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Emotion regulation and rumination mediate the relation between yoga experience and psychological health in a non-clinical Indian populationRasoulzadeh, Hanna Queen January 2019 (has links)
This study was conducted in India, and the research plan was initially developed to provide further knowledge and perspective to the rapidly increased issues of psychological conditions in the country, regarding alternative treatments such as yoga and underlying mechanisms in the effects of yoga practice. The purpose of the study was to examine if emotion regulation and rumination may act as mediators between yoga experience and anxiety respectively depression. The study included 320 participants from eight different indian cities, four of the cities located in the north, three in the south and one city in the western part of India. This study had a quantitative design and had a questionnaire as a method for the data collecting. The results indicated that both emotion regulation and rumination at a significant level mediated the relationship between yoga experience and anxiety and depression respectively. These results can potentially bring further knowledge for countries (and individuals) that have higher levels of anxiety and depression in their populations, such as India, by providing a alternative perspective in the treatment and prevention of these conditions. In addition, the results can be beneficial for individuals that suffer from symptoms of anxiety, depression, difficulties with emotion regulation, and rumination. / Föreliggande studie utfördes i Indien. Forskningsplanen utvecklades för att ge ytterligare kunskap och perspektiv till den växande problematiken med psykiska ohälsa i landet, med fokus på alternativa behandlingar som yoga samt möjliga underliggande mekanismer i effekter av yoga utövande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om emotionsreglering och ältande medierar relationen mellan yoga erfarenhet, och ångest respektive depression. Studien inkluderande 320 deltagare från åtta olika indiska städer, fyra av städerna ligger i norra, tre städer i södra och en stad i västra Indien. Föreliggande studie hade en kvantitativ design och hade enkäter som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet indikerade att både emotionsreglering och ältande signifikant medierade relationen mellan yoga erfarenhet och ångest respektive depression. Dessa resultat kan potentiellt utöka kunskapen för länder (och individer) som har högre nivåer av ångest och depression i sina populationer, som exempelvis Indien, genom att ge ett alternativt perspektiv i behandlingen och i det förebyggande arbetet av dessa tillstånd. Vidare kan resultatet av studien vara användbart för individer som har symptom av ångest, depression, svårigheter med emotionsreglering, och ältande.
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Impact of a Nutrition and Yoga Intervention in Breast Cancer Suvivors' Quality of LifeFogarty, Tammy C 22 June 2018 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to determine if a nutrition and yoga intervention will improve quality of life (QoL) in breast cancer survivors (BCS). Using the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping as a guide to lead the intervention, the intervention assessed potential barriers, self-efficacy, diet quality, and physical activity as it relates to quality of life. Twenty-seven women were enrolled in the study and randomly assigned to the control or intervention group. The intervention consisted of 6-weeks of yoga classes and 6-weeks of online nutrition education. The control group received a nutrition consultation and nutrition guidelines from the American Cancer Society. Measurement of variables was conducted at baseline, post-intervention (6 weeks), and follow-up (12 weeks). One-way repeated measures ANOVA, paired samples t-test, and post hoc analysis with Bonferroni adjustment was used to analyze the data. Mediation analysis with regression was performed to demonstrate the effect the intervention had on quality of life. The intervention elicited a statistically significant difference in the Total Outcome Index quality of life score from baseline to post-intervention (P < .005) and from baseline to follow-up (P < .005) in the intervention group. The frequency of how often fruits and vegetables were consumed was significant between time points, (P < .05), but not between the control and intervention group, P = .538. The amount of fruit and vegetables consumed each time was statistically significant for the intervention group from baseline to post-intervention (P < .05) however there was no significant difference from baseline to follow-up (P = .067). There was no difference between the control and intervention group, (P = .216). There was a statistically significant difference for physical activity for time (P P = .166) however the intervention group has a statistically significant difference between baseline and post-intervention (PP = .082). We cannot confidently predict that participant’s quality of life scores are determined by group with the help of mediators after conducting a mediation analysis with regression. A six-week nutrition and yoga intervention in BCS elicited significant changes in QoL in BCS. Even though the results did not show significant changes between the control and intervention group there were significant changes within the intervention group from baseline to post-intervention and baseline to follow-up which may indicate a 6-week online nutrition education program coupled with a 6-week yoga intervention an effective tool to improve QoL in BCS.
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"Rehabilitering med samtalsterapi och yoga" : En utvärdering av Akademiska sjukhusets projekt för cancerpatienterAndersson, Sara, Bergström, Evelina January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>SAMMANFATTNING</strong></p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med undersökningen var att utvärdera effekterna av behandlingen i projektet ”Rehabilitering med samtalsterapi och yoga” med avseende på upplevt fysiskt, socialt, känslomässigt och funktionellt välbefinnande, samt undersöka deltagarnas tillfredsställelse med rehabiliteringen. <strong>Metod: </strong>Utvärderingen gjordes våren 2010 med kvantitativ metod och deskriptiv, longitudinell design. Alla som skulle börja i nybörjarkursen ombads att delta. Enkäter delades ut före och efter deltagande i max tre rehabiliteringskurser. Deltagarantalet i utvärderingen var 22. Svaren analyserades med hjälp av beskrivande statistik och beroende T-test. <strong>Resultat:</strong> Det kunde inte påvisas några signifikanta skillnader över tid mellan skalorna <em>Fysiskt välbefinnande </em>(p=,507),<em> Socialt välbefinnande </em>(p=,936),<em> Känslomässigt välbefinnande </em>(p=,493)<em> </em>och <em>Funktionellt välbefinnande </em>(p=,388). Vid analys av de enskilda frågorna i skalorna fanns heller inga signifikanta skillnader. Enligt patientutvärderingen ansåg alla deltagare att yoga- och samtalsterapin, i olika grad, har hjälpt dem att hantera sin situation och 95,5% (n=21) säger att de skulle kunna rekommendera denna kurs till en vän i liknande situation. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Rehabiliteringsprojektet skulle kunna utvecklas ytterligare, men bör fortsätta ges som ett komplement till traditionell onkologisk behandling då den anses vara betydelsefull för deltagarna. P.g.a. brister skulle en ny utvärdering behöva göras.</p> / <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><strong>Aim: </strong>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the treatment in the project “Rehabilitation with psychotherapy and yoga”, regarding physical, emotional, functional and social wellbeing, and to examine the participant’s satisfaction with the rehabilitation. <strong>Method: </strong>The evaluation was done during the spring in 2010 with a quantitative method and descriptive, longitudinal design. Everyone who was to begin the new beginners’ class was asked about participation. Questionnaires were given to the participants, before and after participation in maximum three rehabilitation courses. The number of participants was 22. The answers were analyzed with descriptive statistics and dependent T-test. <strong>Result: </strong>There are no significant differences over time regarding the <em>physical</em> (p=,507), <em>social </em>(p=,936), <em>emotional</em> (p=,493) and <em>functional</em> (p=,388) <em>wellbeing</em> of the participants. When analyzing the unique questions in the wellbeing-scales, no significant differences were found. According to the satisfaction questionnaires, every participants thought that the rehabilitationgroup, in different ways, helped them to cope with their situation and 95,5% (n=21) would recommend this psychotherapy and yoga group to a friend in a similar situation. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The rehabilitationproject can be improved, but should continue to be provided as a complement to traditional oncological treatment, since it´s considered being of great value for its participants. Because of shortages a new evaluation is motivated.</p>
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Yoga och mindfulness för reducering av stress, oro/ångest och depression under graviditet : En litteraturöversiktEnglund, Ida, Karlsson, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund Traditionell och komplementär eller alternativ medicin, vilket benämns Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM), är enligt WHO en viktig, men ofta underskattad del i nationella hälso- och sjukvårdssystem. Användandet av CAM har ökat signifikant senaste åren för gravida kvinnor. Inom CAM ryms begreppet ”mind-body interventioner” eller “mind-body therapies” och innefattar behandling så som mindfulness, yoga, akupunktur, massage. Yoga och mindfulness har enligt tidigare studier positiv inverkan på graviditet och graviditetsutfall. Cirka 20 procent av alla gravida kvinnor får antenatal depression, en av tio upplever ökad oro/ångest och stress i samband med graviditet. Behandling av dessa symtom är viktigt och kvinnor efterfrågar idag alternativ. Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka om yoga och mindfulness kan ha positiv inverkan på depression, oro/ångest och stress under graviditet. Metod Systematisk litteraturstudie Resultat Yoga och/eller mindfulness under graviditet har visat sig ha positiv inverkan på depression, oro/ångest och stress. Flertalet av studiernas resultat visade en ökning av mindfulness, tilltro till egen förmåga, minskad oro/ångest, stress och depression samt ett generellt bättre mående. Slutsats Denna litteraturstudie visade en hög grad av samstämmighet bland gravida kvinnor att yoga och mindfulness hade positiva effekter vid stress, oro/ångest och depression. Dessa positiva effekter antas ha betydelse för både den gravida kvinnan och i hennes relation till sitt barn. Utifrån detta kan gravida kvinnor informeras att studier finns som visar på ett ökat välbefinnande med yoga och mindfulness. Fortsatt forskning får visa om yoga och mindfulness skulle kunna erbjudas inom ramen för mödrahälsovårdens basprogram, samt om det är möjligt att genom dessa alternativa terapier går att minska graviditetskomplikationer som härrör från stress, oro/ångest och depression.
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"Rehabilitering med samtalsterapi och yoga" : En utvärdering av Akademiska sjukhusets projekt för cancerpatienterAndersson, Sara, Bergström, Evelina January 2010 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen var att utvärdera effekterna av behandlingen i projektet ”Rehabilitering med samtalsterapi och yoga” med avseende på upplevt fysiskt, socialt, känslomässigt och funktionellt välbefinnande, samt undersöka deltagarnas tillfredsställelse med rehabiliteringen. Metod: Utvärderingen gjordes våren 2010 med kvantitativ metod och deskriptiv, longitudinell design. Alla som skulle börja i nybörjarkursen ombads att delta. Enkäter delades ut före och efter deltagande i max tre rehabiliteringskurser. Deltagarantalet i utvärderingen var 22. Svaren analyserades med hjälp av beskrivande statistik och beroende T-test. Resultat: Det kunde inte påvisas några signifikanta skillnader över tid mellan skalorna Fysiskt välbefinnande (p=,507), Socialt välbefinnande (p=,936), Känslomässigt välbefinnande (p=,493) och Funktionellt välbefinnande (p=,388). Vid analys av de enskilda frågorna i skalorna fanns heller inga signifikanta skillnader. Enligt patientutvärderingen ansåg alla deltagare att yoga- och samtalsterapin, i olika grad, har hjälpt dem att hantera sin situation och 95,5% (n=21) säger att de skulle kunna rekommendera denna kurs till en vän i liknande situation. Slutsats: Rehabiliteringsprojektet skulle kunna utvecklas ytterligare, men bör fortsätta ges som ett komplement till traditionell onkologisk behandling då den anses vara betydelsefull för deltagarna. P.g.a. brister skulle en ny utvärdering behöva göras. / ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the treatment in the project “Rehabilitation with psychotherapy and yoga”, regarding physical, emotional, functional and social wellbeing, and to examine the participant’s satisfaction with the rehabilitation. Method: The evaluation was done during the spring in 2010 with a quantitative method and descriptive, longitudinal design. Everyone who was to begin the new beginners’ class was asked about participation. Questionnaires were given to the participants, before and after participation in maximum three rehabilitation courses. The number of participants was 22. The answers were analyzed with descriptive statistics and dependent T-test. Result: There are no significant differences over time regarding the physical (p=,507), social (p=,936), emotional (p=,493) and functional (p=,388) wellbeing of the participants. When analyzing the unique questions in the wellbeing-scales, no significant differences were found. According to the satisfaction questionnaires, every participants thought that the rehabilitationgroup, in different ways, helped them to cope with their situation and 95,5% (n=21) would recommend this psychotherapy and yoga group to a friend in a similar situation. Conclusion: The rehabilitationproject can be improved, but should continue to be provided as a complement to traditional oncological treatment, since it´s considered being of great value for its participants. Because of shortages a new evaluation is motivated.
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Yogans effekt på stressrelaterade symtom / Yoga's effect on stress-related symptomsJohansson, Anna, Ståhl, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Stress är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle. Människor som har en hög stressnivå kan få stressrelaterade symtom som t.ex. depression, kroniska smärttillstånd och sömnstörningar. Det ingår i distriktssköterskors arbete att hjälpa människor att genomföra olika typer av livsstils-förändringar, där en förändring är att minska stressnivån. Behovet av komplementära behandlingar till den traditionella medicinska behandlingen ökar. Yoga kan användas som komplement till annan behandling. Syftet med studien var att beskriva yogans effekt på stress-relaterade symtom utifrån ett psykologiskt, fysiskt och psykosocialt perspektiv. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Detta resulterade i 16 artiklar. Litteraturstudiens resultat delades in i tre olika huvudkategorier: Psykologiska effekter, fysiska effekter och psykosociala effekter. Dessa kategorier är förenade med det holistiska synsättet där både kropp och själ ska ses som en helhet. Resultatet visade att yoga har effekt på stressrelaterade symtom. De psykologiska effekterna av yoga innefattar depression, ångest, medvetenhet och självkänsla. De fysiska effekterna av yoga innefattar ryggsmärta, huvudvärk, kortisolnivåer och adrenalinnivåer. De psykosociala effekterna av yoga innefattar upplevd stress, sömnstörningar, humörsvängningar, ilska, trötthet och spänningar samt upplevd livskvalitet. Ytterligare forskning krävs för att få större evidens för yogans effekter på stressrelaterade symtom. / Stress is a growing problem in today's society. People who have a high level of stress may have stress-related symptoms such as depression, chronic pain disorders and sleep disorders. It is part of district nurses work to help people to undertake various types of lifestyle changes , where a change is to reduce the stress level . The need for complementary treatments to traditional medical treatment is increasing. Yoga can be used as a complement to other treatment. The aim of the study was to describe yoga's effect on stress - related symptoms from a psychological , physical and psychosocial perspective . The method used was a systematic literature review . This resulted in 16 articles . Literature results of the study were divided into three main categories : Psychological effects , physical effects and psychosocial effects . These categories are associated with the holistic approach where both body and soul to be seen as a whole. The results showed that yoga has an effect on stress-related symptoms. The psychological effects of yoga include depression , anxiety , awareness and self-esteem. The physical effects of yoga include back pain, headaches, cortisol levels and adrenaline levels. The psychosocial effects of yoga include perceived stress , sleep disturbances , mood swings, anger , fatigue and tension , and perceived quality of life. Further research is needed to get more evidence for yoga's effects on stress-related symptoms.
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The effects of Hatha yoga on self-awareness and self-actualizationFriedenheim, Ann. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Kutztown University, 1986. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-06, page: 2775. Abstract follows appendices. Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-125).
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Yoga como caminho de elevação na espiritualidade e na saúdeLima, Vânia Cristina Lucena 30 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This current study portray a research conducted in João Pessoa, PB, during the period November 2009 to October 2010, under the qualitative methodology Oral History of Life. The purpose were analyze the Yoga meaning like a spiritual development way and health; delineate a historical route of yoga from India to their beginner in Paraíba; analyze the benefits of this practice in mental and physical health of the collaborators Ada Tavares Zenaide, Mercia Rios Ribeiro and Maria Cristina Correia de Abreu, and identify how these collaborators transmitted this knowledge of yoga to the community of Joao Pessoa. In this way, it was possible to better understand the meaning of yoga within a socio-historical perspective; This allowed enlarge clarity on its prehistory and history, but also allowed us to know through the authors, like Lílian Gulmini, Iyengar, Paulo Rosas, Hermógenes, Possebom, Cristina Abreu, among others, the philosophical tradition of yoga as an axis directed toward the elevation of spirituality and physical and mental health. In the study results were identified by the three methods used by collaborators: the Iyengar Yoga (Ada), Tantra Yoga (Mercia) and Hatha Yoga (Cristina). Regarding the increase in physical health, Cristina found that through the practice of yoga on exercise, the correct way of breathing, feeding and meditation, there was a change in their lifestyle, which enabled her to recover a deep anemia and the reorganization of the functioning of your body. Ada applies knowledge of Yoga with comfort, affection and zeal to promote the health of their students, theirs column unstiffening of the body and apply relaxation techniques, physical comfort as the triggers emotional comfort. Mercia said it was a healthy person, when she does their assessments with clinician, he does not prescribe medications because she does not need. From the standpoint of mental health, Cristina most learned to respect herself and the others, to relax, to escape from the stresses of daily life, experiencing the present moment. Ada believes his longevity is a result of yoga practice, for without this experience, she says would've died, to be its emotional heart could not bear the pangs of life due to the accumulation of negative emotions. Regarding the rise of spirituality - Ada reported that yoga in his life was one way to find God or a release. So Through this study, there was the finding that the beneficial effects of yoga suggested a real possibility of change in quality of life of the three collaborators, they lived life experiences so rich in meanings, which would be evidenced in the increase in physical health, mental and spirituality, the results are consistent with the goals outlined in this research. We conclude that there is a gap in the training of professionals, especially in education and health, requiring a potential scope for public policy. / O presente estudo retrata uma pesquisa realizada em João Pessoa PB - durante o período de novembro de 2009 a outubro de 2010, sob a metodologia qualitativa da História Oral de Vida. Os objetivos foram analisar o significado do Yoga como um caminho para o desenvolvimento da espiritualidade e da saúde; delinear seu percurso histórico desde a Índia até a sua chegada na Paraíba; analisar os benefícios dessa prática na saúde física e mental das colaboradoras Ada Tavares Zenaide, Mércia Rios Ribeiro e Maria Cristina Correia de Abreu, além de identificar como passaram o conhecimento do Yoga para a comunidade de João Pessoa. Nesse percurso, foi possível compreender melhor o significado dessa filosofia, numa perspectiva sócio-histórica, o que possibilitou uma maior clareza sobre a sua pré-história e história e permitiu que se conhecesse, através dos autores consultados, como Lílian Gulmini, Iyengar, Paulo Rosas, Hermógenes, Possebom, Cristina Abreu, entre outros, a tradição filosófica do Yoga como um eixo direcionado para a elevação da espiritualidade e da saúde física e mental. Nos resultados do estudo, foram identificadas as três metodologias utilizadas pelas colaboradoras: o Iyengar Yoga (Ada), o Tantra Yoga (Mércia) e o Hatha Yoga (Cristina). Quanto à elevação da saúde física, Cristina revelou que, através da prática do Yoga relativa aos exercícios físicos, à maneira correta de respirar e de se alimentar e à meditação, houve uma modificação em seu estilo de vida, que lhe permitiu recuperar-se de uma anemia profunda e reorganizar o funcionamento do seu organismo. Ada aplica o conhecimento do Yoga com conforto, carinho e zelo para promover a saúde de suas alunas; trata da coluna, dos encurtamentos do corpo e aplica técnicas de relaxamento, pois o conforto físico desencadeia o conforto emocional. Mércia afirmou que é uma pessoa saudável, que quando faz avaliações com seu médico clínico, ele não prescreve medicamentos porque ela não necessita. Do ponto de vista da saúde mental, Cristina aprendeu a respeitar mais a si e aos outros, a relaxar, a se libertar das tensões da vida diária, vivenciando o momento presente. Ada acredita que a sua longevidade é decorrente da prática do Yoga, pois, sem essa vivência, acha que já teria morrido, pois, por ser emotiva, o seu coração não aguentaria as angústias da vida devido ao acúmulo de emoções negativas. Em relação à elevação da espiritualidade, Ada relatou que o Yoga, em sua vida, foi uma forma de encontrar Deus ou uma libertação. Portanto, através deste estudo, constatou-se que os efeitos benéficos do Yoga apontaram para uma real possibilidade de mudança na qualidade de vida das três colaboradoras, que vivenciaram experiências de vida tão ricas em significados, em que ficaram evidenciadas a elevação da saúde física, mental e da espiritualidade. Esses resultados são compatíveis com os objetivos delineados nesta pesquisa. Conclui-se que existe uma lacuna na formação dos profissionais, principalmente na área da educação e da saúde. Portanto, demandando um potencial campo de ação para as políticas públicas.
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O imaginário do Hatha-Yoga: um caminho de volta para o centroPontes, Maria Cristina Alves de 31 August 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Yoga is a millenary practice attached which is linked to behaviors and, especially, the ways of living the Hindu´s culture that was transposed to the West, and it is finding space, especially, in the middle of Brazilian urban. The Hath-Yoga is one of more recent schools of Yoga. We have met one´s objectives in this analysis, to identify which Hath Yoga dominant imaginary of the gestures; through survey of the repertoire of gestures images ( asanas were chosen like a cross sample), and verbal expressed by practiced people during the classes period; and if the mythology is presented a asanas influences the production of Hatha-Yoga`s practiced people. The mythology that we use in this method of analysis was a symbolical hermeneutic based on assumption of Duran´s Imaginary General Theory (2002). It can be understand like a method or a technique turning toward the interpretation of the archetypes and symbols from the imaginary. To seek oneself to outline the constellation images following its movement, that is, its convergence. By way of organization, we selected some asanas in the Hath- Yoga practice that they can be expressive to broach the convergence of the mythological images. We have noticed that the practice of The Hath-Yoga encourages the mythological operational images, transforming them in metaphor of the practice people´s psycho-physique that allowed them finding a line of stabilization. This was possible because the imaginary is the creator of the reality, indeed where form the human representations that precede the materialism of the actions and objects. The modification in the practice people´s mental attitudes has brought both self-knowledge and positive behavior consequences which reflected themselves on their interrelated relationships, giving them a balance. / O Yoga é uma prática milenar ligada a comportamentos e, sobretudo, a modos de viver da cultura Hindu que foi transposta para o Ocidente, e vem encontrando espaço, sobretudo, nos meios urbanos brasileiros. O Hatha-Yoga é uma das mais recentes escolas de Yoga. É exatamente do Hata-Yoga que objetivamos nessa análise, identificar qual o imaginário dos gestos dominantes nesta escola, através do levantamento do repertório de imagens gestuais (asanas escolhidas como amostragem), e verbais expressadas pelos praticantes durante o período das aulas; bem como se a mitologia presente nos asanas influencia a produção imaginária do praticante do Hatha-Yoga. A metodologia que utilizamos para o procedimento de análise foi a hermenêutica simbólica baseada nos pressupostos da Teoria Geral do Imaginário de Durand (2002). Ela pode ser entendida como um método ou técnica voltada para a interpretação dos arquétipos e símbolos oriundos do imaginário. Buscou-se delinear as constelações de imagens acompanhando o seu movimento, ou seja, sua convergência. A título de organização elegemos alguns asanas da prática do Hatha-Yoga que podem ser expressivos para se abordar a convergência das imagens mitológicas. Percebemos que a prática do Hatha-Yoga estimula a operacionalização de imagens mitológicas, transformando-as em metáforas do reestabelecimento psico-físico dos praticantes, o que lhes permitiu que que encontrassem um eixo de estabilização. Isso foi possível porque o imaginário é criador da realidade, pois é onde se formam as representações humanas que precedem a materialização de ações e objetos. As modificações nas atitudes mentais dos praticantes trouxeram tanto autoconhecimento como consequências comportamentais positivas que se refletiram em seu autoconhecimento e nos seus relacionamentos interpessoais, dando-lhes um equilíbrio psico-físico-espiritual.
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Ovlivnění vybraných parametrů posturální stability prostřednictvím pohybového programu powerjóga u studentů Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze / Effects of the power yoga exercise program on selected parameters of postural stability in students of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague.Feitová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Title: Effects of the power yoga exercise program on selected parameters of postural stability in students of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague. Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of the power yoga intervention program on selected parameters of postural stability and to identify potential differences between the experimental and the control groups. Methods: The three-month intervention program was implemented within Physical Education subject curriculum MS730C at the Department of Physical Education of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University in Prague. The research sample consisted of 80 students of the second year of the Faculty of Science, who were assigned by drawing lots into the experimental and the control groups. Changes of the selected parameters of postural stability were assessed before and after the three-month intervention program. Measurements of the postural stability level were performed using selected tests in the Laboratory of Sport Motor Skills of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Charles University in Prague. The tests were carried out on the stabilometric board Footscan. Nonparametric tests were used for statistical evaluation. Substantive significance coefficient ω2 was used to evaluate the substantive...
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