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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Babac, Rana January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the impact of social media use on the brand equity of magazine brands. Building on an integrative model, which brings together classical theories of brand management and the frontiers of research in social media, this study examines one of the first magazines to incorporate social media in its marketing strategy. In addition to four interviews conducted with social media strategists and field experts, this study has used observation data and an online self-completion questionnaire in the analysis of its case. As a result, this study concludes that social media use impacts brand equity of magazine brands in four major ways: (1) Social media opens a new direct communication channel between the magazine brand and its audience; (2) Social media increases magazine brand’s presence and therefore the influence in the daily lives of its audience; (3) Social media facilitates magazine audience’s involvement in promoting the brand indirectly with its numerous content sharing functionalities, and in a very natural manner; and finally (4) Social media helps the magazine brand form and manage concrete relationships with its audience.

”Att vara där människor är” En kvalitativ studie av sex folkbiblioteks användande av sociala medier / ”To be where people are” A qualitative study of six public libraries’ use of social media

Klanac, Maria, Nicklasson, Emma January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to examine how some larger Swedish public libraries reason about the use of social media as part of their activities and outreach. To attain the purpose three research-questions were established; why does the public library use social media? How does the public library utilize social media? What extra value do librarians believe that use of social media can add to the libraries’ function? The methodology used in the thesis is qualitative interviews. Six interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of social media at their respective libraries. Five of the interviews were conducted by telephone and one by email. The theoretical framework for the thesis is the model developed by the three Danish researchers Jochumsen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Skot-Hansen, which describes the public libraries’ functions, goals and opportunities in the knowledge and experience society. It is concluded in this thesis that public libraries are using social media to connect with people, to communicate and interact with them. There is a wish for social media to serve as a meeting place where librarians can interact with users. Our results show, however, that these hopes are not fully realized, because the desired response from the users does not occur. Through social media, libraries can make their activities more visible and their resources more readily available for users. It is important for the libraries’ credibility to be available and active on social media. The librarians we interviewed emphasized the importance of updating social media to keep them current and attractive to users. They also surmised that, for the future, the use of social media in libraries will increase and develop. / Program: Bibliotekarie

SMEs and social media : A study about how SMEs in the fashion industry should approach social media

Corvera, Madeleine, Johansson, Karolina January 2012 (has links)
Background The rules of marketing are changing all the time and companies have to develop new types of marketing to survive in the hard competition today. Technology has taken marketing in a new direction, where online marketing is the most dynamic and fast-moving field within marketing today. Social media is a part of online marketing that has increased a lot over the past years. Companies in the apparel industry are using social media frequently today as a way to communicate with their customers and are now being able to communicate and reach to their consumers to a much lower cost than ever before.Research Question: - What should a small and medium sized enterprise in the fashion industry consider when approaching social media successfully as a marketing strategy?Method: This thesis is based on a qualitative study with mainly in-depth interviews. We have held interviews with several respondents within our research field but with knowledge in different areas. We believe that this gives an overall perspective to the problem.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase our knowledge of how social media can be used as a marketing tool by SMEs in the fashion industry.Conclusions in short: Our main conclusion to the research is that to work with social medium in a successful way as a small or medium sized fashion company you need devotion. There is no ”right” way, and the strategy takes time. Everything should be well planned according to the nature of the business and the goals. Furthermore it is important to realize that social media is not focused on creating sales, but instead on building relationships and giving you as a business owner an insight to your customers’ minds. / Program: Master in Fashion Management with specialisation in Fashion Marketing and Retailing

Litteraturförmedling i förändring : om folkbibliotekarier, Facebook och Twitter. / Mediation of literature in change : about public librarians, Facebook and Twitter.

Jaderup, Anders, Karlsson, Sofie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe how librarians inSwedish public libraries use Facebook and Twitter in themediation of literature. Our study focus on the librarians’ role inthat process. The research questions are:• How do the librarians in this study regard mediation of literature through Facebook and/or Twitter in relation to othermediation strategies?• What goals and purposes do the librarians give in the selection of literature that they promote on Facebook and/or Twitter?• What do public librarians think about the future for mediation of literature through social media, how will it evolve?The methodology used was qualitative interviews. Six interviewswith librarians that work with mediation of literature throughFacebook and/or Twitter were conducted. The theoreticalframework used comes from Jofrid Karner Smidt’s theory of howpublic librarians view their mediation of literature. The conceptsused are mediation of literature due to public demand, activelyrecommending and informative mediation, and through dialogue.The results of the study show that, in relation to other mediationstrategies, librarians regard mediation through Facebook/Twitter asfast and easy, but the response from the users is often poor.Mediation through dialogue is thereby difficult to achieve. Theother two concepts – mediation of literature due to public demandand actively recommending and informative mediation – are bothto different extent supported by the informants. Speculating aboutthe future, librarians find it likely that mediation through socialmedia will focus more on the users and that dialogue will occur. / Program: Bibliotekarie

En kvalitativ studie av två gruppers informationsmiljöer och informationsstrategier på Facebook / A qualitative study of two groups information environments and information strategies on Facebook

Ganic, Mekto January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine how two different groups use information strategies in their Facebook group activities. A qualitative study was made using interviews and a qualitative observation method. The observation groups consisted of two selected groups on Facebook and I interviewed three chosen participants of each group; a Gatekeeper, a Gateopener and a Lurker. Through the information strategies I examined the selected groups’ information environments. To reach my goal, the following questions were studied: which information strategies, within social media, do the groups use to achieve their goals and what are the characteristics of an information environment that has been created by a heterogeneous group, in comparison to a homogeneous group in their networking groups. The theoretical framework that was used to analyze the results of the study consisted of a model that was built of theories, literature and previous research regarding information strategies within heterogeneous and homogeneous groups, Facebook, open- and closed information environments, and Gatekeepers. The results of this study show that it is complex to ascertain whether a group is 100% homogeneous or heterogeneous, and whether a group is 100% closed or open and that there will always be factors and dimensions that cannot be defined as open or closed or homogeneous and heterogeneous. The results also show that a closed group with seemingly closed memberships is much more informal than an open group. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Det moderna biblioteket : Om biblioteks marknadsföring i sociala medier / The Modern Library : On libraries’ marketing in social media

Olsson, Therése January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries market themselves in social media and why they do it. I have studied a certain public library’s process of introducing social media into its marketing mix, the preparations for this process and the effects of these marketing methods.The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on relationship marketing, a theory which focuses on relationships, networks and interaction. My main method has been semi-structured interviews with a librarian at the relevant library, with the manager of the library and with the head of the municipality’s department of communication.The results of my studies show that marketing on social media is a positive and important thing for libraries. The main reasons as to why the libraries want to work with this type of marketing is that it is fast, inexpensive and easy. Experience shows, however, that it is important to realise that this work requires much time and commitment. For those who are prepared to invest the time needed, social media can be useful channels for interaction between the staff and the users of libararies. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Sociala medier och skolbibliotek : En användarundersökning av efterfrågan av sociala medier på ett skolbibliotek / Social media and school library : A user investigation of the request of social media at a school library

Ader, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the role social media canplay in a school library context, based on a theoretical model,called “A new model for the public library in a knowledge andexperienced society” by Henrik Jochumsen, Dorte Skot-Hansenand Casper Hvegaard Rasmussen.The bachelor thesis aim to answer three research questions, theyare as follow: Which request of social media is there by teachersand pupils at a high school library? Which social media is the mostrequested by teachers and pupils at a high school library? Andshould the library services for teachers and students be improved ifsocial media were used at a high school library?The methodology used for this study was an inquiry investigation.My findings are presented in a context of previous, relatedresearch and the study shows that teachers and pupils are wellinformed of what social media is and they use social media whenthey are at school.The thesis also shows that the unit I study, a vocational trainingunit, is more or less interested in what the school library can do forthem with social media.They seldom are at the school library and they seldom use theteach platform were they can find library services.This result can open up for the school library to meet the users at anew arena with for example social media. / Program: Bibliotekarie

”Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa” : en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier. / ”Libraries just want to follow the stream” : A thesis on young adults’ attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media.

Mattsson, Isabelle, Åhlund, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults’ attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media. To fulfill our purpose we asked two research questions:What attitudes do young adults have towards libraries use of marketing in social media?What kind of communication with libraries in social media is of interest for young adults?The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on relationship marketing, a theory which sets focus at relationships, networks and interaction. The theory is based on an organizational perspective, but we choose to interpret it from the perspective of users. In this thesis we choose a qualitative approach. We also conducted ten semi-structured interviews to gather our empirical material.The results show that the young adults in our thesis not are aware of libraries existence in social media. They also have a stereotypical image of libraries as an organization mainly connected to books and reading. However, they do believe that libraries use social media to “follow the stream”. In young adults’ use of social media, interests are a decisive factor as well as communication with friends. If libraries want to reach out to young adults, they need to create a strategy to help them communicate with young adults. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Fifty shades of consumer engagement : an exploration of factors influencing digital natives' brand-related consumer engagement behaviours on Facebook

Krowinska, Agata January 2017 (has links)
Grounded in a constructivist paradigm, this thesis contributes to an emerging body of scholarship on the consumer engagement concept. In this research, the author conceptualises consumer engagement on social networking sites as a one-dimensional behavioural notion expressed by visible manifestations such as likes, comments and shares - referred to by scholars as consumer engagement behaviours. Although studies on consumer engagement in thecontext of social networking sites have increased over the past few years, current research often fails to provide frameworks that would adequately reflect the interactive nature of those behaviours. In particular, little knowledge exists about why consumers decide to engage with brands or branded content on these online platforms. This thesis addresses this gap by exploring key factors that influence digital natives' brand-related consumer engagement behaviours in the context of Facebook. Findings of this research are based on 25 event-based diaries that were completed by a sample of digital natives who recorded their brand-related engagement behaviours over a period of 11 weeks and from 25 follow-up semi-structured interviews. The data captured by the above-mentioned diary interview method allowed the author to gain rich insights into brand-related consumer engagement behaviours. Furthermore, the diary and interview method is used in this context for the first time which provides a unique methodological contribution. This thesis offers an original contribution to current scholarship on consumer engagement behaviours by introducing three new frameworks, namely: Categories of Effective Creative Content Practices on Facebook, an Integrated Framework of Factors Influencing Positive Brand-Related Engagement Behaviours on Facebook, and an Integrative Framework of Factors influencing Negative Brand-Related Consumer Engagement Behaviours on Facebook. Collectively, as well as individually, these frameworks enhance current theoretical knowledge on the concept by offering a more comprehensive overview of reasons behind brand-related consumer engagement behaviours on Facebook, which can also contribute to practice by assisting social media brand managers in improving current engagement strategies.

Uso pedagógico de Facebook como recurso para el aprendizaje colaborativo en el curso de dibujo geométrico de una universidad de Lima Metropolitana

Lam Onuma, Claudia Cecilia 07 September 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar el uso del Facebook como un recurso pedagógico para el aprendizaje colaborativo en el curso de Dibujo Geométrico. Este estudio optó por una metodología de enfoque mixto. Para el recojo de información se utilizaron los instrumentos de encuesta y entrevista semiestructurada, los que permitieron obtener y analizar importantes datos cuantitativos y cualitativos. La muestra constó de 35 alumnos y 5 docentes de la Facultad de Arte y Diseño de una universidad de Lima Metropolitana. Los resultados indican que Facebook es una herramienta de comunicación potente e inmediata, la cual provee herramientas necesarias para compartir información. También se le considera como una herramienta de carácter colectivo que permite difundir mensajes a todos los miembros por igual y como complemento de las clases presenciales. La interacción entre los alumnos y los docentes se consideró lo más importante dentro del aprendizaje colaborativo, entre lo que se puede mencionar el envío de material visual y las consultas fuera de clase por parte de los estudiantes. / The aim of this research was to analyze the usage of Facebook as a pedagogical resource for collaborative learning in the course of Geometric Drawing. This study opted for a mixed approach methodology. For the compilation of information, the semi-structured interview and survey instruments were used, which allowed obtaining and analyzing important quantitative and qualitative data. The sample consisted of 35 students and 5 teachers from the Faculty of Art and Design of a university in Metropolitan Lima. The results indicate that Facebook is a powerful and immediate communication tool, which provides necessary tools to share information. It is also regarded as a collective tool that allows to spread messages to all members equally and as a complement to face-to-face classes. The interaction between the students and the teachers was considered the most important part of collaborative learning, among which we can mention the sending of visual material and the out-of-class consultations by the students / Trabajo de investigación

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