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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'externalisation administrative : Éléments pour une théorie / Administrative externalisation : Items for a theory

Reneau, Raphaël 14 November 2017 (has links)
Apparu il y a près d’une vingtaine d’années dans le discours doctrinal en droit administratif, le terme d’externalisation est encore aujourd’hui paradoxalement très peu présent dans le langage théorique des juristes, et quasiment absent du droit positif et des prétoires. Le plus souvent employé en tant que vocable « cosmétique » et idéologique, il est en effet principalement destiné à rendre compte, de manière générale, du tournant managérial emprunté par l’organisation et la gestion de l’action administrative dans le cadre de la réforme de l’État, et sous l’influence des préceptes du New Public Management. Il n’est toutefois pas voué à demeurer simplement un idiome caractéristique de l’émergence d’une nouvelle posture de l’État et des personnes publiques. Il peut en l’occurrence être envisagé comme un concept à part entière intégré à la théorie générale du droit adminsitratif : l’externalisation administrative. En tant que tel, il offre l’opportunité d’une approche originale des transformations contemporaines traversant ce champ disciplinaire, et permet de proposer une définition et un contenu proprement administratif à ce terme maintes fois évoqué et si peu souvent précisé. Inspirée des acquis des sciences économiques, et de gestion et des travaux menés par la doctrine civiliste, la conceptualisation de l’externalisation administrative aboutit à la découverte d’un mode de gestion inédit de l’action administrative fondé sur une logique de coopération, et recouvrant l’emploi par les personnes publiques d’instruments juridiques traditionnels dotés d’une fonction singulière afin d’habiliter un tiers à participer à la réalisation d’une compétence qui leur est attribuée par l’ordre juridique. Ainsi élaboré, le concept d’externalisation administrative se déploie dans le cadre de l’accomplissement de la compétence matérielle des autorités administratives, sous de multiples formes juridiques et dans des domaines d’activités divers, par le moyen d’une instrumentalisation de l’obligation révélant une conception renouvelée de celle-ci. Il apporte par conséquent des éléments de compréhension inédits de l’évolution des modes d’intervention des personnes publiques. Du titre au sous-titre, l’utilité théorique de ce concept se mesure alors à l’aune du contenu qui lui est assigné, lequel pose les jalons d’une théorie de l’externalisation administrative et, au-delà, d’une théorie de la gestion coopérative de l’action administrative. / Appeared almost twenty years ago in the doctrinal discourse of administrativ law, still today the term of externalisation is paradoxically not very present in the theoretical language of lawyers, and nearly absent in the positiv law and in the courtrooms. Indeed it is employed most of the time as a « cosmetic » and ideological term mainly destined to realize, generally, of the managerial turn borrowed by organization and management of administrative action in the framework of state reform, and under the influence of the New Public Management precepts. However, it is not dedicated to remain simply as an idiom representative of emergence of a new posture of state and public authorities. As it happens, it can be considered as a concept in full integrated to the general theory of administrativ law. As such, it offers opportunity of an original approach of contemporary transformations crossing this disciplinary purview, and allows to provide a definition and a contents properly administrative to this term many times mentioned and so litte specified. Inspired by the achievements of economics and management, and the works conducts by civil law doctrine, the conceptualization of administrative externalisation leads to the discovery of an novel management mode of administrative action based on a logic of cooperation, and covering the recourse by public authorities at traditional juridical instruments endued of a singular function to empower a third party to share in the realisation of an ability assigned to them by the legal order. Thus elaborated, the administrative externalisation concept unflods in the framework of fulfillement of the concret public authorities ability, under multiple juridical forms and in various fields of activity, by the means of an instrumentalization of the obligation revealing a renewed conception of this one. Therefore, it brings unprecedented elements of understanding of evolution of methods of intervention by the administrative authorities. From title to subtitle, theoretical utility of this concept is measured so in terms of the content assigned to it, wich sets the milestones of an administrative externalisation theory and, beyond, of a cooperative management of administrative action theory.

Proposta de um processo de remoção a pedido para os técnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria / Proposal of a process to request a transfer for the technical-administrative staff of Santa Maria s Federal University

Teixeira, Priscilla Westphalen Berneira 17 December 2014 (has links)
This dissertation was developed in order to analyze the process of transfering the technical-administrative staff in education of UFSM in order to propose improvements, which are aligned to the needs and goals of the institution. This approach came from the need of the regulation of this process, in which there is no standardization. For this reason we carried out a qualitative, descriptive study through a case study. Data we collected searching the websites of the 59 Federal Universities of Brazil except UFSM, questionnaires for the Federal Universities of Rio Grande do Sul and participant observation. This searching on the 58 websites was to find models that could be used in UFSM, but adapting them to the institution. Of the 58 investigated universities, a sample was harvested out of 28 that could be better exploited. The remaining 29 were disregarded as lacking information on their websites or when these were insufficient. Soon after it became a clipping of this sample focusing on the Federal Universities of Rio Grande do Sul, due to the fact that they are inserted in the same reality of the UFSM, and, for these, a questionnaire with predominantly open questions was sent to those responsible for removal proceedings reply. Of these, 3 of the 4 questionnaires returned. Data analysis was performed by means of content analysis which enabled the development of a viable and adequate purpose to UFSM that will meet the needs of the of Institution expediting the execution of these transfers, as well as making them more transparent. / Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de analisar o processo de remoção a pedido dos servidores técnico-administrativos em educação da UFSM, a fim de propor melhorias alinhadas às necessidades e aos objetivos da Instituição. Esse enfoque surgiu da necessidade da normatização desse processo o qual não possui padronização alguma. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter descritivo através de um estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio da busca nos sites das 59 Universidades Federais do Brasil exceto no da UFSM, questionário para as Universidades Federais do Rio Grande do Sul e observação participante. Na busca dos 58 sites procurou-se encontrar modelos que pudessem ser utilizados na UFSM, porém adequando-os à instituição. Das 58 universidades pesquisadas, colheu-se uma amostra de 29 que puderam ser mais bem exploradas. As demais 29 foram desconsideradas por ausência ou insuficiência de informações em seus sites. Logo após, fez-se um recorte dessa amostra focando nas Universidades Federais do Rio Grande do Sul, devido ao fato de estarem inseridas na mesma realidade da UFSM, e, para estas, foi enviado um questionário com perguntas predominantemente abertas, para que os responsáveis pelo processo de remoção respondessem. Obteve-se retorno de 3 do total de 4 questionários enviados. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio de análise de conteúdo, possibilitando a elaboração de uma proposta viável e adequada para a UFSM, pois acredita-se que a proposta venha ao encontro das necessidades da Instituição agilizando a efetivação das remoções, bem como tornando-as mais transparentes.

Biståndshandläggningens villkor inom kundvalsmodellens ram : en kvalitativ studie i Stockholms län / The terms of care management in the client-choice model : a qualitative study in Stockholm County

Nilsson, Mårten, Skoglund, Beatrice January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Empricial Relevance of Performance Management Systems : A Study of Swedish Municipalities / Ekonomi- och Verksamhetsstyrning i Svenska Kommuner

Karahasanovic, Kemal, Olsson, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
The aim is to study the empirical relevance of performance management systems in the public sector, based on the performance management systems framework. A qualitative approach was chosen, making three case studies of Swedish municipalities by conducting personal interviews. The municipal chief executive, municipal CFO and a financial manager at a department were chosen at every municipality, providing us with diversified as well as accurate information. The interviews were based on the PMSs framework developed by Ferreira and Otley (2009), giving a broad and detailed description of the systems. This information, together with the theoretical framework, was then processed, leading up to the analysis and conclusions. Pursuant to the new public management, performance management is a relatively new concept in the public sector. The three studied municipalities all have relatively new PMSs, showing that this area is empirically relevant to study. As expected, the municipalities displayed both positive and negative sides of their systems, described in more detail in the paper. The PMSs framework is considered a useful tool in this study, making it relevant in the public sector. Still, both benefits and drawbacks are found, presented together with possible improvements.

Impact of publicly reported quality assurance on inter-organisational networks : case study of Bahrain education reforms

Al Oraibi, Maitham Ahmed January 2015 (has links)
Audit, inspection and quality assurance are aspects of a broader but rapidly evolving "performance measurement"; which is part of the performance management (PM) in public administration. The effectiveness of PM and its public reporting are not established in all contexts and applications. In some contexts, PM public reporting is used along with other measures such as inter-organisational networks to reform public service provision. In such contexts, how PM reporting help stakeholders in a network? There have been different conceptual frameworks and models explored in the literature that aim to explain how networked governance works. None of the available models, however, addresses the impact of an outside performance measurement tools. The review of literature, on the perspective of inter-organisational network, shows a need to explore more deeply what is going on within the network, and how the network interacts with its boundaries and outside context. Therefore, the overall objective for this research is to propose a conceptual model that can explain the impact of externally reported PM, an example of which is independent mandatory quality assurance (QA), on inter-organisational networks dynamics and outcomes. The research starts by building an ‘initial theoretical conceptual’ model based on theoretically derived influences of PM on the dynamics and outcomes of a network. The research uses qualitative case study strategy, using data from four cases, all linked with national education and training reform initiatives in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Participants representing the four cases were interviewed using semi-structured interview protocol. Data collected were analysed through two-order thematic analyses, and the results were used to revise the initial model and develop a novel conceptual model for this purpose. The results of the analyses contribute to existing theories by proposing four themes, covered by four propositions, in which QA public reporting impacts the network dynamics – namely on accountability, engagement and trust, power and control; and collaborations and cooperation. The impact on the network dynamics may lead to the achievement of some collaborative advantages, after going through the resistance of some collaborative inertias that may exist in the system and context in which network operates. In summary, QA reporting, in the case of this research, is an external variable to the network setting which activates members and offers a medium of change around members, within a network as well as outside it. The researcher introduces the term ‘network catalyst’ to describe the role of QA reporting in this context.

"Det här med pengar på ett bräde, det vete tusan" : En studie om samhällskunskapslärares upplevelser av 2016 års lärarlönelyft / A salary increase under what conditions? : A study of social studies teachers' experiences of the 2016 salary reform

Slotte, Simon January 2017 (has links)
I februari år 2016 presenterades Lärarlönelyftet av regeringen med syfte att stärka kvaliteten på den svenska skolan genom att belöna “särskilt skickliga lärare”. De lärare som reformen riktats till, utifrån bestämda statliga kriterier, skulle kunna tjäna upp till 3000 kronor mer i månaden än tidigare. På grund av den begränsade investerade summan kunde endast en tredjedel av lärarkåren erhålla löneförhöjningen. Hur har detta kommit att mottas i den svenska skolan? Intervjuer med sex samhällskunskapslärare på en kommunal skola genomfördes. Med utgångspunkt i Rothsteins teori om sociala fällor och tillitens problem påvisade intervjuerna en avsaknad av tillit hos lärarna på ett flertal olika sätt. I huvudsak betonades vikten av insyn och tydlighet i hela beslutskedjan från regeringen till den lokala skolan, som i den här studien kallats Alfabetskolan. Lärarna upplevde en brist på tydlighet, vilket medförde att lärarna avfärdade de statliga kriterierna som viktiga för befordran och istället spekulerade i att rektorernas urval baserats på annan information. Även om Alfabetskolans arbetsplatsklimat präglades av tystnad, var det svårt att se hur kollegialiteten på arbetsplatsen skulle försämras på grund av reformen. Däremot framkom en oenighet bland lärarna över löneskillnader. Den ena gruppen av lärare förespråkade jämna löner medan den andra gruppen förespråkade utvidgade löneskillnader. / In the early months of 2016 a reform called Lärarlönelyftet, aimed to raise the quality of teachers, was presented by the Swedish government. The reform was specifically designed to reward “especially skilled teachers” that, based on a couple of set criteria, could earn a raise up to 3000 Swedish crowns more if selected. Because of the limited amount of invested money from the government, only a third of the teaching faculty were able to earn this raise. How was this to be received by the teachers? Interviews were conducted with six social studies teachers in one Public School. Drawing on Rothsteins theory of social traps and the problem of trust, the interviews indicated that there were trust issues in multiple ways. Mainly these trust issues stressed the need for transparency and clarity all the way from the Government down to the local school, in this study called Alfabetskolan. Without this clarity, the teachers found the criteria for salary raise inconclusive. This led to a questioning about the practical relevance of the criteria, leading to wide spread speculation during the interviews. Although the workplace climate was characterized by silence from the school administration as well as between teachers, no conclusions could be made whether the reform would affect the collegiality in a negative way. The study was however able to stress an issue of not all teachers being on board on the terms of unequal salary. Two sides presented themselves during the interviews, with one side promoting salary differences and the other side preferring more equal salaries within the teaching faculty.

"Så bör vi arbeta", förändring från myndighetsorganisation till serviceorganisation med kunden i centrum : en studie inom samhällsbyggnadsenheten i Åstorps kommun

Johansson, Mathias January 2017 (has links)
Implementerandet av styrnings- och organisationsmodeller hämtade i det privata näringslivet ställer stora krav på den kommunala förvaltningen och dess tjänstemän. Rättssäkerhet, likabehandling och effektivitet ska kombineras med egna initiativ, personligt ansvarstagande och övergripande mål. En allt större grad av delegering från politiker och ledning till den enskilde tjänstemannen kräver nya sätt att arbeta och en ny syn på medborgaren. Rollerna riskerar att bli mer föränderliga och målen vaga samtidigt som det föreligger en ständigt närvarande kontroll och kontinuerlig utvärdering av verksamheten. Syftet med denna studie är att övergripande beskriva och analysera hur tjänstemännen hos samhällsbyggnadsenheten inom Åstorps kommun upplever sin egen och medborgarnas roll i en tid av förändringar i arbetssättet och där målet är att öka servicegraden och sätta kunden i centrum. Genom intervjuer med förvaltningens tjänstemän framkommer bland annat önskemål om större eget ansvar, tydligare politiska mål men utan detaljstyrning samt en mer ingående dialog med kunden. Studiens resultat pekar mot att det är möjligt att införa näringslivsinspirerande styrnings- och organisationsmodeller men dessa kan inte helt ersätta den offentliga förvaltningens traditionella legalbyråkratiska arbetssätt.

The Effects of Private-Prison Management on Observed Rates of Recidivism: A Meta-Analysis of Existing Research

Bath, Joshua January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines evolving trends within public administration which have spurred the rise of privatized services in areas of governance traditionally provided by governments. One such area of governance in the United States has been the nation’s criminal justice system, specifically, the privatization of correctional facilities. Given what many would argue is an axiomatically different, profit-maximizing, goal-orientation among private sector actors from their public counterparts, many are questioning what impacts this could have on the dispersal of services within prisons, and specifically, the observed rates of recidivism once inmates are brought back into life outside of the institution. In assessing this development, the fields of New Public Management, Alternative Service Delivery, and Public-Private Partnerships are considered. The paper then conducts an historical review on the use, and prevalence, of privatized correctional facilities in the United States, including considerations of economic and academic debates. In assessing the academic debates, it is found that research on the use of private prisons and their relationship to recidivism rates have provided mixed results. It is also illustrated that the studies employ a variety of methodological differences. This paper seeks to understand whether the methodological differences between the studies have impacted the outcomes of the studies’ results. This is realized through a meta-analysis of existing studies in the field using statistical tools. In concluding, measurement and methodological considerations are found to have impacts on the results of the researchers’ studies.

Moderní metody managementu ve veřejné správě / Modern methods of Management in public administration

Vansa, Luboš January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is intended on methods of Management in public administration. First, theoretical part is dedicated to historical periods of public administration in Czech Republic and classification of Management in public administration. Second part is orientated on implementation of selected methods in public organization in Czech Republic.

Performance management and local government administration in Ghana : the case of the District Development Facility and the Functional Organisational Assessment Tool

Bukari Zakaria, Hamza Zakaria January 2014 (has links)
For the past two decades, interest in the performance of local governments has become high in public management. The wave of performance consciousness has thus far diffused from developed countries to developing countries where decreasing public confidence and trust in government has made the implementation of performance management policies a way of improving public perception of government performance. Meanwhile, the implementation of such policies is often based on untested assumptions some of which constitute gaps in the literature. For instance, it is understood that performance management systems enable public organisations that provide services to satisfy citizens’ demand for services. It is also assumed that mechanisms for managing organisational performance recognise and address the interests of multiple stakeholders in an organisational environment and that once performance management systems generate performance information, decision makers are likely to use that information to advance the goals of their organisations. This study explores these assertions by investigating performance management practices of local government authorities in Ghana. It sets out to understand how local governments manage organisational performance and what shapes their performance. It also examines the scope of a performance enhancing policy to determine whether it addresses multiple perspectives of organisational performance and the extent to which local government managers use performance information to improve service delivery. The study adopts a qualitative research approach by using data from interviews, focus group discussions, observations and documents to construct and interpret research findings. This research identified internal and external mechanisms for managing local government performance and found that central-local government relations allows the former to influence the latter’s priorities by imposing on them, the national development policy, in ways that define development planning, performance reporting and local government controls. Following Kaplan and Norton (1992), a Balanced Score Card framework was used to examine the scope of performance indicators used to assess the performance of local governments under the District Development Facility. The findings reveal that performance indicators tend to be skewed towards financial and internal organisational aspects of performance rather than incorporating citizens’ views about local government performance or promoting organisational learning, innovation and accountability. The findings offer insights for re-examining multiple principal-agent relationships at the local government level where the assessment of local government performance excludes the opinions of local residents and affects local governments’ accountability to citizens. Although developing a culture of performance emerged as a key factor for improving local government performance, the findings revealed that the use of performance information by local government managers to make decisions on service delivery depends on the importance of performance information, their commitment to central government’s priorities, reporting requirements of externally funded projects and public service motivation. This study concludes that the utilisation of performance information to improve service delivery is necessary but not sufficient without adopting an all-inclusive, citizen-centred approach woven into the formulation, implementation and evaluation of performance management systems in a developing country context.

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