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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An orgasm and an atom : performing passion and freedom in Margaret Sweatman's <i>When Alice Lay Down With Peter</i>

Kunz, Brenda Mary 12 December 2006
Margaret Sweatmans novel, <i>When Alice Lay Down With Peter</i>, plays with the British Empires adventure story and its creation of manhood. Mimicking this creative process in the Canadian Northwest, Sweatman conceives and births a womans previously erased passion back into the adventure story in a playful, erotic, and politically-charged presentation of the performing female body. Although appreciating the magic realism element to the novel (157), Nicole Markotic suggests that Sweatmans characters, like the readers, become History Tourists and are mere backdrop for the last century or so of Current Events that take precedence over their stories (156). The McCormack women, Markotic argues, have few stories other than going to war, having one momentous sex scene, giving birth (156). Indeed, Sweatmans whirlwind tour through 109 years of well-documented, and already too many times rehashed, rebellions, labour strikes, and world wars, seems to reflect this sentiment, but to limit Sweatman and her characters to only the Empires gender performative is to miss the female body performing as its own Big Bang.<p>Since a womans contingency and agency within the Empires gender performative has been vigorously debated by post modern and cultural theorists, Sweatman chooses to birth her characters into a world of/as performance. Richard Schechner, a pioneer in the field of performance theory, argues in his earlier work, Essays on Performance Theory (1977), that performance is a very inclusive notion of action, in which the performance workshop and the performance strategy of play are much more important than previously imagined (1,61). Sweatman draws on this discovery in order to free her characters to explore passion beyond Imperial and textual constraints. Four generations of McCormack women mimic, mock, and sidewind their way into, around, and beyond the Empires warring narrative and its heterosexual imperative. They are savvy, sexy, and provocative, playing simultaneously as shameless voyeurs, plagiarists, and war artists.

Genètica i drogues psicoestimulants: dependència de cocaïna i consum d’èxtasi

Fernández Castillo, Noelia 27 May 2011 (has links)
La cocaïna i l’èxtasi (MDMA, 3,4-metilendioximetamfetamina) són drogues psicoestimulants que incrementen l’activitat del sistema nerviós central i perifèric amb efectes com l’augment de l’estat d’alerta, la resistència, la productivitat, la motivació, la locomoció, el ritme cardíac i la pressió sanguínia. Ambdues drogues tenen efectes sobre l’estat d’ànim, tot induint sentiments d’eufòria i provocant plaer i recompensa. El seu consum, principalment per part d’adolescents i adults joves, té conseqüències greus per a la salut, i a la llarga el consum reiterat pot esdevenir crònic donant lloc a abús o dependència. Tant la cocaïna com l’MDMA actuen principalment activant els sistemes de neurotransmissió dopaminèrgica i serotoninèrgica en els circuits neuronals de plaer i de recompensa. La genètica juga un paper molt important en la transició del consum a l’abús i a la dependència: d’una banda totes dues drogues indueixen canvis en l’expressió gènica que estan a la base de les neuroadaptacions i del remodelatge dels circuits neuronals que condueixen al consum crònic, i de l’altra hi ha factors genètics de predisposició a la dependència que poden afavorir el desenvolupament d’aquest fenomen en certs individus. El treball que es presenta en aquesta Tesi Doctoral ha permès identificar variacions en el genoma que predisposen a la dependència de cocaïna, així com alteracions en el transcriptoma de cèl•lules neuronals (in vitro) o de determinades estructures cerebrals (in vivo) causades per l’acció de la cocaïna o de l’MDMA. Així, s’ha estudiat la participació de variants genètiques de susceptibilitat a la dependència de cocaïna mitjançant estudis d’associació de tipus cas–control cobrint sistemes gènics sencers implicats en la neurotransmissió dopaminèrgica i serotoninèrgica, en el control de l’alliberament de neurotransmissors i factors neurotròfics i els seus receptors. S’han avaluat un total 446 variants polimòrfiques en 52 gens, seleccionades mitjançant criteris de cobertura genètica. Els resultats més remarcables són la identificació de dos haplotips de risc per la dependència a cocaïna als gens 5-HT1E i NSF (que codifiquen per un receptor de serotonina i per una proteïna implicada l’alliberament de vesícules de neurotransmissor, respectivament). En el cas de l’haplotip de risc del gen NSF, a més predisposa a la dependència ràpida (en dos o menys anys des de l’inici del consum). També s’ha avaluat l’efecte del tractament agut amb cocaïna sobre l’expressió gènica en cèl•lules humanes SH-SY5Y diferenciades a neurones dopaminèrgiques mitjançant microarrays i l’estudi mostra alteracions en la transcripció de gens implicats en la regulació de la transcripció i expressió gènica, moviment cel•lular i adaptacions neuronals. I finalment, s’ha estudiat l’efecte de l’administració activa i passiva d’MDMA sobre la transcripció gènica en quatre estructures cerebrals de ratolí implicades en el fenomen de recompensa. L’estudi de l’efecte directe del MDMA sobre l’expressió gènica mitjançant la comparació de ratolins que reben una solució salina de forma passiva i ratolins que reben MDMA de forma passiva o activa, mostra alteracions en la transcripció de gens implicats principalment en la funció immunitària i en processos inflamatoris a les quatre estructures cerebrals estudiades. La comparació entre el consum actiu i passiu d’MDMA ha permès identificar canvis d’expressió relacionats amb neuroadaptacions i canvis de plasticitat sinàptica a hipocamp i als nuclis dorsals de rafe. En aquesta última regió cal destacar quatre gens que se sobreexpressen com a conseqüència del consum actiu d’MDMA, tots ells implicats en la plasticitat sinàptica, els canvis en la morfologia de les espines dendrítiques i processos neuronals relacionats amb la memòria i l’aprenentatge: Camk2a, Kalrn, Ddn i Egr3. Aquesta troballa reforçaria la idea que aquesta estructura cerebral podria estar involucrada en el comportament de cerca activa d’MDMA, tot recolzant el potencial addictiu d’aquesta droga. / Cocaine and ecstasy (MDMA, 3,4-metilendioximetamfetamina) are psychostimulant drugs that activate the central and peripheral nervous system increasing alertness, energy and motor activity, motivation, cardiac rate and blood preassure. Both drugs have effects on mood, inducing feelings of well-being, euphoria, pleasure and reward. Cocaine and ecstasy use, mainly used by young people, has serious detrimental health effects, and repeated use can become chronic leading to abuse or dependence. Both drugs exert their main psychostimulant effects by activating the dopaminergic and serotoninergic neurotransmission systems in the brain circuits involved in pleasure and reward. Genetics play an important role in the transition from use to abuse and dependence: on one hand, both drugs induce changes in gene expression that are on the basis of neuroadaptations and neuronal circuit remodeling that lead to the chronic use, on the other hand, there are genetic risk factors that predispose to dependency that can drive the development of addiction in some individuals. The work presented in this Doctoral Thesis has allowed to identify genomic variants that predispose to cocaine dependence, as well as gene expression changes in the transcriptome in in vitro and in vivo models. For this purpose, the participation of susceptibility genetic variants to cocaine dependence have been studied using case-control association studies, covering whole gene systems involved in dopaminergic and serotoninergic neurotransmission, in the control of neurotransmitter release, and also encoding neurotrophic factors and their receptors. It has also been evaluated gene expression changes in a human dopaminergic neuronal model after an acute exposure to cocaine. Finally the effect of active and passive MDMA administration on gene expression in mice has been evaluated in four brain structures involved in reward and reinforcing effects of the drug.

Interacció farmacològica entre la 3.4-Metilendioximetamfetamina (MDMA, Èxtasi) i la paroxetina en humans

Segura Agulló, Mireia 09 July 2004 (has links)
La 3,4-metilendioximetamfetamina (MDMA, èxtasi) és una droga de síntesi que es consumeix entre els joves de forma recreativa. S'ha postulat que la 3,4-dihidroximetamfetamina (HHMA), metabòlit que es forma a partir de l'O-demetilenació de la MDMA a través majoritàriament de l'isoenzim CYP2D6, podria tenir un paper important en el desenvolupament de la neurotoxicitat atribuïda a la MDMA. Així, un dels objectius de la tesi ha estat establir quin paper juga i quina importància té, des d'un punt de vista quantitatiu, aquest metabòlit HHMA en el metabolisme global de la MDMA in vivo. Per altra banda, el CYP2D6 és un enzim polimòrfic, i potencialment els subjectes metabolitzadors lents per aquesta acitivitat enzimàtica podrien tenir un risc més alt de patir toxicitat aguda. La MDMA es consumeix sovint concomitantment amb inhibidors selectius de la recaptació de serotonina (SSRI). Alguns SSRI, com la paroxetina i la fluoxetina, són inhibidors del CYP2D6 i es pot preveure una interacció metabòlica entre aquests tipus de substàncies. Mitjançant un assaig clínic (aleatori, doble cec, creuat i controlat amb placebo) en humans, s'ha estudiat la rellevància de la inhibició de l'activitat del CYP2D6, la seva contribució en el metabolisme de la MDMA i els efectes farmacològics que resulten de la co-administració de la MDMA i la paroxetina.Han estat determinades les concentracions plasmàtiques i urinàries de la MDMA i dels metabòlits més importants de la MDMA, així com les concentracions plasmàtiques de paroxetina juntament amb el seu metabòlit principal.Dels resultats obtinguts, la tesi conclou que l'HHMA és un metabòlit rellevant en la disposició metabòlica de la MDMA. L'estudi d'interacció mostra que la MDMA veu reduït el seu metabolisme oxidatiu al voltant d'un 30% i que ambdós compostos mostren una interacció metabòlica. El CYP2D6 podria contribuir in vivo en l'O-demetilenació de la MDMA en un 30%. / 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a synthetic amphetamine derivative misused among youths for recreational purposes. It has been postulated that 3,4-dihydroxymethamphetamine (HHMA), a metabolite resulting from the O-demethylenation of MDMA through CYP2D6 may play a role in the development of the neurotoxicity. Thus, one of the major aims of the thesis was to establish HHMA relevance, from a quantitative point of view, in MDMA metabolism. Moreover, CYP2D6 is a polymorphic enzyme and the participation of CYP2D6 in the oxidative metabolism of MDMA may suggest an increased risk for acute toxicity in poor metabolizers for this enzymatic activity. MDMA is sometimes consumed concomitantly with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Some SSRI are potent CYP2D6 inhibitors such as paroxetine or fluoxetine and a metabolic interaction between these drugs and MDMA could be expected. Thus, interaction studies of MDMA with SSRI may be an in vivo approach to evaluate the contribution of CYP2D6 on MDMA disposition and the effects of the co-administration of both compounds. The major objective was to assess the contribution of CYP2D6 to MDMA disposition using paroxetine as a metabolic probe inhibitor. It was carried out a clinical trial in humans. The study was randomized, double blind, crossover, and controlled with placebo. Plasma concentration-time profiles and urinary recoveries of MDMA and main metabolites including HHMA were obtained. Paroxetine and its main metabolite (hydroxy-methoxy-paroxetine) plasma concentrations were also determined. From the results obtained, it is conclude that HHMA is a relevant metabolite on MDMA disposition in humans. The interaction study shows a 30% reduction of MDMA metabolic disposition and both MDMA and paroxetine show a pharmacodynamic interaction. It is estimated that CYP2D6 may accounts for a 30% of MDMA O-demethylenation in humans.

An orgasm and an atom : performing passion and freedom in Margaret Sweatman's <i>When Alice Lay Down With Peter</i>

Kunz, Brenda Mary 12 December 2006 (has links)
Margaret Sweatmans novel, <i>When Alice Lay Down With Peter</i>, plays with the British Empires adventure story and its creation of manhood. Mimicking this creative process in the Canadian Northwest, Sweatman conceives and births a womans previously erased passion back into the adventure story in a playful, erotic, and politically-charged presentation of the performing female body. Although appreciating the magic realism element to the novel (157), Nicole Markotic suggests that Sweatmans characters, like the readers, become History Tourists and are mere backdrop for the last century or so of Current Events that take precedence over their stories (156). The McCormack women, Markotic argues, have few stories other than going to war, having one momentous sex scene, giving birth (156). Indeed, Sweatmans whirlwind tour through 109 years of well-documented, and already too many times rehashed, rebellions, labour strikes, and world wars, seems to reflect this sentiment, but to limit Sweatman and her characters to only the Empires gender performative is to miss the female body performing as its own Big Bang.<p>Since a womans contingency and agency within the Empires gender performative has been vigorously debated by post modern and cultural theorists, Sweatman chooses to birth her characters into a world of/as performance. Richard Schechner, a pioneer in the field of performance theory, argues in his earlier work, Essays on Performance Theory (1977), that performance is a very inclusive notion of action, in which the performance workshop and the performance strategy of play are much more important than previously imagined (1,61). Sweatman draws on this discovery in order to free her characters to explore passion beyond Imperial and textual constraints. Four generations of McCormack women mimic, mock, and sidewind their way into, around, and beyond the Empires warring narrative and its heterosexual imperative. They are savvy, sexy, and provocative, playing simultaneously as shameless voyeurs, plagiarists, and war artists.

Primeiro perfil do usuário de "êxtase" (MDMA) em São Paulo / Ecstasy users in São Paulo, Brazil : first profile

Stella Pereira de Almeida 26 September 2000 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar os padrões de uso de "êxtase" na cidade de São Paulo. Os usuários foram recrutados através da técnica de amostragem snowball, também utilizada para o recrutamento do grupo controle, composto de indivíduos com estilo de vida semelhante aos primeiros mas que nunca haviam experimentado "êxtase" (não usuários). Usuários (52) e não usuários (52) foram entrevistados quanto às características sócio-demográficas e quanto ao uso de drogas psicotrópicas; usuários também responderam questões sobre circunstâncias de uso e efeitos do "êxtase". Através da Escala de Impulsividade de Barratt e dos Inventários de Depressão de Beck e de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE-traço) foram medidas impulsividade, depressão e ansiedade de ambos os grupos. Os dois grupos apresentaram características sócio-demográficas semelhantes: a maioria pertencia à classe média, era jovem, heterossexual, solteira e com nível superior. Entre os usuários o consumo de outras drogas psicotrópicas foi expressivamente superior. Outras características mais freqüentes no grupo de usuários foram a presença de tatuagens e piercings, a frequência a "raves" e a preferência pela música eletrônica. No Inventário de Depressão de Beck os usuários apresentaram pontuação significativamente menor quanto à depressão. Os resultados das escalas de impulsividade e ansiedade não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos. Os padrões de uso de "êxtase" dos usuários entrevistados são semelhantes aos padrões descritos por pesquisas realizadas na Europa e em Sidney: a maioria dos usuários consome um ou dois comprimidos a cada episódio de uso, apenas nos finais de semana ou férias, mais freqüentemente na companhia de várias pessoas, em ambientes ligados ao lazer noturno, como lugares para dançar, "raves" e festas. Os comprimidos são geralmente adquiridos de amigos ou conhecidos nesses locais. A maioria dos usuários associa "êxtase" a outras drogas psicotrópicas, particularmente maconha. As características sócio-demográficas dos usuários entrevistados e seus padrões de aquisição e consumo de "êxtase" indicam um caráter pouco marginal do uso. São sugeridas estratégias de Redução de Dano caso o uso de "êxtase" se difunda em São Paulo. / The present study was aimed at identifying patterns of ecstasy (MDMA) use in the city of São Paulo. Ecstasy users were recruited through the snowball technique. Using the same technique, a control group of subjects that had never tried the drug (non users) was recruited among individuals sharing with users a similar life style. Users (N=52) and non users (N=52) were interviewed in order to obtain socio-demographic data and data on use of psychoactive drugs; users were also questionned as to the circumstances surrounding their use of the drug. Besides, levels of anxiety, depression and impulsiveness were assessed through Spielberger's IDATE Trace Inventory, Beck's Depression Inventory and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Both users and non users revealed similar socio-demographic characteristics: most subjects were middle class young heterosexual single men and women who had a college degree. Multiple drug use was more frequent among users than among non users. Other features that were significantly more accentuated among users than among non users were the presence of tattoos and piercings, the frequency to raves and the preference for electronic music. Beck Inventory results pointed to significantly lower depression scores among users. No differences were observed between groups in anxiety and impulsiveness scores. Ecstasy consumption patterns among users are similar to those reported in Europe and Australia: most subjects take one or two pills per episode, during weekends or vacations, usually with company and in social gatherings such as dancings, raves and parties. The drug is predominantly acquired from friends or acquaintances in these same spots. Most users reported consuming ecstasy in combination with other psychoactive drugs, particularly marihuana. The socio-demographic features of users as well as the way they buy and consume the drug suggest that the present pattern of use is not connected to illegal or marginal activities. Harm reduction strategies are suggested in case of ecstasy's use increases and spreads among the young population of the city.

Inscrire l'inconnaissable : anomalies métaphoriques au sein de l'expérience mystique

Sbih, Miriam 09 1900 (has links)
Cette réflexion découle d’un constat simple, mais qui à la fois invoque la réévaluation en profondeur de notre lien à la pensée, au sens et au langage. L’expérience de l’inconnaissable, de tout ce qui n’est pas là, devant nous, demande de se détourner du langage conventionnel, logique et rationnel, afin de pouvoir l’exprimer. Les écrits mystiques, dans leur mise en forme langagière d’un contact direct avec Dieu, constituent un espace foisonnant et exemplaire, afin de réfléchir la pensée. Celle-ci est traversée de toutes parts d’un besoin pressant de dire l’ineffable, par l’entremise d’une inscription langagière qui déroge du sens convenu du monde, des liens communicationnels ordinaires. Cette manière particulière de dire est structurée par la métaphore, cette suspension de la pensée qui appelle à la recréer, à sortir de leur endormissement le sens et la langue cristallisée du quotidien. Ce mémoire se propose donc de penser les modes de l’expression et de concrétisation de l’expérience de l’ineffable, en se penchant sur ce que la métaphore, dans son inscription, permet de connaître, ailleurs que dans le langage discursif. En premier lieu, il s’agira de présenter les modalités générales de l’expérience mystique et ses différentes manières de s’inscrire au sein de l’existence. Je me pencherai plus précisément sur le propre de son inscription métaphorique dans le langage. En deuxième lieu, je voudrai réfléchir théoriquement et pratiquement la métaphore, par-delà le titre réducteur d’ornement ostentatoire que le langage logique lui fait vêtir, niant sa possibilité singulière de propulser la pensée et de créer une connaissance nouvelle. En troisième et dernier lieu, il s’agira d’exemplifier l’inscription métaphorique de l’expérience mystique, à travers deux figures mystiques singulières, soit Simone Weil (1909-1943) et Al-Hallâj (858-922), chez qui la constatation de l’absence matérielle de Dieu invite plutôt à se détacher de sa construction langagière imaginaire, et à l’aimer, dans toute son absence. Cela, en dépouillant le langage, métaphore imitant le mouvement de dépossession de soi qu’appelle leur conception unique de l’extase mystique. / This reflection comes from a simple observation, which at the same time demands that we deeply re-evaluate our relation to thought, meaning and language. In order to be expressed, the experience of the unknowable, of everything not there in front of us, requires a diversion from conventional, rational language. Mystical writings, shaping through language direct contact with God, constitute an abundant and exemplary space to reflect upon thought, which is met with a pressing need to express the ineffable through a kind of linguistic inscription capable of departing from the agreed meanings of the world, from ordinary communicational connections. This particular way of saying is structured by the metaphor, this suspension of thought asking to be recreated, so that language and meaning, crystallized in daily life, may awake from their slumber. Thus, this thesis proposes to reflect upon the modes of expression and concretization of the experience of the ineffable, by examining what knowledge the metaphor, in its inscription, allows to be understood outside discursive language. To begin with, the general modalities of the mystical experience, and the different ways in which it inscribes itself in existence, will be presented. I will consider more precisely its characteristic metaphorical inscription in language. I will then reflect theoretically and practically on the metaphor, beyond the reductive title of ostentatious ornament that rational language gives to it, denying its singular possibility to propel thought and create new forms knowledge. Finally, I will exemplify the metaphorical inscription of the mystical experience through two particular mystical figures: Simone Weil (1909-1943) and Al-Hallâj (858-922), for whom the observation of God’s material absence instead implies detachment from their imaginary linguistic construction and invites to love him in all his absence. This, by stripping down language, a metaphor imitating the movement of the dispossession of self, which is called for by their unique conception of mystical ecstasy.

Obefläckad Maria : Miles Aldridges Immaculée analyserad i en samtida kontext / Immaculate Maria : Miles Aldridge's Immaculée analysed in a contemporary context

Gassberger, Molly January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka Miles Aldridges fotografi Immaculée#5 som gestaltar en Jungfru Maria som innehar ett uttryck av extas. Med hjälp av Panofskys ikonografiska metod och feministisk och psykoanalytisk teori analyseras verket för att utforska hur det religiösa verket kan tolkas i en samtida kontext. Slutsatsen innehåller en konklusion om att en förhistorisk kontext om Jungfru Maria och genomförda kritiska analyser visar att Immaculée#5 kan representera ett visuellt kvinnoförtryck baserat på bland annat sexuell voyeurism. / The purpose of the essay is to examine Miles Aldridge's photograph Immaculée#5, which depicts a Virgin Mary holding an expression of ecstasy. Using Panofsky's iconographic method and feminist and psychoanalytic theory, the work is analyzed to explore how the religious work can be interpreted in a contemporary context. The conclusion is that a prehistoric context about the Virgin Mary and critical analyses show that Immaculée#5 can represent a visual oppression of women based on sexual voyeurism, among other things.

The Bee &amp; the Crown : The Road to Ascension in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath / Biet och kronan : Vägen till upphöjning i Emily Dickinsons och Sylvia Plaths poesi

Eva, Stenskär January 2021 (has links)
Though born a century apart, American poets Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath share several similarities: Both were born in New England, both fought for their rights by writing, and both broke new poetic ground.          In this thesis, I look at their poetry through a movement in space, which begins with the poets’ precarious position as societal outliers and ends with ascension. I examine what crossing the threshold meant to them, physically and metaphorically, and how it is mirrored in their poems, I look at how the physical space in which they wrote color their poetry, I examine windows as a space of transit, and finally I take a closer look at the shape ascension takes in selected poems. I propose this road, this movement in space, is mirrored in both Dickinson’s and Plath’s poetry.      I use as my method deconstruction, to uncover hints and possibilities. I scan letters and journals, biographies and memoirs. As my theoretical framework, I use Walter Benjamin’s ideas about the threshold as a place of transit, as well as his thoughts about the flaneur as the observer of the crowd, both of which are presented in The Arcades Project. To further examine the threshold as a space for pause, reconsideration, retreat, or advance, I rely on Subha Mukheriji and her book Thinking on Thresholds: The Poetics of Transitive Spaces. I further use Gaston Bachelard’s seminal The Poetics of Spaceto investigate the poets’ response to the physical space in which they wrote. I look at ascension through the prism offered by the ideas of Mircea Eliade as presented in Myths, Dreams, and Mysteries: The Encounter Between Contemporary Faiths and Archaic Realities.

The "e" in rave : a profile of young ecstasy users and its implication for educators

Zervogiannis, Fanitsa Helen 11 1900 (has links)
The use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or Ecstasy is a phenomenon that has established itself in the widespread Rave culture. Ecstasy use causes not only physical, social and psychological problems in the development of the adolescent but may also influence his concentration and learning abilities. To prevent these problems educators should be well informed regarding current drug use trends and also be capable of assisting adolescents. Research regarding the nature of Ecstasy use and the characteristics of its users is lacking nationally. The increase in use amongst school going adolescents and young adults and the fact that there are side effects and unknown long term effects has made it imperative that educators learn as much as possible about this drug. The purpose of this research is therefore to furnish the educator with accurate information that will enable him to obtain a reference point from which assistance can be offered to the young Ecstasy user. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)

The "e" in rave : a profile of young ecstasy users and its implication for educators

Zervogiannis, Fanitsa Helen 11 1900 (has links)
The use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or Ecstasy is a phenomenon that has established itself in the widespread Rave culture. Ecstasy use causes not only physical, social and psychological problems in the development of the adolescent but may also influence his concentration and learning abilities. To prevent these problems educators should be well informed regarding current drug use trends and also be capable of assisting adolescents. Research regarding the nature of Ecstasy use and the characteristics of its users is lacking nationally. The increase in use amongst school going adolescents and young adults and the fact that there are side effects and unknown long term effects has made it imperative that educators learn as much as possible about this drug. The purpose of this research is therefore to furnish the educator with accurate information that will enable him to obtain a reference point from which assistance can be offered to the young Ecstasy user. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)

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