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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CHIARA DEL GAUDIO 22 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese investiga a ação do designer que atua em contextos sociais de conflito e marginalizados para promover e potenciar processos locais de Inovação Social através de experiências participativas e da estratégia de Design. Por isto, em primeiro lugar, foi desenvolvida uma revisão teórica com relação ao âmbito da contribuição social do Design, às abordagens e práticas mais conhecidas e ao contexto selecionado. Este momento foi preparatório para a fase subsequente de pesquisa que consistiu na implementação de um projeto de Design participativo em uma favela carioca em colaboração com uma ONG local. Ao longo da pesquisa de campo foram coletados dados usando como estratégia a observação participante. Em seguida, os dados foram analisados, sendo identificadas duas macro categorias de investigação, que são fundamentais para o tipo de ação de Design considerada. Trata-se do tempo e dos parceiros de projetos e interesses locais. Ambas foram depois verificadas, compreendidas e detalhadas através de entrevistas com designers e de uma nova fase de revisão teórica. Tudo isso permitiu chegar aos resultados de pesquisa: foram levantadas duas questões que podem influenciar o processo de Design, obstaculizá-lo ou até impedi-lo. Em primeiro lugar, o tempo apresentou-se com um elemento determinante no desenvolvimento de um projeto, capaz de favorecê-lo ou obstaculizá-lo. De fato, podem ocorrer divergências temporais entre o designer e o processo de Design, o contexto e os parceiros de projeto. Em segundo lugar surgiu a influência das forças contextuais exercidas pelos atores locais - e baseadas em interesses e agendas internas - sobre as ações do designer e a sua relação com a estrutura da rede de projeto. Os resultados de pesquisa sugerem que: (1) os fatores contextuais podem influenciar o processo de Design no desenvolvimento de projetos participativos que visam promover processos locais de Inovação Social; (2) a ação do designer em experiências participativas que visam a Inovação Social pode se beneficiar de abordagens que consideram os fatores contextuais; (3) as metodologias e ferramentas desenvolvidas até então para a atuação do designer no âmbito social não são suficientes para a ação. Por fim, a partir disso, a tese promove uma reflexão sobre a proposta de um Design social eficaz e a atual formação em Design neste âmbito. / [en] The thesis investigates the designer s action in conflict and marginalized social contexts aimed at promoting and enhancing local Social Innovation processes through participatory experiences and the Design strategy. Firstly, a theoretical review of the social contribution of Design, of the best-known approaches and practices, and of the selected context was developed. This moment had been preparatory for a subsequent phase of applied research that occurred with the implementation of a participatory Design project inside a Rio de Janeiro slum in collaboration with a local NGO. During field research data were collected through participatory observation. Their later analysis led to identify two key research macro-categories - time, and Design partners and local interests – that were verified and better understood through some interviews with designers and a new phase of theoretical review. All this led to research results: two main issues that may influence, impede or hinder the development of this kind of project were identified. Firstly, time appeared as a fundamental element in project development, able to promote or prevent it. In fact, temporal divergences between the designer and the Design process, between the context and the Design partners may occur. Secondly, the influence of the forces exerted by local actors - and based on interests and inner agendas - on the designer s actions emerged as well as its relation to the project network structure. Research results indicate that: (1) contextual factors may influence the Design process in participatory projects aiming at promoting local Social Innovation processes; (2) the designer s action in participatory experiences may benefit of approaches that consider contextual factors; (3) the methodologies and tools that have been developed to support designer s work in the social field are not enough for action. Finally, this thesis promotes a reflection about the widespread idea of an efficient Social Design practice and about Design education in this area.

Love On - The Life of a Suicide Survivor: A Performance Autoethnographic Study

Wheeler, Patricia R 01 May 2016 (has links)
Suicide touches the lives of millions of people each year in this country alone, yet conversations about suicide loss and survival after a loss remain taboo and often do not happen. The story I performed for this performance autoethnographic study centers on my life as a survivor of suicide. It provides a starting point for dialog regarding trauma, grief, and suicide loss. The narrative was constructed directly following the sudden death of my father, which had a direct effect on my ability to produce artistic work. The development, staging and performance of the story were altered to account for the situational depression I experienced during my creative process. I received feedback from the audience on what aspects of my telling were well developed, and what needed further development. I was able to experience the importance of balance in an autoethnographers personal life when writing about trauma and experiencing it directly.

Childhood Development: How the Fine and Performing Arts Enhance Neurological, Social, and Academic Traits

Rowe, Katherine 01 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract Childhood development has always been a major topic when studying psychology and biology. This makes sense because the brain develops from the time a child is conceived to the time that child has reached around the age of twenty-seven. Doctors, psychologists, and sociologists look at numerous things when studying childhood development. However, how common is it for researchers to study how the fine and performing arts affect childhood development? Sociologists tend to be extremely open and mindful of all aspects of things such as culture, sexuality, religion, and even age. By taking a sociological standpoint when studying the arts and studying childhood development, society is able to make connections between the two that leads to better understanding of a child's development socially, mentally, and academically.


Drew, David, Banks, Jessica 01 June 2019 (has links)
Across the United States, an overwhelming majority of the population claim that religion and spirituality beliefs shape their worldview and assist in coping with life stressors. Yet, the literature has shown that mental health practitioners reported discomfort integrating religion and spiritually in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to explore whether license-holding mental health professionals in Southern California develop reluctance toward addressing religion/spirituality with their clients. Through snowball sampling, 52 clinicians composed of social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, nurses, psychologists, and psychiatrists were recruited across Southern California (N =52). The participants were measured descriptively based on (a) confidence in their ability to integrate client beliefs into treatment and (b) their comfort discussing topics related to RS with their clients. Results revealed an overall level of reluctance ranging from 15 percent (for comfortability) to 25 percent (for ability) among the study participants. Licensed clinical social workers reported slightly lower reluctance level than other licensed professionals. Implications of the findings were discussed.

Language proficiency and reading ability as predictors of academic performance of Grade 7 English second language students in submersion contexts / Language proficiency and reading ability as predictors of academic performance of Grade seven English second language students in submersion contexts

Lendrum, Julie-Ann 11 1900 (has links)
In South Africa learners do not achieve as well as their international counterparts on tests of literacy, and language proficiency is often blamed for their poor academic performance. In this study, the relationship between English language proficiency, reading ability and the academic performance of Grade 7 students in submersion contexts was investigated using quantitative methods. The participants of the study were Grade 7 students based in a former Model C school in the South African city of Johannesburg. Their English language proficiency and reading ability were measured by means of The Proficiency test English Second Language: Intermediate level and the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability tests respectively. The students’ performance on these tests was correlated with the students’ average summative assessment results using the Pearson-product moment correlation. Results showed that both English language proficiency and reading ability were significantly correlated with academic performance, with language proficiency having the most robust correlation. These findings indicate that teachers should aim at improving language proficiency by using multilingual teaching strategies that support home language as a cognitive tool. / English Studies / M. A. (TESOL)

"Detta ideliga mötande" : En studie av hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar gymnasieelevers skolpraktik / “Always these meetings” : A study of communication and interaction constituting the school practice of upper secondary students

Möllås, Gunvie January 2009 (has links)
Practically all pupils leaving the nine-year compulsory school continue their studies at the upper secondary school, which consequently faces the challenge of meeting the whole range of varying needs and conditions of students. Daily school practice is constituted by a number of communicative contexts, formal as well as informal. In these social and linguistic contexts, conversations are held about and with students. The dissertation, which focuses on students in need of support, is expected to contribute to the creation of knowledge about how communication and interaction constitute daily work and how this ultimately may be manifested in exclusion and inclusion processes during the upper secondary school education of the young. The research is directed at the organisation of the work of the upper secondary school as well as at students’ experience of and learning from their participation, communication in various contexts and their own learning. The dissertation has its point of departure in the communicative relational perspective (KoRP), which is founded on socio-cultural theory formation. In addition, concepts from dramaturgy have been used as analytical tools for deepened analysis and interpretation of interaction. The study is ethnographic and longitudinal in its nature. During slightly more than three years of field work, eleven case study students have been followed on their journey through upper secondary school education. The outcome indicates the complexity of the upper secondary school, where communication and actions in a number of communicative contexts not always have the expected effect. To formal contexts that shall have a precautionary and supportive function belong pupil welfare team meetings, transition conferences and class meetings. For the group of case study students, however, these turn out to have limited significance. Among other things, the study uncovers how work organisation, mediational tools and the interaction of participants may become obstacles. Further, waiting for support efforts as well as inadequate collaboration between various communicative contexts have negative consequences for students concerned. For students who prosper in spite of complicated schooling and life situation in general, the experience of participation in a community of friends has a prominent position, but above all participation in one’s own learning process appears to be a decisive factor. This calls for continuous talks and follow-ups, in which teachers and not least class teachers/mentors have a central role. / I stort sett alla elever som lämnar grundskolan fortsätter sina studier i gymnasieskolan, som därmed står inför utmaningen att kunna möta hela variationen av elevers skiftande behov och förutsättningar. Skolans dagliga praktik byggs upp av en mängd kommunikativa kontexter, formella såväl som informella. I dessa sociala och språkliga sammanhang förs samtal om och med elever. Avhandlingsarbetet riktar intresset mot elever som av olika skäl har bedömts vara i behov av stöd och studien förväntas utgöra ett bidrag till kunskapsbildningen om hur kommunikation och samspel konstituerar den dagliga verksamheten samt hur detta i sin förlängning kan ta sig uttryck i exkluderings- och inkluderingsprocesser under ungdomarnas gymnasieutbildning. Forskningsarbetet är inriktat dels mot organiseringen av gymnasieskolans verksamhet och dels mot elevernas upplevelser och erfarande av sin delaktighet, kommunikationen i olika kontexter och det egna lärandet. Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet (KoRP), som vilar på en sociokulturell teoribildning. Därtill har begrepp hämtade från dramaturgin använts som analysverktyg, för fördjupad analys och tolkning av samspelet. Studien har en etnografisk och longitudinell karaktär. Under drygt tre års fältarbete har elva fallstudieelever följts på resan genom den gymnasiala utbildningen. Resultatet visar på gymnasieskolans komplexitet, där kommunikation och handlingar inom en rad kommunikativa kontexter inte alltid får förväntad effekt. Till formella sammanhang som ska ha en förebyggande och stödjande funktion hör elevvårdsteamsmöten, överlämnings- och klasskonferenser. För gruppen av fallstudieelever visar sig emellertid dessa ha en begränsad betydelse. Studien blottlägger bland annat hur verksamhetens organisering, medierande verktyg och aktörernas samspel kan bli till hinder. Vidare får väntan på stödinsatser och bristande samverkan mellan olika kommunikativa kontexter negativa konsekvenser för berörda elever. För elever som når framgång trots en komplicerad skolgång och livssituation i övrigt, får upplevelsen av delaktighet i en kompisgemenskap en framskjutande plats, men framförallt framstår delaktigheten i den egna lärandeprocessen som en avgörande faktor. Detta ställer krav på kontinuerliga samtal och uppföljningar där undervisande lärare och inte minst klassföreståndare/mentor intar en central roll. / "Villkor och förutsättningar för delaktighet, kommunikation och lärande i gymnasieskolan" - ett projekt vid Göteborgs Universitet, IPD, Enheten för specialpedagogik

Roots of History, Seeds of Change: Women Organic Farmers & Environmental Health in Jamaica

Harris, Laila Zahra 11 September 2012 (has links)
This research seeks to address the gap in the literature on women, health, and environments by exploring the factors that motivate Jamaican women farmers to practice organic agriculture and how these might relate to their understandings of environment and health. The experiences and decisions of women farmers are also positioned within wider historical contexts of colonialism and agricultural change. Integrating a variety of theoretical frameworks, including public issues anthropology, ethnoecology, rural sociology, and feminist political ecology, my own scholarly analysis is merged with the perspectives of the women farmers interviewed in this qualitative study. This research found that women organic farmers in Jamaica were motivated by various factors related to environment and health and impacted by the island’s legacy of slavery and industrialization. The findings of this thesis can be used to encourage the practice of organic agriculture and to improve human health and environmental wellbeing in Jamaica and beyond. / Richard and Sophia Hungerford Travel Scholarship, Yeandle Family Graduate Scholarship, Richard and Sophia Hungerford Graduate Scholarship, Registrar’s Research Grant for Graduate Students, Registrar’s Research Travel Grant

Průřezová témata ve výuce matematiky na prvním stupni základní školy / Cross-Curricular subjects in the teaching of mathematics at primary school

ŠIMANOVÁ, Vendula January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Cross-Curricular topics in the teaching of mathematics at primary schools" describes possible ways of involving personality and social education, education of a democratic citizen, education towards thinking in European and global contexts, multicultural education, environmental education and media education in primary school mathematics. The thesis is divided into a theoretical, practical and an evaluative section. The theoretical part of this thesis analyses domestic and foreign findings on cross-curricular topics, outlines the historical development of the curriculum in relation to this issue and characterizes the educational area of "Mathematics and its application RVP ZV". It further focuses on interconnecting particular cross-curricular subjects with mathematics and examines their integration in current mathematics schoolbooks. The practical part contains proposals of activities (methodical activity sheets) connecting the area of "Mathematics and its application" with cross-curricular topics. It further presents organizational teaching forms and work methods used in activities including their descriptions. The last part evaluates the application of the activities in practice in terms of the development of pre-assigned mathematical skills and knowledge and the involvement of thematic units of cross-curricular topics.

Contextualizações e recontextualizações nas políticas da TIC e educação: um estudo sobre o Proinfo Integrado nos NTM na Bahia

Passos, Maria Sigmar Coutinho 26 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Passos (mariasigmar@gmail.com) on 2018-01-05T13:20:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaSigmarCoutinhoPassos-tese.doc.pdf: 5328639 bytes, checksum: d761747eef4ef60b87a9ee9497f1e228 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2018-01-08T13:35:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaSigmarCoutinhoPassos-tese.doc.pdf: 5328639 bytes, checksum: d761747eef4ef60b87a9ee9497f1e228 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T13:35:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaSigmarCoutinhoPassos-tese.doc.pdf: 5328639 bytes, checksum: d761747eef4ef60b87a9ee9497f1e228 (MD5) / Esta tese apresenta os resultados da pesquisa que teve como objeto as políticas públicas de formação de professores em Educação e Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC), especificamente as ações do programa federal ProInfo Integrado no Estado da Bahia. Seu objetivo geral foi compreender os processos de recontextualização na implementação das políticas de TIC e Educação a partir das ações de formação continuada de professores e sua contextualização nos espaços de formação de professores nos Núcleos de Tecnologia Municipal (NTM). O referencial teórico-metodológico da pesquisa foi a Abordagem do Ciclo das Políticas, proposto por Stephen Ball, para compreender os diferentes contextos de concretização da política em análise. Para tal, utilizou diversas fontes como decretos, leis, portarias, documentos de organismos internacionais, módulos impressos e digitais, planejamentos pedagógicos, além da observação direta dos processos de formação e entrevistas com os sujeitos da prática. A pesquisa em campo foi desenvolvida nos NTM das cidades de Salvador, Ilhéus, Itabuna e Juazeiro. O estudo levou ao entendimento das ações de formação do ProInfo Integrado enquanto importante espaço de recontextualização dessa política, sendo que a concretização pelos sujeitos da prática nos NTM revela tensionamentos, contradições e processos de recriação que se relacionam com as demandas locais e com o próprio entendimento dos sujeitos sobre a política pública e sobre o contexto em que atuam. Concluiu que os processos de recontextualização do Proinfo Integrado, nos contextos pesquisados, apresentam sentidos pedagógicos, organizacionais-infraestrturais e interpretativos que recriam a política em análise no contexto da prática. / ABSTRACT This thesis presents the results of the research that had the object of the public policies of teacher training in Education and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), specifically the actions of the federal program ProInfo Integrated in the State of Bahia. Its general objective was to understand the processes of recontextualization in the implementation of ICT policies and Education from the actions of continuing education teachers training and its contextualization in the spaces of teacher training in the Municipal Technology Centers (MTC). The theoretical-methodological reference of the research was the Policy Cycle Approach, proposed by Stephen Ball, to understand the different contexts of concretization of the politics under analysis. For such, it used various sources such as decrees, laws, ordinances, documents of international organizations, printed and digital modules, pedagogical plans, beyond the direct observation of the training processes and interviews with the subjects of the practice. Field research was developed in MTC from the cities of Salvador, Ilhéus, Itabuna and Juazeiro. The study led to the understanding of the training actions of ProInfo Integrado as an important space for the recontextualization of this policy, and the concretization by the subjects of the MTC practice reveals tensionings, contradictions and recreation processes that are related to the local demands and to the own understanding of the subjects on the public policy and on the context in which they act.Concludes that the processes of recontextualization of the Integrated Proinfo in the contexts researched present pedagogical, infrastructural and interpretative senses that recreate the politics under analysis in the context of the practice.

Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions for higher education

Terefe Feyera Bulti 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is entitled “Fostering collective teacher efficacy through values-based leadership in Ethiopian institutions of higher education”, which is delimited to the private universities. The main question was “What constitutes/determines the institutionalisation of values-based leadership (VBL) to foster collective teacher efficacy (CTE) in the context of Ethiopian private universities (EPrUs)?” The sub-questions were: 1) what does the current state of CTE and its perceived outcomes look like in EPrUs? 2) What sets of behaviours are desired to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? 3) What are the institutional contexts required to institutionalise VBL so as to foster CTE in EPrUs? In addressing these issues, academic leaders, students and teachers from EPrUs participated in the study. As methods of data gathering both the survey method and interviews were used. Results revealed that CTE is not high enough in EPrUs and hence it needs to be fostered so as to bring the desired change in students’ learning. To foster this, institutionalisation of VBL is required that involves two inter-related aspects. The first one is about institutionalising desired values (behaviours), which are linked to the academic leaders’ yearning for positive sets of values and the teachers’ moral contract to their professional values. To this effect, the positive sets of values that academic leaders should yearn for and the sets of values that teachers should espouse as their professional values are explored. The commonalities between these values are also described and how these would be institutionalised is suggested. The values include integrity and trustworthiness, humility/selflessness, compassion and sense of gratitude, accountability and self-discipline, sense of collaboration and teamwork, and envisioning in leadership as the driving force. The second aspect is about institutionalising the contexts conducive to foster CTE and VBL support behaviours. The need to institutionalise those behaviours and contexts arise out of the perceived leadership gap (between what the teachers believe are the leadership priorities of the leaders and the behaviours they actually see in the leaders). This gap has been linked to CTE, and hence a model has been developed that would foster this efficacy. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Management)

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