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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le traitement juridictionnel du crime de génocide et des crimes contre l'humanité commis au Rwanda

Fall, Astou 13 October 2014 (has links)
Le génocide des Tutsi du Rwanda est singulier au regard des génocides du XXème siècle. Il l’est par le nombre de ses victimes, par sa rapidité, ses modes d’exécution et surtout par le nombre de ses auteurs. Ce sont plus d’un million de Rwandais (Hutu) qui ont pris part directement aux massacres. La sanction de ces crimes de masse dans une société en quête de reconstruction soulevait d’innombrables difficultés notamment dans l’appréhension d’une criminalité collective en termes de responsabilité individuelle. L’ampleur et le paroxysme atteint dans ce drame a nécessité un traitement spécifique. Trois instances de justice ont été activées de manière concomitante : les juridictions classiques rwandaises (relayées par des juridictions coutumières dites Gacaca), le Tribunal international créé par le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et enfin les juridictions nationales étrangères en application du principe de la compétence universelle. L’intérêt scientifique de notre démarche réside justement dans l’étude de ce traitement juridictionnel multiniveaux. Deux questions se posent : quelle est la pertinence de ce modèle de justice 20 ans après le drame rwandais ?Quel bilan provisoire peut-on tirer de tous les jugements rendus par ces différentes juridictions ? / The Tutsi genocide in Rwanda is singular in consider genocides of the XXth century. It is true by the number of victims, the speed and methods of implementation and, above all the number of the authors. These are more than one million Rwandan (Hutu) who participated directly in the massacres. Punishment of the massive crimes in a society in search of reconstruction, run into problems of group crime and individual responsibility. The scale and the speak of human tragedy needed specific treatment. Rwandan ordinary courts (replace by customary Courts called Gacaca), International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (created by United Nations Security Council) and lastly, national foreign jurisdictions are also begin simultaneously in application of the principle of universal jurisdiction. The interest of our scientific approach lies in the study of multilevel constitutionalism. This raises two obvious questions: What is the relevance of this justice model twenty years after the Rwandan tragedy? What has been the interim review of all the judgments handed down by the different jurisdictions?

Seguro y responsabilidad patrimonial de la administración: los problemas del aseguramiento de la responsabilidad civil de las administraciones públicas y sus soluciones jurídicas

Arquillo Colet, Begoña 23 March 2007 (has links)
Seguro y Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración presenta un detallado estudio del derecho de seguros y de la responsabilidad de la Administración Pública por las acciones y omisiones de funcionarios en la prestación de servicios públicos. Su objetivo es ilustrar cómo el seguro trabaja en el ámbito de la Administración Pública. La tesis se divide en tres partes y combina la exposición con el análisis crítico. En la primera parte, la tesis analiza brevemente el contrato de seguro y proporciona argumentos económicos para defender que el seguro es socialmente más beneficioso en Administraciones Públicas pequeñas que en Administraciones totalmente solventes. En la segunda parte, la tesis doctoral proporciona soluciones a los problemas que surgen entre la Ley de Contrato de Seguro y la regulación de la responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública. Finalmente, examinamos estas soluciones en un particular contexto: el seguro de responsabilidad civil por mala praxis médica que proporciona protección en el caso de que actos negligentes den lugar a algún daño o lesión a los pacientes en el ámbito de la Administración Pública. / Seguro y Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración presents a detailed examination of the law of insurance and the Liability of Public Administration for the actions and omissions of civil servants in the provision of public services. Its objective is to illustrate how insurance works in the Public Administration. The thesis is divided into three parts and combines exposition with critical analysis. In the first part, the thesis briefly analyzes the insurance contract and provides economic arguments that the insurance is more socially beneficial in small Public Administrations than completely solvent Administrations. In the second section, the doctoral thesis provides solutions to the problems between Spanish law of insurance contracts and the regulation of Liability of Public Administration. Finally, we examine these solutions in a particular context: the medical malpractice liability insurance that provides protection in case of acts of malpractice that result in harm or injury to patients in the Public Administration.

Defining the crime of aggression : cutting the Gordian knot ?

Turner, Allison 04 1900 (has links)
Le crime d'agression se veut etre un des quatre crimes internationaux sous la juridiction de la CPI. Lorsque les delegues a la Conference de Rome n'eurent point atteint de consensus sur une definition du crime, celui-ci resta, depuis, indefini en droit. En consequence, la CPI n'aura juridiction pour entendre des causes portant sur le crime d'agression qu'une fois la definition sera adoptee par l'Assemblee des Etats Parties au plus tot en 2009. Ce memoire traite trois problematiques liees au crime d'agression : la question de la responsabilite penale individuelle, le role du Conseil de securite de l'ONU, et les parametres du crime en tant que tel. La responsabilite penale individuelle est analysee, inter alia, du point de vue du principe des sources du droit international. Quant al'eventuelle implication du Conseil de securite dans le champ de competence de la CPI sur le crime d'agression, l'auteure soutient tel que suit: Si le Conseil de securite se voit accorde un pouvoir plus large que celui dont il est presentement dote en vertu des articles 13(b) et 16 du Statut de Rome, chaque membre permanent aura un veto sur toute situation d'agression qui serait autrement portee devant la Cour. Ceci aura pour consequence de politiser la CPI en ce qui a trait au crime et rendra hypothethique toute definition eventuelle. Si la definition est bien con9ue et redigee, on fait valoir, qu'il n' est point necessaire de limiter davantage la competence de la CPI. Les parametres de la definition du crime proposes par l'auteure sont etablis selon les conclusions d'une analyse des notions composantes de l'agression. L'essentiel du concept se veut un recours illegal et non-necessaire qui constitue une rupture ala paix. Amoins qu'il ne soit exerce en « legitime defence» ou en vertu d'un mandat du Chapitre VII, Ie recours ala force constitue prima facie une agression et s'il est suffisamment grave, il s'agira d'un crime d'agression. Ce memoire termine avec un projet de definition du crime d'agression en vue d'avancer Ie discours vers un consensus sur ces problematiques majeures. Non seulement est-il possible d'arriver aun consensus sur la definition, croit l'auteure, mais nous sommes plus que jamais al'aube d'y parvenir. / The crime of aggression is one of the four international crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC. When delegates at the Rome Conference were unable to agree on the content of a definition, the crime was left undefined. As a result, the ICC can only begin prosecuting individuals for the crime of aggression once a definition is adopted by the Assembly of States Parties in 2009, at the earliest. This thesis examines three issues associated with the crime of aggression: the question of individual criminal responsibility, the role of the UN Security Council and the general scope of the definition of the crime of aggression itself Individual criminal liability is reviewed, inter alia, from the perspective of international sources doctrine. Regarding the role of the Security Council in relation to the crime of aggression, the author concludes: if the Security Council is vested with more powers than it already has under Articles 13(b) and 16 of the Rome Statute, each permanent member will have a veto over any situation of aggression that might otherwise be brought before the Court. This would result in a complete politicization of the ICC and render moot any future definition of the crime of aggression. If a definition for the crime of aggression is properly conceived and constructed, it is argued, there is no need to further limit the Court's exercise of jurisdiction. The author proposes general parameters for the scope ofthe definition based on conclusions reached in the analysis of the conceptual components of aggression. At its essence, the act of aggression is the unnecessary, unlawful use of force which constitutes a breach ofthe peace. Unless employed in "self-defence" or under a Chapter VII mandate, the use offorce constitutes prima facie an act of aggression, and if it is sufficiently grave, a crime ofaggression. This thesis concludes with a working definition ofthe crime of aggression to promote dialogue and ultimately a consensus on these core issues. Not only is a definition is within reach, the author believes, we are closer to it than we ever have been before. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des Études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LL.M. en Maîtrise en droit Option recherche"

Technologies de prescription informatisée et transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires

Motulsky, Aude 01 1900 (has links)
L’amélioration de la qualité de l’utilisation des médicaments dans les soins primaires est devenue un enjeu crucial. Les pharmaciens communautaires se présentent comme des acteurs centraux dans l’atteinte de cet objectif, en réclamant une extension de leur rôle. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment les technologies de prescription informatisée (eRx) influencent la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires. Le premier article présente les résultats d’une étude de cas qui aborde la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires à partir du concept de professionnalisation. Elle propose un modèle logique des influences d’une technologie de eRx sur cette professionnalisation, élaboré à partir de la typologie de Davenport. Ce modèle logique a été validé en interviewant douze pharmaciens communautaires participant à un projet pilote typique de technologie de eRx. A partir des perceptions des pharmaciens communautaires, nous avons établi que la technologie était susceptible de soutenir la professionnalisation des pharmaciens en passant par cinq mécanismes : la capacité analytique, l’élimination des intermédiaires, l’intégration, l’automatisation et la diffusion des connaissances. Le deuxième article analyse les perturbations induites par les différentes fonctions des technologies de eRx sur la stabilité de la juridiction des pharmaciens communautaires, en se basant sur un cadre de référence adapté d’Abbott. À partir de trente-trois entrevues, avec des praticiens (médecins et pharmaciens) et des élites, cette étude de cas a permis de décrire en détail les influences des différentes fonctions sur les modalités d’action des professionnels, ainsi que les enjeux soulevés par ces possibilités. La perturbation principale est liée aux changements dans la distribution des informations, ce qui influence les activités de diagnostic et d’inférence des professionnels. La technologie peut redistribuer les informations relatives à la gestion des médicaments autant au bénéfice des médecins qu’au bénéfice des pharmaciens, ce qui suscite des tensions entre les médecins et les pharmaciens, mais aussi parmi les pharmaciens. Le troisième article présente une revue systématique visant à faire une synthèse des études ayant évalué les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération sur la gestion des médicaments dans les soins primaires. Cette revue regroupe dix-neuf études menées avec des méthodes observationnelles. Les résultats rapportés révèlent que les technologies sont très hétérogènes, le plus souvent immatures, et que les effets ont été peu étudiés au-delà des perceptions des utilisateurs, qui sont mitigées. Le seul effet positif démontré est une amélioration de la qualité du profil pharmacologique accessible aux professionnels, alors que des effets négatifs ont été démontrés au niveau de l’exécution des prescriptions, tels que l’augmentation du nombre d’appels de clarification du pharmacien au prescripteur. Il semble donc que l’on en connaisse peu sur les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération. Ces trois études permettent de constater que les nouvelles technologies de eRx peuvent effectivement influencer la transformation du rôle du pharmacien communautaire en perturbant les caractéristiques des prescriptions, et surtout, l’information et sa distribution. Ces perturbations génèrent des possibilités pour une extension du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires, tout en soulignant les défis intra et interprofessionnels associés à l’actualisation de ces possibilités. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats soulignent que les perturbations associées aux technologies de eRx dépassent les éléments techniques du travail des utilisateurs, pour englober de multiples perturbations quant à la nature même du travail et du rôle des professionnels. Les décideurs et acteurs impliqués dans le déploiement des technologies de eRx auraient avantage à prendre en compte l’ensemble de ces considérations pour rapprocher les effets observés des bénéfices promis de ces technologies. / The quality of medication use in primary care needs to improve: this has become a crucial issue. Community pharmacists want to play a key role in meeting this objective and are calling for an expanded role. The main objective of this thesis is to better understand how electronic prescription (eRx) technologies are influencing the transformation of the role played by community pharmacists. The first article presents results from a case study on the transformation of the community pharmacists’ role, based on the concept of professionalization. It proposes a logical model of how an eRx technology influences this professionalization, developed from the Davenport typology. The logical model was validated by interviewing twelve community pharmacists participating in a typical pilot project involving an eRx technology. Based on the perceptions of community pharmacists, we have determined that there are five mechanisms by which the technology is likely to support the professionalization of pharmacists: analytic capacity, the elimination of intermediaries, integration, automation and the dissemination of knowledge. The second article analyzes the disturbances produced by the various functions of eRx technologies on the jurisdiction of community pharmacists, based on an adaptation of Abbott’s model. Using data from 33 interviews with practitioners, physicians and pharmacists, as well as elite members of these two professions, this case study provides a detailed description of how different functions influence professionals’ modalities of action, as well as the issues raised by these possibilities. The primary disturbance is associated with changes in the distribution of information, which can influence the diagnostic and inference activities of professionals. The technology may redistribute information on the management of medication to the benefit of both physicians and pharmacists, and this creates tensions, not only between physicians and pharmacists but also among pharmacists. The third article presents a systematic review that synthesized studies assessing the impacts of second-generation eRx technologies on the management of medication in primary care. It examined 19 studies that applied observational methods. The findings reveal that the technologies are very heterogeneous and often far from mature, and that their effects received little attention beyond the perceptions of users, which were mixed. The only positive impact shown is an improvement to the quality of the pharmacological profile available to professionals. Negative impacts touched on the execution of prescriptions, such as a greater number of calls from pharmacists to prescribers to clarify information. It would therefore appear that little is known about the impacts of second-generation eRx technologies. These three studies allow us to conclude that new eRx technologies may well influence how the role of the community pharmacist is being transformed, specifically by disturbing the characteristics of prescriptions and, above all, information and its distribution. These disturbances generate opportunities for extending the role of community pharmacists, while underscoring the intra and interprofessional challenges associated with their realization. Overall, our results suggest that the disturbances associated with eRx technologies go beyond technical aspects of users’ work, to include multiple disturbances of the very nature of the professionals’ work and role. The decision makers and actors involved in deploying eRx technologies would be well advised to take all these considerations into account to bring the observed effects of these technologies more in line with their promised benefits.

商業方法軟體專利之研究 / Subject Matter Problems and Extraterritorial infringement with Patent on Methods of Doing Business

吉玉成, Jyi, Yuh-Cherng Unknown Date (has links)
自美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院於一九九八年State Street Bank一案,肯認商業方法軟體得為法定之專利標的後,全球之金融業、電腦業與網路公司莫不尋求以專利作為保護其商業方法之武器,商業方法專利申請之案件遂絡繹而來。惟商業方法軟體是否得為專利之標的,至今美國學界仍有爭議而見解不一,日本專利局係採與美國專利局相同之立場,然歐洲專利局目前似仍採否定見解。對此一議題,我國已有相當文獻討論,並均採肯定之見解。惟並未對何以可專利性之理由詳予闡述,至於專利侵害之問題,亦未就我國法深入分析。 本文擬自比較法之觀點,分析美國實務運作及學界之論述、歐洲發明專利公約及專利局實務之見解、日本法之規定與特許廳之意見,汲取其中之經驗與見解以為借鏡。第二章首先就商業方法軟體加以定義,並探究現今商業方法軟體之架構及其特殊性,以作為專利標的適格性分析之基礎。第三章分析商業方法軟體之施以專利保護,對產業與實務造成之影響。包括實務所面臨的困難﹙如先前技術資料庫之建立、審查人員之訓練、法院面臨之困難等﹚,及我國軟體產業應如何調適。第四章係探討商業方法軟體之專利標的適格性分析,依次分析美國法之規定與學說實務之見解、歐洲專利公約與專利局之立場、日本特許法之規定與特許廳之態度,以及國內學說實務之見解,並由我國專利法之立法意旨與商業方法軟體架構之特殊性,論述商業方法軟體在現今軟體發展之架構下,應非發明專利保護之標的,另亦就我國智慧財產局所公布之「電腦軟體相關發明專利審查基準」,加以探討並提出個人淺見,並摘錄智慧財產局已核准若干商業方法軟體專利之個案,加以分析。第五章自發明專利保護要件之觀點,探究商業方法軟體專利保護之問題。第六章則自美國法之觀點,分析商業方法軟體於網際網路上,所發生之跨國界專利侵害問題,並試從國際私法之角度,處理此類問題。最後,於第七章提出個人對商業方法軟體專利之淺見,並就我國現行專利制度提出未來保護方向之建議,以為結論。

Die Effektivität des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs : die Rolle der Vereinten Nationen und des Weltsicherheitsrates /

Heilmann, Daniel. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 2006. / Material type: Dissertations. Includes bibliographical references (p. 283-317).

Sobre a motivação da sentença no processo civil: Estado constitucional democrático de direito, discurso justificativo e legitimação do exercício da jurisdição / About the motivation of the judgment in civil proceedings: Democratic constitutional State of law, justificative discourse and legitimation of the exercise of jurisdiction

Francesco Conte 01 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho, plasmado em metodologia jurídica, reflete criticamente sobre o problema da motivação da sentença civil como elemento de organização e de funcionamento do Estado Constitucional Democrático de Direito. A motivação é condição essencial de jurisdicionalidade, no sentido de que sem motivação não há exercício legítimo da função jurisdicional. O trabalho faz uma abordagem da natureza da motivação como discurso justificativo, jurídico e racional, da validade dos critérios de escolha ou de valoração empregados pelo juiz em sua decisão. O raciocínio do juiz é apresentado sob dupla feição: raciocínio decisório interno (contexto de descoberta ou deliberação) e raciocínio justificativo externo (contexto de justificação ou de validação). O conjunto das funções técnico-instrumental (endoprocessual) e político-garantística (extraprocessual) é objeto de investigação. A motivação, nos planos teórico e prático, exerce também a função de garantia do garantismo processual. A tese da inexistência jurídica da sentença tem três eixos teóricos: omissão total da motivação gráfica; falta de motivação ideológica, equiparada à hipótese de ausência de motivação gráfica; incompatibilidade lógica radical entre as premissas ou entre as premissas e a conclusão final, que também equivale à ausência total de motivação. O trabalho retrata um modelo de injustiça atemporal vivificado pelo juiz Crono, oposto à motivação como inestimável fator de legitimação argumentativa da jurisdição. A obrigatoriedade de motivação pública é o traço característico da jurisdição de nossa contemporaneidade e representa a maior conquista civilizatória do processo équo e justo. / This work, shaped in juridical methodology, critically reflects on the problem of motivation of civil judgment as an element of organization and functioning of the Democratic Constitutional State of Law. Motivation is an essential condition of jurisdiction, in the sense that without motivation there is no legitimate exercise of the jurisdictional function. The work makes an approach to the nature of motivation as a justificative discourse, juridical and rational, of the validity of choice or valuation criteria employed by the judge in its decision. The reasoning of the judge ispresented in double feature: internal decision-making reasoning (context of discovery or deliberation) and external justificative reasoning (context of justification or validation). The set of the technical-instrumental function (endoprocedural) and the political-rights assurance function (extraprocedural) is object of investigation. Motivation, in the theoretical and practical levels, also exerts the function of guarantee of the procedural right assuring mechanism. The thesis of the juridical validity of the judgment has three theoretical axes: total omission of the graphical motivation; lack of ideological motivation, equated to the hypothesis of nonexistence of the graphical motivation; radical logical incompatibility between the premises or between premises and the finalconclusion, which is also equivalent to the total lack of motivation. The work depicts a model of timeless injustice vivified by the judge Crono, opposite to the motivation as an invaluable factor of argumentative legitimacy of jurisdiction. Mandatory public motivation is the characteristic feature of the jurisdiction of our times and represents the greatest civilizing conquest of equal and fair proceeding.

La responsabilité pénale internationale des chefs d’état pour les crimes les plus graves qui touchent la communauté internationale / The international criminal responsibility of heads of state for the most serious crimes affecting the international community

Bassel, Mohammad 17 January 2014 (has links)
Le statut du chef de l'État et des gouvernants, qui n'était déjà plus un obstacle insurmontable aux poursuites judiciaires depuis le droit de Nuremberg, apparaît désormais comme un bastion menacé. Les principes classiques du droit international comme l'immunité des chefs d'État, la sauvegarde de la fonction représentative et la souveraineté de l'État permettaient aux gouvernants d'échapper à toute poursuite pénale. Le droit international, qui s'analysait simplement comme un droit interétatique, a connu de profondes mutations. Ce droit ne se limite plus aux seuls États : de nouveaux sujets comme de nouveaux domaines de compétence émergent. Les individus ont ainsi pris une place de plus en plus importante dans le droit international avec des préoccupations d'humanité afin de prévenir les atrocités qu'a déjà connues le monde à l'occasion de différents conflits armés. La responsabilité du chef de l'État n'est dès lors plus une affaire d'ordre interne, mais bien également d'ordre international, avec l'émergence d'une nouvelle branche du droit international : le droit pénal international. Les nouvelles tendances du droit pénal international, marquées par l'exigence croissante de répression des crimes les plus graves, s'opposent désormais à la conception classique de l'immunité qui a longtemps triomphé dans l'ordre juridique international et visent à atténuer la raison d'État. Ce mouvement part de la conception selon laquelle « on ne saurait plus accepter l'idée même d'immunité lorsqu'il est commis un crime qui ébranle les fondements mêmes de la communauté internationale et révolte la conscience de tous les hommes ». Cette prise de conscience de l'incompatibilité entre immunités et droits de l'homme se manifeste à travers l'évolution de la protection internationale des droits de l'homme favorable à une « immunisation » du régime des immunités des gouvernants, organes de l'État coupables de violations graves du droit international. En dépit de quelques réticences, la responsabilité pénale du chef de l'État est aujourd'hui une réalité qui mérite d'être universellement approuvée et soutenue. / The status of the Head of State and governments, which was already no longer an insurmountable obstacle to prosecution since Nuremberg law, has emerged as a threatened bastion. The traditional principles of international law as the immunity of Heads of State, the protection of the representative function and state sovereignty allowed the rulers to escape criminal prosecution. International law, which is simply analyzed as an interstate law, has undergone profound changes. This right is no longer limited only to States: new topics as new emerging areas of competence (areas of competence or fields of jurisdiction). Individuals have taken an increasingly important role in the international law with the concerns of humanity to prevent atrocities which the world has already known on the occasion of various armed conflicts. The responsibility of the Head of State is therefore no longer a matter of a domestic order, but also an international one, with the emergence of a new branch of international law: international criminal law. New trends in the international criminal law, marked by the increasing demand for dealing with the most serious crimes, henceforth oppose to the classical conception of immunity that has prevailed for a long time in the international legal order, and aim at reducing the State cause. This movement starts from the idea according to which "we can no longer accept the idea of immunity when a crime is committed that undermines the very foundations of the international community and revolts the conscience of all mankind." This awareness of the incompatibility between immunities and human rights is developed through the evolution of the international protection of human rights in favor of "immunization" of the regime of immunities of rulers, State bodies responsible for serious violations of international Law. Despite some misgivings, the criminal responsibility of the Head of State is a reality that should be universally endorsed and supported.

L'exploitation des ressources halieutiques dans les eaux internationales : équité et protection de l'environnement

Wanda Koumga, Francine Josiane 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The role of the Supreme Court in the development of constitutional law in Ghana

Bimpong-Buta, S. Y., 1940- 01 February 2005 (has links)
The theme running through this dissertation is intended to prove that the Supreme Court has a role to play in the promotion, enforcement and sustenance of a proper democratic system of government, good governance and fundamental human rights and freedoms in Ghana. The Study would therefore address the role of the Supreme Court in the development of Constitutional Law in Ghana, with particular emphasis on the court's contribution to the underlying concepts of the Fourth Republican Constitution of 1992; the guiding principles of constitutional interpretation and the vexed issue of whether the court should adopt a mechanical and literal approach to the interpretation of the Constitution or adopt a liberal, beneficent and purposive approach. The Supreme Court has asserted in the locus classicus decision: Tuffuor v Attorney-General [1980] GLR 637 that the 1979 Constitution as the supreme law, must be construed as a living political document capable of growth. Is there any evidence now to support that claim? The study shall also investigate the question of the power of the Supreme Court to review legislative and executive action. We shall also examine the role of the Supreme Court in the interpretation and enforcement of the Constitution and Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms in relation to the rights and obligations of the individual and the State with the view to achieving good governance. The 1992 Constitution itself is founded on the premise that there are limitations to the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and freedoms. What is the extent of such limitations as determined by the Supreme Court? What has been the Supreme Court's contribution to the sustenance of political stability and democratic governance and, especially, in matters relating to coup d'etats and to enforcement of the Constitution itself as distinct from the enforcement of fundamental human rights and freedoms? Has the Supreme Court power to enforce the Constitution and the existing law where there is proven case of injustice and illegality? Has the Supreme Court power to enforce Directive Principles of State Policy as formulated in chapter 6 of the 1992 Ghana Constitution? / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

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