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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台北市公立幼稚園教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A Study on the use of information resources of kindergarten teachers in Taipei

許修嬋, Hsu, Hsiu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國出生率逐年遞減,少子化的現象普遍存在,家長及社會對於幼兒的教育十分重視,幼教老師在教學實施上備受壓力;而網路與科技媒體的蓬勃發展,更促使幼教老師必須重新思考教學的方式。教師如要運用教學媒體教授幼兒知識,須具備一定的資訊素養,懂得從各種管道尋獲教學資源。 / 本研究針對台北市公立幼稚園教師進行研究,期瞭解幼兒教師的資訊尋求行為概況;探討教師如何利用圖書館和網路資源準備教學;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長;並瞭解幼教老師利用Blog的經驗。透過問卷調查和深度訪談來瞭解幼教老師利用資訊資源於教學上之概況。 / 研究發現,台北市公立幼稚園教師仍以女性教師為主,大部分教育程度在大學以上,年齡則以41~50歲居多,教師教學經驗豐富,六成的教師已從事教學達15年以上。高達92.5%的教師會使用網際網路,教師具有中上的資訊素養能力,且學歷較高和新進教師的教師具有較高的資訊素養。教師使用多種管道找尋合適的資源與媒體以支援教學,並將其評估、處理成為教材。在找尋資源時會考量資訊的正確性與方便性。 / 關於利用圖書館資源準備教學方面:教師至圖書館的目的為找尋教學相關資源;使用校內圖書室和台北市立圖書館找尋教學資源;使用繪本和影音資料為主。在利用網路資源協助教學上:教師利用網路資源準備教學;應用網路多媒體協助教學實施;參與網路社群分享教學資源及經驗;藉由網路平台紀錄教學活動;與家長進行親師溝通。而利用資訊資源進行專業成長上教師透過閱讀獲取專業知識;利用網路資源自我學習,並進行個人知識管理。此外,教師亦會運用Blog搜尋教學資源、分享教學經驗、整理學生學習歷程檔案、建置幼稚園網頁、記錄教學與整理教師教學檔案及建置個人Blog。 / 最後建議:(1)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與線上讀書會與成長團體,精進個人之專業知識;辦理各式資訊素養研習以提昇教師的資訊素養能力;委託相關單位編製資源示意圖協助教師準備教學;建置幼教專業知識共享平台,便於教師找尋及取得資源、整理個人教學知識,持續進行個人專業成長。(2)幼稚園圖書室應與鄰近圖書館合作並共享資源;協助教師充分利用圖書館資源準備教學。(3)幼稚園教師應充分利用資訊資源支援教學活動、進行終身學習;積極參與網路社群,利用Blog等網路平台與家長共同指導幼兒。 關鍵字:幼稚園教師;資訊尋求行為;教師專業成長;部落格 / This research focused on the utilization of information resources of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei. The purpose is to reveal the information seeking behaviors of kindergarten teachers, such as how the teachers use the library and internet resources to prepare for teaching; how teachers use the information resources to upgrade teachers' professional development; and the use of Blog. The study applies the questionnaire and in-depth interview to find out how the kindergarten teachers use the information resources. / According to this study, most of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei are female, hold bachelor degree, and the majority of them are about forties to fifties. Teachers are well experienced. Ninety two point percent teachers are able to use internet, most teachers are well equipped with information literacy. / Finally, suggestion were made as follows: (1) The Department of Education, Taipei City Government should encourage teachers to participate the online reading club and growth group for enhancing professional development; conducting all kinds of information literacy courses, compiling the pathfinders and setting up professional portal for professional growth. (2) The kindergarten library should cooperate with the neighboring libraries to share resources, and play the important role in assisting teachers using information resources. (3) Kindergarten teachers should learn how to utilize the information resources widely for supporting the teaching and achieve the life-long learning; participating in internet communities to upgrade their professional knowledge and core competences; and use the Blog and other social software to instruct kids with their parents together. Keywords:Kindergarten Teachers;Information Seeking Behavior;Teachers' professional development;Blog

教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度之相關性研究 / A study of relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teacher reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes

王令彥, Wang, Ling Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度之關係,主要研究對象為台北縣市公私幼稚園教師及該班五足歲幼兒。首先了解教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度及幼兒閱讀態度之現況,並進一步分析教師個人變項在教師閱讀態度及幼兒背景變項在幼兒閱讀態度得分上之差異情形;而後分別探討教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度間的相關性,並分析教室閱讀環境及其構面與教師閱讀態度對幼兒閱讀態度之交互作用的情形。 研究依據文獻探討之結果自編「幼稚園教室閱讀環境問卷」與改編「教師閱讀態度問卷」,並以Saracho所發展之「幼兒閱讀態度量表」做為研究工具,並利用問卷調查法來收集資料。問卷回收後,使用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe法事後比較、Tamhane’s T2檢定法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、二因子變異數分析來分析,研究結果如下: 壹、 幼稚園之幼兒有良好的閱讀態度,女童閱讀態度較男童閱讀態度來的正向。 貳、 幼稚園教師普遍較有正向的閱讀態度,有閱讀習慣的教師較沒有閱讀習慣的教師有正向的閱讀態度。 參、 教室閱讀環境普遍良好,構面中「閱讀互動」的得分最高。 肆、 教室閱讀環境及其構面「閱讀空間及資源」、「閱讀課程與活動」與幼兒閱讀態度負相關。推測可能原因在於教師知覺與幼兒感受上的落差,使得教師認為已經提供了良好的閱讀環境,但孩子本身沒有從中獲得協助或樂趣,因此產生教室閱讀環境良好,但幼兒閱讀態度卻不佳的情況。 伍、 教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度沒有相關。 陸、 「教師閱讀態度」與「閱讀空間及資源」對幼兒閱讀態度有交互作用,當教師的閱讀態度較負向,閱讀課程與活動越好時,幼兒閱讀態度會越負向。 研究針對統計結果進行分析與討論,並對幼稚園教師及未來相關研究提供建議,期待能對幼兒閱讀態度在學校中的培養有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study was to (1) understanding the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes;(2)explore the data of teachers reading attitudes between influencing factors and of young children reading attitudes between different backgrounds;(3)analyze the relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes;(4)the relationship between teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes (5)explore the total scores and sub-scores of the kindergarten classroom reading environments × teacher reading attitudes interaction. A total of 72 teachers and 292 five-year-old young children from kindergartens (both public and private schools) participated in this study in Taipei. To accomplish purposes of this study, the methods adopted were a questionnaire and measured the scales by the constructs:“The Kindergarten Classroom Reading Environments Scale”, “The Teacher Reading Attitudes Scale”, and “The Preschool Children Reading Attitudes Scale”. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Cronbach α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analyses, T-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe posteriority, Tamhane’s T2 posteriority Pearson’s correlation analysis and two way ANOVA through the use of SPSS12.0 for windows. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Young children in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. Girls possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did boys. 2. The teachers in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. The teachers who had reading habits possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did those didn’t have reading habits. 3. The kindergarten classroom reading environments are good, and especially in the aspect of reading interaction. 4. The kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes were statistically significantly negative relationship. 5. The teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes won’t statistically significantly relationship. 6. The results showed significant outcomes for reading curriculum and activities × teacher reading attitudes interaction.

Förskolepedagogikens framväxt : Pedagogisk förändring och dess förutsättningar, ca 1835-1945 / The Birth of Early Childhood Education : Pedagogical changes in Swedish Early Childhood care and education programs, 1835-1945

Westberg, Johannes January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation contributes to the study of educational change and the conditions thereof. During the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, Swedish early care and education (ECE) programs underwent a comprehensive transformation as formal instruction was supplanted by early childhood education. My analysis of this transformation utilizes a comparatively long time-frame, an organizational historical perspective, and archival material from 44 ECE societies. It focuses on three types of ECE programs: infant schools, day nurseries, and kindergartens. Since philanthropic societies organized such programs, this study’s results are also of interest to the history of philanthropy. Early childhood education was established through a selection and adaptation process in which existing ECE programs were closed or changed as new ones were established. My investigation demonstrates that this occurred on the basis of the conditions in which individual ECE programs operated. Factors that stand out in this regard are the debate concerning infant schools, the funding of ECE programs, and the expansion of the mandatory elementary education system, together with changes in the dissemination of ideas about education and the establishment of municipal regulations. How these conditions contributed to educational change constitutes the substance of the dissertation. The results of this dissertation deepen our knowledge of the finances of ECE programs, their organizational niche, and their relations with municipal authorities. This study questions the significance for educational change within these programs that has been attributed to the growth of a romantic conception of childhood. It provides a new picture of the role of the kindergarten movement in this regard and ascribes to day nurseries a previously unobserved role in educational change. This dissertation thereby contributes to a revision of recurrent assumptions concerning educational change and of the connection between such change and general societal or ideological structures.

Early Childhood Educators' Perception of Oregon's Professional Development System: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study

Anderson, Ingrid Mari 04 December 2014 (has links)
Since 2011, the state of Oregon has embarked on a comprehensive educational policy change to create a unified birth to twenty educational system. As part of the birth to age five early childhood and family investment strategy, mandated participation in Oregon professional development system is required for all early childhood educators working in Office of Child Care licensed programs. To date, research on early childhood educators' experience in professional development systems has focused primarily on experiences with regulatory systems. This hermeneutic phenomenological study explored how four early childhood educators made meaning of their experiences of professional engagement in Oregon's state professional development system. As a researcher-participant, I conducted a two-part interview with these early childhood educators. First, we revisited the experience of the professional development journey in collage, followed by narrative semi-structured interviews. The researcher employed Dahlberg's (2006) concept of "bridling the experience" (p. 16) as a way to develop an understanding of early childhood educators' professional practice and the intersection between practice and professional engagement in Oregon's professional development system for childhood care and education. The collage and narrative dialogues illuminated the essence of each individual's experience. Experiences such as the intersection of personal professional self, acts of professional engagement, and the emotional nature of participants' work all emerged from the collage and interview process. Three essential themes emerged from the data interpretation and discussion, namely, (a)Personal and Professional Self: Intertwining Personal Experience and Professional Identity, (b)Curves Ahead: Maneuvering Rivers, Roads, and Paths, and (c)The Journey and the System are Asynchronous: "You Guys Figure that Out, Good Luck." Through the emergence of essential themes, participants demonstrated that their experiences while unique also shared common characteristics of what it means to be an early childhood educator in Oregon living with policy in the classroom. It is now the turn of policy makers and program managers of Oregon's professional development system to recognize the strength and wisdom of the voices in the early childhood classroom.

Play interventions supporting the social and emotional development of preschool children with externalizing emotional and behavioral difficulties : A systematic literature review from 2000 to 2017

Albrecht, Lena January 2017 (has links)
The number of preschool children displaying externalizing emotional and behavioral difficulties is constantly increasing. At the same time, these children often lack social and emotional skills as well. Even though more and more children display this noticeable behavior and preschool teachers are constantly reporting being overwhelmed with these children’s behavior in preschool, a high number of children do not receive any support or intervention. Play provides appropriate means to support children’s social and emotional development as play has a significant importance in young children’s development. The aim of this systematic literature review is to get a better understanding through previous research on which play interventions have been found to facilitate the social-emotional development in preschool children with externalizing emotional and behavioral difficulties. Six studies with six different play-oriented interventions have been identified through this review. The results show that all interventions had either positive outcomes on the social-emotional development or show a decrease in emotional or behavioral difficulties. The factors which have been found as facilitating to these outcomes were use of play, intervention setting, awareness of others, involvement of licensed professionals, a safe environment and culturally and ethnically representative toys. This review provides a comprehensive overview on effective play-based interventions in preschool setting. However, further research is needed to examine individual environmental, familial and participation factors as well as specific training for preschool teachers. / Die Zahl der Kindergarten Kinder mit externalisierenden sozial und emotionalen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten steigt permanent an. Gleichzeitig zeigen diese Kinder oft ein Defizit in sozialen und emotionalen Kompetenzen. Obwohl die Anzahl der Kinder mit diesen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten immer weiter ansteigt und auch Erzieher/Innen immer wieder darauf hinweisen, dass sie mit dem Verhalten der Kinder überfordert sind, erhalten viele Kinder keine Förderung. Spiel bietet einen angemessenen Ansatz, um Kinder in ihren sozial-emotionalen Kompetenzen zu unterstützen. Es ist bewiesen, dass Spiel eine signifikant positive Auswirkung auf die sozial-emotionale Entwicklung von Kindern hat. Das Ziel dieser systematischen Literaturanalyse ist es ein besseres Verständnis über bereits bestehende spielorientiere Förderangebote und deren Auswirkung auf die sozial-emotionale Entwicklung von Kindergarten Kindern mit externalisierenden sozial-emotionalen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten zu erhalten. Sechs Studien mit sechs unterschiedlichen spielorientierten Förderangeboten wurden während der Analyse identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass alle Förderangebote entweder positive Auswirkungen auf die sozial-emotionale Entwicklung hatten oder sozial-emotionale Verhaltensauffälligkeiten reduziert wurden. Fördernde Faktoren auf die Auswirkungen der Angebote waren die Anwendung von Spiel, der Rahmen, in der das Angebot stattgefunden hat, das Bewusstsein der Anwesenheit anderer, die Einbindung von geschulten Fachleuten, eine sichere Umgebung und die Anwendung von kulturell und ethnisch repräsentativem Spielzeug. Diese Analyse gibt einen umfassenden Überblick von spielorientierten Förderangeboten, die im Kindergarten umsetzbar sind. Es besteht jedoch ein Bedarf an weiterer Forschung, die individuelle Aspekte aus der Umwelt, der Familie und der Teilhabe der Kinder berücksichtigt. Außerdem ist es von Bedeutung, dass Erzieher/Innen die Möglichkeit für eine bessere Schulung bekommen, um mit den Verhaltensauffälligkeiten der Kinder besser umgehen zu können.

The development of L2 emergent literacy in Hong Kong kindergarten children

Chan, Lydia L. S. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores the development of emergent literacy in Hong Kong Kindergarten children who are learning English as a Second Language (L2). Two interrelated empirical studies have been conducted, and both aim to examine the contribution of code-related and oral language skills to predicting early L2 reading ability, controlling for home influences. The majority of research on emergent literacy has been conducted on First-Language (L1) English-speaking children, and it is possible that these established concepts and models could also be relevant to L2 children. The first is a 2-year longitudinal study examining the continuity of L2 emergent literacy development in Hong Kong children from Kindergarten to early Primary school. The convenience sample of 51 children were initially assessed in their final or penultimate year of Kindergarten (mean age: 4;6 SD = 6.16) on 3 emergent literacy measures (receptive vocabulary, phonological awareness, letter identification) and a non-verbal cognitive measure. They later progressed onto the Primary section of the same school, and were assessed again as first or second-graders (mean age: 6;4 SD = 6.21) on a more comprehensive battery of measures. An extensive parental questionnaire on family demographics and the home literacy environment was also administered. In addition to assessing a wide range of L2 emergent literacy skills and English word reading ability, a Chinese syllable deletion task was also included, to explore the potential effects of cross-linguistic phonological transfer between the children’s L1 (Cantonese) and L2 (English). The second study sought to improve upon the first by selecting a larger, more representative sample of children from 3 bilingual Kindergartens in the Kowloon City School District. It examines the concurrent relationships between emergent literacy skills and L2 word reading ability in 137 children. They were all in their final year of Kindergarten (mean age: 5;2 SD = 5.61), and were assessed once on largely the same battery of measures as Study 1 (Time 2). Again, a non-verbal cognitive measure was administered, as well as the parental questionnaire on home support for language development. The main data analysis was carried out via multivariate statistical techniques such as multiple regression. Further analysis was conducted using structural equation modelling in Study 2, but in a cautious and exploratory manner. The overall findings suggest that like the L1 emergent literacy model, early L2 word reading ability is predominantly influenced by children’s code-related skills, especially print knowledge and phonological sensitivity. Also, the relationship between oral language and word reading seems to be mediated by code-related skills. Thus, while oral language abilities do not appear to make substantial direct contributions to early L2 reading, they do play an essential albeit indirect role. Furthermore, L2 children’s home influences seem to make their strongest impact before formal schooling begins, again in the form of indirect effects on pre-school oral language skills. In short, the development of emergent literacy and early word reading skills is similar in many ways for both L1 and L2 children, and implications for practice are considered.

Évaluation des éléments facilitants et des barrières à l’implantation d’un programme d’éducation à la nutrition Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait tels que perçus par les enseignants du préscolaire

Tremblay, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à évaluer les éléments facilitants et les barrières à l’implantation du programme d’éducation à la nutrition Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait, développé par les Producteurs laitiers du Canada (PLC), auprès d’enseignants du préscolaire provenant de six régions du Québec et ayant reçu un atelier de formation animé par une diététiste des PLC. Elle vise également à connaître le degré d’implantation et la fidélité du programme ainsi que son appréciation, son utilisation et sa pertinence. Après une moyenne de 5 mois d’implantation, un questionnaire auto-administré a été complété par 37 enseignants (N = 86, 43 %), dont 10 utilisateurs (27 %) et 27 non-utilisateurs (73 %). Puis, des groupes de discussion ont eu lieu avec 13 enseignants (N = 170, 8 %). En moyenne, 11,4 activités sur 30 ont été réalisées (38 %), dont 6,3 telles quelles (55 %) et 5,1 modifiées (45 %), et les enseignants ont rapporté avoir l’intention de refaire 6,1 activités (54 %). L’implantation du programme a été facilitée ou limitée par différentes caractéristiques des enseignants, par l’appréciation de son contenu et son format, par sa pertinence concernant les exigences pédagogiques au préscolaire, la réalité des élèves et des parents et les objectifs d’apprentissages en nutrition, par le milieu scolaire, familial et communautaire ainsi que par la crédibilité et le support des PLC. Plusieurs de ces facteurs sont à la fois des éléments facilitants et des barrières. Les résultats obtenus aideront à ajuster ce programme et guider le développement et l’évaluation de programmes similaires. / This study aims to assess the facilitating conditions and barriers to the implementation of Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait nutrition education program, develop by the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), with preschool teachers, from six regions of Québec, who assisted a workshop delivered by a dietitian from DFC. It also seeks to know the degree of implementation and fidelity of the program and its assessment, its use and relevance. Following an average of five months of implementation, a self-administered questionnaire was completed by 37 teachers (N = 86, 43 %), 10 users (27 %) and 27 non-users (73 %). Then, focus groups were held with 13 teachers (N = 170, 8 %). On average, 11.4 out of 30 activities have been carried out (38 %), including 6.3 as planned (55 %) and 5.1 modified (45 %), and teachers reported that it intends to repeat 6.1 activities (54 %). Implementation of the program was facilitated or limited by various characteristics of teachers, the assessment of its content and its format, its relevance to the educational requirements for preschool, the reality of pupils and their parents and objectives in nutrition learning, at school, in their family and community as well as the credibility and support of the DFC. Many of those factors are both facilitating conditions and barriers. The results will help to adjust the program and guide the development and evaluation of similar programs.

Relations parents-enfant et fonctions exécutives des enfants à l’âge de l’entrée scolaire : l’importance des pères

Hertz, Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études empiriques ont démontré que la qualité des relations parent-enfant est importante pour le développement des fonctions exécutives (FE) des enfants. Cependant, la majorité des études ont porté sur des échantillons de mères ou de pères, mais non des deux. Le présent mémoire contient un article empirique qui poursuit deux buts. Premièrement, l’article a examiné la contribution unique de la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant avec leur bambin (toddler) à la prédiction des FE en milieu scolaire. Deuxièmement, l’article a investigué les effets d'interactions entre la qualité des relations mère-enfant et père-enfant. L’étude a été menée auprès de 46 familles intactes (mère-père-enfant). Lorsque les enfants avaient 18 mois, la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant a été mesurée par observation de séquences indépendantes de jeu avec le Mutually Responsive Orientation scale. À la maternelle, les problèmes exécutifs des enfants furent rapportés par le professeur à l’aide du Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Les résultats indiquent que les enfants qui ont des interactions de meilleure qualité avec leur père à 18 mois sont ensuite considérés par leur professeur de maternelle comme ayant moins de déficits exécutifs. Cela suggère que la relation père-enfant peut être un facteur important à considérer en ce qui concerne le développement des FE des enfants. Les implications théoriques et empiriques ainsi que les implications pratiques, notamment celles concernant les professeurs, sont abordées lors de la conclusion de ce mémoire. / There is increasing evidence that the quality of parent-child relationships is important for the development of young children’s executive functioning (EF). However, studies have focused on samples of either mother-child or father-child dyads, not both. The present master’s thesis includes an empirical article pursuing two aims. First, the article examined the unique contributions of the quality of mothers’ and fathers’ interactions with their toddlers to the prediction of children’s subsequent EF in kindergarten. Second, the article investigated the interactive effects of mother-child and father-child relationships. The sample included 46 families. The quality of mother-child and father-child interactions was assessed independently during separate interactive sequences at 18 months. In kindergarten, child EF problems were reported by their teachers with the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Results indicated that kindergarteners who had higher-quality interactions with their fathers in toddlerhood were considered by their teachers to present fewer EF problems in everyday school situations. This suggests that father-child relationships may be an important factor to consider regarding the development of EF in children. Theoretical and empirical implications as well as practical implications, particularly for teachers, are discussed at the conclusion of this master’s thesis.

Možnosti využití multimediálních prvků výuky v předškolním vzdělávání / Possibilities of using multimédia elements in teaching pre-school education

Bušek, Kamil January 2015 (has links)
The thesis discusses the current phenomenon of ICT penetration in kindergarten. The author at first take into account the broader context of the issue of changing the role of educator role in postmodern society. After that discusses the process and organizational incorporation of selected courses aimed at training teachers in kindergartens in the area of ICT. The first chapter concludes with a broader, related to the use of ICT focused, analysis of intergenerational differences that determine the further development of educational policy and requirements for the education of children. The second chapter focuses on the issue of school readiness of a child, in particular a close look at the psychological profile of the individual according to his age and development of cognitive function in preoperative stage. It is therefore a basis with which to be reckoned with in the revision of existing knowledge and increased demands on the educational component of pre-school preparation. It is also pointed to specific foreign studies that deal with the question of the effectiveness of the involvement of ICT in teaching preschool children. There is also a look back at criticism of current threats called as digital degeneration. In the third chapter are answered three hypotheses and also concluded whether a...

Jak se učit v přírodě a přírodou / How to study in the countryside and be tought by nature

Šrámková, Monika Nikol January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis is focused on specific topic called "How to be influenced by nature in a learning process - let the nature teach ourselves". In the first part of the thesis there are mentioned the first attempts trying to connect nature into the educational system and the history of this principle applied abroad and in our country. The main research is interested in activities undertaken in countryside during pre-school and school teaching as well as children's leisure time. The empirical part is casuistry capturing the main image of newly established school Zeměkvítek showing the way how children's learning and perceiving is affected by being in the nature during school and pre-school teaching. The results of the practical part shows that lessons in an outdoor environment contribute positively on development of children's learning. On the bases of SWOT analysis it can be stated that there is high possibility that ZŠ Zeměkvítek will develop and gain more members.

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