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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ta tillvara dessa stunder : Om att som förskollärare balansera klokt mellan arbete i barngruppen och administration

Mustaniemi, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Denna vetenskapliga essä undersöker möjligheterna att finna balans i förskollärarrollen när det kommer till arbetet i barngrupp och det administrativa arbetet. Studien sker till största del på en förskola i Stockholmsområdet där jag själv arbetar som förskollärare, med undantag för vissa gestaltningar som skett på tidigare arbetsplatser. Vi lever ett mätbarhetssamhälle idag, där resultatfokuset tar mer plats vilket märks även inom de olika skolformerna där förskolan är den första instansen. Denna studie syftar till att försöka finna balans i förskollärarrollen mellan det praktiska arbetet i barngrupp och det administrativa arbetet som kräver tid ur det praktiska arbetet i barngruppen. Läroplanen för förskolan (Lpfö 18) beskriver hur förskolans utbildning alltid ska vila på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet. Studien syftar till att skapa en förståelse för den stora mängd administration som krävs inom förskolan idag och ställer sig frågande till vad som egentligen är av vikt att administreras. Genom att använda mig av gestaltningar, deltagande observationer med influenser av aktionsforskning kopplat till Bornemarks mätbarhetsbegrepp, Aristoteles tankar om klokhet och Forssell & Ivarsson Westermarks texter om administration gör jag en resa genom den administrativa världen och vad den kan tänkas ge tillbaka, liksom ta från den utbildning jag önskar ge till barnen i förskolan.   En mening som återkommer genom uppsatsskrivandet är ta tillvara dessa stunder. Mina reflektioner kretsar kring vilka stunder jag ska ta tillvara och hur den praktiska kunskapen jag som förskollärare utvecklar, kan tänkas användbar genom att administreras. Kan jag i min förskollärarroll utveckla mitt praktiska kunnande framåt genom ett administrativt arbete? Jag vill få fatt i vad som sker om jag ibland lyfter blicken mot barnen istället för att ta tillvara dessa stunder av administrativa arbetsuppgifter utanför barngruppen. Vad kan det tänkas ge för effekter i det långa loppet när det kommer till min roll som förskollärare, barngruppens utbildning och samhället i sig? / Seize these moments – on preschool teachers’ ability to balance wisely between their work with children and administration This scientific essay examines the possibilities of finding balance in the preschool teacher's role when it comes to working in children´s groups and the administrative work. The study mostly takes place at a preschool in the Stockholm area where I myself work as a preschool teacher, along with certain characterizations that took place at previous workplaces. We live in a measurability society today, where the focus on results takes up more and more space and this is also noticeable within the various school forms where the preschool is the first instance. This study aims to try to find a balance in the preschool teacher's role between the practical work in the children's group and the administrative work that requires more and more time from the children. The curriculum for preschool (Lpfö 18) describes how preschool education should always rest on a scientific basis and proven experience. This study aims to create an understanding of the large amount of administration required in preschools today and questions what’s important to be administered in the long run. By using representations, participatory observations with influences from action research linked to Bornemark's concept of measurability, Aristotle's thoughts on wisdom and Forssell & Ivarsson Westerberg's text on administration, I make a journey through the administrative world and what it can conceivably give back, as well as take from the education I wish to give to the children in preschool.   A sentence that recurs throughout the essay writing is seize these moments. My reflections revolve around which moments I should take advantage of and how the practical knowledge I develop as a preschool teacher can be considered useful by being administrated. In my role as a preschool teacher, I wonder how I can develop my practical skills going forward through administrative work. I want to understand what happens if I sometimes focus on the children instead of taking advantage of these moments of administrative work outside the children's group. What kind of effects can it conceivably have in the long run when it comes to my role as a preschool teacher, the children's group's education, and society itself?

Medborgaren som kund : En kvalitativ studie av begreppet kund i Umeå kommun, Kalmar kommun och Helsingborgs stad / The Citizen as a Customer : A Qualitative Study of the term Customer in Municipality of Umeå, Municipality of Kalmar and the City of Helsingborg

Olsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
This essay will explain if and how the term customer is used at the municipal level in Sweden and if the officials in the chosen municipalities thinks the term customer affect the municipality's functions. Lundquist's theoretical perspective on our public ethos has been applied to explain the use of the term customer and its impact. By using a qualitative method based on semi-structured inverviews with officials and text analysis of local government documents, the municipalities of Kalmar, Umeå and the city of Helsingborg have been studied to fulfill this essays purpose. The result of the essay concludes that the term customer is used in different ways within the municipality and externally. According to the interviewed officials the term also has an impact on the municipality's functions and services.

Implementering av tillitsbaserad ledning : En kvalitativ undersökning av tillitsbaserat ledarskap genomförd på en svensk myndighet

Strömberg, Raili January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att inom en anonymiserad svensk myndighet kartlägga chefers, i olika positioner, uppfattningar om tillitsbaserat ledarskap. Även hinder och möjligheter att arbeta tillitsbaserat kartläggs. Metoden som valts är är en kvalitativ intervju med en fenomenografisk ansats i syfte att få fram likheter och skillnader i chefers upplevelse av tillitsbaserat ledarskap. Resultatet visar både på en del variation och samstämmighet i vad chefer uppfattar och ser för utvecklingsmöjligheter och hinder. Slutsatsen visar att myndigheten är i en uppstartsfas av implementeringen och det beskrivs ett önskemål om en progression, en samsyn och ett förtydligande i hur arbetet ska fortskrida.

Sökes: Strukturerad, flexibel och stresstålig socialsekreterare med skrivvana

Fonseca, Rasmus, Brolin, Alice January 2014 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur New Public Management (NPM) påverkar socialsekreterares möjlighet att arbeta professionellt, samt hur de hanterar denna påverkan. Studiens metodologiska ansats är kvalitativ där empirin baseras på fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgörs av teorier kring NPM, professionalitet och handlingsstrategier. I resultatdelen redovisas intervjupersonernas bild av professionalitet. Denna beskrivning sätts därefter i relation till NPM:s inverkan på deras professionalitet. Resultatet visar att organisationernas övergripande mål, i linje med NPM, är att hålla budget och kostnadseffektivisera, vilket hamnar i konflikt med socialsekreterarnas syn på professionellt arbete. Denna konflikt begränsar socialsekreterarnas möjlighet att arbeta utifrån sin utbildning, yrkeserfarenhet och ett klientperspektiv. Begränsningarna innefattar även: en stor administrativ arbetsbörda, detaljstyrning från ledningsnivå och krav på att använda standardiserade och mätbara metoder. Sammanfattningsvis innebär dessa begränsningar att det är organisationens definition av professionalitet som styr hur socialsekreterarna ska utföra sitt arbete. Då socialsekreterarna inte får utlopp för sin professionalitet hanterar de denna konflikt genom att på olika sätt protestera. I vissa fall upplever socialsekreterarna konflikten som så pass allvarlig att de väljer att lämna organisationen. / This study examines how New Public Management (NPM) affects the opportunity of social advisors to work professionally and how they deal with its influence. The study's methodological approach is qualitative. The empirical data are based on five semi-structured interviews with Swedish social advisors. The theoretical framework consists of theories about NPM, professionalism and action strategies. The results section of the study depicts the interviewees definition of professional-ism. This definition is later related to how they perceive that NPM affects their ability to work professionally. The results indicate that the organizations overall objectives to meet the budget and achieve cost efficiency leads to a conflict with the social advisors' views on professional work. This conflict limits the social ad-visors ability to work in accordance with their training, professional experience or from a client’s point of view. The limitations also include: A heavy administrative workload, micro-management from the management level, and a requirement to use standardized and measurable methods. In summary, these limitations make sure that the organization's definition of professionalism sets the framework for how social advisors should do their work. Social advisors deal with this conflict by protesting in various ways. In some cases, when the social advisors experience the conflict as especially severe they choose to leave the organization.Keywords: action strategies, New Public Management, occupational professionalism, organizational professionalism, professionalism, social adviser

Vårdval inom LARO

Johansson, Rikard, Bynke, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Bynke, G. & Johansson, R. Vårdval inom LARO (Läkemedelsassisterad rehabilitering vid opiatberoende). Examensarbete i Socialt arbete 15/30 högskolepoäng. Malmö Högskola: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för socialt arbete, 2013.Det svenska vården håller på att förändras då allt fler företagsinspirerade idéer har börjat föras i den offentliga förvaltningen. I Region Skåne förs vårdval in i allt fler vårdområden. Turen har nu kommit till missbruksvården och just nu beslutar man om ett införande av vårdval inom LARO, läkemedelsassisterad rehabilitering vid opiatberoende. Debatten pågår med ideologiska argument mellan politiker. I det här arbetet ställs frågan vad de professionella i Malmö Stad och Region Skåne ser för konsekvenser för berörda patienter med ett införande av vårdval inom LARO. Frågan är hur de som faktiskt jobbar med LARO i praktiken argumenterar kring ett vårdval. För att studera detta har en diskursanalys gjorts med en teoretisk utgångspunkt i new public management. Resultatet visade att den diskurs som förs av informanterna talar för ett vårdval. De främsta argumenten är att valmöjligheten ger patienterna mer inflytande och att konkurrensen förbättrar vården. I diskursen finns en rädsla för minskad restriktivitet men vinsterna bedöms värda risken.Nyckelord: diskursanalys, LARO, läkemedelsassisterad behandling, new public management, opiatberoende, vårdval / Bynke, G. & Johansson, R. Care choice in LARO (Medication-assisted Treatment for Opioid addiction). Examination work in Social Work 15/30 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2013.The Swedish health care is changing as more ideas inspired by companies have begun to establish in the public management. Region Skåne adopt care choices into more and more areas of care. The tour has now reached the addiction treatment and at the moment it decides on the introduction of care choice in LARO, medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction. The debate is going on with ideological arguments between politicians. In this work, the question is what impact the professionals in the City of Malmö and Region Skåne see for the patients with the introduction of care choice in LARO. The question is how they who actually work with LARO are arguing about a care choice. To study this, a discourse analysis has been made with a theoretical basis of new public management. The results showed that the discourse held by the interviewees speak well about a care choice. The main argument is that the reform gives patients more influence and that competition improves the quality of care. There is a fear in the discourse about reduced restrictiveness but the profits of the reform are deemed worthy of the risk.Keywords: care choice, discourse analysis, LARO, medication-assisted treatment, new public management, opiate addiction

Tjänstemannen som utvecklingsresurs - en fallstudie om tjänstemannens handlingsutrymme i organisatoriska utvecklingsprocesser

Eriksson, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
This essay is the result of a case study. The aim of this study has been to gain an understanding of government employee’s opportunity to be involved in and contribute to the processes tied to organizational development. The case study is based on the perspective of the government employees and their experience and thoughts regarding their opportunity to be a part of the organizational development. The empirical data that was generated by the case study has been analysed with New Public Management and Sense Of Coherence as a theoretical point of view. The case study has shown that government employee’s experience of being a part of the organizational development is very shifting depending on several influencing factors such as political control, governing within the organization and the employee’s own will and capacity to contribute to the organizational development. The case study has also shown the need to adapt the structure and governing of the organisation in order to be able use the full capacity of the government employees connected to organizational development.

The State and Non-profit Organizations

Magnusson, Josef January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker vilka strategier fyra organisationer från den ideella sektorn använder sig av för att hantera sitt samarbete med staten. Studien tar sitt avstamp i Staffan Johanssons teori om hur påtvingar ideell sektorn ett homogeniseringstryck. Genom att undersöka olika egenskaper hos den ideella sektorn, såsom ideologi, ekonomiska förutsättningar och möjligheten att vara me och påverka undersöks hur organisationerna uppfattar sin roll i samarbetet. Studien visar att ideologin och de ekonomiska förutsättningarna spelar avgörande roll för hur organisationerna kan strukturera både sig själva som organisation liksom deras arbete. I relationen till staten framstår det som viktigt att resursberoendet inte är allt för ensidigt för att organisationerna skall kunna hålla på sin särart och styra sin organisation i en självvald riktning. / This study examines the strategies four organizations from the voluntary sector uses to manage its cooperation with the State. The study takes its starting point in Staffan Johansson's theory of how imposing a non-profit sector with a homogenization pressure. By investigating various characteristics of the voluntary sector, such as ideology, economic conditions and the possibility of criticism, explores how organizations perceive their role in co-operation. The study shows that ideology and the economic environment plays key role in how organizations can structure themselves both as a organization and their work. In relation to the state, it seems important that resource dependence is not too one-sided for organizations to retain its character, ideology and control over their activities.

The Citizen Lab : A collaborative design exploration of citizenship / The Citizen Lab : A collaborative design exploration of citizenship

Mehta, Tanu January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis I explore how design makes and unmakes citizenship through a collaborative independent project together with design student Théo Löfgren. I start out by looking at how the Swedish administrative levels of governance unmake citizenship by designing the Swedish citizens into customers. This has consequences since costumers have no obligations towards the collective, thus affecting sustainability on all levels (social, cultural, economical and ecological). Through my collaborative independent project I wanted to use design to critique that citizens are being designed into customers, as well as to create a design that promotes a citizenship of rights and obligations by co-creation. The result is a prototype of an interactive space called the Citizen Lab in which we (me and Théo Löfgren) use provotypes to create a discussion about the ‘customer citizen’ and the approach of participatory design to engage citizens in co-creation. The Citizen Lab was staged at the city library of Malmö (‘Malmö Stadsbibliotek’). In collaboration with the library and The Enforcement Authority (‘Kronofogden’) participants of the lab got to speculate about the future connected to problems and possibilities suggested by the collaborators. In the end the Citizen Lab proved to be a space in which participants could engage in co-creation as well as a place for us to try out our design and methods which were iterated on during the staging.

"Exploring the Dimensions of Organizational Capacity for Local Social Service Delivery Organizations Using a Multi-Method Approach"

Bryan, Tara Kolar 24 January 2012 (has links)
Organizational capacity is a concept that has garnered increased attention from the public and nonprofit management literature in recent years. Capacity, broadly defined as the ability of an organization to fulfill its goals, has been of particular focus of scholars interested in understanding the variables that impact organizational performance. Despite the increased focus on organizational capacity in the literature, the concept remains vague. Given the fuzziness of the concept of capacity, there is much opportunity to contribute to the field's knowledge and measurement of the concept. This dissertation adds depth to the capacity literature in public and nonprofit management by identifying, describing and measuring the different dimensions of capacity relevant to local social service delivery organizations. Utilizing a two-phase sequential mixed method design including both interview and survey data, the findings suggest that organizational capacity consists of a number organizational resources and capabilities that impact the functioning of the internal organization as well as its relationships with other relevant organizations and external stakeholders. In particular, six dimensions of capacity were identified: human resource, financial resource, information technology, knowledge, stakeholder commitment, and collaborative. The survey results indicate that the six dimensions are connected to the theoretical construct of organizational capacity. However, results from the discriminant validity tests of the six subscales are mixed. This finding implies that these dimensions represent broad constructs that impact the other dimensions directly. This finding also highlights the challenge of defining and measuring discreetly the specific dimensions of capacity. Future research should examine these discrepancies in order to further disentangle capacity as a theoretical construct. / Ph. D.

The Contribution of Existential Thinking to Public Services Management

Lawler, John A. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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