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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svart och vitt i svensk nyhetsrapportering efter katastrofen i New Orleans

Johansson, Helena, Spång, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>När Orkanen Katrina härjade i New Orleans förlorade över tusen människor sina liv och ännu fler människor förlorade sina hem och bostäder. Denna händelse fick stor plats i både svensk och amerikansk massmedia.. I amerikans press har det hävdats att svarta människor ”plundrar” medan vita människor ”letar mat”. Vi är intresserade av hur händelsen, med tyngdpunkt på etnicitet och nationalitet, skildras i svensk media.</p>

Svart och vitt i svensk nyhetsrapportering efter katastrofen i New Orleans

Johansson, Helena, Spång, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
När Orkanen Katrina härjade i New Orleans förlorade över tusen människor sina liv och ännu fler människor förlorade sina hem och bostäder. Denna händelse fick stor plats i både svensk och amerikansk massmedia.. I amerikans press har det hävdats att svarta människor ”plundrar” medan vita människor ”letar mat”. Vi är intresserade av hur händelsen, med tyngdpunkt på etnicitet och nationalitet, skildras i svensk media.

Cultura imperial y conciencia etnocentrista en la obra Marianela de Pérez Galdós

Levin, Sonia January 2018 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se estudian expresiones imperialistas en la novela Marianela de Benito Pérez Galdós, las cuales pueden apuntar a actitudes y posiciones ideológicas que formaban parte del contexto de la sociedad española de la época.  Mediante el análisis del discurso imperialista en la obra, esta investigación permite descubrir vestigios de los orígenes de la representación de otredad y de la configuración del otro como el periférico, así como también otros rasgos que pueden apuntar al carácter colonialista, tales como la violencia epistémica y la ambición de apropiación de la potencialidad de la fuerza del trabajo. Este estudio analiza los diálogos de la novela y concluye que en el discurso del personaje focalizador de Golfín se revela un ideal de subjetividad que apunta al caracterizado por el prototipo del nuevo sujeto burgués que trajo consigo la Modernidad y que a su vez es un discurso influenciado por constructos de subjetividad dibujados desde los ideales de la conquista, el eurocentrismo y la clasificación de los seres humanos en tanto a su adaptación o ausencia de la misma para con el ideal burgués. / Le présent document vise à étudier les expressions impérialistes dans le roman Marianela de Benito Pérez Galdós. Ces expressions peuvent évoquer des attitudes et positions idéologiques qui font partie du contexte dans la société espagnole à l’époque. À partir de l’analyse du discours impérialiste utilisé dans le roman, cette étude montre des traces des origines de l’altérité ainsi que d’autres indices qui pourraient montrer le caractère colonialiste tels que l’ambition pour l’appropriation de la force du travail et la violence épistémique dont l’analyse des dialogues du roman fait preuve.  La recherche a permis de conclure que dans le discours du personnage « Golfín » révèle un idéal de subjectivité qui pointe le modèle d’homme bourgeois que la modernité a entraîné avec elle. Tel discours est sous l’influence de la subjectivité esquissée dans les idéaux de la conquête, l’eurocentrisme et le classement de l’homme par rapport à son adaptation ou à l’absence de la même pour l’idéal bourgeois. / The following thesis studies the imperialist expressions present in the novel “Marianela” by Benito Pérez Galdós. These expressions may point to attitudes and ideological stands of the Spanish society of the time. Through analysis of the imperialist discourse in the novel, this investigation reveals vestiges of the origins of the representation of otherness and the configuration of the other as the peripheral, as a referent of otherness merged with the imperialist discourse of the time. It also reveals traits that may point to the colonialist character such as the ambition of the appropriation of the potentiality of the workforce and the epistemic violence found in the analysis of the novel’s dialogues. This study concludes that, within the discourse of the focusing character, Golfín, an ideal of subjectivity is revealed. This ideal points to the one characterised by the stereotype of the new bourgeois subject, who brings Modernity with him. At the same time, the discourse is influenced by the constructs of subjectivity drawn from the ideals of conquest, the Eurocentrism and the classification of the human being according to its adaptation, or lack of, to the bourgeois ideal.

Marxismo, Eurocentrismo e América Latina : uma análise a partir da obra de José Carlos Mariátegui

Silva, Erick Vargas da January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou investigar as tensões teóricas existentes entre o marxismo e o eurocentrismo, a partir de uma análise do pensamento marxista e latino-americano do peruano José Carlos Mariátegui. O eurocentrismo, ao generalizar a experiência europeia para o resto do mundo, produziu distorções e legitimou desigualdades com múltiplas e variadas incidências. Mesmo o marxismo, a mais radical das críticas ao sistema capitalista, reproduziu o problema do eurocentrismo, principalmente na sua versão hegemônica. A América Latina, como continente de enunciação de um marxismo periférico, teve em Mariátegui o primeiro pensador marxista a realizar este desafio. Seu pensamento apresenta aspectos inovadores, provocativos e atuais, ainda que não livre de limites. Ao explorar esta questão controversa, o presente estudo buscou assim analisar a dinâmica de penetração e ruptura do eurocentrismo dentro do próprio campo marxista, principalmente pela sua versão periférica e latino-americana, personificada na obra original de José Carlos Mariátegui. / The present study examines the theoretical tensions between Marxism and Eurocentrism through the Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui. The great problem of Eurocentrism is its ability to generalize the European experience to the rest of the world and promote inequality regards the non-hegemonic knowledge and thinking. Even the Marxism, the most important critic to capitalist system, was able to reproduce the problem of Eurocentrism in its hegemonic version. José Carlos Mariátegui was the first thinker to consider this challenge in Latin America, which is an important continent of enunciation of peripheral Marxism. The richness of Mariátegui’s thinking brought to Marxist field innovative and current aspects, even with limits. The present study sought to demonstrate the controversial question about the reproduction and rupture of Eurocentrism within Marxism, mostly in the original and Latin American Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui.

O nacionalismo no laboratório latino-americano: política, história e ideias / Nationalism in the Latin American laboratory: politics, history and ideas

Rafael Affonso de Miranda Alonso 11 September 2009 (has links)
O estudo do nacionalismo como conceito e como prática política mostra que não se pode atribuir ao termo um significado unívoco. De fato, alguns autores procuraram ressaltar que o nacionalismo potencialmente cumpria um papel muito diferente nas periferias do Sistema Mundial, quando não oposto, ao que se verificava com maior frequência nos países centrais. Na América Latina e no Brasil, o nacionalismo só foi articulado de modo coerente nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Antes disso, em sua notação moderna, não se observou nenhuma tentativa de articulação desse tipo em sociedades que reproduziam, em larga medida, os esquemas herdados do colonialismo. O nacionalismo foi articulado de modo coerente na região quando esteve teórica ou politicamente ligado a um programa que visava integrar as parcelas majoritárias da população, historicamente excluídas, ao país. Essa tarefa foi vista como o passo essencial para, de fato, criar a nação e, por essa via, se observava uma forte articulação do nacionalismo com o anti-imperialismo. Por outro lado, o nacionalismo de matriz conservadora demonstrava pouca capacidade de sustentar de modo consequente os elementos que caracterizavam o que o nacionalismo poderia ser em países coloniais e ex-coloniais ou periféricos. Essa incapacidade se dava geralmente porque tais forças sociais conservadoras não podiam assumir compromissos mais amplos de integração, em função de seu caráter eminentemente antipopular. Assim, o nacionalismo assumia com frequência a face do ufanismo vazio e patrioteiro, ou o melindre com questões pontuais irrelevantes, ou ainda a mera utilização política de um conceito com ampla repercussão popular. Politicamente, a América Latina viveu seus ciclos nacionalistas por meio de governos policlassistas, com grande relevância de lideranças carismáticas que realizaram parcialmente as tarefas de integração e construção nacional em seus países. A tentativa de desqualificar essa experiência pela via do populismo parte de pressuposições teóricas esquemáticas e inadequadas que empobrecem a compreensão do processo histórico e político desses países. A atualidade, a relevância e o resgate contemporâneos do nacionalismo como teoria e como prática política passam pela busca de uma revisão profunda da ortodoxia epistemológica que se consolidou através de uma ótica eurocêntrica, cientificista e esquemática constituída no século XIX. Nos dias de hoje, o laboratório latino-americano do nacionalismo pode potencialmente assumir uma nova face, ao realizar sua mais antiga tradição e vocação, aquela que remete a um nacionalismo integracionista, de cunho regional, isto é, um nacionalismo internacionalista. / The study of nationalism as a concept and as a political practice shows that no univocal meaning can be attached to the term. In fact, some authors argue that nationalism possibly played a very different, if not opposite, role in the peripheries of the World System from what was often observed in central countries. In Latin America and Brazil, nationalism had not been articulated in a consistent manner until the first decades of the twentieth century. Prior to that, no attempts for such articulation were observed under its modern definition in societies that largely reproduced the schemes inherited from colonialism. Nationalism has been consistently articulated in the region when theoretically or politically linked to a program aimed at integrating the major sectors of the population, which had been historically excluded, into the country. This task was viewed as the essential step for the true creation of the nation and, through this way, nationalism was strongly linked to anti-imperialism. Conversely, the nationalism of conservative matrix showed little capacity to support, in a consistent manner, the elements that characterized what nationalism could be in colonial and ex-colonial or peripheral countries. This incapacity usually stemmed from the fact that such conservative social forces could not take on broader integration commitments due to their decidedly antipopular character. Thus, nationalism would often take on the face of the shallow, flag-waving jingoism, or grudges with specific irrelevant issues, or the mere political use of a concept of wide popular impact. Politically, Latin America experienced its nationalist cycles via cross-class governments that relied heavily on charismatic leaders who partly fulfilled the integration and nation-building tasks in their countries. The attempt to discredit this experience of populism stems from schematic and inadequate theoretical assumptions that undermine the understanding of the historical and political process in these countries. The current relevance and rescue of nationalism as a theory and as a political practice depend on a thorough review of the epistemological orthodoxy that was consolidated through a Eurocentric, scientistic, and schematic view originated in the nineteenth century. Today, the Latin-American laboratory of nationalism can potentially take on a new face to fulfill its ancient tradition and vocation, one that harks back to an integrationist nationalism of regional nature, i.e., internationalist nationalism.

Mondializzazione e critica dell’economia politica alla luce della nuova edizione storico-critica degli scritti di Marx ed Engels (MEGA²) / Mondialisation et critique de l’économie politique à partir de la nouvelle édition historico-critique des écrits de Marx et Engels (MEGA²) / Globalisation and Critique of Political Economy in the Light of the New Historical Critical Edition of the Writings of Marx and Engels (MEGA²)

Pradella, Lucia 06 February 2012 (has links)
La thèse présente une reconstruction de l’évolution de l’analyse marxienne de l’internationalisation du capital en lien avec les formations sociales précapitalistes, en se basant sur la nouvelle édition historico-critique des écrits de Marx et Engels, pour offrir les éléments d’une réflexion autour de l’actualité de l’œuvre de Marx, quant à l’analyse critique des processus actuels de mondialisation. Les deux premiers chapitres retracent l’évolution de l’analyse du marché mondial et de la mondialisation, du mercantilisme à l’économie politique classique et à Hegel. Le troisième chapitre identifie les éléments de rupture et de continuité de la critique marxienne au cours des années quarante du XIXème siècle. Le quatrième chapitre présente le contenu des cahiers londoniens, qui représentent une étape fondamentale de l’approfondissement de la mondialisation capitaliste, et qui marquent la fin de la vision passive des peuples non européens. Le cinquième chapitre présente enfin la synthèse que l’on retrouve de ces travaux dans les manuscrits et dans les œuvres de la deuxième moitié des années cinquante et dans les manuscrits de 1861-1863, et s’intéresse notamment au dépassement du concept de capital en général et au plan articulé en six ouvrages. Le premier livre du Capital inclurait certaines questions que Marx avait prévu de développer dans les ouvrages sur l’Etat, le commerce extérieur et le marché mondial. L’approfondissement des lois de développement combiné et inégal du capital lui a donné la possibilité d’échafauder une vision de la révolution internationale qui s’affranchisse progressivement des éléments encore « eurocentriques » de sa réflexion des années quarante. / This thesis studies the evolution of Marx's analysis of the internationalisation of capital in relation to pre-capitalistic social formations, drawing upon the new historical critical edition of Marx and Engels’ writings, with the aim of laying the foundation for establishing the relevance of their work to critical understanding of today’s processes of capitalist globalisation. The first two chapters follow the development of the analysis of the world market and globalisation from mercantilism to classical political economy and Hegel. The third chapter identifies the elements of discontinuity and continuity in Marx’s critique during the 1840s, while the fourth presents the content of Marx’s London Notebooks, showing that these represent a qualitative advance in his analysis of globalisation, in which he overcomes his previous vision of the passivity of non-European peoples. The fifth chapter presents the elaboration of these studies in the manuscripts and works in the second half of the 1850s and in the 1861-63 manuscripts, focussing in particular on his advance beyond the concept of capital in general and the six-book plan which corresponded to it. As a result, Capital Volume 1 integrated themes Marx originally intended for the projected volumes on state, foreign market and world market. The deepening of his understanding of the laws of capitalist uneven and combined development allowed him to articulate a vision of world revolution which overcame some of the “Eurocentric” elements still present in the 1840s.

O nacionalismo no laboratório latino-americano: política, história e ideias / Nationalism in the Latin American laboratory: politics, history and ideas

Rafael Affonso de Miranda Alonso 11 September 2009 (has links)
O estudo do nacionalismo como conceito e como prática política mostra que não se pode atribuir ao termo um significado unívoco. De fato, alguns autores procuraram ressaltar que o nacionalismo potencialmente cumpria um papel muito diferente nas periferias do Sistema Mundial, quando não oposto, ao que se verificava com maior frequência nos países centrais. Na América Latina e no Brasil, o nacionalismo só foi articulado de modo coerente nas primeiras décadas do século XX. Antes disso, em sua notação moderna, não se observou nenhuma tentativa de articulação desse tipo em sociedades que reproduziam, em larga medida, os esquemas herdados do colonialismo. O nacionalismo foi articulado de modo coerente na região quando esteve teórica ou politicamente ligado a um programa que visava integrar as parcelas majoritárias da população, historicamente excluídas, ao país. Essa tarefa foi vista como o passo essencial para, de fato, criar a nação e, por essa via, se observava uma forte articulação do nacionalismo com o anti-imperialismo. Por outro lado, o nacionalismo de matriz conservadora demonstrava pouca capacidade de sustentar de modo consequente os elementos que caracterizavam o que o nacionalismo poderia ser em países coloniais e ex-coloniais ou periféricos. Essa incapacidade se dava geralmente porque tais forças sociais conservadoras não podiam assumir compromissos mais amplos de integração, em função de seu caráter eminentemente antipopular. Assim, o nacionalismo assumia com frequência a face do ufanismo vazio e patrioteiro, ou o melindre com questões pontuais irrelevantes, ou ainda a mera utilização política de um conceito com ampla repercussão popular. Politicamente, a América Latina viveu seus ciclos nacionalistas por meio de governos policlassistas, com grande relevância de lideranças carismáticas que realizaram parcialmente as tarefas de integração e construção nacional em seus países. A tentativa de desqualificar essa experiência pela via do populismo parte de pressuposições teóricas esquemáticas e inadequadas que empobrecem a compreensão do processo histórico e político desses países. A atualidade, a relevância e o resgate contemporâneos do nacionalismo como teoria e como prática política passam pela busca de uma revisão profunda da ortodoxia epistemológica que se consolidou através de uma ótica eurocêntrica, cientificista e esquemática constituída no século XIX. Nos dias de hoje, o laboratório latino-americano do nacionalismo pode potencialmente assumir uma nova face, ao realizar sua mais antiga tradição e vocação, aquela que remete a um nacionalismo integracionista, de cunho regional, isto é, um nacionalismo internacionalista. / The study of nationalism as a concept and as a political practice shows that no univocal meaning can be attached to the term. In fact, some authors argue that nationalism possibly played a very different, if not opposite, role in the peripheries of the World System from what was often observed in central countries. In Latin America and Brazil, nationalism had not been articulated in a consistent manner until the first decades of the twentieth century. Prior to that, no attempts for such articulation were observed under its modern definition in societies that largely reproduced the schemes inherited from colonialism. Nationalism has been consistently articulated in the region when theoretically or politically linked to a program aimed at integrating the major sectors of the population, which had been historically excluded, into the country. This task was viewed as the essential step for the true creation of the nation and, through this way, nationalism was strongly linked to anti-imperialism. Conversely, the nationalism of conservative matrix showed little capacity to support, in a consistent manner, the elements that characterized what nationalism could be in colonial and ex-colonial or peripheral countries. This incapacity usually stemmed from the fact that such conservative social forces could not take on broader integration commitments due to their decidedly antipopular character. Thus, nationalism would often take on the face of the shallow, flag-waving jingoism, or grudges with specific irrelevant issues, or the mere political use of a concept of wide popular impact. Politically, Latin America experienced its nationalist cycles via cross-class governments that relied heavily on charismatic leaders who partly fulfilled the integration and nation-building tasks in their countries. The attempt to discredit this experience of populism stems from schematic and inadequate theoretical assumptions that undermine the understanding of the historical and political process in these countries. The current relevance and rescue of nationalism as a theory and as a political practice depend on a thorough review of the epistemological orthodoxy that was consolidated through a Eurocentric, scientistic, and schematic view originated in the nineteenth century. Today, the Latin-American laboratory of nationalism can potentially take on a new face to fulfill its ancient tradition and vocation, one that harks back to an integrationist nationalism of regional nature, i.e., internationalist nationalism.

Marxismo, Eurocentrismo e América Latina : uma análise a partir da obra de José Carlos Mariátegui

Silva, Erick Vargas da January 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procurou investigar as tensões teóricas existentes entre o marxismo e o eurocentrismo, a partir de uma análise do pensamento marxista e latino-americano do peruano José Carlos Mariátegui. O eurocentrismo, ao generalizar a experiência europeia para o resto do mundo, produziu distorções e legitimou desigualdades com múltiplas e variadas incidências. Mesmo o marxismo, a mais radical das críticas ao sistema capitalista, reproduziu o problema do eurocentrismo, principalmente na sua versão hegemônica. A América Latina, como continente de enunciação de um marxismo periférico, teve em Mariátegui o primeiro pensador marxista a realizar este desafio. Seu pensamento apresenta aspectos inovadores, provocativos e atuais, ainda que não livre de limites. Ao explorar esta questão controversa, o presente estudo buscou assim analisar a dinâmica de penetração e ruptura do eurocentrismo dentro do próprio campo marxista, principalmente pela sua versão periférica e latino-americana, personificada na obra original de José Carlos Mariátegui. / The present study examines the theoretical tensions between Marxism and Eurocentrism through the Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui. The great problem of Eurocentrism is its ability to generalize the European experience to the rest of the world and promote inequality regards the non-hegemonic knowledge and thinking. Even the Marxism, the most important critic to capitalist system, was able to reproduce the problem of Eurocentrism in its hegemonic version. José Carlos Mariátegui was the first thinker to consider this challenge in Latin America, which is an important continent of enunciation of peripheral Marxism. The richness of Mariátegui’s thinking brought to Marxist field innovative and current aspects, even with limits. The present study sought to demonstrate the controversial question about the reproduction and rupture of Eurocentrism within Marxism, mostly in the original and Latin American Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui.

”Folk som är som mig har inte nämnts” : Kvinnliga gymnasieelever med en utomeuropeisk bakgrund om upplevelsen av den manliga och eurocentriska kanon inom historieundervisningen / ”People who are like me have not been mentioned” : The notion of the male and Eurocentric canon within the history education by female upper secondary school students with a non-European background

Szewczyk, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med den här intervjustudien är att belysa hur sju kvinnliga gymnasieelever med en utomeuropeisk bakgrund upplever och förhåller sig till den eurocentriska och manliga kanon inom historieundervisningen. Metoden som har använts är semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med en teoretisk utgångspunkt i grundad teori samt existentiell hermeneutik. Det som har framkommit av elevernas utsagor har sedan problematiserats utifrån Edward Saids teorier presenterade i Orientalism samt Simone de Beauvoirs teorier i Det andra könet. Samtliga intervjupersoner är kritiska till den eurocentriska och manliga kanon i historieundervisningen. Det finns dock en distinkt skillnad mellan hur eleverna resonerar kring dessa två företeelser där den manliga kanon betydligt enklare legitimeras och på så sätt blir immun mot kritik. Eleverna upplever generellt att de inte kan identifiera sig med sin historieundervisning. De tillskriver sina egna identifikationer som kvinnor och som utomeuropéer, och/eller som personer med insikt i en annan kultur, viss betydelse för hur de resonerar kring frågor som rör kanon i undervisningen.

Challenging desire : performing whiteness in post-apartheid South Africa

Smit, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
The central argument of this thesis asserts that in the process of challenging dominant subject positions, such as whiteness, performance creates the possibilities for new or alternative arrangements of desire. It examines how the creative process of desire is forestalled (reified) by habitual representations of whiteness as a privileged position, and proposes that performance can be a valid form of resistance to static conceptions of race and subjectivity. The discussion takes into account how the privilege of whiteness finds representation through forms of neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism in the post apartheid context. The analysis focuses on the work of white South African artists whose work offers a critique from within the privileged “centre” of whiteness. The research is situated within the inter-disciplinary field of performance studies entailing a reading and application of critical texts to the analysis. Alongside this qualitative methodology surfaces a subjective dialogue with the information presented on whiteness. Part Two includes an analysis of Steven Cohen’s The Cradle of Humankind (2011), Brett Bailey’s Exhibit A (2011) and Michael MacGarry’s LHR-JNB (2010). Each section examines the way in which the respective works engage in a questioning of whiteness through performance. Part Three investigates South African rap-rave duo, Die Antwoord and how their appropriation of Zef interrogates desires for an essential authenticity. Part Four focuses on my own performance practice and the proposed value of engaging with a form of practice-led research. This is particularly relevant in relation to critical race studies that require a level of self-reflexivity from the researcher. It presents an analysis of the work entitled Villain (2012) as a disturbance of theatrical desire through a process of ‘becoming’. This notion of meaning and identity as ‘becoming’ is argued as a strategy to challenge prevailing modes of perception which can possibly restore the production of desire to the viewer. The thesis concludes with the notion that performance can offer a mode of immanent ethics which is significant in creating both vulnerable and critical forms of whiteness.

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