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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyznamenání "Spravedlivý mezi národy" v kontextu druhé světové války: životní příběhy vyznamenaných / Honors Righteous Among the Nations in the context of the Second World War: the life stories of the awarded

Kurovec, Antonín January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis Honors Righteous Among the Nations in the context of the Second World War: the life stories of the awarded deals with The Righteous Among the Nations Award, which is awarded to people of Jewish origin, who during the Second World War selflessly helped the Jewish people survive. The aim is to increase awareness of the aforementioned awards and especially bring specific fates of people who have received it. Examined and interpreted sub- themes that determine the specifics of how to obtain this award. These issues include the motivation to help others during everyday concealment, friendship etc. Individual interviews with bearers that bring unique and direct evidence are placed in the broader context of the Second World War, which focuses primarily on the issue of the final solution of the Jewish question. Examination of the Second World War is underpinned by a rich resource base that supports the overall character of the text.

Våldet och förtrycket : En studie om skolkuratorers arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / Violence and oppression : A study of school counselors' work against honor-related violence and oppression.

Jarl, Anna, Lindström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The lack of knowledge and an inexplicit definition of honor related violence complicates school counselors' work against the phenomen. Current discourse tends to focus on young girls' exposure to oppression and violence. This may cause a position for victimized young boys where they won't be noticed. This study therefore aims to examine school counselors' approach to honor related violence as a phenomen and what experience they have of working with victimized boys and girls. The study is based on a qualitative method where six school counselors have been interviewed. The main questions to be answered were how school counselors describe honor related violence as a phenomen, which experience they have of working against it and what they see as their responsibility in the work against the phenomen. To answer these questions the interviews were analysed through a theme analysis and the theory of discretion. The result of the study was that all school counselors have their point of the meaning of the phenomen. Despite this it was a difference between if they included different countries and religions in the description and if they include hbtq-persons as victims for the violence and oppression. All of the interviewed school counselors had experience of meeting victimized children. The main responsibility that was expressed was to create trustful relationships with the children, be there for them as a support during the process and decide when the situation requires to involve social services. Words like complicated, complexity and foreign were repidently involved in the school counselors statements. Which shows the importance of more knowledge and comprehension of the phenomen.

Ethical Leadership: Life Story of George Ciampa, U.S. WWII Military Veteran and Community Leader

Wiedemann, Susan M. 24 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Failure of Chivalry, Courtesy, and Knighthood Post-WWI as Represented in David Jones’s In Parenthesis

Hubbard, Taylor L 01 May 2021 (has links)
This thesis analyzes David Jones’s In Parenthesis to demonstrate the failed notion of chivalry, courtesy, and knighthood in modernity during and after the war. Jones’s semi-autobiographical prose poem recounting his experiences of WWI was published in 1937, nineteen years after the war ended. Jones applied the concepts of chivalry, courtesy, and knighthood to his experiences during WWI through In Parenthesis. Jones used these concepts, which originated in the classical period and the Middle Ages, to demonstrate how they have changed over time, especially given the events of WWI. The best way for Jones to demonstrate the impact of WWI was to use the medieval ideas of knighthood (which were arguably idealized up until the war) to describe how the modern world could no longer be identified with those ideals.

El derecho al honor en el procedimiento disciplinario laboral en el Perú

Velásquez Portugal, Claudia Lucía 24 March 2022 (has links)
El presente artículo explica cuáles son las implicancias de la protección del derecho al honor en el procedimiento disciplinario sancionador laboral y la prevalencia de la aplicación de la sanción de despido ante actos de injuria, debido a la falta de aplicación de los principios de proporcionalidad y razonabilidad. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se parte de identificar el marco general normativo y jurisprudencial de protección del derecho al honor y la libertad de expresión a nivel nacional e internacional, a fin de analizar las diferencias y la finalidad de la tutela que otorga cada ordenamiento. Asimismo, se aborda los principios del procedimiento disciplinario para esclarecer el marco de protección específico del derecho al honor en materia laboral y las sanciones aplicables a los actos de injuria a nivel nacional, con el objetivo de explicar la elección por la preferencia del derecho al honor frente a la libertad de expresión de los trabajadores en el Perú. Además, se propone un marco de actuaciones en el procedimiento disciplinario laboral, mediante el ejercicio del test de ponderación, para determinar la existencia de una afectación al derecho al honor que justifique la elección de una sanción. Finalmente, se propone una modificación normativa a fin de evitar validar despidos por la mera existencia de expresiones injuriantes o faltamiento de palabra, exigiendo la evaluación de la gravedad del daño ocasionado al derecho al honor y la aplicación de una sanción proporcional.

La configuración de la injuria en materia laboral y los límites a la libertad de expresión y al derecho al honor : a propósito de la Casación Laboral No. 16242-2016-Arequipa

Velásquez Portugal, Claudia Lucía 21 August 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como propósito determinar cuáles son las características de la configuración de la injuria en materia laboral, a propósito de la aplicación de la causal de despido justificado por falta grave contenida en el artículo 25 literal f) de la Ley de Productividad y Competitividad Laboral (en adelante, “LPCL”). En atención a ello, se analiza si el análisis del test de ponderación entre la libertad de expresión y el derecho al honor resulta necesario para determinar la legitimidad y proporcionalidad de la sanción en materia laboral. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la investigación realiza un análisis del bien jurídico tutelado por la norma junto con un esbozo de los alcances de la libertad de expresión y el derecho al honor. Asimismo, se realiza un análisis de la jurisprudencia nacional e internacional en torno a la necesidad del uso del test de ponderación en casos de conflictos entre la libertad de expresión y el derecho al honor. Finalmente, se realiza el test de ponderación en torno la sentencia recaída en la Casación Laboral No. 16242-2016-Arequipa, analizando la idoneidad de la sanción, la necesidad de la misma, tomando en cuenta la intención y las características de la trabajadora, el daño al derecho al honor y el contexto; y la proporcionalidad de la sanción, concluyendo que no cualquier expresión vejatoria conlleva a la aplicación del despido tomando en cuenta la gravedad de la afectación al derecho al honor.

Flickor och pojkar i regeringens lagreform : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hedersrelateratvåld och förtryck / Girls and boys in government reform : A qualitative content analysis on honor-related violence and oppression

Adel, Dunia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys studeraoch koda regeringens proposition om hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck (2020) där utgångspunkten är att lyfta fram hur regeringen definierar vad det innebär att vara en pojke och flicka i en hederskontext, samt vilka erfarenheter och roller som kan skilja dem emellan. Resultatet av studien visar att flickor är offer för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, resultatet visade att även om pojkar kan bli offer för hedersrelaterat våld så uppfattas de också som förövare. Studien visar att pojkar kan ha dubbla roller som både offer och förövare. Studien visar att både flickor och pojkar är utsatta för hedersbrottslighet men procentuellt skiljer resultatet åt då flickorna är utsatta i större grand än pojkarna. Slutsatsen är att införandet av barnäktenskapsbrott som ger upp till fyra år fängelse, straffskärpningsgrund mot brott med hedersmotiv och utreseförbud för att skydda barn från att tvångs gifta sig eller könsstympas utomlands ses som något ljust i Sveriges internationella åtagande om mänskliga rättigheter, då hedersrelaterade brottsligheten innebär kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det ses mest ljust mot barnets rättigheter.

Negotiating Imperial Spaces: Gender, Sexuality, and Violence in the Nineteenth-century Caucasus

Collins-Breyfogle, Kristin L. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.


MARCOS NOGUEIRA MILNER 06 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A vingança, nas artes, é provavelmente um tema tão frequente e tão relevante quanto o amor. Na teoria social, em contrapartida, o assunto se encontra pulverizado, coadjuvando várias outras ideias. Este trabalho busca elevar a vingança à condição de protagonista também nas ciências sociais: para tal, em primeiro lugar, procuro situar vingança e vingador a partir da noção de reciprocidade, contrastando trocas positivas (dádivas) e negativas (ofensas). Procuro ainda examinar uma série de conceitos correlatos — honra, sacrifício e renúncia, por exemplo — sempre com o intuito de circunscrever ou de inserir o objeto entre os elementos contemplados pela teoria antropológica. Em um segundo momento, busco na literatura modelos de vingador; partindo do indivíduo para a sociedade, colocando personagens clássicos da literatura ocidental no centro do drama, tento interpretar as representações da vingança à luz dos modelos antropológicos ora pretendidos. Por fim, no terceiro e último bloco me aproximo da vingança a partir do caso brasileiro, usando como molduras a realidade sertaneja, os contrastes entre interior e litoral, explorando as particularidades sócio-culturais amparadas principalmente na honra como elemento mantenedor da coesão social. / [en] Vengeance, in arts, is probably a theme as recurring and as relevant as love. In social theory, however, the subject is pulverized, supporting several other ideas. This thesis tries to elevate revenge to a protagonist status also in social sciences: therefore, in the first place, it attempts to understand vengeance reading classical studies about reciprocity, contrasting positive (gifts) and negative (offenses) exchanges. Then, still observing social or cultural concepts — as honor, sacrifice and renounce, for example — we proceed trying to circumscribe vengeance between elements contemplated by anthropological theories. In a second moment, targeting literature, there will be a search for our avenging models; from the individual to society, bringing some classical characters to the center of the stage, some representations of revenge will be analyzed in accordance with the theoretical models previously appointed. Finally, the third and last part is devoted to the Brazilian case: using our backlands as a frame, understanding differences between country and litoral, exploring the sociocultural particularities mainly based on honor and violence, as elements that sustain social cohesion.

POJKAR OCH UNGA MÄN SOM BÅDE OFFER OCH FÖRÖVARE : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialarbetares erfarenheter av pojkar och unga män inom ramen för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. / BOYS AND YOUNG MEN AS BOTH VICTIMS AND PERPETRATORS : A qualitative interview study on social workers' experiences of boys and young men in the context of honor-related violence and oppression.

Åberg, Mollie, Wingård, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka socialarbetares erfarenheter av pojkar och unga mäns roller som offer och förövare i en hederskontext och vilka stödinsatser som finns att få. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där åtta socialarbetare med erfarenhet av pojkar och unga män i en hederskontext intervjuades. En av respondenterna arbetade inom en ideell organisation. Det teoretiska ramverket som används för denna studie blev ett intersektionellt perspektiv, gräsrotsbyråkrati samt maskulinitetsteori för att kunna besvara studiens syfte samt frågeställningar. Vidare användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att tematisera innehållet av intervjuerna för att sedan kunna analysera dem tillsammans med relevant tidigare forskning samt teori.    Slutsatsen av studien är att adekvata stödinsatser samt forskning rörande pojkar och unga män i en hederskontext är begränsat samt bristande och är i ett stort behov av att utvecklas. Socialarbetares handlingsutrymme påverkas av utbildnings- och kompetensnivå. Brist på kompetens och kunskap visade sig kunna försvåra stödet till pojkar och unga män som lever i hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Det framkom också att det är svårt att nå dessa pojkar och unga män vilket försvårar socialarbetares möjligheter att ingripa. / The aim of the study is to investigate social workers' experiences of boys and young men's roles as victims and perpetrators in an honor context and what interventions are available. The study is a qualitative interview study in which eight social workers with experience of working with boys and young men in an honor context were interviewed. One of the respondents worked within a non-profit organization. The theoretical framework used for this study was an intersectional perspective, grassroots bureaucracy and masculinity theory in order to answer the study's purpose and questions. Furthermore, a qualitative content analysis was used to thematize the content of the interviews in order to then analyze them together with relevant previous research and theory.   The conclusion of the study is that adequate interventions and research concerning boys and young men in an honorable context is limited and lacking and is in great need of development. Social workers' leeway is affected by level of education and competence. A lack of competence and knowledge proved to be able to make it difficult to support boys and young men who live in honor-related violence and oppression. It also emerged that it is difficult to reach these boys and young men, which makes it difficult for social workers to intervene.

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