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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Voices of male teachers in Shanghai public kindergarten: A phenomenological study

Yang, Yan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Western and Chinese literature have suggested that early childhood education (ECE) is a feminized profession and many men remain invisible and silent gendered subjects in this field and fail to understand or accept the gendered realties. Employing a combination of theory of gendered organizations and concepts of masculinities as the theoretical framework, this study draws on in-depth interviews with three male teachers in Shanghai public kindergarten for a greater understanding of their lived experiences in a feminized profession. Kindergarten websites also provide opportunities to identify the ways in which the male teachers are represented in the kindergarten setting. Data analysis suggests five main themes, including realistic entry into ECE, challenges, rewards, perception of male teachers' roles, as well as professional development. Through male teachers' stories readers gain a deep understanding of how they manage every weekday and how they make sense of their lived experiences in Shanghai public kindergarten. This study concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings and areas for further study.

Škola, základ života - Soubor školských staveb v Ostravě na Černé louce / School, the Foundation of Life – a Complex of Educational Buildings in Ostrava, Cerna louka

Musilová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Assigment of the Diplom Project was to design complex of school buildings in the Ostrava city, on Black Maddow. Design should be based on the winning project from Maxwan architectural studio. They won the urbanistic competition in this area. I decides to devide funktions to the 3 different buildings – Kindergarten, Primary school and Lyceé in a one builging and the multifunktional sport hall. Kindergarten ist placed in the park, on the riverbank. Primary school and Lyceé are connected in one building, which is situated in the ring of buildings arround the Black Maddow. Parter under the building is public and building is situated on the most frekvent place, where the footpath are crossing. Near the school building is designed a sport hall, which is not just for school use but also for public.

Language Arts Achievement of Fourth Grade Students with Regard to Gender, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status

Davis, Paula C 01 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to see if a difference exists in the language arts proficiency levels of 2,080 fourth grade students with regard to gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status from 2010 through 2012 on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program. Specifically, this study considered the possibility that a difference existed in language arts proficiency levels between males and females. A quantitative study was used to find differences in the language arts proficiency levels from 2010 through 2012 for males and females in the fourth grade in an upper East Tennessee urban school system. A quasi-experimental design was selected because preexisting data were collected on 2,080 fourth grade students enrolled and assessed in 2010, 2011, and 2012 in an upper East Tennessee school system. The language arts proficiency levels from the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) were collected for each of the students in the study. This study found a significant difference in the language arts proficiency levels with regard to gender, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program from 2010 through 2012 for 2,080 fourth grade students in an upper East Tennessee School district. In general males and females tended to score in the basic and below basic proficiency levels. White males and females generally scored in the proficient and advanced levels while males and females from the other ethnic groups scored in the below basic and basic levels. Students who received free or reduced lunch benefits scored at the below basic and basic levels of proficiency regardless of gender. Students who did not receive the same benefits were generally proficient or advanced on the language arts portion of the TCAP. White students as a group generally scored higher than students from other ethnic groups. Students who received free and reduced lunch benefits generally received lower proficiency scores than their peers who did not receive the same benefits.

Teachers’ Response to Infants’ Nonverbal Communication and Use of Response to Facilitate a Dialogue

Stephens, Stephanie 01 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Beginning with birth, typically developing children use strategies to communicate, and the functions of their language change with maturation and interaction. Since communication cannot exist if both parties do not participate, it is important to not only study the ability of the child, but also the behavior of the adult. Numerous studies have examined the behavior of the parent or other domestic adult, but few have included the study of teacher behaviors. This study investigated teachers’ response to four types of nonverbal communication attempts made by infants. The gestures included: deictic, affect signaling, object-related, and conventional. The type of response was also documented as facilitating dialogue or discouraging dialogue. Thirty infant teachers and/or teacher assistants from 11 centers in Northeast Tennessee were videotaped for 30 minutes. Videos were coded to determine which of the defined functions teachers were most likely to respond to and if the response facilitated or discouraged dialogue. The results showed that overall, teachers responded to 25% of nonverbal attempts; 75% of the infants’ nonverbal attempts teacher offered a non-facilitative response or missed the gesture. Pearson correlations determined that there were relationships between children’s attempt to communicate and teachers’ response in all four types of nonverbal communication, including deictic, r (30) = .659, p = .000; affect signaling, r (30) = .917, p = .000; object-related, r (30) =.848, p = .000; and conventional, r (30) = .794, p = .000. There were several relationships between the number of nonverbal attempts by children and teachers offering a facilitative responses including affect signaling, r (30) = .776, p = .000; object-related, r (30) = .635, p = .000; and conventional, r (30) = .514, p = .004, but not with deictic attempts. There were relationships between the number of nonverbal attempts by children and teachers offering discouraging responses in all 4 types of nonverbal language, including deictic, r (30) = .706, p = .000; affect signaling, r (30) = .630, p = .000; object-related, r (30) = .582, p = .001; and conventional, r (30) = .439, p = .015.

Who Do I Play: Appraising The Impact Of Teacher-in-role With Kindergartners In An Esol Classroom

Brantley, Kathryn Perkins 01 January 2012 (has links)
Educators employing process drama, a non-presentational dramatic form, establish memorable classroom environments where students co-author their learning with teachers. Process drama facilitators often use the dramatic structure of teacher-in-role to guide and support the students. An instructor heightens tension, introduces new ideas, and encourages participation by engaging alongside students as a character. An educator employing process drama needs to determine the appropriate type of role to impact the development of a classroom drama; while negotiating tension felt between desires for student-led discovery and the necessity of meeting curriculum benchmarks. Academic studies establish process drama as a tool to aid English Students of Other Languages or ESOL classrooms. Process drama heightens comprehension, whole language usage and ownership of learning. Using the methodology of reflective practice I analyzed my teaching in role to determine how I negotiate diverse and conflicting objectives. I facilitated a six week process drama with four to six-year-old ESOL students at a learning centre in Hong Kong. This study improved this teacher’s understanding and usage of teacher-in-role. The ideals of a process centered classroom were not always realized, but the needs of the population necessitated adaption from expectations. The experiences of the researcher indicate ambiguous character may not be the best way to motivate dialogue among this population of ESOL students. Students’ age and English experience suggests using co-participant characters whose motivations are clearly defined. This study contributes to the discussion on what differing "role iv types" offer facilitators of process drama and how it may be used to meet demands of curriculum including development of performances. Process drama with very young students presents a field for further research investigating methods and practices to effectively structure process dramas that address their learning.

A market analysis of parental decision -making in the selection of a private kindergarten in Taiwan

Shen, Miau Lin S. 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
In view of the scarcity of educational marketing/public relations studies in Taiwan, particularly at the kindergarten level and the need to recruit and retain students in a highly competitive environment, this research was conducted among a sample of parents whose children attend a large private kindergarten in one of the major cities in Taiwan. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to collect data for this study. The objectives of the study were to find out the demographic profile of the parents whose children enrolled at the kindergarten, their information seeking patterns regarding kindergarten education, factors affecting their choice of kindergartens, and their opinion about the services of the kindergarten where their children are enrolled in the areas of curriculum, faculty, and administrative services. The research revealed that parents of the kindergarten students studied are judicious shoppers for their children's education; they shopped extensively for a kindergarten which offered the highest cost-benefit ratio. For their children, they want a kindergarten which has a kind, warm, dedicated, and highly qualified faculty. They prefer a kindergarten which not only offers a balanced bilingual curriculum but also helps their students make a smooth transition into elementary schools. The study suggests that the parents are overwhelmingly satisfied with the curriculum, the faculty, and the administration of the kindergarten where their children are enrolled.

Utomhusmiljöns meningserbjudanen : En tematisk observationsstudie om vilka meningserbjudanden barnen plockar upp i förskolans utomhusmiljö

Schlack Moilanen, Chantel, Eriksson, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka meningserbjudanden som sker i förskolornas utomhusmiljöer som barnen plockar upp som bidrar till deras lek. Syftet med studien är att bidra till kunskap om utomhusmiljön samt se möjligheterna och de erbjudanden som finns att utforska i utomhusmiljön. Metoder som tillämpas är tematisk analys och observation. Empirin består utav fältanteckningar och observationsschema som analyseras genom Gibsons teori om affordance. Studiens resultat visar att det finns många faktorer som förändrar vilka meningserbjudanden (affordance) som barnen plockar upp till exempel hur utomhusmiljön är utformad med naturbaserade inslag, lekplatsstruktur eller en kombination av båda. I resultaten går det att urskilja att de lösa och fastsittande objekten som finns tillgängliga för barnen att plocka upp under leken bidrar till interaktion mellan individer, vilka meningserbjudanden som pedagoger ger barnen med planerade och spontana aktiviteter samt väderförhållandets meningserbjudanden. Pedagogerna behöver vara medvetna om meningserbjudanden i både deras egna handlingar och utomhusmiljöns för att kunna stötta barnen i deras lek och utforskande.

”Vad händer när bästa kompisen är borta?” : Hur förskollärare stärker barns kamratrelationer i förskolan / ”What happens when the best friend is gone?” : How preschool teachers reinforces childrens peer relationship in preeshool

Alvear, Martin, Nkuna, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att bredda kunskapen för nyexaminerade förskollärare om strategier och förutsättningar som kan behövas i deras arbete för att stärka barns kamratrelationer och förebygga utanförskap. Studien visar på att förskollärare befinner sig i ett omedvetet dilemma i förskolan om kamrat- och vänskapsrelationer. Den saknade kunskapen av viktiga komponenter i området riskerar att förskollärare arbetar kontraproduktivt. Teorier som har presenterats i vår studie som utgångpunkt är socialkonstruktivism och om barns kamratkulturer. I vår kvalitativa studie har vi använt oss utav semistrukutrerade intervjuer för datainsamling. Metoden för att bearbeta datainsamlingen var tematisk analys. Genom denna metod kunde vi sedan skapa teman för vår studie. Respondenternas svar på frågorna analyserades sedan med stöd av teorier och tidigare forskning som vi har valt.

Adolescent mothers in an intervention study a qualitative analysis of variables relating to their teaching interactions with their infants

Guzman, Janisse 01 August 2012 (has links)
The intent of this thesis was to study, in depth, the experiences of four adolescent mothers who underwent a home intervention program. I studied two mothers who did well with teaching their 12-month old children during play, and two mothers who did not do as well. All four mothers received weekly intervention from the time of their child's birth through 12-months of age. I studied the following variables: 1) how much time the home visitors spent on selected child development and parenting topics; 2) the mother's perceived social support; 3) how many community resources the mother used; and 4) if the infant was healthy and within normal developmental range. All of the mothers struggled in their lives, yet varied in the quality and time of most of the variables. It was striking how different each one was from the other. The implications of the study are important for child development specialists who can use the qualitative data within this document to better understand first time adolescent mothers in order to improve the outcomes of the home visitation services that they provide to mothers and infants. After spending time studying these four adolescent mothers, I would recommend that adolescent women not get pregnant. Adolescence is a time that is meant for experiences and self-discovery and should be spent free from a dependent child who critically needs them. Future research and funding should be spent on preventing adolescent pregnancy and ensuring that flexible curriculum be utilized by the home visitors in order to meet the varying needs of adolescent mothers.

Program Evaluation of the Social Skills Intervention Program with Urban, African-American Kindergartners

Hanket, Jennifer A. January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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