Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] JURISDICTION"" "subject:"[enn] JURISDICTION""
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Protection against torture in international lawKgosietsile, Madume 08 October 2015 (has links)
This limited scope dissertation deals with the protection against torture in international law. The mechanisms which have been established over the years to protect individuals against torture are analysed. The principles of international customary law dealing with torture and the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) have been examined against the failure by States to honour their obligations under the Treaty and other legal normative rules. This required deep exploration of the definition of torture and how States can compromise the rule of law by manipulating the definition of torture as contemplated by the Treaty or other instruments. Examples from the former US government highlight the ways in which domestic laws can be used and are continued to be used to allow the use of torture. Measures by South Africa in joining the international community in the fight against torture are also discussed as a case study. While all efforts have been made by the South African system to adopt desirable frame works on the protection of individuals against torture, the lack of education on torture remains the down fall of the system. The dissertation clearly explains that universal jurisdiction applies in respect of torture and this is recognised by both treaty law and customary law. Indeed despite all the current measures in place the use of torture persists. The research clearly reveals that countries hide behind their own laws to perpetrate acts of torture. It is then recommended that proper implementation of the legal structures, informed of the objectives of the structures, is essential in completely eradicating torture. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LLM
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The crimes committed by UN peacekeepers in Africa: a reflection on jurisdictional and accountability issuesKalwahali, Kakule 27 June 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates both substantive and procedural issues pertaining to allegations of crimes committed by UN peacekeepers in three African countries, Somalia, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Under the current UN Model Status-of-Forces Agreements, criminal jurisdiction over peacekeepers rests with their sending States. However, although the UN has no criminal jurisdiction, it has been the Office of Internal Oversight Services that has conducted investigations. It is argued that every Status of Force Agreement and every Memorandum of Understanding should contain specific clauses obligating Troop-Contributing Countries to prosecute and the UN to follow-up.
If rape, murder, assault, and any other crimes by UN peacekeepers go unpunished, the message sent to the victims is that peacekeepers are above the law. Rape is the most commonly committed crime by peacekeepers, but is usually considered as an isolated act. The procedural issue of prosecuting peacekeepers is investigated in order to establish whether troops can be caught under the ambits of the criminal law of the Host State to hold UN troops criminally accountable for their acts. The laws relative to the elements of each crime and the possible available defences under the three Host States, and the criminal law of South Africa as a Troop-Contributing Country, are discussed. The apparent lack of prosecution is investigated and existing cases of prosecution discussed. Alternatives to the unwillingness by States with criminal jurisdiction under the Status of Forces Agreement or under the Memorandum of Understanding are considered. Considering the current rules related to crimes committed by peacekeepers, the argument put forward is that crimes by peacekeepers must be dealt with completely and transparently though a Convention aiming at barring Troop-Contributing Countries who do not meet their obligations under international law from participating in future operations of peace.
This thesis, furthermore, suggests a tripartite court mechanism to fill the lacunae in the law relating to the prosecution of peacekeepers. It considers the issues of reserving jurisdiction over peacekeepers to the Troop-Contributing Countries which are reluctant to prosecute repatriated alleged perpetrators. The victims’ importance in criminal proceedings and their their right to a remedy are highlighted. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.D.
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Developing an appropriate adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South AfricaNyenti, Mathias Ashu Tako 28 June 2013 (has links)
Developing an adjudicative institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa entails the establishment of a system that gives effect to the rights (of access) to social security and to justice. These rights are protected in the Constitution and in various international law instruments. In the Constitution, the Bill of Rights guarantees everyone the right to have access to social security, including appropriate social assistance for persons who are unable to support themselves and their dependants. It further requires the State to take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realisation of the right to access to social security. Since a dispute resolution (adjudication) framework is an integral part of any comprehensive social security system, it is included in the constitutional obligation of the State. The establishment of a social security adjudication system is an intersection of the right of access to social security and the right of access to justice. The Constitution states that everyone has the right to have any dispute that can be resolved by the application of law decided in a fair public hearing before a court or, where appropriate, another independent and impartial tribunal or forum.
In addition, other rights protected in the Constitution have a bearing on the realisation of the rights of access to social security and to justice. There is a close correlation between all the rights in the Bill of Rights, as they are interrelated, interdependent and mutually supporting. They must all be read together in the setting of the Constitution as a whole and their interconnectedness must be taken into account in interpreting rights; and in determining whether the State has met its obligations in terms of any one of them. These rights, which include the right to equality (section 9), the right to human dignity (section 10) and the right to just administrative action (section 33) must thus be considered in establishing a social security adjudication system. Also to be considered are other constitutional prerequisites for the establishment of a social security adjudication system, such as the limitation and enforcement of rights (sections 36 and 38 respectively); principles relating to courts and the administration of justice (Chapter 8) and basic values and principles governing public administration (Chapter 10).
In establishing a social security adjudication system in South Africa, international law standards and developments in comparative systems must also be taken into account. The Constitution adopts an international law- and comparative law-friendly approach. It states that when interpreting fundamental rights, international law must be considered while foreign law may be considered (section 39).
This thesis aims to develop an adjudicative and institutional framework for effective social security provisioning in South Africa that realises the rights of access to social security and to justice in the South African social security system. This is achieved by exploring the concept of access to justice, and its application in the social security adjudication system. The current social security adjudication system is evaluated against the concept of access to justice applicable in international and regional law instruments, comparable South African (non-social security) systems and comparative international jurisdictions. Principles and standards on the establishment of a social security adjudication system are distilled; and a reformed system for South Africa is proposed. / Mercantile Law / LL.D.
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A comparative review of legislative reform of electronic contract formation in South AfricaSnail, Sizwe 09 May 2016 (has links)
Electronic contracts in the new technological age and electronic commerce have brought about world-wide legal uncertainty. When compared to the traditional paper-based method of writing and signing, the question has arisen whether contracts concluded by electronic means should be recognised as valid and enforceable agreements in terms of the functional equivalence approach.
This study will examine the law regulating e-commerce from a South African perspective in contrast to international trends and e-commerce law from the perspective of the United States. The research investigates various aspects of contract formation such as time and place, validity of electronic agreements, electronic signatures, attribution of electronic data messages and signatures, automated transaction as well as select aspects of e-jurisdiction from a South African and United States viewpoint. / Mercantile Law / LLM
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The role of customary courts in the delivery of justice in South SudanMuseke, Vicent 09 1900 (has links)
This study examines the role of customary courts in the delivery of justice in South Sudan. In
doing so, it analyses the legal background, the hierarchy and composition of the customary
courts. The considerations behind the constitutional recognition of the customary law courts in
the current constitutional dispensation and the jurisdiction of customary courts are limited to
customary matters and only criminal cases with a customary interface. It is noted that the
customary Judges do not only exercise judicial functions but also play executive and legislative
functions which contravene the constitutional principle of separation of powers. Reconciliation
and compensation are noted as the major principles applied in the customary law courts. The
major concern is that most practices in the customary law courts violate fundamental human
rights. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LLM
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國際解決投資爭端中心管轄權問題及其改革之研究-兼論WTO納入投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之展望 / A Study of Jurisdiction and Reform of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, with a Discussion of the Prospects for Inclusion of investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the WTO徐耀浤, Hsu, Yao Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文先自投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之發展背景介紹起,並論述1966年生效的ICSID公約主要條款與其他國際投資協定的關係,其後則進一步從ICSID管轄權角度切入,對ICSID對人(ratione personae)及對物(ratione materiae)管轄權相關法律問題逐一說明,並輔以個案加以研析之。
經過上述分析後,本文繼而對現行投資人與地主國投資爭端解決機制提出評論,在制度面方面,本文對ICSID未來運作提出放寬對物管轄範圍、檢討投資未予定義之作法、雙重國籍認定及外國控制的程度與形式等四項改革建議。此外,本文亦針對ICSID管轄權與BITs最惠國待遇條款問題、BITs不同的爭端解決機制所引發程序衝突問題,以及仲裁判斷衝突(conflicting award)問題,說明ICSID公約與BIT所產生之一些法律問題。在未來展望方面,則分析在多邊投資架構是否為解決現階段投資人與地主國爭端解決機制之新契機,以及WTO納入投資人與地主國爭端解決條款之可能性分析,本文末並對我國政府與廠商現階段利用ICSID機制提出建議。 / While the inexorable trend towards globalization has caused international direct investment to grow dramatically, it has also led to a steady increase in the number of investment disputes. International investors therefore eagerly look forward to the institution of an effective and impartial international investment dispute resolution mechanism. Although Taiwan, through its many years of economic development, has become a major source of foreign investment, surveys show that Taiwan firms are not good at using international arbitration to protect their rights and interests in investment disputes. This study accordingly analyzes the investor-State dispute settlement provisions in international investment agreements(IIAs) in an effort to provide concrete, practical strategies for the government of Taiwan in international negotiations and for Taiwanese firms in their foreign investment. Since there is already extensive research literature addressing investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms, this study focuses on the jurisdiction of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Dispute(ICSID) under the aegis of the World Bank in 1965.
This study first introduces investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms and their development. Next, the study discusses the main provisions of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID Convention) came into force on 1966 and its relationship to other IIAs. The study then explains the various legal issues connected with ICSID’s jurisdiction ratione personae and ratione materiae, and finally, analyzes specific cases.
The results of the aforementioned analysis are employed to critique existing investor-State investment dispute settlement mechanisms. This study makes four system-related recommendations, namely that the ICSID convention should: 1) liberalize the scope of ICSID’s subject-matter jurisdiction; 2) review undefined investment methods; 3) recognize dual nationalities; and 4) reform the degree and circumstances of foreign control. This study further discusses legal problems related to the ICSID Convention and bilateral investment treaties (BITs), including conflicting awards, procedural conflicts stemming from different dispute settlement forum in BITs, and problems involving ICSID's jurisdiction and most-favored nation(MFN) provisions in BITs. As for future prospects, the study analyzes whether the current multilateral investment framework can resolve the problems of the current investor-State dispute settlement mechanism, and examines the possibility of incorporating investor-State dispute settlement mechanism in the WTO. This study concludes with recommendations concerning how the government and companies of Taiwan can use the ICSID mechanism at the current stage.
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論涉外民事事件中當事人之法庭地選擇與法院之拒絕管轄林玠鋒, Lin ,Chieh Feng Unknown Date (has links)
由於國際間目前有關國際裁判管轄權之規定尚未統一,各國確立國際民事管轄權之原則或基礎不同,因此,同一涉外案件,有二個或二個以上之國家主張其享有國際裁判管轄權,為甚為常見之情形。本文於第二章即說明了國際裁判管轄權之競合與衝突之問題,其最終之目的係在避免國際私法上之裁判矛盾發生,以促進裁判一致之理想。解決國際裁判管轄權潛在衝突之切入點,應是各國基於公共利益與當事人利益,致力於確立公平、合理之管轄權規則,避免過剩管轄之現象發生,預先防範國際管轄權實質衝突之發生,減少當事人不當挑選法院(forum shopping)之機會。解決國際間重複起訴(即管轄權實質衝突之問題)之切入點,係各國基於當事人之利益(避免當事人重複應訴、避免判決牴觸導致跛行之法律關係)與國際協調之整體利益(促進國際交易之安全與圓滑、促進訴訟經濟),對於已經發生之管轄權實質衝突,於事後採取必要之處理,法院得拒絕行使管轄權、駁回訴訟或停止訴訟(如我國民事訴訟法第一百八十二條之二之規定係採取停止訴訟之方式)。對於此等管轄權之衝突問題,除以國際公約之方式尋求解決外,承認國際裁判管轄之合意與法院之拒絕管轄權限,亦可發揮避免管轄權衝突之功能。
第四章關於法院之拒絕管轄方面,本文主要以英美法上之「不便利法庭原則」作為論述對象,並與美國法上之「正當法律程序分析」與日本法上之「特別情事原則」作一分析與比較。不便利法庭原則賦予法院拒絕管轄之權,可說係對於原告挑選法院(forum shopping)的一種制衡手段,亦可某程度減少過剩管轄之發生,調和管轄權衝突之問題。然而,不便利法庭原則本身並非剛性規則,而係委由法院自由裁量;若無合理、具體之標準,在適用上將欠缺明確性與預見可能性。不便利法庭原則在美國實務已有高度之發展,然美國在確定是否有國際裁判管轄權時,一方面極力擴大本國之管轄權,另一方面又限制本國法院行使管轄權之權限,自我修正此種過度管轄問題。本文認為,若在檢討國際裁判管轄權之有無時即採取較為限縮的態度,並輔以利益衡量之方式運用裁量權,則承認不便利法庭原則之必要性,即有斟酌餘地。
於探討當事人之法庭地選擇與法院之拒絕管轄問題後,本文於第五章進一步說明其二者間之適用關係為何。在國際裁判管轄之合意與不便利法庭原則之適用上,二者間究竟孰為優先,容有爭議。從國際私法與國際民事訴訟法上「普遍主義」之精神觀之,各國之裁判機關應立於世界一體性之立場,以確保國際私法交流之圓滑與安全為目的,並基於國際間之協力而分擔、發揮國際上民商事案件之裁判功能,則內國法院對於外國當事人所為之「授與管轄權」之合意,應隨著國際趨勢承認之,並行使管轄權。從國際裁判管轄合意之功能性分析之,國際裁判管轄合意具有固定法廷地(forum fixing)之機能,解決管轄權規則不可避免之法律上衝突與矛盾;若減少管轄權規則之衝突,則同一事件重複起訴之情形亦能避免,對於當事人之程序利益之追求,對於國際間裁判矛盾之防止,均有裨益。因此,國際裁判管轄之合意應優先尊重,合意管轄之法院不宜適用不便利法庭原則以拒絕管轄。
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Technologies de prescription informatisée et transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautairesMotulsky, Aude 01 1900 (has links)
L’amélioration de la qualité de l’utilisation des médicaments dans les soins primaires est devenue un enjeu crucial. Les pharmaciens communautaires se présentent comme des acteurs centraux dans l’atteinte de cet objectif, en réclamant une extension de leur rôle. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment les technologies de prescription informatisée (eRx) influencent la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires.
Le premier article présente les résultats d’une étude de cas qui aborde la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires à partir du concept de professionnalisation. Elle propose un modèle logique des influences d’une technologie de eRx sur cette professionnalisation, élaboré à partir de la typologie de Davenport. Ce modèle logique a été validé en interviewant douze pharmaciens communautaires participant à un projet pilote typique de technologie de eRx. A partir des perceptions des pharmaciens communautaires, nous avons établi que la technologie était susceptible de soutenir la professionnalisation des pharmaciens en passant par cinq mécanismes : la capacité analytique, l’élimination des intermédiaires, l’intégration, l’automatisation et la diffusion des connaissances.
Le deuxième article analyse les perturbations induites par les différentes fonctions des technologies de eRx sur la stabilité de la juridiction des pharmaciens communautaires, en se basant sur un cadre de référence adapté d’Abbott. À partir de trente-trois entrevues, avec des praticiens (médecins et pharmaciens) et des élites, cette étude de cas a permis de décrire en détail les influences des différentes fonctions sur les modalités d’action des professionnels, ainsi que les enjeux soulevés par ces possibilités. La perturbation principale est liée aux changements dans la distribution des informations, ce qui influence les activités de diagnostic et d’inférence des professionnels. La technologie peut redistribuer les informations relatives à la gestion des médicaments autant au bénéfice des médecins qu’au bénéfice des pharmaciens, ce qui suscite des tensions entre les médecins et les pharmaciens, mais aussi parmi les pharmaciens.
Le troisième article présente une revue systématique visant à faire une synthèse des études ayant évalué les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération sur la gestion des médicaments dans les soins primaires. Cette revue regroupe dix-neuf études menées avec des méthodes observationnelles. Les résultats rapportés révèlent que les technologies sont très hétérogènes, le plus souvent immatures, et que les effets ont été peu étudiés au-delà des perceptions des utilisateurs, qui sont mitigées. Le seul effet positif démontré est une amélioration de la qualité du profil pharmacologique accessible aux professionnels, alors que des effets négatifs ont été démontrés au niveau de l’exécution des prescriptions, tels que l’augmentation du nombre d’appels de clarification du pharmacien au prescripteur. Il semble donc que l’on en connaisse peu sur les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération.
Ces trois études permettent de constater que les nouvelles technologies de eRx peuvent effectivement influencer la transformation du rôle du pharmacien communautaire en perturbant les caractéristiques des prescriptions, et surtout, l’information et sa distribution. Ces perturbations génèrent des possibilités pour une extension du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires, tout en soulignant les défis intra et interprofessionnels associés à l’actualisation de ces possibilités. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats soulignent que les perturbations associées aux technologies de eRx dépassent les éléments techniques du travail des utilisateurs, pour englober de multiples perturbations quant à la nature même du travail et du rôle des professionnels. Les décideurs et acteurs impliqués dans le déploiement des technologies de eRx auraient avantage à prendre en compte l’ensemble de ces considérations pour rapprocher les effets observés des bénéfices promis de ces technologies. / The quality of medication use in primary care needs to improve: this has become a crucial issue. Community pharmacists want to play a key role in meeting this objective and are calling for an expanded role. The main objective of this thesis is to better understand how electronic prescription (eRx) technologies are influencing the transformation of the role played by community pharmacists.
The first article presents results from a case study on the transformation of the community pharmacists’ role, based on the concept of professionalization. It proposes a logical model of how an eRx technology influences this professionalization, developed from the Davenport typology. The logical model was validated by interviewing twelve community pharmacists participating in a typical pilot project involving an eRx technology. Based on the perceptions of community pharmacists, we have determined that there are five mechanisms by which the technology is likely to support the professionalization of pharmacists: analytic capacity, the elimination of intermediaries, integration, automation and the dissemination of knowledge.
The second article analyzes the disturbances produced by the various functions of eRx technologies on the jurisdiction of community pharmacists, based on an adaptation of Abbott’s model. Using data from 33 interviews with practitioners, physicians and pharmacists, as well as elite members of these two professions, this case study provides a detailed description of how different functions influence professionals’ modalities of action, as well as the issues raised by these possibilities. The primary disturbance is associated with changes in the distribution of information, which can influence the diagnostic and inference activities of professionals. The technology may redistribute information on the management of medication to the benefit of both physicians and pharmacists, and this creates tensions, not only between physicians and pharmacists but also among pharmacists.
The third article presents a systematic review that synthesized studies assessing the impacts of second-generation eRx technologies on the management of medication in primary care. It examined 19 studies that applied observational methods. The findings reveal that the technologies are very heterogeneous and often far from mature, and that their effects received little attention beyond the perceptions of users, which were mixed. The only positive impact shown is an improvement to the quality of the pharmacological profile available to professionals. Negative impacts touched on the execution of prescriptions, such as a greater number of calls from pharmacists to prescribers to clarify information. It would therefore appear that little is known about the impacts of second-generation eRx technologies.
These three studies allow us to conclude that new eRx technologies may well influence how the role of the community pharmacist is being transformed, specifically by disturbing the characteristics of prescriptions and, above all, information and its distribution. These disturbances generate opportunities for extending the role of community pharmacists, while underscoring the intra and interprofessional challenges associated with their realization. Overall, our results suggest that the disturbances associated with eRx technologies go beyond technical aspects of users’ work, to include multiple disturbances of the very nature of the professionals’ work and role. The decision makers and actors involved in deploying eRx technologies would be well advised to take all these considerations into account to bring the observed effects of these technologies more in line with their promised benefits.
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Vznik manželství / Formation of marriageKlivandová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the constitution of marriage legal regulation in the new Civil Code and the relating legislation. Primarily, it deals with the concept and the purpose of marriage, along with the moment of its constitution and, it outlines alternative forms of entering into marriage. The thesis further analyses the difference between the civil and religious marriage. The major chapter is devoted to entering into marriage with an international jurisdiction conflict because the number of marriages between Czech citizens with foreigners continues to increase. It becomes more frequent that the Czech citizens enter into marriage abroad. At the end, the causes and consequences of the putative marriage and the invalidity of the entering into marriage are examined.
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L'émergence d'une juridiction administrative moderne : le conseil de préfecture de la Gironde : (an VIII - IIème République) / The emergence of a modern administrative jurisdiction : the Council of prefecture of the Gironde : (Year VIII – Second Republic)Viudès, Philippe 25 January 2013 (has links)
Le 17 février 1800, la création du Conseil de préfecture, contemporaine de celle du Conseil d’Etat moderne, marque un tournant dans l’histoire de la justice administrative en France. Pourtant, malgré le renouveau de l’histoire du droit administratif depuis une quarantaine d’années, le Conseil de préfecture reste le plus souvent considéré comme ne faisant partie que de la préhistoire de la juridiction administrative moderne. L’image du Conseil de préfecture est celle d’un organe administratif à peu près inutile, d’un simple bureau de contentieux composé de juristes de second ordre inféodés au préfet. La récurrence de ces jugements soulève une réelle interrogation scientifique qui ne pouvait être utilement abordée que par l’étude du fonctionnement concret de cette institution. Ainsi, l’exploration de l’histoire du Conseil de préfecture de la Gironde, dans sa praxis quotidienne, permet de vérifier si, malgré les carences de la loi du 28 pluviôse an VIII, sa fondation a ou non marqué l’émergence d’une juridiction administrative moderne dans ce département. / On February 17, 1800, the creation of the Council of prefecture, contemporary of that of the modern Council of State, marks a turning point in the history of administrative justice in France. However, despite the revival of the history of the administrative law in the last forty years, the Council of prefecture is remains most often regarded as belonging to the prehistory of modern administrative jurisdiction. The Council of prefecture is viewed as a virtually useless administrative organ, as a simple legal department composed of second class lawyers paying allegiance to the prefect. The recurrence of these judgments raises a real scientific interrogation which could usefully approached by the study of the concrete function of this institution. Thus, the exploration of the history of the Council of prefecture of the Gironde, in its daily praxis, allows the verification if, despite the deficiencies of the Law of the 28 pluviôse, year VIII, its foundation has or not marked the emergence of a modern administrative jurisdiction in this department.
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