Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ECOLOGICAL MODEL"" "subject:"[enn] ECOLOGICAL MODEL""
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Multi-level Interactions between Fisheries and Trade : Modeling intertwined social-ecological systemsElsler, Laura G. January 2018 (has links)
Sustainable and equitable fisheries are central for addressing the challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. International trade, once presented by Walrasian economists as a panacea for fisheries development, has not markedly decreased poverty and has been related to the overexploitation of marine species. In this light the consequences of a continued expansion of seafood trade are highly uncertain and problematic. Two competing theoretical hypotheses predict either overexploitation or recovery of marine species when connected to international trade, respectively. The empirical literature finds trade relationships and connections of local fisheries to a large-volume market critical factors for social-ecological outcomes. Here, I combine these insights to show that multi-level links, between fishers & different markets (market manuscript) and marine species & trade relationships (squid manuscript), are critical to explain diverging social-ecological outcomes. In the market manuscript we model the transition from local, to multi-level (both local and global), to global markets in a two species fishery. We find this transition is non-linear, leading to fluctuations in species abundance as a result of abrupt switches between target species. Critical fluctuations of species abundance driven by new market connections are a result of large shifts in prices for one species and high asymmetries in expected income between the two species. The squid manuscript provides empirical and modeling evidence that cyclical changes in the ocean can drive social-ecological systems outcomes through changing interactions at multiple levels. The interactions between squid population and fishers and squid distribution and trading structures determines benefit distributions in the fishery. The lack of consideration of multi-level interactions related to trade in models for fisheries management is likely associated with a lack of processes for integrating the empirical and theoretical insights of two disciplines at the core of fisheries science. Social-ecological system scholars study more often empirical and fishery economics the theoretical aspects of interactions between trade and fisheries. One process suggested in this thesis to bridge insights from both disciplines in fishery models is the careful study of the important interactions in the empirical case. Comparison of these interactions with observed empirical interactions in other systems informs the model conceptualization that is then embedded in a theoretical framework. This leads to the development of models of intermediate complexity that integrate insights on regular structures and patterns observed in real social-ecological systems. The squid manuscript exemplifies this integration. We integrate observed multi-level links in a standard fishery model between the squid population fishers and traders, and thus better represent the empirical system. A continuous dialogue between empirics and theorycan help build models of intermediate complexity. To capture the complex elements of these social-ecological systems, in this young field of study, next to a continuous dialogue priority observed empirical dynamics can help question theoretical assumptions. This study seeks to contribute to the development of fisheries management models more suitable to face contemporary challenges of fisheries management by focusing on how multi-level interactions between fisheries and trade shape sustainable and equitable outcomes.
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Self-employed people navigating difficult times : business challenges and well-being from a salutogenic perspectiveHansson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Background Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic presented major difficulties for many self-employed people because it caused pressures such as decreased customer demand, production stagnation, disruptions in supply chains and increased uncertainty. The vast amount of the studies of self-employed people during the pandemic have focused on traditional pathogenic effects. Hence, overall aim of this thesis is to explore how self-employed people experienced and used internal and external salutogenic resources to navigate the pandemic, from a business challenge and an individual well-being perspective. Methods Different methods of data collection and analysis were employed in the thesis. For study I, a qualitative design was used to explore whether a sense of coherence was experienced, and any general resistance resources were used by small business managers in Sweden and Norway during the pandemic. For study II, a cross-sectional quantitative design was employed to investigate the well-being of self-employed people in Europe during the pandemic and whether their well-being was influenced by factors representing four socio-ecological levels. Lastly, study III applied a mixed-method design including comparative policy analysis and interviews to gain an understanding of how different governmental financial support measures aimed to aid the resilience of Swedish and Canadian self-employed people and improve their ability to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Study I was analysed through a deductive content analysis, study II was analysed using independent sample t-tests, correlations and linear regression, and study III used comparative policy analysis and inductive content analysis. Results Findings from the interviews in study I demonstrated that it was important for the participants to comprehend and manage challenges during the pandemic in a resourceful manner, and to see meaningfulness in their situations. In study II, the findings highlight that the socio-ecological factors of resilience, social support, doing useful work and experiencing rules as clear affected the self-employed people’s well-being, and that these factors may be even more important for those who had difficulties running their business. Study III found that self-employed people in both Sweden and Canada who 10 were unable to telework were relatively less resilient during the pandemic. The interviews revealed that many self-employed people in hard-hit industries were dissatisfied with government financial support measures and found them to be unfairly distributed. In addition, the self-employed people who experienced difficulties running their businesses reported reduced well-being, which had a negative effect on their business survival. Conclusion While the three studies in this thesis had different foci, they collectively provide insights into the internal and external salutogenic resources that influenced how self-employed people navigated the pandemic. A sense of coherence, resilience and well-being were deemed important for handling the pandemic well, for both the individuals and their businesses. The research also indicated the interconnectedness between self-employed people and their businesses. For instance, financial difficulties may lead to increased stress and pressure to make decisions to sustain the business. Reduced well-being, in turn, made it harder to adapt and adjust positively to adversity. The importance of supporting factors at multiple socio-ecological levels was also highlighted, and these may be particularly important to those who had difficulties running their businesses.
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No description available.
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Behavioral and Environmental Attributes of Ebola Epidemic in West Africa and United States Emergency Nurses’ Motivation to Protect Themselves against Ebola InfectionLeigh, Laurasona January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Konstruktioner av våld i ungas parrelationer : en kritisk diskursanalys av svenska nyhetsmedier / Constructions of youth intimate partner violence : a critical discourse analysis of Swedish news mediaEkerby, Kalle, Frejhammar, Edith January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur våld i ungas parrelationer konstrueras och hur ansvaret för våld i ungas parrelationer konstrueras i svenska nyhetsartiklar. Studiens syfte har besvarats genom en kritisk diskursanalys, utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella modell, av svenska nyhetsartiklar från fyra rikstäckande mediehus. Studiens vetenskapsfilosofiska utgångspunkt är socialkonstruktionismen och det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av ett ekologiskt förhållningssätt. Materialet består av tryckta källor under en treårsperiod, från början av 2021 till och med 2023. Studiens resultat visar två diskursiva teman, episodisk inramning av våldet och att våldet förmedlas informativt. Det förstnämnda innebär att våldet konstrueras som enskilda händelser, ofta med dödlig utgång, utan strukturella förklaringar. I detta tema finns det även ett fokus på rättsväsendets hantering av brottet och rapportering om följande rättsprocesser. I motsats utgör det andra temat att våldet förmedlas informativt, i syfte att belysa våld i ungas parrelationer som ett socialt problem. Den senare kan anses förmedla ett budskap om att våldet kan förklaras strukturellt samtidigt som det skapar ett kollektivt och samhälleligt ansvar för våldet i ungas parrelationer. Ytterligare framträder det att unga själva inte kommer till tals i nyhetsartiklarna, vilket kan vara en förutsättning för att målgruppen själva ska få makt över att konstruera ett socialt problem som främst berör dem själva. Avslutningsvis visar denna studie på att våld i ungas parrelationer är ett socialt problem som i svenska nyhetsmedier rapporteras om på ett diversifierat vis. För att våldet ska uppfattas som ett socialt problem och att socialt ansvar behövs för att hantera det, krävs det att rapporteringen om våld i ungas parrelationer inkluderar sociokulturella och strukturella aspekter.
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Vårdnadshavarnas erfarenheter kring stödet till sitt barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. : En intervjustudie / Guardians' experiences of the support for their child with intellectual disabilityNorenbom, Therése January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to deepen the knowledge of guardians experiences of coordination between the various support measures for their children with intellectual disabilities in special schools. My research questions are to find out how the guardians describe the contact with LSS administrators, child and youth habilitation personnel and specialist teachers in schools for children with special needs as well as the experiences of the guardians based on their contacts with LSS administrators, child and youth habilitation personnel and specialist teachers in special schools. To find this out, a qualitative study is conducted in the form of interviews with guardians of children with intellectual disability. Informants in the study were nine guardians from three different municipalities. The results have been analyzed using Bronfenbrenners developing ecological model. The results show amongst other things that the guardians want more coordinated meetings to facilitate everyday life for the family. Another result was that the contact between the different instancesvary greatly both in quantity and quality and it is up to the guardians if contact occurs. It commonly emerged that the guardians experiences are that there is a good competence in general within different personnel groups. Another finding was that there are shortcomings regarding documentation and monitoring. Finally, it also emerged that it differs regarding how agencies act in preparing guardians for the future in different instances. One conclusion is that variation seems to be bound to whom the guardians have as an administrator and it becomes clear that the role of the special education teacher as a qualified conversation partner is important both in special schools but also in meeting with other professionals. It cannot be stressed enough how important the role is as a special education teacher and coordinator to simplify everyday life for parents or guardians. In addition, monitoring and evaluations fill an important function in professional practice as necessary for improving mutual understanding between home and special schools. / Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa kunskapen om vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av samordning mellan olika stödinsatser för deras barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning i grundsärskolan. Mina forskningsfrågor utifrån syftet är att dels att ta reda på hur vårdnadshavarna beskriver kontakten med LSS-handläggare, barn-och ungdomshabiliteringens personal samt speciallärare i grundsärskolan, dels att ta reda på vilka erfarenheter av stöd vårdnadshavare har utifrån sina kontakter med LSS-handläggare, barn- och ungdomshabiliteringens personal samt speciallärare i särskolan. För att ta reda på detta har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts i form av intervjuer med vårdnadshavare till barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Antalet informanter i intervjun var nio stycken personer från tre olika kommuner. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska modell. Resultatet visar bland annat att vårdnadshavare önskar mer samordnade möten för att underlätta vardagen för familjen. Ett annat resultat var att kontakten mellan olika instanser varierar mycket i både antal och kvalitetoch det är upp till vårdnadshavarna om kontakten sker. Gemensamt framkom det att vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser är att det finns en god kompetens över lag hos olika personalgrupper. Ytterligare ett resultat var att det finns brister gällande dokumentation och uppföljning. Till sist framkom det också att det är ojämnt hur myndigheteragerar föratt förbereda vårdnadshavare inför framtiden inom de olika instanserna. En slutsats är att det verkar vara mycket bundet till vem vårdnadshavarna har som handläggare om stödet fungerar och det blir tydligt att speciallärarens roll som kvalificerad samtalspartner är viktig både i grundsärskolan men även i mötet med andra yrkesgrupper. Det kan inte nog betonas hur viktig rollen är som speciallärare samt samordnare för att förenkla vardagen för vårdnadshavarna. Dessutom fyller uppföljningar och utvärderingar en viktig funktion i yrkespraktiken då detta krävs för att öka samförståndet mellan hemmet och grundsärskolan.
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The experience of caring for a child with cerebral palsy in rural communities of the Western Cape, South Africa.Steadman, Jacqui 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT : It has been suggested that the complex needs of children with neurodevelopmental disorders are best addressed with a family-centred approach. As this approach has been increasingly incorporated into healthcare systems over recent years, most children with disabilities are now able to remain at home as opposed to living in institutions or group homes. Many parents have thus been forced to adopt the role of a primary caregiver for their child that has been diagnosed with a disability or chronic condition.
This study aimed to investigate the experiences of caregivers for children with cerebral palsy in rural communities of the Western Cape, with a specific focus on the barriers and facilitators that they encounter. An exploratory qualitative design was employed and 15 individuals (aged 27-62), who were identified as caregivers for a child with cerebral palsy through purposive sampling were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to analyse and generate themes from the semi-structured interviews that were conducted with participants.
A number of barriers to caring emerged including the personal consequences of caregiving, difficulty adjusting to caregiving duties, environmental conditions, lack of access to healthcare services, lack of respite services, and negative perceptions towards disability. Various facilitators to caring were also identified, namely personal coping methods, personal transformation, social support, relationship with one’s child, community resources, child’s crèche, and financial assistance.
The five levels of the Social Ecological Model were used to conceptualise the discussion of these findings and links were made to the existing literature on the caregiver experience in the developing context. In this process it was found that participants often encountered similar barriers and facilitators to caregivers for individuals with other types of conditions, such as HIV/AIDS, autism, mental illness, cancer, and neurological disorders. This could suggest that caregivers residing in developing countries share similar experiences, regardless of the condition of the care receiver.
Although participants received support from a number of sources that aided them with their caregiving duties, it is evident that they still encountered gaps in the provision of a number of important services, including lack of information from healthcare professionals, lack of community programs to reduce stress and promote empowerment, and lack of disability-friendly facilities. It is vital that caregivers have access to these services to ensure their child’s well-being as well as their own. There is thus a need to explore how these services can be made more accessible to caregivers in rural communities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Daar word voorgestel dat die komplekse behoeftes van kinders met neuro-ontwikkelingsversteurings die beste aangespreek word deur ‘n familie-gefokusde benadering. Aangesien hierdie benadering meer geredelik geïnkorporeer is in die gesondheidsorg sisteem oor die afgelope paar jaar is meeste kinders met gestremdhede nou in staat om by die huis te kan bly in plaas daarvan om in inrigtings of groepshuise te woon. Baie ouers is dus geforseer om die rol as primêre versorger aan te neem vir hulle kind wat gediagnoseer is met ‘n gestremdheid of kroniese toestand.
Hierdie studie se doel was om die ervarings van versorgers van kinders met serebrale gestremdheid in landelike gemeenskappe van die Wes-Kaap, te ondersoek, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op die hindernisse en fasiliteerders wat hulle ondervind. ‘n Ondersoekende kwalitatiewe ontwerp is gebruik en onderhoude is gevoer met 15 individue (ouderdomme 27-62) wat deur doelgerigte steekproefneming geïdentifiseer is as versorgers van ‘n kind met serebrale gestremdheid. Tematiese analise is gebruik om die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat met die deelnemers gevoer is te analiseer en temas te genereer.
‘n Aantal van die hindernisse tot versorging het na vore gekom en sluit die persoonlike gevolge van versorging, probleme om aan te pas by die versorgingspligte, omgewingstoestande, tekort aan toegang tot gesondheidsorg dienste, tekort aan verligting dienste en negatiewe persepsies teenoor gestremdhede in. Verskeie fasiliteerders tot versorging is ook geïdentifiseer, naamlik persoonlike hanteringsmetodes, persoonlike transformasie, sosiale ondersteuning, verhouding met hulle kind, gemeenskapsfasiliteerders, kind se speelskool en finansiële hulp.
Die vyf vlakke van die Sosiale Ekologiese Model is gebruik om die bespreking van hierdie bevindinge te konseptualiseer en verbintenisse is gemaak met bestaande literatuur wat handel oor die versorger se ervaring in die ontwikkellende konteks. In hierdie proses is gevind dat deelnemers dikwels dieselfde hindernisse en fasiliteerders ondervind as versorgers van individue met ander tipe toestande, soos MIV/VIGS, outisme, geestesiektes, kanker en neurologiese versteurings. Dit kan moontlik beteken dat versorgers wat in ontwikkellende lande woord dieselfde ervarings deel, ten spyte van die toestand van die persoon wat die versorging ontvang.
Alhoewel deelnemers ondersteuning van ʼn aantal bronne ontvang het wat hulle help met hulle versorgingspligte, is dit duidelik dat hulle steeds gapings ervaar in die voorsiening van ʼn aantal belangrike dienste, insluitende ʼn tekort aan inligting van gesondheidsorg werkers, ʼn tekort aan gemeenskapsprogramme om stres verligting en bemagtiging te bevorder en ʼn tekort aan gestremdheid-vriendelike fasiliteite. Dit is baie belangrik dat versorgers toegang het tot hierdie dienste om die welstand van hulle kind en hulself te verseker. Daar is dus ʼn behoefte om te ondersoek hoe hierdie dienste meer toegangklik gemaak kan word vir versorgers in landelike gemeenskappe.
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Matens klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll : En kvantitativ studie om skillnader i matvanor mellan olika kosthållningar och kön bland högskolestudenterHakopian, Ani January 2017 (has links)
Svenskarnas matkonsumtion är inte hållbar utifrån ett klimatperspektiv. För en mer hållbar konsumtion krävs en minskning av animaliska livsmedel. Tidigare studier visar att det är möjligt att äta klimatsmart och fortfarande nå upp till näringsrekommendationerna. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll studenters matvanor har och skillnader mellan olika kosthållningar och kön. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvantitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av 21 högskolestudenter, elva män och tio kvinnor med en fördelning på sju deltagare inom varje kosthållning. Metoden som använts är retrospektiva 24-timmarsintervjuer för att få en bild av en grupps matvanor. Resultatet visar att lunch är den måltidsform med högst klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll. Lunch har närmare tre gånger så hög klimatpåverkan jämfört med frukost. Allätare har högst klimatpåverkan och proteinintag, medan veganer har högre kolhydrats- och energiintag samt lägst klimatpåverkan. Vegetarianer och veganer har högst intag av vitamin C. Mäns måltider bidrar med högst klimatpåverkan och de har högst intag av protein, energi och kolhydrater, medan kvinnor har ett högre intag av vitamin C. Det teoretiska perspektivet som användes för att diskutera resultatet är social-ekologiska modellen. / The food consumption of Swedish people is not sustainable from a climate perspective. For more sustainable consumption it requires a reduction of meat and dairy products. Previous studies show that it is possible to eat climate smart but still reach nutrition recommendations. The aim of this study is to investigate the students´ eating habits, nutritional content, impact on the climate, and study if there are differences between diets and between men and women. The study is based on quantitative approach with a cross sectional study through semi-structured interviews. The used method is retrospective 24-hour recall interviews to get at picture of the groups eating habits. The participants comprised of 21 students from Mälardalen University, eleven men and ten women with a distribution of seven participants in each diet. The result shows that lunch is the meal with the highest climate impact and nutritional content and that lunch has almost three times higher climate impact compared to breakfast. Individuals who eat both meat and dairy have the highest climate impact and protein intake, while vegans have the lowest climate impact and highest carbohydrate and energy intake. Vegetarians and vegans have the highest intake of vitamin C. Mens´ meals have the highest climate impact and nutritional content of protein, energy and carbohydrate, while women have a higher intake of vitamin C. The social ecological model is the theoretical perspective used to discuss the result.
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Living with a sibling diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder : an interpretative phenomenological analysisDongola, Edzani Onica 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative study explored the experiences of individuals living with a sibling diagnosed
with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how these individuals make meaning of this
experience. The data for this study was collected from five (5) individuals between the ages of
12 and 19, who shared their experience of living with siblings diagnosed with ASD. The data
was analysed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis method (IPA). I conclude that
although living with a sibling diagnosed with ASD is a challenging experience, the way one
makes meaning from the experience contributes greatly to their interpretation of their experience
thereof; and therefore, making it a positive experience. The participants in this study showed
great maturity and resilience. The findings of this study will be useful to parents, professionals
and those who engage with individuals living with a sibling diagnosed with ASD. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology in Research Consultation)
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Riskfaktorer för mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Utifrån ett ekologiskt perspektiv / Risk factors for men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence against women : An ecological perspectiveHell, Anna, Karlsson, Krizty-Li January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer är ett utbrett folkhälsoproblem vilket hindrar utvecklingen av ett jämställt samhälle och bidrar till allvarliga hälsoproblem för många kvinnor i form av både kort- och långsiktig fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Våldet påverkar även våldsutsatta kvinnors möjlighet till delaktighet och inflytande i samhället, vilket ytterligare gör det till en viktig folkhälsofråga. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva riskfaktorer för mäns våld mot kvinnor nära relationer. Metod: Utifrån tjugofem vetenskapliga artiklar vilka analyserades med en tematisk analysmetod identifierades fem huvudsakliga teman: ”Uppväxtvillkor”, ”Individuella faktorer hos mannen”, ”Förhållandekontext”, ”Socioekonomiska och demografiska faktorer” samt ”Normer”. Även fyra subteman identifierades: ”Personlighetsdrag”, ”Alkohol och droger”, ”Konflikter” samt ”Graviditet och barn”. Resultat: Resultatets nyckelfynd var negativa barndomsupplevelser, impulskontroll, alkoholpåverkan, ekonomiska resurser och maskulinitetsnormer. Diskussion: Resultaten har delvis diskuterats utifrån en ekologisk modell och avslutas med implikationer och förslag på utveckling av ämnet. Litteraturstudien belyser vikten av att utveckla förebyggande och behandlande strategier på flera olika nivåer för att motverka mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. / Introduction: Men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence against women is a widespread public health problem that prevents the development of an equal society and contributes to serious health problems for many women in terms of both short and long term physical and mental health. The violence also affects the victimized women's opportunity for participation and influence in the society, which further makes it an important public health issue. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe risk factors for men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence against women. Methods: Based on twenty-five scientific articles analyzed by a thematic analysis method, five main themes were identified: "Conditions during childhood”, "Individual factors of the man", "Relationship context", "Socio-economic and Demographic factors" and "Standards." Four sub-themes were also identified: "Personality traits", "Alcohol and drugs", "Conflicts" and "Pregnancy and children". Results: The key findings of the results were negative childhood experiences, impulse control, alcohol impact, financial resources and masculinity standards. Discussion: The results have been discussed partly based on an ecological model and concluded with implications and suggestions on the development of the subject. The literature study highlights the importance of developing prevention and treatment strategies at several levels to counter men’s perpetration of intimate partner violence against women
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