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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání územní samosprávy v Japonsku a České republice / A comparison of territorial self-government in Japan and the Czech Republic

Křížek, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

L'appréhension de la famille européenne / The apprehension of the European family

Réglier, Anne-Claire 11 December 2013 (has links)
S’il est compréhensible que la multiplicité des angles d’analyse revient à exclure toute définition unique ou récapitulative de la famille, cela n’interdit pas pour autant d’essayer de saisir cette réalité qu’est la famille. Compte tenu de l’intérêt grandissant de l'UE pour la famille, l'UE a été choisie comme cadre d’étude de notre recherche consacrée à la famille européenne ("f.e"). Or, l'UE est à la fois un espace géographique composé de 28 Etats membres et une entité à part entière dotée de la personnalité juridique, donc mener une réflexion sur la f.e. au sein de l'UE impose de l’engager à la fois dans les Etats membres de l'UE et dans l'UE elle-même.Si on ne peut pas définir la f.e., peut-on à tout le moins l’appréhender, c’est-à-dire la saisir par l’esprit ? C’est ce que nous faisons en mettant en perspective les différentes approches de la f.e. retenues par les différents ordres juridiques qui interviennent au sein de l'UE.Nous nous intéressons à ce qu’est la f.e. dans les faits et en tant qu’objet juridique en étudiant les différentes façons dont elle est modelée par les droits. Les différents droits de la famille des Etats membres de l’UE ainsi que les différentes interventions de l'UE en matière familiale sont pour nous autant de moyens d’appréhender la f.e. nous permettant de révéler l’existence de points de convergence et de valeurs communes. Mais notre recherche ne peut faire fi de l’existence d’une Europe bicéphale car la conception que l'UE a de la famille est enrichie par la jurisprudence de la Cour EDH et reste en devenir par l’héritage qu’elle reçoit de la construction du sens de la notion de « vie familiale » par la jurisprudence de la Cour EDH. / If it is understandable that the multiplicity of angles of analysis amounts to exclude any single or summary definition of the family, this does not preclude trying to grasp this reality that the family is. Given the growing interest of the European Union (E.U) for the family, the E.U has been selected as the study framework of our research on the European family. Since the E.U is both a geographical area composed of twenty- eight Member States and an entity with legal personality, reflect on the European family in the European Union requires to do it in both members States of the E.U and the E.U itself.If we can’t define the European family, can we at least apprehend it, that is to grasp it by the spirit ? This is what we decided to do by putting in perspective the different approaches of the European family adopted by the different legal systems involved in the E.U.We need to focus our attention both on what the European family is in fact and as a legal object by studying the different ways it is modeled by laws. The various family laws of the Member States of the E.U and the various interventions of the E.U in family matters are so many means for us to apprehend the European family allowing us to reveal the existence of points of convergence and common values. But the research on the European family conducted in the E.U framework can’t ignore the existence of a bicephalous Europe because the conception that the E.U has of family is enriched by the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human rights ( ECtHR ) and remains in become given the legacy it receives from the construction of the meaning of the notion of "family life" in the case law of the ECtHR .

Droit des investissements directs étrangers : le cas de la Chine / Foreign Direct Investment Law : the case of China

Juang, Hsiao-Jan 30 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude tente de donner un aperçu général du développement historique, des particularismes et des principales problématiques du droit positif des investissements directs étrangers. En effet, une étude exégétique des textes législatifs et règlements portant sur des investissements étrangers est, certes, nécessaire pour la compréhension du régime juridique des investissements directs étrangers, mais sa connaissance ne suffit pas pour qu'un investisseur puisse réussir son investissement sur le territoire chinois. Le régime juridique des investissements directs étrangers est le fruit d'un travail d'imitation législative de systèmes de droits étrangers. Son développement est indéniablement lié aux éléments de la vie politique, culturelle, sociale et économique du pays. De la politique de l'économie planifiée à l'économie de marché, en quarante ans, le gouvernement a pu créer un droit quasiment exhaustif à partir du vide. Cependant, la rapidité du travail législatif n'est nullement une preuve de sa qualité. En effet, dans le but de rattraper son retard sur les systèmes juridiques des pays économiquement développés, le gouvernement a dû implanter les solutions étrangères, sans pour autant effectuer un travail approfondi d'adaptation ou d'harmonisation, diminuant ainsi la qualité et l'efficacité des lois.Initialement, le droit des investissements directs étrangers était uniquement constitué de trois lois distinctes et des règlements d'application desdites lois. Il s'agissait de la Loi sur les EJV sino-étrangères et son règlement d'application, la Loi sur les WFOE et son règlement d'application, et CJV sino-étrangères et son règlement d'application. Ce régime est ensuite complété par d'autres textes, chacun régissant qu'une seule forme spécifique d'entreprise à participation étrangère.Les litiges font partie de la vie courante non seulement des personnes morales, mais, également des personnes physiques, et permettent de mesurer l'efficacité de la justice au sein d'un État. Malgré le fait que les litiges constituent le moyen ultime de tester l'efficacité de la loi ou d'un système de droit, ils ne surviennent qu'en dernier ressort, surtout dans les États tels que la Chine, où l'histoire démontre une préférence constante envers les modes informelles de résolution des différends au détriment de la procédure étatique contentieuse.Après trois décennies de réforme, la Chine fait désormais partie intégrante de la scène internationale. Par conséquent, ses pratiques portant sur la résolution des différends sont de plus en plus en harmonie avec les standards internationaux. En d'autres termes, la recherche d'une résolution efficace des différends est similaire de celle des autres États occidentaux : idéalement un différend doit être résolu dans le délai court, à un coût bas et avec moins de stress que possible, mais, arrivant tout de même à un résultat acceptable.Le droit chinois des investissements directs étrangers a subi le plus de réformes législatives en Chine. Il est donc primordial de suivre constamment l'actualité juridique. En effet, les deux catalogues récent (2015 et de 2017) illustrent une tendance libéralisatrice du marché national en ouvrant de plus en plus les secteurs d'industrie aux investissements étrangers, et en introduisant un système proche de la " liste négative ". Puis la Réforme de 2016 est venue remplacer la procédure d'autorisation des projets d'investissements directs étrangers par un simple système d'enregistrement. Certes, ces éléments récents ont su apporter des solutions à des difficultés existantes, mais en raison du nombre de vices du droit positif, une réforme en profondeur est nécessaire. Le Projet de loi des investissements étrangers, publié par le Ministère du Commerce en 2015, a le potentiel d'effacer tous les défauts du régime actuel. Cependant, malgré les promesses du gouvernement, son futur demeure très incertain à l'heure actuelle. / This study aims to give a general overview of the historical development, particularisms and main issues of the positive law of foreign direct investment, by looking at different areas of law, ranging from the history of law to the very content of foreign investment law, and through dispute settlement mechanisms for foreign investment. An exegetical study of laws and regulations on foreign investments is a necessary step for the understanding of the legal regime of foreign direct investment, but its knowledge of the law is not sufficient for an investor to succeed in his investment.Its development is undeniably linked to the elements of the political, cultural, social and economic aspects of the country. From the promotion of Marxist values of the Soviet system under the Mao Zedong period, to the adoption of legal pragmatism under the direction of Deng Xiaoping; from the policy of the planned economy to the market economy. In forty years, the government was able to create an entire legal system from almost nothing. However, the speed of legislative work is by no means a proof of its quality. Indeed, in order to catch up with the legal systems of the economically developed countries, the government had to implement foreign solutions, without carrying out any in-depth adaptation or harmonization work, thus reducing the value and the effectiveness of the law.Initially, the foreign direct investment law consisted only of three separate laws and their implementing regulations : Sino-Foreign EJV Law and its Implementing Regulation, the WFOE Law and its Implementing Regulation, and Sino-Foreign CJV and its Implementing Regulation. This was then competed by other laws and regulations, each governing only one specific form of foreign-invested enterprise.Litigation is part of everyday life which allows the legislator to measure the efficiency of justice within a State. Despite the fact that litigation is the ultimate means of testing the effectiveness a legal system, it is only a last resort, especially in states such as China, in which its history demonstrates a constant preference for alternative modes of dispute resolution to the detriment of contentious proceedings.After three decades of reform, China has become an integral part of the international scene. As a result, its practice of resolving disputes is increasingly aligned with international standards. The quest for effective dispute resolution is now similar to that of other Western states: ideally a dispute must be resolved in the short time frame, at a low cost and with as little stress as possible, but with an acceptable result.It is therefore essential to constantly follow legal news. Indeed, the two recent catalogs (2015 and 2017) illustrate a liberalizing trend of the national market by opening more sectors to foreign investments, and by introducing a system close to the "negative list". And the 2016 Reform replaced the authorization procedure for foreign direct investment projects with a simple registration system. While these recent developments have provided solutions to existing difficulties, due to the number of flaws in substantive law, a thorough reform is needed. The Draft Law on Foreign Investment, published by the Ministry of Commerce in 2015 for public commentary, has the potential to erase all the flaws of the current regime. However, despite the promises made by the government, its future remains very uncertain at the moment.

Le contrôle de constitutionnalité de la législation antiterroriste : Étude comparée des expériences espagnole, française et italienne / The review of constitutionality of anti-terrorism legislation comparative study of French, Italian and Spanish experiences

Roudier, Karine 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le juge constitutionnel est au cœur de la problématique de la conciliation de l'ordre et de la liberté. Cette problématique est bouleversée par le terrorisme, qui frappe l'État dans son essence et provoque des réactions normatives plus restrictives pour les libertés. L'analyse comparée du contrôle de constitutionnalité de la législation antiterroriste révèle l'exercice d'un contrôle sur la mesure d'une législation construite comme un droit parallèle. / The constitutionnal judge is at the heart of the question of conciliation between order and liberty. Terrorism interferres with the issue, as it strikes the State in its very essence and provokes normative reactions wich restrict liberties. The comparative analysis of the review of constitutionality of antiterrorist legislation reveals the exercice of a tailor-made review of legislation constructed in a specific manner.

Le divorce : étude de droit comparé français et sud-coréen / Divorce : study of the comparative French and South Korean law

An, Moon Hee 22 November 2012 (has links)
La littérature juridique nous apprend que le divorce, institution fort ancienne permettant de rompre de manière définitive et radicale le lien conjugal, est étroitement lié à l'idéologie dominante et aux fluctuations politiques du pays considéré. La comparaison des législations en matière de divorce, objet de notre étude, permet alors, d'une part, de constater que l'évolution du « droit de divorcer » est marquée par des étapes successives d'interdiction et de rétablissement du divorce aussi bien en France qu'en Corée du Sud. Le principe du « droit de divorcer » une fois admis, cette démarche comparative permet d'autre part, de découvrir que, s'agissant du « droit du divorce », le choix législatif fondamental s'articule autour de deux idées dans les deux systèmes juridiques : diversifier les cas de divorce afin de répondre à la diversité des situations de crise conjugale, et dédramatiser le divorce en incitant les époux à trouver un accord sur les conséquences du divorce. L'approche comparative révèle une fois encore que les règles aboutissent à des solutions souvent proches mais que pour y parvenir, les législateurs respectifs des deux pays ont parfois emprunté des chemins différents / The legal literature let us know that a divorce, very old institution allowing to break the marital relation in a definitive and radical way, is closely linked to the prevailing ideology and political movements of the country. The comparison of legislations in divorce, purpose of our study, allows, on the one hand, to notice the evolution of the “right to divorce” is underlined by successive steps of prohibition of divorce and recovery both in France and in South Korea. The principle of “right to divorce” once accepted, this comparative approach allows on the other hand, to perceive that, regarding “divorce law”, the fundamental legislative choice turns on two ideas in both legal systems : diversify divorce cases to answer the diversity of a marital crisis, and not dramatize divorce encouraging spouses to reach an agreement on the consequences of divorce. The comparative approach reveals once again that the rules often lead to similar solutions but to accomplish goals, sometimes the legislators of the both countries have took different ways

La cour de cassation et le dialogue des juges / The french court of cassation and the dialogue between judges

Stelzig-Caron, Slovia 09 June 2011 (has links)
Le dialogue des juges recouvre plusieurs réalités. L'aspect qui est étudié ici est le dialogue qui s'instaure entre la Cour de cassation et les autres juges : nationaux, européens, internationaux et étrangers. Ce dialogue se fait à travers la décision de justice, qui est désormais accessible et diffusée dans le monde entier grâce à internet et aux sites de la juridiction. Ce phénomène, appelé aussi « influence croisée des jurisprudences », prend naissance avec l'expansion de la science comparative et commence à se manifester dans la jurisprudence de la Haute juridiction judiciaire. Encore en voie de développement, le dialogue des juges n'est pas sans produire certaines conséquences quant à la place de la Cour de cassation sur la scène nationale, mais aussi sur la scène internationale. Par ailleurs, il devrait se révéler prochainement comme un nouvel instrument au service des magistrats. / The dialogue between judges covers several realities. The aspect studied in this thesis is the dialogue between the French Court of Cassation and the other judges: national, European, international and foreign judges. This dialogue between judges takes place through the courts decisions which can be available and read on internet. This phenomenon is recent and was born with the growth of the comparative science. We can establish that the dialogue between judges in France is going to grow in a near future. We can also see that the dialogue between judges as already made some consequences. First, it has given a new place for the French court in the national and international stage. Then, it can be used as an actual instrument for judges.

You can’t use confusion to dilute a famous brand : A comparative study of the approaches of the EU and South Africato dilution

Mutubi, Kabelo January 2019 (has links)
The primary objective of the study as contained in this thesis is the discussion of the approaches to dilution taken by the legal systems of the European Union and South Africa. Although a comparative methodology is employed the discussion grounds the separate development of the anti-dilution provisions in both systems first before discussing comparisons and diverging approaches (should they exist). As a result of the South African anti-dilution provisions being relatively new, there exists a lot of overlap between the approaches in the United Kingdom, European Union and South Africa. Dilution both as a concept and a reality remains controversial as both the courts and commentators grapple with how it fits within greater Trade Mark law. The relationship between traditional infringement and dilution is equally contentious as questions continue to be asked about the relevance of the anti-dilution provisions when traditional infringement already exists and is effective. A question that is constantly asked is: can there be infringement without confusion? Equally contentious is the issue of whether a parody exception should be introduced in Trade Mark law even though there is minimal litigation around the issue of parody and dilution.

Análise crítica da prisão preventiva na Lei 12.403/2011: proposta à luz de modelos estrangeiros e da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos / A critical analysis of preventive detention in accordance with the law 12.403/2011: proposal in the light of foreign models and the American Convention on Human Rights

Mendonça, Andrey Borges de 26 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa os principais pontos controvertidos introduzidos pela Lei 12.403, de 4 de maio de 2011, no tocante à prisão preventiva, à luz dos modelos estrangeiros e do sistema interamericano de Direitos Humanos, sempre pautado pela busca de equilíbrio entre o garantismo e a eficiência. O principal objetivo do trabalho foi buscar subsídios para a interpretação das disposições internas controvertidas, pautando-se nos modelos e standards internacionais, com o intuito de se aprofundar o estudo do tema. Para se chegar ao contexto de edição da referida lei e melhor compreendê-la, analisam-se as influências que deram origem ao atual Código de Processo Penal e a sua fisionomia originária, que possuía, sobretudo no tema da prisão preventiva, contexto marcadamente autoritário. Após, são analisadas as diversas alterações pelas quais o Código sofreu em relação ao tema, sob o influxo de movimentos internacionais existentes no século XX, que culminaram com a edição da Lei 12.403. Em seguida, é analisada a Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, especialmente tendo em vista a jurisprudência da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, buscando verificar os standards internacionais relativos ao tema da prisão preventiva, de força vinculante e autoaplicáveis no direito interno. Também é analisado o direito comparado, buscando-se apoio em três países (Itália, Portugal e Chile), seja porque inspiraram diretamente a Lei 12.403, seja porque passaram por reformas semelhantes às introduzidas pela Lei 12.403. Com suporte na doutrina e jurisprudência destes países, clareiam-se diversos pontos controvertidos da nova Lei. Ao final, buscou-se apresentar algumas propostas para interpretação da prisão preventiva, sendo que, para tanto, foram propostos e analisados cinco modelos de prisão preventiva atualmente existentes no ordenamento nacional (prisão preventiva originária, derivada, esclarecedora, sancionatória e protetiva). / This work analyses the main controversial issues introduced by the Law 12.403, enacted on May 4th, 2011, regarding preventive detention in the light of foreign models and the Inter-American Human Rights System, always guided by the search for the balance between efficiency and the system of guarantees. The main objective was to seek grants for the interpretation of the controversial internal rules, always focusing on models and international standards, in order to deepen the study of the subject. To understand the context of the Law 12.403 and understand it better, we analyse the influences that gave rise to the current Criminal Procedure Code and its original physiognomy, which had, especially, on the issue of custody, a markedly authoritarian context. After, the text analyses the different changes the Code suffered, under the influence of international movements in the twentieth century, culminating in the enactment of the Law 12.403. Then, this work analyses the American Convention on Human Rights, especially in the view of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, seeking to verify the international standards related to the subject of preventive detention, which is binding and self-applicable internally. It is also analysed the comparative law, seeking support in three countries (Italy, Portugal and Chile), either because they directly inspired the Law 12.403 or because they went through similar reforms as those introduced by the Law 12.403. Supported in the doctrine reforms and case law of these countries, many controversial aspects of the new law are lightened up. At the end, we present some proposals for the interpretation of the provisional detention, and, the five detention models currently existing in the national law (original, derived, clarifying, punitive and protective detention), are analysed.

Direito, sociedade, ambiente e reforma agrária: debates sobre a função socioambiental da propriedade na Argentina, no Brasil e no Paraguai / Law, society, environment and land reform: discussions on the environmental function of property in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay

Bourlot, Maria Solange 18 December 2014 (has links)
A insatisfação com o sistema latifundiário predominante na América Latina tem levado à implementação de reformas, ainda que com diferentes intensidades. O direito constitui um fator essencial nesses processos, através dos textos constitucionais e das leis que dispõem que a propriedade da terra deve cumprir uma função social. Tal concepção significou uma transformação do clássico direito de propriedade, aquele que assegura o uso pleno e ilimitado do bem pelo proprietário. Sua incorporação nas constituições ocorreu num processo amplo de reconhecimento dos direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais, denominado constitucionalismo social, verdadeira mudança de paradigma em meio a uma grande concorrência de interesses e pressões. Junto à função social, posteriormente foi considerada a função ambiental da propriedade fundiária, entendida como um requisito essencial nos tempos atuais. Este trabalho consiste num estudo comparativo acerca do surgimento, evolução e incorporação do princípio da função socioambiental da propriedade pelos ordenamentos jurídicos da Argentina, do Brasil e do Paraguai, assim como sobre o entendimento dos Tribunais de última instância a respeito da sua aplicação em casos concretos. Graças à revisão e análise do material bibliográfico, pôde-se interpretar que a pressão exercida pelos movimentos sociais constitui um dos principais fatores que determinaram a incorporação deste princípio nos sistemas jurídicos, embora com diferentes níveis de profundidade, vista a disparidade de força com a qual estes grupos atuam nos três países. Por outro lado, através da análise de conteúdo dos principais julgamentos dos Tribunais Superiores tratando sobre a função socioambiental da propriedade, foi possível advertir que tal princípio é aceito e levado em conta nos três casos. Porém, principalmente no caso brasileiro, seu cumprimento é em última análise colocado num segundo plano para a resolução das controvérsias, o que demonstra que sua aplicação concreta como princípio de justiça social é ainda tímida no âmbito judiciário. / The discontent with the landowner system in Latin America has led to the implementation of reforms, although with different intensities. The law has been a key factor in these processes through constitutions and laws which state that land ownership should fulfill a social function. This has meant to a transformation of the classic ownership law, one that ensures the full and unlimited use of the good by the owner. Its incorporation in constitutions takes place within a broad recognition process of economic, social and cultural rights, called social constitutionalism, a genuine paradigm shift that entailed huge fight of interests and pressures. Besides the social function, later was considered the environmental function, understood as a key requirement nowadays. This work is a comparative study about the emergence, evolution and incorporation of the social and environmental function principle of property by the legal systems of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, as well as on the understanding of the courts of last resorts regarding of their application in specific cases. By means of the review and analysis of bibliographic material, we could interpret that the pressure exerted by social movements has been one of the main factors in determining the incorporation of this principle in the legal systems, although with different strength, given the relevance of these groups operation in the three countries. Moreover, by analyzing the content of the Superior Courts main judgments dealing with the social and environmental function of property, it was possible to observe that such a principle is accepted and taken into account in all three cases. However, especially in the Brazilian case, its lack of compliance is placed in the background for disputes resolution, which shows that its practical application as a principle of social justice claims is still timid in courts.

A discriminação da mulher no mercado de trabalho: estudo comparado da legislação do Brasil e do Japão / The discrimination against woman in the labor market: comparative study of the Brazilian and Japanese legislation

Nabeshima, Yuri Kuroda 16 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a discriminação da mulher no mercado de trabalho por meio do estudo comparado da legislação brasileira e japonesa. Apesar das experiências políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais diferentes, o Brasil e o Japão, assim como a maioria dos países (para não dizer todos), enfrentam a séria questão da discriminação de gênero. As mulheres sempre ocuparam um papel secundário na sociedade, que tem atribuído a elas a imagem de esposa do lar e mãe dedicada neste sistema familiar patriarcal. De fato, no que tange ao mercado de trabalho, este problema tem sido historicamente refletido na baixa participação das mulheres trabalhadoras, na diferença salarial, nas poucas mulheres em cargos de liderança e gerência, entre outras situações desvantajosas. Pode-se dizer que a mulher apenas passou a conquistar espaço e reconhecimento efetivamente no mercado de trabalho no século XX, especialmente a partir da ratificação por ambos os países da Convenção da ONU contra Todas as Formas de Discriminação contra a Mulher (CEDAW). Essa dissertação explora o modo como o Direito Brasileiro e o Japonês lidam com a temática da discriminação de gênero examinando os dispositivos legais sobre direitos trabalhistas da mulher, bem como a implementação de ações afirmativas e a adoção de meios eficazes de resolução de controvérsias. Finalmente, conclui-se por sugerir os próximos passos a serem seguidos para o atingimento da tão aguardada igualdade de gênero. / The present dissertation aims to analyze the discrimination against women in the labor market under the comparative study of the Brazilian and Japanese legislation. In spite of the different political, economic, social and cultural backgrounds, Brazil and Japan, like the vast majority of countries (not to say all of them), face the serious question of gender discrimination. Women have always occupied a secondary role in the society, which has attributed them the image of supporting housewife and caring mother in the male breadwinner family system. In fact, regarding the labor market, this problem has been historically reflected in low participation of women workers, wage gap, few women in leadership and management positions, among others disadvantage situations. It shall be said that the women only began effectively to conquer space and recognition in the labor market in the 20th century, especially since the ratification by both countries of the UN Convention against All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This dissertation explores how Brazilian and Japanese Law deal with the gender discrimination issue by examining the legal provisions concerning womens labor rights, as well as the instruments created to improve their condition in the workplace, such as the implementation of positive action and the adoption of effective mean of resolution of controversies. Finally, it concludes by suggesting the next steps to be pursued towards the gender equality.

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