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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Term Structure of Interest Rates: Macro-Finance Approach / Term Structure of Interest Rates: Macro-Finance Approach

Štork, Zbyněk January 2010 (has links)
Thesis focus on derivation of macro-finance model for analysis of yield curve and its dynamics using macroeconomic factors. Underlying model is based on basic Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium DSGE approach that stems from Real Business Cycle theory and New Keynesian Macroeconomics. The model includes four main building blocks: households, firms, government and central bank. Log-linearized solution of the model serves as an input for derivation of yield curve and its main determinants -- pricing kernel, price of risk and affine term structure of interest rates -- based on no-arbitrage assumption. The Thesis shows a possible way of consistent derivation of structural macro-finance model, with reasonable computational burden that allows for time varying term premia. A simple VAR model, widely used in macro-finance literature, serves as a benchmark. The paper also presents a brief comparison and shows an ability of both models to fit an average yield curve observed from the data. Lastly, the importance of term structure analysis is demonstrated using case of Central Bank deciding about policy rate and Government conducting debt management.

Three Essays on Financial Intermediation in the Open Economy

Krenz, Johanna 03 December 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Rolle von Finanzmarktfriktionen für internationale Konjunkturzyklen und daraus resultierende Politikimplikationen. Die Analysen basieren auf Zwei-Länder DSGE Modellen mit international agierenden Finanzintermediären. Im ersten Aufsatz wird untersucht, ob der Anteil ausländischer Kapitalanlagen am Bankvermögen eine Rolle für die Übertragung von Schocks zwischen Ländern spielt. Es kann gezeigt werden, das dies von der Art des jeweiligen Schocks abhängt: Ein höherer Anteil ausländischer Kapitalanlagen führt nur dann zu einer höheren Synchronisierung von Konjunkturzyklen wenn letztere durch sogenannte Capital-Quality-Schocks verursacht werden. Im zweiten Aufsatz untersuche ich, ob es wohlfahrtssteigernd ist, unkonventionelle Geldpolitik zur Stabilisierung länderspezifischer Schocks in einer strukturell symmetrischen Währungsunion mit Finanzmarktfriktionen zu verwenden. Es wird gezeigt, das dies nicht immer der Fall ist: Wenn die Politikregeln auf Indikatoren beruhen, die hochkorreliert zwischen den Ländern sind, führen unionsweite Regeln zu höherer Wohlfahrt als länderspezifische. Der dritte Aufsatz liefert eine Erklärung für relativ geringe internationale Risikoteilung, verglichen mit dem was übliche Modelle, basierend auf dem hohen Grad an Finanzmarktintegration, vorhersagen: Ein internationales Portfolio, was von Finanzintermediären anstelle von Haushalten gewählt wurde, führt im gegebenen Modell zu suboptimaler Risikoteilung. / This thesis examines the role of financial frictions for international business cycles and policymaking in open economies. The analyses are based on two-country DSGE models with leverage-constrained financial intermediaries who can extend credit to home and foreign firms. In the first essay, I assess the role of banks’ balance sheet exposure to foreign assets for the cross-country transmission of shocks. It is shown that this role depends on the nature of a particular shock. Balance sheet exposure is essential for global co-movement in the case of capital quality shocks but does not play a decisive role conditional on other types of shocks. In the second essay, I analyze whether it is desirable to use unconventional monetary policy to stabilize country-specific shocks in a monetary union with financial frictions. It is shown that country-specific rules are not necessarily associated with higher welfare from the viewpoint of a structurally symmetric union. In particular, when the indicators of the rules are highly correlated, union-wide rules are preferable. In the third essay, I provide an explanation for the well-known puzzle that international consumption risk-sharing is relatively low compared to what theoretical models would predict given the high level of international financial-market integration. In particular, it is shown that a portfolio chosen by financial intermediaries instead of households does not necessarily yield the highest possible degree of international consumption risk-sharing.


ANDRE DORNFELD VILELA 12 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] Estimamos um modelo DSGE para a economia brasileira abrangendo a transição do regime de bandas cambiais para o regime de metas para a inflação ocorrida em 1999. Utilizamos um modelo novo keynesiano de pequena economia aberta no qual o Banco Central segue uma regra de política monetária estruturalmente distinta em cada regime. Encontramos diferenças significativas na dinâmica macroeconômica e nos mecanismos de transmissão dos choques estruturais, com destaque àqueles relacionados ao setor externo da economia. Realizamos experimentos contrafactuais onde simulamos o impacto de cenários alternativos para a transição de regime na trajetória das variáveis econômicas brasileiras. Entre outros resultados, as simulações sugerem que a manutenção do sistema de bandas cambiais seria insustentável enquanto a antecipação da implementação do regime de metas para a inflação para antes da crise da Rússia de 1998 poderia deixar a economia brasileira em situação mais favorável. Por fim, mostramos que um teste de quebra estrutural aplicado sobre todo o período amostral detecta com precisão a ocorrência da mudança de regime em 1999. / [en] We estimate a DSGE model of the brazilian economy taking into account the transition from the exchange rate band system to inflation targeting occurred in 1999. We use a new Keynesian small open economy model where the Central Bank follows structurally different monetary policy rules in each regime. By comparing the transmission channels of exogenous shocks we find significant differences across the regimes, specially on those shocks related to the foreign sector of the economy.We then perform counterfactual experiments where we simulate the response of key macro variables under alternative scenarios for the regime transition. Among other results our simulations suggest that the continuation of the exchange rate band system could have been unsustainable while anticipating the transition to inflation targeting before the Russian crisis of 1998 could have benefited the economy. Additionally, we show that a structural break test applied to the whole data sample correctly identifies the regime change in 1999.

Essays on Monetary Policy in an Oil Exporting Economy / Essais sur la politique monétaire dans une économie exportatrice de pétrole

Benkhodja, Mohamed Tahar 25 May 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat aborde le rôle de la politique dans une économie exportatrice de pétrole sous forme de trois essais. Chaque essai tente d'apporter des réponses à une problématique liée à la réponse de la politique monétaire face aux chocs externes, en particulier le choc pétrolier. A ce titre, nous construisons trois modèles dynamique et stochastique d'équilibre général (DSGE) multisectoriels que nous calibrons et estimons sur des pays producteurs de pétrole. Dans le premier essai, nous montrons que le syndrome hollandais sous ses deux effets, dépense et ressource, semble avoir lieu dans une économie exportatrice de pétrole seulement lorsque les salaires sont flexibles et les prix rigides dans le cas d'un régime de change fixe. En d'autre terme, les simulations montrent que le syndrome hollandais est évité si les prix sont rigides et les salaires sont flexibles lorsque les autorités monétaires adoptent une règle de ciblage d'inflation ; les prix et les salaires sont rigides, quelque soit l'objectif de la Banque centrale dans les deux cas : aubaine et boom. Nous montrons également, en comparant les sources de fluctuation qui conduisent au syndrome hollandais que la hausse de gisement pétrolier (boom) conduit à une plus forte désindustrialisation de l'économie comparé à l'aubaine. Enfin, le régime de change flexible semble améliorer le bien être des ménages. Dans le deuxième essai , nous comparons trois règles de politique monétaire (ciblage d'inflation, ciblage de taux de change et ciblage de l'inflation sous jacente) face à quatre chocs externes (prix du pétrole, taux de change, terme de l'échange et taux d'intérêt international) subis par un pays exportateur de pétrole. Pour ce faire, nous construisons un modèle DSGE à deux secteurs (pétrolier et non-pétrolier) estimé sur des données trimestrielles de l'économie algérienne en utilisant l'approche bayésienne. Les résultats montrent que, globalement, la réponse des variables macroéconomiques du modèle, est similaire sous les trois règles de politique monétaire. Notre principal résultat est la dépréciation du Dollar américain et la hausse du prix du pétrole constituent la principale source de fluctuation cyclique de l'économie algérienne. Aussi, et comme prédit par la théorie, la dépréciation du dollar américain a significativement contribué à la détérioration des termes de l'échange et du compte courant. Dans ce cas, la Banque centrale peut adopter une politique de dévaluation pour éviter les effets de ces chocs. Dans le troisième essai, nous considérons un échantillon de 16 pays exportateurs de pétrole que nous divisons en deux sous échantillons afin de comparer l'occurrence du syndrome hollandais dans deux principales catégories : les pays fortement dépendants du pétrole et les pays faiblement dépendants du pétrole. Nos principaux résultats montrent que six parmi huit pays fortement dépendants subissent les effets du syndrome hollandais. Dans l'autre sous échantillons, seul un pays sur huit subit le syndrome hollandais sous ses effets dépenses et ressources. Toutefois, concernant la règle de politique monétaire à adopter face au syndrome hollandais, les résultats obtenus ne sont pas tous identiques dans tous les pays. Il semblerait que, l'adoption d'une politique monétaire appropriée dépend essentiellement des caractéristiques structurelles de chaque pays. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the impact of external shocks on oil exporting economies and the role of monetary policy in this context. It consists of three essays. In the first essay, we build a Multi-sector Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model to investigate the impact of both windfall (an increase in oil price) and boom (an increase in oil resource) on an oil exporting economy. Our model is built to see if the two oil shocks (windfall and boom) generate, in the same proportion, a Dutch Disease effect. Our main findings show that the Dutch disease effect under its two main mechanisms, namely spending effect and resource-movement effect, occurs only in the case of flexible wages and sticky prices, when exchange rate is fixed. We also compare the source of fluctuations that leads to a strong effect in term of de-industrialization. We conclude that the windfall leads to a stronger effect than a boom. Finally, the choice of flexible exchange rate regime helps to improve welfare.In the second essay, we estimate, by using the Bayesian approach, a DSGE model for Algerian economy investigating the dynamic effect of four external shocks (oil price, real exchange rate, international interest rate and foreign inflation), and examining the appropriate monetary policy rule. Our main findings show that, over the period 1990Q1-2010Q4, core inflation target is the best monetary rule to stabilize both output and inflation. In the third essay, we investigate the impact of the recent increase of oil price on a small open oil exporting economy. For this, we estimate a Dynamic, Stochastic, General equilibrium (DSGE) model for some oil producing countries using the Bayesian approach. We consider, in this essay, a sample of 16 oil exporting countries (Algeria, Argentina, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela) over the period from 1980 to 2010, except for Russia where our sample begins in 1992. In order to distinguish between high-dependent and low-dependent countries, we use two indicators : the ratio of fuel exports to total merchandise exports and the ratio of oil exports to GDP. We estimate the median for each ratio on our 16 studied countries. Countries above (below) the median are considered as high (low) oil dependent economies. We verify if the first group is more sensitive to the Dutch disease effect. We also assess the role of monetary policy. Our main findings show that in the first sample, namely high oil dependant economies, 6 countries are affected by the Dutch disease (decrease in the manufacturing production). Low oil dependant countries, are less affected by the fluctuation of oil price. Indeed, only one country has suffered a Dutch disease effect after the shock. Nevertheless, Regarding the appropriate monetary policy rule, we find that both inflation targeting and exchange rate rules may be effective to contain the size of the Dutch disease effect. Our results suggest that in Algeria and Saudi Arabia, inflation targeting offers better performances. We observe the opposite in Gabon, Kuwait, Oman, and Venezuela. Such results are consistent with economic theory. Indeed, we see that in more open economies and smaller countries (in terms of economic size), the exchange rate rule is preferable to inflation rule. Venezuela seems an exception. Such country does not fulfill the traditional criteria favoring the choice of the exchange rule. In fact, this exception is only apparent. First, if we consider the volatility, we see that Venezuela is among the most volatile economy. Second, Venezuela suffers from a fiscal dominance effect: both inflation rate and fiscal deficit are the highest relative to other studied countries.

Macroeconomic imbalances, crises and management of crises in euro area countries / Déséquilibres macroéconomiques, crises et gestion des crises dans les pays de la zone euro

Monsia, Atoke Frédia 12 December 2016 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier les liens qui existent entre les déséquilibres macroéconomiques et les crises, et de voir dans quelles mesures leur prise en compte peut aider une meilleure gestion des crises dans les pays de la zone euro. Les différents chapitres de cette thèse tentent d'apporter des réponses à trois questions importantes : Quels sont les indicateurs macro-financiers qui pourraient aider à mieux anticiper les épisodes de stress budgétaire dans les pays de la zone euro ? Quelles seraient les conséquences de la mise en place d'un système de garantie des dépôts bancaires sur les variables macroéconomiques et sur le comportement des investisseurs, investisseurs qui tiendraient compte du risque de défaut souverain ? Dans quelle mesure une meilleure qualité des institutions, de la gouvernance pourrait-elle aider à améliorer la croissance de long terme d'une économie contrainte sur le marché international des capitaux ? En retenant une approche de court terme, les deux premiers chapitres montrent l'importance de la confiance des marchés dans l'analyse du lien entre déséquilibres macroéconomiques et crises. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous adoptons une perspective de plus long terme pour analyser les effets de cette confiance des marchés sur la dynamique de la croissance. Notre approche est à la fois théorique et empirique. L'approche théorique se base sur les modèles DSGE (modèles d'équilibre général stochastiques dynamiques et la modélisation d'une crise dans une petite économie ouverte. L'approche empirique se focalise sur les modèles Probit/Logit sur données de panel et sur un modèle d'alerte fondé sur des signaux avancés (early warning indicators). / This dissertation consists of three essays on how macro-financial imbalances precede crises and to what extent their consideration can help better management of crises in the Eurozone countries. The different chapters of this thesis, try to answer three important questions : What are the macro-financial imbalances that exposed the Euro area countries to fiscal stress before the outbreak of the debt crises in Europe? What are the impacts of sovereign default and deposit guarantee on macroeconomic variables and on the behavior of investors ? To what extent could better institutions/governance help to improve the long-term growth in a constrained economy on the international capital market ? Using a short-term approach, the first two chapters show the importance of market confidence in analysis of the link between macroeconomic imbalances and crises. In the third chapter, we adopt a long-term perspective to analyze the effects of this market confidence on the dynamics of growth. Our approach is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical approach is based on the DSGE models (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models) and the modeling of a crisis in a small open economy (SOE). The empirical approach focuses on Probit/Logit models for panel data and on Signal model based on early warning indicators.

新凱因斯模型下,貨幣政策與總體審慎政策對於資產價格泡沫的影響 / The effect of monetary policy and macro-prudential policy on asset price bubbles in a new Keynesian model

潘冠中, Pan, Kuan Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建立含資產價格泡沫的隨機動態一般均衡 (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium, DSGE) 模型,並以此討論貨幣政策與總體審慎政策的效果。泡沫存在於不動產的股票價格上,且不動產與一般資本皆為生產要素。研究顯示,在隨機衝擊下,一般資本的投資與不動產投資呈現負相關。融資擔保率的調控為總體審慎政策的範疇,本文另研究融資擔保率對經濟變數的影響。結果顯示,當擔保率調升時,產出增加、泡沫減少且不動產的股價 (資產價格) 下跌。本文亦討論依循泰勒法則下的貨幣政策與總體審慎政策對產出與資產價格波動的影響;結果顯示,在經濟景氣時實施緊縮貨幣政策可同時減少資產價格與產出的波動,其效果優於總體審慎政策。 / This study established a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model, which contains asset bubble price, and employed DSGE to discuss the effect of the monetary policy and the macro-prudential policy. Bubbles exist in the stock price of the real estate. Real estate and general capital are both the factors of production. The study indicates that, under stochastic impulse, a negative correlation exists between the investment of the general capital and the investment of the real estate. The study also discusses the operation of the collateral rate, a perspective dealing with macro-prudential policy, and how it influences economic variables. The results present that when collateral rate rises, output increases, bubbles decreases and the stock price of real estate (asset price) declines. The study further investigates how monetary policy, which follows the Taylor rule, and macro-prudential policy affect the vibration of the output and the asset price. The result indicates that during economic prosperity, the implementation of tight monetary policy presents better effect than that of macro-prudential policy since it simultaneously decreases variances of output and asset price.

Gestion des flux financiers internationaux et politique macro-prudentielle / Management of international financial flows and macroprudential policy

Lamandé, Maxime 22 May 2018 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’analyse de l’effet des politiques visant à endiguer les risques d’instabilité financière. Les investigations menées sont d’ordre théorique (modèle DSGE) et empirique. En se plaçant dans un cadre macroéconomique d’un pays ouvert, deux dimensions doivent être prises en compte. La dimension externe est couverte par la politique de contrôles prudentiels des capitaux. De par son caractère sélectif, cette politique peut permettre de diminuer les déséquilibres externes qui ne rentrent pas dans le champ d’application macro-prudentielle. Cette dernière aborde la dimension interne et cherche à internaliser le risque global consécutif aux choix d’investissement desagents résidents. L’analyse de la coordination interne de ces deux types de mesures, macro-prudentielles et contrôles prudentiels, est essentielle pour garantir leur efficacité. En outre, les potentiels effets de débordements internationaux que peuvent entraîner les politiques de régulation prudentielle doivent être étudiés avant de valider l’utilisation de telles politiques.Voici les résultats que nous tirons de notre analyse. La politique macro-pudentielle semblent offrir de meilleurs résultats en termes de stabilité financière, des prix et de performance économique que les contrôles de capitaux. Toutefois, les contrôles prudentiels de capitaux ont leur rôle à jouer. Nos résultats montrent surtout une utilité envers la croissance excessive du crédit. L’application de contrôles prudentiels, lorsque la croissance du crédit devient excessive, peut permettre d’atténuer la surchauffe du système financier et de diminuer le décalage entre le cycle économique et financier. Par conséquent, si un choc négatif survient, les conséquences économiques devraient être amoindries. Ensuite, la politique optimale s’avère être celle combinant la politique monétaire et prudentielle, menée par une agence commune qui prend les décisions en matière de politique monétaire et prudentielle conjointement. Les politiques prudentielles s’avèrent d’autant plus nécessaires que les prêts transfrontaliers sont importants. Enfin, des effets de débordement des politiques prudentielles sur les autres pays incitent à davantage de coopération internationale ou régionale en la matière. / The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the analysis of the effect of policies aimed at curbing the risks associated with financial instability. The investigations carried out are theoretical (DSGE model) and empirical. In an open country macroeconomic framework, two dimensions must be taken into account. The external dimension is covered by the policy of prudential capital controls. Because of its selective nature, this type of policy can help reduce external imbalances that do not fall within the macroprudential scope. The latter addresses the internal dimension and seeks to internalize the overall risk resulting from the investment choices of resident agents. The analysis of the internal coordination of these two types of macro-prudential measures and prudential controls is essential to ensure their effectiveness. In addition, the potential effects of international spillovers that may result from prudential regulation policies must be studied before validating the use of such policies. We find that macroprudential policies seem to offer better results in terms of financial stability, price stability and economic performance than capital controls. However, prudential capital controls have their role to play, especially with regards to excessive credit growth. The application of prudential controls, when credit growth becomes excessive, can indeed help mitigating the overheating of the financial system and reducing the gap between economic and financial cycles. Therefore, as a negative shock occurs, its economic consequences should be lessened. Then, the optimal policy turns out to bethe one combining monetary and prudential policy, led by a joint agency that makes decisions on monetary and prudential policies. Prudential policies are all the more necessary as cross-border lending is important. Finally, the effects of prudential policies on other countries encourage more international or regional cooperation in this area.

Attriti Finanziari nel Quadro di Ingresso delle Imprese Endogene / FINANCIAL FRICTIONS IN ENDOGENOUS FIRM ENTRY FRAMEWORK / Financial Frictions in Endogenous Firm Entry Framework

AGOP, SEVAG 13 July 2021 (has links)
La contrazione della formazione di imprese dopo la crisi finanziaria del 2008 è stata in parte determinata dall'inasprimento degli standard creditizi. Incorporare l'imperfezione del mercato del credito nei modelli DSGE è diventato un passo essenziale verso una migliore spiegazione di tali risultati. Nel primo capitolo, indago sul ruolo del finanziamento esterno nella creazione d'impresa. Sottolineo l'impatto del potere di mercato delle banche e la presenza di dispersione tra i tassi di interesse dei grandi e dei piccoli prestiti all'ingresso. Pertanto, sviluppo un modello DSGE che collega l'ingresso dell'impresa al sistema bancario imperfetto e introduco costi di prestito eterogenei per operatori storici e nuovi. Il modello prevede un impatto amplificato degli shock reali e finanziari e mostra una maggiore volatilità man mano che lo spread dei tassi di interesse si allarga. In linea con l'evidenza, la versione sticky-price produce un'entrata prociclica in risposta allo shock monetario espansivo. Nel secondo capitolo, mi concentro sull'interazione tra i prezzi delle case, le insolvenze sui prestiti e l'ingresso di imprese. Presento prove SVAR che rivelano una risposta prociclica positiva della nascita allo shock dei prezzi delle case e una reazione negativa alle inadempienze sui prestiti. Quindi sviluppo un modello DSGE in grado di prevedere e spiegare queste risposte. L'endogeneità del vincolo collaterale e della creazione d'impresa è al centro del meccanismo del modello. Il modello genera dei secondi momenti ragionevolmente vicini alle controparti dei dati. / The contraction of business formation after 2008 financial crisis was driven partly by the tightened credit standards. Incorporating credit market imperfection to DSGE models became an essential step towards better explaining such outcomes. In the first chapter, I investigate the role of external financing in firm creation. I highlight the impact of bank market power, and the presence of dispersion between interest rates of large and small loans on entry. Therefore, I develop a DSGE model linking firm entry to imperfect banking system, and introduce heterogeneous borrowing costs for incumbents and entrants. The model predicts amplified impact of real and financial shocks, and exhibits higher volatility as the spread in interest rates gets wider. In line with evidence, the sticky-price version produces pro-cyclical entry in response to expansionary monetary shock. In the second chapter, I focus on the interaction between house prices, loan defaults, and firm entry. I present SVAR evidence that reveals positive pro-cyclical response of birth to house price shock, and negative reaction to loan defaults. Then I develop a DSGE model that is able to predict and explain these responses. The endogeneity of collateral constraint and firm creation is in the core of the model’s mechanism. The model generates some second moments that are reasonably close to their data counterparts.

總體政策對房屋價格的穩定效果 / Stabilization effects of macroeconomic policy on housing prices

王雨讓, Wang, Yu Rang Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究目的為,在一個含有房屋及房屋相關貸款的動態隨機一般均衡模型的架構中,比較貨幣政策、財政政策以及總體審慎政策對於房屋價格及房屋相關貸款的穩定效果。本文建構一個經濟封閉體系,其中包含三種不同家計單位、商品生產部門、房屋建商、資本生產部門,並且由政府部門制定相關政策;此模型的特色為,不同家計單位中的借貸行為、名目價格僵固性以及透過房屋價格抵押貸款的限制來刻劃金融摩擦。我們考慮了一般緊縮貨幣政策、提高財產稅率以及緊縮貸款價值比;本文發現,在三種政策中,對於抑制房屋價格以及降低住房貸款對國內生產毛額的比例,財政政策及總體審慎政策比起緊縮貨幣政策擁有較好的效果。 / The main purpose in this paper is to compare the effect of monetary policy, fiscal policy and macroprudential policy on housing price and housing related loans using a micro-based dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with housing and housing related loans. We equip a closed economy model with three types of infinitely-lived households (patient households, impatient households and renters), a goods firm, housing and capital producer and a government sector. The model features borrowing and lending between patient and impatient households, nominal rigidity in goods price and financial friction in the form of collateral constraints tied to price of house. We consider the contractionary monetary policy by raising the interest rate, fiscal policy by increasing property tax rate and the macroprudential policy through tightening the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. We find that among these three policies, in terms of dampening the price of housing and lowering the loan-to-GDP ratio, raising the property tax and lowering the LTV ratio outperforms the contractionary monetary policy.

社會網路互動下的新凱因斯動態隨機一般均衡模型 / Toward a social network-based New Keynesian DSGE model

張嘉玲, Chang, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建構一社會網路互動下的新凱因斯動態隨機一般均衡模型,探討效用基礎下波茲曼分配背後的網路結構,以及,社會網路對新凱因斯動態隨機一般均衡模型參數的影響。根據本論文模擬結果,效用基礎下波茲曼分配背後所隱含的社會網路結構呈現局部區域性連結拓璞,此結論與熱力學對波茲曼分配中粒子互動方式的假設相同,然而,區域性連結之網路結構(如環狀網)並非目前實證研究所觀察到的網路型態(如冪分布網路或高群集係數之小世界網路),故吾人是否得以直接利用效用基礎下波茲曼分配來描述社會上人與人之間的互動現象必需更忱慎考量之。另外,社會網路互動也將使新凱因斯動態隨機一般均衡模型之參數估計產生偏誤,依本研究估計結果觀之,只要加入社會互動,總合需求曲線中實質利率之參數估計將為正號,即實質利率對產出缺口的影響為負向影響,也就是文獻上的投資儲蓄迷思(IS puzzle),若進一步觀察社會網路結構對該實證迷思的影響則可發現當社會網路群聚程度越高時,該估計偏誤將越嚴重。 / We construct a social network-based New Keynesian DSGE (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium) Model to investigate the underlying social network structure derived from the performance-based Boltzmann-Gibbs model, and thus interpret the process that social network structures affect the estimation bias in the New Keynesian DSGE framework. According to our simulation results, the underlying social network structure derived from the performance-based Boltzmann-Gibbs model should be local. This finding is consistent with the study of thermodynamics, which the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution is based upon, i.e. the local interaction. However, it contradicts not only the purpose of combining the performance-based Boltzmann-Gibbs machine and New Keynesian DSGE model, but also empirical studies of social network structures in the real world. Accordingly, maybe we have to consider further whether the performance-based Boltzmann-Gibbs machine is a suitable tool for calibrating social interaction under the stylized New Keynesian DSGE framework. Furthermore, if we embedded interaction behavior in the stylized New Keynesian model, the so-called “IS Puzzle” can be consequently observed. We also realized that “IS Puzzle” is connected with network structures. The more clustering the network structure is, the more significant “IS Puzzle” would be.

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