Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KINDERGARTEN"" "subject:"[enn] KINDERGARTEN""
1341 |
In Search of Understanding Children's Engagement with Nature and their Learning Experiences in One Urban Kindergarten ClassroomGhafouri, Farveh 21 August 2012 (has links)
Considering the context of large city schools, this study explores what variables in a kindergarten classroom may impact the process of children’s engagement with nature. In particular I examine the central role of children and teacher in co-constructing their own unique understanding, knowledge, and attitude towards the natural world. In this study, I examine nature-child’s connection considering the complexity of nature beyond a pre-packaged concept (Louv, 2007) and avoiding a linear identification of a cause and effect relationship between children’s learning experiences and nature, (Kellert, 2005).
This qualitative case study is based on extensive classroom observations, in which 20 kindergarten children and their teacher participate. The children’s direct, indirect, and vicarious experiences with nature are documented using digital photography, video-audio recording, and collection of artifacts. I interview the classroom teacher two times and invite the parents to fill up a questionnaire about their children’s experiences with nature outside the school time. I use the techniques and procedure of the grounded theory to analyze the data.
A comparative analysis of the five learning episodes demonstrates four major factors that when all woven together encourage and sustain the children’s engagement with nature. These factors are: investigating children’s meaningful and autotelic questions, encountering and experiencing nature in familiar contexts, developing emotional bonding, and having sufficient time. The findings show the crucial role of the classroom teacher in creating five main conditions to engage the children in the process of each inquiry. She offers the children many opportunities to use their prior skills and knowledge, take responsibility of their own learning, and experiment with learning as a process. She often responds positively to the children’s learning endeavours and communicates her high confidence and expectations for them.
This study makes an important contribution to the field of early childhood education and environmental education by demonstrating the possibilities and challenges in actively and holistically engaging children with nature in school settings. The findings shed light on our understanding of children and teacher’s sense of ownership and motivation as two driving forces of learning.
1342 |
澳門非高等教育教師延續培訓政策取向研究 / Study of policy directions of teacher's continuing education for non-tertiary schools in Macao楊鳳玲 January 1999 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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澳門幼稚園教師工作滿足感之現況研究 / Study on job satisfaction of Macao kindergarten teachers譚筱娟 January 2001 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
1344 |
In Search of Understanding Children's Engagement with Nature and their Learning Experiences in One Urban Kindergarten ClassroomGhafouri, Farveh 21 August 2012 (has links)
Considering the context of large city schools, this study explores what variables in a kindergarten classroom may impact the process of children’s engagement with nature. In particular I examine the central role of children and teacher in co-constructing their own unique understanding, knowledge, and attitude towards the natural world. In this study, I examine nature-child’s connection considering the complexity of nature beyond a pre-packaged concept (Louv, 2007) and avoiding a linear identification of a cause and effect relationship between children’s learning experiences and nature, (Kellert, 2005).
This qualitative case study is based on extensive classroom observations, in which 20 kindergarten children and their teacher participate. The children’s direct, indirect, and vicarious experiences with nature are documented using digital photography, video-audio recording, and collection of artifacts. I interview the classroom teacher two times and invite the parents to fill up a questionnaire about their children’s experiences with nature outside the school time. I use the techniques and procedure of the grounded theory to analyze the data.
A comparative analysis of the five learning episodes demonstrates four major factors that when all woven together encourage and sustain the children’s engagement with nature. These factors are: investigating children’s meaningful and autotelic questions, encountering and experiencing nature in familiar contexts, developing emotional bonding, and having sufficient time. The findings show the crucial role of the classroom teacher in creating five main conditions to engage the children in the process of each inquiry. She offers the children many opportunities to use their prior skills and knowledge, take responsibility of their own learning, and experiment with learning as a process. She often responds positively to the children’s learning endeavours and communicates her high confidence and expectations for them.
This study makes an important contribution to the field of early childhood education and environmental education by demonstrating the possibilities and challenges in actively and holistically engaging children with nature in school settings. The findings shed light on our understanding of children and teacher’s sense of ownership and motivation as two driving forces of learning.
1345 |
Blending Worlds, Reforming Practice?: An Instrumental Case Study Of Collaborative Early Childhood Teacher EducationMickelson, Ann Marie 01 January 2013 (has links)
Collaborative models of teacher education have grown from the belief that through such models we can improve the quality and availability of truly inclusive opportunities for children with diverse abilities and their families. Little is known however as to the extent collaborative models are capable of influencing inclusive service delivery or in terms of their efficacy to impact the relative inclusive practice of their graduates as compared to other models of teacher education. As an important first step toward examining the relative worth and efficacy of collaborative models of early childhood teacher education, this case study applied a conceptual framework derived from activity systems theory (Engeström, 1987; 1999) and the recommended research framework for investigation into collaborative models (Pugach & Blanton, 2009) to consider one such teacher education program as a system. Doing so offers the literature a description of one program's parameters of practice and efforts to produce effective, inclusive teachers and leaders through a collaborative approach; something that was previously lacking in the literature base. Working to understand how this teacher education program operates as a system helped characterize the parameters of practice specific to collaborative program dimensions. Elements of harmony and tension as well as cultural tools specific to the program's attempts to meet its object and ultimate outcome per activity theory were also identified. Finally, case study analysis of this particular program through the conceptual framework provided insight related to current and future efforts of collaborative early childhood teacher education and broader teacher education reform
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The Identification of Variables and Factors Related to PreService Teacher Candidates' Passing a State Teacher Certification Examination at an HBCUFrizzell, Melanie 06 January 2014 (has links)
This study sought to examine the outcome of teacher education candidates’ performance on a state content exam. Seventeen participants from the class of 2012 were identified for the study of which 12 participants fully participated in the study.
This study utilized data collected from the participants through the Teacher Quality Enhancement Subcontract Grant Summer/Fall/Spring 2011-2012 Workshop Series held at the private HBCU. The research design used a QUAN- QUAL-QUAN to triangulate the data through three methods of data collection: GACE early childhood education (ECE) data, GACE ECE survey questionnaire and class of 2012 member interviews. The first QUAN correlations were run on the 17 participants. The survey instrument (qualitative and descriptive statistical constructs) was completed by 12 participants. The last QUAN correlations were run on the 12 participants who completed the survey instrument. Correlation analysis was used to determine if a significant relationship existed between the independent variables (Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), American College Testing (ACT), high school grade point average (HSGPA), grade point average prior to preservice teaching (GPAPST), cumulative grade point average (CGPA), number of failed attempts test # 001, number of failed attempts test # 002) and dependent variables (GACE ECE test # 001 pass or fail, GACE ECE test # 002 pass or fail, exam first time pass or fail). Descriptive statistical analyses were extrapolated from the selected Likert scaled items collected from the survey instrument to test selected research questions.
The findings from the survey items related to program quality for the participants’ mean was 3.05 (n =12) on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. The findings from the survey items related to motivation for the participants’ mean was 4.35 (n=12) on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. A limitation was the total participants that were available for the case study of majors for the degree in the class of 2012 (n = 17). Correlation analyses revealed a statistically significant relationship between first time pass or fail and number of failed attempts on #001; first time pass or fail and number of failed attempts on #002; test failures after first attempt on test #001 and SAT; test failures after first attempt on test #002 and SAT; program quality and GPAPST; first time pass or fail rate and perception of program quality. Recommendations for future studies include a concentrated study from public and private HBCUs and or minority serving institutions with teacher preparation programs enrolling more than 30 candidates of color in their graduating classes.
1347 |
Προσεγγίζοντας την παιδική σκέψη μέσω της "Κοινωνικο-πολιτισμικής, ιστορικής προσέγγισης" : μία ανίχνευση νοητικών παραστάσεων παιδιών νηπιαγωγείου για τα σύννεφαΦραγκιαδάκη, Γλυκερία 30 April 2014 (has links)
Βασισμένη στην «κοινωνικό- πολιτισμική, ιστορική προσέγγιση» η παρούσα έρευνα συνιστά μια προσπάθεια αξιοποίησης θεωρητικών εργαλείων και μεθοδολογικών αρχών από το συγκεκριμένο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο κατά την ερευνητική διαδικασία της ανίχνευσης παραστάσεων παιδιών νηπιαγωγείου σε σχέση με τα σύννεφα. Τα επιμέρους ερευνητικά ερωτήματα που τίθενται αφορούν στο πώς αντιλαμβάνονται τα παιδιά του νηπιαγωγείου τα σύννεφα, πώς συγκροτούν τις σχετικές νοητικές τους παραστάσεις και πώς διαχειρίζονται, αναδομούν, μετασχηματίζουν τις παραστάσεις αυτές σε διαφορετικές κοινωνικές περιστάσεις. Δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν δέκα έξι (16) μαθητές δημόσιου νηπιαγωγείου αστικής περιοχής της περιφέρειας Δυτικής Ελλάδας. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων έγινε μέσω διευρυμένων ανοικτού τύπου συζητήσεων ανά δύο παιδιών του δείγματος και της ερευνήτριας. Η παρατήρηση, ανάλυση και παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων έγινε με άξονα τη «μέθοδο τριπλής εστίασης» της Rogoff (προσωπική εστίαση, διαπροσωπική, πλαισίου). Τα αποτελέσματα που προκύπτουν αφήνουν να διαφανεί, πέραν από τις νοητικές παραστάσεις των παιδιών, ο τρόπος με τον οποίο κοινωνικά- πολιτισμικά και ιστορικά στοιχεία και εργαλεία διαμεσολαβούν στη σκέψη τους και στις διαδικασίες συγκρότησής της. Συμπεραίνεται επομένως πως, μέσω της οπτικής που μελετάται, οδηγούμαστε σε μια διευρυμένη και ολιστική προσέγγιση της παιδικής σκέψης αποκεντρωμένη από την αυστηρά εννοιολογική προοπτική του πιαζετικού προτύπου. Η έρευνα καταλήγει με την ανάδειξη σημαντικών ερευνητικών προοπτικών σε θεωρητικό, εμπειρικό και διδακτικό επίπεδο. / This Master Thesis, based on the “sociocultural-historical” approach on child thought development, constitutes an attempt of exploiting the theoretical tools and methodology principles from this particular theoretical field during research procedures of tracing kinder-garden children views on clouds. The various raised research questions are related to how kinder-garden children comprehend clouds, how they construct cloud-related conceptual schemes and how they manage, restructure and transform these schemes in different social circumstances. The research sample consisted of sixteen (16) public urban-area kinder-garden students in the vicinity of Western Greece. The data collection has been done using expanded, open type, conversations between the sample’s children in pairs and the researcher. The observation, analysis and presentation of results has been done using Rogoff’s “three foci approach” (personal, interpersonal, contextual or cultural-institutional focus of analysis). Through those results, beyond conceptual schemes, the way that socio-cultural and historical elements and tools intercede in children thinking and the process of structuring it, is highlighted. It can be concluded that, through the studied perspective, we are led to an expanded and holistic approach of the sample’s children thinking, which is detached from the strictly conceptual viewpoint. The outcome of the Master Thesis research results has highlighted the important research potentials of the sociocultural approach in theoretical, empirical and didactic level.
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Évaluation des éléments facilitants et des barrières à l’implantation d’un programme d’éducation à la nutrition Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait tels que perçus par les enseignants du préscolaireTremblay, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à évaluer les éléments facilitants et les barrières à l’implantation du programme d’éducation à la nutrition Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait, développé par les Producteurs laitiers du Canada (PLC), auprès d’enseignants du préscolaire provenant de six régions du Québec et ayant reçu un atelier de formation animé par une diététiste des PLC. Elle vise également à connaître le degré d’implantation et la fidélité du programme ainsi que son appréciation, son utilisation et sa pertinence. Après une moyenne de 5 mois d’implantation, un questionnaire auto-administré a été complété par 37 enseignants (N = 86, 43 %), dont 10 utilisateurs (27 %) et 27 non-utilisateurs (73 %). Puis, des groupes de discussion ont eu lieu avec 13 enseignants (N = 170, 8 %). En moyenne, 11,4 activités sur 30 ont été réalisées (38 %), dont 6,3 telles quelles (55 %) et 5,1 modifiées (45 %), et les enseignants ont rapporté avoir l’intention de refaire 6,1 activités (54 %). L’implantation du programme a été facilitée ou limitée par différentes caractéristiques des enseignants, par l’appréciation de son contenu et son format, par sa pertinence concernant les exigences pédagogiques au préscolaire, la réalité des élèves et des parents et les objectifs d’apprentissages en nutrition, par le milieu scolaire, familial et communautaire ainsi que par la crédibilité et le support des PLC. Plusieurs de ces facteurs sont à la fois des éléments facilitants et des barrières. Les résultats obtenus aideront à ajuster ce programme et guider le développement et l’évaluation de programmes similaires. / This study aims to assess the facilitating conditions and barriers to the implementation of Camille, Antoine et l’archipel Ôlait nutrition education program, develop by the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), with preschool teachers, from six regions of Québec, who assisted a workshop delivered by a dietitian from DFC. It also seeks to know the degree of implementation and fidelity of the program and its assessment, its use and relevance. Following an average of five months of implementation, a self-administered questionnaire was completed by 37 teachers (N = 86, 43 %), 10 users (27 %) and 27 non-users (73 %). Then, focus groups were held with 13 teachers (N = 170, 8 %). On average, 11.4 out of 30 activities have been carried out (38 %), including 6.3 as planned (55 %) and 5.1 modified (45 %), and teachers reported that it intends to repeat 6.1 activities (54 %). Implementation of the program was facilitated or limited by various characteristics of teachers, the assessment of its content and its format, its relevance to the educational requirements for preschool, the reality of pupils and their parents and objectives in nutrition learning, at school, in their family and community as well as the credibility and support of the DFC. Many of those factors are both facilitating conditions and barriers. The results will help to adjust the program and guide the development and evaluation of similar programs.
1349 |
Students who are emergent readers and writers are often difficult to assess, as they are unable to communicate understanding in writing. From my observations, these students communicate ideas best through concrete forms of expression, rather than the abstract formation of letters and writing that is unfamiliar to them. Drawing provides an alternate form of expression from writing. Based on information found in literature review and personal experiences from working with students who are emergent readers and writers, pictures and drawings are a bridge to communicate ideas with these students. This form of expression and communication may be a useful assessment tool for students at this developmental stage. The purpose of this research study is to test the hypothesis that retelling using visual art representations of the story will yield positive results.
1350 |
台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度之比較研究 / A comparative study on kindergarten evaluation system between Taiwan and Hong Kong林秀芬, Lin, Hsiu -Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
本研究係採用貝瑞德(G. Z. F. Bereday) 所提出之比較教育研究法,針對台灣與香港幼稚園評鑑制度進行比較分析,並以訪談法訪問承辦幼稚園評鑑業務之政府官員、專家學者人員,蒐集現況資料,以期達成研究目的。
(四)評鑑人員專職及其專業背景的多元化:台灣各縣市的評鑑人員都是屬於兼任的型態,當年度有評鑑工作將進行時才由承辦單位召集後成軍,香港則由督學固定來進行評 / A Comparative Study on Kindergarten Evaluation System between Taiwan and Hong Kong
This study uses the comparative education theory proposed by G. Z. F. Bereday with the aim of analyzing the kindergarten accreditation system of Taiwan and Hong Kong. Interviews were accomplished with school administrators, scholars (experts) who are responsible for the kindergarten accreditation in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Research objectives were as follows:
1. To understand the underlying factors and current situation of the Kindergarten accreditation system in Taiwan,
2. To understand the underlying factors and current situation of the Kindergarten accreditation system in Hong Kong, and
3. To undertake a comparative analysis of the two accreditation systems and note its differences and similarities.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions and recommendations are presented as such,
1. Publication of evaluation standards and procedures online – Before the evaluations are conducted, criteria and standards are announced on the Education Bureau’s website,
2. Conducting of evaluation meetings before the evaluation – Forums regarding the kindergarten evaluation are held before the evaluation period starts,
3. Self-evaluation are accomplished before the actual evaluation – both in Taiwan and Hong Kong, schools are required to conduct self-evaluations before the actual formal evaluations,
4. Evaluation reports are qualitative by nature – both in Taiwan and Hong Kong, the schools’ positive and negative feedbacks resulting from the evaluation are generally given in the qualitative form (or express in words and statements).
1. On-going evaluation works – in cities and counties in Taiwan, the kindergarten and pre-school counseling are considered to be temporarily evaluation, and some counties haven’t started to evaluate public kindergartens, and while some counties even uses a parallel system of evaluation and early childhood education counseling program. However, in Hong Kong, evaluation has been ongoing already for the past several years,
2. Perception of evaluation – In Taiwan, evaluation is mostly regarded negatively, while in Hong Kong evaluation is regarded as a positive undertaking,
3. Concept of evaluation – Taiwan has multiple standards, while Hong Kong has only one.
4. Background of evaluators and the diversified nature of their profession – Taiwan have different evaluators each evaluation, while Hong Kong assigns the same evaluators,
5. Importance of pre-evaluation counseling – this varies from regions to regions in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong this are done two weeks before the actual evaluation,
6. Duration, content and tasks related to pre-evaluation – inconsistencies in duration, content and tasks related to pre-evaluation in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong pre-evaluation tasks are standardize and the same all throughout,
7. Duration of external evaluations – sometimes half-day or at most a day in Taiwan, while in Hong Kong the formal evaluation lasts for three days,
8. Applications of evaluation results – In Taiwan, evaluation results are just filed and excellent schools are noted, while schools who failed are given counseling. In Hong Kong, excellent are given rewards and subsidy, while failing schools are given counseling.
1. Policy
a. Setting up of a special evaluation agency – to establish a formal organization with members coming from both the government and private sector, to undertake and govern kindergarten evaluation,
b. Selection and training of evaluators – trainings shall be done to further uplift the credentials and professionalism of the evaluators,
c. To develop a source of reference – gather information regarding kindergarten evaluation from other countries, hence, provide additional resources for both researchers and practitioners.
2. Practical aspects of evaluation
a. Ample evaluation time is needed during in order to fully understand the current situation of a school undergoing evaluation – minimum of one day to a maximum of three days are needed to ensure attainment of evaluation goals,
b. Flexible evaluation criteria – standards should be flexible and revise accordingly,
c. Attainment of evaluation objectives – evaluation results should reflect evaluation goals and objectives,
d. Strengthen the self-evaluation procedures – emphasis on the importance of self-evaluation should be given to help improve the formal evaluation,
e. Make public evaluation results – results should be made public in the government websites, thus provide a means of reference for the general public,
f. Follow through on institutional counseling – evaluation should be an ongoing process at the same time counseling for failing schools should be done continuously to help them improve.
3. Future research trends
a. Additional cross-country comparisons and provide future researchers and administrators additional information,
b. Application of different research methodologies – further methodologies could be apply to provide other views in the kindergarten evaluation system.
key word:Hong Kong,Taiwan,kindergarten,evaluation,education
,evaluation;comparative method in education
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