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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Producing Nature(s): A Qualitative Study of Wildlife Filmmaking

Kennedy, Addison F. 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

油氣探採產業競爭優勢之研究 - 以個案公司為例 / The Competitive Advantage in the Upstream Petroleum Business - A Case Study

蔡博富, Tsai, Po Fu Unknown Date (has links)
2015年4月殼牌公司收購英國天然氣集團案,凸顯石油價格修正已重塑全球油氣產業版圖。而根據2015年英國石油公司統計資料顯示,傳統方式開採生產的石油及天然氣尚有50-60年的可開採年限;若加上非傳統方式開採生產的石油及天然氣則可開採年限將至少倍增。油氣探採產業具有技術門檻高、經營風險高、投資金額高、作業時間長的特性。從長期獲利能力來看,油氣探採部門的績效一直是各大國際石油公司主要利潤來源,惟其營業利潤受國際油氣價格的起伏直接連動影響。個案公司油氣探採部門海外投資近年來成功取得美國、印尼、剛果及澳大利亞等地區的探勘新礦區,並與國際油公司在全球10 個國家25 處礦區有合作探採案;其中包括厄瓜多、印尼、尼日以及澳大利亞等具有油氣生產的礦區,歷年累計油氣生產績效卓越。 由於非傳統油氣之一的頁岩油氣開採技術進步,大幅提升美國油氣產量,OPEC產油國為維持市場占有率並未減產,加上全球經濟成長減緩,造成明顯的供過於求趨勢,影響近期油價呈現相對低檔。本研究以產業分析及SWOT分析等理論著手,探討目前經營環境的機會及風險,藉以擬定公司層級的策略方向並檢視成熟期產業環境下的競爭內涵,再從資源基礎論、經營選擇策略、管控流程風險,探討企業長期競爭優勢。   本研究經與個案公司海外分公司高階經理及總公司資深部門主管進行深入訪談方式,並且參酌公開的期刊、論文報告與網站資訊,進一步對照研究相關理論分析與個案公司實務案例,結果證實在運用購買LNG整合上下游投資、國際大油公司的策略聯盟、流程管控海外投資風險等均有助於提升競爭優勢,足以提供產業參考;同時建議後續研究個案公司落實平衡計分卡學習成長構面的相關要項,加強策略核心組織的競爭力,輔佐策略的執行,俾能提昇企業未來經營競爭力,達到永續經營之目的。 / The acquisition of BG Group by Royal Dutch Shell in April 2015 was the latest sign of how the slumping oil prices are reshuffling the global upstream petroleum business. BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy 2015 depicts that the reserves to production ratio is about 50 to 60 years for conventional petroleum resources, while this number almost doubles up for unconventional petroleum resources. The characteristics of upstream petroleum industry are the high technical threshold, high operational risk, highly capital-intensive investment, and long operational life. From the perspective of long-term earning power, the performance of upstream petroleum business division always drives the profitability for all major integrated oil companies, notwithstanding the operational profit is under direct impact from the fluctuations of the global oil prices. The successful overseas investment from the Exploration and Production Business Division of the company under study include many exploration rights in the new assets from U.S.A., Indonesia, Congo, and Australia, as well as the joint operation projects with international oil companies at 25 locations in more than 10 countries from Ecuador, Indonesia, Niger, and Australia with excellent profitability over the years. The advances made in the shale oil and gas production technology brought the U.S.A. oil production to another peak, which coupled with OPEC's non-cutting oil production strategy and global economy slowdown triggerd the dive of global oil price. This study first explores the opportunity and risk under current business environment using industrial analysis and SWOT analysis to propose strategic planning on corporate level and evaluates the competition nucleus in a mature industry cycle; secondly, explores the long-term competitive advantage of the company through Resource-Based Theory, Strategic Positioning, and Risk Management and Process Control. Through in-depth interviews with senior management from overseas division and headquarters office of the study company, published periodicals, journals, and web information, along with various related research analyses and company case studies, this study demonstrates the combination of liquefied natural gas (LNG) purchase contract with the acquisition of participating interest in LNG development project as a means of vertical supply chain investment, strategic alliance with international oil companies, and using risk management and process control on overseas investment are all beneficial to increasing the competitive advantages. Suggested follow-up research of implementing Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to the Learning & Growth Perspective, promoting competitive power through Strategy-Focused Organization, and execution on assising strategies can increase future competitive advantages and accomplish the objectives in sustainable management.

後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era

王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 競爭策略的核心問題是企業在產業中的相對位置。競爭位置會決定企業獲利能力高出或低於産業平均水準。產業的獲利能力並非取決於產品功能或技術層次的高低,而是由產業結構決定。產品設計即使很時尚或是高科技的東西如果處於產業結構中不對的位置上,企業的獲利依然不會好。例如台灣的筆記型電腦代工產業的一直處於全球領先位置但是產業獲利卻是低毛利的狀況。 當產業有重量級競爭者進入時,新的技術可能破壞原本的產業結構,原來的產業競爭者可能受到程度不等的影響。影響的結果取決於企業應變策略及其在產業中的相對位置,應變速度慢或是選擇錯誤的策略皆可能導致公司步上衰退,而與重量級同質性高的廠商受到的衝擊往往最大,資源互補的廠商卻可能從中獲利。 此外,新的技術也可能為產業帶來新應用與新市場,使產業擴大,企業如能把握時機,妥善選擇競爭策略,為客戶創造價值,也能在產業中獲得更大的利潤。 本研究方法採用「個案研究法」來進行,探討個案企業憑藉哪些創新與競爭策略,使其能夠在重量級廠商加入產業對原來產業產生重大影響的環境中突圍,以及如何面對下一波的挑戰。得到的發現如下: (一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.

Finansmarknadens reaktioner på naturkatastrofer förorsakade av enskilda bolag : En eventstudie av katastrofen i den Mexikanska golfen 2010

Moya, Juan, Östlund, Johannes January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den 20:e april 2010 inträffade en explosion på BP:s oljeplattform Deepwater Horizon i Mexikanska Golfen. Explosionen uppstod på grund av metangas som under högt tryck expanderade på plattformen och sedan antändes. Detta ledde senare till att oljeplattformen sjönk och ett stort okontrollerat oljeläckage uppstod på cirka 1500 meters djup.          Att explosionen i den mexikanska golfen har påverkat BP negativt och varit mycket kostsamt för företaget är uppenbart, börskursen hade som mest sjunkit med cirka 60 procent. Det kan vara intressant att undersöka huruvida denna katastrof, utlöst av en enskild aktör, också har spridit sig över till andra aktörer i Olja & Gas sektorn. Syfte: Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att undersöka huruvida BP:s katastrof i den Mexikanska golfen har påverkat andra aktörer i samma sektor (Olja & Gas sektorn). Metod: Sekundärdata presenteras som en kvantitativ ansats i form av siffror och för att kunna dra slutsatserna använder vi oss av en deduktiv ansats.I denna studie tillämpas en metodikteknik i form av en eventstudie, där beräkningar av den abnorma och förväntade avkastningen baseras på marknadsmodellen. Vidare har två hypoteser testats, där syftet med Hypotes I är att pröva huruvida information om händelsen i den Mexikanska Golfen påverkar andra företag i samma sektor som BP. Syftet med Hypotes II är att testa samma företag under samma period som Hypotes I, men undersöker förändring i tradingvolymerna istället för i aktiekurserna. Teori: Effektiva Marknadshypotesen, Random Walk och Flockbeteende Slutsatser: Dessa båda undersökningar d.v.s. Hypotes I och Hypotes II pekar starkt på slutsatsen att eventet har haft inverkat på övriga bolag i sektorn. Vi kunde vid en jämförelse med tidigare studier som genomförts på andra katastrofer, konstatera att skeendet har både likheter och skillnader. / Background: On the 20th April 2010, the BP oil platform Deepwater Horizon, situated in the Mexican Gulf, exploded. The explosion was caused by methanol gas that, under high pressure expanded and thereafter ignited. The platform submerged and caused a severe and uncontrollable oil leakage at 1500 meters depth.It is obvious that the explosion in the Mexican Gulf has impacted BP in a negative manner and cause BP large financial loss, the company shares had at its worst point depreciated by 60 percent. It may be of interest to investigate whether this catastrophe, caused by one independent party, also have affected other companies within the Oil and Gas industry. Purpose: The aim of this assignment is to investigate whether BP’s catastrophe in the Mexican Gulf has affected other companies within the same industry. (Oil and Gas) Methodology: Secondary data is presented as a quantitative approach in the shape of values and we use a deductive approach in order to draw the conclusions.The methodology used in this study is event study, in which calculation of the abnormal and expected revenue are based on the market model. We will test two types of hypothesis, where the aim of Hypothesis I is to test in which way information about the event in the Mexican Gulf affects other companies in the same industry as BP. The aim of Hypothesis II is to test the same companies during the same period as Hypothesis I, but with a focus on analyzing trading volume instead of the stock market value. Theory: Efficient Market Hypothesis, Random Walk and Herd Behavior Conclusion: Both investigations, i.e. Hypothesis I and Hypothesis II indicate that the event has had an impact on other companies in the same industry. We could, in a comparative analysis with earlier studies, based on other catastrophes, conclude that the event demonstrates similarities as well as differences.

Export involvement processes employed by small businesses requiring government support in the City of Tshwane

Ngwenya, Zandile Charmaine 11 1900 (has links)
Small Businesses (SBs) in the city of Tshwane increasingly engage in export activities due to higher growth rates. The South African government recognises the significance of SBs, resulting in support programmes to increase involvement in export markets. However, SBs still face export challenges from internal and external sources. This study explored export involvement processes of SBs in the City of Tshwane. 20 participants took part in a qualitative data collection method using observation and semi-structured interviews. Atlas.ti software was used to analyse the data. Findings suggest that SBs are confronted with varying constraints affecting commitment in export involvement processes. Low levels of awareness and participation in export programmes make it difficult to determine their contribution to the export involvement of SBs. Recommendations are for an evaluation of government export programmes accompanied by export education and training programmes to ensure that SBs achieve desirable outcome of export involvement in various export markets. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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