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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito à prevenção especial da criança na classificação indicativa / Right to Special Prevention of Child in the Rating System

Leite, Rita de Cássia Curvo 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-11T13:51:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cássia Curvo Leite.pdf: 2053909 bytes, checksum: 89d79deca184a3be0dcee67198e74bb4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-11T13:51:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cássia Curvo Leite.pdf: 2053909 bytes, checksum: 89d79deca184a3be0dcee67198e74bb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / In this study, we intend to ascertain, essentially, that the indicative rating system is an effective interlocutor of the principle of special prevention enshrined in the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law no 8.069/90, articles 74-80), avoiding exposure children to inappropriate audiovisual content. Regulated by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice and the National Secretariat of Justice, the classificatory system strode to approach the co-regulation model, through which the society in the regular exercise of citizenship, is invited to participate in the classification of works giving greater transparency and freedom to the system. In order to identify the negative impacts on child development arising from inadequate intake for their age group especially in the cultural environment, leisure and entertainment, discourse shall be in the foreground, on the principles that guide the novel juvenile law, starting the doctrine (or, as it will adopt in this paper), the overprinciple of full protection. Recognizing that the child is a person (subject of rights), to whom should the state, the family and society devote attention, care and zeal, based on recognized vulnerability and underpriviledge, one could end up excelling by values, such as dignity of the human person undeniably serves in particular the child, in order to ensure to preserve his/her well-being, respect his physical, mental and moral integrity and meet at last, at its best interest. Shall be to examine, from there, the heart (the ratio and prospecting) of special prevention, which will be considered, in our case, subclass of general prevention. The children's entertainment industry (as often happens with television and public spectacles in general, including cinematograph), advertising, the use of electronic media, the availability of games (including interpretation - RPG) are that deserve increased attention from adults, especially given the speed with which information from these means reach the child. In this sense, the reflections contained in our study did not escape the confrontation of controversial and related issues to the central area, such as the apparent conflict between freedom of speech and the expression of thought and control these through the parental rating system regulated by Justice Ministry. To this end, some praetorian decisions will be examined, without forgetting the technical assessment of the ADI (direct action of unconstitutionality) 2404 which is being processed since 2001 in the Supreme Court. Finally, it will examine the extent of the indicative classification system, daring to suggest it can be extended to other forms of communication today not cataloged by the classification model in place. / No presente estudo, defende-se, fundamentalmente, que o sistema de classificação indicativa é um eficiente interlocutor do princípio da prevenção especial consagrado pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei nº 8.069/90, artigos 74 a 80), evitando a exposição infantil a conteúdos audiovisuais inapropriados. Regulado por Portarias do Ministério da Justiça e da Secretaria Nacional de Justiça, o sistema classificatório caminhou a passos largos para se aproximar do modelo de corregulação, por meio do qual a sociedade, no exercício regular da cidadania, é convidada a participar da classificação das obras, dando maior transparência e liberdade ao sistema. A fim de identificar os impactos negativos no desenvolvimento infantil decorrentes do consumo inadequado à sua faixa etária, especialmente no ambiente da cultura, do lazer e do entretenimento, discorrer-se-á, em primeiro plano, acerca dos princípios que norteiam a legislação infantojuvenil, partindo-se da doutrina (ou, como se adotará neste trabalho), do sobreprincípio da proteção integral. Ao se reconhecer que a criança é uma pessoa (sujeito de direitos), a quem deve o Estado, a família e a sociedade dedicar cuidado, zelo e atenção, fundada na reconhecida vulnerabilidade e hipossuficiência de que é portadora, prima-se por valores como o da dignidade da pessoa humana que, inegavelmente, protege em particular a criança, a fim de garantir-lhe a preservação de seu bem-estar, respeitar-lhe sua integridade física, mental e moral e atender, enfim, a seu melhor interesse. Examinar-se-á, a partir daí, o cerne (a ratio e a prospecção) da prevenção especial, a qual será considerada, em nossa hipótese, subclasse da prevenção geral. A indústria do entretenimento infantil (como sói acontecer com os programas televisivos e espetáculos públicos em geral, incluindo-se os cinematográficos), a publicidade, o uso de mídias eletrônicas, a disponibilização de jogos (inclusive de interpretação – RPG) estão a merecer atenção redobrada dos adultos, principalmente diante da velocidade com que as informações provenientes desses meios atingem a criança. Nesse sentido, as reflexões contidas neste estudo não escaparão ao enfrentamento de temas polêmicos e correlatos à matéria central, tais como o aparente conflito entre a liberdade de expressão e a manifestação do pensamento e o controle destes por meio do sistema de classificação indicativa. Para tanto, serão examinadas algumas decisões pretorianas, sem se olvidar a apreciação técnica da ADI (Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade) 2404, que tramita desde 2001 no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Por fim, examinar-se-á a extensão do sistema de classificação indicativa, ousando-se sugerir possa ele ser estendido a outras formas de comunicação hoje não catalogadas pelo modelo classificatório em vigor

Tecnologias de governo, infância e rua : um estudo sobre as categorias e as práticas dos serviços que acompanham crinças e adolescentes em situação de rua em Porto Alegre

Lancellotti, Helena Patini January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação é resultado de uma pesquisa etnográfica com o serviço Ação Rua, que atua na abordagem e no acompanhamento de crianças e adolescentes configurados como em situação de rua na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS e com a Proteção Especial de Média Complexidade vinculada à Fundação de Assistência Social e Cidadania (FASC). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como as categorias tipificadas no Projeto Ação Rua – rua sobrevivência e rua moradia – estão sendo utilizadas e reconfiguradas no espaço coordenado pela Proteção Especial e na prática cotidiana de duas equipes que fazem parte do programa. A partir do trabalho de campo, foi possível perceber como está ocorrendo à gestão da situação de rua na cidade e quais elementos vêm compondo essa categorização. Com este trabalho, espero contribuir para os profissionais que tornaram possível a concretização deste estudo e para as reflexões dentro do campo da Antropologia do Estado, das práticas de governo e dos estudos sobre gestão da infância e juventude em situação de rua. / This dissertation is the result of an ethnographic research with the AçãoRua service, which operates on the approach and accompaniment of children and adolescentes configured as homeless in the city of Porto Alegre/RS, and with the Middle Special Protection Complexity linked to Fundação de Assistência Social e Cidadania (FASC). The objective of this research was to understand how the categories typified by the Ação Rua Project - street survival and street housing - are being used and reconfigured in the space coordinated by the Special Protection and the daily practice of two teams who are part of the program. From the field work, it was revealed how the management of the streets is happening in the city and which elements have been composing this categorization. With this work, I hope to contribute with the professionals who made possible the realization of this study and also with the reflections in the anthropology of state field, the governance practices and studies about the management of childhood and youth in the streets.

A práxis pedagógica em abrigos / The pedagogical praxis in shelters

Juliana Gama Izar 28 June 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste em uma análise das práticas educacionais desenvolvidas e voltadas para crianças e adolescentes em situação de abrigo ao longo da história nacional. Atualmente denominada como acolhimento institucional, esta prática é garantida pela Lei 8069/90 como uma medida de proteção e suas unidades de atendimento social são entendidas como espaços socioeducativos. A investigação empírica realizada em três instituições distintas durante a pesquisa apresenta evidências de que seu caráter educativo ainda está distante do ideal de desenvolvimento integral preconizado pela Lei, prevalecendo práticas pautadas no desrespeito à subjetividade daqueles que deveriam ser a razão de sua existência. Assim, este trabalho busca fazer um resgate histórico destas práticas, seguido pela apresentação da realidade atual constatada por meio da observação-participante, para uma posterior reflexão e proposição de um trabalho socioeducativo que seja realmente significativo para os acolhidos institucionalmente nestes espaços. / This study is an analysis of educational practices and programs for children and adolescents in a shelter along the national history. Currently known as shelter, this practice is guaranteed by Law 8069/90 as a measure of protection and their social service units are understood as socio-educational spaces. Empirical research carried out in three different institutions during the study presents evidence that its educational nature is still far from the ideal of integral development envisaged by the law, prevailing practices based on disrespect to the subjectivity of those who should be the reason for their existence. This study seeks to make a historical review of these practices, followed by the presentation of the current reality observed through participant observation, for further discussion and proposal of a social-educational work that is really significant for the institutionally accepted in these spaces.

Psicopatologia no início da adolescência: prevalência, continuidade e determinantes precoces

Silva, Luciana Anselmi Duarte da January 2008 (has links)
Introdução: os transtornos mentais freqüentemente têm início na infância e podem persistir até a idade adulta. Assim, transtornos mentais em crianças e adolescentes apresentam alta prevalência. Determinantes ambientais, genéticos, biológicos e comportamentais têm sido investigados na etiologia dos transtornos mentais. Objetivos: estudar a prevalência e a continuidade dos transtornos mentais no início da adolescência e os determinantes precoces para problemas de atenção e hiperatividade na mesma faixa etária. Métodos: realizaram-se dois estudos com delineamento prospectivo de coorte e um estudo transversal aninhado ao estudo longitudinal com duas fases: triagem e diagnóstico de saúde mental. Em 1993, todos os nascimentos hospitalares ocorridos na cidade de Pelotas foram monitorados (N = 5.249). Amostras destas crianças foram visitadas no primeiro e no quarto ano de vida. Em 2004-5, 4.452 (87,5% da coorte original) adolescentes e suas mães foram entrevistados. Neste seguimento, foram utilizados três instrumentos de coleta de dados sobre saúde mental. Inicialmente, 4.452 adolescentes e suas mães responderam ao Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ) para avaliar problemas de saúde mental dos adolescentes. Os adolescentes com rastreamento positivo (na versão do SDQ das mães ou na de auto-preenchimento), mais uma amostra com rastreamento negativo, foram selecionados (juntamente com suas mães) para responderem à entrevista Levantamento sobre o Desenvolvimento e Bem-estar de Crianças e Adolescentes (DAWBA). Procedeu-se a uma nova visita domiciliar para uma entrevista com as mães de uma amostra de adolescentes (os mesmos avaliados aos 4 anos), utilizando o Inventário de Comportamentos da Infância e Adolescência (CBCL). Resultados: a prevalência de transtornos mentais no início da adolescência foi estimada em 10,8% (IC 95% 5,7-15,9%), sendo os grupos de transtornos mais prevalentes os do comportamento disruptivo, seguidos dos de ansiedade. Na reaplicação do CBCL após oito anos (aos 4 e 12 anos de idade), houve uma continuidade moderada da psicopatologia. Assim 31% das crianças com comportamento desviante aos 4 anos persistiam com esses comportamentos aos 12 anos. Os problemas de externalização aos 4 anos foram os que apresentaram maior estabilidade em 8 anos e, também, os principais preditores de diferentes desfechos em saúde mental. Os fatores de risco (coletados no nascimento e quarto ano) que permaneceram associados aos problemas de atenção e hiperatividade aos 12 anos foram: a) renda familiar; b) sexo masculino; c) tabagismo materno na gestação; d) transtorno psiquiátrico materno; e) problemas de comportamento e emocionais da criança. Conclusões: os resultados mostraram-se similares aos achados de estudos, brasileiros e internacionais, em relação às taxas de prevalências, aos padrões de psicopatologia mais freqüentes, à evolução, aos antecedentes comportamentais e aos fatores de risco dos transtornos mentais, apontando para a universalidade dos transtornos mentais entre diferentes culturas. Fatores ambientais, biológicos e psicológicos, presentes no início da vida, tiveram efeito de longo prazo em escores de desatenção e hiperatividade na adolescência, confirmando achados prévios de estudos de coortes de nascimentos. / Introduction: mental disorders often begin during childhood and may persist up to the adult age. In addition, their prevalence in children and adolescent is high. Environmental, genetics, biological and psychological determinants have been investigated in the etiology of mental disorder. Objectives: to study the prevalence and the continuity of mental disorders in the early adolescence, as well as early determinants for attention and hyperactivity problems at the same age range. Methods: two studies with a cohort prospective design were developed and a transversal study was nested into the longitudinal study with two phases: screening and diagnoses of mental disorder. In 1993, all the births which took place in hospitals in the city of Pelotas were monitored (N = 5,249). Samples of these children were visited in the first and fourth year of age. In 2004-5, 4,452 (87.5% of the original cohort) adolescents and their mothers were interviewed. In this follow-up, three instruments assessing the mental health of the adolescents were applied. Initially, 4,452 adolescents and their mothers answered to the Strenghs and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to evaluate problems of mental health of the adolescents. The adolescents with positive screening (in the SDQ of the mothers or self-report versions), and a sample of those with negative screening, were selected (as well as their mothers) to answer to the Development and Well-Being of Children and Adolescents Interview (DAWBA). A new home visit was proceeded for an interview with the mothers of a sample of adolescents (the same who had been evaluated at 4 years of age), using the Child and Adolescent Behavior CheckList (CBCL). Results: the prevalence of mental disorder in early adolescence was estimated in 10.8% (95%CI 5.7-15.9). The most prevalent disorders were the group of disruptive behavior disorders, followed by anxiety disorders. By the time CBCL was reapplied after eight years (at the ages of 4 and 12), there was a moderate continuity of psychopathology. Thus, 31% of the children with deviant behavior at 4 years of age kept their deviant scores at 12 years of age. The externalizing problems at 4 years of age were the ones with higher stability and, also, the main predictors of different outcomes in mental health at early adolescence. The factors (measured at birth and fourth year) which remained associated to the problems of attentional and hyperactivity at 12 years of age were: a) family income; b) male sex; c) maternal smoking during pregnancy; d) maternal psychiatric disorder; e) behavioral and emotional problems of the child. Conclusions: our findings were similar to those found in both Brazilian and international studies regarding the prevalence rate, the most frequent psychopathological pattern, the evolution, behavioral antecedents and risk factors of a mental disorder, indicating the universality of mental disorders among different cultures. Environmental, biological and psychological factors, which are present in the beginning of life, had a long-term effect in attention and hyperactivity problems at the adolescence, confirming previous findings in studies of birth cohort.

O desaparecimento de crianças e adolescentes / The disappearance of children and adolescents

Neumann, Marcelo Moreira 28 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:18:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Moreira Neumann.pdf: 820859 bytes, checksum: 0d1fd2f4ed0b597fec520874d5a244f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The disappearance of people, especially children and adolescents awakens a lot of commotion in the society, however scientific studies on the subject are still rare. These few studies do not provide a deep reflection of the conceptual point of view. There is the 'disappearance' is reduced by the relation of cause and effect. The objective of this study was to expand the concept by the visions of sociology, law, psychology and literature, then treat it in its etymological sense. It was found that the origin of the word existing social elements that constitute it, the loss can only occur in human social relationships - in which it is perceived, seen and felt. After delineating the conceptual effort to relate the disappearance of their multiple determinations, highlighting the social causes, natural and psychological. In the social determinations were discussed the historical, cultural, religious, social issues, violence and the influence of totalitarian regimes in the disappearance of people. In natural determinations were shown how people disappear because of natural forces and human action. Discussed the formation of the individual and subjectivity and how these may influence psychological determinations in cases escape of the home or institution. The proposed investigation of the disappearance of children and adolescents from these multiple measurements, with the predominance of social determinations. The following is characterized by participation of those involved in these disappearances, based in some cases assisted by the ´Projeto Caminho de Volta´ - FMUSP. The data obtained from medical records were analyzed and categorized, which resulted in ' table expected behaviors' those involved in the situation of disappearance. These tables show the actions taken by each of the subjects involved soon after the disappearance of children and adolescents. They reveal the kind of relationship - the difficulties and pains of those seeking the missing, as well as the likely reasons for this. In the last chapter were discussed current challenges and perspectives of the topic, related to Brazilian public policy, moving tentatively in consolidating the legal framework for the disappearance in the country. Concluded that when considering the disappearance as a predominantly social situation, removes the load placed by society in missing or their families and forth this universalizing the issue, showing that the problem should be tackled by all / O desaparecimento de pessoas, especialmente de crianças e adolescentes desperta muita comoção na sociedade, entretanto os estudos científicos sobre o tema ainda são raros. Estas poucas publicações existentes não oferecem uma reflexão profunda do ponto de vista conceitual. Nelas o desaparecimento é reduzido pela relação de causa e efeito. O objetivo deste trabalho foi ampliar o conceito pelas visões da sociologia, do direito, da psicologia e da literatura, para posteriormente tratá-lo no seu sentido etimológico. Foi verificado que na origem da palavra já existem os elementos sociais que o constitui, pois, o desaparecimento só pode ocorrer nas relações sociais humanas na qual ele é percebido, observado e sentido. Após a delimitação conceitual procurou-se relacionar o desaparecimento com suas múltiplas determinações, destacando as determinações sociais, naturais e psicológicas. Nas determinações sociais foram debatidos os aspectos históricos, cultural-religiosos, a questão social, as violências e a influência dos regimes totalitários no desaparecimento de pessoas. Nas determinações naturais foram mostradas como as pessoas desaparecem em virtude das forças da natureza e da ação do homem. Discutiu a formação do individuo e de sua subjetividade e, como essas determinações psicológicas podem influenciar nos casos de fugas do lar ou de instituições. A proposta de investigação do desaparecimento de crianças e adolescentes partiu destas múltiplas determinações, com a predominância das determinações sociais. A seguir foi caracterizada a participação dos envolvidos nestes desaparecimentos, fundamentado em alguns casos atendidos pelo Projeto Caminho de Volta - FMUSP. Os dados obtidos nos prontuários foram analisados e categorizados, que resultou em quadros de comportamentos previstos dos envolvidos na situação de desaparecimento. Estes quadros mostram as atitudes tomadas por cada um dos sujeitos envolvidos logo após o desaparecimento de crianças e adolescentes. Eles revelam o tipo de relação - as dificuldades e as dores das pessoas que procuram o desaparecido, como também os prováveis motivadores desta situação. No último capítulo foram debatidos os desafios e perspectivas atuais do tema, relacionados com a política pública brasileira, que se move timidamente na consolidação do marco legal para o desaparecimento no país. Concluí-se que ao considerar o desaparecimento como uma situação predominantemente social, retira-se a carga depositada pela sociedade nos desaparecidos ou nos seus familiares e diante disto universaliza-se a questão, mostrando que o problema deve ser enfrentado por todos

Symptom Changes in Children and Adolescents With Internalizing Conditions During Treatment

Bertelson, Rachel Samantha 01 January 2017 (has links)
Mental health conditions, such as internalizing disorders, in children and adolescents have been attributed to higher than expected levels of high school dropouts, juvenile crimes, and suicide. Previous research studies provide limited information on factors influencing treatment success for children and adolescents diagnosed with internalizing disorders. This study utilized a nonequivalent comparison group design gathered from an archived data set from a sample of children and adolescents (N = 215) who participated in an intensive outpatient managed mental health care treatment program. Self-report data were retrieved from previous responses to the Children's Depression Inventory and Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale - Second Edition to explore factors related to treatment effectiveness for children and adolescents with internalizing symptoms. Data were analyzed using a mixed model repeated measures ANOVA to analyze main effects and interactions. This analysis identified if gender, ethnicity, age group, and treatment duration were risk factors related to symptom amelioration or deterioration for children and adolescents diagnosed with internalizing disorders across time. Females with internalizing disorders reported significantly higher levels of depression symptom change than males with internalizing disorders. All other results did not show any statistically significant relationships. Results suggest that therapists should consider gender-related factors when providing treatment to children and adolescents with internalizing disorders. Active clinical research epitomizes the belief of social change by putting research to practice and utilizing available tools to predict predictive risk in the treatment of children and adolescents.

Quantification par questionnaire de l'activité physique chez les enfants colombiens (QAPACE) : enquête chez les enfants scolarisés de Bogota / Questionnaire based quantification of physical activity in colombian children (QAPACE) : application to schoolchildren in the city of Bogota

Barbosa, Nicolas 14 January 2015 (has links)
ObjectifsL’objectif principal a été de déterminer la quantité d’activité physique chez des enfants de 8- 16 ans,scolarisés dans la ville de Bogota (Colombie) vivant à l’altitude de 2640 mètres. Cette activité, mesurée pendant les périodes scolaires et de vacances et agrégée sur une année, a été exprimée en dépensed’énergie rapportée à la journée (DEJmA, kJ.kg-1.jour-1). Cette activité DEJmA a été secondairementanalysée en fonction de l’âge, du genre, du niveau Socioéconomique (NSE), des donnéesanthropométriques individuelles incluant l’âge biologique (Tanner), la composition corporelle, lesomatotype et la condition physique (EUROFIT).MéthodesCette étude d’épidémiologie descriptive et analytique a comporté cinq phases successives : 1)Elaboration d’un questionnaire QAPACE et formation des chercheurs; 2) Test de compréhension duquestionnaire QAPACE; 3) Etude de faisabilité et reproductibilité de QAPACE; 4) Etude de validationsur un échantillon (36 sujets) des mesures de DEJ par rapport à la mesure de VO2max, selon deuxméthodes directe (cycle d’ergospirométrie) et indirecte (test de Léger); 5) Analyse générale d’unéchantillon représentatif de 1840 enfants selon un sondage en grappe randomisé à deux niveaux (écoles,classes). Le questionnaire étudiait 13 grandes catégories d’activités.Les analyses des données de reproductibilité et de validation ont reposé la méthode de Bland et Altmanet la mesure du CCI. La dépendance de la DEJ en fonction des données socio- économiques et desdonnées anthropométriques a été étudiée avec des méthodes de régression linéaire uni- et multivariée(SPSS 21).RésultatsLe questionnaire, adapté à la population d’enfants de langue hispaniauem a présenté une corrélationintra classe CCI=0.96 (CI 0.95-0.97). La validité avec la mesure de VO2max (direct et indirect) a été de0.76(0.66) (p<0.01). La DEJ moyenne sur les 1840 enfants étaient, chez les 904 garçons, 167.98±37.30kJ.kg-1.jour-1 (valeur absolue : 6.83 MJ/Jour, relative : 170.41±39.92) et, chez les 936 filles165.64±34.26 kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) (6.59 MJ/jour, 165.64 ±34.26 kJ/kg/j). La DEJ pour la périodescolaire et de vacances fut 158.43±42.99 et 199.44±18.55 kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) pour les garçons et lesfilles respectivement. La DEJ durant le temps libre fut de 59.86±44.16 chez les garçons et 53.81±37.11kJ/kg/jour (p<0.01) pour les filles.ConclusionsSur la base d’une bonne reproductibilité et validité du questionnaire QAPACE, la DEJ (kJ.kg-1.jour-1)rapporté au poids corporel total ou au poids maigre a donné des résultats inférieurs à ceux d’autresétudes, avec notamment 51% des garçons et 61% de filles inactifs, respectivement. Les garçons furentplus actifs que les filles dans le groupe post pubères (p<0.01). Le temps consacré à regarder la TV étaitde 4.2 heures/jour. Les sports les plus pratiqués étaient le football, le cyclisme, et la marche pour lesgarçons et la marche, le cyclisme et le patinage pour les filles. / ObjectivesThe first statement was to determine the amount of physical activity expressed in expenditure weightedaverage day of a year (DEEmY) energy during the school year and holidays (kJ.kg-1.day-1) in terms ofequivalence caloric and metabolic cost of activities most commonly performed by young people. Thesecond statement was that of defining the relationship between the DEEmY vs age, gender,socioeconomic level (SEL), height, body weight, body surface (BS), the Body Mass Index (BMI),biological age (Tanner), body composition, somatotype and fitness (EUROFIT).MethodsThis descriptive study developed five different phases: the first phase: it was the training of researchers,the second phase: understanding and final questionnaire editing QAPACE, in the third phase: feasibilityand reproducibility of QAPACE in the fourth stage: it was the validation study by direct VO2max (36subjects) by ergospirometry and indirect through the test Leger and the fifth phase cycle was developedin 1840 with the general study subjects. The questionnaire was developed by 13 categories. Forreproducibility and validation of the test-Retest method and comparison of arithmetic by the method ofBland-Altman, Pearson correlation was applied. The data is stored in Visual Fox Pro 6.0 and analyzedusing SPSS 21 statistical program IBM. Means were compared using multivariate linear model applyingtipe II.The values used as fixed variables: gender (male and female), age (8-16 years) and three SEL (six strata:1-2, 3-4 and 5-6); as dependent variables were evaluated: height, weight, leisure time, expressed inhours/day and daily energy expenditure DEE (Kj.kg-1.day-1) during leisure time (DEE-LT) during thetime school (DEE-ST) during the holidays (DEE-VT), and DEE total mean year (DEEmTY).For a post-Hoc analysis was used the minimum significant difference (MSD) with fixed factors,interaction factors descriptive statistics, tests of homogeneity with a significance level of 0.05.ResultsThe questionnaire was correct understanding of the reproducibility intra-Class correlation was r = 0.96(CI 0.95-0.97), the validity of the direct and indirect VO2 was 0.76 (0.66) (p <0.01) and for generalstudy quantifying the average of the DEE of 1840 subjects was 167.98 ± 37.30; for boys (n = 904),absolute value: 6.83 MJ/day, relative: 170.41 ± 39.92 and for girls (n = 936): 6.59 MJ/day (p <0.001)165.64 ± 34.26 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01). The DEE to the school holiday period and was 158.43 ± 42.99and 199.44 ± 18.55 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01) for boys and girls respectively. The DEE during free timewas of 59.86 ± 44.16 for males and 53.81 ± 37.11 (kJ.kg-1.day-1) (p <0.01) for girlsConclusionsOn the basis of good reproducibility and validity of the questionnaire QAPACE applied to students inthe larger study, the DEE (kJ/kg/day) with total body weight or lean weight was less compared to ofother studies giving results for 51% of boys and 61% of inactive girls. Boys were more active than girlsin the post pubertal group (p <0.01). As for the time spent watching TV, it was 4.2 hours/day, and themost popular sports was soccer, cycling, and walking for boys and walking, cycling and skating for

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonåringar sin aktivitetsnivå? : En jämförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Hemlin, Karolina, Henriksson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><p>Objective:</p><p>This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys.</p><p>Design:</p><p>55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children’s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis.</p><p>Results:</p><p>The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation. No correlation between the activity diary and accelerometer was found.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>The Activity diary can not be used as solitary instrument to mesure physical activity in obese or overweight children.</p><p>There is no validated way to measure physical activity in overweight or obese children.</p><p>Before studies can be conducted with reliable results, physical activity level scales and calculated BMR must be designed for overweight and obese children.</p></p>

Evaluating the Construct Validity of the KIDSCREEN-52 Quality of Life questionnaire within a South African context utilizing Exploratory Factor Analysis: Initial validation

Taliep, Naiema January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study is located within the theoretical framework of construct validation theory. Data for this Secondary Data Analysis study was drawn from the &ldquo / Impact of Hope and Exposure to Community Violence on children&rsquo / s perception of Well-being&rdquo / study. The primary study employed stratified interval criterion sampling to select 565 grade 9 learners, aged 14-18 from six public schools. The dataset for the current study comprised all participants (N=565) of the broader study. As the initial step in validation of the KIDSCREEN-52 within South Africa, the current study examined the factor structure of the KIDSCREEN-52 within this context by means of exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis with oblimin rotations. It also assessed the internal consistency reliability of each of the scales using Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha. Exploratory factor analysis revealed the same 10 factors as identified by previous European studies with some deviation in the last two factors, which warrants further examination. Internal consistency of the measure was shown to be acceptable, with Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha values ranging from 0.76 to 0.81 for the 10 scales.</p>

How impaired are children and adolescents by mental health problems? Results of the BELLA study

Wille, Nora, Bettge, Susanne, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike 22 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The consideration of impairment plays a crucial role in detecting significant mental health problems in children whose symptoms do not meet diagnostic criteria. The assessment of impairment may be particularly relevant when only short screening instruments are applied in epidemiological surveys. Furthermore, differences between childrens’ and parents’ perceptions of present impairment and impairing symptoms are of interest with respect to treatment-seeking behaviour. Objectives: The objectives were to assess parent- and self-reported impairment due to mental health problems in a representative sample of children and adolescents; to describe the characteristics of highly impaired children with normal symptom scores; and to investigate the associations between symptoms in different problem areas and impairment. Methods: The mental health module of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (the BELLA study) examined mental health in a representative sub-sample of 2,863 families with children aged 7–17. Self-reported and parent-reported symptoms of mental health problems and associated impairment were identified by the extended version of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) in children 11 years and older. Results: Considerable levels of distress and functional impairment were found with 14.1% of the boys and 9.9% of the girls being severely impaired according to the parental reports. However, self-reported data shows a reversed gender-difference as well as lower levels of severe impairment (6.1% in boys; 10.0% in girls). Six percent of the sampled children suffer from pronounced impairment due to mental health problems but were not detected by screening for overall symptoms. Childrens’ and parents’ reports differed in regard to the association between reported symptom scores and associated impairment with children reporting higher impairment due to emotional problems. Conclusions: The assessment of impairment caused by mental health problems provides important information beyond the knowledge of symptoms and helps to identify an otherwise undetected high risk group. In the assessment of impairment, gender-specific issues have to be taken into account. Regarding the systematic differences between childrens’ and parents’ reports in the assessment of impairment, the child’s perspective should be given special attention.

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