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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezi hanbou a ctí. Nadávky ve Vodňanech v 16. století / Between shame and honor. Swear-words of the 16th century in Vodňany

KOŠTOVÁ, Jindřiška January 2010 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with legal disputes that were lead because of honor or violation in town society in Vodňany. The theoretical part is focused on a historical and historical-legal research in native and foreign area in this topic. A product of this interest is very various sphere, in that I try to access and use gained results within the frame of history of the society, culture, development of law and municipality. The second part of my diploma thesis works with the perception of honor on the basis of different resources {--} these are municipal law-books, literal texts and first of all recourses of criminally-law work of municipal court in Vodňany. One of the chapter is also focused on classification of swear-words that were found in criminally-law work of municipal court. The aim of this diploma thesis was to demonstrate what the notion or perception of the honor was for the citizen who lived in the second part of 16th century in Vodňany.

O GLORIAR-SE EM 2 CORÍNTIOS 12, 7 - 21 Auto-Glorificação ou Defesa da Honra / Towards a Pluralist Christology of Liberation: Theological Reflexions from Jaques Dupuis and Jonh Sobrinho

Frederico, Danielle Lucy Bósio 26 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:19:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Danielle Lucy Bosio Frederico.pdf: 728461 bytes, checksum: ea1f62bd32eda9c70e5ca18368e314ab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This search has as objective to analyze the use of the literary genre of glory by Paul Apostle, showing how this tool was essential for him to put himself in a radical and innovative way front to the accusations suffered by the Christian community in Corinth. This community under the influence of the traveling preachers, self-titled apostles, wanted to dishonor the Apostle while his was out. This community was a primitive Christian community in the Mediterranean of the First Century where the most valuable asset was the Honor and it should be defended above all. So, the Apostle used the act of glory, as a literary genre from his time, as well as other resources of rhetoric to defend himself. Doing that, the Apostle reframes the act of glory, the characteristic of a true apostle, as well as deal with suffering as something inherent to the faithful follower of Christ. This way, the Apostle(besides defending himself) exposes a new proposal on the understanding and experiences in the social relations which should go through renunciation to the status; forming an equal community. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a utilização do gênero literário do gloriar-se pelo apóstolo Paulo, demonstrando como esta ferramenta foi fundamental para que ele se posicionasse de maneira inovadora e radical frente às acusações sofridas da comunidade cristã em corinto. A comunidade sob a influência de pregadores itinerantes, autointitulados apóstolos, procuraram desonrar o apóstolo em sua ausência. Sendo uma comunidade cristã primitiva no mediterrâneo do I século, o bem mais valioso era a Honra, esta deveria ser defendida acima de tudo. Para tanto, o apóstolo se utiliza do ato de gloriar, como um gênero literário de sua época, bem como de outros recursos da retórica na realização de sua defesa. Ao fazê-lo, o apóstolo resignifica o ato de gloriar, as características de um verdadeiro apóstolo, bem como trata do sofrimento como algo inerente ao fiel seguidor de Cristo. Desta maneira, o apóstolo além de defender-se expõe uma nova proposta no entendimento e vivência nas relações sociais, que deveriam passar pelo ato da renúncia ao status; constituindo uma comunidade igualitária.


Bohnert, Thomas Lowell 07 June 2018 (has links)
ABSTRACT SELECTIVE MISSIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF BUNKHUN FOR MINISTRY AMONG THE KHON MUANG Thomas Lowell Bohnert, Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018 Chair: Dr. George H. Martin The purpose of this dissertation is to examine a socio-cultural barrier to the gospel among the Khon Muang of Northern Thailand. The thesis of this dissertation is that bunkhun is an essential cultural factor that missionaries must understand to build and maintain healthy relationships among the Khon Muang. Chapter 1 introduces the problem and the methodology for analyzing the problem was described. Chapter 2 contains an ethnographic description of the Khon Muang people along with an examined of the salient literature about bunkhun. The examination of the salient literature revealed that bunkhun relationships are established by two means: they are established either because a client recognizes the ascribed status of a patron, or because individual acts of graciousness overwhelm the client with gratitude. Chapter 3 examines the function of bunkhun among the Khon Muang. A matrix for characterizing bunkhun relationships was developed and presented. A theory for understanding bunkhun was described. Bunkhun is a cultural system that maintains social smoothing values and skills, reinforces traditional ideas about the ideal character qualities of both a patron and a client, and regulates the relationships between a patron and a client among the Khon Muang. Chapter 4 surveys the Bible to define and describe the patron titles of God. The obligations of the client were also presented. Finally, a short survey outlining the biblical concept of grace was detailed. Bunkhun has similarities to grace, but the two are different. Chapter 5 deals with several missiological implications of bunkhun. First, bunkhun is a form of patron-client system thus, it is incumbent upon missionaries to understand the cultural context so that clear communication occurs. Second, honor and shame themes are embedded in the bunkhun system. Learning to utilize skills good intercultural communications skills is necessary for missionaries serving in Northern Thailand. Finally, several suggestions were offered to address implications related to evangelism, discipleship, fellowship and leadership development. These thoughts are all offered tentatively as more research is needed to verify their veracity. Chapter 6 provides an overall summary for the project.

Os crimes de m?dia no paradigma democr?tico constitucional

Holanda, Kildare de Medeiros Gomes 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 KildareMGH_DISSERT.pdf: 871531 bytes, checksum: 31a0891a5455306b58bc0388459d2c54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / The criminal responsibility of the media is analyzed when the criteria for production of news and events involving public safety are produced without considering the technical, legal and ethical practice of journalism in the media factors. Freedom of speech, expression of thought, necessary for professional qualifications and constitutional limits, reaching criminal constitutional principles and the possibilities of criminal liability for offenses practiced in the media are present as key factors legal dialogue in this work. The judgment of the Supreme Court on the unconstitutionality of Law n?. 5.250/67 called Media Law caused a gap in the national legal system, forcing the use of the criminal code to address issues that involve crimes produced in media professional performance. The presumption of innocence is ignored by the professional media during a police investigation where the information published does not respect, including constitutional guarantees: the right to privacy, honor and image. The right to information and the duty to inform media are worked in its constitutional aspect, considering that the same information should be produced is guided by the quality and guiding principles of truth. The constitutional concept of media is presented as information with the appropriate language of the news media, produced and disseminated through the vehicles of mass media, whether in print or digital platform. The presented model of the legal right to information is outlined from a constitutional hermeneutics, increasing the production of news as a result of the occupation of journalist in different news platforms, guaranteeing the quality of this prolific law. Under the Freedom of professional activity of the journalist, the constitutional limits are addressed in line with the reality of (non) regulation of their profession, considering the constitutional abuses committed in the exercise of that activity linked to communication fences. Jusphilosophic field reaches the limits of the duty of truth in journalism as a tool for spreading news, respect the audience and compatibility with the constitutional state. Using the conceptual and doctrinal aspects, this criminal offense is parsed from the journalistic practice and the publication of news involving public safety, with the hypothetical field consummation of that crime through the eventual intention. As a form of judgment against these crimes produced in honor media presents the court of the jury as a legitimate form of democratic decision / A responsabilidade penal da m?dia ? analisada quando os crit?rios de produ??o da not?cia e os fatos envolvendo a seguran?a p?blica s?o produzidos sem considerar os fatores t?cnicos, ?ticos e legais na pr?tica midi?tica do jornalismo. A liberdade de express?o, manifesta??o do pensamento, as qualifica??es necess?rias para o exerc?cio profissional e seus limites constitucionais, alcan?ando os princ?pios constitucionais penais e as possibilidades de responsabiliza??o penal pelos il?citos praticados na m?dia est?o presentes como fatores essenciais de di?logo jur?dico no presente trabalho. O julgamento do Supremo Tribunal Federal acerca da inconstitucionalidade da Lei n? 5.250/67 denominada Lei de Imprensa, provocou uma lacuna no ordenamento jur?dico p?trio, for?ando a utiliza??o do c?digo penal para solucionar as quest?es que envolvem os crimes produzidos na atua??o profissional midi?tica. O princ?pio da presun??o de inoc?ncia ? ignorado pelo profissional da m?dia na fase de inqu?rito policial, na qual a informa??o publicada n?o respeita as garantias constitucionais, dentre eles: o direito ? intimidade, ? honra e ? imagem. O direito ? informa??o e o dever midi?tico de informar s?o trabalhados em seu aspecto constitucional, considerando que essa mesma informa??o deve ser produzida pautando-se pela qualidade e princ?pios norteadores da verdade. O conceito constitucional de m?dia apresenta-se como sendo a informa??o com a devida linguagem da not?cia midi?tica, produzida e difundida atrav?s dos ve?culos de comunica??o social de massa, seja na plataforma impressa ou digital. O modelo jur?dico apresentado do direito ? informa??o ? delineado a partir de uma hermen?utica constitucional, alcan?ando a produ??o da not?cia como resultante da atividade profissional do jornalista nas diferentes plataformas noticiosas, garantindo-se a qualidade concretizadora desse direito. No ?mbito da liberdade da atividade profissional do jornalista, os limites constitucionais s?o abordados em conson?ncia com a realidade da (n?o) regulamenta??o da sua profiss?o, considerando as veda??es constitucionais aos abusos cometidos no exerc?cio dessa atividade ligada ? comunica??o. No campo jusfilos?fico, alcan?am-se os limites do dever da verdade no jornalismo como instrumento de difus?o da not?cia, o respeito ? audi?ncia e a compatibilidade com o Estado constitucional. Utilizando os aspectos conceituais e doutrin?rios, esse il?cito penal ? analisado a partir da pr?tica jornal?stica e da publica??o da not?cia envolvendo a seguran?a p?blica, tendo como campo hipot?tico a consuma??o do referido crime atrav?s do dolo eventual. Como inst?ncia de julgamento desses crimes contra a honra produzidos na m?dia, apresenta-se o tribunal do j?ri popular como forma leg?tima de decis?o democr?tica

A honra enquanto bem jurídico: sobre a tutela penal da autoestima e da consideração social / Honor as a legal interest: about the protection of self-esteem and social respectability provided by the criminal law

Thiago Guilherme Nolasco 13 August 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Para que possa alcançar sua ratio essendi, isto é, promover a convivência pacífica, o Estado utiliza-se do Direito para realizar o controle social e, em última análise, acolher os cidadãos que vivem sob a sua regência. Neste sentido, o Direito Penal adquire especial importância, tendo em vista deter a incumbência de enunciar comportamentos especialmente ofensivos para a vida em sociedade, prevendo e fixando, para cada conduta criminosa, a aplicação de penas ou medidas de segurança. É certo, de igual forma, que este ramo é também a ultima ratio, ou seja, a última instância de proteção, razão pela qual só pode ser acionado a partir do fracasso ou ineficiência de todos os demais meios de resguardo judicial, eis que o poder punitivo investe, via de regra, contra o bem mais precioso do ser humano, quer seja, sua liberdade. Levando estes pressupostos em conta, assoma uma relevante inquietação: a honra, aspecto inerente à personalidade do homem, dadas as suas características dogmáticas, ainda merece a proteção do Direito Penal? Será que não existem outros meios aptos a trazer suficiente amparo legal? É a partir destas questões que se desenvolve a presente dissertação. Para tanto, buscar-se-á, em um primeiro momento, entender a maneira como os valores e interesses mais caros ao homem adentram na seara penal (teoria do bem jurídico). Após, empreender-se-á efetiva imersão no tema de pesquisa, buscando entender as bases que historicamente assentaram e determinaram a tutela jurídica da honra (bipartição metodológica), além de promover diagnóstico da guarida fornecida pelo Direito Civil e pelo Direito Penal, de modo a compreender se a honra civil difere da honra penal. Por fim, será feito uma análise crítica da honra enquanto bem jurídico penal, com o fito conclusivo de trazer apontamentos quanto aos horizontes futuros da tutela deste valor individual. / In order to achieve its essendi ratio, that is, to promote peaceful coexistence, the State uses the rule of law to perform social control and, ultimately, safeguard the citizens living under its rulership. In this sense, criminal law is particularly important seeing that it has the task of enunciating especially offensive behavior for life in society, besides providing and setting to apply, for each criminal conduct, penalties or security measures. It is true, too, that this branch is also the ultima ratio, the ultimate protection, which is why it can only be triggered as from the failure or inefficiency of all other judicial guard means, whereas the punitive power invests, as a rule, against the most precious of human rights, namely, their freedom. Taking these assumptions into account, looms a relevant concern: the honor, essential part of mens personality, given their dogmatic features, still deserves the punitive protection of criminal law? Are there no other means able to bring sufficient legal care? It is from these questions that this dissertation is developed. Therefore, it will be sought, at first, to understand how the most important values and dearest interests of man enter into criminal harvest (protected legal interest theory). Next, it will be undertaken an effective immersion in the research theme, seeking to understand the foundations that historically settled and determined legal protection of honor (methodological splitting), besides promoting an effective diagnosis of the shelter provided Civil Law and Criminal Law in order to understand if civil honor differs from penal honor. Finally, a critical analysis will be carried out, about honor as a protected legal interest in Criminal Law, with the final aim of bringing notes about future horizons regarding the guardianship of this individual value.

Ethnologie de l'aventure : pratiques contemporaines de la mobilité masculine et productions identitaires en Afrique de l'Ouest (Burkina Faso) / Ethnology of the adventure : contemporary practices of male mobility and identity buildings in West Africa (Burkina Faso)

Louis, Matthieu 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une ethnologie des phénomènes migratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest qui promeut une étude de la mobilité, localement baptisée « aventure », en tant qu’anthropologie de l’incertitude dont le dessein premier a été de saisir les identités labiles et vagabondes de migrants se désignant aventuriers – identité ramifiée à des pratiques, des désirs et des conceptions spécifiques de l’Ailleurs. En serrant de près le sens des discours des acteurs et des témoins rencontrés, en analysant des biographies fouillées d’aventuriers afin de restituer la dimension subjective du vécu migratoire, et en observant in vivo les creusets sociaux et les foyers de significations où naissent les désirs d’extraversion, nous donnons à voir et à comprendre les usages que font les aventuriers de l’Ici et de l’Ailleurs, ainsi que les rapports à eux-mêmes, aux autres et au monde qu’ils produisent. À rebours du poncif misérabiliste, nous dévoilons ainsi une philosophie de la mobilité qui nous incline à penser l’aventurier comme sujet-auteur de son existence et l’aventurisme comme un éthos et une forme rituelle d’esthétisation, de narration, de conquête et d’exposition de soi. / Ethnology of the adventure. Contemporary practices of male mobility and identity buildings in West Africa (Burkina Faso) – This PhD thesis features an ethnology of migratory phenomena in West Africa which promotes a study of the mobility locally called “adventure” as an anthropology of the uncertainty. The initial purpose was to grasp labile and roaming identities of migrants who refer to themselves as adventurers – identity branched to specific practices, desires and conceptions of the Elsewhere. In approaching as closely as possible the meaning of the speeches of the actors and the witnesses, in analyzing thick biographies of adventurers in order to reproduce the subjective dimension of their migratory experience, and in observing in vivo the social contexts and the crucibles of meanings where the desires of extroversion arise, we give to see and understand the adventurers’ uses of the Here and the Elsewhere, as well as their relationships to themselves, to others and to the world they generate. Contrary to the cliché painting migrations in the most miserable way, thus we unveil a philosophy of the mobility that makes us inclined to think the adventurer as a subject-author of his existence and the adventurism as an éthos and a ritual form of self-aestheticization, self-narrative, self-conquest and self-exposure.

Daño moral, honor y libertad de expresión : análisis a la luz del Artículo 2331 del Código Civil chileno

Breton Jara, Claudia Lucía January 2015 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / Esta memoria se enmarca dentro del ámbito normativo chileno. Tiene por objetivo argumentar que el artículo 2331 del Código Civil chileno se encuentra plenamente vigente y no es contrario a la Constitución Política de la República. Y que por tanto, no dar indemnización por daños morales, en caso de vulneraciones contra el honor, no afecta la esencia de este último derecho. Para lo anterior, se apoyó en el análisis del precepto a través de normas de interpretación, doctrina y también en las justificaciones entregadas en los fallos del Tribunal Constitucional tanto a favor como en contra de la declaración de inaplicabilidad de éste. Tras el análisis, se llega a la conclusión de que existen otras formas de reparación más idóneas para reestablecer las cosas al estado anterior a la vulneración. Asimismo, se concluye que el artículo 2331 queda acotado a determinados casos, debido a la existencia de normas especiales en sede penal y normas aplicables a los medios de comunicación

”Men självklart är flickorna oerhört mer utsatta” : En vinjettstudie om gymnasielärares uppfattning om och agerande kring pojkar i en hederskontext / “But Naturally the Girls Are Significantly More Vulnerable” : A Vignette Study on how High School Teachers View and Act in Regards to Boys in the Context of Honour.

Karlsson, Thomas, Morley, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how boys, in the context of honour, are perceived by teachers and what kind of efforts are being taken in specific situations. The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with high school teachers, from four different schools in the Stockholm County, using five vignettes. The interviews were processed using a thematic analysis and the result was analysed with the help of Christie’s theory about ideal and non-ideal victims, the theory of street-level bureaucracy and to some extent pathological altruism. The results show that the teachers in general find it easier to define girls as victims rather than boys. The teachers themselves think the reason for that can be that boys are perceived to have more power over their own situation and a freedom that the girls lack. Loud and aggressive behavior complicates the boy’s victimhood further. Reports of concern to Social services are rarely mentioned and is to be taken care of by school counselors or principals. The teachers defined it as the process, but also expressed a feeling of lack of knowledge and in some cases an unwillingness to act due to a fear of prejudging.

Att möta flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur : Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande insatser / Meeting girls in primary school who live in an honor culture : School nurses experiences of health-promoting initiatives

Zöögling, Liza, Babur, Awas January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tusentals kvinnor och flickor mördas årligen på grund av heder internationellt och det är oftast av manliga släktingar för att återta hedern för familjen. Socialstyrelsen beskriver hedersrelaterat våld en kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Elevhälsoteamet på skolan har ett ansvar att identifiera barn som far illa eller som är i riskzon. Hederskultur bland flickor i grundskolan kan utmärka sig på olika sätt, det kan uppstå situationer där flickor inte får deltaga i olika aktiviteter i skolan på grund av att de blivit tillsagda av sina föräldrar att de inte får, simundervisning är vanligt förekommande exempel. Skolsköterskan har en betydelsefull roll i att via hälsosamtalet kunna identifiera flickor som lever i en hederskultur och ge stöttning och vägledning. Syfte: var att beskriva skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att möta flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur. Metod: Studien är en empirisk studie utifrån en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes där totalt sex stycken deltagare intervjuades. Datainsamlingen analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att hälsosamtalet är ett viktigt verktyg för att kunna identifiera flickor som lever i en hederskultur. Att ge stöttning till flickorna i skolan som lever i en hederskultur är viktigt och kunde innebära tjejgrupper, där flickorna fick möjlighet att diskutera om normer och värderingar kopplat till hederskultur. Samarbete med hela elevhälsoteamet, lärare och socialtjänst framkom vara viktigt och ett måste för att kunna arbeta hälsofrämjande. Slutsats: För att kunna hjälpa flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur krävs det att samtliga professioner i skolan erhåller utbildning inom ämnet. Med ett fungerade samarbete kan flickorna tidigt identifieras och erbjudas stöttning och vägledning. Författarna anser att vidare forskning behöver tillämpas inom området. / Background: Thousands of women and girls are murdered every year because of honor, it is often by male relatives to regain the honor of family. The National Board of Health and Welfare describes honor-related violence violations of human rights. The student health team at the school has a responsibility to identify children who are doing badly or who are at risk. Honor culture among girls in primary school can be distinguished in different ways, there may be situations where girls are not allowed to participate in different activities in school due to being told by their parents that they are not allowed, swimming lessons are common examples. The school nurse has an important role in being able to identify girls who live in an honor culture through the health conversation and provide support and guidance. Aim: The aim was to describe the school nurse's experiences of meeting girls in primary school who live in an honor culture. Method: The study was an empirical study based on and qualitative design with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted where a total of six participants were interviewed. The data collection was analyzed on the basis of a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results showed that the health conversation is an important tool for being able to identify girls who live in a culture of honor. Giving support to the girls in the school who live in an honor culture is important and could involve girl groups,where the girls had the opportunity to discuss norms and values linked to honor culture. Cooperation with the entire student health team, teachers and social services emerged to be important and a must in order to be able to work to promote health. Conclusion: In order to be able to help girls in elementary school who live in an honor culture, it is required that all professions in the school receive education on the subject. By a working collaboration, the girls can be identified early and offered support and guidance. The authors believe that further research needs to be applied in this area.

"Det är att jobba lite i motvind" : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers arbete med elever som är utsatta för hedersrelaterad problematik / "It's like working a little against the wind" : a qualitative study of school counselors' work with students who are exposed to honor-related problems

Lundkvist, Elin, Råberg, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how school counselors in high schools work with students that are exposed to honor-related problems and how they experience their work with these students. We have used a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews with seven school counselors who have experience of working with honor-related issues. To analyze the material we have used previous research along with Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy with the concept of discretion and Carl Rogers' theory of the therapeutic relationship. The conclusions we can draw after completing our study is that school counselors experience organizational and honor contextual challenges, but their discretion can help them in their work. To be able to detect vulnerable students, the school counselor uses strategies by being where the students are and asking straight questions. Another important side of the work to succeed at drawing attention to vulnerability is that there is knowledge and that all staff at the school possess this in order to cooperate in identifying vulnerable students. To help students that are vulnerable the dialogue is important both with the students but also the student's parents to be able to talk about the problem and the school counselor contributes with knowledge and information regarding human rights. When the problem is too big for the school counselor's discretion, a strategy for helping will then be to contact other street-level bureaucrats that have the knowledge and discretion to help. Having a trusting relationship is described as the key to being able to discover and help vulnerable students and there are important qualities the school counselor can possess, which increases the conditions for being able to discover, help, create relationships and meet the challenges the work requires.

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