Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES"" "subject:"[enn] MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES""
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[pt] A pesquisa aponta para a possibilidade de realizar a reação de
redução de CO2 (CO2RR) para a formação de nanomateriais de carbono
por ablação a laser pulsado(PLA) de alvos magnéticos de Ferro(Fe) e
Níquel(Ni) em água pura deionizada. Os materiais coloidais sintetizados
foram caracterizados por diferentes técnicas de espectroscopias ópticas (UVVis,
ICP-MS, FTIR e Raman) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão
(TEM), revelando a presença de nanopartículas de óxidos e hidróxidos de
metais de transição, junto com nanomaterial orgânico. Esse último, é bem
visível por TEM, espectroscopia de raio-X por dispersão em energia (EDS),
espectroscopia por perda de energia de elétrons (EELS), e espectroscopia
Raman, que indica a presença de carbono amorfo grafítico e vibrações CH.
No caso do nanomaterial obtido do Níquel, os resultados FTIR confirmam a
presença da fase do hidróxido beta-Ni(OH)2, enquanto as medidas Raman
e TEM sugerem também a presença de nano-folhas de Ni(HCO3)2. Os
resultados experimentais foram enfim discutidos no contexto da origem e
da evolução de moléculas simples e complexas de interesse astroquímico,
com foco especial nas espécies potencialmente formadas na superfície de
pequenos corpos metálicos do Sistema Solar e grãos de poeira cósmica do
meio interestelar. / [en] The proposed research points to the possibility to perform CO2
reduction reaction (CO2RR) to solid carbon nanomaterials by the pulsed
laser ablation (PLA) of magnetic target of iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) in pure
deionized water. The synthesized colloidal dispersions were characterized
by different optical spectroscopies (UV-Vis, ICP-MS, FTIR and Raman)
and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), revealing the presence of
nanosized transition metal oxide and hydroxide nanoparticles, together with
organic nanomaterial. The latter is well visible by TEM, energy-dispersive
X-Ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy-loss spectroscopy(EELS), and
Raman spectroscopy, which indicates the presence of amorphous graphitic
carbon and CH vibrations. In the case of Ni derived nanomaterial, FTIR
results confirm the presence of a beta-Ni(OH)2 hydroxide phase, while
Raman and TEM measurements suggest also the presence of Ni(HCO3)2
nanosheets. The experimental results were finally discussed in the frame of
the origin and evolution of simple and complex molecules of astrochemical
interest, with special focus on those species potentially formed on the surface
of metallic minor bodies in the solar system and cosmic dust grains in the
interstellar medium(ISM).
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Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Cancer Imaging and TherapyFoy, Susan Patricia 30 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Aplicación catalítica de nuevos nanosistemas obtenidos a partir de la aproximación organometálicaCerezo Navarrete, Christian 06 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral se desarrolla en el ámbito de la catálisis, la cual está enmarcada dentro del concepto de Química Sostenible. En concreto, la investigación se ha centrado en el desarrollo y aplicación de nuevos catalizadores basados en nanopartículas metálicas coloidales y soportadas para llevar a cabo reacciones de interés. Todas las MNPs sintetizadas en esta tesis doctoral se llevaron a cabo a partir de la aproximación organometálica, donde generalmente se descompone un precursor organometálico bajo condiciones suaves de reacción y en presencia de un agente estabilizador (molécula orgánica o soporte).
En el Capítulo 4 de la tesis, se ha descrito el primer ejemplo de estabilización de Ru NPs con una nueva familia de ligandos policíclicos aromáticos no planos, denominados nanografenos (hept-HBC). Específicamente, se han utilizado dos tipos distintos de nanografeno distorsionado: i) uno funcionalizado con un grupo carbonilo, y ii) otro funcionalizado con una grupo metileno en la misma posición (Ru@1 y Ru@2, respectivamente). Gracias a la similitud con los sistemas basados en MNPs soportadas en grafeno o derivados, este material puede utilizarse como referencia para estudiar los modos de coordinación y las dinámicas de estos con la superficie de la nanopartícula. A partir de un estudio combinado teórico/experimental se ha demostrado que la curvatura de los nanografenos hept-HBC es crucial para la estabilización de las Ru NPs. Por último, se ha evaluado la actividad catalítica de estas Ru NPs en la hidrogenación de multitud de sustratos aromáticos, observándose diferencias significativas en función del ligando estabilizador utilizado.
En el Capítulo 5 se ha investigado la formación de MNPs a través de la aproximación organometálica utilizando el óxido de grafeno reducido dopado con átomos de nitrógeno (NH2-rGO) como soporte. En la primera parte del capítulo, sintetizamos Ru NPs soportadas sobre NH2-rGO (Ru@NH2-rGO) y rGO (Ru@rGO), con la intención de investigar el rol de los átomos de N en la estabilización de las MNPs, así como en su actividad catalítica. Para ello, se estudió la hidrogenación del ácido palmítico a 1-hexadecanol, siendo el Ru@NH2-rGO el catalizador heterogéneo monometálico de Ru más activo y selectivo reportado hasta la fecha (99% conversión y 93 % selectivo). En la segunda parte del capítulo, generamos PtRu NPs con distintas composiciones atómicas (5:1, 1:1 y 1:5) sobre NH2-rGO, siguiendo la aproximación organometálica. La misma velocidad de descomposición de los precursores Pt(NBE)3 y Ru(COD)(COT) nos permitió generar las NPs de tipo aleación. Estos sistemas bimetálicos (PtxRuy@NH2-rGO) se estudiaron en la hidrogenación de multitud de compuestos con grupos polares (C=O), observándose diferencias significativas en función del soporte utilizado y la composición atómica de las MNPs.
Por último, en el Capítulo 6 se investigó el uso de nanopartículas magnéticas (MagNPs) para emitir calor por pérdidas de histéresis en presencia de un campo magnético oscilante de alta frecuencia. En primer lugar, se generaron nuevos agentes calefactores basados en MagNPs bimetálicas de tipo "core-shell" de CoNi encapsuladas en carbono (Co@Ni@C), con el objetivo de hidrogenar selectivamente el CO2 a CO (RWGS) obteniéndose excelentes resultados catalíticos. Por último, también presentamos la síntesis de una nueva MagNP de tipo "core-shell" (FeCo@Ni) para su aplicación en catálisis inducida magnéticamente en disolución, siendo capaz de modular su selectividad al producto de la hidrogenación o de la hidrodesoxigenación del HMF en función del campo magnético aplicado. Además, después de su encapsulación en carbono (FeCo@Ni@C) han demostrado ser activas, selectivas y estables en la reducción de multitud de sustratos oxigenados derivados de la biomasa en medio acuoso, siendo el primer ejemplo reportado hasta la fecha de catálisis magnética realizada en agua. / [CAT] La present Tesi Doctoral es desenvolupa en l'àmbit de la catàlisi, la qual està emmarcada dins del concepte de Química Sostenible. Concretament, la investigació s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament i aplicació de nous catalitzadors basats en nanopartícules metàl·liques col·loïdals i suportades per dur a terme reaccions d'interès. Totes les MNPs sintetitzades en aquesta tesi doctoral es van dur a terme a partir de l'aproximació organometàl·lica, on generalment es descompon un precursor organometàl·lic sota condicions suaus de reacció i en presència d'un agent estabilitzador (molècula orgànica o suport).
En el Capítol 4 de la Tesi, s'ha descrit el primer exemple d'estabilització de Ru NPs amb una nova família de lligands policíclics aromàtics no plans, denominats nanografens (hept-HBC). Específicament, s'han utilitzat dos tipus diferents de nanografen distorsionat: i) un funcionalitzat amb un grup carbonil, i un altre ii) funcionalitzat amb un grup metilè en la mateixa posició (Ru@1 i Ru@2, respectivament). Gràcies a la similitud amb els sistemes basats en MNPs suportades en grafè o derivats, aquest material pot utilitzar-se com a referència per a estudiar els modes de coordinació i dinàmiques d'aquests amb la superfície de la nanopartícula. A partir d'un estudi combinat teòric/experimental s'ha demostrat que la curvatura dels nanografens hept-HBC és crucial per a l'estabilització de les Ru NPs. Finalment, s'ha avaluat l'activitat catalítica d'aquestes Ru NPs en la hidrogenació de multitud de substrats aromàtics, observant diferències significatives en funció del lligand estabilitzador utilitzat.
En el Capítol 5 s'ha investigat la formació de MNPs a través de l'aproximació organometàl·lica utilitzant l'òxid de grafè reduït dopat amb àtoms de nitrogen (NH2-rGO) com a suport. En la primera part del capítol, vam sintetitzar Ru NPs suportades sobre NH2-rGO (Ru@NH2-rGO) i rGO (Ru@rGO), amb l'intenció d'investigar el paper dels àtoms de N en l'estabilització de les MNPs, així com en la seua activitat catalítica. Per a això, es va estudiar la hidrogenació de l'àcid palmític a 1-hexadecanol, sent el Ru@NH2-rGO el catalitzador heterogeni monometàl·lic de Ru més actiu i selectiu reportat fins a la data (99% conversió i 93 % selectiu). En la segona part del capítol, es van generar PtRu NPs amb diferents composicions atòmiques (5:1, 1:1 i 1:5) sobre NH2-rGO, seguint l'aproximació organometàl·lica. La mateixa velocitat de descomposició dels precursores Pt(NBE)3 i Ru(COD)(COT) ens va permetre generar les NPs de tipus aliatge. Aquests sistemes bimetàl·lics (PtxRuy@NH2-rGO) es van estudiar en la hidrogenació de multitud de compostos amb grups polars (C=O), observant-se diferències significatives en funció del suport utilitzat i la composició atòmica de les MNPs.
Finalment, en el Capítol 6 es va investigar l'ús de nanopartícules magnètiques (MagNPs) per emetre calor per pèrdues d'histèresi en presència d'un camp magnètic oscil·lant d'alta freqüència. En primer lloc, es van generar nous agents calefactores basats en generar MagNPs bimetàl·liques de tipus "core-shell" de CoNi encapsulades en carbó (Co@Ni@C), amb l'objectiu d'hidrogenar selectivament el CO2 a CO (RWGS) obtenint excel·lents resultats catalítics. Finalment, també presentem la síntesi d'una nova MagNP de tipus "core-shell" (FeCo@Ni) per a la seva aplicació en catàlisi induïda magnèticament en solució, demostrant ser capaç de modular la seva selectivitat al producte de l'hidrogenació o de l'hidrodesoxigenació del HMF en funció del camp magnètic aplicat. A més, després de la seva encapsulació en carbó (FeCo@Ni@C) han demostrat ser actives, selectives i estables en la reducció de multitud de substrats oxigenats derivats de la biomassa en medi aquós, sent el primer exemple reportat fins a la data de catàlisi magnètica realitzada en aigua. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis is developed in the field of catalysis, which is framed within the concept of Sustainable Chemistry. Specifically, the research has focused on the development and application of new catalysts based on colloidal and supported metallic nanoparticles to carry out relevant catalytic reactions. All the MNPs synthesized in this doctoral thesis were carried out from the organometallic approach, where an organometallic precursor is generally decomposed under mild conditions, room temperature and 3 bar H2, in the presence of a stabilizing agent (organic molecule, polymer, or support).
The catalytic properties of MNPs are greatly influenced by the stabilizing agents used, which are capable of modifying their electronic and steric properties. Therefore, the search for new ligands capable of modulating these properties is of great scientific interest. In Chapter 4 of the Thesis, we describe the first example of Ru NPs stabilized with a new family of non-planar polycyclic aromatic ligands, called nanographenes (hept-HBC). Specifically, two different types of distorted nanographene have been used: i) one functionalized with a carbonyl group, and another ii) functionalized with a methylene group in the same position (Ru@1 and Ru@2, respectively). Thanks to the resemblance with systems based on supported-MNPs on graphene or derivatives, this material can be used as a reference to study the coordination modes and dynamics of these with the surface of the nanoparticle. A combined theoretical/experimental study revealed that the curvature of hept-HBC nanographenes is crucial for the stabilization of Ru NPs. Finally, the catalytic activity of these Ru NPs has been evaluated in the hydrogenation of multitude of arenes, observing significant differences depending on the stabilizing ligand used.
In Chapter 5, the formation of MNPs through the organometallic approach was investigated using reduced graphene oxide N-doped (NH2-rGO) as support. In the first part of the chapter, Ru NPs supported on NH2-rGO (Ru@NH2-rGO) and rGO (Ru@rGO) were synthesized, with the aim of investigating the role of N atoms in the stabilization of the MNPs, as well as their catalytic activity. For this purpose, the hydrogenation of palmitic acid to 1-hexadecanol was studied, and Ru@NH2-rGO was found to be the most active and selective monometallic Ru-based heterogeneous catalyst reported to date (99% conversion and 93% selectivity). In the second part of the chapter, PtRu NPs with different atomic compositions (5:1, 1:1, and 1:5) were generated on NH2-rGO using the organometallic approach. The same decomposition rate of Pt(NBE)3 and Ru(COD)(COT) precursors allowed us to generate alloy-type NPs. These bimetallic systems (PtxRuy@NH2-rGO) were studied in the hydrogenation of a variety of compounds with polar groups (C=O), and significant differences were observed depending on the support used and the atomic composition of the MNPs.
Finally, in Chapter 6 the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MagNPs) for heat generation through hysteresis losses in the presence of a high-frequency oscillating magnetic field was investigated. Firstly, new heat-generating agents based on bimetallic core-shell type CoNi MagNPs encapsulated in carbon (Co@Ni@C) were synthesized with the aim of selectively hydrogenate CO2 to CO (RWGS), obtaining excellent catalytic results. Finally, a new core-shell type MagNP (FeCo@Ni@C), the MagNPs proved to be active, selective, and stable in the reduction of several oxygenated substrates derived from biomass in aqueous media, being the first reported example of magnetic catalysis performed in water to date. In Chapter 6, the crucial role of MagNP encapsulation was demonstrated, where carbon not only limits the total oxidation of MagNPs but also prevents their sintering at high temperatures (~ 700 °C) in gas phase and avoids their aggregation in liquid phase. / Cerezo Navarrete, C. (2023). Aplicación catalítica de nuevos nanosistemas obtenidos a partir de la aproximación organometálica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196366
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New magnetic nanoparticles for catalysis and bioapplicationMrowczynski, Radosław Grzegorz 10 March 2014 (has links)
Magnetische Nanopartikel (MNP) wurden mit neuen Fettsäurederivaten modifiziert. Auf diese Art und Weise wurden wichtige biologische und organokatalytische Funktionen auf die Oberfläche von magnetischen Nanopartikeln aufgebracht. Das folgende Kapitel präsentiert eine Veränderung von mit Polydopamin (PDA) bedeckten magnetischen Nanopartikeln via CuAAC-Reaktion. Zum Beweis der Wirksamkeit dieser Methode wurden biologische Funktionen wie Biotin, Galaktose oder Dansyl an die magnetischen Nanopartikel über einen 1,2,3-Triazolring gebunden, ebenso Prolin als organokatalytische Einheit. Weiterhin wurde das unerwartete Verhalten von Polydopamin als Organokatalysator in Aldol- und Knoevenagel-Reaktionen gezeigt und untersucht. Für diese Reaktionen wurde ebenfalls das Recycling der mit PDA bedeckten Nanopartikel getestet. Desweiteren wurde gezeigt, daß PDA als reaktives Beschichtungsmaterial für oberflächeninitiierte Ringöffnungs-polymerisation von Lactid dienen kann. Somit kann Polymilchsäure (PLA) auf verschiedene Materialien, welche mit PDA beschichtet sind, aufgebracht werden – MNP, Kohlenstoff-beschichtete Eisennanopartikel, oder Aluminiumoxid. Das letzte Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit dem Einsatz von Polyacrylaten zur Funktionalisierung von MNP. Mit dieser Methode wurden Prolin-, Lysin- und Threoninderivate an die MNP gebunden. Die katalytische Aktivität dieser neuen Materialien wurde untersucht. / Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) were modified with new fatty acid derivatives. In this way important biological and organocatalytic functions were introduced on the surface of magnetic nanoparticles. The following chapter is presenting a modification of polydopamine (PDA) coated magnetic nanoparticles via CuAAC reaction. As a proof of principle biological moieties like biotin, galactose, dansyl were bound to magnetic nanoparticles through a 1,2,3-triazole ring, as well as proline – an organocatalytic unit. Further unexpected behaviour of polydopamine as organocatalyst for aldol and Knoevenagel reaction was demonstrated. Recycling of MNP covered with PDA was tested for the aforementioned reactions. Furthermore, it has been proved that PDA may serve as reactive coating agent for surface initiated ring opening polymerization of lactide. As a result polylactic acid (PLA) can be introduced on different materials covered with PDA - MNP, carbon covered iron magnetic nanoparticles or aluminium oxide. The last chapter is describing the employment of polyacrylates for functionalization of MNP. Using this method proline, lysine and threonine derivatives are fixed to MNP. The catalytic activity of the newly prepared materials was investigated.
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Organometallic approach to the growth of metallic magnetic nanoparticles in solution and on substrates / Approche organométallique de la synthèse de nanoparticules métalliques magnétiques en solution et sur des substratsLiakakos, Nikolaos 08 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne une nouvelle méthode chimique de croissance par germes qui peut produire des assemblés de nanostructures métalliques epitaxiées sur des surfaces macroscopiques cristallines qui agissent comme germes. Cette approche permet d’obtenir des assemblés bien organisées en échelle centimétrique de nanofils métalliques de Co, qui sontmonocristallins, monodisperses de diamètres inferieurs à 10nm et qui ont une orientation perpendiculaire. Ils ont une anisotropie magnétique perpendiculaire et sont intéressantes pour des applications d’enregistrement magnétique à très haute densité. L’extension de cette méthode au fer donne des films nanostructurés de fer. L’orientation des nanostructures sur le support solide dépend de l’orientation cristallographique du substrat, alors que leur morphologie est dictée par la composition de la solution. Cet objectif a été atteint grâce à des études parallèles sur le mécanisme de croissance de nano-cristaux de cobalt en solution qui ont révélées une influence inattendue de la procédure de préparation de la solution mère sur la morphologie des nanocristaux. En plus,l’utilisation des germes nanoscopiques pour la croissance de Co et de Fe a rendu des nanofils longs de Co et des altères de Co-Fe et elle a contribué à la définition et l’amélioration des conditions expérimentales pour la croissance par germes de Co et de Fe sur les substrats solides. / This thesis concerns a new wet chemical seeded growth method that can produce arrays of metal nanostructures epitaxially grown on crystalline macroscopic surfaces which act as seeds. This approach produces wafer-scale organized 2D hexagonal arrays of perpendicularly oriented, monodisperse and monocrystalline metallic Co nanowires with diameters below 10 nm which exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and are interesting for applications in ultra high density magnetic recording. Extension of this approach to iron gives rise to nanostructured iron films. The orientation of the nanostructures on the solid substrate depends on the substrate crystallographic orientation, whereas their morphology is dictated by the solution composition. This objective was attained through parallel studies on the growth mechanism of cobalt nano-crystals in solution which revealed an unexpected influence of the stock solution preparation procedure on the nanocrystal morphology. In addition, the use of nanoscopicseeds for the overgrowth of cobalt and iron gave rise to long Co nanowires and Co-Fe dumbbells and contributed to the definition and the improvement of the experimental conditions for the seeded growth of Co and Fe on the solid substrates
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FePt magnetic nanoparticles : syntheses, functionalisation and characterisation for biomedical applicationsChen, Shu January 2011 (has links)
Iron platinum (FePt) has attracted growing interest because of its high Curie temperature, magneto-crystalline anisotropy and chemical stability. Nanoparticles (NPs) made of this alloy are promising candidates for a wide range of biomedical applications including magnetic separation, magnetic targeted drug delivery, hyperthermia for cancer therapy and also as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. This thesis presents the synthesis, functionalization and characterization of FePt NPs along with a toxicity study and an investigation into their application as MRI contrast agents. Regarding their synthesis, different approaches have been explored including the co-reduction of Fe and Pt precursors in an aqueous media, the thermal decomposition in a conventional high-boiling solvent such as benzyl ether, and in low-melting organic salts (ionic liquids). The data revealed an inhomogeneous composition distribution of Fe and Pt between particles obtained in aqueous media, due to the iron salts hydrolysis, and a mismatch in the co-reduction kinetic of the two metal precursors. While the iron content in the NPs could be increased by using more hydrolytically stable iron precursors or stronger reducing agents, there are remaining limiting parameters which prevent further Fe content increase in NPs. In contrast, by excluding the water from the reaction system and using a Fe²⁻ iron precursor, homogenous 1:1 Fe to Pt ratio NPs can be obtained through a modified thermal decomposition pathway in benzyl ether. Based on the study of synthesis in this conventional chemical, the potential of ionic liquids (ILs) to be used as novel solvents for FePt NPs synthesis was further explored. It was then demonstrated that ionic liquids (ILs) can not only be used as a solvent for synthesis of FePt NPs, but also can provide an exciting alternative pathway to direct synthesis fct-FePt NPs. In the context of the bioapplication of FePt NPs, a family of FePt NPs was specifically designed to enhance their MRI contrast agents properties. In contrast with previous reports, this thesis demonstrates that FePt NPs can be made non-toxic and provides the first data on their cellular uptake mechanisms. A six times increase in the FePt based T₂ contrast properties compared to clinical iron oxide NPs is reported. The relationship between the MRI contrast properties and the NPs architecture is explored and rationalised as the basis for the design of NPs as enhanced MRI contrast agents. Finally, the first observations of cellular and in vivo MR imaging with FePt NPs is also reported. This study opens the way for several applications of FePt NPs such as regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy, thus providing a bio-platform to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
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Desenvolvimento, síntese e caracterização de nanopartículas magnéticas hidrofílicas e lipofílicas para aplicação em nanotecnologia do petróleo / Development, synthesis and characterization of hydrophilic and lipophilic magnetic nanoparticles applied to oil nanotechnologySilva, Delmarcio Gomes da 22 April 2014 (has links)
A tese de doutorado tem como foco o desenvolvimento de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas (Fe3O4 - magnetita) hidrofílicas e lipofílicas aplicadas à nanotecnologia do petróleo. Inicialmente, os objetivos foram voltados para a elaboração e transferência de tecnologia envolvendo uma rota de síntese de nanopartículas lipofílicas, em escala semi-industrial. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios piloto num reator com capacidade de uma tonelada, visando a produção de nanopartículas magnéticas recobertas com ácido esteárico. Mais tarde, esse trabalho foi otimizado, permitindo sua execução em laboratório, prosseguindo depois, com um escopo mais amplo, incluindo a síntese de nanopartículas recobertas com polímero hidrofílico. Nesse sentido, foram desenvolvidas duas rotas inéditas para produção desses nanomateriais. Em um segundo estágio, as investigações foram voltadas para a utilização das nanopartículas sintetizadas, em estudos de avaliação das condições dos reservatórios de petróleo. Para isso, a técnica de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) foi explorada, monitorando o efeito da concentração dessas nanopartículas superparamagnéticas sobre o tempo de relaxação dos prótons, e o consequente efeito de contraste nas imagens em função da magnetização. A aplicação desse tipo de ferramenta (RMN) já vem sendo feita (sem nanopartículas magnéticas) pelas empresas prestadoras de serviço ao setor de petróleo e gás, na avaliação e perfilagem de reservatórios. Isso motivou o estudo dos nanomateriais magnéticos como sondas para melhorar o mapeamento de fluidos em meio poroso. Eles seriam aplicados como aditivos em fluidos de injeção em reservatórios, tanto para imageamento, como para a obtenção de parâmetros petrofísicos. Por fim, devido à presença de grupos carboxílicos na superfície das nanopartículas hidrofílicas, foram investigadas suas interações com microcristais de carbonato de cálcio, pensando no modelo de reservatório petrolífero do tipo carbonáceo. Explorando técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de microscopia Raman confocal, a presença das nanopartículas magnéticas sobre a superfície da matriz mineral foi constatada, confirmando sua interação efetiva com o CaCO3. Abordando a síntese, caracterização e aplicações das nanopartículas superparamagnéticas, esta tese proporciona uma base para estudos de aplicação de nanomateriais, assunto cada vez mais relevante, diante dos inúmeros problemas e desafios enfrentados pelo setor de petróleo e gás. / The Ph.D thesis is focused on the preparation of hydrophilic and lipophilic superparamagnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4 - magnetite) for application in oil nanotechnology. The initial efforts have been directed to the upscaling of a laboratory route of synthesis of lipophilic nanoparticles, aiming technology transfer to the industry. Accordingly, a pilot process, involving a one ton reactor, has been tested for the production of magnetic nanoparticles coated with stearic acid. After this, the research has evolved, allowing the production in the laboratory scale, and continued, pursuing the development of nanoparticles coated with a hydrophilic polymer. Two new routes for the production of these nanomaterials have been developed. In a second step, the investigations were directed to the application of these nanoparticles to the evaluation of oil reservoirs, by monitoring the proton relaxation times, using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and the consequent contrasting effects observed on the images, as a function of the magnetization and the concentration of these particles. Currently, NMR tools are being employed in the oil and gas sector for the evaluation and profiling of reservoirs. This fact has stimulated the use of such nanomaterials for improving the mapping of the fluids in porous media. Introduced as additives for fluid injection into reservoirs, they can enhance the imaging and also perform the rating of petrophysical parameters. Finally, the presence of carboxylic groups on the surface of the hydrophilic nanoparticles has been explored in studies of interaction with calcium carbonate, simulating a carbonaceous type reservoir. Based on electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal Raman microscopy, the presence of magnetic nanoparticles on the surface of the mineral matrix has confirmed the interaction of these particles with the CaCO3 surface. By developing the synthesis, characterization and application of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, this work provides a useful starting point for further research on the use nanoparticles, for solving problems and challenges in the oil and gas sector.
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Nanocomposites à base de particules magnétiques : synthèse et contribution de la dispersion des charges et de la conformation des chaines sur les propriétés de renforcement / Magnetic nanoparticles based nanocomposites : synthesis, contribution of the fillers dispersion and the chains conformation on the reinforcement propertiesRobbes, Anne-sophie 14 October 2011 (has links)
Les propriétés mécaniques de films polymériques peuvent être considérablement améliorées par l'inclusion de nanoparticules au sein de la matrice du fait de deux effets majeurs : (i) la structure locale de la dispersion des charges et (ii) la modification potentielle de la dynamique et de la conformation des chaînes à l'interface charge/polymère. Néanmoins, les mécanismes précis qui permettent de relier ces contributions à l’échelle nanométrique aux propriétés macroscopiques des matériaux, et en particulier aux propriétés mécaniques, sont actuellement mal décrits. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé des nanocomposites modèles à base de nanoparticules magnétiques de maghémite γ-Fe2O3 (nues ou greffées d'une couronne de polystyrène (PS) par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée) dispersées dans une matrice de PS, que nous avons caractérisé en couplant la diffusion de rayonnement (Rayons X et neutrons) et la microscopie électronique à transmission. En jouant sur différents paramètres tels que la taille des particules, la concentration, ou le rapport de taille entre les chaînes greffées et celles de la matrice pour les charges greffées, nous avons obtenu des nanocomposites présentant un éventail de dispersions de charges variées, contrôlées, parfaitement reproductibles, allant de particules individuelles ou d’agrégats ramifiés jusqu’à la formation d’un réseau de charges connecté. En appliquant un champ magnétique externe durant la synthèse des nanocomposites, nous sommes parvenus à aligner les différentes structures le long de la direction du champ et ainsi former des matériaux présentant des propriétés remarquables de renforcement anisotropes. La conformation des chaînes au sein des nanocomposites, déterminée expérimentalement grâce aux propriétés spécifiques de contraste neutronique du système, n'est pas affectée par la présence des charges, quels que soient le degré de confinement des chaînes, l’orientation, la dispersion ou l'état de surface des charges. L’alignement des charges sous champ magnétique a permis de décrire précisément l’évolution du module de renforcement des matériaux avec la réorganisation structurale locale des charges et des chaînes sous étirement, et de finalement mettre en évidence le rôle majeur joué par la réorganisation des charges sous déformation dans les mécanismes de renforcement. / The mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposite films can be considerably enhanced by the inclusion of inorganic nanoparticles due to two main effects: (i) the local structure of fillers dispersion and (ii) the potential modification of the chains conformation and dynamics in the vicinity of the filler/polymer interface. However, the precise mechanisms which permit to correlate these contributions at nanometric scale to the macroscopic mechanical properties of the materials are actually poorly described. In such a context, we have synthesized model nanocomposites based on magnetic nanoparticles of maghemite γ-Fe2O3 (naked or grafted with a polystyrene (PS) corona by radical controlled polymerization) dispersed in a PS matrix, that we have characterized by combining small angle scattering (X-Ray and neutron) and transmission electronic microscopy. By playing on different parameters such as the particle size, the concentration, or the size ratio between the grafted chains and the ones of the matrix in the case of the grafted fillers, we have obtained nanocomposite films a large panel of controlled and reproducible controlled filler structures, going from individual nanoparticles or fractal aggregates up to the formation of a connected network of fillers. By applying an external magnetic field during the film processing, we succeeded in aligning the different structures along the direction of the field and we obtained materials with remarkable anisotropic reinforcement properties. The conformation of the chains of the matrix, experimentally determined thanks to the specific properties of neutron contrast of the system, is not affected by the presence of the fillers, whatever their confinement, the dispersion the fillers or their chemical state surface. The alignment of the fillers along the magnetic field has allowed us to describe precisely the evolution of the reinforcement modulus of the materials with the structural reorganization of the fillers and the chains at the local scale under stretching, and thus to highlight the key role played by the fillers reorganization under stretching on the nanocomposite reinforcement mechanisms.
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Estudo da imobiliza??o de proteases para a s?ntese de oligolisinasFagundes, Fabio Pereira 16 September 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-09-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Enzymatic synthesis of peptides using proteases has attracted a great deal of attention in
recent years. One key challenge in peptide synthesis is to find supports for protease
immobilization capable of working in aqueous medium at high performance, producing watersoluble
oligopeptides. At present, few reports have been described using this strategy. Therefore,
the aim of this thesis was to immobilize proteases applying different methods (Immobilization by
covalent bound, entrapment onto polymeric gels of PVA and immobilization on glycidil
metacrylate magnetic nanoparticles) in order to produce water-soluble oligopeptides derived from
lysine. Three different proteases were used: trypsin, α-chymotrypsin and bromelain. According to
immobilization strategies associated to the type of protease employed, trypsin-resin systems
showed the best performance in terms of hydrolytic activity and oligopeptides synthesis.
Hydrolytic activities of the free and immobilized enzymes were determined
spectrophotometrically based on the absorbance change at 660 nm at 25 ?C (Casein method).
Calculations of oligolysine yield and average degree of polymerization (DPavg) were monitored
by 1H-NMR analysis. Trypsin was covalently immobilized onto four different resins
(Amberzyme, Eupergit C, Eupergit CM and Grace 192). Maximum yield of bound protein was 92
mg/g, 82 mg/g and 60 mg/g support for each resin respectively. The effectiveness of these
systems (Trypsin-resins) was evaluated by hydrolysis of casein and synthesis of water-soluble
oligolysine. Most systems were capable of catalyzing oligopeptide synthesis in aqueous medium,
albeit at different efficiencies, namely: 40, 37 and 35% for Amberzyme, Eupergit C and Eupergit
CM, respectively, in comparison with free enzyme. These systems produced oligomers in only 1
hour with DPavg higher than free enzyme. Among these systems, the Eupergit C-Trypsin system
showed greater efficiency than others in terms of hydrolytic activity and thermal stability.
However, this did not occur for oligolysine synthesis. Trypsin-Amberzyme proved to be more
successful in oligopeptide synthesis, and exhibited excellent reusability, since it retained 90% of
its initial hydrolytic and synthetic activity after 7 reuses. Trypsin hydrophobic interactions with
Amberzyme support are responsible for protecting against strong enzyme conformational
changes in the medium. In addition, the high concentration of oxirane groups on the surface
promoted multi-covalent linking and, consequently, prevented the immobilized enzyme from leaching. The aforementioned results suggest that immobilized Trypsin on the supports evaluated
can be efficiently used for oligopeptides synthesis in aqueous media / S?ntese enzim?tica de pept?deos usando proteases tem atra?do uma enorme aten??o nos
?ltimos anos. Um desafio chave na s?ntese de pept?deos ? encontrar suportes para imobiliza??o de
proteases capazes de apresentar um alto desempenho em meio aquoso, produzindo oligopept?deos
sol?veis em ?gua, j? que at? o presente momento, pouco tem sido descrito usando essa estrat?gia.
Dessa forma, o objetivo dessa tese foi imobilizar proteases usando diferentes m?todos
(imobiliza??o por liga??o covalente, aprisionamento em g?is polim?ricos de PVA e imobiliza??o
em nanopart?culas magn?ticas de Glicidil) para a produ??o de oligopept?deos derivados da lisina.
Tr?s proteases foram utilizadas: tripsina, α-quimotripsina e bromela?na. De acordo com as
estrat?gias de imobiliza??o associadas ao tipo de protease empregada, foi provado que os
sistemas tripsina-resinas mostraram os melhores desempenhos em termos de atividade hidrol?tica
e s?ntese de oligopept?deos. A atividade hidrol?tica das enzimas livres e imobilizadas foi
determinada por espectrofotometria com base na mudan?a de absorb?ncia em 660 nm ?
temperatura de 25 ?C (Casein method). O rendimento de oligolisina e o c?lculo do grau de
polimeriza??o m?dio foram monitorados por RMN H. A protease tripsina foi covalentemente
imobilizada em quatro diferentes resinas (Amberzyme, Eupergit C, Eupergit CM and Grace 192).
O m?ximo rendimento de prote?na imobilizada foi 92, 82, 60, e 71 mg/g de suporte para cada
resina, respectivamente. A efici?ncia desses sistemas (Tripsina-resinas) foi avaliada pela hidr?lise
do substrato case?na e a s?ntese de oligolisina em meio aquoso. A maioria dos sistemas foram
capazes de catalisar a s?ntese de oligopept?deos, entretanto com diferentes efici?ncias, tais como:
40, 37 e 35% para os suportes Amberzyme, Eupergit C e Eupergit CM, respectivamente, em
compara??o com a enzima livre. Esses sistemas produziram olig?meros em somente 1 hora com
grau de polimeriza??o m?dio mais alto que a enzima livre. Dentre esses sistemas, Eupergit CTripsina
mostrou ser mais eficiente que os outros sistemas em termos de atividade hidrol?tica e
estabilidade t?rmica, ao passo que n?o exibiu a mesma efici?ncia como era esperado para a
s?ntese de oligolisina. Tripsina-amberzyme provou ser mais eficiente para a s?ntese de
oligopept?deos, al?m de exibir um excelente reuso, mantendo 90% de sua atividade hidrol?tica e
sint?tica ap?s sete reusos. As intera??es hidrof?bicas da tripsina com o suporte Amberzyme s?o
respons?veis por proteger a enzima contra as fortes mudan?as conformacionais no meio
reacional. Al?m disso, a alta concentra??o de grupos oxiranos na superf?cie da resina promoveu
liga??es covalentes multipontuais e, consequentemente, preveniu a enzima imobilizada do processo de desor??o (Leaching process). Os resultados acima mencionados sugerem que a tripsina imobilizada nesses suportes pode ser eficientemente usada para a s?ntese de
oligopept?deos em meio aquoso
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Agrégats multicellulaires magnétiques : mécanique des tissus et biodégradation des nanomatériaux / Magnetic multicellular aggregates : tissues mechanics and nanomaterials biodegradationMazuel, François 22 September 2016 (has links)
Les nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer ont récemment été envisagées comme outils pour l’ingénierie tissulaire. Elles sont internalisées par les cellules qui deviennent alors magnétiques. Des forces magnétiques peuvent ainsi être appliquées à distance sur ces cellules pour contrôler leur organisation spatiale et temporelle, et former un tissu. Ces applications posent la question du devenir des nanoparticules, qui conditionne in fine leur utilisation clinique. Ce travail s’inscrit dans ce cadre et comporte deux axes.La première partie traite de l’étude des propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques de tissus biologiques modèles, les agrégats multicellulaires. Une combinaison de méthodes magnétiques est proposée pour fabriquer et stimuler des tissus magnétiques de taille et de forme contrôlées. Ces agrégats magnétiques sont soumis à distance à des contraintes magnétiques d’écrasement. L’étude de leur déformation permet d’explorer des caractéristiques statiques et dynamiques rarement étudiées à l’échelle tissulaire (tension de surface, loi puissance, non linéarité). La deuxième partie se concentre sur l'évolution à moyen terme des nanoparticules dans leur environnement tissulaire, au cœur des agrégats. En combinant ce tissu modèle avec des méthodes de quantification magnétique, nous avons pu mettre en évidence une dégradation massive d’origine endosomale, sans pour autant impacter de manière importante l’homéostasie du fer. De plus, le modèle tissulaire mis en place permet d’étudier la biodégradation intracellulaire de n’importe quel type de nanoparticules. Nous l'avons testé avec des nano-architectures plus complexes: nanocubes, nanodimers, ou nanoparticules magnéto-plasmoniques / Iron oxide nanoparticles are promising candidates for applications in nanomedecine (contrast agents, vectors). They were also recently considered as a powerful tool for tissue engineering. Cells, magnetized through nanoparticules internalization, can be organized in space and time thanks to remote magnetic forces. For all those applications the nanoparticles fate inside the cells remains a key issue concerning the final clinical use. The first part of this work focuses on the study of the mechanical and rheological properties of biological tissue models, the multicellular aggregates. An original magnetic molding method and two different experimental setups were developed to produce aggregates with controlled shapes and sizes, to measure their surface tension and to evidence their power law and non linear behavior.In the second part, we investigate the medium term fate of iron oxide nanoparticles in stem cells forming a spheroid as a model tissue. We reveal a massive endosomal degradation. The set of methods and spheroid model we propose allow a comprehensive and quantitative follow up of the biodegradation of any nanomaterials. This was illustrated by investigating the degradation of nanomaterials with more complex nano-architectures (nanocubes, nanodimers) and assessing the efficiency of a protection strategy to modulate the biodegradation
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