Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] FANON"" "subject:"[enn] FANON""
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Otherness and BlacknessI'Anson, Chioke A. M 19 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to provide a phenomenological examination of Otherness as it relates to the experience of being black in the America. The project begins with a summary of the Otherness theories of Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Simone de Beauvoir. I then compare these accounts to "Black Consciousness" with a criticism of Sartre from Frantz Fanon. I use this criticism to construct new concepts that will help to better understand the experience of blackness.
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Decolonising knowledge production, validation, and dissemination: the relevance of the (selected) works of Memmi, Fanon, and Gandhi to schooling and education in Ghana /Adjei, Paul Banahene, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Toronto, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 129-138).
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Revisiting Frantz Fanon in the era of globalizationOmwomo, Beatrice O. 29 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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El hombre blanco de piel negra : Los ideales y estructuras coloniales en Herencia de bindendee de Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu Obono / Den svarthudade vita mannenKarlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Vivimos en un mundo poscolonial pero las estructuras antiguas sique siendo presentes, especialmente en continentes como África y en países como Guinea Ecuatorial, una antigua colonia española en África. El objetivo con nuestro estudio es analizar los ideales coloniales en la novela Herencia de bindendee de Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu Obono con un enfoco en el racismo y como la autora ha retratado la situación poscolonial en Guinea Ecuatorial. Intentamos destacar ejemplos de personajes, objetos o acciones que funcionan como señales de inferioridad o superioridad de los personajes según teorías de Frantz Fanon y Homi K. Bhabha. Además, presentamos ejemplos de crítica de estas ideales y estereotipos que las teorías no explican. La conclusión es que la obra muestra ejemplos de tanto un mundo fiel a la época colonial como un mundo de rebelión. / Vi bor i en postkolonial värld men de gamla strukturerna är fortfarande närvarande, speciellt på kontinenter som Afrika och i länder som Ekvatorialguinea, en tidigare spansk koloni i Afrika. Syftet med vår studie är att analysera de koloniala idealen i romanen Herencia de bindendee av Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu Obono med fokus på rasismen och hur författaren har beskrivit den koloniala situationen i Ekvatorialguinea. Vi belyser exempel på karaktärer, föremål och handlingar som fungerar som tecken på mindervärde eller överlägsenhet hos karaktärerna enligt teorier av Frantz Fanon och Homi K. Bhabha. Dessutom presenterar vi några exempel av kritik av de ideal och stereotyper som förekommer i romanen och som de nämnda teorierna inte förklarar fullt ut. Slutsatsen är att romanen visar exempel på både en värld trogen den koloniala epoken och en värld av uppror.
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Att bära historien i sin kropp : Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome i Toni Morrisons roman The Bluest EyeSultan, Hazar January 2017 (has links)
To Carry History in One’s Body – Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome in Toni Morrison’s Novel The Bluest Eye. The world in which we live in is dominated by ideology. This essay will explore the ideology of racism and investigates how it operated during and after the slave trade in the USA. The main focus is how the racist ideology has affected the black community in the USA during the first decades of the twentieth century. When the traumatic events of the slave trade ended the black community never got the chance to heal from the several hundred years long trauma. Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye depicts a community in pain due to the racist society that surrounds them. It is set in a time after the First World War when black families aimed to establish a stable life but were hindered due to various reasons. Therefore, this essay uses Joy DeGruy’s thoughts on the matter of trauma in the black community in the USA. By using her book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy Of Enduring Injury and Healing along with Frantz Fanon’s iconic text Black Skin, White Masks this essay investigates how the legacy of slavery has affected the black community after the slave trade. This essay looks into the following behavioral patterns, formulated by DeGruy: Vacant Esteem, Ever Present Anger and Racist Socialization. / Världen domineras av ideologier. Denna uppsats utforskar rasismens ideologi både under och efter slavhandeln i USA. Uppsatsens huvudfokus är hur den rasistiska ideologin har påverkat den svarta befolkningen i USA under nittonhundratalets första årtionden. När slaveriets trauma tog slut fick det svarta samhället aldrig chansen att bearbeta och läka det flera hundra år långa traumat. Toni Morrisons roman The Bluest Eye skildrar ett samhälle som präglas av smärta till följd av en rasistisk omgivning. Romanen utspelar sig efter första världskriget, en tid då svarta familjer ämnade etablera ett stabilt liv men som av olika anledningar hindrades. Denna uppsats använder Joy DeGruys tankar om trauma hos det svarta samhället i USA. Hennes bok Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy Of Enduring Injury and Healing tillsammans med Frantz Fanons nyckeltext Black Skin, White Masks används i denna uppsats för att undersöka hur slaveriet påverkat det svarta samhället efter dess avskaffande. Uppsatsen tittar närmare på följande beteendemönster, som formulerats av DeGruy: Vacant Esteem, Ever Present Anger och Racist Socialization.
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"I wore my English like a mask" : Språk, identitet och synlighet i Ocean Vuongs On Earth We're Briefly GorgeousÖman, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
This essay examines the relationship between language, identity, power and visibility in Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous (2019). This is achieved by applying post-colonial theories regarding double consciousness, and the construction of an Other. Theories put forward by Spivak and Fanon are also discussed in relation to this. By looking at how language is used, both by characters and author, we can see what an immense role language playes in the construction of identity and in the establishing of power.
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El hombre blanco de piel negra : Los ideales y estructuras coloniales en Herencia de bindendee de Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu ObonoKarlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Vi bor i en postkolonial värld men de gamla strukturerna är fortfarande närmarande, speciellt på kontinenter som Afrika och i länder som Ekvatorial Guinea, en tidigare spansk koloni i Afrika. Syftet med vår studie är att analysera de koloniala idealen i romanen Herencia de bindendee av Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutunu Obono med fokus på rasismen och hur författareb beskriver den postkoloniala situationen i Ekvatorial Afrika. Vi belyser exempel på karaktärer, föremål och handlingar som fungerar som tecken på mindrevärde och överlägsenhet enligt teorier av Frantz Fanon och Homi K. Bhabha. Dessutom presenterar vi några exemplel på kritik av de ideal och stereotyper som förekommer i romanen och som de nämnda teorierna inte förklarar fullt ut. Slutsatsen är att romanen visar på värld troden den koloniala epoken och en värld av uppror. / Vivimos en un mundo poscolonial pero las estructuras antiguas siguen siendo presentes, especialmente en coninentes como África y en países como Guinea Ecuatorial, una antigua colonia española en África. El objetivo con nuestro estudio es analizar los ideales en la novela Herencia de bindendee de Trifonia Melibea Obono Ntutumu Obono con un enfoque en el racismo y como la autora retrata la situación poscolonial en Guinea Ecuatorial. Destacamos ejemplos de personajes objetos y comportamientos que funcionan como señales de inferioridad o superioridad según las teorías de Frantz Fanon y Homi K. Bhabha. Además, presentamos ejemplos de crítica de estas ideales y esterotipos que las teorías no explican, La conclusión es que la obra muestra ejemplos de tanto un mundo fiel a la época colonial como un mundo de rebelión.
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Frantz Fanon and critique of the post-apartheid South Africa in relation to socio-economic developmentNdhlovu, Maanda Luxious 05 1900 (has links)
This study introduces the Fanonian thought on race and racism, rhetoric of modernity, and new humanism as three constitutive thematic areas in order to enable a new understanding of the South African situation. These thematic areas are examined with specific reference to socio-economic development within the limited context of post-apartheid South Africa. This is done by reading Fanon’s text in the context of South Africa to provide the background against which the unfolding of the post-apartheid era and its political discourses may be analysed. In essence, this study is based on Fanon’s predictions that he made in the text written more than 50 years ago about the future of post-colonial states. Therefore, this study argues that Fanon’s thought has proven to be more prophetic with regard to post-apartheid South Africa and its political reforms which left the fundamental question of structures such as land, economy, and labour unaddressed. What happened on 27 April 1994 is not genuine liberation, but a mere transition from apartheid to democratic dispensation that left the status quo in spatial arrangements uninterrupted. Indeed, it was an elite pact between the African National Congress and white monopoly capital, which betrayed the national liberation movement and the black majority. The contention is that South Africa celebrated the cosmetic reforms that attributed the term liberation incomplete in the absence of fundamental and structural changes. What is therefore recommended is that for there to be success, there must be genuine liberation that is consistent with the needs of society. This means bringing to an end the racially marked structures and reimagining the black condition, through jobs, education, social and economic programmes aimed at empowering the black majority to depend on themselves as opposed to relying on the State. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
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[pt] A presente pesquisa doutoral se propõe a desenvolver um quadro
interpretativo para grandes projetos de infraestrutura logística internacional que não
se subscreva aos roteiros analíticos conhecidos e extensamente explorados, sob
rubrica do desenvolvimento, da modernização e tampouco se circunscreva aos
limites conceituais e analíticos de abordagens derivadas de paradigmas da inclusãoexclusão ou, ainda, da expulsão que, a seu turno, seguem informando métodos e
óticas dos estudos sociológicos e políticos voltados às políticas internacionais de
infraestrutura portuária industrial. Em obras recentes voltadas ao estudo crítico dos
processos do fenômeno designado como globalização a alguns fóruns de economia
política internacional no Brasil, há uma ampla percepção de inadequação dos
repertórios e léxicos críticos há muito estabelecidos para responder ao quadro
político. Nesse cenário, esta tese se articula sobre as linhas do que designamos como
uma (leitura) política subterrânea, que, efetivamente visa à elaboração da equação
política que subjaz a processos históricos de desumanização, deslocamento e
desapropriação dos mesmos grupos racializados, de modo a minar suas
infraestruturas culturais, sociais, política. Em vias subterrâneas, o trabalho objetiva
refazer os termos segundo os quais fazemos sentidos de dinâmicas que se
concretizam, no terreno, como guerras comerciais e territoriais, conforme
empreendidas no quadro desses projetos. Conceitos centrais a esses dinâmicas,
como terra, infraestrutura e logística são, assim, retrabalhados à luz da produção
dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, especialmente os de linhagem fanoniana,
conforme mapeamento conceitual realizado na tese. A perspectiva de base que
anima todo o esforço analítico é a de que a tão almejada renovação do repertório
analítico, repetidamente expressa em estudos internacionais e fóruns locais
recentes, seja em política internacional, sociologia política, seja em geografia
humana e em economia política internacional, especialmente aqueles que focalizem
os projetos de infraestrutura logística desta monta, depende de um engajamento
efetivo com as redes dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, bem como com leituras (pós-
)coloniais históricas, constituídas em modo dialógico no eixo transatlântico. Nesse
espírito, a pesquisa desenvolve uma analítica da qual se propõe o conceito de
desterro. É, precisamente, a partir desse conceito que o trabalho se volta ao exame
da literatura crítica sobre logística e projetos de infraestrutura, com o objetivo de
desvelar as relações entre as dinâmicas passadas e presentes do desterro em relação
com as práticas logísticas contemporâneas. Em seguida, o estudo dirige esse
enfoque e léxico crítico, historicamente informado, ao caso do Complexo Logístico
Industrial de Porto do Açu, com especial atenção para constituição do Distrito
Industrial do Porto do Açu, momento da pesquisa em que o conceito é posto em
operação. O trabalho pretende contribuir para os estudos em política internacional
por meio da aposta no potencial dos estudos africano-diaspórica em interpretar e
abrir caminhos de disputa política sobre essas complexas dinâmicas políticoeconômicas transnacionais contemporâneas. / [en] This doctoral research aims to develop an interpretive framework with
which to examine large international logistics infrastructure projects in ways that
do not reiterate the already-known and extensively explored analytical scripts
advanced under the banner of development, modernization, a framework which
does not remain circumscribed to the conceptual and analytical limits of approaches
structured by the paradigm of inclusion-exclusion or inclusion-expulsion. This
paradigm continues to inform methods and approaches in political sociology and
international politics applied to the investigation of the international politics of
industrial port infrastructure. Nevertheless, from recent critical work delving into
processes of so-called globalization to international political economy forums in
Brazil, there is a perceived sense of inadequacy of long-established critical
repertoires and lexicons in responding to the political scenario. In this context, the
dissertation is articulated along the lines of what we designate as politics of the
underground, which effectively seeks to elaborate the political equation that allows
for the continued processes of dehumanization, displacement and dispossession of
the same racialized groups, and for their permanently undermined cultural, social,
political infrastructure. Moving underneath the soil, the research aims to remake
the terms according to which we make sense of dynamics that materialize as
commercial and territorial wars within the context of these industrial port
infrastructure projects. Concepts central to these dynamics, such as land,
infrastructure and logistics, are thus rearticulated in the light of the Africandiasporic studies, especially those sharing a common Fanonian lineage, according
to the conceptual and genealogical mapping carried out in the research. The
fundamental perspective that animates the entire analytical endeavor is that the
long-awaited renewal of the analytical repertoire, as expressed in various studies in
international politics, political sociology, as well as in human geography and in
international political economy, which critically assess these sorts of infrastructure
projects, hinges on, as its condition of possibility, an effective engagement with the
networks of African-diasporic studies, as well as with (post)colonial historical
approaches, forged in dialogical fashion along the trans-Atlantic axis. In this spirit,
the research puts forth an analytics from which the concept of desterro emerges. It
is precisely by mobilizing the concept of desterro that the work undertakes a critical
examination of the most recent critical literature on logistics and infrastructure
projects, while seeking to unveil the relationships between dynamics of desterro,
past and present, in connection with contemporary logistic practices. The study then
directs its critical, historically-informed lenses to the case of the Port of Açu
Industrial Logistic Complex, particularly focusing on the constitution of the Port of
Açu Industrial District, a moment in which the concept is put into operation. This
dissertation intends to contribute to the studies in international politics by shedding
light on the critical potential of African-diaspora studies namely in interpreting and
opening paths for political disputes over complex transnational political-economic
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Den kluvna identitetens språk : En tematisk och stilistisk komparation med postkolonialt och psykoanalytiskt perspektiv av Johannes Anyurus En storm kom från paradiset och Sami Saids Väldigt sällan fin / The Language of Divided Identity : A Thematic and Stylistic Comparison with a Postcolonial and Psychoanalytic Perspective of Johannes Anyuru's En storm kom från paradiset and Sami Said's Väldigt sällan finStåhlberg, Gunilla January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker och jämför den tematiska och språkliga gestaltningen av den instabila identiteten i Johannes Anyurus roman En storm kom från paradiset och Sami Saids roman Väldigt sällan fin. De frågeställningar som behandlas är: Hur gestaltas den postkoloniala identitetens problematik i de båda romanerna? Hur tematiseras den instabila identiteten? Hur kan språket synliggöra en instabil identitet? För att undersöka den tematiska gestaltningen av det instabila subjektet utgår analysen från postkoloniala teorier vars grund finns i den poststrukturalistiska synen på verkligheten som en konstruktion styrd av makt och språk. Flera postkoloniala teoretiker utgår också från psykoanalytikern Jacques Lacans spegelteori i analysen av hur identiteten skapas i ett postkolonialt sammanhang. I diskussionen av det instabila subjektets språkliga gestaltning utgår uppsatsen från psykoanalytikern och litteraturvetaren Julia Kristevas teori om utanförskap som det poetiska språkets grund samt dess uttryck i vår tids skönlitteratur.
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