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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La transition énergétique à l’épreuve du droit public économique : étude comparée du secteur électrique français et italien / The energy transition put to the challenge of public economic law : a Comparative study of the French and Italian electricity sectors

Corduas, Alberto 12 December 2016 (has links)
Il n’existe pas de modèle idéal en matière de transition énergétique. En effet, même si certains pays, à l’instar de la France et l’Italie, disposent d’un système énergétique prenant en compte des objectifs de développement durable, certaines limites peuvent freiner le développement de la transition énergétique. Une mise en oeuvre efficace de la transition énergétique doit nécessairement prendre en compte les exemples des autres pays, ce qui aura nécessairement pour objet d’entraîner une remise en cause profonde des régimes juridiques encadrant le secteur de l’électricité. Les différences qui caractérisent les orientations en matière énergétique en France et en Italie justifient, à notre sens, un rapprochement entre ces deux pays dans le cadre de ce travail. Dans ce contexte, une étude critique des avantages et des limites du régime juridique français, à l’aune du cas italien, est ainsi proposée. L’une des vocations de ce travail est ainsi de faire évoluer positivement les règles de droit français en matière de transition énergétique, à l’aide des mécanismes juridiques du droit comparé. / There is no ideal model for energy transition. Although some countries, such as France and Italy, have an energy system that takes into account sustainable development objectives, various limitations can limit the development of energy transition. For energy transition to take place effectively, the examples of other countries must be taken into account. Such energy transitions of course, will be subject to in-depth scrutiny by the legal regimes that govern the electricity sector. The differences in the energy guidelines in France and Italy justify, in our view, a reconciliation between these two countries as part of this work. In this context, a critical study of the advantages and limitations of the French legal system, in the light of the Italian case, is therefore proposed. One of the objectives of this work is how to positively develop the rules prescribed by French law on energy transition, using the legal comparative law mechanisms.

Systems within systems : free and open source software licences under German and United States law

Dysart, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) licences channel the exclusionary and individualising force of copyright to establish a qualitatively different, somewhat subversive, system for the exploitation of software. This thesis examines how it is that FOSS licences establish this 'system within a system' under both German and United States law. The inquiry begins with a detailed examination of FOSS licence templates as the instruments which transform code from its default position as the 'res' of proprietary relations to its status as 'open' or 'free'. The thesis then considers whether FOSS licence templates, as the legal basis for this subversive move, are valid and enforceable under domestic law. In addressing this question, the thesis undertakes a critical analysis of the leading case law in each jurisdiction. Going beyond the immediate case law, the thesis considers the broader systemic effects of FOSS licence enforcement. It highlights how building a system within a system foments certain tensions and contradictions within the law, in turn giving rise to unintended consequences and legal uncertainty. By highlighting these tensions, the thesis argues that the questions of FOSS licence enforcement in Germany and the United States may not be as settled as some may think.

La protection de l'autonomie personnelle en matière matrimoniale dans le cadre des traditions juridiques européenne et chinoise : études comparatives sur la transformation historique vers un nouveau "ius commune" de la liberté matrimoniale à la lumière des droits français, allemand, anglais et du droit chinois / The protection of personal autonomy in matrimonial matters within the framework of European and Chinese legal traditions : comparative studies on the historical transformation towards a new “ius commune” of matrimonial freedom in the light of French, German, English laws and Chinese law

Luo, Gang 27 February 2017 (has links)
Dans une actualité où l’institution matrimoniale est devenue l’expression d’une liberté individuelle, s’élevant au niveau du droit constitutionnel et du droit international, on se demande d’abord si un nouveau droit commun à cet égard est né à la base des traditions européenne et chinoise, et puis dans quelle mesure. Ces réponses dépendent étroitement d’un regard sur le passé de cette institution à la lumière du droit comparé. Fondé sur le droit romano-canonique, le ius commune europaeum avait laissé une grande liberté comme le consensualisme romain à la conclusion du mariage mais exclu le divorce, ce qui avait été suivi par les droits français, allemand et anglais jusqu’au XVIème siècle. C’est la Réforme protestante au XVIème siècle et les codifications nationales au XVIIIème et XIXème siècle qui ont fait l’éclatement de ce vieux droit commun. Toutefois, la notion de liberté individuelle et la réclamation d’égalité juridique ont jeté des bases d’un nouveau droit commun de la liberté matrimoniale qui évoque non seulement la liberté de se marier mais celle de divorcer. C’est depuis le XXème siècle que la notion européenne de liberté matrimoniale, du moins en tant qu’« état d’esprit », a pénétré dans l’ordre juridique chinois, aboutissant à la rupture chinoise avec son héritage traditionnel qui avait rendu défavorisée et inégalitaire la liberté individuelle des époux, et à la naissance d’un nouveau droit commun qui traverse les deux traditions. Néanmoins, une telle convergence, en raison de la contrainte culturelle étant le fruit d’évolutions historiques distinctes, n’est encore qu’un rapprochement conceptuel et idéologique. / In the current situation where the matrimonial institution has become the expression of an individual freedom, rising to the level of constitutional law and international law, questions may arise as to, first, whether a new ius commune in this respect has been born on the basis of Chinese and European legal traditions, and then, to what extent. The answers closely depend on a glance at the past of this institution in the light of comparative law. Based on Romano-Canon law, the ius commune europaeum had left a considerable freedom as Roman consensus to the conclusion of marriage, but excluded the divorce, which had been followed by French, German and English laws until the 16th century. It is the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century and national codifications of the 18th and 19th century that maked this old ius commune burst. Nevertheless, the notion of individual freedom and the claim of legal equality provided the basis for a new ius commune of matrimonial freedom that evokes not only the freedom to marry but also the freedom to divorce. It is since the 20th century that the European notion of matrimonial freedom, at least as a “state of spirit”, penetrated into the Chinese legal order, leading to China’s break with its traditional heritage that had made the individual freedom of the spouses disadvantaged and unequal, and to the birth of a new ius commune crossing the two traditions. However, such a convergence, due to the cultural constraint being the fruit of distinct historical evolutions, is still only a conceptual and ideological rapprochement. / In der gegenwärtigen Situation, wo die Institution der Ehe zum Ausdruck der individuellen Freiheit geworden ist, die sich auf dem Niveau des Verfassungs- und Völkerrechts erhoben hat, ist zunächst zu hinterfragen, ob ein neues gemeines Recht in dieser Hinsicht entstanden ist, das sich aus der europäischen und chinesischen Rechtstraditionen ergibt, und dann inwieweit. Die Antworten auf diese Fragen hängen in hohem Maße von einem Blick zurück in die Vergangenheit dieser Institution im Lichte der Rechtsvergleichung. Das römisch-kanonische Ius commune, das bis zum 16. Jahrhundert von der französischen, deutschen, englischen Rechte gefolgt worden war, hatte der Eheschließung eine grosse Freiheit wie römische Konsensvereinbarung gelassen, aber die Ehescheidung ausgeschlossen. Die protestantische Reformation im 16. Jahrhundert und die Nationalkodifikationen im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert zersplitterten dieses alte gemeine Recht. Allerdings schufen der Gedanke der individuellen Freiheit und die Einforderung der Rechtsgleichheit wichtige Grundlagen für einen neuen gemeinen Recht von Ehefreiheit, das sich nicht nur auf die Eheschließungsfreiheit sondern auch auf die Ehescheidungsfreiheit beruft. Seit 20. Jahrhundert ist der europäische Begriff von Ehefreiheit zumindest als eine „Geisteshaltung“ in die chinesische Rechtsordnung eingeführt worden. Dies hat dazu geführt, dass China mit dem traditionellen Erbe gebrochen hat, das die individuelle Freiheit der Ehegatten benachteiligt hatte, und dass ein neues gemeines Recht quer durch diese zwei Rechtstraditionen entstanden ist. Aufgrund der kulturellen Einschränkung, die auf unterschiedliche historische Entwicklungen zurückzuführen sind, ist dennoch eine solche Angleichung noch immer eine konzeptionelle und ideologische Annäherung. / 当前,婚姻制度已经演进成为个人自由的表达,并且上升到了宪法与国际法的层面,于是人们不禁要问,在这一方面基于中欧两大法律传统的新的“共同法”是否已经形成?如果有,在多大的范围内呢?这些答案紧紧地取决于从比较法的角度对这个制度既往史的考察。根植于中世纪罗马教会法的“欧洲共同法”对婚姻的缔结赋予了极大的自由,如罗马式意思一致,但却排除了离婚自由,并在十六世纪以前被法国法、德国法以及英格兰法所共同遵循。正是欧洲十六世纪的宗教改革以及十八和十九世纪的民族国家法典化运动打碎了旧的“共同法”秩序。尽管如此,个人自由的观念和法律平等的诉求为婚姻自由新一轮的“共同法”奠定了基础,不仅涉及结婚自由,还扩大到离婚自由。正是二十世纪以来,婚姻自由的欧洲观念,起码作为一种“精神状态”,被引入中国法律秩序,使中国与其传统遗产(夫妻个人自由的不尊重和不平等)相决裂,横跨两大法律传统的新一轮“共同法” 也相应诞生。然而,由于不同历史演进所带来的文化束缚,这样的一种趋同,目前还只是处于一种概念上和观念形态上的接近。

Estudo comparativo municipal no Brasil e no Peru

Medina, Enver Vladimir Chahuayo January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objeto, a instituição municipal, brasileira e peruana, nos seus perfis fundamentais: fatores históricos, culturais, atuais, de compreensão jurídica da instituição municipal, a relação entre município e Estado e a organização dos mesmos. Analisar, de forma comparativa, a normatividade constitucional municipal dos dois países, procurando esboçar a perspectiva da doutrina atual do Brasil e do Peru, a respeito dos Municípios, assim como as causas que desenvolveram os sentidos das mesmas. É distinguida, também, a estruturação orgânica de governo do Município, isto é, o órgão executivo e legislativo, assim como a estrutura administrativa municipal adotada no ordenamento jurídico peruano, e no brasileiro. As relações, de poder entre Município e Estado, são de crucial importância para a organização e funcionamento da instituição municipal, encontrando-se plenamente justificadas nos ordenamentos sob comparação. Essas relações, guardam referência com o marco normativo desenvolvido a partir de uma delicada concordância de competências e funções que, numa última análise, depende da forma de estado adotada por ambos os países, assim como do grau de concretização do nomeado princípio da subsidiariedade. A importância e compreensão do princípio de subsidiariedade, em ambos os ordenamentos, se mostra com a materialização, ou não, de municípios destacados pela sua adequação ao tipo de localidade, assim como às necessidades da mesma. Finalmente, esta pesquisa busca outorgar os elementos necessários para uma adequada abordagem e estudo da instituição municipal nas duas formas de Estado adotadas pelo Brasil e o Peru, analisando os possíveis elementos jurídicos determinantes da posição e normatividade destes países; permitindo uma compreensão introdutória básica do Município nos ordenamentos jurídicos sob análise. / The present study has as objective the Brazilian and Peruvian Municipality institution in its fundamental aspects: The present historic-cultural factores of legal understanding of the municipality institution, the connection between city council and state, and its organization. It is a comparative analysis of the constitutional regulations of the Brazilian and Peruvian city council making an effort to outline the main scope of its present doctrine as well as the causes which could have favored the sense of both. Consequently, it is distinguished the organic structure of the municipality government, that is to say the executive and legislative branches as well as the administrative municipality structure taken in the legal sistems under comparison. It is emphasized the relation in power between town council and state as well, both fundamental for the organization and operation of the municipality institution being even entirely justified in the Peruvian and Brazilian legal system. Such relations are being given by regulatory frameworks which develop a delicate assignement of competencies and functions, which depend on the state form adopted by both countries as well as the degree in which the so-called principle of subsidiary materializes. The importance and understanding of this principle in the regulations under comparison are reflected in their becoming reality or not, of city councils prominent for its adjustement to the type of locality as well as its necessities. Finally, the purpose of this invetigation is to give the necessary elements for an adequate approach and study of the municipality institution in a federal way of the Brazilian state and in the united Peruvian, analyzing the possible legal elements desicive in the legal regulations of the municipality, which allows a basic introductory undertanding of the municipality and the legal regulations comparatively. / El presente estudio tiene por objeto la institución municipal brasilera y peruana en sus aspectos fundamentales: factores histórico - culturales actuales de comprensión jurídica de la institución municipal, la relación entre municipio y Estado, y la organización de aquella. Es un análisis comparativo de la normativa constitucional del municipio brasilero y peruano procurando esbozar los principales alcances de su doctrina actual así como de las causas que pudieron propiciar el sentido de ambas. Por ende se distingue la estructuración orgánica del gobierno municipal, es decir, los órganos ejecutivo y legislativo así como la estructura administrativa municipal adoptada en los sistemas jurídicos bajo comparación. Se destaca también las relaciones de poder entre Municipio y Estado, fundamentales para la organización y funcionamiento de la institución municipal, encontrándose, incluso, plenamente justificadas en los ordenamientos jurídicos peruano y brasilero. Esas relaciones vienen dadas por marcos normativos que desarrollan una delicada asignación de competencias y funciones, que dependen de la forma estadual adoptada por ambos países así como del grado de concretización del denominado principio de subsidiariedad. La importancia y comprensión del principio de subsidiariedad en los ordenamientos bajo comparación se reflejan en la materialización, o no, de municipios destacados por su adecuación al tipo de localidad así como a las necesidades de la misma. Finalmente, esta investigación busca otorgar los elementos necesarios para un adecuado abordaje y estudio de la institución municipal en la forma federal de estado brasilera y en la unitaria peruana, analizando los posibles elementos jurídicos determinantes de la normatividad jurídica del municipio, que permitan una comprensión introductoria básica del Municipio en los ordenamientos jurídicos comparados.

Principles of implementation : a comparative analysis of the Cape Town Convention's remedies

Traschler, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
The Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol came into force on 1st March 2006. To date, the Convention has seventy-four States Parties, the Aircraft Protocol sixty-eight States Parties, and together they can be regarded as one of the most successful recent commercial law treaties. The Convention's overriding object is to offer creditors the highest possible protection in the form of an effective, speedy and strong legal remedial framework for the international enforcement of creditors rights in the event of the debtor's default or insolvency. The underlying rationale is that this will lead to significant reductions in borrowings costs for lenders to the advantage of all interested stakeholders in the aircraft sector. However, without effective implementation of the remedial system of the Convention and the Aircraft Protocol, it is difficult for financiers to have confidence that they are able to defend their legal rights effectively. This thesis investigates the structure and contents of the Convention's remedial system in a chronological order, but it does not purport to be a comprehensive and systematic monograph on the Convention's remedies as already done by the Convention's Official Commentary. It consists of four parts each of which investigates a particular core aspect of the implementation and operation of the Convention's remedial system in practice. In particular, it investigates the Convention's declaration system, and its procedural, substantive and insolvency remedies to ensure an effective and comprehensive protection of creditors in aircraft finance. In doing so, it identifies critical lessons for the implementation of the treaty in civil and common law jurisdictions.

Le droit international privé coréen des faillites – comparé aux droits français et européen / South Korea's Cross-border Insolvency Law – Compared to French and European Laws

Cho, Eung-Kyung 25 June 2018 (has links)
La faillite internationale est la faillite présentant des éléments d'extranéité. Avec l'expansion du commerce international et la succession d'instabilités économiques, l'importance du sujet a été considérablement accrue. 11eme puissance mondiale avec une économie reposant largement sur le commerce, la Corée (République de Corée), non moins concernée par cette tendance, a modernisé sa législation il y a une décennie. Le volume des échanges commerciaux entre la France et la Corée ayant doublé en 10 ans avec aujourd'hui près de 200 entreprises françaises présentes sur le territoire coréen, les règles nouvelles du droit coréen régissant les faillites transfrontalières ne sont plus indifférentes pour le juriste français. Le droit international privé coréen des faillites, sans paraître à première vue fondamentalement différent des droits français ou européen, comporte plusieurs particularités et fait par ailleurs l'impasse sur des notions phares de l'universalisme modifié auquel il prétend avoir adhéré. La substance, les motivations, et les possibles suites de cet état actuel du droit sont traitées dans la présente étude, avec un regard sur le droit des faillites, le droit de la procédure civile et le droit international privé coréens ainsi qu'une comparaison de ces derniers avec les droits français et européen. / Cross-border insolvency denotes the situations arising out of insolvency involving extraneous aspects. Along with the expansion of international trade and the succession of economic instabilities, the importance of its study has undoubtedly become greater. As one of the most concerned actors by this phenomenon, Korea (Republic of Korea) has modernized its legislation a decade ago. The volume of trade between France and Korea having doubled in 10 years, with nownear 200 French companies established in Korea, the new rules of Korean law governing crossborder insolvencies are no longer irrelevant to French jurists. Korean cross-border insolvency law, while not appearing prima facie to be fundamentally different from French or European laws, has several peculiarities and obfuscates the core principles of modified universalism to which it claims to adhere. The substance, the motivations and the possible results of this state of law will constitute the topic of this thesis, with an overview of Korea's bankruptcy law, civil procedural law and private international law, along with their comparison to French and European laws.

Estudo comparativo municipal no Brasil e no Peru

Medina, Enver Vladimir Chahuayo January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objeto, a instituição municipal, brasileira e peruana, nos seus perfis fundamentais: fatores históricos, culturais, atuais, de compreensão jurídica da instituição municipal, a relação entre município e Estado e a organização dos mesmos. Analisar, de forma comparativa, a normatividade constitucional municipal dos dois países, procurando esboçar a perspectiva da doutrina atual do Brasil e do Peru, a respeito dos Municípios, assim como as causas que desenvolveram os sentidos das mesmas. É distinguida, também, a estruturação orgânica de governo do Município, isto é, o órgão executivo e legislativo, assim como a estrutura administrativa municipal adotada no ordenamento jurídico peruano, e no brasileiro. As relações, de poder entre Município e Estado, são de crucial importância para a organização e funcionamento da instituição municipal, encontrando-se plenamente justificadas nos ordenamentos sob comparação. Essas relações, guardam referência com o marco normativo desenvolvido a partir de uma delicada concordância de competências e funções que, numa última análise, depende da forma de estado adotada por ambos os países, assim como do grau de concretização do nomeado princípio da subsidiariedade. A importância e compreensão do princípio de subsidiariedade, em ambos os ordenamentos, se mostra com a materialização, ou não, de municípios destacados pela sua adequação ao tipo de localidade, assim como às necessidades da mesma. Finalmente, esta pesquisa busca outorgar os elementos necessários para uma adequada abordagem e estudo da instituição municipal nas duas formas de Estado adotadas pelo Brasil e o Peru, analisando os possíveis elementos jurídicos determinantes da posição e normatividade destes países; permitindo uma compreensão introdutória básica do Município nos ordenamentos jurídicos sob análise. / The present study has as objective the Brazilian and Peruvian Municipality institution in its fundamental aspects: The present historic-cultural factores of legal understanding of the municipality institution, the connection between city council and state, and its organization. It is a comparative analysis of the constitutional regulations of the Brazilian and Peruvian city council making an effort to outline the main scope of its present doctrine as well as the causes which could have favored the sense of both. Consequently, it is distinguished the organic structure of the municipality government, that is to say the executive and legislative branches as well as the administrative municipality structure taken in the legal sistems under comparison. It is emphasized the relation in power between town council and state as well, both fundamental for the organization and operation of the municipality institution being even entirely justified in the Peruvian and Brazilian legal system. Such relations are being given by regulatory frameworks which develop a delicate assignement of competencies and functions, which depend on the state form adopted by both countries as well as the degree in which the so-called principle of subsidiary materializes. The importance and understanding of this principle in the regulations under comparison are reflected in their becoming reality or not, of city councils prominent for its adjustement to the type of locality as well as its necessities. Finally, the purpose of this invetigation is to give the necessary elements for an adequate approach and study of the municipality institution in a federal way of the Brazilian state and in the united Peruvian, analyzing the possible legal elements desicive in the legal regulations of the municipality, which allows a basic introductory undertanding of the municipality and the legal regulations comparatively. / El presente estudio tiene por objeto la institución municipal brasilera y peruana en sus aspectos fundamentales: factores histórico - culturales actuales de comprensión jurídica de la institución municipal, la relación entre municipio y Estado, y la organización de aquella. Es un análisis comparativo de la normativa constitucional del municipio brasilero y peruano procurando esbozar los principales alcances de su doctrina actual así como de las causas que pudieron propiciar el sentido de ambas. Por ende se distingue la estructuración orgánica del gobierno municipal, es decir, los órganos ejecutivo y legislativo así como la estructura administrativa municipal adoptada en los sistemas jurídicos bajo comparación. Se destaca también las relaciones de poder entre Municipio y Estado, fundamentales para la organización y funcionamiento de la institución municipal, encontrándose, incluso, plenamente justificadas en los ordenamientos jurídicos peruano y brasilero. Esas relaciones vienen dadas por marcos normativos que desarrollan una delicada asignación de competencias y funciones, que dependen de la forma estadual adoptada por ambos países así como del grado de concretización del denominado principio de subsidiariedad. La importancia y comprensión del principio de subsidiariedad en los ordenamientos bajo comparación se reflejan en la materialización, o no, de municipios destacados por su adecuación al tipo de localidad así como a las necesidades de la misma. Finalmente, esta investigación busca otorgar los elementos necesarios para un adecuado abordaje y estudio de la institución municipal en la forma federal de estado brasilera y en la unitaria peruana, analizando los posibles elementos jurídicos determinantes de la normatividad jurídica del municipio, que permitan una comprensión introductoria básica del Municipio en los ordenamientos jurídicos comparados.

Fonds de pension et retraite : entre l'ordre économique et l'ordre social. Etude franco-brésilienne sur les fonds de pension / Pensions funds and retirements : between the economics and social'order. French-Brazilian study on pension funds

Sarmento Barra, Juliano 19 November 2016 (has links)
Une théorie juridique sur les fonds de pension à partir d'une approche franco-brésilienne, tel est l'objet de notre recherche. Premièrement nous proposons l'étude d'un dialogue entre les systèmes juridiques français et brésilien en matière de retraites de base de la sécurité sociale. Il faut conceptualiser en premier lieu la notion de sécurité sociale et délimiter l'objet qui sera complété par les fonds de pension. Existent-ils et quels seraient-ils les axes communs entre les deux pays en relation aux notions juridiques des régimes de retraite de base ? Dans un second temps, nous envisagerons de formuler une théorie juridique générale des fonds de pension. Nous constatons que le lieu et la nature de ces entités de retraite sont peu précisés par la doctrine des deux pays. Où ces organismes de retraite doivent-ils agir et quel est de fait le besoin devant être protégé ? Nous formulons des principes universels. La notion de « relation juridique de retraite privée» autonome par rapport à d'autres relations, est-elle envisageable ? Deux questions principales nécessitent des réponses. Les fonds de pension sont-ils des éléments de l'ordre public économique ou de l'ordre public social ? En d'autres mots, ces organismes ont-ils une nature juridique économique ou sociale ? De plus, il convient de déterminer si les fonds de pension sont vraiment des éléments de sécurité sociale et si l'ensemble de leurs principes lui sont applicables. La complexité du sujet des fonds de pension et de leur conception juridique démontre l'intérêt de l'objet de notre recherche. Leur problématisation et la recherche de réponses nous amènent à un univers encore peu étudié par la doctrine juridique. / The subject matter of our research is a legal theory on the pension fonds from a French-Brazilian approach. Firstly, we propose the study of a dialogue between the Brazilian and the French legal systems on the base social security retirement. It is necessary in the first place to conceptualize the notion of social security and delineate the materiality of what is supposed to be completed by the pension fonds. Are there, and what would be the common axis between the two countries regarding the legal notions of the base retirement regimes? Secondly, we envisage formulating a general legal theory on pension fonds. We notice that the place and the nature of such retirement entities are scarcely treated by the two countries literature. Where these pension organisms should act and what is in fact the need that must be protected? We formulate universal principles. The notion of autonomous "private pension legal relationship" vis-à-vis of other relationships is it envisaged? Two main questions require responses. Are the pension fonds elements of economic public order or elements of social public order? In other words, do these organisms have an economic legal nature or a social nature? In addition, it is important to determine whether the pension fonds are really social security elements and if the ensemble of their principles are applicable to them. The complexity of the pension fonds topic oftheir legal conception shows the interesting character of the subject matter of our research. Challenging them and searching for responses bring us to a universe still scarcely studied by the legal literature.

Liberdade de Expressão e os Mecanismos de Promoção do Pluralismo nos Meios de Comunicação Social / Free speech and the mechanisms that aiming to promote pluralism in the media

Clara Iglesias 01 July 2011 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que intervenção regulatória para promoção do pluralismo nos meios de comunicação social é condizente com a ordem democrática instituída pela Constituição Brasileira de 1988, e tem papel fundamental na garantia do pleno exercício do direito à liberdade de expressão. Demonstraremos que a proposta está em harmonia com as concepções contemporâneas sobre o regime democrático, que emergiram na segunda metade do século XX. Serão explorados os preceitos constitucionais que incidem sobre a discussão, quais sejam, o pluralismo político, a liberdade de expressão e o dever de proporcionalidade, que vincula a atividade dos poderes públicos. Delinearemos os contornos do conceito de regulação, expondo a discussão sobre sua aplicabilidade ao setor de comunicação social, e os tipos de políticas públicas comuns nesse sentido, o que inclui a promoção de pluralismo. Listaremos os mecanismos de promoção de pluralismo interno e externo verificados no direito comparado. À luz dos entendimentos consignados no texto e das discussões em voga sobre a regulação do mercado de comunicação, iremos propor parâmetros de interpretação para futuras políticas públicas de promoção do pluralismo no mercado de comunicação social brasileiro. / The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that regulatory intervention aiming to promote pluralism in the media is consistent with the democratic order established by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, and has a fundamental role in ensuring full exercise of the right to freedom of expression. We shall reveal hereinafter that the above proposal is in harmony with contemporary conceptions regarding the democratic regime, all of which arisen in the second half of the twentieth century. Thus we shall explore constitutional principles that focus on such discussion; namely, political pluralism, freedom of expression, and the duty of proportionality which binds public authorities actions. We shall outline regulation concept boundaries, depicting the discussion upon their applicability to the media sector and the types of public policies that are common in this sense, including the promotion of pluralism. Consequently we shall list the mechanisms to promote internal and external pluralism as verified in comparative law. In light of the understandings comprised in the text and of the discussions in vogue on the media market regulation, we shall hereby propose construal parameters concerning future public policies aimed to promote pluralism in the Brazilian media market.

Why did I bring you over?!: Looking for a more sheltering regulation of diffuse interests / ¡Para qué te traje!: En busca de una regulación más protectora de los intereses difusos

Campos Ramírez, Raúl, Cruz Castillo, Manuel, Cornejo Arismendi, Jesús Francisco 12 April 2018 (has links)
On this paper, the authors reflect over the article 82 of the Peruvian Procedural Law. that way, they debate over the defense of diffuse interests, specifically who are entitled to and how to reclaim them. then, they compare Peruvian law with other south American countries like uruguay and Brasil. Finally, they consider which would be the most adequate regulation for our society. / En el presente artículo, los autores reflexionan sobre el artículo 82 del Código Procesal Civil Peruano. Así, debaten sobre la defensa de los intereses difusos, su patrocinio y quienes se pueden reclamarlos. Continúan comparando la legislación peruana con la de otros países sudamericanos como Uruguay y Brasil; y finalmente, analizan cuál sería la regulación más idónea en nuestra sociedad.

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