Spelling suggestions: "subject:": arduino"" "subject:": urduino""
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Repetitiv spegling av I/O över TCP/IP : Med fokus på feltolerans, signalintegritet och tillförlitlighetWernhager, Stefan January 2020 (has links)
Avläsning av tillståndet hos en mikrobrytare kräver att den ansluts till ett I/O hos exempelvis PLC, mikrokontroller eller annan lämplig utrustning. Forsmarks Kraft-grupp AB (FKA) och avdelningen för larm och telekommunikation (NEIT) ser ett behov av att på kärnkraftsanläggningen i Forsmark installera mikrobrytare på platser där det saknas anslutningsutrustning och förmedla dess tillstånd till ett övervakande system. I denna rapport presenteras ett förslag till teknisk lösning som uppfyller FKA:s behov genom att spegla ett I/O över TCP/IP-protokoll. Lösningen har tagits fram utifrån specifika önskemål från FKA. Funktionen ska bland annat övervaka två områden med mikrobrytare, larma för fel, ha egenövervakning, ta hänsyn till signalintegritet samt baseras på generell mikrokontrollutrustning. Vi-dare har en utvärdering av tillförlitligheten gjorts samt att funktionen har testats. Resultatet presenteras som en prototyputrustning där två mikrokontrollplattformar från Arduino har använts som bas och designen har skett utifrån ett feltolerant per-spektiv. Trippelmodulär redundans, watchdog-timer, dubbelbalanserad slinga och majoritetsvotering är några av de tekniker som tillämpats. Genom en kombination av programmering och föreslagna metoder har FKA:s önskemål uppnåtts. Tillförlitlighetsutvärderingarna visar att prototyputrustningen har en mean time between failure på ungefär 3,2 år samt att sannolikheten för felfri drift i 20,000 tim-mar är ungefär 50 %. Funktionstesterna visar på goda förutsättningar för långsiktig funktionalitet gällande I/O-spegling och larmhantering. Testerna avslöjar även före-komsten av falska larm vilket har föranlett förslag om debuggning av mjukvaran in-nan driftsättning. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion kring de uppnådda resulta-ten samt föreslagna kompletteringar och utvecklingar av prototyputrustningen. / Reading the state of a microswitch requires it to be connected to an I/O of, for ex-ample, PLC, microcontroller, or other suitable equipment. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB (FKA) and the department of alarms and telecommunications (NEIT) have real-ized a need to install microswitches at Forsmarks nuclear power plant at places where there are no connection equipment and redistribute its state to a monitoring system. This report presents a proposal for a technical solution that meets FKA:s needs by mirroring an I/O over TCP/IP-protocol. The solution has been developed based on specific requirements from FKA. The function should, among other things, monitor two areas with microswitches, alarm for faults, have self-monitoring, consider signal integrity, and be based on general microcontroller equipment. Furthermore, an analysis of the reliability has been made and the function has been tested. The result is presented as a prototype equipment where two microcontroller plat-forms from Arduino have been used as a base and the design has been done from a fault tolerant perspective. Triple modular redundancy, watchdog timer, double-bal-anced loop and majority voting are some of the techniques used. Through a combi-nation of programming and proposed methods, FKA:s wishes have been achieved. The reliability assessments show that the prototype equipment has a mean time be-tween failure of about 3.2 years and that the probability of faultless operation for 20,000 hours is about 50 %. The function tests show good conditions for long-term functionality regarding I/O mirroring and alarm handling. The tests also reveal the presence of false alarms, which has prompted proposals for debugging the software before deployment. The report concludes with a discussion of the results achieved as well as proposed additions and developments of the prototype equipment.
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An integrated sensor system for early fall detectionBandi, Ajay Kumar 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Physical activity monitoring using wearable sensors give valuable information about patient's neuro activities. Fall among ages of 60 and older in US is a leading cause for injury-related health issues and present serious concern in the public health care sector. If the emergency treatments are not on time, these injuries may result in disability, paralysis, or even death. In this work, we present an approach that early detect fall occurrences. Low power capacitive accelerometers incorporated with microcontroller processing units were utilized to early detect accurate information about fall events. Decision tree algorithms were implemented to set thresholds for data acquired from accelerometers. Data is then verified against their thresholds and the data acquisition decision unit makes the decision to save patients from fall occurrences. Daily activities are logged on an onboard memory chip with Bluetooth option to transfer the data wirelessly to mobile devices.
In this work, a system prototype based on neurosignal activities was built and tested against seven different daily human activities for the sake of differentiating between fall and non-fall detection. The developed system features low power, high speed, and high reliability. Eventually, this study will lead to wearable fall detection system that serves important need within the health care sector.
In this work Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) protocol is used to communicate between the accelerometers and the embedded control system. The data transfer from the Microcontroller unit to the mobile device or laptop is done using Bluetooth technology.
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Dosis: din smarta pillerdosa : Utveckling av ett inbyggt system för en dosettask / Dosis: your smart pill dispenser : Development of an embedded system for a pilldispenserKleyer, Oskar, Holmlund, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Modern medicinering medför att patienter kan behandlas mer effektivt om den tas pårätt sätt. När patienter själva ansvarar för sin medicinering kan den feldoseras ellerglömmas bort, vilket ändrar förutsättningar för dess inverkan. Glömska kombineradmed sinnesnedsättningar försvårar för patienten att sköta sin medicinering.Lösningen på detta problem är idag utökad hemvård där vårdpersonal hjälper patientenatt ta rätt medicin vid rätt tidpunkt. En teknisk lösning kan vara ett inbyggt systemsom påminner patienten, sparar missade doseringar och kan därmed ge mer informationtill läkare som då kan göra mer välgrundade beslut för fortsatt vård.Resultaten visar att en dosettask kan användas för att påminna patienter att ta sinmedicin och skicka missad dosering med närfältskommunikation. Som mikrokontrolleranvändes en STM32 Nucleo, med en tillståndsmaskin som mjukvarulösning. I vidarestudier kan ett realtidsoperativsystem användas. Systemet programmerades medArduinos utvecklingsmiljö, men ett alternativ är IAR. Projektets prototyp kunde medde flesta modulerna uppnå specifikationens batteritid, utöver ljudmodulen som användes.För att komma fram till detta resultat skapades två teoretiska extremfall därprototypen testades.Dosettasken kan leda till minskat pillersvinn och en lägre kostnad då färre hembesökkrävs. Dessutom resulterar detta i ökad självständighet för patienten. Dessa faktorerleder till att dosettasken bidrar till en ökad hållbar utveckling. / Modern medication allows patients to be treated more efficiently if taken properly.When patients themselves are responsible for their medication, it can be wronglydosed or forgotten, which changes the conditions for its effects. Forgetfulness combinedwith impaired senses make it difficult for the patient to take care of his medication.The solution to this problem today is increased home care, where healthcare professionalshelp patients to take the right medication at the right time. A technical solutioncan be an embedded system that reminds the patient, saves missed dosages, and canprovide more information to doctors who can make more informed decisions for furthercare.The results show that a pill dispenser can be used to remind patients to take their medicationand send missed dosages with near field communication. As a microcontroller,a STM32 Nucleo was used, with a state machine as software solution. In further studies,a real-time operating system can be used. The system was programmed with Arduino'sdevelopment environment, but an alternative is IAR. The prototype of the projectcould achieve the specifications battery life with most modules, except to thesound module used. To achieve this result, two theoretical extremes were created inwhich the prototype was tested.The pill dispenser can lead to reduced waste of pills and a lower cost, as fewer homevisits are required. In addition, this results in increased independence for the patient.These factors cause the pill dispenser to contribute to increased sustainable development.
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Internet of things connected notification device for people who are hard of hearingHang Shek, Wai, Geiger Ferotin, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
This degree project investigates the possibility to develop and re-design an IoT solution called NOT!FY, offered by the company Omnitor. NOT!FY is used by users who are hard of hearing or deaf as a complement to an accessibility communication application. It functions by registering incoming calls and activating a relay connected to, for example, a light source, notifying the user. The current problems that Omnitor experiences with NOT!FY is its price, production difficulties, size and design. The project will take on these problems by investigating the market of programmable devices and, through comparative analysis, choosing a platform to transfer and improve upon the current NOT!FY functionalities. The devices were decided together with Omnitor and a grant calculation was drafted to evaluate which units yielded the best profit. With the help of the grant calculation, Raspberry Pi Zero W and ESP8266 were the chosen devices. A basic evaluation was performed to verify that the implemented functions of ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi Zero W functioned as intended. An in-depth evaluation and functional verification were performed on the finalized prototype. It confirmed the prototype’s functionality and the possibility to replace the current product in use by Omnitor. / Detta projekt undersöker möjligheten att utveckla och designa om en IoT-lösning kallad NOT!FY, som erbjuds av företaget Omnitor AB. NOT!FY används av döva eller hörselskadade användare som ett komplement till en tillgänglighetsanpassad kommunikationsapplikation. Den fungerar genom att registrera inkommande samtal och aktivera ett relä som är anslutet till exempel en ljuskälla för att meddela användaren. De nuvarande problemen som Omnitor upplever med NOT!FY är dess pris, produktionssvårigheter, storlek och design. Projektet kommer att ta sig an dessa problem genom att undersöka marknaden för programmerbara enheter och genom en jämförande analys välja en plattform att överföra och förbättra funktionerna från den nuvarande produkten. Enheterna bestämdes tillsammans med Omnitor och en bidragskalkyl är framtagen för att utvärdera vilka enheter som gav bäst vinst. Med hjälp av bidragskalkylen var Raspberry Pi Zero W och ESP8266 de valda enheterna. En grundläggande utvärdering utfördes för att verifiera att de implementerade funktionerna i ESP8266 och Raspberry Pi Zero W fungerade som avsett. En mer ingående utvärdering och funktionell verifiering utfördes på den färdiga prototypen. Detta bekräftade prototypens funktionalitet och möjligheten att ersätta den nuvarande produkten som används av Omnitor.
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Electric Load Driven Longboard / Elektrisk lastdriven longboardANDERSSON, JOHAN, HÖGLUND, RICKARD January 2020 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis aims to show an extensive overview of all the parts that build up an electric load driven longboard and see if a load controlled longboard can be seen as a safe, comfortable and convenient alternative to the more common remote controlled longboard. The thesis will also answer how weight can be measured on a longboard in the most effective way, what the most comfortable riding technique is and what a good motor-battery configuration to be able to travel at 30 km/h and 10 km would be. The longboard measures the weight distribution with load cells located between the deck and the trucks. An Arduino translates the input from the load cells to a certain speed and then sends it to an ODrive which controls a BLDC motor that is powered by two LiPo batteries. The results show that a load controlled longboard can very well be seen as a good alternative if right riding technique is used. The best technique is when the longboard accelerates when the rider tilts and keeps a constant speed when the rider stands straight. The best way to measure the weight is to fasten the trucks with hinges which lets the load cells register weight without anything interfering. Not all tests could be done because of Covid-19 but a measured top speed of 15 km/h with a high gear ratio is a promising result for the future when more suitable gear ratios will be tested to try to reach the goal of 30 km/h. / Det här kandidatexamensarbetet strävar efter att visa en omfattande överblick på alla delar som bygger upp en elektrisk lastdriven longboard och se om en laststyrd longboard kan ses som ett säkert, komfortabelt och behändigt alternativ till den vanligare radiostyrda longboarden via handkontroll. Det här arbetet kommer också svara på hur vikt kan mätas på en longboard på ett så effektivt sätt som möjligt, vad som är den mest bekväma åkstilen och vad är en bra motor-batteri konfiguration för att kunna åka i 30 km/h och nå 10 km skulle vara. Longboarden mäter viktfördelningen med lastceller som är placerade mellan brädan och truckarna. En Arduino omvandlar indatan från lastcellerna till en specifik hastighet som den sedan skickar till en ODrive som kontrollerar en borstlös likströmsmotor som i sin tur är driven av två LiPo batterier. Resultaten visar att en laststyrd longboard kan mycket väl ses som ett bra alternativ om rätt åkstil används. Den bästa stilen är att longboarden accelererar när åkaren lutar sig och håller en konstant hastighet när åkaren står rakt. Det bästa sättet att mäta vikt är att montera truckarna på gångjärn som låter lastcellerna mäta vikt utan att något stör. Alla tester kunde inte utföras på grund av Covid-19 men en uppmätt topphastighet på 15 km/h med en hög utväxling är ett lovande resultat för framtiden när lämpligare utväxlingar kommer testas för att försöka nå målet på 30 km/h.
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Knock-Knock Door Lock : Unlocking your door with a secret knock sequence / Knack-Knack Öppna TackANDERSSON, FILIP, BERGLING, DAVID January 2020 (has links)
The door lock - a key function in every modern home, as well as a product which is today undergoing drastic change. The digital revolution has not left the door lock untouched, and there is today a wide variety of digital door locks utilizing technologies ranging from touch displays to fingerprint readers. The premises of the project was to try a different approach to the digital door lock and implement it schoolyard-style using a secret knock sequence, set by the user. The secret sequence would consist of two elements, both a rhythmical and a positional pattern. To unlock the door, the user would therefore need to simultaneously knock the correct rhythm and knock at the correct positions. To record and analyze the knock vibrations, piezo electric sensors connected to an Arduino Uno were used. To unlock the door, a small servo motor, two gears and a timing belt were used to turn the lock turning knob . Despite a short time frame and hardships due to the limitations caused by the coronavirus outbreak, a fully functional prototype which fulfilled both reliability and consistency was achieved. It could with good consistency recognize the test sequence, which was the intro rhythm to ”We Will Rock You” knocked in a square pattern. But even with flawless functionality, the conclusion would have been the same. The security of the system may be exceptional from a technical perspective, but it falls flat when the human factor is taken into account. The ability for a potential burglar to simply watch as one executes the secret knock is too much of a security hazard for the system to ever be considered as a competitor to other alternatives. The usage of the system is therefore better suited for applications where the thrill of using the product is more important than the actual security of it. / Dörrlåset - en grundläggande funktion i varje modernt hem, och samtidigt en produkt som idag genomgår drastisk förändring. Som resultat av den digitala revolutionen finns det idag en uppsjö av olika digitala dörrlås som utnyttjar allt från touchskärmar till fingeravtrycksläsare. Syftet med projektet var att testa en annorlunda tappning på det digitala dörrlåset, och förverkliga något många hade drömt om i barndomen - ett dörrlås aktiverat genom ett eget hemligt knackningsmönster. Det hemliga knackningsmönstret skulle då bestå av både ett rytmiskt och ett positionellt mönster. Därmed skulle den som ville öppna dörren behöva knacka både rätt rytm, och på rätt ställen på dörren. För att spela in och analysera vibrationerna från knackningarna användes piezoelektriska sensorer kopplade till en Arduino Uno. Mekanismen som styrde själva upplåsningen bestod av en liten servomotor, två kugghjul och en kuggrem som kopplade samman det hela. Trots en begränsad tidsram och motgångar orsakade av coronaviruset lyckades en fullt fungerande prototyp med hög pålitlighet färdigställas. Den kunde med hög tillförlitlighet känns igen testsekvensen, som var introrytmen till ”We Will Rock You” knackat i mönstret av en kvadrat. Men även med felfri prestanda hade slutsatsen varit densamma. Säkerheten för systemet må vara exeptionell ur ett rent tekniskt perspektiv, men den faller platt när den mänskliga faktorn tas med i beräkningen. Risken att en potentiell inbrottstjuv helt enkelt tittar på när någon knackar det hemliga mönstret är för stor för att systemet någonsin skulle kunna betraktas som en seriös konkurrent till andra digitala dörrlås. Produkten är därmed bäst lämpad för användningsområden där nöjet av att använda den är av högre prioritet än själva säkerheten.
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Automatically measuring the resistive loss of a transformer : A project in cooperation with Alstom Power SwedenRakk, Adrian January 2015 (has links)
In order to develop more economical and ecologically friendly transformers it is necessary to know the losses throughout the product development process. There are several losses related to transformers, but in this particular case the focus will be on the resistive loss of the transformer. In order to measure this loss first the resonant frequency of the transformer is determined. Since at resonance the secondary side of the transformer is considered to be purely resistive. The aim of this paper is to design and build a closed loop measurement system that is able to perform this task.
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From Theory to Implementation of Embedded Control Applications : A Case StudyFize, Florian January 2016 (has links)
Control applications are used in almost all scientific domains and are subject to timing constraints. Moreover, different applications can run on the same platform which leads to even more complex timing behaviors. However, some of the timing issues are not always considered in the implementation of such applications, and this can make the system fail. In this thesis, the timing issues are considered, i.e., the problem of non-constant delay in the control of an inverted pendulum with a real-time kernel running on an ATmega328p micro-controller. The study shows that control performance is affected by this problem. In addition, the thesis, reports the adaptation of an existing real-time kernel based on an EDF (Earliest Deadline First) scheduling policy, to the architecture of the ATmega328p. Moreover, the new approach of a server-based kernel is implemented in this thesis, still on the same Atmel micro-controller.
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Self-balancing scooter : How to construct a Self-balancing scooterRosencrantz, Frans January 2016 (has links)
This rapport deals with the construction of a self-balancing scooter. A self-balancing scooter is a two-wheel vehicle where the velocity is controlled by the tilt of the driver. When the driver leans forward and backward, the vehicle is running forward and backwards. The main task was to determine if the Arduino microcontroller could be used for the control system. An iron frame, control circuit and a tilt able handlebar were constructed. Two recycled permobil DC-motor were mounted onto the iron frame. An accelerometer and a gyrometer were obtaining the tilt of the handlebar and the scooter. The system was using locked Anti-phase drive and a PI-regulator to control the motors. The self-balancing scooter prototype worked well and was able to balance without any external help. The driver was able to control the speed by tilting forward or backward and was able to choose the direction by the tilt of the handlebar. The balance was affected negative by the backlashes from the gear and too weak H-bridges. If the project were made again, two three-phase hub motors with higher ratings would replace the DC-motors. Gears could be excluded and the backlashes are removed.
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Explorando as possibilidades de inserção da plataforma arduino no ensino de ciências da educação básicaRibeiro, Januário Dias 22 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Andrea Pereira (andrea.pereira@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-06-12T16:51:11Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-22 / O presente trabalho é o resultado de uma intervenção pedagógica realizada em duas etapas denominadas Estudo Piloto e Curso para Professores e Profissionais da Educação, entre os meses de maio e outubro de 2016, com alunos do segundo ano do Ensino Médio, professores e outros profissionais que trabalham na educação formal. O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar as possibilidades de inserção da Plataforma Arduino no Ensino de Ciências da Educação Básica através de um enfoque nos conceitos introdutórios de lógica de programação e montagens de circuitos eletrônicos. A pesquisa faz uma avaliação da aprendizagem embasada na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel e verifica duas condições importantes que são: a construção de um material instrucional potencialmente significativo e a predisposição dos aprendizes para incorporar um novo conhecimento. A fundamentação metodológica utilizada foi do tipo intervenção pedagógica, na acepção de Damiani et al., com abordagem predominantemente qualitativa e está dividida em: método de intervenção pedagógica, composta por uma descrição detalhada sobre a intervenção e o método de avaliação da intervenção, que detalha como ocorreu o processo de intervenção através da análise dos dados e dos instrumentos utilizados para obtenção destes. O Estudo Piloto contou com a participação de alunos do segundo ano do Ensino Médio e o Curso para Professores e Profissionais da Educação com dez participantes. A descrição detalhada dos encontros realizados na intervenção pedagógica; a verificação dos objetivos de aprendizagem e os achados da intervenção propriamente dita, conforme discutido por Damiani et al., compõe os resultados e discussões. A experiência didática realizada nas duas etapas ainda integra a elaboração de um produto educacional que poderá servir de base para outros professores em atividades introdutórias sobre a Plataforma Arduino e dos conceitos que ela demanda, seja para a aquisição automática de dados em experimentos de baixo custo ou para formação de professores que necessitam de subsídios para começar a trabalhar com programação, eletrônica ou automação na Educação Básica. Conclui-se ao final deste estudo que as atividades desempenhadas têm forte influência dos conhecimentos prévios relacionados à lógica de programação e ao entendimento de circuitos elétricos. Sem isso, as práticas utilizando tecnologias baseadas na integração de programação e eletrônica continuarão a serem reproduzidas nas escolas, mas pouco compreendidas. Como perspectivas futuras, é apresentado um conjunto de onze recomendações para embasarem novas investigações, principalmente as que tenham como cerne de pesquisa os meios de inserir conceitos introdutórios de programação e eletrônica em currículos da Educação Básica. / The present work is the result of a pedagogical intervention carried out in two stages called Pilot Study and Course for Teachers and Professionals of Education, between May and October 2016, with second year high school students, teachers and other professionals who formal education. The objective of the research was to evaluate the possibilities of insertion of the Arduino Platform in the Teaching of Sciences of Basic Education through a focus on the introductory concepts of programming logic and assemblies of electronic circuits. The research evaluates learning based on David Ausubel's Significant Learning Theory and verifies two important conditions: the construction of a potentially significant instructional material and the predisposition of learners to incorporate new knowledge. The methodology used was pedagogical intervention, in the sense of Damiani et al., With a predominantly qualitative approach and is divided into: a pedagogical intervention method, composed of a detailed description of the intervention and the evaluation method of the intervention, which details as the intervention process occurred through the analysis of the data and the instruments used to obtain them. The pilot study counted on the participation of second year high school students and Course for Teachers and Professionals of Education with ten participants. The detailed description of the meetings held in the pedagogical intervention; verification of learning objectives and the findings of the intervention itself, as discussed by Damiani et al., compose the results and discussions. The didactic experience realized in the two stages still integrates the elaboration of an educational product that can be the basis for other teachers in introductory activities on the Arduino Platform and the concepts that it demands, either for the automatic acquisition of data in experiments of low cost or for training teachers who need subsidies to start working with programming, electronics or automation in Basic Education. It is concluded at the end of this study that the activities performed have a strong influence of the previous knowledge related to the logic of programming and to the understanding of electric circuits. Without this, practices using technologies based on the integration of programming and electronics will continue to be reproduced in schools, but little understood. As a future perspective, a set of ten recommendations is presented to support new research, especially those that have as a background the means to introduce introductory concepts of programming and electronics in curricula of Basic Education.
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