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Psykosocial arbetsmiljö : Upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende på anställningsform och kön / Psychosocial work environment : Experiences of psychosocial work environment depending on employment and sexMöricke, Linnéa, Liljekvist, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka upplevelsen av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön beroende av anställningsform och kön. Datainsamlig genomfördes med ett nyutvecklat frågeformulär (EPA), som är baserat på de senaste föreskrifterna gällande organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö. EPA bestod av sju moduler; arbetsbelastning, arbetsorganisation, handlingsutrymme, kunskap och utveckling, ledarskap, stöd samt återhämtning. I studien deltog 80 personer, 40 personer hade reglerad arbetstid som jämfördes med 38 personer som hade oreglerad arbetstid, 35 var män och 45 var kvinnor. Resultatet visade att de med oreglerad arbetstid upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön något bättre men det var inte statistiskt signifikant. Männen upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön bättre än kvinnorna men det fanns ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad. För modul ledarskap fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan könen, där männen upplevde ledarskapet bättre. Vidare förelåg inga skillnader i arbetsmiljön beroende på anställningsform eller kön. / The aim with the present study was to study the psychosocial work environment depending on employment and sex with a newly developed questionnaire (EPA), which was based on the latest regulations regarding organizational and social work environment. The questionnaire consisted of seven modules; workload, work organization, margin of action, leadership, support, knowledge and development and recuperation. In this study 80 persons participated, 40 of them had regulated working hours and 38 had unregulated working hours, 35 were men and 45 were women. The results of the study showed that persons with unregulated working hours experienced the work environment slightly better, but the result was not statistic significant. Men experienced the work environment better then women, but the result was not statistic significant. There was a statistic significant difference though, in module leadership, showing that men had a better experience of leadership. Further, the result showed that there was no diffrences in the workenvironment depending on employment and sex.
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Type A Behavior Pattern: Its Relationship to the Holland Types and the Career Choice ProcessMartin, Kyle Thomas 05 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of the Type A behavior pattern to Holland's occupational types and the career choice process. The Type A behavior pattern is characterized by high levels of achievement striving, time urgency, chronic activation and hostility, and is an independent risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. It was hypothesized that Type A college students would be more attracted than Type B individuals to aspects of a future work environment which would reinforce their Type A behaviors. Previous research had suggested a relationship between the Type A behavior pattern and Holland's Enterprising and Investigative types (Martin, 1986). This study sought to replicate those findings, and further examine the nature of the Type A/B-Holland types relationship. Data were collected from undergraduate students in a variety of academic fields of study. Subjects completed a questionnaire packet consisting of the student version of the Jenkins Activity Survey (Jenkins, Rosenman, and Zyzanski, 1965; Glass, 1977), the Vocational Preference Inventory (Holland, 1985b), and a modified version of the Minnesota Job Description Questionnaire (Rosen, et al., 1972) . The findings demonstrated that the Type A/B pattern is a significant factor in the career choice process. Type A's and Type B's had different levels of attraction to several aspects of a work environment in anticipating a career choice. The study also revealed that Type A/B pattern and the Holland types play separate roles in the career choice process. Implications of the study and future research directions are discussed.
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Hostile Environment: A Discriminant Model of the Perceptions of Working WomenKirk, Delaney, J. 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the problem of operationally defining "hostile environment" sexual harassment, ruled a type of disparate treatment actionable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act by the United States Supreme Court on June 19, 1986. Although the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission defines a hostile environment as an "intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment," there is no consensus as to what is "offensive" behavior. An extensive review of the literature yielded various attempts to define and ascertain the magnitude of sexual harassment, but the fact that the actual percentages varied indicates that this is a difficult issue to measure.
As perception by the victim is the key, this study surveyed 125 working women from all over the United States to determine their perceptions of behaviors that constitute sexual harassment. Discriminant analysis was then used to correctly classify 95% of the women according to their perceptions of having experienced sexual harassment.
Using tests for proportions, three hypotheses were found significant. Women who have been sexually harassed are more likely to view sexual harassment as a major problem. Older men are more likely to have their behavior perceived as sexual harassment. In addition, women who have experienced acts such as staring, flirting, or touching in the workplace are more likely to perceive those acts as sexual harassment.
The hypotheses deemed not statistically significant yielded interesting results. Younger women are not more likely to be harassed than older women. Neither are single or divorced women more likely to experience sexual harassment. All women, regardless of age, marital status, or geographic location, are vulnerable to sexual harassment.
Of importance are which variables contributed the most to the women's perceptions of sexual harassment. None of the demographic variables was found significant, but the women perceived that they had been sexually harassed if sexual remarks, touching, sexual propositions, or staring were directed toward them in the workplace. Thus, these acts were perceived as constituting a hostile environment.
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L'influence des facteurs professionnels sur la détresse psychologique et les problèmes musculosquelettiquesVincent, Catherine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Hållbart ledarskap : ekonomistyrning utifrån psykosocial arbetsmiljö i skolverksamhet / Sustainable Leadership : financials based on psychosocial environment at schoolGustavsson, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Verksamheters ekonomi styrs genom ekonomistyrning, vilken även kan ske utifrån medarbetarskap. Ledares beslut påverkar dagligen hur immateriellt kapital såsom exempelvis personalens motivation samt yrkeskunskap utvecklas. Långsiktig hållbarhet är ett aktuellt ämne, samt kan gynna en verksamhet. Begreppet hållbarhet innefattar att exempelvis långsiktigt tillvarata alla personalresurser, även ledare. Ny lagstiftning har utökat arbetsgivares ansvar för psykosocial arbetsmiljö, och härigenom har framkommit att ledares medarbetarskap samt egna psykosociala arbetsmiljö är mindre belyst. En kvalitativ studie med djupintervjuer genomfördes i syfte att bidra till ökad kunskap i ämnet humankapital samt immateriellt kapital, utifrån hållbart ledarskap. Forskningsfråga var: Kan verksamheters immateriella kapital samt humankapital stärkas utifrån ledares psykosociala arbetsmiljö, och i så fall hur? Respondentgrupp var fjorton högre skolledare, vilka i empiriskt material gav personlig upplevelse av egen arbetsmiljö samt självskattad psykosocial hälsa. Studiens empiri, teori samt analys har belyst fyra teman: ledarskap, strategi och struktur, ledarskap och förändring, ledarskap och ekonomisk styrning utifrån medarbetarskap, samt ledarskapets organisatoriska hållbarhet. Resultatet visade att verksamheten genom påverkan av kultur kan ges ökad möjlighet till information och kunskap. Även stöd i olika former sågs kunna stärka, exempelvis i form av självreflektion över egen psykosocial arbetsmiljö, samt utökade verktyg att hantera vardag. Mentorskap, handledning i grupp, samt samverkande ledarskap sågs även det kunna stärka immateriellt kapital samt motivation. Ändrad administration, kommunikationsvägar samt mötesstruktur, menades kunna frigöra tid och resurser att arbeta med kommunikation och samverkan för kunskapsutbyte. Detta ansågs gynna motivation och produktivitet, samt förstärka kunskap. Studien visade att immateriellt kapital kunde stärkas utifrån ledares psykosociala hälsa. Fynd sågs även överförbara på andra verksamhetsområden. / Operations are controlled by financials, which also may be based on coworkers. Leader's decisions daily affect intangible assets such as staff motivation and professional skills development. Long-term sustainability is a hot topic, and can benefit a business. The concept of sustainability includes, for example, long-term safeguarding of human resources, also leaders. New legislation has expanded employer's responsibility for psychosocial work environment, and thus has emerged that the leader's empowerment and own psychosocial work is less illuminated. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews was conducted in order to contribute to increased knowledge of the subject human capital and intellectual capital, on basis of sustainable leadership. Research question was: Can operations intellectual and human capital be strengthened based on leaders psychosocial work environment, and if so, how? Respondents were fourteen high school principals, which in empirical material gave personal experience of own work and self-rated psychosocial health. The study's empirical data, theory and analysis has highlighted four themes: leadership, strategy and structure, leadership and change, leadership and economic governance on the basis of teamwork, leadership, and organizational sustainability. Result showed that activity by influencing culture can be given greater access to information and knowledge. Also various forms of support were seen to strengthen, for example in form of self-reflection about psychosocial work environment, as well as enhanced tools to manage everyday life. Mentoring, tutoring in groups, and collaborative leadership were also seen strengthen intangible assets, and motivation. Changed management, communication channels and meeting structure, could free up time and resources to work with communication and collaboration for knowledge sharing. This was considered promote motivation and productivity, and strengthen knowledge. The study showed that intangible assets and goodwill could be strengthened on basis of leaders' psychosocial health. The findings were also seen transferable to other areas of activity.
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Här knackar vi inte längre : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens upplevelse av sin arbetsmiljö på Kronan skola / We don’t knock here anymore : A qualitative study of the school personel’s experiences of their work environment at Kronan schoolAlgsten, Linda, Agardius, Isabella January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur skolpersonal upplever sin psykiska, fysiska och sociala arbetsmiljö ett år efter attacken mot Kronan skola i Trollhättan. Studiens resultat är baserat på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem personer ur skolpersonalen. För analys av materialet har den kvalitativa metoden Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (I.P.A) använts. Resultatet visar på vilka faktorer som informanterna lyfter fram som mest betydelsefulla för deras återhämtning och tillbakagång till arbetet efter händelsen. Fem övergripande teman framkom genom analysen som de mest framstående. De övergripande temana är baserade på informanternas upplevelser av socialt stöd, trygghet, den förlorade mötesplatsen, sociala påfrestningar och mental bearbetning. Resultatet presenterar hur viktiga komponenterna säkerhet, trygghet och socialt stöd har varit för informanternas bearbetning av det upplevda traumat, samt deras återgång till arbetet. I slutdiskussionen belyses informanternas erfarenhet av en arbetsgrupp vars gemenskap beskrivs ha utvecklats till att bli starkare efter genomgången kris. / The purpose of this study was to examine how school personnel have reacted in regard to their mental, physical, and social working environments one year after the Kronan School attack in Trollhättan. The study's results are based on semi-structured interviews with five staff members. The qualitative method of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (I.P.A) has been used to analyse the material. The results show which factors the staff members have considered to be the reasons for their recovery and setbacks when returning to work after the event. Five comprehensive themes presented themselves as being the most prominent after analysis. The comprehensive themes are based on the interviewees' experiences of social support, security, the lost meeting place, social strains, and mental processing. The results present how important the component's safety, security, and social support has been for the interviewees' processing of the traumatic event, as well as their return to work. The conclusion emphasises the interviewees' experience in a workgroup, where solidarity has developed and strengthened after experiencing crisis.
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En-till-en datorers påverkan på gymnasieelevers hälsa ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv / One-to-one computers' influence on upper secondary pupils' health from a work environmental perspectiveGustafsson, Patrik January 2013 (has links)
The One-to-One project is initiated in schools across the country but there is no research on how it affects the students' physical work environment and health from a holistic perspective. Both national, public and private schools face a need to develop the work environment, especially for the students, as the school implements the One-to-One PCs. The study aims to investigate the impact of One-to-One computers on students’ physical and mental health in a work environmental perspective in a secondary school. This study examines: How does the introduction of One-to-One PCs affect mental and physical work environment for pupils in an upper secondary school with vocational training? The study was conducted as a quantitative survey of students at a Swedish secondary school. The result includes that students feel the school work is not geared towards working with a computer as a tool, and that there is a lot that can be done regarding school environment. The study discusses aspects of pupils' health and changes that could improve the school environment.
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Job satisfaction at IT SMEs in DurbanPeerbhai, Reshina January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)-Business Studies Unit, Durban Institute of Technology, 2006
xvii, 137 leaves / The purpose of this study is to assess the job satisfaction of employees at
selective IT SMEs in Durban and to ascertain if the personal characteristics of
gender, age, race, and tenure influenced job satisfaction. This was assessed
by determining if these employees were satisfied with their reward structure,
their work environment, and the impact of gender, age, race and tenure on job
satisfaction. / M
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Schemalagd utbrändhet : Risker och konsekvenser med verksamhetsstyrd schemaplaneringEdin, Emmie, Nyman, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Sjukskrivning är vanligt förekommande bland sjuksköterskor. Utbrändhet är en vanlig orsak till detta, dock finns det idag inte något konkret svar på varför. Inom den forskning som finns anges ofta sömnstörningar som en vanligt förekommande riskfaktor för både stress och utbrändhet. En bidragande orsak till sömnproblem och stress är avsaknad av möjlighet till återhämtning. Inom vården är det vanligt förekommande med skiftarbete. Inom olika verksamheter finns det olika system för schemaläggning, där personalen i vissa fall inte har något inflytande i sina arbetstider. Det kan då leda till en schemaplanering som missgynnar personalen och kan därmed leda till konsekvenser för både personal och patienter. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka samband mellan verksamhetsstyrd schemaläggning utan inflytandemöjligheter och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskan och patienten. Studien genomfördes med en empirisk kvantitativ metod med hjälp av en enkät. I enkäten efterfrågades personal som inte hade möjlighet att påverka sitt eget schema och hur deras sömn och arbete påverkades, exempelvis i vilken utsträckning de kände sig trötta och hur detta påverkade bemötande till patienten samt patientsäkerhet. Resultatet visar att förekomsten av kvällspass följt av dagspass är vanligt förekommande. Det framgår även av resultatet att tillräcklig sömntid på minst sju timmar sällan eller aldrig uppnås. Deltagarnas egna upplevelse var att de upplevde både fysisk och psykisk trötthet och att detta påverkade bemötande gentemot patienten samt patientsäkerheten. Det finns många olika faktorer som spelar in när det kommer till stress. Denna studie riktar sig endast till en riskfaktor utav många. Denna studie visar att schemaplanering, även om det inte kan konstateras att det har en direkt koppling till stress och utbrändhet, ändå är en riskfaktor som skulle kunna åtgärdas.
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Consumo e trabalho: impactos no meio ambiente do trabalho e na saúde do trabalhador / Consumption and labor: impacts in the work environment and worker health.Almeida, Victor Hugo de 08 May 2013 (has links)
A Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988, seguindo os passos da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, elevou a saúde do trabalhador e o meio ambiente do trabalho equilibrado ao patamar de direitos humanos, reconhecendo-o como uma manifestação particular ambiental indispensável ao desenvolvimento e à condição humana. A noção de meio ambiente do trabalho não pode ser imutável e deve refletir a sua natureza multidimensional e interdependente, considerando tanto as constantes evoluções técnicas e sua indissociabilidade dos sistemas econômico, social, político, cultural e jurídico nos quais é envolto, como a inter-relação trabalhador-ambiente. O trabalhador também integra o meio ambiente do trabalho, pois não existe trabalhador sem meio ambiente do trabalho, tampouco meio ambiente do trabalho sem trabalhador. Compreender essa complexa e dinâmica interação é o primeiro passo para se buscar o equilíbrio de um meio que não é apenas influenciado por fatores ambientais (geográficos, arquitetural-tecnológicos, organizacionais e culturais), mas também por fatores pessoais (biogenéticos, psicológicos e comportamentais) e contextos correlatos que estabelecem padrões para as estruturas e atividades ocorridas no plano laboral, de modo a repercutir na saúde do trabalhador. Considerando a inter-relação pessoa-ambiente e a interdependência entre contextos ambientais, o presente estudo teve como objetivo sistematizar os fatores e aspectos que compõem o meio ambiente do trabalho e demonstrar a influência da estrutura socioeconômica consumerista no seu equilíbrio e na saúde do trabalhador. Por ser tratar de um campo de estudo indiscutivelmente multidisciplinar, sendo diversas as ciências que o tomam como objeto, o referencial teórico proposto compreende uma intersecção entre Direito do Trabalho e Psicologia Ambiental. Quanto ao método, trata-se de uma abordagem multimetodológica qualitativa pautada na pesquisa bibliográfica, na análise de conteúdo e no método de caso, por meio do qual buscou-se analisar o fenômeno investigado tendo como pano de fundo a atividade de telemarketing. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de harmonização das políticas e normas trabalhistas e consumeristas, seja por meio da sistematização do ordenamento jurídico, da função integradora dos princípios jurídicos ou da efetiva atuação integrada dos diversos atores sociais, devendo-se lembrar que o equilíbrio do meio ambiente do trabalho, um dos pilares do direito à saúde, ao trabalho e à dignidade humana, é interdependente das manifestações macrossistêmicas dos sistemas social, econômico, político, cultural e jurídico, os quais estabelecem padrões para as estruturas e atividades que ocorrem no contexto laboral (CNPq). / The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988, following the footsteps of the International Labour Organization, raised worker health and the work environment levelheaded to the level of human rights, recognizing it as a particular environmental manifestation indispensable for the development and the human condition. The sense of working environment cannot be immutable and must reflect the multidimensional and interdependent nature, considering both the constant technical developments and their inseparability of economic, social, political, cultural and legal systems, in which is wrapped, as the interrelationship worker-environment. The worker also integrates the working environment, because there is no worker without work environment, neither work environment without worker. Understanding this complex and dynamic interaction is the first step to search balance in an environment that is not only influenced by environmental factors (geographical, architectural-technological, organizational and cultural), but also by personal factors (biogenetic, psychological and behavioral) and related contexts, which establish standards for structures and activities that have occurred in labor plan, to impact on workers\' health. Considering the inter relationship person-environment and interdependence between environmental contexts, this study aimed to systematize the factors and aspects that make up the working environment and to demonstrate the influence of consumerist socioeconomic structure in its balance and worker health. Because it is an undoubtly multidisciplinary field of study, and several sciences that take as object, the theoretical framework proposed comprises an intersection between Labour Law and Environmental Psychology. About the method, it is a qualitative multi methodological approach guided by the literature search, the content analysis and case method, whereby we attempted to analyze the phenomenon under investigation having as background the telemarketing activity. It was concluded by the need for harmonization of politics and consumerists and labor standards, or by the systematization of the legal system, the integrative function of legal principles or the effective integrated performance of various social actors, we should remember that the balance of the work environment, one of the pillars of the right to health, work and human dignity, is interdependent of macro systemic manifestations of social, economic, political, cultural and legal systems, which establish standards for structures and activities that occur in the labour context (CNPq).
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