Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INSULATOR"" "subject:"[enn] INSULATOR""
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Attenuation and Photodetection of Sub-Bandgap Slow Light in Silicon-on-Insulator Photonic Crystal WaveguidesGelleta, John L. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>A glass-clad, slow-light photonic-crystal waveguide is proposed as a solution to sub-bandgap light detection in silicon photonic circuits. Such detection in silicon is perceived as a challenge owing to silicon's indirect band gap and transparency to 1550nm wavelengths, yet is essential for achieving low-cost, high-yield integration with today's microelectronics industry. Photonic crystals can be engineered in such a way as to enhance light-matter interaction over a specific bandwidth via the reduction of the group velocity of the propagating wave (i.e. the slowing of light). The interaction enhanced for light detection in the present work is electron-hole pair generation at defect sites. The intrinsic electric field of a p-i-n junction enables light detection by separating the electron-hole pairs as a form of measurable current. The photonic-crystal waveguides are designed to have bandwidths in the proximity of a wavelength of 1550nm. Refractive indices of over 80 near the photonic-crystal waveguide's Brillouin zone boundary are measured using Fourier transform spectral interferometry and are found to correspond to numerical simulations. Defect-induced propagation loss was seen to scale with group index, from 400dB/cm at a group index of 8 to 1200dB/cm at a group index of 88. Scaling was sublinear, which is believed to be due to the spreading of modal volume at large group index values. Photodetectors were measured to have responsivities as high as 34mA/W near the photonic-crystal waveguide's Brillouin zone boundary for a reverse bias of 20V and a remarkably short detector length of 80um. The fabrication of each device is fully CMOS-compatible for the sake of cost-effective integration with silicon microelectronics.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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[pt] O Nitreto de Boro Hexagonal (h-BN) é um material composto por átomosalternados de Boro (B) e Nitrogênio (N) com um aspecto hexagonal. Os filmesfinos de h-BN desempenham um papel crucial no desenvolvimento de aplicações como em dispositivos 2D baseados em heteroestruturas de Van der Waals,revestimentos protetivos, tribológicos, entre outros. A síntese de h-BN aindarepresenta um desafio significativo. Nesta tese, investigou-se a síntese do h-BNutilizando o método de low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD),empregando amônia borane (AB) como fonte precursora de B e N. O estudofocou-se no crescimento direto sobre o substrato de silício <100>, eliminando,assim, a necessidade de transferência do filme para posterior caracterizaçãoe evitando a degradação e contaminações associadas ao processo de transferência. A primeira parte deste estudo concentrou-se no crescimento por CVD,controlando os parâmetros de quantidade de material precursor, temperaturade evaporação do precursor e do forno, fluxo de gases nas etapas de reduçãoe de síntese, temperatura, tempo de redução, síntese e resfriamento. Foramsintetizadas duas séries: uma em função da temperatura de crescimento entre1173 e 1373 K, e uma segunda em função do tempo de síntese a uma temperatura de 1373 K. Os filmes foram caracterizados por espectroscopias Raman,infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), UV-visível (UV-Vis), de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X (XPS), microscopia de força atômica (AFM),ângulo de contato, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), microscopiaeletrônica de varredura por transmissão (STEM) e tribologia. Inicialmente,foi estudado o efeito da temperatura de crescimento na qualidade dos filmescrescidos por 10 minutos. Os resultados de espectroscopia Raman confirmamo crescimento de h-BN, evidenciado pelo pico E2g em aproximadamente 1375cm−1. Estudos morfológicos mostraram que variações de temperatura levam àformação de diferentes estruturas na superfície do Si. O crescimento é observado a partir de 1273 K, enquanto amostras crescidas abaixo de 1223 K nãoapresentam sinais de crescimento. Observamos a formação de folhas bidimensionais (2D) com dimensões laterais variando de 80 a 500 nm, assim como ocrescimento contínuo de filmes com nanocristais de tamanhos variados. A razão B:N determinada por XPS foi de aproximadamente 1:1 e o gap óptico dosfilmes de h-BN foi determinado em 5,75 eV. O estudo de tribologia demonstrouum coeficiente de atrito de 0,1 e não houve delaminação após 3000 ciclos deida e volta lineares no teste esfera no disco percorrendo 10 mm em cada ciclono filme, enquanto o do Si foi de 0,6. Para os filmes sintetizados em função dotempo, a caracterização por espectroscopia Raman revelou um pico de modode vibração E2g em 1374 cm−1com intensidade correlacionada à espessura dofilme. A espectroscopia FTIR confirmou a presença de ligações B-N, e a bandaóptica foi determinada em 5,65 eV. O ângulo de contato mostrou filmes hidrofóbicos. Os dados de XPS indicaram uma relação estequiométrica 1:1 entre Be N, e a espessura foi analisada pela medida de seção transversal por STEM,sendo da ordem de 20 nm para filmes crescidos por 10 minutos a 1373 K. / [en] Hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) is a material composed of alternating
Boron (B) and Nitrogen (N) atoms with a hexagonal aspect. Thin films of
h-BN play a crucial role in the development of applications such as 2D devices
based on Van der Waals heterostructures, protective coatings, tribological applications, among others. The synthesis of h-BN still represents a significant
challenge. In this thesis, the synthesis of h-BN was investigated using the low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) method, employing ammonia
borane (AB) as a precursor source of B and N. The study focused on direct growth on the silicon <100> substrate, thus eliminating the need for film
transfer for subsequent characterization and avoiding degradation and contamination associated with the transfer process. The first part of this study focused
on CVD growth, controlling parameters such as the amount of precursor material, precursor and furnace evaporation temperature, gas flow rates during the
reduction and synthesis stages, temperature, reduction time, synthesis, and
cooling. Two series were synthesized: one as a function of growth temperature
between 1173 and 1373 K, and a second as a function of synthesis time at a
temperature of 1373 K. The films were characterized by spectroscopy, Raman,
Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), UV-visible (UV-Vis), X-ray photoelectron
(XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy
(STEM), and tribology. Initially, the effect of growth temperature on the quality of films grown for 10 minutes was studied. Raman spectroscopy results
confirmed the growth of h-BN, evidenced by the E2g peak at approximately
1375 cm−1
. Morphological studies showed that temperature variations lead to
the formation of different structures on the Si surface. Growth is observed
from 1273 K, while samples grown below 1223 K show no signs of growth.
We observed the formation of two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets with lateral
dimensions ranging from 80 to 500 nm, as well as the continuous growth of
films with nanocrystals of varying sizes. The B:N ratio determined by XPS was
approximately 1:1, and the optical gap of the h-BN films was determined to be
5.75 eV. Tribology studies demonstrated a friction coefficient of 0.1, and there
was no delamination after 3000 linear reciprocating cycles in the ball-on-disk
test, covering 10 mm in each cycle on the film, while for Si it was 0.6. For
films synthesized as a function of time, Raman spectroscopy characterization
revealed an E2g vibration mode peak at 1374 cm−1 with intensity correlated to
the film thickness. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of B-N bonds,
and the optical band was determined to be 5.65 eV. Contact angle measurements showed hydrophobic films. XPS data indicated a stoichiometric 1:1 ratio
between B and N, and the thickness was analyzed by cross-sectional STEM
measurements, being around 20 nm for films grown for 10 minutes at 1373 K.
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Materials Approaches for Transparent ElectronicsIheomamere, Chukwudi E. 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation tested the hypothesis that energy transferred from a plasma or plume can be used to optimize the structure, chemistry, topography, optical and electrical properties of pulsed laser deposited and sputtered thin-films of ZnO, a-BOxNy, and few layer 2H-WS2 for transparent electronics devices fabricated without substrate heating or with low substrate heating. Thus, the approach would be compatible with low-temperature, flexible/bendable substrates. Proof of this concept was demonstrated by first optimizing the processing-structure-properties correlations then showing switching from accumulation to inversion in ITO/a-BOxNy/ZnO and ITO/a-BOxNy/2H-WS2 transparent MIS capacitors fabricated using the stated processes. The growth processes involved the optimization of the individual materials followed by growing the multilayer stacks to form MIS structures. ZnO was selected because of its wide bandgap that is transparent over the visible range, WS2 was selected because in few-layer form it is transparent, and a-BOxNy was used as the gate insulator because of its reported atomic smoothness and low dangling bond concentration. The measured semiconductor-insulator interfacial trap properties fall in the range reported in the literature for SiO2/Si MOS structures. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Hall, photoluminescence, UV-Vis absorption, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements investigated the low-temperature synthesis of ZnO. All films are nanocrystalline with the (002) XRD planes becoming more prominent in films grown with lower RF power or higher pressure. Low power or high chamber pressure during RF magnetron sputtering resulted in a slower growth rate and lower energetic conditions at the substrate. Stoichiometry improved with RF power. The measurements show a decrease in carrier concentration from 6.9×1019 cm-3 to 1.4×1019 cm-3 as power increased from 40 W to 120 W, and an increase in carrier concentration from 2.6×1019 cm-3 to 8.6×1019 cm-3 as the deposition pressure increased from 3 to 9 mTorr. The data indicates that in the range of conditions used, bonding, stoichiometry, and film formation are governed by energy transfer from the plasma to the growing film. XPS characterizations, electrical measurements, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements reveal an increase in oxygen concentration, improved dielectric breakdown, and improved surface topography in a-BOxNy films as deposition pressure increased. The maximum breakdown strength obtained was ~8 MVcm-1, which is comparable to a-BN. Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structures of a-BOxNy grown at 10 and 15 mTorr suggest a combination of field-enhanced Schottky emission and Frenkel-Poole emission are likely transport mechanisms in a-BOxNy. In comparison, better fitted data was gotten for field enhanced Schottky emission which suggests the more dominant mechanism. The static dielectric constant range is 3.26 – 3.58 for 10 and 15 mTorr films. Spectroscopic ellipsometry and UV-Vis spectroscopy measured a bandgap of 3.9 eV for 15 mTorr grown a-BOxNy. 2H-WS2 films were grown on both quartz and a-BOxNy which revealed that the XRD (002) planes became more prominent as substrate temperature increased to 400 oC. AFM shows nano-grains at lower growth pressure. Increasing the growth pressure to 1 Torr resulted in the formation of larger particles. XPS chemical analysis reveals improved sulfur to tungsten ratios as pressure increased. Sulfur deficient films were n-type, whereas sulfur rich conditions produced p-type films. Frequency dependent C-V and G-V measurements revealed an interface trap concentration (Nit) of 7.3×1010 cm-2 and interface state density (Nss) of 7.5×1012 eV-1cm-2 for the transparent ITO/a-BOxNy/ZnO MIS structures, and approximately 2 V was required to switch the a-BOxNy/ZnO interface from accumulation to inversion. Using 2H-WS2 as the channel material, the ITO/a-BOxNy/2H-WS2 required approximately 4 V to switch from inversion to accumulation in both n and p-channel MIS structures. Interface trap concentrations (Nit) of 1.6×1012 cm-2 and 3.2×1010 cm-2, and interface state densities (Nss) of 1.6×1012 eV-1cm-2 and 6.5×1012 eV-1cm-2 were calculated for n and p-channel 2H-WS2 MIS structures, respectively. The data from these studies validate the hypothesis and demonstrate the potential of ZnO, a-BOxNy, and few layer 2H-WS2 for transparent electronics.
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Phases, Transitions, Patterns, And Excitations In Generalized Bose-Hubbard ModelsKurdestany, Jamshid Moradi 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis covers most of my work in the field of ultracold atoms loaded in optical lattices. This thesis can be divided into five different parts. In Chapter 1, after a brief introduction to the field of optical lattices I review the fundamental aspects pertaining to the physics of systems in periodic potentials and a short overview of the experiments on ultracold atoms in an optical lattice.
In Chapter 2 we develop an inhomogeneous mean-field theory for the extended Bose-Hubbard model with a quadratic, confining potential. In the absence of this poten¬tial, our mean-field theory yields the phase diagram of the homogeneous extended Bose-Hubbard model. This phase diagram shows a superfluid (SF) phase and lobes of Mott-insulator(MI), density-wave(DW), and supersolid (SS) phases in the plane of the chemical potential and on-site repulsion ; we present phase diagrams for representative values of , the repulsive energy for bosons on nearest-neighbor sites. We demonstrate that, when the confining potential is present, superfluid and density-wave order parameters are nonuniform; in particular, we obtain, for a few representative values of parameters, spherical shells of SF, MI ,DW ,and SSphases. We explore the implications of our study for experiments on cold-atom dipolar con¬densates in optical lattices in a confining potential.
In Chapter3 we present an extensive study of Mottinsulator( MI) and superfluid (SF) shells in Bose-Hubbard (BH) models for bosons in optical lattices with har¬monic traps. For this we develop an inhomogeneous mean-field theory. Our results for the BH model with one type of spinless bosons agrees quantitatively with quan¬tum Monte Carlo(QMC) simulations. Our approach is numerically less intensive than such simulations, so we are able to perform calculations on experimentally realistic, large three-dimensional(3D) systems, explore a wide range of parameter values, and make direct contact with a variety of experimental measurements. We also generalize our inhomogeneous mean-field theory to study BH models with har¬monic traps and(a) two species of bosons or(b) spin-1bosons. With two species of bosons we obtain rich phase diagrams with a variety of SF and MI phases and as¬sociated shells, when we include a quadratic confining potential. For the spin-1BH model we show, in a representative case, that the system can display alternating shells of polar SF and MI phases; and we make interesting predictions for experi¬ments in such systems. .
In Chapter 4 we carry out an extensive study of the phase diagrams of the ex-tended Bose Hubbard model, with a mean filling of one boson per site, in one dimension by using the density matrix renormalization group and show that it contains Superfluid (SF), Mott-insulator (MI), density-wave (DW) and Haldane ¬insulator(HI) phases. We show that the critical exponents and central charge for the HI-DW,MI-HI and SF-MI transitions are consistent with those for models in the two-dimensional Ising, Gaussian, and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) uni¬versality classes, respectively; and we suggest that the SF-HI transition may be more exotic than a simple BKT transition. We show explicitly that different bound¬ary conditions lead to different phase diagrams..
In Chapter 5 we obtain the excitation spectra of the following three generalized of Bose-Hubbard(BH) models:(1) a two-species generalization of the spinless BH model, (2) a single-species, spin-1 BH model, and (3) the extended Bose-Hubbard model (EBH) for spinless interacting bosons of one species. In all the phases of these models we show how to obtain excitation spectra by using the random phase approximation (RPA). We compare the results of our work with earlier studies of related models and discuss implications for experiments.
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Fabrication, simulation et caractérisation des propriétés de transport de composants à effet de champ latéral sur substrat de soi (Silicon-on-insulator)Farhi, Ghania January 2014 (has links)
À la base de l’évolution de la technologie microélectronique actuelle, la réduction des dimensions critiques des MOSFET standards pour améliorer leurs performances électriques a atteint depuis quelques années ses limites physiques. L’utilisation de nanocomposants innovateurs ayant une configuration planaire, comme solution de remplacement, semble être une voie prometteuse pour certaines applications. Les diodes autocommutantes, Self-Switching Diodes (SSD), en font partie.
Les SSD sont des composants unipolaires à deux accès ayant une caractéristique I-V non-linéaire semblable à celle d’une diode bipolaire. Leur configuration planaire rend leur fabrication plus facile et réduit considérablement les capacités parasites intrinsèques.
Cette thèse porte sur la fabrication, la simulation et la caractérisation électrique de SSD fabriquées sur des substrats en SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator).
Les dispositifs SSD ont été réalisés au départ grâce à des gravures par FIB (Focussed Ion Beam). Cette technique polyvalente nous permet de contrôler en temps réel les conditions de gravure. Par la suite, nous avons procédé à une fabrication massive de SSD en utilisant la technique d’électrolithographie et de gravure sèche.
Les simulations effectuées principalement avec TCAD-Medici nous ont permis d’optimiser et d’investiguer en détails l’effet critique des paramètres géométriques (longueur, largeur et épaisseur du canal conducteur ainsi que la largeur des tranchées isolantes) et des paramètres physiques (densité surfacique aux niveaux des interfaces isolant/semiconducteur, densité des dopants et type de diélectrique dans les tranchées isolantes) des SSD sur les caractéristiques électriques, les valeurs de la tension seuil et les phénomènes de transport non linéaire qui ont lieu dans le canal conducteur de ce type de composants.
Les mesures expérimentales de caractéristiques I-V de SSD ayant des canaux conducteurs de largeurs et de longueurs variables confirment les prévisions de nos simulations.
Bien que le comportement électrique des SSD ressemble à celui d’un MISFET, nous démontrons le fait que l’on ne peut modéliser leurs caractéristiques I-V avec les mêmes expressions en nous basant sur le principe de fonctionnement spécifique à chacun de ces deux dispositifs.
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Characterization of topological phases in models of interacting fermionsMotruk, Johannes 15 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The concept of topology in condensed matter physics has led to the discovery of rich and exotic physics in recent years. Especially when strong correlations are included, phenomenons such as fractionalization and anyonic particle statistics can arise. In this thesis, we study several systems hosting topological phases of interacting fermions.
In the first part, we consider one-dimensional systems of parafermions, which are generalizations of Majorana fermions, in the presence of a Z_N charge symmetry. We classify the symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases that can occur in these systems using the projective representations of the symmetries and find a finite number of distinct phases depending on the prime factorization of N. The different phases exhibit characteristic degeneracies in their entanglement spectrum (ES). Apart from these SPT phases, we report the occurrence of parafermion condensate phases for certain values of N. When including an additional Z_N symmetry, we find a non-Abelian group structure under the addition of phases.
In the second part of the thesis, we focus on two-dimensional lattice models of spinless fermions. First, we demonstrate the detection of a fractional Chern insulator (FCI) phase in the Haldane honeycomb model on an infinite cylinder by means of the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We report the calculation of several quantities characterizing the topological order of the state, i.e., (i)~the Hall conductivity, (ii)~the spectral flow and level counting in the ES, (iii)~the topological entanglement entropy, and (iv)~the charge and topological spin of the quasiparticles. Since we have access to sufficiently large system sizes without band projection with DMRG, we are in addition able to investigate the transition from a metal to the FCI at small interactions which we find to be of first order.
In a further study, we consider a time-reversal symmetric model on the honeycomb lattice where a Chern insulator (CI) induced by next-nearest neighbor interactions has been predicted by mean field theory. However, various subsequent studies challenged this picture and it was still unclear whether the CI would survive quantum fluctuations. We therefore map out the phase diagram of the model as a function of the interactions on an infinite cylinder with DMRG and find evidence for the absence of the CI phase. However, we report the detection of two novel charge-ordered phases and corroborate the existence of the remaining phases that had been predicted in mean field theory. Furthermore, we characterize the transitions between the various phases by studying the behavior of correlation length and entanglement entropy at the phase boundaries. Finally, we develop an improvement to the DMRG algorithm for fermionic lattice models on cylinders. By using a real space representation in the direction along the cylinder and a real space representation in the perpendicular direction, we are able to use the momentum around the cylinder as conserved quantity to reduce computational costs. We benchmark the method by studying the interacting Hofstadter model and report a considerable speedup in computation time and a severely reduced memory usage.
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Insulator aging tests with HVAC and HVDC excitation using the tracking wheel testerLimbo, Beulah Sepo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited research results are available on the aging impacts of surface discharges for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) excitation on practical insulators using the Tracking Wheel Tester (TWT) methodology. This thesis gives details of an experimental investigation to compare the aging performance of insulator samples using the TWT for High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) and positive and negative polarity HVDC excitation.
Two series of tests were performed. The first series of tests evaluated the aging of six insulator rods, namely three Room Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber (RTV SR) coated glass samples and three uncoated glass samples. Three creepage distances were used for each of the test materials, namely 277 mm, 346 mm and 433 mm. The tests were conducted with HVAC excitation and the test methodology described in the IEC 61302 standard.
The second series of tests involved the testing of actual insulator samples. The test voltage and conductivity of the salt water solution were also adapted. Six insulators from different manufacturers, representing different materials and specific creepage distances, were tested with HVAC and positive and negative polarity HVDC excitation. The test samples consisted of Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM), High Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber (HTV SR), porcelain and SR coated porcelain insulators. The aging performance of the different test samples for the three types of excitation are compared in terms of peak leakage current, visual observations of surface degradation and hydrophobicity properties.
The leakage current data for HVAC excitation shows that the insulators from the different manufacturers perform differently, even for the same type of material. The results also indicate differences in the way the surfaces degrade, as well as the rate of degradation. For insulators representing the same specific creepage distance, but different materials, it has been shown that the material does influence the aging performance. Comparison of the leakage current data for the HTV SR insulators from the same manufacturer, but with different specific creepage distances, shows that the specific creepage distance affect the aging performance significantly.
In general, the test insulators showed higher peak leakage currents with HVDC excitation compared to HVAC excitation. The results for positive polarity HVDC excitation show that the dry band arcing, as well as the discharges, has the same form for all six insulators. The colour of the dry band discharges ranged from a blue-ish orange to a dark yellow, depending on the intensity of the leakage currents. The hydrophobic insulators, namely the HTV SR, EPDM and RTV SR coated porcelain insulators, had lost hydrophobicity within the first week of testing.
The results for negative polarity HVDC excitation show severe surface degradation compared to the results for HVAC excitation. The effect of positive polarity HVDC excitation, however, seems to be more severe in terms of leakage currents and aging compared to negative polarity HVDC excitation.
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A study of the crystallographic, magnetic and electronic properties of selected ZrM2-H systemsRichard, Laura Amanda January 2011 (has links)
Dissolution of hydrogen into intermetallic compounds characteristically occurs at interstitial sites, causing little alteration to the base metal substructure but often bringing about substantial electronic and magnetic changes to the material. These hydrogen-induced alterations in the intermetallic hydrides are of interest both on a fundamental research level and in terms of technological applications; however, there exists no general theory as to how and why these alterations arise. The objective of this research is to elucidate to general effect of hydrogen on intermetallic compounds through the study of crystallographic, magnetic and electronic properties. An investigation has been carried out on the properties of three intermetallic compound - hydrogen systems of general formula ZrM₂, where M = V, Cr, Mn. All three compounds reversibly absorbed hydrogen with no change in crystal symmetry: powder diffraction studies showed that hydrogen was accommodated in interstitial sites of the existing metal sublattice via lattice expansion. The measurement of the magnetic properties of these systems was combined with the determination of conductivity and dielectric properties in order to describe the electronic e¤ects of hydrogen absorption. Despite the lack of signi
cant structural alteration in these systems, electron transfer between the metal sublattice and hydrogen may occur, as manifested in the appearance/disappearance of magnetic phenomena and the increase/decrease of electrical conductivity. Whilst the hydrogen addition in ZrM₂-H occurs simply via an expansion of the crystal structure, hydrogen does not act purely as null dilutant - there exist subtle electronic changes connected with the hydriding process as well.
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Etude théorique de matériaux pour la spintroniqueVirot, François 13 July 2012 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente les travaux réalisés durant ces trois années de thèse. Ils se sont orientés autour de l'étude des propriétés électroniques et magnétiques des matériaux pour la spintronique. Ce domaine d'avenir doit encore trouver les matériaux adaptés qui permettraient de réaliser les concepts liés à la spintronique. Nos résultats sont les suivants. Nous avons proposé un nouveau modèle qui décrit l'arrangement magnétique dans les couches minces ferromagnétiques possédant une anisotropie uniaxiale. Le modèle apporte une meilleure description des largeurs de domaine en fonction de l'épaisseur ainsi qu'une bonne estimation de l'épaisseur critique à partir de laquelle les domaines de Weiss ne sont plus stables. L'ensemble d'équations en unité réduite découlant du modèle apporte quant à lui un outil supplémentaire aux expérimentateurs. L'étude ab-Initio fait sur les semi-Conducteurs magnétiques dilués à mis en évidence l'importance de la corrélation forte et de l'effet Jahn-Teller dans les matériaux tel que le (Ga,Mn)N et le (Zn,Cr)S. Ces calculs confirment l'ensemble des données expérimentales existantes sur le (Ga,Mn)N. La modélisation analytique apporte un complément aux calculs ab-Initio en faisant le lien entre les paramètres expérimentaux et la théorie de Vallin, très largement utilisée pour interpréter les mesures optiques du (Zn,Cr)S. Nos calculs ab-Initio ont montré que le métacinabre est un isolant topologique robuste, qui se distingue par la présence d'un cône de Dirac extrêmement anisotrope. Les effets de passivation à l'hydrogène influencent les états de surface des isolants topologiques de la série HgX (X : S, Se, Te). / This thesis contains the scientific work of three years. The main topic can be defined as follows : study of electronic and magnetic properties of materials for spintronics. That technology of the future has still to find the necessary materials to realize new concepts. Our results are the following : We propose a new model to describe the magnetic configuration in thin ferromagnetic film with uniaxial anisotropy. It gives a better description of domain widths in function of film thickness and permits to obtain a good evaluation of the critical thickness where domains of Weiss type are no longer stable. The set of equations in reduced units is a useful tool to analyze experimental data. The ab-Initio study of diluted magnetic semiconductors has demonstrated the combined effect of strong correlations and Jahn-Teller distortion in (Ga,Mn)N and (Zn,Cr)S. The calculations confirm the experimental results of (Ga,Mn)N. We develop an analytical model that is complementary to the ab-Initio calculations and permits to create a link between several experimental parameters, the ab-Initio calculations and the former theory of Vallin. It has been used to interpret the optical measurements of (Zn,Cr)S. Our ab-Initio studies show that metacinnabar is a strong topological insulator with one peculiarity, it has a highly anisotropic Dirac cone. The passivation with hydrogen atoms influences the surface states of the topological insulator in the series HgX (X : S, Se, Te). When the dangling bonds are saturated by hydrogen, the trivial surface states disappear.
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Optomechanics in hybrid fully-integrated two-dimensional photonic crystal resonators / Optomécanique dans les résonateurs intégrés et hybrides à cristal photonique bi-dimensionelTsvirkun, Viktor 15 September 2015 (has links)
Les systèmes optomécaniques, dans lesquels les vibrations d'un résonateur mécanique sont couplées à un rayonnement électromagnétique, ont permis l'examen de multiples nouveaux effets physiques. Afin d'exploiter pleinement ces phénomènes dans des circuits réalistes et d'obtenir différentes fonctionnalités sur une seule puce, l'intégration des résonateurs optomécaniques est obligatoire. Ici nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour la réalisation de systèmes intégrés et hétérogènes comportant des cavités à cristaux photoniques bidimensionnels au-dessus de guides d'ondes en silicium-sur-isolant. La réponse optomécanique de ces dispositifs est étudiée et atteste d'un couplage optomécanique impliquant à la fois les mécanismes dispersifs et dissipatifs. En contrôlant le couplage optique entre le guide d'onde intégré et le cristal photonique, nous avons pu varier et comprendre la contribution relative de ces couplages. Cette plateforme évolutive permet un contrôle sans précédent sur les mécanismes de couplage optomécanique, avec un avantage potentiel dans des expériences de refroidissement et pour le développement de circuits optomécaniques multi-éléments pour des applications tels que le traitement du signal par effets optomécaniques. / Optomechanical systems, in which the vibrations of a mechanical resonator are coupled to an electromagnetic radiation, have permitted the investigation of a wealth of novel physical effects. To fully exploit these phenomena in realistic circuits and to achieve different functionalities on a single chip, the integration of optomechanical resonators is mandatory. Here, we propose a novel approach to heterogeneously integrated arrays of two-dimensional photonic crystal defect cavities on top of silicon-on-insulator waveguides. The optomechanical response of these devices is investigated and evidences an optomechanical coupling involving both dispersive and dissipative mechanisms. By controlling optical coupling between the waveguide and the photonic crystal, we were able to vary and understand the relative strength of these couplings. This scalable platform allows for unprecedented control on the optomechanical coupling mechanisms, with a potential benefit in cooling experiments, and for the development of multi-element optomechanical circuits in the frame of optomechanically-driven signal-processing applications.
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