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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Festival 2008 : En studie om musikfestivalmarknadens strukturer och varumärkesspel sett från ett fältperspektiv

West, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>Denna magisteruppsats tittar närmare på den svenska musikfestivalmarknaden år 2008. Uppsatsen intresserar sig för varför marknaden är viktig och vilka strukturer som existerar på marknaden. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka regler och vilket spel som marknadens aktörer måste ta i beaktande och för att undersöka detta har författaren valt att använda Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kulturella fält som analysverktyg.</p><p>Uppsatsen har ett inifrån -och utifrånperspektiv. Arrangörens perspektiv, d v s den interna marknadsbilden tas upp. Den mediala bilden, d v s pressens bild av festivalmarknaden och dess roll där, finns också med samt publikens bild av marknaden. Dessa tre aspekter är delar av festivalmarknaden och har betydelse för dess struktur och framtid. De är därmed stommen i uppsatsens analys.</p><p>Musikfestivalmarknaden växer och det är uppsatsens utgångspunkt. Uppsatsen ämnar vara ett redskap för hur just denna marknad (men även andra) kan förstås.</p></p> / <p><p>This Master’s Level paper examines the Swedish market of music festivals, in the year 2008. The author takes an interest in why the market is important and what the market structures look like. What kind of rules exist in the market and how must one operator manage these rules of the game in order to survive in an ever-more competitive music festival market? These are questions that the paper deals with. French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu developed the concept of fields; a framework of cultural and literary fields that can be used to understand relations in social life. The author has used Boudieu’s field theory as tool to understand the structure of the wedish market of music festivals. The paper has a perspective from the inside, as well as a perspective from the outside. It includes the views of the arranger of the music festival, as well as those of the press and the festival audience. All these three angles are part of the market and have a significance for its structure and future. As such, they therefore make up the frame of the analysing part of the paper.</p></p> / Emma och magisterprojektet på KSM

Läsning - en nutida klassfråga? : En studie av sex svensklärarstudenters läsvanor ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv / Reading - a modern question of social class? : A study of teacher students’ reading habits from a sociological perspective.

Johansson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.</p><p>Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent. The important role teachers have according to children’s bringing up, also a theory by Bourdieu, are together with school law, curriculum and syllabus the framework regarding merit.</p><p>The results of the study agreed with Bourdieu’s thoughts of reading habits as a heritage of the cultural capital of the parents. Reading habits are on the other hand not a special relation with descent, i.e. the social background of the parents. Good merits from school could however possibly affect bad reading habits from the childhood, if you see the connection with good reading habits and good studying capacity.</p>

Hockeygymnasium -Utveckling och upplevelse : - Elevers socio-kulturella bakgrunds bidrag till utveckling / Hockeygymnasium -Development and experience : - Students socio-cultural backgrounds contribution to development

Leonardo, Åsen January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Conflict and consensus within the paralympic field : a sociological investigation of an elite disability sport competition

Purdue, David January 2011 (has links)
This research provides a sociological investigation of an elite disability sport competition known as the Paralympic Games. A quadrennial multi-sport competition for individuals with specific impairments, the Paralympic Games, is explored in this thesis through the method of semi-structured interviews. Individuals interviewed included current and former Paralympians, active and retired disability sport administrators as well as social researchers of disability and disability sport. A number of themes surface in this research which identifies and begins to explore the relationships between the core constituents which influence the Paralympic Games. Assertions about which bodies have a legitimate claim to be involved in Paralympic sport, alongside how impaired bodies are used to create an elite disability sport spectacle, such as the Paralympic Games, remain contested by members and organisations that influence, through consensus and conflict, the development of the Paralympic Movement. The Paralympic Games, of course, has not developed in isolation, but in the context of wider developments across sport. In relation to this the positive and negative influences of the International Olympic Committee upon the Paralympic Games are considered. At the core of the thesis, critical analysis has been generated through the use of the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. In particular Bourdieu's related concepts of habitus, capital and field, in conjunction with previous research into the Paralympic Movement and the extant literature in the field of disability studies, are used to illuminate the existence of a Paralympic field. The possible manifestation of a Paralympic field is explored through the empirical data collected. As a result this thesis highlights the nexus between the sociology of sport and disability studies. Through the fusion of these fields, and by grounding them in a robust theoretical framework, it is hoped that this research will add positively to the literature in this emerging specialism of the sociology of disability sport.

A tear in my eye but I cannot cry : an ethnographic multiple case study on the language ecology of Urumchi, Xinjiang and the language practices of Uyghur young adults / Ethnographic multiple case study on the language ecology of Urumchi, Xinjiang and the language practices of Uyghur young adults

Wilson, Robert Warren 05 April 2013 (has links)
This ethnographic study investigates the language ecology of Urumchi, Xinjiang with a focus on contextual factors as related to the language practices of Uyghur young adults. The thesis explores how the migration and settlement of Han Chinese, coupled with the expansion of Mandarin (and corresponding marginalization of Uyghur and other ethnic minority languages) in the Xinjiang education system has resulted in a punctuation of the linguistic equilibrium of the province. This study demonstrates how socio-political forces contribute to the devaluation of minority linguistic capital in a linguistic market, and how a language policy in the domestic field, as the primary structuring structure, may be utilized to stabilize diglossia and maintain the intergenerational transmission of a minority language. Participant observation, interview and documentary data were collected over an 18-month period of fieldwork in Urumchi. The analysis of interview data from 26 Uyghur adults, defined as early to mid-twenty years of age, who had been educated in Mandarin classes (mínkăohàn), Uyghur classes (mínkăomín), and bilingual Mandarin-Uyghur classes (shuāngyǔ) or a combination of these programs yielded four themes: context and language investments; expected returns; language choice; and linguistic anxiety. The data suggests a high degree of ambivalence among Uyghur young adults toward Mandarin; this form of cultural capital is conceived of as requisite for participation in the Han Chinese dominated economy, yet of a colonial nature and damaging to the demarcation of Uyghur social identity. Case study narratives are presented on four Uyghur young adults: one female educated in Mandarin classes (mínkăohàn); one male educated in Mandarin classes (mínkăohàn); one female educated in Uyghur primary and Mandarin-Uyghur secondary classes (mínkăomín/shuāngyǔ); and one male educated in Uyghur primary and Mandarin-Uyghur secondary classes (mínkăomín/shuāngyǔ). Each case study consultant completed a 94-item expressive vocabulary assessment. The data suggests that the expansion of Mandarin as the language of instruction in the Xinjiang education system has resulted in unstable diglossia among Uyghur communities, evidenced by Uyghur language attrition and Mandarin-Uyghur code-switching. Findings emphasize contextual factors that are contributing to the disruption of the intergenerational transmission of Uyghur and actions to support the vitality of this cultural heritage. / text

Kulturella intressen och inställning till utbildning bland elever på designprogrammet

Andersson, Sanna January 2008 (has links)
Mitt syfte med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka kulturella vanor och intressen, inställning till utbildning och högre studier elever på designprogrammet har med sig från uppväxtmiljön, samt utreda huruvida ett eventuellt samband mellan dessa faktorer föreligger. Mina frågeställningar var: - Hur har uppväxtmiljöns kulturella vanor och intressen sett ut och hur har de påverkat elevernas val av gymnasieutbildning? - Hur har uppväxtmiljöns inställning till utbildning och högre studier sett ut och hur har den påverkat deras syn på utbildning? - Finns det samband mellan uppväxtmiljöns syn på utbildning, kulturella vanor/intressen samt elevernas studieambitioner och framhävande av kulturellt betonade aktiviteter? Med utgångspunkt i bl.a. den franska sociologen Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kulturell kapital har jag utformat undersökningen som bestod av enkät och intervju med tio elever på designprogrammet. Mitt resultat visar dock att ungdomarnas kulturella vanor/intressen och inställning till utbildning inte är lika starkt sammankopplade som Bourdieu hävdar. För ungdomarna i undersökningen tycks det omgivande samhället, kompisar och media vara faktorer om inspirerar dem i deras val av utbildning och yrke, snarare än föräldrarna allena.

Ungdomar och skola : en kritisk diskursanalys av tre tidningars presentation av debatten kring gymnasieskolans program / Teenagers and school : a critic discourse analysis of three newspapers presentation of the debate surrounding the upper secondary schools program

Nilsson, Linn January 2014 (has links)
Skolan är ett ämnesområde som har debatterats under en längre period i samhället, inte minst har detta kunnat betraktas ske i media. Det har skett en livlig diskussion kring gymnasieskolan och dess teoretiska program och yrkesprogram, där exempelvis programmens utformning och uppdrag har debatterats. Någonting som även har berörts i diskussionerna kring gymnasieskolan och dess program är dess relation till arbetsmarknaden och till högre utbildningsformer, så som universitet och högskola. Inte minst har detta skett den nya gymnasieförordningen, SFS 2010:2039, trädde i kraft under 2011. Detta arbete stävar efter att synliggöra hur media i form av tre tidningar, Skolvärlden, Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter, under perioden från 2011-01-01 till 2012-12-31 har valt att presentera debatten kring de teoretiska och de praktiska yrkesprogrammen i gymnasieskolan i sina artiklar.

Citizen youth : culture, activism, and agency in an era of globalization

Kennelly, Jacqueline Joan 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis seeks to uncover some of the cultural practices central to youth activist subcultures across three urban centres in Canada: Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. I undertake this work within the context of rising moral and state claims about the apparent need for ‘good citizenship’ to be exercised by young people, alongside a late modern relationship between liberalism, neoliberalism, and Canada’s history of class- and race-based exclusions. The theoretical framework bridges cultural and political sociology with youth cultural theory. It also draws heavily upon the work of feminist philosophers of agency and the state. The main methodology is ethnographic, and was carried out within a phenomenological and hermeneutic framework. In total, 41 young people, ages 13-29, were involved in this research. Participants self-identified as being involved in activist work addressing issues such as globalization, war, poverty and/or colonialism. The findings of this study suggest that the effects of the historical and contemporary symbol of the ‘good citizen’ are experienced within youth activist subcultures through a variety of cultural means, including: expectations from self and schooling to be ‘responsible,’ with its associated burdens of guilt; policing practices that appear to rely on cultural ideas about the ‘good citizen’ and the ‘bad activist’; and representations of youth activism (e.g. within media) as replete with out-of-control young people being punished for their wrong-doings. Wider effects include the entrenched impacts of class- and race-based exclusions, which manifest within youth activist subcultures through stylistic regimes of ‘symbolic authorization’ that incorporate attire, beliefs, and practices. Although findings suggest that many young people come to activism via a predisposition created within an activist or Left-leaning family, this research also highlights the relational means by which people from outside of this familial habitus can come to activist practices. Taken together, findings suggest that youth activism must be understood as a cultural and social phenomenon, with requisite preconditions, influences, and effects; that such practices cannot be disassociated from wider social inequalities; and that such effects and influences demand scrutiny if we are to reconsider the role of activism and its part in expanding the political boundaries of the nation-state.

What is Canadian experience, eh? A financial industry perspective

Koltermann, Iren Hessami 17 September 2013 (has links)
This research identifies the dimensions of Canadian experience from the perspective of recruiters in the financial industry. Lack of Canadian experience is a systemic barrier to successful economic adaptation of new immigrants to Canada. Using modified grounded theory, semistructured interviews were conducted with thirteen front line recruiters in the Canadian financialsector. Analysis reveals that employers seek communication and leadership skills that are expressed in a uniquely Canadian style. As well, they wish to minimize the risk of a bad hiring fit, and the costs of training and acclimatization, so they use prior experience as proof of competence. Due to the style requirements, this prior experience should be in a Canadian environment. These results are then analyzed through the lens of Pierre Bourdieu's cultural capital theory as applied to the social concept of Canadian experience.

Between man and machine: a socio-historical analysis of masculinity in North American motorcycling culture

Maynard, Joshua Robert Adam 08 May 2008 (has links)
There has been a longstanding fascination with motorcycling culture in popular mainstream North American media, but this culture has only recently become the focus of rigorous, contextualized academic research. While smaller research projects have studied specific aspects of motorcycling culture, few academic researchers have investigated the exclusionary discourses that underpin motorcycling culture and none have done so in a methodical manner. Using a series of columns published over a thirty-five year period in the popular Canadian motorcycle magazine, Cycle Canada, I have analyzed the discourses through which motorcycling culture comes to have meaning to its participants and I have elucidated the socio-historical understandings of masculinity that are present in North American motorcycling culture. This thesis provides a historical sociological analysis of motorcycling discourse through a feminist lens. I view gender as a relation that must constantly be (re)negotiated amongst socially constituted subjects and I pay particular attention to how technological discourse is made socially durable and sustainable by the interface of material (motorcycles) and organic (human) beings. Longitudinal analysis of Cycle Canada illustrates the presence of heteronormative discourses that constrain readers' choices of gender identification and sexual orientation to traditional notions of masculinity. In an effort to create solidarity with their readers, the magazine editors cater to the perceived interests of an idealized male audience by performing these masculine identities. Though motorcycling culture in Canada is increasingly diverse, Cycle Canada has only begun to reflect this diversity in the past two years of publication. Explicating the social, political, economic, technological and historical context which gave rise to particular masculine identities in motorcycling culture allows us to focus on the positive agency involved in the performance of masculine identities, while still recognizing that there remains room to include other figurations of identity beyond traditional concepts of heteronormativity and homosociality. / Thesis (Master, Sociology) -- Queen's University, 2008-05-07 06:21:18.665

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