Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EL SISTEMA"" "subject:"[enn] EL SISTEMA""
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Klassisk musik inom fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur pedagoger arbetar med och förhåller sig till klassisk musik inom fritidshemmet i relation till El sistema pedagogiken / Classical music in after school programsCarmeletti, Elisabet January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Actitud hacia el sistema de evaluación de desempeño en trabajadores de una empresa comercializadora de productos de consumo masivoRevilla Zambrano, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
La tesis aborda como problema de investigación si la categoría laboral, el tiempo de servicio y
el tipo de atención al cliente plantea diferencias en la actitud de los trabajadores hacia el
sistema global de evaluación de desempeño en una empresa comercializadora de productos
de consumo masivo en Lima Metropolitana. Para responder a esta interrogante se ha
efectuado una investigación descriptiva comparativa con diseño transversal o transeccional.
Para la evaluación de la actitud hacia el sistema de evaluación de desempeño se utilizó el
cuestionario del mismo nombre, elaborado por la autora, reportando una confiabilidad de .79
para el cuestionario total según la fórmula de Kuder Richardson. La validez se obtuvo
mediante el cálculo de la consistencia interna intertest, subtest y total obteniéndose
coeficientes entre .48 y .79.
La muestra de estudio fue de 400 personas de una población de 5000 trabajadores.
El estudio encontró que en las tres categorías laborales y en trabajadores con diferentes
tiempos de servicio no existían diferencias significativas con respecto a las actitudes ante el
sistema global de evaluación de desempeño y a sus componentes de organización del sistema,
criterios de evaluación y relación evaluador-evaluado.
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Catalina contra Andrés, el combate por el título : Un análisis de los conflictos conyugales de la novela"Arráncame la vida"Axbrink, Eva January 2010 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>This essay deals with the matrimonial conflicts of Andrés Ascencio and Catalina Guzmán de Ascencio in the novel</p><p><em>Arráncame la vida (1985), by the Mexican author Àngeles Mastretta. The essay uses two points of departure. <em>The society of classes is still alive today and <em>the patriarchal society oppresses women. Taking departure from this base the essay analyses the marriage of the novel´s two protagonists. The goal has been to show that Catalina and Andrés use love and sexuality as arms in their marital battle and that Catalina is oppressed both by the patriarchal society and by her origin in the working class. <strong><p>Keywords: la transgresión, el sistema binario, el patriarcado, el movimiento social, las normas.</p></strong></em></em></em></p>
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Paul Desenne’s Sonata for Violin Solo: A Theoretical and Practical StudyFernandez, Luis M 04 May 2011 (has links)
Numerous influential composers are associated with the program known as "El Sistema" in Venezuela. Despite a richly prolific output from many of these figures, only a few are known in the United States and throughout the world. Among the most influential is Paul Desenne (b. 1959), whose Sonata for Violin Solo is the subject of this doctoral essay. Throughout his youth and musical education, Desenne was exposed to an eclectic variety of musical styles and idioms. This eclecticism influenced his compositional style from the time of his earliest compositions and is also evident in his more recent works. The Sonata for Violin Solo reflects this cultural interweaving that incorporates music from Desenne’s native Venezuela and utilizes elements from indigenous tribes, Spanish settlers, and African peoples that are combined with global musical elements. This essay explores these elements from a theoretical perspective, as well from the practical viewpoint of the performer.
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Barns sociala utveckling genom El SistemaJohansson, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur elever kan växa socialt genom El Sistema. El Sistema är en orkesterinriktad musikskola med stort socialt engagemang. El Sistema har sina rötter ifrån Venezuela där det startades som ett projekt för att bryta fattigdom och kriminalitet. I Sverige är funktionen annorlunda. De vill jobba mot ett bättre samhälle samt ge barn och ungdomar djupare musikaliska kunskaper. Undersökningen har skett på El Sistema Bredäng, Stockholm. Metoden för uppsatsarbetet har inneburit intervjuer med lärare, elever och föräldrar samt observationer av lektioner för stråk och brass, blåsorkester, symfoniorkester samt uppträdanden. Genom observationerna upptäcktes två sociala områden som El Sistemas verksamhet genomsyras av, nämligen en tydlig struktur under lektionerna och en bred social samvaro på såväl som utanför lektionerna. Detta åtföljs dessutom av en glädje som blir en direkt positiv effekt av såväl musikalisk som social utveckling. Jag har valt att inte undersöka den musikaliska utvecklingen, men i min studie framgår att den sociala utvecklingen är en förutsättning för den musikaliska utvecklingen, och därför blir det svåra att skilja dem åt. Slutsatsen är att barn växer socialt genom att lära sig arbeta strukturellt och disciplinärt samt genom att förhålla sig till en grupp. Detta visar att musiklärare borde vara medvetna om barnens sociala utveckling och att den är viktig för den musikaliska processen.
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Klassiskt i klass : En fenomenologisk intervjustudie om brasslärares syn på obligatorisk brassundervisning i klass / Classical in class : A Phenomenological interview study about brass teachers attitudes on compulsory brass-playing in classLundborg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete ämnar ge en bild av hur brasslärare i Sverige ser på de obligatoriska undervisningsformerna klassorkester och El Sistema. I inledningsdelen presenteras arbetets valda intresseområden, arbetets problemområde samt arbetets disposition. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras undervisningsformerna klassorkester och El Sistema samt tidigare forskning kring dessa områden. I bakgrundskapitlet formuleras även arbetets frågeställningar: Vilken syn har brasslärare på obligatorisk klassrumsundervisning på brassinstrument? Vilka uppfattningar har brasslärare om skillnaderna mellan klassorkester och El Sistema? samt: På vilket sätt upplever lärare att obligatorisk klassundervisning påverkar och kan påverka kulturskolans verksamhet? I kapitlet teoretiska utgångspunkter presenteras konstruktionism, interpretativism, fenomenologi samt livsvärldsperspektivet som legat till grund för detta arbete. I metodkapitlet redogörs för de metodiska val som använts i föreliggande arbete. I resultatkapitlet presenteras resultaten från de intervjuer som gjort med fyra brasslärare där två av lärarna jobbar med klassorkester eller El Sistema, och två lärare som inte gör det. I diskussionskapitlet diskuteras lärarnas svar och upplevelser av fenomenen i förhållande till den tidigare forskning som tagits upp. / This work aims to provide a picture of how brass teachers in Sweden view the compulsory teaching methods of class orchestra and El Sistema. The introductory part presents the work's selected areas of interest, the work's problem area and the work's disposition. The background chapter presents the areas of class orchestra and El Sistema as well as previous research on these areas. The background chapter also formulates the questions of the work: "What is the view of brass teachers on compulsory classroom teaching on brass instruments?", “What are the views of brass teachers on the differences between the class orchestra and El Sistema?” and"In what way do teachers feel that compulsory classroom teaching affects and can affect the voluntary music-school's activities?" The chapter theoretical starting points presentconstructionism, interpretivism, phenomenology and the life world perspective that formed the basis for this work. The method chapter describes the methodological choices used in the present work. The results chapter presents the results from the interviews conducted with four brass teachers where two of the teachers work with a class orchestra or El Sistema, and two teachers who do not. The discussion chapter discusses the teachers' answers and experiences of these phenomena in relation to the previous research that has been taken up.
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Vart tar musiken vägen i El Sistema? : En kvalitativ undersökning om den musikaliska aspekten av El Sistemas arbete / Where is music heading in El Sistema? : A qualitative study of the musical aspect of El Sistema´s workBengtsson, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This study is about El Sistema, a choir- and orchestra school, that focuses on social development and uses music as a tool to achieve their aims. They primarily work where it is needed the most. Their vision is to get all children, independent of social status, opportunity to take part in instrumental- and choir lessons. The purpose of this study is to shed light on how the El Sistema teachers enable musical learning to take place among the participants. Socio-cultural perspectives on learning, situated learning, the different layers of music from the theory of Frede V. Nielsen, and the intrinsic value of musical experience are used as theoretical starting points. The method in this study was qualitative, semi-structured interviews. This study was conducted with four qualitative interviews. The result shows that musical issues are, to some extent, neglected in El Sistema´s work, that different educators within El Sistema are differently aware of the musical aspect, and how the musical quality is to be achieved in the work, despite the fact that El Sistema has highly appointed musical goals. The result also shows that musical learning is promoted by teaching children in small groups, several times a week. / Den här uppsatsen handlar om El Sistema, en kör-och orkesterskola, som arbetar för social samt mänsklig utveckling främst där behoven är störst. El Sistema anser fokusera på social utveckling och använder musiken som medel för att nå dit. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur El Sistema lägger tillrätta för att det musikaliska lärandet ska kunna ske bland deltagarna. Som teoretiska utgångspunkter används sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, situerat lärande, musikens olika lager ur Frede V. Nielsens teori samt den musikaliska erfarenhetens egenvärde. Metoden har varit kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fyra kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med fem informanter, varav fyra stråklärare och en rytmiklärare. Resultatet visar att musikaliska frågor till viss del är åsidosatta i El Sistemas arbete. Resultatet visar även att pedagoger inom El Sistema i olika grad inte är medvetna om hur den musikaliska kvalitén ska uppnås i arbetet, trots att El Sistema har högt uppsatta mål när det gäller det musikaliska uttrycket.
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[pt] Este trabalho consiste em um estudo da experiência musical em grupo e as repercussões sobre a dinâmica psíquica, bem como a capacidade de transformar o sofrimento decorrente de injustiças sociais. O estudo toma por base a assistência psicológica no projeto Ação Social pela Música do Brasil – núcleo Dona Marta, uma orquestra de cordas destinada a crianças e adolescentes de cinco favelas diferentes da zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. Tal projeto é vinculado ao Sistema Nacional de Orquestras Infanto-Juvenis do Estado da Venezuela, El Sistema venezuelano, cuja metodologia de ensino vem sendo reconhecida internacionalmente por suas ações integrativas em grupos considerados mais vulneráveis do ponto de vista social. Assim, este trabalho procura fazer dialogar alguns temas do campo da psicanálise, da musicologia e da sociologia, com especial ênfase para uma articulação possível entre o conceito de regressão talássica de Sàndor Ferenczi, de criatividade e fenômenos transicionais teorizados por Donald Winnicott, e as noções de tática, profanação, cooperação e comum, propostas respectivamente por Michel de Certeau, Giorgio Agamben, Richard Sennett e François Jullien. O espaço sonoro-sensorial ganha, nessa articulação, um entrelaçamento com o espaço potencial da cultura, e a música, em sua dimensão comum, passa a ser compreendida como recurso subjetivo e político, como astúcia ou ainda como uma arte de fazer diante do sofrimento social. / [en] This work is a study of the collective musical experience and its repercussions on the dynamics of the psyche as well as their ability to transform the suffering due to social injustice. The study is based on psychological assistance in the project Ação Social pela Música do Brasil - núcleo Dona Marta, a orchestra for children and teenagers from five different slums in the southern zone of Rio de Janeiro city. This project is associated to the National System of Children and Youth Orchestras of the State of Venezuela, El Sistema, whose teaching methodology has been internationally recognized for its integrative actions in groups considered most vulnerable socially. This work seeks to engage some subjects of psychoanalysis, musicology and sociology domains, with a focus on a possible link between the concept of Thalassic regression of Sàndor Ferenczi, creativity and transitional phenomena theorized by Donald Winnicott, and notions like tactics, profanation, cooperation and common, as proposed respectively by Michel de Certeau, Giorgio Agamben, Richard Sennett and François Jullien. In this articulation, the sound-sensory space receives an approximation with the potential space of culture and the music, in their common dimension, is understood as subjective and political resource, as astuteness or as arts of doing against suffering social.
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Systém instrumentálního vzdělávání ve Velké Británii / A System of Instrumental Education in the UKJelínková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This Master thesis describes possibilities of instrumental tuition in the United Kingdom. It focuses on curricular documents as A Common Approach and The Importance of Music - A National Plan for Music Education, further on music services - organizations which mediate music tuition and also on the system of musical examinations, which is very different than way musical exams in the Czech Republic. The thesis outlines also the topic of El Sistema, a music-educational project founded in Venezuela, in the last decade gaining considerable popularity also in Europe - especially in the United Kingdom. The thesis pays attention also to ABRSM (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) and its activities - creating syllables and other publications, publishing music scores, organization of music examinations and providing diplomas. In the field of music examinations the thesis focuses on Violin and Music theory. The last chapter if this thesis focuses on comparing some aspects of the instrumental tuition in the United Kingdom and a system of music schools in the Czech Republic. The conclusion brings a suggestion, how could the Czech curriculum for music schools improve.
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Catalina contra Andrés, el combate por el título : Un análisis de los conflictos conyugales de la novela"Arráncame la vida"Axbrink, Eva January 2010 (has links)
ABSTRACT This essay deals with the matrimonial conflicts of Andrés Ascencio and Catalina Guzmán de Ascencio in the novel Arráncame la vida (1985), by the Mexican author Àngeles Mastretta. The essay uses two points of departure. The society of classes is still alive today and the patriarchal society oppresses women. Taking departure from this base the essay analyses the marriage of the novel´s two protagonists. The goal has been to show that Catalina and Andrés use love and sexuality as arms in their marital battle and that Catalina is oppressed both by the patriarchal society and by her origin in the working class. Keywords: la transgresión, el sistema binario, el patriarcado, el movimiento social, las normas.
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