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Continuous Beam of Laser-Cooled Ytterbium Atoms for Precision MeasurementsRathod, Ketan D January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
What if an elementary particle such as an electron had an intrinsic electric dipole moment (EDM)? Existence of such an EDM would be an indication of time-reversal symmetry
violation in the laws of Physics. The Standard model of Physics is considered incomplete, and theories that go beyond the standard model predict existence of such EDM’s within experimental reach. Experiments that search for their existence serve as a test bed for these theories. Use of laser-cooled Yb atoms launched in a fountain for EDM search has been proposed earlier.
This thesis describes the main experimental work on generating a continuous cold
beam of Yb atoms using laser cooling. Such cold beams are ideal for performing EDM
experiments and have several advantages over the more common pulsed fountain. We
demonstrate two ways to achieve this (i) extracting the beam from atoms trapped in 2-
dimensions and (ii) deflecting the atomic beam using 1D-optical molasses. We find that
the latter method gives a longitudinal temperature of 41 mK, which is a factor of 3 better than the former one. We also demonstrate the implementation of Ramsey’s separated oscillatory field technique in a thermal beam to measure the larmor precession frequency with high precision. This serves as a first step towards implementation with cold beam.
Extending the work reported here, we suggest future experiment for measuring an EDM.
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Propriétés de luminescence et caractérisation structurale de films minces d'oxydes de silicium dopés au cérium et codopés cérium-ytterbium / Photoluminescence properties and structural characterization of cerium-doped and cerium-ytterbium co-doped silicon oxide thin filmsWeimmerskirch, Jennifer 11 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l’élaboration et la caractérisation chimique et structurale de couches minces d’oxyde de silicium dopées avec des terres rares ainsi que l’étude de leurs propriétés de photoluminescence. Les films sont dopées avec du cérium. Le co-dopage cérium et ytterbium est également étudié dans le cas des couches de SiO2. Il est montré que dans les oxydes de composition SiO1, le cérium joue un rôle important dans la structure et l’organisation chimique de l’oxyde, notamment en favorisant la démixtion de l’oxyde. L’exposition à un faisceau laser focalisé engendre une démixtion locale favorisée par le cérium. Pour les films minces de SiO1,5 contenant à la fois du cérium et des nanocristaux de silicium, les différentes étapes de la séparation de phase entre nanocristaux de Si et agrégats riches en Ce ont été mises en évidence, notamment par sonde atomique tomographique et par microscopie électronique à balayage en transmission. Les propriétés de luminescence des dopants sont discutées en lien avec la microstructure de la matrice hôte. Pour tous ces systèmes, la formation d’un silicate de cérium de composition Ce2Si2O7 à haute température (> 1100°C) a été mise en évidence. Le cérium présent sous forme d’ions isolés ou dans un silicate émet intensément dans le bleu (400 nm) à température ambiante ce qui pourrait être intéressant pour le développement de diodes bleues en filière Si. Enfin, un transfert d’énergie des ions Ce3+ vers les ions Yb3+ a été mis en évidence dans les films minces de SiO2 ouvrant ainsi la voie à de possibles applications dans le domaine du solaire photovoltaïque / This thesis concerns the structural characterization and the photoluminescence properties of thin silicon oxide films doped with rare earths The films are doped with cerium. The co-doping with both cerium and ytterbium is also studied in the case of SiO 2 layers. It is shown that in oxides with composition SiO1, cerium plays an important role in the structure and chemical organization of the oxide, in particular by promoting phase separation of the oxide. The exposure to a focused laser beam generates a local demixtion favored by cerium. For thin SiO1,5 films containing both cerium and silicon nanocrystals, we are able to follow the phase separation occuring between Si nanocrystals and Ce rich aggregates using both atom probe tomography and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The luminescence properties of dopants are discussed in connection with the microstructure of the host matrix. For all these systems, the formation of a cerium silicate with composition Ce2Si2O7 is observed at high temperature (> 1100 ° C). The cerium present either as isolated Ce3+ ions or in a silicate emits intensely at 400 nm (blue) at room temperature, which might be of interest for the development of blue light emitting diodes fully compatible with the Si technology. Finally, an energy transfer from Ce3+ ions to Yb3+ ions is demonstrated in thin SiO2 films opening the route to possible applications in the field of photovoltaics
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Development of a method to overcome the power threshold during supercontinuum generation based on an Yb-doped photonic crystal fiberBaselt, Tobias, Taudt, Christopher, Nelsen, Bryan, Lasagni, Andrés Fabián, Hartmann, Peter 16 September 2019 (has links)
Optical coherence tomography benefits from the high brightness and bandwidth, as well as the spatial coherence of supercontinuum (SC) sources. The increase of spectral power density (SPD) over conventional light sources leads to shorter measuring times and higher resolutions. For some applications, only a portion of the broad spectral range can be used. Therefore, an increase of the SPD in specific limited spectral regions would provide a clear advantage over spectral filtering. This study describes a method to increase the SPD of SC sources by amplifying the excitation wavelength inside of a nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF). An ytterbium-doped PCF was manufactured by a nanopowder process and used in a fiber amplifier setup as the nonlinear fiber medium. The performance of the fiber was compared with a conventional PCF that possesses comparable parameters. Finally, the system as a whole was characterized in reference to common solid-state laser-based photonic SC light sources. An order-of-magnitude improvement of the power density was observed between the wavelengths from 1100 to 1350 nm.
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Carbon nanostructures for femtosecond mode-locked lasers in the 1.0 to 2.1 micrometer wavelength rangeSchmidt, Andreas 07 July 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt das Zusammenspiel von effizienten aktiven Lasermedien und neuartigen sättigbaren Absorbern, welche auf den Kohlenstoff-Nanostrukturen Graphen und den einwandigen Kohlenstoff Nanoröhren (SWCNTs) basieren. Die aktiven Lasermedien decken den Spektralbereich von 1,0 Mikrometer bis 2,1 Mikrometer ab, d.h. eine ganze Oktave, und nutzen die laseraktiven Ionen des Ytterbiums, Chroms und Thuliums. In dieser Arbeit werden die auf Graphen und SWCNT basierenden sättigbaren Absorber hinsichtlich ihres einer Anregung folgenden Relaxationsverhaltens, ihrer von der Fluenz abhängigen Transmission und ihres Sättigungs- verhaltens bei hohen Fluenzen untersucht. Eine vorangestellte Einführung der optischen Eigenschaften von Graphen und SWCNTs wird gegeben und die Modelle zur Beschreibung realer Proben werden aus theoretischen Modellvorstellungen hergeleitet. Die sättigbaren Absorber basierend auf Graphen und SWCNTs werden untereinander und mit klassischen halbleitenden sättigbaren Absorbern verglichen. Diese Arbeit zeigt ferner die Erzeugung ultrakurzer Pulse verschiedener Laser mit diesen neuartigen sättigbaren Absorbern basierend auf Kohlenstoff Nanostrukturen. Die erhaltenen Pulse werden mittels Spektrometrie, Autokorrelation, Radiofrequenz- und partiell FROG-Messungen charakterisiert, und der zugrunde liegende Pulsformungsmechanismus, sowie die Stabilität gegen das Güteschalten werden diskutiert. / This thesis addresses the interplay of highly efficient active laser media and novel saturable absorbers based on the carbon nanostructures graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The active laser media cover the spectral region from 1.0 micron up to 2.1 micron, i.e. a whole octave, and apply ytterbium, chromium and thulium as active lasing ions. Within this work, the saturable absorbers based on SWCNTs and graphene are characterized with respect to their relaxation behaviour after excitation, and with respect to their fluence-dependent transmission and saturation. A precedent introduction of the general optical properties of graphene and SWCNTs is presented as well and the models to describe real samples experimentally are deduced from theoretical model conceptions. The saturable absorbers based on graphene and SWCNTs are compared to each other and to classical semiconducting saturable absorbers. This thesis further presents the generation of ultrashort laser pulses applying these novel carbon nanostructure based saturable absorbers in different lasers. The obtained pulses are characterized by spectrometry, autocorrelation, radio-frequency measurements and partially by FROG measurements. Additionally, the underlying pulse formation process and the Q-switching stability are discussed.
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Investigation of Specialized Laser and Optical Techniques to Improve Precision Atomic Spectroscopy of HeliumCurrey, Ronnie 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to develop both Yb and Tm fiber laser sources with all fiber cavities. Both wavelength ranges provide useful laser sources for optical pumping of helium. The goal is to develop Tm laser sources operating at 2058 nm to optically quench 3He (2058.63 nm) and 4He (2058.69 nm) singlets (21S0). We also have developed Yb laser sources at 1083 nm to optical pump the triplet states of helium and laser cool an atomic beam of helium.
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Etude et développement de sources laser à fibre dopées Ytterbium émettant à des longueurs d'ondes exotiques pour des applications industrielles et médicales / Study and development of fiber lasers emitting at exotic wavelengths for industrial and medical applicationsDubrasquet, Romain 11 December 2014 (has links)
La technologie des lasers à gaz Argon et Hélium Cadmium ionisés est obsolète et leurs production est abandonnée. Etant donné le vaste champ des applications basées sur les longueurs d’onde (488 nm, 325 nm) générées par cette technologie, il apparait essentiel d’imaginer une solution alternative. Les travaux exposés dans ce manuscrit traitent de l’étude des solutions apportées par la conversion en fréquence des lasers à fibre dopées ytterbium fonctionnant sur leur transition 3 niveaux à 976 nm. Les conditions d’obtention d’un effet laser sur cette transition particulière où section efficace d’émission et d’absorption sont confondues sont tout d’abord explicitées. Ensuite, nous présentons le développement d’une source laser continue monofréquence à 976 nm permettant de générer plus de 35W en limite de diffraction (M²<1.1). Le doublement en fréquence de cette source fondamentale à 976 nm dans des cristaux à alternance de polarisation (PPsLT) conduit à générer plus de 4W à 488 nm (bleu) en simple passage avec un niveau de bruit d’intensité extrêmement bas (0,05%rms sur la gamme 100Hz – 10MHz).Puis, nous relatons la démonstration de plus de 760 mW à la longueur d’onde ultraviolette de 325,3 nm à partir d’une laser à fibre impulsionnel nanoseconde (5ns ; 100 kHz) triplé en fréquence dans deux étages de cristaux non linéaires (LBO 20mm type I puis type II) délivrant près de 7,6 W soit une énergie de 73μJ et une puissance crête de 14,3kW à la longueur d’onde fondamentale de 976 nm et une puissance de 2,8 W à 488 nm à la seconde harmonique. L’efficacité de conversion de l’IR vers l’UV est donc de 10%. Enfin, nous rapportons la génération de plus de 2 W à 325,3 nm en régime picoseconde (15ps ; 20MHz) par triplement en fréquence (cascade de deux LBO) d’un laser à fibre générant une puissance moyenne de 16 W à 976 nm soit une énergie de 0,8 μJ et une puissance crête de 52kW. Ce qui représente une efficacité de conversion de 12%. / Gas laser technology (Ar ion and HeCd lasers) is now largely obsolete, with new production rapidly disappearing. Given the vast application domain based around these wavelengths (488nm, 325 nm…), it seems extremely important to develop alternative solutions. The work presented in this thesis covers the study of relevant solutions via frequency conversion of Yb fiber lasers emitting on the three level transition at 976 nm. The necessary conditions for laser operation in this zone where absorption and emission peaks are superimposed are presented. Next, we present the development of a single mode, single frequency source at 976 nm giving a record 35W output power with diffraction limited performance (M2<1.1). Frequency doubling of the fundamental radiation in a PPSLT crystal allowed the generation of more than 4W of output at 488 nm in a single pass configuration with extremely low noise (0.05%RMS from 100Hz to 10MHz).Subsequently, 760 mW of output power was generated at 325 nm via frequency tripling of a multi-watt nanosecond source at 976 nm (5ns, 100 kHz). Type I and type II interactions in LBO were used in this case allowing us to demonstrate an overall conversion efficiency of 10% from IR to UV.Finally, we report on the generation of 2W of output power at 325 nm by frequency tripling of a 15 ps laser generating 16W at 976 nm, representing a pulse energy of 0.8μJ and a peak power of 52 kW (conversion efficiency of 12%).
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Produção e caracterização de filmes finos amorfos de germanato codopados com Tm3+ e Yb3+ contendo nanopartículas metálicas para a produção de guias de onda. / Production and characterization of Tm3+ and YB3+ codoped germanate amorphous thin films containing metallic nanoparticles for the production of waveguides.Assumpção, Thiago Alexandre Alves de 24 September 2015 (has links)
O trabalho em questão mostra a possibilidade de produção de guias de onda por meio de filme finos de GeO2-PbO codopados com Tm3+/Yb3+, com e sem nanopartículas (NPs) de ouro, a partir da técnica de RF Magnetron Sputtering. Foram usados nos processos de fabricação dos guias de onda do tipo RIB e PEDESTAL, as mesmas técnicas empregadas na fabricação de dispositivos de microeletrônica, tais como, litografia e corrosão por plasma. A influência dos parâmetros dos processos de produção é reportada e a caracterização dos guias foi realizada por diversas técnicas. Dentre elas, destacamos a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para a observação do perfil dos guias, as rugosidades de superfície e as espessuras das camadas utilizadas para a confecção dos mesmos. Medidas de transmitância óptica realizadas nos filmes permitiram a determinação do coeficiente de absorção óptica e do índice de refração, de aproximadamente 2,0, além da confirmação das espessuras dos filmes obtidos por Sputtering. Guias do tipo RIB foram descartados por dificuldades enfrentadas durante o processo de fabricação. Medidas ópticas de perdas por propagação, realizadas em guias do tipo PEDESTAL, mostraram que os melhores guias produzidos apresentaram perdas em torno de 5 dB/cm em 633 e 1050 nm, e medidas de perfil de campo próximo, além da simulação dos modos propagados, o comportamento de guiamento multímodo. Ganho óptico em torno de 13,5 dB/cm (em 805 nm) foi obtido em guia com largura de 30 ?m e potência de bombeio estimada de ~75 mW. Guias contendo NPs de ouro foram produzidos por meio de metodologia adequada que permitiu a nucleação das NPs (tamanho médio de 20 nm) e um ganho 22 dB/cm em 805 nm, portanto, duas vezes superior ao mesmo guia sem NPs (30 ?m de largura). Os resultados apresentados demonstram que guias de onda GeO2-PbO codopados com Tm3+/Yb3+, com ou sem NPs metálicas, são promissores para aplicações em dispositivos fotônicos, com a criação de dispositivos amplificadores integrados para operação na 1° janela de telecomunicações. / The work in question shows the possibility of producing waveguides by means of Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped GeO2-PbO thin films, with or without gold nanoparticles (NPs), by using the RF Magnetron Sputtering technique. For the production of RIB and PEDESTAL type waveguides, the techniques employed in the manufacture of microelectronics devices, such as plasma etching and lithography, were employed. The influences of the production process parameters are reported and the waveguides characterization was performed by several techniques. Among them, we highlight the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which was used to observe the profile of the waveguides, the surface roughness and thickness of the layers used for their production. Measurements of thin films optical transmittance allowed the determination of the optical absorption coefficient and refractive index of approximately 2.0, and also the confirmation of the thin films thicknesses obtained by Sputtering. RIB type waveguides were discarded due to the difficulties during the manufacturing process. Optical measurements of propagation losses, held in the PEDESTAL type guides, showed losses around 5 dB/cm at 633 and 1050 nm, for the best waveguides produced, and near-field profile measurements in addition to the simulation of the propagating modes, showed multimode coupling behavior. Optical internal gain around 13.5 dB/cm (at 805 nm) was obtained in waveguide with 30 µm width at ~75 mW estimated power pumping. Waveguide containing gold NPs were produced using adequate methodology that allowed the NPs nucleation (average size of 20 nm) and 22 dB/cm gain at 805 nm, therefore, twice higher than the value obtained for the same waveguide without NPs (30 ?m width). These results show that Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped GeO2-PbO waveguides, with or without metallic NPs, are promising for applications in photonic devices, with the creation of integrated amplifiers devices for operation in the first telecommunications window.
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Desenvolvimento de técnica para nucleação de nanopartículas metálicas em vidros de germanato dopados com íons de túlio para aplicações em dispositivos fotônicos. / Development of metalic nanoparticles nucleation technique in thulium doped germanate glasses for applications in photonic devices.Assumpção, Thiago Alexandre Alves de 03 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentadas a preparação, a metodologia adotada para a nucleação de nanopartículas (NPs) de prata e a investigação das propriedades luminescentes do sistema vítreo GeO2-PbO dopado com íons de túlio e codopado com íons de túlio e itérbio, na presença de NPs de prata, visando aplicação em dispositivos fotônicos. Este sistema vítreo apresenta uma larga janela de transmissão (400 4500 nm) quando comparado aos silicatos, boratos e fosfatos, alto índice de refração (2,0), baixas energia de fônon (700 cm-1), alta resistência mecânica e durabilidade química. Com a finalidade de se obter maior controle sobre o processo de nucleação das NPs, realizaram-se tratamentos térmicos de várias formas, variando-se principalmente as grandezas tempo e temperatura. A partir da Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET), a presença das NPs no material vítreo pôde ser confirmada, e pelas análises de Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersiva (EDS Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy), determinamos que as NPs possuem em sua composição prata, podendo elas serem puramente metálicas, e em alguns casos, compostas de prata e elementos da matriz. As medidas de absorção evidenciaram a incorporação dos íons Tm3+ e Yb3+ na forma trivalente, e a presença das bandas de absorção associadas à Ressonância dos Plasmons Superficiais (RPS) da prata, localizadas no intervalo de 420 a 550 nm. Foram medidas as bandas associadas à conversão ascendente (CA) do Tm3+ em 480, 650 e 800 nm, devidas às transições 1G4 3H6, 1G4 3F4, 3H4 3H6, respectivamente. Nas amostras contendo NPs de prata, tratadas a 420 °C, não foi observada a banda de RPS da prata. Entretanto, um aumento na luminescência foi verificado, assim como a presença das NPs por MET. No caso das amostras tratadas por intervalos de tempo contínuos e não-contínuos, observamos a tendência de formação de NPs menores, maiores e agregados, e maior tendência de aumento da luminescência para o segundo caso; no caso da variação da temperatura, observamos a formação da banda de RPS da prata para tratamentos superiores a 500 °C realizados em curto intervalo de tempo, e um aumento considerável da luminescência. As variações no processo de nucleação das NPs foram relacionadas às formas de tratamento adotadas. O estudo da variação da intensidade de luminescência em função da potência do laser de excitação mostrou que as NPs não interferem nos processos de CA dos íons Tm3+. Desta forma, o aumento da luminescência foi atribuído ao aumento do campo local nas proximidades dos íons de terras-raras (TRs). Portanto, o desenvolvimento de um método adequado de tratamento térmico desempenha um papel fundamental no processo de nucleação das NPs, e pode permitir um aumento considerável da luminescência proveniente dos íons de TRs, e conferir novas propriedades aos materiais e aplicações em dispositivos fotônicos. / This work presents the preparation and the methodology used for the nucleation of silver nanoparticles (NPs), and the investigation of the luminescent properties of PbO-GeO2 glass system doped with thulium ions and codoped with thulium and ytterbium ions, in the presence of NPs silver, for application in photonic devices. This glass system presents a large transmission window (400 4500 nm) when compared to silicates, borates and phosphates, high refractive index (2.0), low phonon energy (700 cm-1), high mechanical strength and chemical durability. In order to obtain greater control over the process of nucleation of NPs, different processes were used for the heat-treatment, varying mainly the time and the temperature. From the transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the presence of NPs in the glassy material could be confirmed, and from Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis, it was determined that the NPs have silver in their composition. The NPs may be purely metallic and, in some cases, composed by silver and elements of the matrix glass. Optical Absorption measurements showed the incorporation of Tm3+ and Yb3+ ions in the trivalent form, and the presence of absorption bands related to the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) of silver, located in the range of 420 to 550 nm. Bands associated to Tm3+ upconversion (UPC) frequency centered around 480, 650 and 800 nm were observed due to transitions 1G4 3H6, 1G4 3F4, 3H4 3H6, respectively. The SPR of silver NPs were not observed for the samples heat-treated at 420 °C, which contained silver NPs in their composition. However, an increase in the luminescence was observed and the presence of NPs was confirmed by TEM analyses. For the samples heat-treated by continuous and non-continuous time intervals, we observed the tendency of the formation of smaller, larger and aggregated NPs, and a higher tendency of enhancement of the luminescence for the second case. For the samples heat-treated at different temperatures in short time interval, we observed the formation of the SPR band for temperatures higher than 500 °C, and a considerable increase in the luminescence. Variations in the process of NPs nucleation were related to the different heat-treatments adopted. The study of the luminescence intensity variation as function of the laser power excitation showed that the NPs do not interfere in the Tm3+ UPC luminescence processes. Thus, the enhancement in the luminescence was attributed to local field enhancement in the proximities of rare-earth ions (REIs). Therefore, the development of an appropriate method of heat-treatment plays an important role in the process of NPs nucleation, and enables a considerable increase in the luminescence from the REIs, and gives new properties to materials which are of great interest for applications in photonic devices.
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Produção e caracterização de vidros de telureto tridopados com íons de terras raras e nanopartículas metálicas para uso em displays coloridos. / Production and characterization of tellurite glasses doped with rare earth ions and metallic nanoparticles for use in color displays.Amâncio, Carlos Taveira 08 April 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho são apresentados estudos de produção e caracterização de amostras vítreas de TeO2-PbO-GeO2 dopadas com íons de érbio, túlio e itérbio preparadas com diferentes nanopartículas metálicas para aplicações em dispositivos como displays coloridos. Este sistema vítreo apresenta uma larga janela de transmissão no visível e no infravermelho (350 6500 nm), alta solubilidade para os íons de terras raras, baixa energia de fônon (em torno de 700 cm-1) e considerável estabilidade química, mecânica e térmica, que são fatores indispensáveis para produção de displays ou dispositivos utilizados para iluminação. Este trabalho pode ser dividido em três partes, sendo iniciado com o estudo da fotoluminescência de vidros de telureto com dopante érbio, seguido do estudo da codopagem com érbio e itérbio. Na segunda parte é estudada a interferência das nanopartículas metálicas na luminescência das amostras codopadas com érbio e itérbio e, finalmente, na terceira parte, são estudadas amostras tridopadas com érbio, túlio e itérbio com e sem nanopartículas metálicas. Através das medidas de absorção óptica e medidas de emissão, foi observada a incorporação dos íons de terras raras na forma trivalente e por meio das medidas de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de elétrons foi analisada a nucleação das nanopartículas metálicas. Dentre as amostras codopadas, produzidas com diferentes nanopartículas metálicas, destaca-se a amostra com nucleação de prata para a qual foi observado aumento da luminescência de conversão ascendente do érbio de aproximadamente 50%. As amostras tridopadas mostraram-se promissoras para aplicações com displays coloridos. / This works presents studies of the production and the characterization of TeO2 -PbO-GeO2 doped with erbium, thulium and ytterbium ions and also prepared with different metallic nanoparticles for applications in displays. This glass system presents a broad transmission window in the visible and infrared (350 - 6500 nm), high solubility for rare earth ions, low phonon energy (about 700 cm-1) and considerable chemical, mechanical and thermal, stabilities which are important factors for the production of displays or devices used for illumination. This work can be divided in three parts, and starts with the study of the photoluminescence of teluritte glasses doped with erbium followed by the study of erbium and ytterbium codoped glasses. The second part presents the influence of metallic nanoparticles on the luminescence of samples codoped with erbium and ytterbium and, finally, in the third part, the study of samples doped with erbium, thulium and ytterbium with and without metallic nanoparticles. The incorporation of rare earth ions in the trivalent form was determined by means of optical absorption and emission measurements and, by using the transmission electron microscopy technique to the nucleation of metallic nanoparticles. Among the codoped samples, produced with different metallic nanoparticles, we remark the sample produced with silver nanoparticles that presented enhancement of erbium upconversion luminescence of approximately 50%. Samples doped with erbium, thulium and ytterbium showed possible applications for full color displays.
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Ion Friction at Small Values of the Coulomb LogarithmSprenkle, Robert Tucker 01 July 2018 (has links)
We create a dual-species ultracold neutral plasma (UNP) by photo-ionizing Yb and Ca atoms in a dual-species magneto-optical trap. Unlike single-species UNP expansion, these plasmas are well outside of the collisionless (Vlasov) approximation. We observe the mutual interaction of the Yb and Ca ions by measuring the velocity distribution for each ion species separately. We model the expansion using a fluid code including ion-ion friction and compare with experimental results to obtain a value of the Coulomb logarithm of Λ= 0.04.
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