Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] CAUSALITY"" "subject:"[enn] CAUSALITY""
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Determinants of financial market development : the role of institutionsMadheu, Violet 10 1900 (has links)
This study aims to determine the main drivers of financial market development, with a
specific interest in the relationship between the stock and bank credit markets, as proxies
of financial market development, and the role of institutional quality, in ten African
countries for the period of 2009 to 2017. A number of econometric techniques such as
the General Methods of Moments (GMM) model for dynamic panel data, autoregressive
distribution lag (ARDL) bound testing approach to cointegration, vector error correction
model (VECM), and granger causality tests were applied in the study. We further
developed a composite index for both financial market development and institutional
quality using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The results demonstrate that
institutional quality, as well as infrastructure development, economic growth, and inflation
are the main determinants of financial market development in our sample of ten African
countries. Findings from the ARDL bound testing approach confirm the existence of a
long-run association between institutional quality and financial market development.
Although financial market development has no effect on economic growth, institutional
quality was found to have a positive and highly significant effect on economic growth.
Furthermore, employing the Granger causality test, we found uni-directional granger
causality between financial market development and institutional quality, implying that
financial market development is a significant causal factor for institutional quality. In
consideration of these findings, policy formulation by governments should be designed
towards enhancing financial and institutional quality development, and this can be
possibly achieved by effective enforcement of law to encourage compliance, while
simultaneously eliminating corruption and other institutional hindrances to development / Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza izinhlaka ezingabaphembeleli abasemqoka
ekuthuthukisweni kwezimakethe zezimali, kugxilwe kakhulu kubudlelwano obuphakathi
kwesitoko kanye nezimakethe zamabhangi ahlinzekana ngezikweletu, njengabancedisi
abathuthukisa izimakethe zezimali, kanye nendima emayelana nezinga leziko, emazweni
ase-Afrika ayishumi esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2009 ukufikela ku 2017. Inani lezindlela
zokulinganisa izinga lomnotho ezinjenge-General Methods of Moments (GMM) model
yedatha yephaneli eguquguqukayo, i-autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL) bound
testing approach to cointegration, i-vector error correction model (VECM), Kanye negranger causality tests zisetshenzisiwe kucwaningo. Siqhubekele phambili nokwakha
inkomba ehlangene yazo zombili izinhlaka; ukuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali
Kanye nezinga leziko ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwe-Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Imiphumela ikhombisile ukuthi izinga leziko, Kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwengqalasizinda,
ukuhluma komnotho, Kanye nezinga lamandla email yizinkomba ezisemqoka
zokuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali kusampuli yethu elula yamazwe ase-Afrika
ayishumi. Ulwazi olutholakele ku-ARDL bound testing approach luqinisekisa ubukhona
kobudlelwano besikhathi eside obuphakathi kwezinga leziko kanye nokuthuthukiswa
kwezimakethe zezimali. Yize ukuthuthukiswa kwemakethe yezimali kungenawo
umthelela kwezokuhluma komnotho, izinga leziko lona liye latholakala ukuthi linomthelela
omuhle nosemqoka kakhulu ekukhuleni komnotho. Ngaphezu kwalokho, uma
sisebenzisa uhlelo lweGranger causality test, sifumene i-uni-directional granger causality
phakathi kwemakethe yezimali Kanye nezinga leziko, lokhu kuchaza ukuthi
ukuthuthukiswa kwezimakethe zezimali kuyimbangela esemqoka yezinga leziko. Uma
kubhekwa lolu lwazi olutholakele, imigomo eyakhwa uhulumeni kufanele yakhiwe
ngenhloso yokuqinisa ukuthuthukiswa kwezinga lezimali Kanye nezinga leziko, kanti
lokhu kungafinyelelwa ngokuqinisa kahle umthetho ukukhuthaza ukulandelwa
komthetho, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi kuncishiswe izinga lenkohlakalo Kanye nezinye
izihibhe eziphazamiso ukuthuthukiswa kweziko. / Maikaelelo a thutopatlisiso ke go swetsa ka ditsamaisi tse dikgolo tsa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete, ka kgatlhego e rileng mo kamanong magareng ga mebaraka ya setoko le ya sekoloto sa dibanka, jaaka kemedi ya tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete,
le seabe sa boleng jwa ditheo, mo dinageng di le lesome tsa Aforika mo pakeng ya 2009 go ya go 2017. Go dirisitswe dithekeniki di le mmalwa tsa ikonometiriki di tshwana le sekao sa General Methods of Moments (GMM) sa data ya phanele e anameng, molebo wa tekeletso e kopanyang ya autoregressive distribution lag (ARDL), sekao sa vector error correction (VECM) le diteko tsa sesusumetsi tsa Granger. Gape re tlhamile tshupane ya dikarolo ya tlhabololo ya mmaraka wa ditšhelete le boleng jwa ditheo re dirisa Tokololo ya Dikarolo tse Dikgolo (Principal Components Analysis (PCA)). Dipholo di bontsha gore boleng jwa ditheo, gammogo le tlhabololo ya mafaratlhatlha, kgolo ya ikonomi le infoleišene ke diswetsi tsa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete mo sampoleng ya rona ya dinaga di le lesome tsa Aforika. Diphitlhelelo go tswa mo molebong wa teko e kopanyang ya ARDL di tlhomamisa go nna teng ga kamano ya paka e telele magareng ga boleng jwa ditheo le tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete. Le fa tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete e sa ame kgolo ya ikonomi ka gope, boleng jwa ditheo bo fitlhetswe bo na le ditlamorago tse di siameng e bile di le botlhokwa mo kgolong ya ikonomi. Mo godimo ga moo, ka go dirisa teko ya Granger ya sesusumetsi, re fitlhetse go
na le sesusumetsi sa ntlha e le nngwe sa Granger magareng ga lhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete le boleng jwa ditheo, mo go rayang gore tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya ditšhelete ke ntlha e e botlhokwa ya sesusumetsi sa boleng jwa ditheo. Fa go lebelelwa
diphitlhelelo tseno, go dirwa ga dipholisi ke dipuso go tshwanetse ga dirwa gore go tokafatse tlhabololo ya boleng jwa ditšhelete le ditheo, mme seno se ka fitlhelelwa ka tiragatso e e bokgoni ya molao go rotloetsa kobamelo mme go ntse go fedisiwa bobodu le dikgoreletsi tse dingwe tsa tlhabololo mo ditheong. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management (Finance))
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Representation and Reconstruction of Linear, Time-Invariant NetworksWoodbury, Nathan Scott 01 April 2019 (has links)
Network reconstruction is the process of recovering a unique structured representation of some dynamic system using input-output data and some additional knowledge about the structure of the system. Many network reconstruction algorithms have been proposed in recent years, most dealing with the reconstruction of strictly proper networks (i.e., networks that require delays in all dynamics between measured variables). However, no reconstruction technique presently exists capable of recovering both the structure and dynamics of networks where links are proper (delays in dynamics are not required) and not necessarily strictly proper.The ultimate objective of this dissertation is to develop algorithms capable of reconstructing proper networks, and this objective will be addressed in three parts. The first part lays the foundation for the theory of mathematical representations of proper networks, including an exposition on when such networks are well-posed (i.e., physically realizable). The second part studies the notions of abstractions of a network, which are other networks that preserve certain properties of the original network but contain less structural information. As such, abstractions require less a priori information to reconstruct from data than the original network, which allows previously-unsolvable problems to become solvable. The third part addresses our original objective and presents reconstruction algorithms to recover proper networks in both the time domain and in the frequency domain.
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Aspects of bivariate time seriesSeeletse, Solly Matshonisa 11 1900 (has links)
Exponential smoothing algorithms are very attractive for the practical world
such as in industry. When considering bivariate exponential smoothing
methods, in addition to the properties of univariate methods, additional
properties give insight to relationships between the two components of a
process, and also to the overall structure of the model.
It is important to study these properties, but even with the merits the
bivariate exponential smoothing algorithms have, exponential smoothing
algorithms are nonstatistical/nonstochastic and to study the properties within
exponential smoothing may be worthless.
As an alternative approach, the (bivariate) ARIMA and the structural models
which are classes of statistical models, are shown to generalize the exponential
smoothing algorithms. We study these properties within these classes as they
will have implications on exponential smoothing algorithms.
Forecast properties are studied using the state space model and the Kalman
filter. Comparison of ARIMA and structural model completes the study. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Statistics)
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Die manifestasie van organisasietraagheidLouw, Gerrit Johannes. 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Die doel van die studie was om organisasietraagheid as stremmende fenomeen te
konseptualiseer en die manifestasie daarvan te ondersoek binne 'n tipiese
Aandag is gegee aan organisasietransformasie binne die raamwerk van 'n
diagnostiese model vir organisasie- en individuele ontwikkeling.
Die empiriese studie bevestig die manifestasie van organisasietraagheid ten
opsigte van die teikenorganisasie.
Resultate bevestig dat respondente ten gunste is van veranderingsinisiatiewe,
maar ondergeskiktes toon 'n emstige behoefte aan leierskap. Dit blyk ook dat die
organisasie nie die vermoe het om vinnig op omgewingsveranderings te reageer
nie. Gesonde bestuurspraktyke word nie gevolg nie en kreatiwiteit word nie
aangemoedig nie. By ondergeskiktes bestaan ook twyfel oor veranderingsagente
se vermoe om verandering te fasiliteer. / The purpose of the study was to conceptualise organisation inertia as a retarding
phenomenon and to investigate its manifestation within a typical work organisation.
Attention was given to organisational and individual development within the framework
of a diagnostic model.
The empirical study focussed on the manifestation of organisational inertia within the
target organisation.
Results confirmed that respondents are in favour of change initiatives but that the
stimulation thereof do not exist. Subordinates are not encouraged to show creativity.
The organisation demonstrates an incapability to respond to environmental changes
and reflects a non-existence of healthy management practices. Little trust exists in the
capability of change agents to facilitate change. / Economics and Management Sciences / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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An empirical study of the impact of bank credit on agricultural output in South AfricaChisasa, Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
In the literature there are mixed results on the link between credit and agricultural output growth. Some authors argue that credit leads to growth in agricultural output. Others view growth as one of the factors that influence credit supply, thus growth leads and credit follows. By and large, studies have not endeavoured to establish the short-run impact of agricultural credit on output. They are generally limited in establishing the long-run relationship between credit and agricultural output and thus present a research gap in this respect.
This study contributes to the existing body of literature by focusing on the finance-growth nexus at sectoral level as a departure from extant literature that has focused on the macroeconomic level. Using South African data, the study investigated the causal relationship between the supply of credit and agricultural output as well as whether the two are cointegrated and have a short-run relationship.
The study found that bank credit and agricultural output are cointegrated. Using the error correction model (ECM), the results showed that, in the short-run, bank credit has a negative impact on agricultural output, reflecting the uncertainties of institutional credit in South Africa. However, the ECM coefficient shows that the supply of agricultural credit rapidly adjusts to short-term disturbances, indicating that there is no room for tardiness in the agricultural sector. The absence of institutional credit will immediately be replaced by availability of other credit facilities from non-institutional sources. Conventional Granger causality tests show unidirectional causality from (1) bank credit to agricultural output growth, (2) agricultural output to capital formation, (3) agricultural output to labour, (4) capital formation to credit, and (5) capital formation to labour, and a bi-directional causality between credit and labour. Noteworthy and significant for South Africa is that for the agricultural sector, the direction of causality is from finance to growth, in other words supply-leading, whereas at the macroeconomic level, the direction of causality is from economic growth to finance, in other words, demand-leading.
Applying a structural equation modelling approach to survey data of smallholder farmers, the positive relationship between bank credit and agricultural output observed from analysis of secondary data was confirmed. / Business Management / DCOM (Business Management)
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Analysis of the relationship between business cycles and bank credit extenstion : evidence from South AfricaChakanyuka, Goodman 06 1900 (has links)
This study provides evidence of the relationship between bank-granted credit and
business cycles in South Africa. The study is conducted in three phases, namely
qualitative research (Phase I), quantitative research (Phase II) and econometric analysis
(Phase III). A sequential (connected data) mixed methodology (Phase I and II) is used to
collect and analyze primary data from market participants. The qualitative research
(Phase I) involves structured interviews with influential or well informed people on the
subject matter. Phase I of the study is used to understand the key determinants of bank
credit in South Africa and to appreciate how each of the credit aggregates behaves during
alternate business cycles. Qualitative survey results suggest key determinants of
commercial bank credit in South Africa as economic growth, collateral value, bank
competition, money supply, deposit liabilities, capital requirements, bank lending rates
and inflation. The qualitative results are used to formulate questions of the structured
survey questionnaire (Quantitative research- Phase II). The ANOVA and Pearman’s
product correlation analysis techniques are used to assess relationship between variables.
The quantitative results show that there is direct and positive relationship between bank
lending behavior and credit aggregates namely economic growth, collateral value, bank
competition and money supply. On the other hand, the results show that there is a
negative relationship between credit growth and bank capital and lending rates. Overall,
the quantitative findings show that bank lending in South Africa is procyclical. The
survey results indicate that the case for demand-following hypothesis is stronger than
supply-leading hypothesis in South Africa.
The econometric methodology is used to augment results of the survey study. Phase III of
the study re-examines econometric relationship between bank lending and business
cycles. The study employs cointegration and vector error correction model (VECM)
techniques in order to test for existence of long-run relationship between the selected
variables. Granger causality test technique is applied to the variables of interest to test for
direction of causation between variables. The study uses quarterly data for the period of
1980:Q1 to 2013:Q4. Business cycles are determined and measured by Gross Domestic
Product at market prices while bank-granted credit is proxied by credit extension to the
private sector. The econometric test results show that there is a significant long-run
relationship between economic growth and bank credit extension. The Granger causality
test provides evidence of unidirectional causal relationship with direction from economic
growth to credit extension for South Africa. The study results indicate that the case for
demand-following hypothesis is stronger than supply-leading hypothesis in South Africa.
Economic growth spurs credit market development in South Africa.
Overall, the results show that there is a stable long-run relationship between macroeconomic
business cycles and real credit growth in South Africa. The results show that
economic growth significantly causes and stimulates bank credit. The study, therefore,
recommends that South Africa needs to give policy priority to promotion and
development of the real sector of the economy to propel and accelerate credit extension.
Economic growth is considered as the significant policy variable to stimulate credit
extension. The findings therefore hold important implications for both theory and policy. / Business Management / D.B.L.
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The impact of trade policy reforms on households : a welfare analysis for KenyaOmolo, Miriam 11 March 2013 (has links)
Trade liberalization in Kenya started in the early 1980s with the structural adjustment
programmes, and continued under the multilateral framework of the WTO. During the same
period, the incidence of poverty and level of inequality also worsened. The government’s focus on
trade negotiations has been to ensure that there is policy space for the daily running of the economy
even though welfare impacts are also important. Non-state actors have argued that trade
liberalization has negatively affected the poor; particularly the farmers, since they cannot compete
with the developed countries whose farmers enjoy significant government support through subsidies,
making their products much cheaper in the world market. Government officials, on the other hand,
contend that trade liberalization is good as it brings in competition and transfer of technology which
is good for an economy. It is important to examine how trade liberalization has affected
household’s welfare in Kenya, given that this kind of analysis has not been conducted in Kenya.
This study is unique because it does not assume the existence of a trade liberalization–
poverty relationship, unlike most studies. It uses a multi-method approach to first test the
hypothesis that there is no statistically significant relationship between trade liberalization and
poverty, it further tests for multiplier effects of trade liberalization on poverty determinants. Trade
Liberalization and poverty is found to have a stochastic relationship, furthermore investments and
capital stock were found to significantly affect poverty determinants in the stochastic model. Due to
unavailability of household welfare measure data in time series, a CGE model was used to
establish the dynamics of trade liberalization on poverty at a point in time using the 2003 Social
Accounting Matrix Data for Kenya. Overall, trade liberalization accompanied by FDI had the
greatest impact on household welfare.
Trade liberalization had a positive impact on household welfare since household incomes and
consumption increased. Micro simulations results, based on changes in consumption, also showed
that poverty incidence reduced for all households, even though the urban households experienced
higher decreases. The study found that there was little difference in protecting sensitive products and
not protecting them; secondly, trade liberalization accompanied by foreign direct investment had
greater impact on improving the household welfare. Consumption and incomes increased, resulting
in overall poverty reduction. The welfare of urban households was much higher than rural
households in terms of income and consumption increases. However, income inequality was much
higher in urban than rural areas. / Economics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Economics)
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國際化程度與銀行經營績效之關係--台灣銀行業之分析蔡佳憓 Unknown Date (has links)
銀行國際化、績效、規模等因素就像是一個迴圈,彼此影響。也可以說銀行要提升績效的方式有很多,國際化、併購、擴大市場都是策略之一,只是目前在國內銀行業市場有限的關係,造成國際化策略的自然形成,銀行國際化是一種過程、是一種手段,並不一定與績效有因果關係,只是現在剛好走到這裡。 / This paper examines the relationships between bank performance and DOI(degree of internationalization). We start with explore the incentives for banks to internationalize themselves. Then we structure an index to measure the degree of internationalization and finally examine the relationships between various variables and performance.
This study uses unbalanced panel data of the Taiwan bank industry from 1998 to 2007. Besides the often-used regression method, this paper also tests both fixed effect and random effect models with panel data, and examines Granger causality between bank internationalization, performance and incentives of internationalization.
We find that variables such as scale, customers-following and foreign interest rate spread positively affect bank internationalization; moreover scale and customers-following factor Granger cause bank internationalization. So we can conclude that utilizing-economies-of-scale and following-customers are two incentives justifying the internationalization strategy of Taiwan’s banks.
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各國不動產證券指數對抗通貨膨脹之研究江東穎 Unknown Date (has links)
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Vers une transition forestière en Thaïlande? : analyse causale de l’avancée des forêts à partir du cas de PhetchabunLeblond, Jean-Philippe 05 1900 (has links)
Selon des thèses développées au cours des années 1990 et 2000, le développement économique constitue à la fois la source et la solution aux problèmes environnementaux. Au sujet des forêts, les transitions forestières (c’est-à-dire le passage de la déforestation à la reforestation) documentées dans certains pays développés seraient causées par des dynamiques universelles intrinsèques au développement et à la modernisation des sociétés. Nos travaux ont porté sur l’application de cette vision optimiste et controversée à l’évolution des superficies forestières en Thaïlande.
S’appuyant sur une recension de la littérature, sur des données secondaires ainsi que nos travaux de terrain dans la région de Phetchabun, la thèse offre les apports suivants. Elle démontre que contrairement à l’idée répandue en Thaïlande, le ralentissement de la déforestation a été suivi par une expansion forestière substantielle entre environ 1995 et 2005. Ce regain forestier est lié à la disparition presque complète de l’expansion agricole, à l’établissement de plantations sylvicoles et, surtout, à l’abandon de terres agricoles. Cet abandon agricole découle d’abord et avant tout de la faible et incertaine rentabilité de l’agriculture dans certaines zones non irriguées. Ce phénomène s’explique, entre autres, par la dégradation des sols et par l’incapacité des agriculteurs à contrer l’impact des transformations économiques internes et externes à la Thaïlande. L’accroissement de la pression de conservation n’a pu contribuer à l’expansion forestière que dans certains contextes (projets de reforestation majeurs appuyés par l’armée, communautés divisées, terres déjà abandonnées). Sans en être une cause directe, l’intensification agricole et la croissance des secteurs non agricoles ont rendu moins pénibles la confiscation et l’abandon des terres et ont permis que de tels phénomènes surviennent sans entraîner d’importants troubles sociaux. Dans un contexte d’accroissement des prix agricoles, notamment celui du caoutchouc naturel, une partie du regain forestier aurait été perdu depuis 2005 en raison d’une ré-expansion des surfaces agricoles. Cela illustre le caractère non permanent de la transition forestière et la faiblesse des mesures de conservation lorsque les perspectives de profit sont grandes.
La thèse montre que, pour être robuste, une théorie de la transition forestière doit être contingente et reconnaître que les variables macro-sociales fréquemment invoquées pour expliquer les transitions forestières (ex. : démocratisation, intensification agricole, croissance économique) peuvent aussi leur nuire. Une telle théorie doit également prendre en compte des éléments d’explication non strictement économiques et souvent négligés (menaces à la sécurité nationale, épuisement des terres perçues comme arables et libres, degré d’attachement aux terres et capacité d’adaptation et résilience des systèmes agricoles). Finalement, les écrits sur la transition forestière doivent reconnaître qu’elle a généralement impliqué des impacts sociaux et même environnementaux négatifs. Une lecture de la transition forestière plus nuancée et moins marquée par l’obsession de la seule reforestation est seule garante d’une saine gestion de l’environnement en respect avec les droits humains, la justice sociale et le développement durable. / Recent popular ideas and theories portray economic development as both a cause and a solution to environmental degradation. Concerning forest cover, many authors view forest transitions (the passage from deforestation to reforestation) as resulting from near-universal causal dynamics linked to economic development. The thesis evaluates the validity of these controversial ideas and their relevance to the Thai case.
Based on an analysis of secondary literature and official data as well as extensive fieldwork in Phetchabun region, the thesis makes the following points. Contrary to the dominant view, forest cover did expand significantly between ~1995 and 2005. Forest regrowth is linked to the near-interruption of agricultural expansion, the establishment of forest plantations, and, most importantly, agricultural abandonment. The latter derives first and foremost from the declining and currently uncertain profitability of agriculture in non-irrigated zones. These agricultural problems are linked to declining soil fertility and the incapacity of some farmers to counter the impact of rapid economic changes occurring within and outside Thailand. Conservation efforts contributed to forest expansion only in some contexts (ex.: military-backed projects, divided communities, land already abandoned). Agricultural intensification and the growth of non-agricultural sectors made land confiscation and agricultural abandonment less distressing and allowed these land transformations to occur without leading to major social troubles. Since 2005, part of the forest regrowth has been lost to the rubber boom. This illustrates both the potentially non-permanent nature of the forest transition and the limited power of forest conservation in the face of major politico-economic interests.
A robust forest transition theory must be contextually-bounded and recognize that forest transitions can be encouraged, blocked or countered by the same frequently invoked macro-social variables: economic growth, agricultural intensification, and democratisation. It must also take into account neglected causal factors, such as geopolitical threats, the resilience of agrarian systems, the perception of land scarcity and the degree of attachment to the land and an agrarian life. Typically, social distress, violence and, in some cases, negative environmental impacts have accompanied forest transitions. Human rights, social justice and sustainable development principles require that a more nuanced view of forest transitions be adopted.
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