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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing the Goddess.

Kelen, Stephen Kenneth January 2005 (has links)
This thesis comprises a creative work, the manuscript of a book of poems, Goddess of Mercy, and an exegesis, A Further Existence, which explores the creative, aesthetic, philosophical and other ideas and inputs that went into writing the poems. Goddess is a collection of idylls of the electronic age, narratives, dramas, fictions and meditations. The poems are various in style and subject matter. The exegesis begins with the author's earliest remembered experiences of poetry, considers a wide range of poetries and goes some way to proposing an open poetic that allows a writer versatility in approach to subject matter and writing style. Poems can transcend their time and place to create a 'further existence' where temporality is irrelevant. A diverse range of poems are examined -- from ancient Babylonian to contemporary Australian -- to determine the aspects of a poem that take it beyond daily speech. The usefulness and limitations of theory are considered. The art's mystical dimensions are not easy to analyse but are still worth thinking about: the mysterious spark or talent for poetry, how and where a poem occurs, epiphanies, 'being in the zone' and when all the words come rushing at once. The persistence of poetry is noted: poetry still manifests itself in public life through newspapers, sport, pop music, radio commentary, television, and politics, as well as in everyday living. Poetry adapts to new environments like the internet. Conversely, events in the 'real world' influence poetic thought and writing as evidenced by the barrage of poems and publishing in response to the US invasion of Iraq. Some recent Australian poems are explored with regard to establishing contexts and areas of interest for the practice of poetry in the opening years of the twenty-first century, with a view to establishing the contexts in which the poems in Goddess exist and the world they address. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Humanities, 2005.

Μῦθος, λόγος, ὅμοιος και ἐπιεικής : παρατηρήσεις για τη χρήση της ορολογίας στην "Ποιητική" του Αριστοτέλη

Κατάρα, Δήμητρα 03 October 2011 (has links)
Eξέταση της χρήσης των λέξεων μῦθος, λόγος, ὅμοιος και ἐπιεικής στην Ποιητική του Αριστοτέλη. Παρουσίαση των τρόπων με τους οποίους ερμηνεύονται οι παραπάνω όροι και προσπάθεια επίλυσης των προβλημάτων που δημιουργεί η χρήση των όρων αυτών μέσα από τη διατύπωση σχετικών παρατηρήσεων. Μελέτη των σχέσεων μεταξύ των ουσιαστικών μῦθος και λόγος καθώς και προσπάθεια διευκρίνισης της σημασίας των επιθέτων ὅμοιος και ἐπιεικής στα κεφάλαια 2, 13 και 15 της Ποιητικής με βάση τη σύγκριση μεταξύ ζωγραφικής και ποίησης. / In the present study, we examine, to a greater or lesser extent, the terms mythos, logos, homoios and epieikēs as used in Aristotle’s Poetics. The aim of this short survey is primarily to present several interpretations of what Aristotle means by mythos, logos, homoios and epieikēs, proposed by some scholars, before attempting to solve the problems which the use of the aforementioned terms causes by making a few relevant remarks. Regarding the first two terms mentioned above, we inquire into the relationship between these terms as well as the relationship between the concepts which are signified by them, while, concerning the terms homoios and epieikēs, we mainly attempt to clarify the meaning of these particular adjectives in chapters 2, 13 and 15 of the Poetics, taking into account the comparison of poetry to painting, made in some interesting passages of the treatise. Our approach to the core of the problem is based, in any case, on the Aristotelian belief that, as regards the scientific thought, it is essential that one should perceive the similarities of things, which, however, differ much from each other.

Poétique du suicide dans le roman naturaliste : natures et philosophies de la mort volontaire (1857-1898) / The poetics of suicide in the french naturalist novel : natures and philosophies of self-murder (1857-1898)

Roldan, Sébastien 27 August 2013 (has links)
Comment les romanciers naturalistes ont-ils raconté le suicide? Quel est le traitement qu’ils ont réservé à ce thème officiellement honni, étant par trop lié aux chimères sentimentales des écrivains de la génération précédente? Loin de faire l’objet d’une condamnation unanime pour romantisme excessif, la mort volontaire essaime partout dans le roman naturaliste, impose sa présence énigmatique et ses valeurs tant polémiques que polysémiques, déploie – sur ce terreau austère qu’est l’écriture expérimentale – sa portée symbolique et heuristique sous la fascination qu’éprouvent ces romanciers devant les grands mystères sublimes et mortifères. Si la conjoncture épistémologique de l’époque fait du suicide une question avant tout médicale, la littérature naturaliste elle-même puise son originalité et ses fondements théoriques dans les sciences de la nature, en particulier la médecine; néanmoins, la mort volontaire se charge, chez les romanciers de cette veine, d’un capital philosophique qui, en tant que savoir et discours extrinsèques au récit, demande à être interrogé avec minutie. Aussi, à partir d’un bassin de douze romans parus entre 1857 et 1898 sous la plume de Gustave Flaubert, Edmond et Jules de Goncourt, Émile Zola, Alphonse Daudet, Guy de Maupassant et Édouard Rod, nous retenons huit problématiques principales, orientées suivant deux axes de réflexion : natures et philosophies du suicide. Tout au long sont sondées les portées spéculative et littéraire de la mort volontaire dans ces œuvres. / How did the French Naturalist novelists portray suicide? How did they deal with the romantic overtones of self-murder, a theme so strongly linked to the sentimental outbursts voiced by the previous generation of writers? Far from being banned for excessive romanticism suicide, albeit the object of openly expressed disdain by Naturalists, spreads its fiery black wings over much of the theoretically barren land that is the body of realistic novels complying – overtly or unwittingly – with the principles of Le Roman expérimental. The flaming, menacing, and enigmatic shadow thus cast over an intently objective and scientific literature is surprisingly apt at developing both polemic and polysemous fruits, and as it turns out sheds new light under the frightened but eager scrutiny of these novelists who found themselves fascinated by its great mystery, both sublime and deadly. If the state of knowledge at the time made suicide a problem essentially pertaining to medical and natural science, Naturalist literature itself was intent on synchronizing its depictions with the data, approach, and lexicon presented in scientific treatises. Yet suicide in these novelists’ fictions is loaded with a distinct philosophical sense which demands to be studied closely. Twelve Naturalist novels centered around self-murder, covering a forty-year period (1857-1898), stemming from Flaubert, Goncourt, Zola, Daudet, Maupassant, and Rod, serve as main ground for our investigation of eight chief interrogations, following two main orientations: we first review the diverse natures of suicide, then its many philosophies. Throughout are contemplated the literary and speculative reach of voluntary death.

La voix incarnée : poétiques de la présence chez Charles Bukowski / The embodied voice : charles Bukowski’s poetics of presence

Moinzadeh, Irandokht Dina 18 March 2017 (has links)
Si Charles Bukowski n’a jamais énoncé de théorie présidant a son œuvre, ni fait de recherche métrique explicite, et ne s’est jamais réclamé d’une quelconque école littéraire, ce rejet de toute forme d’élitisme littéraire relève en réalité d’une poétique paradoxale, qui cherche à faire s’effondrer les barrières entre écriture et oralité, entre l’œuvre et le corps qui l’a produite, entre l’œuvre et la vie de son auteur. Une poétique de la présence est portée par une utopie où la frontière entre monde et langage disparait, pour remettre le corps du poète au centre du processus littéraire. L’écriture poétique refuse sa part d’absence, celle du corps et de la voix, celle du moment d’écriture, pour devenir presque performance. Il en résulte une transparence trompeuse, dont la clarté est si éblouissante que, plutôt que de l’exposer, elle dissimule sa profondeur entre les lignes du texte. / If Charles Bukowski never formulated a theory presiding over his work, nor made explicit metrical research, and never claimed any literary school, this rejection of any form of literary elitism is, in fact, a paradoxical poetics, which seeks to break down the barriers between writing and orality, between the work and the body that produced it, between the work and the life of its author. A poetics of presence is carried by a utopia where the boundary between world and language disappears, to put the poet's body at the center of the literary process. The poetic writing refuses its share of absence, that of the body and the voice, that of the moment of writing, to become almost a performance. The result is a deceptive transparency, the clarity of which is so dazzling that, rather than exposing it, it conceals its depth between the lines of the text.

Al-Jurjānī's theory of poetic imagery and its background

Abu Dib, Kamal January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

L’énigme de l’automne de la Renaissance à la Régence : pratiques et poétique d’un genre ingénieux / The enigma, from late Renaissance to Regency : practices and poetics of an ingenious genre

Veret, Elsa 09 November 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de rendre compte des spécificités d’un genre poétique ingénieux, l’énigme, devenu caduc et qui a longtemps été dédaigné par la critique littéraire en raison de sa dimension ludique. Elle n’en a pas moins connu une ample carrière tout au long de la première modernité, comme en attestent de nombreux manuscrits et séries éditoriales. Nous abordons cette forme procédant du genre de discours de la devinette, dont l’étude a longtemps été réservée à l’anthropologie, du point de vue de l’histoire littéraire et de l’histoire des formes. Cette thèse expose les nombreuses filiations littéraires de l’énigme en langue française ainsi que ses enjeux pragmatiques dans le contexte des salons, où elle est adaptée aux règles du jeu de la conversation et de la civilité mondaine. L’analyse poétique et rhétorique démontre que, loin d’être une forme hermétique, l’énigme subordonne l’effet obscur de la parole poétique à l’éclat ingénieux. Genre à contrainte et genre sériel, elle constitue un laboratoire de la création poétique de l’Ancien régime, donnant lieu à de nombreuses inventions facétieuses et galantes. L’étude des collections d’énigmes publiées entre les années 1570 et 1720 rend compte, au-delà de la répétition des thèmes et des formes, de possibilités d’énonciation originale des « mystères ingénieux ». Elle révèle aussi le rôle central de l’allusion dans l’invention du discours littéraire de la première modernité. / The purpose of this work is to present the characteristics of an ingenious poetic genre, the enigma, which is nowadays considered obsolete and has long been underestimated by critics on account of its recreational dimension. However, the early modern times have made an extensive use of it, as many manuscripts and print series show. We tackle this form, linked to the riddle genre, which study has long been the field of anthropology, from the perspective of the history of literature and of the history of literary form. We highlight the numerous literary sources of the French enigma, as well as the practical questions at stake in the framework of high society salons that adapted it according to the rules of conversation and politeness. The poetical and rhetorical analysis shows that, far from being an arcane form, the enigma uses obscurity in order to create an ingenious brightness. Despite being strictly rule-bound and serial, the genre makes space for a huge diversity of poetical creation and provides facetious and gallant inventions. Studying the collections of enigmas published between 1570 and 1720 shows that, beyond the repetitive themes and forms, it is still possible to think up genuine “ingenious mysteries”. It also reveals the fundamental part played by allusion in the invention of a literary discourse in the early modern times.

Les Gnawa du Maroc : intercesseurs de la différence ? Étude ethnomusicologique, ethnopoétique et ethnochoréologique

Pouchelon, Jean 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

L'amour des livres la plume à la main : écrivains bibliophiles du XIXème siècle / Loving books, writing books : French XIXth century bibliophile writers

Le Bail, Marine 02 December 2016 (has links)
Le second tiers du XIXe siècle correspond à un moment d’intenses mutations au sein du champ éditorial : avec l’entrée de l’imprimé dans l’ère de la production et de la consommation de masse, c’est le statut du livre lui-même qui se trouve remis en question. On assiste dès lors aux prémices d’une nouvelle forme de bibliophilie, qui se construit en tournant le dos aux normes de la librairie contemporaine pour privilégier, à l’inverse, des valeurs de singularité et de rareté. Or, un certain nombre d’auteurs, parmi lesquels Charles Nodier, Paul Lacroix, les frères Goncourt, Gérard de Nerval ou encore Octave Uzanne, s’adonnent eux-mêmes à la passion des livres anciens ou précieux, et en nourrissent plusieurs de leurs textes. Cette étude vise précisément à mettre en lumière les rapports étroits qui unissent tout au long du XIXe siècle pratiques bibliophiliques et création littéraire. Au croisement de l’histoire du livre, de l’analyse textuelle, et de l’histoire littéraire, la bibliophilie s’affirme comme un objet éminemment poétique, un répertoire complexe de motifs et de représentations liés au livre. Dans le même temps, elle se présente comme une pratique socio-culturelle singulière qui contribue à mettre au jour les tensions liées à l’irruption de la modernité industrielle dans la production et la transmission de l’imprimé. / Around 1830, the publishing sector experiences numerous shifts : with the printing system submitting itself to new mass producing principles, the status of the book itself is at stake. From this moment on, we witness the beginnings of a new form of bibliophilism, which builds itself by turning its back on the contemporary publishing standards. Some writers, amongst whom Charles Nodier, Paul Lacroix, the Goncourt brothers, Gérad de Nerval, or Octave Uzanne, are dedicated to collecting rare or valuable books, and find in this passion an inspiration for their own work. This study aims at showing the strength of the links between bibliophilism and writing during all of the XIXtch century. At the intersection of several disciplines such as book history, stylistic analysis, or history of literature, bibliophilism appears as a strongly poetical object and as a complex compilation of themes and topics about books. At the same time, bibliophilism ca be defined as a singular socio-cultural habit, that allows us to perceive all the tensions arisen by the development of modern and industrial ways of producing and selling books.

Encantamento: evocação fotográfica de poéticas submersas nas celebrações do mito de Iemanjá em Salvador e Ilha de Itaparica

Costa, Maria Isabel Macedo January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-09T17:12:32Z No. of bitstreams: 15 Gouveapt15.pdf: 3262048 bytes, checksum: 8a45adb356fd98c382e42b4c2b67004f (MD5) Gouveapt14.pdf: 7942647 bytes, checksum: f3a9faebb877213e3d4c811d747c3541 (MD5) Gouveapt13.pdf: 7464738 bytes, checksum: f8fbf1f99786fc5810786234bd6da34e (MD5) Gouveapt12.pdf: 5569889 bytes, checksum: 97e91ef75d32a91ff2e0f9639ac4901e (MD5) Gouveapt11.pdf: 9235873 bytes, checksum: 7fa892843b7cc159cf4ce98f1b35df70 (MD5) Gouveapt10.pdf: 8694072 bytes, checksum: 01dab0e76edb163f55c98d38473731c7 (MD5) Gouveapt9.pdf: 7193159 bytes, checksum: dc957e1bbd919b55b4ca90671179fab9 (MD5) Gouveapt8.pdf: 9823361 bytes, checksum: b5cfa3139bc3b2848d3ccd1c93f0356b (MD5) Gouveapt7.pdf: 5061878 bytes, checksum: 216a04ae130bc24e26a5d11948d62b6f (MD5) Gouveapt6.pdf: 11836521 bytes, checksum: b4b989f6162c6ccf49ac361faefd7d77 (MD5) Gouveapt5.pdf: 10530423 bytes, checksum: 64f8410c186fe6a8972b1fd237fb6076 (MD5) Gouveapt4.pdf: 13711982 bytes, checksum: 7dd5c06a6c61553ad057c7dd93be5d9c (MD5) Gouveapt3.pdf: 9480924 bytes, checksum: 58def05378969c00e06b28fb340f89ef (MD5) Gouveapt2.pdf: 9823649 bytes, checksum: 754b01db09c6c579df9b606b680c65c5 (MD5) Gouveapt1.pdf: 14890179 bytes, checksum: 7156b9af73bbffa89345bacf3b91d6e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lêda Costa(lmrcosta@ufba.br) on 2013-04-18T12:36:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 15 Gouveapt15.pdf: 3262048 bytes, checksum: 8a45adb356fd98c382e42b4c2b67004f (MD5) Gouveapt14.pdf: 7942647 bytes, checksum: f3a9faebb877213e3d4c811d747c3541 (MD5) Gouveapt13.pdf: 7464738 bytes, checksum: f8fbf1f99786fc5810786234bd6da34e (MD5) Gouveapt12.pdf: 5569889 bytes, checksum: 97e91ef75d32a91ff2e0f9639ac4901e (MD5) Gouveapt11.pdf: 9235873 bytes, checksum: 7fa892843b7cc159cf4ce98f1b35df70 (MD5) Gouveapt10.pdf: 8694072 bytes, checksum: 01dab0e76edb163f55c98d38473731c7 (MD5) Gouveapt9.pdf: 7193159 bytes, checksum: dc957e1bbd919b55b4ca90671179fab9 (MD5) Gouveapt8.pdf: 9823361 bytes, checksum: b5cfa3139bc3b2848d3ccd1c93f0356b (MD5) Gouveapt7.pdf: 5061878 bytes, checksum: 216a04ae130bc24e26a5d11948d62b6f (MD5) Gouveapt6.pdf: 11836521 bytes, checksum: b4b989f6162c6ccf49ac361faefd7d77 (MD5) Gouveapt5.pdf: 10530423 bytes, checksum: 64f8410c186fe6a8972b1fd237fb6076 (MD5) Gouveapt4.pdf: 13711982 bytes, checksum: 7dd5c06a6c61553ad057c7dd93be5d9c (MD5) Gouveapt3.pdf: 9480924 bytes, checksum: 58def05378969c00e06b28fb340f89ef (MD5) Gouveapt2.pdf: 9823649 bytes, checksum: 754b01db09c6c579df9b606b680c65c5 (MD5) Gouveapt1.pdf: 14890179 bytes, checksum: 7156b9af73bbffa89345bacf3b91d6e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-18T12:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 15 Gouveapt15.pdf: 3262048 bytes, checksum: 8a45adb356fd98c382e42b4c2b67004f (MD5) Gouveapt14.pdf: 7942647 bytes, checksum: f3a9faebb877213e3d4c811d747c3541 (MD5) Gouveapt13.pdf: 7464738 bytes, checksum: f8fbf1f99786fc5810786234bd6da34e (MD5) Gouveapt12.pdf: 5569889 bytes, checksum: 97e91ef75d32a91ff2e0f9639ac4901e (MD5) Gouveapt11.pdf: 9235873 bytes, checksum: 7fa892843b7cc159cf4ce98f1b35df70 (MD5) Gouveapt10.pdf: 8694072 bytes, checksum: 01dab0e76edb163f55c98d38473731c7 (MD5) Gouveapt9.pdf: 7193159 bytes, checksum: dc957e1bbd919b55b4ca90671179fab9 (MD5) Gouveapt8.pdf: 9823361 bytes, checksum: b5cfa3139bc3b2848d3ccd1c93f0356b (MD5) Gouveapt7.pdf: 5061878 bytes, checksum: 216a04ae130bc24e26a5d11948d62b6f (MD5) Gouveapt6.pdf: 11836521 bytes, checksum: b4b989f6162c6ccf49ac361faefd7d77 (MD5) Gouveapt5.pdf: 10530423 bytes, checksum: 64f8410c186fe6a8972b1fd237fb6076 (MD5) Gouveapt4.pdf: 13711982 bytes, checksum: 7dd5c06a6c61553ad057c7dd93be5d9c (MD5) Gouveapt3.pdf: 9480924 bytes, checksum: 58def05378969c00e06b28fb340f89ef (MD5) Gouveapt2.pdf: 9823649 bytes, checksum: 754b01db09c6c579df9b606b680c65c5 (MD5) Gouveapt1.pdf: 14890179 bytes, checksum: 7156b9af73bbffa89345bacf3b91d6e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Esta pesquisa, fundada em linguagem fotográfica, revela meu processo criativo,buscando desvendar o imaginário subjacente nos processos criativos dos rituais que celebram Iemanjá, a intrigante entidade que povoa e encanta os fundos dos mares do inconsciente coletivo da cidade de Salvador e Ilha de Itaparica. O mistério como ponto de partida e o encantamento como um dos fios condutores movem a investigação em seus aspectos mitológicos, ritualísticos e na experimentação de um fazer fotográfico expandido. O objetivo central é o desenvolvimento de uma poética visual contemporânea, buscando evocar elementos da energia desse encantamento vivenciado em muitas celebrações,através da pesquisa em fotografia e da utilização de novos materiais e suportes para impressão e projeção. A Imagem foi considerada como proposta investigativa capaz de revelar e estabelecer elos entre elementos simbólicos submersos em expressões do imaginário. Do ponto de vista conceitual adota-se uma abordagem compreensiva para os eventos ligados ao tema, onde o pesquisador está presente no sentido de compreender, participar, não de classificar, inspirada em Michel Maffesoli, e, também, para o processo criativo, onde o objeto é visto como a força vital que conduz a pesquisa do ponto de vista operacional. Para compor esta abordagem, o embasamento teórico, abrangendo os campos do Imaginário, da Fotografia e dos Processos Criativos, se constituiu de autores tais como: Gilbert Durand, Luigi Pareyson, Cecília Salles, Roland Barthes, e, Brissac Peixoto, entre outros. Dentre os artistas contemporâneos visitados ressalta-se a fotógrafa Cláudia Andujar que decifra povos e mitos através de luzes. / Salvador

Tři učebnice estetiky (Hugh Blair, Johann Joachim Eschenburg a Johann August Eberhard). / Three textbooks of aesthetics (Hugh Blair, Johann Joachim Eschenburg and Johann August Eberhard).

Martinková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The thesis examines three enlightenment textbooks of literary arts of that period, which were all published in 1783 and significantly contributed to dissemination of aesthetic ideas. Its primary aim is to determine how aesthetics, as a separate philosophical discipline, entered into these three selected textbooks of literary arts of that period, and in what ways it has influenced their interpretation. It raises a question of how the presence or absence of aesthetics influenced the concept of these texts not only as a whole, but also in developing specific theories, themes and ideas that are further compared in this thesis. It analyses the main sections of the textbooks and introduces their basic structure and specific opinions, which are then critically evaluated. The aim of the thesis is to examine the character of the interpretations and grasp the theories of particular kinds of arts depending on whether they were performed within or outside the framework of aesthetics. The presented thesis should contribute to a better understanding of the differences and similarities between German and Scottish reflections of aesthetic questions at the end of 18th century based on these three examples of textbooks.

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