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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mobbning och frihet : En kvantitativ studie om inre Locus of controls påverkan på högstadieelevers behov av att mobba / Bullying and Freedom : A quantitative study about internal locus of controls effects on secondary school students need to bully

Hansen, Daniel, Lindström Svanholm, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
Mobbning har varit ett problem i skolor under en lång tid och det är något som är ett problem runt om i svenska skolor än idag. Kommunala skolor bygger mycket på planering och struktur, och efter ett uttalande från en amerikansk journalist som menade att man genom att öka elevers frihet och självstyre, skulle kunna påverka deras behov av att ta sig mer frihet genom att mobba andra. Idén om att frihet och mobbning kan gå hand i hand är vad som sådde det frö som senare resulterade i att denna studie växte fram. Denna studien, med kvantitativ ansats syftade till att undersöka hur en elevs behov av att mobba andra påverkades av den mängd frihet elever gavs i skolan, där frihet mättes i form av inre Locus of control. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 370 elever (efter rensning av bortfall) i nionde klass på högstadieskolor runtom i Västra Götaland och Småland. Efter att datan samlats in gjordes regressionstester för att se om det fanns ett samband för att låg grad inre Locus of control påverkar en elev till att mobba i större utsträckning än elever med hög grad av inre Locus of control. På grund av att tidigare forskning visat att det finns könsskillnader för mobbning gjordes även samma test för pojkar och flickor som separata grupper. Testerna visade enbart ett väldigt svagt samband i gruppen flickor medan övriga analyser inte visade på något signifikant samband varken för pojkar, eller pojkar och flickor gemensamt. Sammanfattningsvis betyder det att Locus of control inte är rätt verktyg för att kunna förutspå mobbning, även om det fanns en signifikans för flickor så förklarade den bara 6% av variansen / Bullying has been a problem in schools for a long time and still is a problem in Swedish schools today. The communal schools are built upon structure and planning. Nicolas Goyal (2016), an American journalist, made a statement where he submitted that by increasing a student’s freedom and self-reliance in school, the students need to retake their freedom by bullying other students would in turn be reduced. The idea that freedom and bullying go hand in hand planted a seed, which later resulted in this study emerging. This is a quantitative study and the goal was to examine if and how the students need to bully others were correlated with the amount of freedom that the students were given in the school environment. Freedom was measured with the help of internal locus of control. A Survey was made on 370 students in ninth grade in secondary schools (högstadiet) in the county of Västra götaland and Småland. A regression analysis was made to see how low internal locus of control effected the amount of bullying a student performed, compared to the students who had high internal locus of control.  Earlier studies showed sex-differences related to tendencies when it came to bullying. The same analysis was made for boys and girls respectively. The results of these tests showed that girls had a significant, but low correlation between mobbing and locus of control. The other groups that was tested showed no significant correlation for boys or the population together. That concludes that it was not possible to find a connection between the two variables, even though the girl group got a significant value it only stood for 6% of the varians and thus locus of control is not a good predictor of performing bullying.

Crash: identidades em colisão. O percurso do olhar na esfera do medo, do preconceito e da violência / Crash: Identities in Collision. The Journey of look in the sphere of fear, prejudice and violence

Andréa Antonieta Cotrim Silva 05 October 2010 (has links)
As características da conclamada identidade norte-americana transfiguraramse após os ataques terroristas de 11 de setembro de 2001 nos Estados Unidos. As construções identitárias ressaltam o nacionalismo e as virtudes do povo estadunidense em oposição às de um Outro imaginado como perigoso e infiel. A profusão na mídia de notícias de ataques terroristas por toda parte faz com que a violência adquira uma aura onipresente, em especial, no horizonte das grandes cidades. Essas narrativas também produzem preconceito e medo que são representados em filmes como Crash - no limite. Diferentes articulações estéticas funcionam como estratégias na construção fílmica que traduz um país abalado e que necessita (re)constituir e (re)afirmar-se para, então, (des)construir e restabelecer narrativas e identidades. Neste sentido, nosso trabalho objetiva semear novos olhares sobre as narrativas que são enunciadas pelos norte-americanos após os eventos de 11 de setembro de 2001, ao invés de assentar verdades ou realidades de forma tácita, uma vez que as identidades estão atreladas ao contexto de sua produção. O panorama muda de acordo com as contingências que o sujeito, pertencente a várias comunidades simultaneamente, vivencia ao longo de sua história. Seja esta representação alegórica ou documental, posto que o diretor também se baseie em fatos reais do seu cotidiano para lançar-se na ficção, o projeto justifica-se pela tentativa de esboçar uma significação de pertencimento, levando-se em conta o loci de enunciação dos interlocutores. Logo, procuramos imprimir uma tradução de Crash como representação dessa teia de significados, na qual é possível estabelecer a interconexão entre identidade, medo, preconceito, violência e reflexão crítica. / The so-urged American identity has changed since September 11, 2001 in the United States. Constructions of identity emphasize the virtues and the nationalism of the American people, as opposed to an Other imagined as dangerous and disloyal. The profusion of news of terrorist attacks in the media everywhere makes that violence acquire a ubiquitous aura, especially in the horizon of big cities. These narratives also produce prejudice and fear represented in films like Crash. Different aesthetic joints function as strategies in building a film that translates an upset country and that needs to (re)build and (re)affirm itself, and then (de)construct and (re)constitute their narratives and identities. In this sense, this work aims to sow new perspectives on the narratives that are enunciated by the Americans after September 11th, instead of stating truths or realities tacitly. After all, concepts such as identity are tied to its production environment. The picture changes according to the contingencies that the subject, belonging to several communities simultaneously, experiences throughout his history. Whether it is an allegorical or a documentary representation, since the director has also based the story on real facts of his everyday life to embark on fiction, the project is justified by the attempt to establish a sense of belonging, taking into account the interlocutors´ loci of enunciation. Thus, we tried to print a translation of Crash as a representation of this web of meaning, in which it is possible to establish the interconnection between identity, fear, prejudice, violence and critical reflection.

Fatores motivacionais relacionados ao início do tabagismo em estudantes adolescentes de Ribeirão Preto/SP / Motivational factors related to the tobacco smoking initiation among adolescent students in Ribeirão Preto/S

Cassiana Morais de Oliveira 06 November 2009 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, CASSIANA MORAIS DE. Fatores motivacionais relacionados ao início do tabagismo em estudantes adolescentes de Ribeirão Preto/SP. 2009. 134 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2009. De acordo com a OMS, um terço da população mundial adulta é fumante. A dependência à nicotina associa-se a altas taxas de mortalidade, malefícios à saúde e seu controle é considerado um desafio à saúde pública. Um aspecto importante relacionado ao tabagismo é que seu início ocorre predominantemente na adolescência. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os fatores motivacionais associados ao início do tabagismo, na percepção de adolescentes fumantes e não fumantes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com delineamento transversal, analítico, com amostra de conveniência. Utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica quanti-qualitativa. Participaram 80 adolescentes, alunos do ensino médio de uma escola estadual de Ribeirão Preto/SP, de ambos os sexos, sendo 40 fumantes e 40 não fumantes. Foram utilizados um questionário para os pais, roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada e a Escala Multidimensional de Locus de Controle para os adolescentes. A média de idade para fumantes foi 16,8 e para não fumantes 16,2 anos. Notou-se uma proporção maior de mães dos adolescentes fumantes sem relacionamento estável. Observou-se maior utilização de bebida alcoólica entre os fumantes. O intervalo de idade mais freqüente de experimentação do primeiro cigarro foi 13 a 16 anos. Quanto ao consumo diário, 47,5% dos adolescentes relataram fumar 6 a 10 cigarros. Com relação à escala locus de controle, não foi observada diferença estatística significativa entre os fumantes e não fumantes. Na dimensão internalidade, os fumantes (52,5%) e os não fumantes (47,5%) apresentaram pontuações mais freqüentes acima da média. Na dimensão externalidade-outros poderosos, houve predominância de escores abaixo da média em ambos os grupos. Em externalidade-acaso, observou-se maior freqüência de escores acima da média para os fumantes (40,0%) e não fumantes (30,0%). Na análise qualitativa, entre os não fumantes, a maioria das meninas opinou que o que faz as pessoas começarem a fumar é o alívio de emoções negativas, e para os meninos é a imitação do modelo de um fumante. A maioria das respostas, nos dois gêneros, avaliou que o modelo de um fumante influencia o adolescente a começar a fumar. Sobre o que acham de pais fumantes, houve predomínio de verbalizações masculinas na categoria estimula a curiosidade dos filhos, e nas femininas na categoria não gosta. Sobre o que acham de amigos fumantes, verificou-se predomínio de verbalizações femininas nas categorias não gosta e normal, já as masculinas foram em prejudicando a sua saúde e das pessoas ao seu redor e não gosta. Na amostra de fumantes, as meninas opinaram que o que faz as pessoas começarem a fumar é o alívio das emoções negativas; os meninos associaram o início do tabagismo a aspectos da adolescência. Sobre o que influencia os adolescentes a começarem a fumar e sobre a opinião quanto a pais fumantes, ambos os gêneros destacaram a imitação do modelo. Observou-se predomínio, nos dois gêneros, de verbalizações nas categorias normal e má influência quanto a amigos fumantes. Espera-se que este estudo identifique elementos relevantes para subsidiar programas e pesquisas futuras de controle e prevenção do tabagismo. / According to the World Health Organization, one third of the worlds adult population smokes. Nicotine dependence is associated with high mortality rates and damage to health, and its control has been considered a challenge to public health. An important aspect related to tobacco smoking is that it begins predominantly in adolescence. The objective of this research was to study the motivational factors associated with the initiation of tobacco smoking from the perception of smokers and non-smokers adolescents. The research has, both, a transverse and analytical outline with a convenience sample. The quantitative and qualitative methodological approach was used. There were 80 participants, both female and male adolescent students from a public high school in Ribeirão Preto/SP. Forty were smokers and the other 40 non-smokers and the parents were asked to complete a questionnaire. A semi-structured interview and the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale were used. The mean age of smokers students was 16.8 years old, and 16.2 years old for non-smokers. We observed a higher proportion of non-stable relationships among the smokers adolescents mothers, as well as more frequent used of alcoholic drinks in the smokers group. The most frequent age range of the first smoked cigarette was between 13 to 16 years old. Regarding daily consumption, 47.5% of the adolescents reported to smoke from 6 to 10 cigarettes. Concerning the Locus of Control Scale, no substantial statistic difference was observed between the smokers and non-smokers groups. For the Internality dimension, both smokers (52.5%) and non-smokers (47.5%) showed more frequent above average scores. As for the Externality-powerful others dimension, there was predominance of below average scores in both groups. At the Externality-chance dimension, it was most frequently observed above average scores for smokers (40%) and (30%) for non-smokers. For the qualitative analysis, in the non-smokers sample, most girls stated that what makes people start smoking is the relief from negative emotions, and for the boys, it was the imitation of a smokers model. The most frequent response from both genders was that the model given by a smokers person influences the adolescent to start smoking. Concerning their thoughts about smokers parents, most of the boys verbalized their opinion in the category smokers parents stimulate childrens curiosity, while most girls verbalized their opinion in the dont like category. Regarding their opinion about smokers friends, there was a female predominance in the category dont like as well as in the normal category. The male predominance was in the categories damaging your health and the peoples health around you and in dont like. In the smokers sample, the girls stated that what makes people start to smoke is the relief from negative emotions. The boys associated the beginning of tobacco smoking with aspects of adolescence. Regarding what influences adolescents to start smokers and their opinion about smoking parents, both genders pointed out the imitation of the model. The predominance in both genders of opinions in the categories normal and bad influence about smokers friends was observed. It is expected that this study may identify important steps to subsidize future programs and researches about control and prevention of tabagism.

A resposta psicossocial de impotência e o 'locus de controle' de pacientes no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca / Powerlessness and locus of control of post-operative cardiac surgery patients.

Cristiane Giffoni Braga 09 September 1999 (has links)
A impotência, como uma das possíveis respostas psicossociais ao adoecer, caracteriza uma necessidade de cuidado de enfermagem. A descrição dos indicadores dessa resposta em pacientes pós-operados por insuficiência coronariana e disfunção valvar foi o núcleo do presente estudo. Os objetivos foram: descrever a impotência quanto à freqüência, intensidade e características definidoras, comparar a impotência (freqüência e intensidade) e o “locus de controle” entre os pós-operados por insuficiência coronariana e disfunção valvar, verificar a existência de associação entre impotência e o “locus de controle” nessa amostra. A coleta de dados foi feita por entrevista com base em dois instrumentos: o primeiro construído especificamente para este estudo, para avaliar a impotência, e o segundo foi a Escala de Locus de Controle da Saúde de WALLSTON, K.A; WALLSTON, B.S; DEVELLIS (1978). Houve um julgamento quanto à presença e intensidade do diagnóstico impotência. As dimensões avaliadas pela Escala de Locus de Controle foram: interno, externo e acaso. Esses procedimentos foram realizados junto a 75 doentes, sendo 45 com insuficiência coronariana e 30 com disfunção valvar, sendo 62,7% do sexo masculino; idade média de 57,2 anos; escolaridade média de 6,4 anos; tempo médio de pós-operatório à coleta dos dados de 7,5 dias. Dos 75 pacientes, 44 apresentaram impotência (leve=20; moderada= 15 e intensa= 9). Das 17 características definidoras estudadas, 12 foram significativamente mais freqüentes em nível de 5% de significância nos doentes com impotência. As proporções de impotentes nos dois grupos de pacientes com insuficiência coronariana e disfunção valvar foram semelhantes, não havendo diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p=0,848). Os pacientes pós-operados coronarianos acreditavam mais em fatores internos como fonte de controle dos que os pacientes de disfunção valvar (“locus” interno p=0,001; internalidade total p=0,002) Não houve associação entre impotência e “locus de controle” em nível de 5%, sugerindo que as dimensões de “locus de controle” não são atributos isolados essenciais do conceito de impotência. Os resultados deste estudo permitiram estabelecer outras questões de pesquisa e corroboram a importância do desenvolvimento do conhecimento sobre as respostas psicossociais do doente em situações médico-cirúrgicas. / Powerlessness as one of the possible psychosocial responses of illness, characterizes a necessity for nursing care. The description of the indicators of this response in post-operative patients with coronary insufficiency and valve dysfunction was the core of this study. The objectives were: to describe powerlessness (frequency and intensity), and the “locus of control” between the post-operated patients for coronary insufficiency and valve dysfunction, and to verify the existence of association between powerlessness and the “locus of control”. The data were obtained by means of interviews based on two tools: the first one was organized specifically for this study to assess powerlessness, and the second was the “Locus of Control Health Scale” of WALLSTON, K.; WALLSTON, B.S; DEVELLIS (1978). The presence and intensity of powerlessness was judged by the author. The “locus of control” dimensions assessed were: internal, external and chance. These procedures were carried out on 75 patients of which 45 had coronary insufficiency and 30 had valve dysfunction; 62.7% were male with mean age of 57.2 years; average schooling of 6.4 years; mean post-operative data collection time of 7.5 days. Of the 75 patients, 44 presented powerlessness (low=20; moderate=15; severe=9). Of the 17 defining characteristics studied, 12 were significantly more frequent (p0.05) for powerless patients. The proportion of powerlessness in the two groups (coronary insufficiency and valve dysfunction) were similar (p=0.848). The post-operated coronary patients believed more in internal factors than the patients with valve dysfunction (“internal locus” p=0.001; “total internality” p=0.002). There was no association between powerlessness and “locus of control” (p0.05), thus suggesting that the dimensions of “locus of control” are not, in essence, isolated attribute of the concept of powerlessness. The results of this study permitted further questioning of research and corroborated the importance of knowledge development on psychosocial responses of patients in medical-surgical situations.

Analyse de la fonction de la région de contrôle du locus des chaînes lourdes des immunoglobulines au cours du développement des lymphocytes B / Analysis of the function of the IgH locus control region during B cell development

Braikia, Fatima-Zohra 25 September 2015 (has links)
Au cours du développement des lymphocytes B, le locus des chaînes lourdes des immunoglobulines (IgH) subit deux types de réarrangements intra-géniques : 1) La recombinaison V(D)J qui se produit aux stades précoces du développement lymphocytaire et qui cible les régions variables du locus, et 2) la commutation de classe initiée à un stade plus tardif du développement et qui permet aux cellules B d'acquérir de nouvelles fonctions effectrices suite au changement des domaines constants des Ig. Ces deux processus contribuent à la grande diversité du répertoire des anticorps, à la spécificité et à la vigueur de la réponse immunitaire. Durant ces deux processus, la transcription des gènes des Ig, appelée transcription germinale, a un rôle essentiel. Elle est une des clés de l'accessibilité de la chromatine aux enzymes nécessaires à l'initiation des recombinaisons. La transcription germinale est régulée par des éléments cis-régulateurs qui effectuent leur fonction à de longues distances au sein du locus IgH. Parmi ces éléments, la région de contrôle du locus appelée 3'RR (3' regulatory region) est un élément majeur de contrôle de l'expression du locus IgH aux stades tardifs du développement B. Cependant, son rôle aux stades précoces du développement était inconnu. Mon travail de thèse a visé à mieux comprendre la fonction de la 3'RR tout au long du développement des lymphocytes B avec une attention particulière aux stades précoces. Dans une première étude, nous avons analysé le rôle de la 3'RR dans la transcription germinale associée à la recombinaison V(D)J en utilisant une lignée murine dépourvue de la 3'RR. Nous avons d'abord mis au point une technique de PCR quantitative en temps réel afin de quantifier les réarrangements V(D)J. Nous avons ensuite montré que la 3'RR avait en fait une activité répressive sur la transcription sens et anti-sens du domaine variable du locus IgH, et que la transition d'un effet silencer à un effet activateur corrélait avec l'achèvement des réarrangements V(D)J. Dans une deuxième étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'effet de la 3'RR sur les promoteurs des gènes constants en utilisant deux modèles murins portant des mutations à des sites stratégiques du locus IgH. L'analyse phénotypique et moléculaire des deux modèles nous a permis de montrer que la 3'RR établissait un domaine transcriptionnellement actif dès les stades précoces du développement. Cependant, l'effet activateur de la 3'RR sur ses promoteurs cibles était bloqué à ces stades par un site de fixation du facteur architectural CTCF. La délétion de ce site ou l'insertion d'un promoteur dans le domaine transcriptionnel de la 3'RR délimité par le site CTCF, aboutissent à une activation prématurée et différentielle des promoteurs cibles. Mes travaux de thèse ont permis de définir, pour la première fois, la fonction de la 3'RR aux stades précoces du développement B, indépendants de l'activation antigénique, et de révéler des mécanismes développementaux plus complexes que la simple induction de la 3'RR initiée par la rencontre de la cellule B avec l'antigène. / During B cell development, the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) locus undergoes two types of intragenic rearrangements: 1) V(D)J recombination at early stages of B cell development which targets the variable region of the locus, and 2) class switch recombination at the mature B cell stage which enables B cells to acquire novel effector functions upon a change of the constant domain of Ig molecules. Both processes contribute to the wide diversity of antibody repertoire, and to the specificity and robustness of an immune response. Transcription of recombining genes is associated with V(D)J recombination and classswitching. This transcription, called germline transcription, plays a key role in the accessibility of the chromatin of target sequences to the enzymes required for the initiation of recombination. Germline transcription is regulated by cis-acting elements that often act at long distances within the locus. Among these long-range elements, a locus control region called the 3' regulatory region (3'RR) is known to play a major role in IgH locus expression at late stages of B cell development. However, its role at early stages is unknown.The main objective of my PhD work was to contribute to a better understanding of the function of the 3'RR throughout B cell development, with a special focus on early stages. In a first study, we analyzed the role of the 3'RR in the regulation of germline transcription associated with V(D)J recombination by using a mouse line devoid of the 3'RR. We first set up a sensitive real-time PCR to quantify V(D)J recombination. We then went on to show that in fact, the 3'RR mediated a transcriptional silencing activity on both sense and antisense transcription along the variable region of the IgH locus, and that the switch off of this silencing activity correlated with the completion of V(D)J recombination, after which the 3'RR became a transcriptional enhancer. In a second study, we investigated the effect of the 3'RR on germline promoters of the constant genes by using two murine models bearing specific mutations at strategic sites of the IgH locus. Phenotypic and molecular analyses of the two models enabled us to show that the 3'RR establishes a transcriptionally active domain at early stages of B cell development, upon completion of V(D)J recombination. Nonetheless, the activating effect of the 3'RR on constant genes at early stages is insulated by the architectural factor CTCF. Deletion of this CTCFbinding site or insertion of a germline promoter within the 3'RR-mediated transcriptionally active domain, led to specific and premature activation of target germline promoters. My PhD work enabled us to elucidate for the first time the developmentally regulated function of the 3'RR at early stages of B cell development, prior to antigen challenge. It also revealed a more complex picture of the 3'RR function than the hitherto simple induction of the 3'RR upon encounter with antigen.

Le traitement littéraire des sources grecques chez Tibulle et Properce : recherches sur l’écriture élégiaque latine / Literary treatment of the Greek sources in Tibullus and Propertius : essay on the composition of Latin elegy

Giannaki, Maria 28 June 2011 (has links)
L’histoire des genres et des idées littéraires, la sémiotique, la stylistique, la métrique et la littérature en général sont au cœur de notre recherche. Aussi, avons-nous appliqué les théories de l’intertextualité en étudiant les élégies de Tibulle et de Properce, afin de mettre en évidence les processus différenciés qui permettent de maintenir une continuité, et qui font la richesse du genre élégiaque érotique romain. Elles ont mis en évidence les principes d'intertexte et d'allusion, voire de métapoésie, autant que de genre et de généricité, en une hybridité d'écriture très conforme avec une esthétique augustéenne de l'hétérogène. Le résultat en est une réécriture, certes en reconnaissance acquise (fût-elle « allusive » et « réflexive »), mais riche d'auctorialité, pour de nouveaux pactes d'écriture et de lecture, laissant place à un « fait littéraire proprement latin », dans une perspective de recherche tout à la fois diachronique, littéraire, (intertextualité, genre et généricité) et idéologique. / The history of literary genders and ideas, the semiology, the style, the metric and the literature in general are in the very centre of our research, but the greatest interest of this work lies in making apparent the evidence of continuity according to the different processes that enrich the Latin love elegy genders. Furthermore, it is noted that the principals of intertext and allusion, and hence of the metapoetry, along with the genders and genericity, appear in a hybrid writing manner very appropriate with the Augustan aesthetics of heterogeneity. As a result it is shown that the Latin love elegy is a rewriting which is based on already acquired knowledge, rich in auctorial, for new pacts of writing and lecture, therefore leaving space for a “proper Latin literary fact”. The perspective of this research is diachronic, literary (intertextuality, gender, genericity) and, at the same time, ideological.

Personal networks and locus of control in large urban centers of Argentina / Redes personales y locus de control en centros urbanos de la Argentina

Grande, Pablo De 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study analyzes the relationship between locus of control and interpersonal relations structures in Argentina. After a representative sample (n = 1500) of households in seven major urban centers (>200,000 inhabitants), it examines the relationship between the externality of locus of control and different aspects of personal networks of each respondent. The results show that people having more relations experiment lower levels of externality of locus of control. Likewise, lower levels of externality are informed when personal ties outside the neighborhood are available, as well as ties high educational level. In this regard, significant associations are verified between control and personal relations structures. / El presente estudio se propone analizar la relación entre la representación del locus de control y las estructuras de vínculos interpersonales en la Argentina. A partir de una muestra (n=1500) de hogares representativa de siete grandes centros urbanos (>200 mil habitantes) se examina la relación entre la externalidad del locus de control y diferentes aspectos de las redes personales de cada participante. Los resultados muestran que a mayor cantidad de relaciones disponibles se encuentran niveles inferiores de externalidad del locus de control, así como también menores niveles de externalidad al disponerse de lazos interpersonales fuera del barrio y con vínculos de nivel socioeducativo alto. En este sentido, se verifican asociaciones significativas entre representación de control del entorno y estructuras vinculares.

The Effects of Perceived Locus of Control and Dispositional Optimism on Chronic Pain Treatment Outcomes.

Worsham, Scott L. 12 1900 (has links)
The financial cost for health care and lost productivity due to chronic pain has been estimated at over $70 billion per year. Researchers have attempted to discover the psychosocial and personality factors that discriminate between people who learn to cope well with chronic pain and those who have difficulty adjusting. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of perceived locus of control and dispositional optimism on chronic pain treatment outcomes. Subjects reported significantly lower post-treatment pain levels as compared with pre-treatment levels (M = 0.66, SD = 1.58), t(45) = 2.85, p = .007 (two-tailed), but decreased pain was not associated with scores on the internality dimension of the Pain Locus of Control Scale (PLOC) or on the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) (a measure of dispositional optimism). Overall, participants' increased coping ability was associated with scores on the LOT-R, but not with scores on the internality dimension of the PLOC. Subjects with the lowest pre-treatment scores on the LOT-R demonstrated significantly greater increases in post-treatment coping ability than those with the highest scores (F(2,40) = 3.93, p < .03). Participants with the highest pre-treatment scores on both the PLOC internality dimension and the LOT-R demonstrated greater post-treatment coping ability (F(2,32) = 4.65, p < .02), but not less post-treatment pain than other subjects. Participants' post-treatment LOT-R scores were significantly higher than their pre-treatment scores (M = 2.09, SD = 3.96), t(46) = 3.61, p = .001 (two-tailed), but post-treatment PLOC internality scores were not significantly higher than pre-treatment scores. Implications of these results are discussed.

Secant varieties of Spinor varieties and of other generalized Grassmannians

Galgano, Vincenzo 18 December 2023 (has links)
Secant varieties are among the main protagonists in tensor decomposition, whose study involves both pure and applied mathematic areas. Despite they have been studied for decades, several aspects of their geometry are still mysterious, among which identifiability and singularity of their points. In this thesis we study the secant varieties of lines of Grassmannians and of Spinor varieties. As first result, we completely determine their posets of orbits under the action of the groups SL and Spin, respectively. Then we solve the problems of identifiability and tangential-identifiability of points in the secant varieties of lines: as a consequence, we also determine the second Terracini locus to a Grassmannian and to a Spinor variety. Our main result concerns the singular locus of the secant variety of lines: we completely determine it for Grassmannians, and we give lower and upper bounds for Spinor varieties. Finally, we partially describe the poset of orbits in the secant variety of lines of any cominuscule variety.

Work Locus of Control as a Moderator of the Relationship between Work Stressors and Counterproductive Work Behavior

Sprung, Justin Michael 08 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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