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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensory processing and work performance of contact centre agents in South Africa

Lewis, Juan David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary objective of this study was to establish if the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile questionnaire (AASP) could be used as a recruitment tool in selecting contact centre agents with a higher predictability for success and hence higher productivity. Contact centres around the globe face the challenge of high staff turnover and absenteeism, reducing profitability. It seems that work performance related to the way in which adults process sensory input has not been well researched. A model was developed by Dunn (Brown et al., 2001) based on the intersection of a neurological threshold continuum and a behavioural continuum and yielding four quadrants: Quadrant 1, Low Registration (of stimuli); Quadrant 2, Sensation Seeking; Quadrant 3, Sensory Sensitivity, and Quadrant 4, Sensation Avoiding. Forty-eight contact centre agents employed by Liberty Life were selected and assessed on the AASP. Performance data for each contact centre agent were collected: available time, auxiliary time, log-in time, quality assurance, absenteeism and length of service. Spearman rank correlations were conducted to test if relationships exist between any of the four quadrants and the performance measures. As an additional investigation, a Suitability Score (based on clustering of scores with a percent assigned) was derived for each contact centre agent and also correlated with the above performance measures. Significant relationships were found between Quadrant 2 scores and three of the performance measurement criteria. As the Quadrant 2 scores increase, the average available time of the agents will decrease and their average log-in time will increase. Absenteeism increased as well, which is expected to have a negative effect on the productivity of the contact centre. The Quadrant also had a high predictability for Suitability Ratings indicating that as the Quadrant 2 score increases, the suitability of the contact centre agents increases as well. Regarding Quadrant 3 (sensory sensitivity) scores, quality assessment, total days of absenteeism and average absenteeism relate negatively. It seems that contact centre agents with high sensory sensitivity are less suitable for the job. As the score increases the quality assessment scores decrease, which is not what is required in terms of quality standards. A negative relationship exists between Quadrant 3 scores and the Suitability Rating scores, indicating that the higher the quadrant scores the less suitable the contact centre agents are to work in the contact centre environment. Quadrant 4 (sensation avoiding) has a negative relationship with Suitability Rating scores, which indicates that the higher the quadrant score the less suitable the contact centre agent is to work in the contact centre environment. No significant relationships were recorded between the performance measurements and Quadrant 1 (low registration) and Quadrant 4 (sensation avoiding), even though, logically, one would expect agents with less distraction to be more productive. Further studies are recommended before the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile questionnaire is used as a recruitment tool. Future studies could categorise the quadrant scores into clusters and then test for relationships with the set performance measurements. The Suitability Rating was used in a first attempt to match individuals in a specific job according to specific sensory profiles. This measure has not yet been tested for validity and reliability, which must be done prior to further study using it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of die Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile (AASP) vraelys gebruik kan word as ‘n hulpmiddel vir die werwing en seleksie van kontaksentrum agente, met ‘n hoër waarskynlikheid van sukses en, dus, hoër produktiwiteit. Kontaksentrums op elke vasteland kom te staan voor die probleem van hoë personeelomset en werksafwesigheid wat winsgewendheid verlaag. Die manier waardeur volwasse mense hul sensoriese insette verwerk, in verband met werkprestasie, is nog nie goed ondersoek nie. ‘n Model is deur Dunn (Brown et al., 2001) ontwikkel wat gebasseer is op die kruispunt van ‘n neurologiese drumpel kontinuum en ‘n gedragskontinuum wat tot vier kwadrante lei: Kwadrant 1, Lae Registrasie (van stimuli); Kwadrant 2, Sensasie Soekend; Kwadrant 3, Sensoriese Sensitiwiteit, en Kwadrant 4, Vermyding van Sensasie. Agt-en-veertig kontaksentrum agente wat in diens van Liberty Life is, is geselekteer en beoordeel volgens die AASP. Prestasiedata is saamgestel vir elke kontaksentrum agent: beskikbare tyd, oortollige tyd, teenwoordige tyd, kwaliteitsversekering, werksafwesigheid en jare diensplig. Spearman rang korrelasies is onderneem om te toets of daar verbande bestaan tussen enige van die vier kwadrante en die prestasiemaatstaf. In ‘n addisionele ondersoek is ‘n geskiktheidsmaatstaf ontwikkel wat gebasseer is op trosvorming van tellings met ‘n toegekende persentasie. Dit is gedoen vir elke kontaksentrum agent en hierdie tellings is ook gekorreleer met bogenoemde prestasiemaatstawwe. Statisties-beduidende positiewe verbande is gevind tussen Kwadrant 2 (sensasie soekend) tellings en drie van die prestasiemetingskriteria. As die telling van Kwadrant 2 toeneem, neem die gemiddelde beskikbare tyd af en die teenwoordige tyd van agente toe. Werksafwesigheid het ook toegeneem, wat moontlik negatief kan inwerk op die produktiwiteit van die kontaksentrum. Die kwadrant het ook ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid openbaar in die geval van die Gekiktheidsmaatstaf, wat aandui dat, namate die Kwadrant 2 telling toeneem, die gekiktheid van die kontaksentrum agent ook toeneem. Wat Kwadrant 3 (sensoriese sensitiwiteit) tellings betref, bestaan daar ‘n negatiewe verband tussen kwaliteitsversekering, totale aantal dae van werksafwesigheid en gemiddelde werksafwesigheid. Dit blyk dat kontaksentrum agente met hoë sensoriese sensitiwiteit dalk minder geskik is vir die pos. Soos wat die telling vir sensoriese sensitiwiteit toeneem, neem die telling vir kwaliteitsversekering af, wat nie in terme van kwaliteitstandaarde aanvaarbaar is nie. Daar bestaan ‘n negatiewe verband tussen Kwadrant 4 (sensasie vermyding) tellings en die tellings vir die Geskiktheidsmaatstaf, wat aandui dat hoe hoër die kwadrant telling, hoe minder geskik is die agent. Geen statisties-beduidende verbande is gevind tussen die prestasietellings van Kwadrant 1 (lae registrasie) en Kwadrant 4 (sensasie vermyding) nie. Normaalweg sou mens verwag dat agente met minder afleiding, meer produktief sou wees. Daar word voorgestel dat verdere studies onderneem word voordat die Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile as ‘n werwingsmaatstaf gebruik word. Toekomstige studies kan die kwadrant tellings saamvoeg in trosse en dan toets vir verbande met die vooropgestelde prestasiemaatstawwe. Die Geskiktheidsmaatstaf is gebruik as ‘n eerste poging om individue saam te voeg in ‘n spesifieke pos, volgens ‘n spesifieke sensoriese profiel. Hierdie maatstaf moet vir toepaslikheid en betroubaarheid in verdere studie getoets word, voordat dit gebruik kan word.

Être l’artisan de son propre mieux-être au travail : le remodèlement d’emploi, ses antécédents et ses résultantes

Londei-Shortall, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

駐外人員人力資源管理制度對海外適應與工作績效影響之研究-以政府機關為例 / A Research of Human Resource Management Systems of Expatriates on the Relationship between Overseas Adaptation and Work Performance-Government as an example

高景彬, Kao, Ching-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
在當前快速變遷與高度不確定性環境下,政府施政環境日益複雜,面對社會大眾多元化之強烈需求,如何提升政府機關工作績效,同時加強台灣國際競爭力,以滿足社會及民眾的需求,是當前政府的一項重大挑戰。有鑑於國際人力資源管理之研究眾多,但都未能探討國際人力資源管理的所有功能,且對各項功能間之關係亦未探討,同時缺乏有系統的研究,實證研究也不多見。我國中央政府機關依功能、任務不同,分別派有駐外人員,有關政府機關駐外人員人力資源管理制度之文獻及研究並不多。筆者工作上有機會接觸各駐外單位,因此將針對政府機關,探討甄選、教有訓練、激勵等決定因素,對駐外人員海外適應與工作績效之主要作用和交互作用影響,使理論及實務更完備,期利用政府機關人力資源管理制度,以提升駐外人員海外適應與工作績效。 本研究以問卷調查的方式進行,共發出問卷193份,回收175份問卷,回收率為90.67%。透過敘述性統計、因素分析、集群分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等數量方法,以實證資料來分析政府機關駐外人員的甄選、教育訓練與激勵差異性,探討其對駐外人員海外適應的影響,並進一步瞭解與工作績效的關係。本研究結果顯示如下: 一、「符合駐外任務所需工作能力的甄選」與「符合駐外任務所需基本條件的甄選」對「海外適應」並無顯著的正向影響。 二、「符合駐外任務所需工作能力的甄選」與「工作績效」有顯著正相關。 三、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的教育訓練」與「符合駐外任務所需語言面的教育訓練」對「海外適應」皆產生顯著的正向影響。 四、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的教育訓練」與「符合駐外任務所需語言面的教育訓練」對「工作績效」無顯著正相關。 五、「符合駐外任務所需財務性的激勵制度」與「符合駐外任務所需非財務性的激勵制度」對「海外適應」並無顯著正向影響。 六、「符合駐外任務所需財務性的激勵制度」對「工作績效」有顯著正向影響。 七、「符合駐外任務所需工作面的海外適應」對「工作績效」有顯著正向影響。 八、「高度整合駐外人員人力資源管理制度」對「海外適應」及「工作績效」均有顯著正向影響。 管理涵意則為政府機關駐外人員若要有高度工作績效,除了國際人力資源管理制度的考量之外,還需要其他構面如海外適應等加以配合,才能充分發揮實施效益。本研究的發現可提供政府機關在未來擬定駐外人員人力資源管理制度時之策略參考。 / In a fast-changing and highly uncertain environment, the government is facing pluralistic claims of the public. How to promote the work performance of government, enhance the international competitive edge of Taiwan, and cater to the demands of society and the populace are the important challenges for the current government. Although there is much research and literature on international human resource management (IHRM), none of it studies all functions oflHRM the relationships among functions in systematic or experimental research. For the time being, the government's ministries and associations dispatch expatriates respectively by the different functions and missions. But the literature and research do less to study international human resource management system(IHRMS) of the government's expatriates. I have the opportunity to work and contact the other ministries' and associations' expatriates; hence, I will focus on government organization and explore how the decisive factors which are selection, education and training and motivation, impinge on the major function and the interplay of overseas adaptation and work performance of expatriates. By means oflHRMS of the government, thesis will complete the theory and the practice as well as promote overseas adaptation and work performance. The research uses a questionnaire to survey. For the 175 received questionnaires of 193 issued, the received rate is 90.67%, To analyze the differences and explore the influences on overseas adaptation and work performance among selection, education and training and motivation of the government's expatriates, the research uses some quantitative measures such as descriptive statistics, factor, cluster, correlation and regression analyses. The major findings are: (l)Both "work-capability selection of the corresponding overseas mission" and "basic-conditions selection of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (2)"work-capability selection of the corresponding overseas mission" has a significant positive correlation "work performance." (3)"the job education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the language education and training ot ine corresponding overseas mission" have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (4)"Thejob education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the language education and training of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive correlation on "work performance." (5)"The financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" and "the non-financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" do not have a significant positive influence on "overseas adaptation." (6)"The financial motivation system of the corresponding overseas mission" has a significant positive influence on "work performance." (7)"0verseas work adaptation" has a significant positive influence on "work performance." (8)"Highly integrated IHRMS of expatriates" has a significant positive influence on both "overseas adaptation" and "work performance." The managerial meaning is that if the government would like to have high work performance of expatriates, it needs to consider not only IHRMS, but overseas adaptation, etc. The results of the research can provide the government the strategic reference of planning HRMS of expatriates in the future.

Påverkas individens arbetsprestation av stress och copingstrategier? : En jämförande kvantitativ studie där relationen mellan stress, copingstrategier samt arbetsprestation studeras i samband med individens arbete och fritid

Sundell, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
En stor del av en individs liv består av arbete och fritid. Ett konstaterade är att arbete och lärande handlar om att utveckla copingstrategier som individen behöver för att framgångsrikt kunna hantera och följa den växande förändringen i samhället som kan förebygga faror för ohälsa i individens arbetslivs- samt fritidsmiljö och stärka individernas balans mot de situationer som kan uppstå i den livsmiljön de befinner sig i. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om människor upplevde stress på fritiden och arbetet och i så fall om det påverkade arbetsprestationen samt om det är fritiden eller arbetet som upplevdes skapa stress. Ville även identifiera vilka copingstrategier som kunde optimera balansen för den enskilda individen och på så sätt stärka individens arbetsprestation. Metoden är enkätstudie. Urvalet var 410 personer på offentlig förvaltning av dessa valdes 80 personer slumpmässigt ut att delta i studien. Resultatet visade att 72 procent av medarbetarna hade känt sig stressade den senaste månaden, 60 procent uppgav att den arbetsrelaterade stressen påverkade deras arbetsprestation negativt, av de som hade kontorstjänst uppgav 50 procent att den arbetsrelaterade stressen påverkade deras arbetsprestation motsvarande svar för de med praktisk tjänst var 74 procent. 50 procent av kvinnorna och 34 procent av männen upplevde att stressen på fritiden påverkade arbetsprestationen. 92 procent uppgav att de sökte efter copingstrategier då de upplevde stress. / A large part of an individual's life consists of work and leisure. One noted that work and learning is about developing copingstrategies that an individual needs to successfully manage and track the growing changes in society that can prevent hazards to health in the individual's working life and leisure environment and strengthen the individual's balance against the situations that may arise in the habitat they are in. The study's purpose was to examine whether people felt stress free time and work, and if so, whether it affects work performance and whether it is leisure or work that was perceived create stress. Wanted also to identify the copingstrategies that could optimize the balance for the individual and thus strengthen the individual work performance. The method is questionnaire survey. The sample was 410 persons on public management of these, 80 people were randomly selected to participate in the study. The results showed that 72 percent of employees had felt stressed in the past month, 60 percent reported that work-related stress affected their job performance negatively, of those who had office services said 50 percent of work-related stress affected their job performance corresponding responses for those with practical services were 74 percent. 50 percent of women and 34 percent of men felt that the stress in your spare time affect work performance. 92 percent reported that they were looking for copingstrategies when they experienced stress.

An Investigation of Workplace Characteristics Influencing Knowledge Worker’s Sense of Belonging and Organizational Outcomes

Lu, Jing 16 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Workplace design practitioners and organizational managers are increasingly noticing all the various aspects in which the workplace affects organizations and their employees. The studies on the relationships between the workplace, organizations and their employees are more focused on psychology or facility management than the socio-spatial perspective. Workplace design, configuration and spatial features impact how well and how much a company can benefit from its human capital. Although the concept of the relation of workplace to an organization is not new, it is relatively unexamined. This thesis introduces a new set of spatial variables to workplace studies, following the concept of personal control. The discussed spatial variables effectively describe the features of workplace floor plan and the characteristics of a workstation. Furthermore, this dissertation develops a method that creates the link between workplace spatial setting and a sense of belonging, organizational outcomes – organizational commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and work performance. Based on the detailed statistical analyses of a field survey that included 336 participants from 16 organizations, a model of spatial features influence sense of belonging and organizational outcomes was identified within this study. The research findings provide evidence for creating a workplace with a sense of belonging and better organizational outcomes through spatial design. This dissertation is comprised of six chapters. Chapter 1, an introduction, provides a general study background, discusses the problems to be solved in the study, and proposes an approach to deal with the target problems. Chapter 2 firstly reviews the current workplace studies related to spatial features. Secondly, it discusses the influence of workstation design on the human muscle system. Thirdly, it discusses the most relevant psychological issues at a workplace as stated by previous researches. Finally, the chapter reveals how a workplace affects the work of an organization. Chapter 3 specifies how workplace influences an employee’s sense of belonging and environmental control, and introduces the conceptual model. It also introduces the independent and dependent variables, generates research hypotheses. Chapter 4 describes the field survey design, procedures and the participants. It also covers the initial data analysis of the field survey: how the survey instrument, the questionnaire, was developed, commenting on all the aspects it includes – spatial experiences, work motivation, commitment, sense of belonging, job satisfaction and work performance. Chapter 5 is data analysis. This chapter discusses the research findings on workplace design features in relation to employees’ sense of belonging, satisfaction with ambient physical environment, and organizational outcomes – commitment, work motivation, job satisfaction and individual work performance. The final chapter summarizes the findings, comments on design implications of the research results, and draws conclusions. The dissertation ends in admitting the limitations of this research and discussing practical implications for future investigation.

The relationship between work performance and sense of coherence

Moerane, Elias Mochabo 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the relationship between work performance and the sense of coherence, using the salutogenesis approach and the influence of employees' biographical variables on work performance. The sense of coherence construct is discussed and conceptualised in terms of its comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. Similarly, work performance is discussed and conceptualised in terms of its dimensions and dynamics. The integration of the literature study characteristics such as the cognitive, affective, conative and interpersonal characteristics were discussed. The research was conducted among 80 employees at a banking institution. The quality of life questionnaire and performance appraisal ratings were used. The relationship between biographical variables such as age, marital status, gender, qualifications, tenure, functional department and work performance were investigated. The results confirmed the empirical investigation that there was not a significant relationship between work performance and SOC. However, a significant relationship was found between job category and work performance, and between age and work performance. Finally, recommendations made for future research included using a bigger sample size in order to improve the generalisation of the findings to other organisational environments, and to further determine the relationship between other aspects of work performance (not just the KPAs) such as the human attributes of work performance and SOC. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Psychomotor ability and learning potential as predictors of driver and machine operator performance in a road construction company

Olivier, Louis Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The changing nature of work and its competitive characteristics are global phenomena and are mainly fuelled by ongoing technological advancement. This creates unique challenges for talent attraction and the retention of high performing individuals. In addition, the global workforce is becoming more diverse due to demographic, societal and cultural changes and companies are placing greater demands on employee competency and performance. Managing the human factor as a strategic asset in organisations remains a primary challenge in securing a competitive advantage. The road construction industry in South Africa is no different. There is growing competition between civil engineering contractors to secure tenders and to maximise profitability. This is only possible with a sufficient and sustainable labour force. Valid selection processes are therefore required to ensure that the most productive individuals are selected for the most suitable jobs. Reliable and valid performance predictors will assist employers in making appropriate selection decisions. Selecting high performing individuals will support and enhance overall organisational performance. ix In this study the investigation focused on whether psychomotor ability and learning potential are statistically significant predictors of work performance - with specific reference to drivers and machine operators in a road construction company. A quantitative approach was followed to investigate the relationships between variables, or then the prediction of one dependent variable (driver and machine operator performance) by means of two independent variables (psychomotor ability and learning potential). Results from the study did not indicate any statistically significant relationships between the variables. Only scientifically validated assessment instruments were used in the study - which means the findings led to a renewed focus on the importance of performance measurement and the psychometric quality (reliability and validity) of performance data. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

女性領導者之後效懲罰行為對部屬評價與工作表現的影響:內在歸因及意圖歸因的中介效果 / The Impacts of Female Leaders’ Contingent Punishment Behaviors on Subordinate’s Evaluation and Work Performance:The Mediating Effects of Internal and Intentional Attributions

陳怡廷, Chen, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣社會對於性別平權的提倡與重視,有越來越多的女性投入職場,然而在高階領導階層的男女比例還是有明顯的差距。本研究希望以實驗法深入探討領導者在組織當中展現特定管理行為效果的性別差異,即男、女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為對部屬的影響。由於後效懲罰行為時常會伴隨生氣情緒展現,又後效懲罰與生氣情緒皆屬違反女性刻板印象行為,預期相較於男性領導者,女性領導者展現此管理行為時會受到部屬比較低的評價和工作表現。研究一透過閱讀後效懲罰短文情境並操弄領導者的性別,僅在部屬對女性領導者評價上發現些微符合預期的證據。研究二改採實際模擬互動情境,操弄領導者性別、給予的回饋並及情緒圖片,結果發現女性領導者展現後效懲罰行為時,確實較男性領導者有較低的評價及工作表現,且利用路徑分析發現內在歸因及部分正向意圖歸因的中介效果。綜合兩個研究可以凸顯女性領導者執行特定重要管理行為時所面臨的困境,並期許兩性在職場上能有更平等的發展機會。 / Despite women’s increasing worforce participation, the gender gap in organizations has not changed appreciably nowadays. Women are still underrepredented in leadership positions in Taiwan. This research reveals a delimma female leaders may face when exhibiting Contignet Punishment Behavior, which is not only an important but a counterstereotypical management behavior. Since Contignet Punishment Behavior is always accompany with anger expression, we conducted two experiments to examine whether people are biased against female leaders when they exhibited it. Although study 1 showed only a small tendency that female leader is less evaluated than male leader, we found participants did give less evaluation and work less when they received contingent punishment from female leader than male leader, and the mediating role of internal and positive intentional attribution also found in study 2. Overall, we reveal penalties for women when they display important menagment behavior which is perceived violating gender-stereotypic prescriptions. Implication and practical applications are discussed.

Die invloed van stres op die gehalte van werklewe en die effektiwiteit van ‘n ‘stresbeheerprogram’ aan ‘n tersiêre opleidingsinstelling (Afrikaans)

Buys, Rina 04 June 2009 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : In hierdie studie is daar enersyds bepaal of daar spesifieke stressore aanwesig is wat tot werknemers van die betrokke tersiêre opleidingsinstelling se verhoogde stresvlakke en gepaardgaande siening van ‘n negatiewe gehalte van werklewe (GWL) bydra. Andersyds was die fokus op die effektiwiteit van die huidige Stresbeheerprogram (SBP), waar vasgestel is of deelname aan die spesifieke program tot 'n beter en meer positiewe ervaring in die werknemer se GWL bydra. Die studie het uitgebreide teoretiese perspektiewe op die gehalte van werk, stres, welstand en intervensies in die werkplek voorsien. Vanuit die literstuurstudie in gemelde hoofstukke 2, 3, 4 en 5 blyk dit duidelik dat verandering in die werksomgewing en die gevolglike stres wat dit meebring op die werknemer se belewenis van welstand en gehalte van werklewe impakteer, en dat die werknemer se reaksie op beide voorafgaande die deurslaggewende faktor in die bereiking van gesondheid en welstand is. Werkgewers het die verantwoordelikheid om ‘n gelukkige werkplek te vestig deur die benutting van intervensieprogramme ten einde werknemers in staat te stel om eienaarskap van hul lewens te aanvaar in die bereiking van optimale gesondheid en welstand. Die literatuurstudie is opgevolg deur ‘n empiriese ondersoek waartydens evaluatiewe navorsing benut is. Die kwantitatief-kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings met fokus op Creswell se ‘dominant- less-dominant’ model is gebruik, waar die kwantitatiewe fases as oorheersende paradigma gebruik is. Die kwantitatiewe beskrywende opname-ontwerp se ewekansige kruisseksie-opname is benut om ondersoek in te stel na die aard, omvang en impak van stres op die GWL van werknemers aan die betrokke tersiêre opleidingsinstelling. Die aangepaste ‘ASSET’-posvraelys is aan respondente van die twee gekose fakulteite en respondente van die SBP voorsien. Die kwasieksperimentele navorsingsontwerp se een-groep voortoets-na-toets ontwerp en handafgelewerde vraelyste het gedien as tweede kwantitatiewe fase van die studie. Tydens fase drie, die kwalitatiewe fase, is die gevallestudie met fokus op kollektiewe gevallestudie as navorsingstrategie gevolg waartydens semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met ‘n onderhoudskedule gebruik is om addisionele inligting te bekom. Die belewenisse en behoeftes van die respondente, wat die SBP opleiding voltooi het, is bepaal ten einde sodanige belewenisse en behoeftes tydens die aanpassings van die SBP in ag te neem. Die gestruktureerde vraelyste, sowel as die semigestruktureerde onderhoude is as voor- en na-toets gebruik om die effektiwiteit en die benuttingswaarde van die huidige SBP te bepaal. Die keuse van die onderskeie benaderings, strategie en ontwerpe, wat tydens die navorsingsproses gevolg is, was relevant en suksesvol ten einde die geformuleerde probleem aan te spreek, die navorsingsvrae sinvol te beantwoord, en die hipotese te bevestig. Die navorser kon dus daarin slaag om, deur gebruikmaking van metodologiese triangulasie, die kwantitatiefkwalitatiewe benaderings te kombineer waartydens meervoudige metodes aangewend is om alle moontlike aspekte van dieselfde fenomeen te beskou en te vergelyk, en sodoende die geldigheid daarvan te verifieer. Gebaseer op bevindinge, kan die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat stressore wel by werknemers van die betrokke tersiêre opleidingsinstelling aanwesig is, dat stres ‘n wesenlike impak op die GWL van werknemers het, en dat die huidige Stresbeheerprogram wel ‘n verbetering in die GWL van werknemers teweeggebring het. ENGLISH : On the one hand this study determines whether there are specific stressors present, which lead to higher stress levels and contribute to the accompanying negative quality of worklife perspective of employees at the relevant tertiary institution (QWL). On the other hand the focus is on the effectiveness of the current Stress Management Programme (SMP), in order to determine whether participation in this specific programme contributes to a better and more positive experience of the employee's QWL. This study provides extensive theoretic perspectives on the quality of work, stress, wellbeing and interventions in the workplace. From the literature review in Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5, it is clear that change in the work environment, and the subsequent stress it imposes, impacts on the employee's experience of quality of worklife and wellbeing and the employee's reaction to both these is the decisive factor in reaching health and wellbeing in the workplace. Employers have the responsibility to establish a healthy workplace by utilising intervention programmes in order to enable employees to accept ownership of their lives in reaching optimum health and wellbeing. The literature review is followed by an empirical investigation during which evaluative research was utilised. The quantitative-qualitative research approaches, with focus on Creswell's ‘dominant-less-dominant’ model was used where the quantitative phases were used as the dominant paradigm. The quantitative descriptive design's random cross section is utilized to investigate the nature, extent and impact of stress on the QWL of employees at the relevant tertiary education institution. The adapted ‘ASSET’ mailed questionnaire was provided to respondents from two chosen faculties and respondents who participated in the SMP. The quasiexperimental research design's one-group pre-test / post-test design and hand-delivered questionnaires served as the second quantitative phase of this study. During the qualitative third phase, the case study, with focus on a collective case study as research strategy, was followed during which semi-structured interviews with an interview schedule were used to obtain additional information. The experiences and needs of respondents, who completed the SMP training, were determined in order to take into account these experiences and needs when the SMP is adapted. The structured questionnaires, as well as the semi-structured interviews were used as pre-test and post-test to determine the effectiveness and the utilization value of the current SMP. The choice of the different approaches, strategy and design which were followed during the research process, were relevant and successful in order to address the formulated problem, to provide a sensible answer to the research question, and to confirm the hypothesis. The researcher could therefore succeed to, by using methodological triangulation, combine the quantitative-qualitative approaches, during which multiple methods were applied to explore and compare all possible aspects of the same phenomenon and to subsequently verify the validity thereof. Based on findings, the following conclusion can be made: firstly, there are stressors present at the relevant tertiary education institution; secondly, stress has a substantial impact on the QWL of employees; and the current Stress Management Programme contributes to an improved QWL of employees. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

El Liderazgo Transformacional y su influencia en el Desempeño Laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario en Lima Centro

Heshiki Kaneshima , Erika, Ordóñez Huamán, Patricia Jazmín 31 May 2020 (has links)
Uno de los estilos de liderazgo que ha tomado relevancia en diferentes compañías a nivel mundial es el Liderazgo Transformacional, debido a que se asocia directamente con la efectividad en el liderazgo. Por esto, en esta investigación se busca ver si existe una influencia del Liderazgo Transformacional en el Desempeño Laboral de los colaboradores del sector bancario de Lima Centro. Para fines de estudio de esta investigación, el análisis se realizó con un estudio correlacional con una muestra final de 505 personas, de los cuatro bancos más grandes de Perú. Con la finalidad, de corroborar las hipótesis planteadas, se utilizó un análisis de datos con una regresión lineal simple para el objetivo general y secundarios. Los resultados finales demostraron que en definitiva existe una relación positiva entre el Liderazgo Transformacional y el Desempeño Laboral. Estos nuevos hallazgos son de importancia para el Sector Bancario, a fin de que puedan lograr un mejor rendimiento en sus trabajadores. / One of the leadership styles that has become relevant in different companies worldwide is transformational leadership, because it is directly associated with leadership effectiveness. For this reason, this research seeks to see if there is an influence of transformational leadership on the job performance of employees in the banking sector of Lima Centre. For the purpose of studying this research, the analysis was performed with a correlational study with a final sample of 505 people, from the four largest banks in Peru. In order to corroborate the hypotheses, a data analysis was used with a simple linear regression for the general objective and multiple linear regression for the secondary objectives. The final results showed that there is definitely a negative relationship between Transformational Leadership and Work Performance. These new findings are of importance to the Banking Sector, so that they can achieve better performance in their workers. / Tesis

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