respondents: 111 from Joniškis and 386 from Šiauliai (response rate - 95.6%). The original survey questionnaire was used. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software package.
The results. Evaluation of the working conditions of the respondents found that more than half (53.6%) their working conditions the average, 39.0% very well and good, and 7.4% very bad and bad. The majority (91.3%) respondents described their working conditions as the accompaniment of emotional/psychological stress, 61.4% work is accompanied by physical exertion, half - work equipment shortages and work with the disinfectant, a third - said the work in tight spaces, a quarter - work in poorly ventilated areas, and 18.0% respondents mentioned the lack of personal protective equipment. 30.2% respondents rated poor facilities for recreation, every tenth respondent is... [to full text]
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