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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dinâmicas estocásticas em teoria de jogos : percolação, cooperação e seus limites

Leivas, Fernanda Rodrigues January 2018 (has links)
O estudo de Teoria de Jogos tem se expandido para diversas áreas, tendo sua aplicação inicial na economia, hoje é utilizado na psicologia, na filosofia e tem um papel importantíssimo na biologia evolutiva. O seu sucesso está ligado ao fato de que os jogos têm o poder de prever interações usando conceitos simples como a cooperação e a competição. Dentre os jogos há o famoso de Dilema do Prisioneiro (PD), em que indivíduos completamente racionais devem optar entre cooperar ou trair (desertar) seu companheiro de jogo. A estratégia dominante e o equilíbrio de Nash, para o PD, é a deserção mútua visto que os indivíduos são sempre tentados a não cooperar. O dilema é que eles obteriam um ganho melhor se cooperassem mutuamente. Na vida real os indivíduos se encontram em várias situações nas quais eles devem optar entre ser egoístas ou altruístas e, frequentemente, acabam optando pelo altruísmo. Mesmo com a previsão da deserção na teoria clássica dos jogos, em 1992 Nowak e May (NOWAK; MAY, 1992) mostraram que cooperação é mantida em jogos com interação espacial e evolutivos A partir dessa descoberta, estudos de jogos em diversos tipos de rede foram propostos, entre eles as redes diluídas (que possuem sítios vacantes). Nesse tipo de rede foi observado que certas densidades favorecem a cooperação, particularmente próximo ao limiar de percolação para regras de atualização estocásticas (com ruído). Porém a probabilidade de troca do Replicador, mesmo sendo estocástica, não se encaixa nesse padrão observado. Descobrimos que esse comportamento anômalo está relacionado com estruturas formadas entre buracos e desertores que impedem alguns indivíduos de ter acesso ao ruído, assim a informação não flui livremente na rede. Consequentemente o sistema fica preso em um estado congelado, que pode ser quebrado com algum tipo de perturbação. Também abordamos a relação entre o limiar de percolação por sítio e a cooperação de uma forma mais quantitativa do que já foi apresentada até então, acompanhamos o desenvolvimento da cooperação dentro dos clusters e mostramos como o limiar de percolação afeta as estruturas básicas da rede. / The study of Game Theory, having its initial application in economics, has expanded to several areas and is now used in psychology, philosophy and plays a major role in evolutionary biology. Its success is related to the fact that games have the power to predict and study interactions using simple concepts such as cooperation and competition. Among the games there is the famous Prisoner Dilemma (PD), where completely rational individuals have to choose between cooperating or betraying their game partner. The dominant strategy and the Nash equilibrium for PD is mutual desertion as individuals are always tempted to not cooperate. The dilemma is that they would get a higher payoff if they mutually cooperated. In real life, individuals find themselves in various situations where they must choose to be selfish or altruistic, and often they choose altruism. Even with the prediction of defection in classical game theory, in 1992, Nowak and May (NOWAK; MAY, 1992) showed that cooperation is maintained in evolutionary spatial games. With this discovery, the study of games on several types of networks was proposed, among them the diluted networks (which have vacant sites) In this type of lattice, it was observed that at certain densities cooperation is promoted, particularly close to the percolation threshold for stochastic updating rules. However, the exchange probability of the Replicator dynamics, despite being stochastic, does not obey this observed pattern. We found that this anomalous behavior is related to structures formed between holes and defectors that prevent some individuals from having access to noise, so information does not flow freely in the network. Consequently the system becomes trapped in a frozen state, but this state can be broken by perturbing the system. We also address the relationship between the percolation threshold and cooperation in a more quantitative way than has been presented lately, by following the development of cooperation within clusters and showing how the percolation threshold affects the basic structures of the lattice.


Zoubková, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis talks about the pupil's moral development. It is focused primarily on possibilities of the moral development in drama education, eventually in some dramatic activities used during other lessons. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. At the beginning of the theoretical part it acquaints readers with basic information about the moral consciousness and behavior, analysis of the moral judgement of the child and possibilities of its measuring. It also presents drama education as a separated subject its principles and methods and it outlines the possibilities of the drama education in the pupil's moral development. The practical part contains the analysis of the primary school age pupil's moral judgement and comparison outcomes of the pupils who are taught using the methods of drama education and pupils, who have never experienced drama education. The goal of the empirical survey is to find out whether and to what extent the drama education influences the development of moral judgement of the pupils.

Barnmorskans upplevelser av ett etiskt dilemma vid en sen abort

Parstedt, Linda, Wikström, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
År 2007 genomfördes i Sverige cirka 37 000 aborter i tidig graviditet, dvs. före vecka 12. Samma år var det 2083 aborter i vecka 12-17 och 360 efter vecka 18. I föreliggande studie har upplevelser av ett etiskt dilemma vid sen abort, dvs. efter vecka 12 undersökts. Många studier belyser kvinnans upplevelse av abort, men det finns bara ett fåtal nationellt och internationellt från barnmorskans perspektiv. Att vårda vid en senabort kan påverka barnmorskan på olika sätt och även sättet hon/han bemöter den abortsökande kvinnan. I studien har barnmorskans upplevelser av att känslomässigt hantera en sen abort och förhållningssättet mot den abortsökande kvinnan undersökts. Studien utgår från en fenomenologisk ansats som har sin utgångspunkt från barnmorskans livsvärld. Sex barnmorskor har intervjuats. Resultatets essentiella struktur beskrivs som ambivalens. Ambivalens innebär att barnmorskorna genomsyras av motstridiga känslor då de respekterar kvinnans egna val och vill ge henne god vård, samtidigt som tanken på fostret, en liten människa med värde finns. Vidare innebär ambivalens att barnmorskorna tycker att handhavandet av sena aborter ingår i barnmorskans profession, samtidigt som de flesta skulle vilja att det var valbart att jobba med det. Essensen innefattar sju innebördselement: att bli berörd, att se förbi, att känna omtänksamhet och medlidande, att söka förståelse, att känna ensamhet i professionen, att uppleva brister och att vilja kunna välja att vara delaktig. Barnmorskan kunde uppleva känslor som obehag av att inte träffat kvinnan innan aborten, vilket hade kunnat undvikas om de fick vara med kvinnan under beslutsprocessen. För att hantera de svåra och tunga känslor de upplevde i samband med framfödandet av fostret, valde de att att förtränga tanken på att det var ett barn. Detta för att upprätthålla sin professionalism gentemot kvinnan. Barnmorskorna upplevde att ju längre de hade jobbat med sena aborter, desto lättare var det att hantera sina känslor. Barnmorskan kunde känna sig ensam i sitt arbete och vissa önskade stöd genom handledning. En önskan förmedlades att mer information om hur man kan må efter en abort skulle ges till kvinnorna. Barnmorskan tyckte det skulle vara valbart att handha sena aborter för kvinnans skull. / <p>Program: Barnmorskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: D</p>

Réalisme moral ou volontarisme théologique ? : le problème de l’objectivité des valeurs et des normes morales en contexte théiste (perspectives médiévales et contemporaines) / Moral realism or theological voluntarism ? : a discussion on the objectivity of moral norms and values in a theistic framework (medieval and contemporary perspectives)

Lévi, Ide 03 December 2016 (has links)
Selon la version courante du « dilemme d’Euthyphron », on considère que lorsque les théistes tentent de décrire la relation entre Dieu et la morale, ils doivent choisir entre volontarisme théologique et objectivisme robuste (le réalisme moral, en particulier). Selon la première option, les statuts moraux fondamentaux dépendent essentiellement des volontés contingentes, ou nécessaires, de Dieu. Selon la deuxième, Dieu agit en conformité avec un ordre moral objectif et nécessaire, en lui-même indépendant de sa volonté, comme il l’est de tout type de volonté ou de pro-attitude, au moins pour ce qui est des statuts moraux fondamentaux (et les propriétés morales sont conséquentielles aux propriétés non morales, sinon réductibles à elles). Ici nous argumentons en faveur de l’existence d’une troisième possibilité pour les théistes, refusant l’externalisme moral assumé par les deux premières options. Selon cette troisième option, on nie qu’objets, états de choses, actions ou personnes puissent posséder une valeur ou générer des obligations morales indépendamment de l’ensemble de nos pro-attitudes et des fins que nous sommes inclinés à poursuivre. Nous proposons, contre les objections réalistes en particulier, la défense d’une version universaliste (ou non relativiste) de cette position métaéthique, et tentons de montrer sa compatibilité avec le théisme classique : la théorie anti-objectiviste de la loi naturelle, selon laquelle les valeurs et les normes pertinentes pour nous dépendent de notre complexe motivationnel, en dépendant de nos inclinations universellement partagées et des fins (ou de la fin) en lesquelles (en laquelle) nous trouvons notre achèvement et notre bonheur. / According to the common version of the “Euthyphro dilemma”, it is generally considered that when theists try to describe the relation between God and morality, they must either opt for theological voluntarism or for hard objectivism (moral realism, in particular). According to the first option, fundamental moral statuses depend essentially on God’s contingent, or even necessary, will. According to the second, God acts in conformity to an objective (and necessary) moral order that is in itself independent of His will, as it is of any kind of pro-attitude, will or desire, at least for the most fundamental and prior moral statuses (and moral properties are consequential upon nonmoral ones, if not reducible to them). I argue here for the existence of a third possibility for theists, rejecting the metaethical externalism assumed by the first two options. According to this third option, it is not the case that objects, state of affairs, actions or persons can have value or generate obligations to us independently of all our pro-attitudes and of the ends we are inclined to pursue. I propose a defence, against realist objections in particular, of a universalist (or non relativist) version of that metaethical position and try to show its compatibility with classical theism : the anti-objectivist natural law theory, according to which values and norms relevant for us depend on our motivational set, depending on our – universally shared – natural inclinations or essential dispositions to love and pursue certain ends (or possibly one ultimate end) preferently to others, and to find our completion and happiness in them (in it).

Topics in the emergence of cooperation in competing populations and optical properties of patterned metallic films. / 競爭群體中合作的產生及具規則結構之金屬薄膜的光學性質 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Topics in the emergence of cooperation in competing populations and optical properties of patterned metallic films. / Jing zheng qun ti zhong he zuo de chan sheng ji ju gui ze jie gou zhi jin shu bo mo de guang xue xing zhi

January 2010 (has links)
Part I focuses on studying the extent of cooperation in networked entities, within the context of the Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) and the Snowdrift Game (SG). The iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) is studied in the full payoff space spanned by two parameters beta and gamma. A theoretical study on two-strategy IPD is presented. We then numerically study the IPD in the full payoff space, with four different initial configurations. It is found that including the Tit-for-tat-like (ETFT) and Always-defecting-like (EAllD) strategies as initial strategies can maximize the dominating area of generous strategies in the payoff space at equilibrium. The roles played by ETFT and EAllD are further studied on the diagonal and anti-diagonal lines of the payoff space. / Part II focuses mainly on studying the optical properties of grating within the Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) method. The surface plasmon (SP) dispersion relation in a system consisting of a thin metallic film sandwiched between a linear dielectric and nonlinear dielectric of arbitrary non- linearity is derived, based on a generalized "first integral" approach. The SP dispersion relation in a system consisting of a thin metallic film sandwiched in a symmetric nonlinear dielectric environment is then derived. The changes in SP dispersion relations on film thicknesses are discussed for both cases. / The optical properties of two samples of one-dimensional metallic reflection gratings are studied. The numerical results of the zeroth order reflectance are in good agreement with experimental data. The Wood's anomaly occurs when a particular diffraction order emerges or disappears, thus inducing a change in the efficiency of other diffraction orders. This phenomenon is studied by calculating and measuring the efficiencies of all allowed diffraction orders. Numerical results of the near field patterns show a coupling between the waveguide and SP modes. We also study the controllable enhanced trans- mission in a semiconductor grating. The dielectric constant of a semiconductor becomes a tensor in the presence of a static magnetic field parallel to the slit. Numerical results based on RCWA reveal that the zeroth order transmission peaks at normal incidence can be shifted to longer wavelengths and the peak values of transmission can largely be enhanced when a moderate magnetic field is applied. A single-mode theory incorporating anisotropy is developed. The analytic results are in quantitative agreement with RCWA, indicating that the tunability in the transmission stems from the waveguide mode. / The Snowdrift Game is regarded as an important alternative to PD in studying the emergence of cooperation in competing populations. The phase transitions in spatial snowdrift games are introduced. By studying the relative alignments of the payoffs of C and D nodes, the phase transitions are analytically explained. As an extension to the standard two-person SG, an N-person Snowdrift Game (NPSG) is proposed to include generic multi-person interactions. NPSG in a well-mixed population is studied analytically by using the replicator dynamics. A simulation algorithm is developed. We also study NPSG on lattices and find a suppressed cooperation frequency, when compared with the well-mixed case. For NPSG played on 1D chain, the problem can be solved analytically. We further extend our work to study co-evolving dynamics. We propose and study a model in which the connections are driven to evolve by the dynamics of SG. Compared with played on static network, the cooperation frequency is promoted. A semi-analytic theory is proposed, with the results qualitatively agree with simulation results. / The thesis consists of two independent parts. Part I focuses on evolutionary games in networked entities and Part II focuses on calculations on optical properties of metallic gratings. / Yin, Haiping = 競爭群體中合作的產生及具規則結構之金屬薄膜的光學性質 / 尹海平. / Adviser: Hui Pak Ming. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-04, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 185-200). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Yin, Haiping = Jing zheng qun ti zhong he zuo de chan sheng ji ju gui ze jie gou zhi jin shu bo mo de guang xue xing zhi / Yin Haiping.

EU &amp; Demokratiska bakslag : en beskrivande idéanalys av debatten om Köpenhamnsdilemmat

Ylva, Gustafsson January 2018 (has links)
The EU is an organisation built on the concept of democracy. However, recent developments within certain member-states clearly contradict this claim. A paradox has hence occurred, which is referred to as the “Copenhagen-Dilemma”; only fully democratic states can become members of the union - but once a membership exists, the EU has proven inadequate to deal with democratic backsliding-tendencies. This essay argues that the political debate regarding this dilemma constitutes of at least two main categories of articles and within each of these, three positions can be found: Those focusing on causes to the problem and further how it can be understood are the ‘problem-oriented’ articles. Those arguing for solutions to the Copenhagen-dilemma are the ‘solution-oriented’ articles. Voices within this second category have been examined further in the analysis. They all accept the democratic deficit to be a problem for the EU – but the three positions offer different perceptions on how it can be countered most effectively: 1) The Conservatives; argues that the EU should use the tools already available and instead change their praxis 2) The Reformists; argues that the EU should further develop and reform the available tools 3) The Radicals; argues that the problem has caused a need for new institutions and tools to be created within the EU

The experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice at Witbank Hospital, Nkangala District Mpumalanga Province

Mbangula, T. M. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Curations)) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / The purpose of the study was to determine the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas at the Witbank hospital Nkangala district Mpumalanga province. The objectives of the study were to describe the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice and to determine supportive measures to help professional nurses to deal with ethical dilemmas encountered in nursing practice. The research question was: what are the ethical dilemmas that professional nurses experience in nursing practice? Kohlberg theory of moral development was used as a theoretical framework. A qualitative exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was used to describe the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice. Purposive sampling was used to sample fourteen (14) professional nurses. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Open-coding method of data analysis was used and four themes and sub-themes emerged. The study found that professional nurses experience ethical dilemmas related to death and dying, distribution of both human and material resources, respect of patients’ autonomy and the nurses’ rights. The study recommends continuous ethics education and the inclusion of ethics in nursing curricula, creation of a supportive working environment, knowledge and understanding of the pledge of service, Inter- disciplinary teams to discuss ethical issues, availability of ethics experts and ethics mentors in the wards.

Etiska dilemman på Stockholms Jobbtorg : Ur ett studie- och yrkesvägledarperspektiv / Ethic dilemma in Stockholms Jobbtorg

Jensen, Tobias, Hindersson, Ulrika January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare på Jobbtorg arbetar med de dilemman som kan uppstå kring de etiska riktlinjerna. Författarnas hypotes har varit att det är svårt att tillämpa de etiska riktlinjerna i en målstyrd verksamhet som Jobbtorg. En kvalitativ metod har används där fem slumpmässigt utvalda studie- och yrkesvägledare på Jobbtorg Stockholm har intervjuats. Resultatet visar på att studie- och yrkesvägledarna upplever dilemman kring deras yrkesetik, men har utarbetat olika strategier för att hantera dessa dilemman. Det visade sig att studie- och yrkesvägledarna hade skapat sig ett stort arbetsutrymme kring studie- och yrkesvägledningen på Jobbtorg. Dilemman som de intervjupersonerna istället belyste var bland annat ekonomiska riktlinjer inom försörjningsstöd, att förmedla objektiv information och aspiranternas önskan om expertutlåtanden.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay was to examine how the guidance counselour on Jobbtorg Stockholm works with the dilemmas which may arise over the ethical guidelines. The authors' hypothesis has been that it is difficult to apply the ethical guidelines of a targeted activity such as Jobbtorg. A qualitative approach was used in which five randomly selected guidance counselours on Jobbtorg Stockholm were interviewed. The result shows that guidance counselours experience dilemmas about their professional ethics, but have developed different strategies to deal with these dilemmas. It turned out that the guidance counselours have created a wide space around the guidance and counseling on Jobbtorg. Dilemmas that the interviewees rather highlighted, among other was economic policies, to provide objective information and the clients desire for expert advice.</p>

Have we arrived yet? : Ecotourism operators managing dilemmas in Sweden

Axheim, Kristina, Ng, Jessie Kit Wah January 2009 (has links)
<p>The concern for the environment and social aspects have been highlighting in the concept of ecotourism. Tourism is a growing industry, where ecotourism is one of the fastest growing components in tourism today. The increase of amount of travels and tourists in the world, has led to the acknowledgement of tourism as part of the emissions of greenhouse gases. Therefore, the framework of sustainable development in tourism has been developed as well as ecotourism.</p><p>This thesis is aiming to study the ecotourism operators’ management of facing dilemmas in the ecotourism industry in Sweden. Therefore, the study is contributing to new knowledge in the lack of research in the field. We have identified the knowledge gap which is from the frontline practitioner’s, ecotourism operator point of view on how to manage dilemmas in this strong sustainable industry, ecotourism.</p><p>We structure a literature review where we provide with broader definitions of the major concepts: tourism, sustainable development and ecotourism. Ecotourism is considered as possessing strong sustainability features. The literature review is focused mainly in Swedish context and literature supporting the business purpose of a small firm has been highlighted. The theoretical framework is also presenting research done about the different aspects of sustainable development (economic, social and environment) with the context in ecotourism, which is also presenting the dilemmas that can occur among the perspectives. The theoretical framework ends with some suggestions on how tour operators balance the three perspectives, i.e. economic, social and environment.</p><p>The study takes form as a qualitative study with an exploratory approach. We are aiming at providing new information and knowledge in the field, which has been lacking in research in the Swedish context. By having telephone interviews with eight ecotourism operators across Sweden, we are aiming to gain heterogeneity in respondents’ selection and try to find out if there are any common thoughts and at the same time unique practices among the respondents.</p><p>Our main conclusions are answering the question on how the ecotourism operators manage the dilemmas in the ecotourism industry in Sweden. We acknowledge that ecotourism operators are expected to aim at strong sustainability which concerns on the environmental and social issues. This frames their way of operating the ecotourism business. The ecotourism operators manage dilemmas by communicating, educating, cooperating, marketing, raising price (or no raise), limiting number of tourists and by being professional.</p>

Missbruk inom sjukförsäkringen / Misuse within the sickness benefit

Mellqvist, Mats January 2004 (has links)
<p>Under 1900-talet förändrades Sverige från ett jordbruksdominerat land till en industrination. Nya krav ställdes på staten som tog ett större ansvar för individens välbefinnande genom att bygga ut välfärdssystemen. Som en viktig del av välfärdssverige förbättrades situationen för dem som inte kunde arbeta och i början av 1990-talet var ersättningarna bland världens högsta. Ekonomen Assar Lindbeck menar att det finns en konflikt mellan höga ersättningsnivåer och sociala normer. Enligt Lindbeck har normen som förespråkar arbete reducerats i takt med att ersättningsnivåerna höjts, som en följd av detta kan missbruket inom sjukförsäkringen ha blivit mer förekommande. </p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att inom ramen för teorin kring sociala normers betydelse för samhällseffektivitet undersöka överutnyttjande och bidragsfusk inom sjukförsäkringen. Arbetet avser dock inte att ge en fullständig redogörelse av sjukfrånvaron, alternativa orsaker till frånvaron kommer dock att beröras när de kan vara relevanta för diskussionen. Materialet som analysen bygger på är både kvantitativt och kvalitativt för att skapa en helhetsbild, existerande källor kompletteras med intervjuer. </p><p>Det verkar finnas ett samband mellan höga ersättningsnivåer och utvecklingen av sociala normer. Den ökade förekomsten av missbruk indikerar att den sociala normen som förespråkar arbete reducerats. En sådan reduktion medför negativa effekter för samhället, både genom en lägre produktionsnivå och genom högre bidragskostnader. </p><p>Ohälsan har ökat under de senaste åren och främst hos den arbetsföra delen av befolkningen. Det förklarar dock inte hela den ökade sjukfrånvaron, utan det är troligt att ett annat förhållningssätt till bidrag och bidragstagande också är en del i utvecklingen. Samtidigt kan begreppet sjukdom numera innefatta andra åkommor än vad det gjorde tidigare, ökad acceptans för psykosociala åkommor kan vara en orsak till den höga sjukfrånvaron. </p><p>De åtgärder som genomförts från myndigheternas sida visar att ekonomisk teori används för att utforma olika insatser. Om det är en medveten utformning enligt de ekonomiska teorierna är dock oklart, diskussionen kring högre ersättningsnivåer i framtiden står i konflikt med den ekonomiska teorin. Samtidigt är problemet komplext eftersom det inte bara är missbruket som skall reduceras, de som är sjuka skall också ha en dräglig tillvaro.</p>

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