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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecosystem-based design : addressing the loss of biodiversity and nature experience through architecture and ecology

Charest, Suzanne 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis is based on two observations. First, that conventional buildings cause two major losses that involve non-human nature – the loss of native biodiversity and the loss of non-human nature experience for the buildings’ human inhabitants – and that these losses both contribute to a perceived separation between humans and the rest of nature. Second, that there appears to be a growing interest in connecting buildings with nature but there is little agreement on what it actually means to ‘design with nature’. As such, the purpose of this study is two-fold: (1) to describe the meaning of ‘designing with nature’ in current architectural practice and provide a working definition of nature-based design, and (2) to explore how this can be interpreted to encourage human connectedness with non-human nature, while addressing the two major losses mentioned above. It is thus an attempt to reframe the role of building as one that provides for all inhabitants of a site, both human and non. A framework was developed that captures and summarizes the dominant ways in which design draws on nature. The framework emphasizes the importance of using ecosystems not only as models, but foremost as context. The core concepts of the framework can thus be discussed from the perspective of buildings that act like an ecosystem and that interact with their ecosystem, and are described as: ecological sense of place, regenerative ability, ecosystem health, mutually beneficial relationships, context, appropriate management, functions, ecosystem principles, values, patterns, conditions, and adaptations. Although the concepts presented in the framework are themselves not new, the way in which they are organized does contribute a new perspective on the field of nature-based design. In addition to providing a graphic model that summarizes the essence of an evolving field, the research highlights the role of scale and place in linking building design, native biodiversity, nature experience and connectedness with nature. It thus acts as a backdrop on which to bring a discussion of ecological citizenship into the architectural dialogue. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School of / Graduate

Do ideologies matter? : Idea analysis of foreign policy in the United States of America

Siedberg, Marie January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to clarify if there is an ideological difference within the political area of foreign policy of the United States. The question that will be answered is: Is the American foreign policy coloured by different ideologies, or has that area of politics become an arena without ideology differences? In order to answer the question, the method used in this essay is idea analysis using ideal types as analytical instrument. The texts that are being analysed are the State of the Union Addresses of four American presidents. The presidents are Carter, Reagan, Bush and Clinton and each president give this speech once a year. The presidents are chosen due to the fact that their presidencies follow each other and are as recently in time as possible. After analysing all of the speeches and considering the surrounding circumstances, like the Cold War, I came to the conclusion that there is no ideological difference within foreign policy of the United States of America. Some areas of foreign policy, however, show more or less connotations to either idealism or realism. Even tough ideology plays a part; there is no difference between the liberal party and the conservative party.

Structured peer-to-peer overlays for NATed churn intensive networks

Chowdhury, Farida January 2015 (has links)
The wide-spread coverage and ubiquitous presence of mobile networks has propelled the usage and adoption of mobile phones to an unprecedented level around the globe. The computing capabilities of these mobile phones have improved considerably, supporting a vast range of third party applications. Simultaneously, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlay networks have experienced a tremendous growth in terms of usage as well as popularity in recent years particularly in fixed wired networks. In particular, Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based Structured P2P overlay networks offer major advantages to users of mobile devices and networks such as scalable, fault tolerant and self-managing infrastructure which does not exhibit single points of failure. Integrating P2P overlays on the mobile network seems a logical progression; considering the popularities of both technologies. However, it imposes several challenges that need to be handled, such as the limited hardware capabilities of mobile phones and churn (i.e. the frequent join and leave of nodes within a network) intensive mobile networks offering limited yet expensive bandwidth availability. This thesis investigates the feasibility of extending P2P to mobile networks so that users can take advantage of both these technologies: P2P and mobile networks. This thesis utilises OverSim, a P2P simulator, to experiment with the performance of various P2P overlays, considering high churn and bandwidth consumption which are the two most crucial constraints of mobile networks. The experiment results show that Kademlia and EpiChord are the two most appropriate P2P overlays that could be implemented in mobile networks. Furthermore, Network Address Translation (NAT) is a major barrier to the adoption of P2P overlays in mobile networks. Integrating NAT traversal approaches with P2P overlays is a crucial step for P2P overlays to operate successfully on mobile networks. This thesis presents a general approach of NAT traversal for ring based overlays without the use of a single dedicated server which is then implemented in OverSim. Several experiments have been performed under NATs to determine the suitability of the chosen P2P overlays under NATed environments. The results show that the performance of these overlays is comparable in terms of successful lookups in both NATed and non-NATed environments; with Kademlia and EpiChord exhibiting the best performance. The presence of NATs and also the level of churn in a network influence the routing techniques used in P2P overlays. Recursive routing is more resilient to IP connectivity restrictions posed by NATs but not very robust in high churn environments, whereas iterative routing is more suitable to high churn networks, but difficult to use in NATed environments. Kademlia supports both these routing schemes whereas EpiChord only supports the iterating routing. This undermines the usefulness of EpiChord in NATed environments. In order to harness the advantages of both routing schemes, this thesis presents an adaptive routing scheme, called Churn Aware Routing Protocol (ChARP), combining recursive and iterative lookups where nodes can switch between recursive and iterative routing depending on their lifetimes. The proposed approach has been implemented in OverSim and several experiments have been carried out. The experiment results indicate an improved performance which in turn validates the applicability and suitability of ChARP in NATed environments.

Zahraničně politická orientace Ukrajiny z pohledu poselství prezidenta republiky a preferencí obyvatelstva / Ukraine's foreign policy orientation according to the presidential addresses and public preferences

Cibulková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Ukraine's foreign policy orientation according to the presidential addresses and public preferences" deals with the stability of Ukraine's foreign policy priorities in the period from independence until the year 2007. Through an analysis of presidential addresses the thesis concerns with Ukraine's definition towards its main foreign political partners - the EU, NATO, Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. The thesis follows changes of Ukraine's definition in context of domestic and international political development. Foreign political preferences of Ukrainian citizens in the period from the year 2000, or 2002 respectively, to 2007 are a matter of concern because of their significance for an assessment of relevance of foreign policy priorities set by the president.

”Det gifs väl få fruntimmer som ej kunna sticka strumpor…” : En textanalys av stickmönster från 1847−2018

Johansen, Ida January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is a text analysis of knitting patterns. The material are six knitting patterns from 1847 -2018. All the investigated material is written in Swedish. The purpose of the study was to analyse the relationship between the writer and the reader, and the view of the reader. This has been done by studying the values of the knitting books. The context dependent of the patterns has also been analysed, in terms of how the text addresses the reader, the voice of the writer and how much room the writer has to explain his or her intentions and inspiration. An important part of the study has been to analyse the pictures and illustrations in the pattern, and how they relate to the text. The result of the study showed that the older knitting patterns are more context dependent than the modern ones. There is a distinct development from passive addressing of the reader to a more direct, using personal pronouns and a friendlier approach. Newer patterns also give the writer more space to write about his or her inspiration and intentions. The relationship between the pictures and the text stays mostly the same during the investigated period. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-08-24</p>

Analýza a demonstrace vybraných IPv6 útoků / An Analysis of Selected IPv6 Network Attacks

Pivarník, Jozef January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis analyses and demonstrates selected IPv6 attacks including two Man-in-the-Middle attacks and one Denial of Service attack - Rogue Router Advertisement, Neighbor Cache Poisoning and Duplicate Address Detection DoS, respectively. In the first part the author presents necessary information related to the issue and provides detailed information on how to realize these attacks in practice using publicly available tools. The second part of the thesis presents various ways of mitigating presented attacks, analyses implementations of some of those countermeasures on Cisco and H3C devices and discussess their applicability.

Návrh vícejádrového procesoru ve VHDL / Design of the Multicore Processor in VHDL

Novotný, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to design and implement in the VHDL language a simple multiprocessor supporting parallel computing. Furthemore, the author has designed and realized universal transparent generic interconnection layer with the objective to connect any given number of processor cores to shared address space using arbitrated bus. Parametrized cache has been allocated to each core in the layer. MSI protocol was used to deal with the issue of memory coherence of the implemented system. Direct and indirect synchornisation support is available to the user. In order to verify the functionality of the system, simple processor core has been designed and implemented, and its copies were connected to the interconnection layer. Various testing programmes have been used to verify the functionality of the system, which also confirmed that the acceleration of computing has been achieved successfully. Virtex6 chip has been used to test the whole system.

Les FNA en français et en portugais: considérations théoriques et analyses fonctionnelles dans des débats médiatiques électoraux au Brésil, au Portugal et en France

Johnen, Thomas 14 November 2019 (has links)
Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Untersuchung der Funktionen und Verwendung nominaler Anredeformen in drei Fernsehwahldebatten in Brasilien, Frankreich und Portugal. / Cette étude a pour objectif de comparer la façon dont sont utilisées les formes nominales d’adresse dans des débats télévisés au Portugal, au Brésil et en France à partir de l’exemple des débats du second tour des élections présidentielles de 1986 au Portugal (entre Diogo Pinto de Freitas do Amaral et Mário Alberto Nobre Lopes Soares), de 2006 au Brésil (entre Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva et Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin Filho) et de 2007 en France (entre Ségolène Royal et Nicolas Sarkozy). Il s’agit donc d’une comparaison « cross-culturelle » impliquant d’une part, deux langues différentes (le portugais et le français) et d’autre part, deux variantes d’une langue « pluricentrique » (Baxter, 1992), à savoir le portugais européen et le portugais brésilien.

Pauli Murray: In & Out of the Pulpit: Comments on the Keynote

Adam, Júlio Cézar 28 November 2019 (has links)
The Brazilian poet Adélia Prado says that our eyes are our only tiny window to look at and perceive the world in the restricted 24-hour period of each day. This little lens is all that we have to see the world. Therefore, what we fail to see is always far bigger than what we are able to see. Until last year, when I came to Durham to attend the meeting of the council of Societas Homiletica, Paul Murray, this “luminary of the 20th century,” was completely out of my view. By coming here I had the opportunity to get to know her, her story, her struggle, her life … With its profound sensitivity to life and to a theology born from life itself, Donyelle McCray’s paper offered us a brilliant view of this activist, poet, lawyer, professor, Episcopal priest, and preacher.

Función estética de la dirección fotográfica para la construcción del espacio cinematográfico: película Retablo / Aesthetic function of the photography direction for the construction of the cinematographic space in the film Retablo

Ayaucán Requena, Diana Fiorella 06 October 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la función estética de la dirección de fotografía de uno de los largometrajes de ficción peruanos más galardonados en la última década, se trata de la película “Retablo”, dirigida por Álvaro Delgado Aparicio. La estética fotográfica utilizada para la construcción cinematográfica de este film es objeto de estudio debido a su minucioso y audiovisualmente motivado empleo. Dentro de esta, elementos como la luz, las ópticas y los movimientos de cámara cumplen una función que permiten construir el espacio cinematográfico de “Retablo”, cuya historia narra la relación padre-hijo entre Noé y Segundo, artesanos de retablos en Ayacucho, quienes ilustran la vida laboral, costumbres e ideologías presentes en esta zona rural del Perú. A través de la puesta en escena, la puesta en cuadro, la puesta en serie y sus respectivos elementos, es posible analizar el espacio en el que transcurre la historia. / This study presents, as a final analysis, the aesthetic function of the photographic direction of one of the most gallant Peruvian fiction films in the last decade, the movie "Retablo", directed by Alvaro Delgado Aparicio. The photographic aesthetics used for the cinematographic construction of this film is the object of study debited to its subtle and audiovisually motivated work. From there, elements such as light, optics and camera movements complete a function that allows building the cinematographic space of "Retablo", which tells the story about a son and dad relationship between Noah and Segundo, retablo artists in Ayacucho, illustrate the working life, habits and ideologies in this rural area of ​​Peru. Through the staging on scene, staging on frame, staging on series and its respective elements, it is possible to analyze the space in which to trace history. The purpose of this research is to analyze the aesthetic function of the photography direction of one of the most awarded Peruvian fiction films in the last decade, it is the film “Retablo”, directed by Álvaro Delgado Aparicio. The photographic aesthetics used for the cinematographic construction of this film is the object of study due to its meticulous and audiovisual use. Within this, the light, the optics and the camera movements fulfill a function that allows the construction of the cinematographic space of the film: the father-son relationship, Noé and Segundo, artisans of altarpieces in Ayacucho. The different levels of this audiovisual project are reflected, such as the staging, the staging and the staging, which allow the analysis of the space in which the story takes place. / Trabajo de investigación

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