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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro de Día y Residencia para el Adulto Mayor en San Martín de Porres

Moyasevich Tristán, Nevenka Alexandra 01 July 2019 (has links) (PDF)
El presente proyecto de tesis esta compuesto por un centro de día y residencia para el adulto mayor el cual esta ubicado en el distrito de San Martín de Porres debido al gran porcentaje de personas de la tercera edad y por el déficit de centros de atención residencial. La residencia del proyecto busca dar alojamiento a las personas de la tercera edad que cuentan con dependencia física y/o psíquica y precisan de cuidados especiales mediante ambientes que se adaptan al estado de cada usuario. Asimismo, el centro de día cuenta con ambientes de pedagogía, recreación y asistencia medica para los usuarios de la residencia y del distrito. El proyecto busca mejorar la calidad de vida del adulto mayor mediante espacios intergeneracionales, los cuales son ambientes de encuentro, intercambio social y cultural entre distintas generaciones. Además, por medio de la arquitectura multisensorial busca la activación de los sentidos del adulto mayor y que estos minimicen la desorientación y el desconcierto dentro del edificio. Conservando y promoviendo su autonomía física y psicológica. Por ultimo, mediante la accesibilidad universal busca que los ambientes se adapten a las distintas condiciones del usuario considerando los cambios físicos que se producen en esta etapa final de la vida. / The present thesis project is composed of a day and residence center for the elderly which is located in the district of San Martín de Porres due to the large percentage of elderly people and the shortage of residential care centers. The residence of the project seeks to provide accommodation for the elderly who have physical and / or mental dependence and need special care through environments that adapt to the state of each user. Likewise, the day center has pedagogy, recreation and medical assistance environments for residents and district users. The project seeks to improve the quality of life of the elderly through intergenerational spaces, which are meeting environments, social and cultural exchange between different generations. In addition, through the multi sensorial architecture, it seeks the activation of the senses of the elderly and that these minimize the disorientation and bewilderment within the building. conserving and promoting their physical and psychological autonomy. Finally, through universal accessibility, it seeks to adapt the environments to the different conditions of the user, considering the physical changes that occur in this final stage of life. / Tesis


蔡佳洹, Jia-yuan Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
所有的選舉競爭都在既定的環境中進行。競選活動的效果,也就在於候選人是否能正確評估自身在既定環境及個人條件上的優劣勢,從而運用競選策略與戰術來凸顯有利因素、修正或淡化不利因素,以取得規劃中的足夠選票來獲得勝選。於此,本論文以馬英九在1998年台北市長選舉中所運用的競選策略為例,提出一個研究候選人競選策略的分析架構,作為理解選戰中候選人採用各種策略的動機及行為的基礎。在方法上,本論文採取整體資料分析法、文獻分析法、調查研究法、以及深入訪談法等方法配合運用,期能經由對馬英九陣營競選行為的觀察,為當前候選人競選策略研究作進一步驗證,並作為往後競選理論深化發展的基礎。 如何以挑戰者的身份擊敗具優良政績的的在位市長,是馬英九從事選舉競爭的最大問題。在選舉競爭條件的評估方面,國民黨在台北市擁有的三成實力加上新黨約兩成五的政黨實力,共同建構出馬英九的過半潛力,成為馬英九爭勝的有利基礎。在新黨勢弱下,馬英九陣營便將勝選聯盟設定在以國民黨傳統票為基礎,並在預期新黨票源將有效回流下,將本土性票源視為勝選目標群。但在李登輝因素造成新黨票源與本土性票源的矛盾下,馬陣營以中間選民訴求作為一個兼顧此兩種票源的最適位置。在策略抉擇上,馬陣營採取候選人中心策略作為選戰議程,並分別針對不同票源群體取不同策略進行訴求:針對國民黨傳統票源,馬陣營採取政黨中心戰術來進行強化式策略;針對新黨票源,馬陣營則分別以「一路走來、始終如一」的候選人中心戰術及「打造世界級首都」的議題中心戰術來進行甄補式策略;針對本土票源,馬陣營則以「台灣第一、台北第一」的議題中心戰術進行甄補式策略。在選舉戰術的應用方面,無論是自我推銷的訴求策略、阻斷對手策略效果的攻擊策略、或者回應對手攻擊或重大事件發展的回應策略,也都扣緊預定之候選人中心的選戰議程。而在組織動員方面,馬陣營也配合馬英九所具資源設計競選組織並進行基層動員。 就選舉結果來看,新黨支持者的大幅流動所造成的國、新合流,尤其是外省籍選民近乎一面倒地支持馬英九,是馬英九勝選主因。這顯示馬英九的競選策略基本上是成功的,即在國民黨傳統票及新黨票源的爭取上達成目標,但在本土票源的爭取上則不如想像中順利。 第一章 緒論 壹、 研究動機與目的 貳、 研究主題的背景 參、 文獻檢閱 肆、 研究方法 第二章 選區的政治生態 壹、 台北市的人文區位背景 貳、 台北市政治生態環境變遷 參、 小結 第三章 競選初期的策略 壹、 競選初期的主要事件 貳、 競爭條件評估與策略抉擇 參、 競選組織的建立 肆、 策略制定與執行 伍、 小結 第四章 競選中期的策略 壹、 競選中期的主要事件 貳、 主要訴求策略及運用 參、 攻擊策略之應用與調整 肆、 回應策略 伍、 組織與動員 陸、 策略效果 柒、 小結 第五章 競選後期的策略 壹、 主要競選活動 貳、 議題訴求 參、 向對手的攻擊策略 肆、 回應對手攻擊的策略 伍、 造勢活動 陸、 小結 第六章 結論 壹、 研究發現 貳、 檢討與建議 參考書目

Svenska städer i medeltidens Europa : En komparativ studie av stadsorganisation och politisk kultur / Swedish Towns in Medieval Europe : A Comparative Study of Town Organization and Political Culture

Gustafsson, Sofia January 2006 (has links)
How did the Swedish towns compare to the surrounding world during the late Middle Ages concerning town organization and political culture? Previous research has claimed a strong German influence on the Swedish town life, but in this dissertation the Europeanization is being put forward as the explanatory factor for the extensive international similarities that can be identified during the Middle Ages. The towns were part of an international town culture that was highly integrated. Differences between towns are foremost analysed as a result of different local conditions such as population size, social structure and relationship to the town lord. Since preserved sources from all towns of medieval Sweden (including Finland) have been examined in a joint study and been placed in a wider context, the dissertation presents renewed and deepened knowledge about the Swedish towns. The study includes Danish, English and German towns and thus compares regions with each other that rarely have been compared before, and thereby presents new perspectives on each respective area. The aspects of the organization that are being systematically compared are the creation of councils, the number of aldermen and mayors, the rotation of offices and functions of the town lords, bailiffs, councils, mayors and chamberlains. Regarding political culture, it is investigated how the councils expressed their group cohesiveness and power in the town and how they defined the border between themselves and the town population. Furthermore, the expectations the town populations placed on the officials and their perception of their own part in the rule of the town is being examined. Finally, the political interaction between council and town population in different towns is compared and analysed.

Mejores prácticas en la industria de las tecnologías para el rubro retail-financiero

Hilarión Martínez, Iván, Rojas Ventocilla, Lourdes Nelly 19 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Daughter of Odoro Grace Onyango and African women's history /

Musandu, Phoebe A. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of History, 2006. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 84-89).

上海市長時期的張羣(1929.4﹣1932.1) / Chang Chun in his shanghai mayor period (1929.4-1932.1)

賀俊逸 Unknown Date (has links)
張羣(1889-1990),是蔣中正幕僚群中的關鍵人物,歷任上海市市長、湖 北省主席、外交部長、四川省主席及行政院長等職。但涉及張羣的相關歷史研究 並不多。 本文聚焦張羣任上海市市長時期(1929 年 4 月至 1932 年 1 月)。對於張羣 的著述、蔣中正相關資料、檔案、當時的報刊等史料,加以分析比對並分類歸納。 通過厘清張羣任上海市市長期間相關行事,筆者認為張羣本欲在市政上有所作為, 也初步解決了市政上面臨的困難。但蔣中正對上海的政治期望並非市政建設,而 是上海的治安問題;當國家有難,蔣中正需要張羣運用他善於遊說地方勢力的縱 橫捭闔的政治手腕為他掃清屏障。張羣被要求頻繁奔波在非市政的領域,最終導 致了他在上海市市長任內的市政建設成果慘澹。 筆者試圖以此為基礎,探討張羣之政治才幹、張羣與蔣中正之關係、市長 張羣和中央執行委員張羣雙重身份下的張力等議題,以期能對理解張羣其人及訓 政初期的國民政府政治生態有所貢獻。 / Chang Chun(1889-1990) was one of the most important lieutenants of Chiang Kai-shek. He followed Chiang’s political path and took the position as Shanghai Mayor, the Chairman of Hupei Province, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Chairman of Sichuan Province and the Premier of the country. Even though he played an important role in modern China, the study of Chang Chun is not sufficient today. This dissertation will focus on Chang’s Shanghai Mayor period (From April 1929 to January 1932). By collecting Chang’s works, the archive of Chiang Kai-shek and newspapers at that time, a most comprehensive viewing of what Chang did in and outside his mayor duty could be made. This dissertation makes clear that Chang wanted to do something on municipal administration on his position as Shanghai Mayor, and he preliminarily succeed to conquer the problems met. However, Chiang paid more attention on public order than municipal construction, which Chang focused on, in Shanghai. When the nation were in trouble,Chiang needed Chang to use his powerful social ability on lobbying the local power. As Chang was always forced to do some tasks outside Shanghai, his municipal construction was always not on the plan. On the basis of these arguments, I want to discuss Chang’s intelligence in politics, the relationship of Chang and Chiang and the roles of Chang as mayor and central executive committee at the same time, in order to learn more about Chang Chun, as well as the political circumstance of early national government.

Avaliação do acolhimento no serviço de emergência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre na perspectiva da pessoa idosa

Gonçalves, Ana Valéria Furquim January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o acolhimento à pessoa idosa no Serviço de Emergência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Este tema configura-se um desafio diante do atendimento de urgência e emergência destacando: a superlotação, a fragmentação do trabalho, a exclusão dos usuários, o aumento do numero de idosos e portadores de danos crônicos que utilizam os serviços, entre outros. Independente dessas adversidades, práticas de acolhimento vêm sendo implementadas, à luz dos referenciais da Política Nacional de Humanização. Identificar como os idosos avaliam o atendimento torna-se relevante para fins de (re) organização dos processos de trabalho. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso com 30 idosos. As informações foram coletadas em 2010 por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisadas por meio de análise de conteúdo temática. Os idosos possuíam entre 60 e 89 anos, sendo 18 homens e 12 mulheres, e a maioria procedente da cidade de Porto Alegre. Foram constituídas cinco categorias: (1) Motivo pela procura, (2) Acolhimento na classificação de risco, (3) Acolhimento nas demais áreas, (4) Escuta e (5) Resolutividade. O motivo mais frequente de procura da emergência está relacionado ao vínculo entre usuário e serviço. Quanto ao acolhimento na classificação de risco, os idosos destacaram o trabalho técnico do enfermeiro, a espera prolongada para consulta nos casos de menor gravidade, a qualificação da orientação quanto à continuidade do atendimento e da presença de acompanhante, e necessidades não atendidas durante a espera por atendimento. Os idosos classificados como graves fizeram uma melhor avaliação do atendimento, quando comparada àquela realizada pelos idosos classificados como alto risco e risco intermediário no que tange à ambiência, habilidade técnica dos trabalhadores, atendimento de necessidades básicas e escuta. A maioria dos idosos considerou o seu problema de saúde resolvido na emergência, numa perspectiva clínica. O estudo suscitou discussão referente às práticas de acolhimento nos serviços de emergência, apontou possíveis intervenções para reorganização do processo de trabalho e qualificação assistencial baseada nas expectativas e necessidades apontadas pelos idosos. / This study aimed to evaluate the care devoted to the elderly in the Emergency Service of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. This issue has become a challenge given the many aspects to be overcome in urgent and emergency care: overcrowding, fragmentation of work, exclusion of users, the increasing number of old people and chronic patients who use the service, among others. Despite of such adversities, care practices have been implemented in the light of the National Policy of Humanization. Identifying how the elderly evaluate this care service becomes relevant for the purpose of (re)organization of work processes. It was done a case study qualitative research with 30 old people. The data were collected in 2010 by the means of semi structured interviews and were studied through a thematic content analysis. The elderly were between 60 and 89 years old, 18 men and 12 women, most of them coming from the city of Porto Alegre - RS. From the responses obtained, five categories were established: (1) Reason to seek care; (2) Care in the risk classification area; (3) Care in other areas; (4) Listening; and (5) Resolving. The most common reason for seeking emergency is related to the bond formed between user and service. Regarding the care in the risk classification area, the elderly highlighted the technical work of the nurse, the prolonged wait for care in less serious cases, the quality of guidance regarding the continuity of care and the presence of a companion, and unmet needs during the waiting time. The elderly classified as a severe case reported a better evaluation of care in comparison to that reported by old people classified as high risk and intermediate risk cases, highlighting positive and negative situations concerning the ambience, technical skills of workers, provision of basic needs and listening. Most of the elderly considered their health problem had been solved in the emergency care in a clinical perspective. This study raised a discussion regarding the practices of care in emergency rooms, also pointed to possible interventions in order to reorganize the process of work and qualify the care based on expectations and needs identified by the elderly. / Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la atención a las personas mayores en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Este tema se configura un reto frente al atendimiento de urgencia y emergencia señalando: el hacinamiento, la fragmentación del trabajo, la exclusión de los usuarios, el aumento del número de ancianos y portadores de daños crónicos que utilizan los servicios, entre otros. Independiente de esas adversidades, prácticas de cuidados que se han llevado a cabo, a la luz de la Política Nacional de Humanización. Identificar de cómo las personas mayores evalúan la atención a ellas se hace relevante para el propósito de (re)organización de los procesos de trabajo. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo del tipo estudio de caso con 30 ancianos. Las informaciones fueron recolectadas en 2010 por medio de entrevista semi-estructurada y analizadas por medio de análisis de contenido temático. Los ancianos tenían entre 60 y 89 años, eran 18 hombres y 12 mujeres, la mayoría provenientes de la ciudad de Porto Alegre. Fueron constituidas cinco categorías: (1) Motivo de la visita, (2) Atención en el área de clasificación de riesgo, (3) Atención en las otras áreas, (4) Escucha y (5) Resolubilidad. El motivo más frecuente de procura de la emergencia está relacionado al vínculo entre usuario y servicio. En cuanto a la atención en la clasificación de riesgo, las personas mayores destacaron el trabajo técnico del enfermero, la prolongada espera para la consulta en los casos menos graves, la calificación de la orientación para a la continuidad del tratamiento y la presencia de un compañero, y también informaron de las necesidades insatisfechas durante la espera para el tratamiento. Los ancianos clasificados como graves hicieron una mejor evaluación del atendimiento, en comparación con la realizada por las personas mayores clasificadas como casos de alto riesgo y riesgo intermedio, poniendo de relieve las situaciones positivas y negativas sobre el ambiente, habilidad técnica de los trabajadores, atendimiento de necesidades básicas y escucha. La mayoría de los ancianos consideró su problema de salud resuelto en la emergencia, en una perspectiva clínica. El estudio planteó discusión referente a las prácticas de atención en los servicios de emergencia, señaló posibles intervenciones para reorganización del proceso de trabajo y cualificación asistencial basada en las expectativas y necesidades identificadas por los ancianos.

A atuação do vereador na câmara municipal de Araraquara: processo legislativo em dois momentos

Ruggiero Junior, Nelson 11 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:25:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1679.pdf: 1079252 bytes, checksum: 7eb57b0afa46a719115070bc851c6882 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-10-11 / This case study had the aim of analyzing the interaction between the Executive and the Legislative powers in the municipal district of Araraquara in two periods; 1997 to 1999 during the government of Waldemar de Santi, from PPB party , and 2001 to 2003 government of Edson Antonio da Silva, from PT party. Based on the neoinstitutional theoretical approach and supported by legislative studies of the three political spheres, the present study focused on observing the councilmen behavior adopted in the recent decisional process of Araraquara, evaluating the political-institutional relationship, as well as the partisan variable. To this end, quantitative and qualitative analyses are taken together. The submissive behavior of Legislative in the legal production showed a pathway that reproduces evidences found in other studies in several levels of government. However, in the second moment studied it was noticed that a space was given to improve the instances of the City Hall Commission Studies case , at the same time that the agenda power and the relevance of the Executive proposals increased / O presente estudo de caso teve como objetivo analisar a interação entre Executivo e Legislativo no Município de Araraquara em dois períodos: 1997 a 1999 gestão Waldemar de Santi, PPB , e de 2001 a 2003 gestão Edson Antonio da Silva, PT. A partir de um referencial teórico neo-institucional e amparado em estudos legislativos dos três âmbitos políticos, observou-se o comportamento adotado pelos vereadores no recente processo decisório araraquarense, avaliando o relacionamento político-institucional, bem como a variável partidária. Para tanto, se aliam análises quantitativas e qualitativas. A submissão do Legislativo na produção legal mostrou um padrão que reproduz evidências de outros estudos em vários níveis de governo. No entanto, num segundo momento estudado percebeu-se que foi cedido um espaço para que se aperfeiçoassem as instâncias da Câmara Municipal caso das Comissões de Estudo , ao mesmo tempo em que aumentou o poder de agenda e a relevância das propostas do Executivo

Avaliação do acolhimento no serviço de emergência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre na perspectiva da pessoa idosa

Gonçalves, Ana Valéria Furquim January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o acolhimento à pessoa idosa no Serviço de Emergência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Este tema configura-se um desafio diante do atendimento de urgência e emergência destacando: a superlotação, a fragmentação do trabalho, a exclusão dos usuários, o aumento do numero de idosos e portadores de danos crônicos que utilizam os serviços, entre outros. Independente dessas adversidades, práticas de acolhimento vêm sendo implementadas, à luz dos referenciais da Política Nacional de Humanização. Identificar como os idosos avaliam o atendimento torna-se relevante para fins de (re) organização dos processos de trabalho. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso com 30 idosos. As informações foram coletadas em 2010 por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisadas por meio de análise de conteúdo temática. Os idosos possuíam entre 60 e 89 anos, sendo 18 homens e 12 mulheres, e a maioria procedente da cidade de Porto Alegre. Foram constituídas cinco categorias: (1) Motivo pela procura, (2) Acolhimento na classificação de risco, (3) Acolhimento nas demais áreas, (4) Escuta e (5) Resolutividade. O motivo mais frequente de procura da emergência está relacionado ao vínculo entre usuário e serviço. Quanto ao acolhimento na classificação de risco, os idosos destacaram o trabalho técnico do enfermeiro, a espera prolongada para consulta nos casos de menor gravidade, a qualificação da orientação quanto à continuidade do atendimento e da presença de acompanhante, e necessidades não atendidas durante a espera por atendimento. Os idosos classificados como graves fizeram uma melhor avaliação do atendimento, quando comparada àquela realizada pelos idosos classificados como alto risco e risco intermediário no que tange à ambiência, habilidade técnica dos trabalhadores, atendimento de necessidades básicas e escuta. A maioria dos idosos considerou o seu problema de saúde resolvido na emergência, numa perspectiva clínica. O estudo suscitou discussão referente às práticas de acolhimento nos serviços de emergência, apontou possíveis intervenções para reorganização do processo de trabalho e qualificação assistencial baseada nas expectativas e necessidades apontadas pelos idosos. / This study aimed to evaluate the care devoted to the elderly in the Emergency Service of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. This issue has become a challenge given the many aspects to be overcome in urgent and emergency care: overcrowding, fragmentation of work, exclusion of users, the increasing number of old people and chronic patients who use the service, among others. Despite of such adversities, care practices have been implemented in the light of the National Policy of Humanization. Identifying how the elderly evaluate this care service becomes relevant for the purpose of (re)organization of work processes. It was done a case study qualitative research with 30 old people. The data were collected in 2010 by the means of semi structured interviews and were studied through a thematic content analysis. The elderly were between 60 and 89 years old, 18 men and 12 women, most of them coming from the city of Porto Alegre - RS. From the responses obtained, five categories were established: (1) Reason to seek care; (2) Care in the risk classification area; (3) Care in other areas; (4) Listening; and (5) Resolving. The most common reason for seeking emergency is related to the bond formed between user and service. Regarding the care in the risk classification area, the elderly highlighted the technical work of the nurse, the prolonged wait for care in less serious cases, the quality of guidance regarding the continuity of care and the presence of a companion, and unmet needs during the waiting time. The elderly classified as a severe case reported a better evaluation of care in comparison to that reported by old people classified as high risk and intermediate risk cases, highlighting positive and negative situations concerning the ambience, technical skills of workers, provision of basic needs and listening. Most of the elderly considered their health problem had been solved in the emergency care in a clinical perspective. This study raised a discussion regarding the practices of care in emergency rooms, also pointed to possible interventions in order to reorganize the process of work and qualify the care based on expectations and needs identified by the elderly. / Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la atención a las personas mayores en el servicio de urgencias del Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Este tema se configura un reto frente al atendimiento de urgencia y emergencia señalando: el hacinamiento, la fragmentación del trabajo, la exclusión de los usuarios, el aumento del número de ancianos y portadores de daños crónicos que utilizan los servicios, entre otros. Independiente de esas adversidades, prácticas de cuidados que se han llevado a cabo, a la luz de la Política Nacional de Humanización. Identificar de cómo las personas mayores evalúan la atención a ellas se hace relevante para el propósito de (re)organización de los procesos de trabajo. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo del tipo estudio de caso con 30 ancianos. Las informaciones fueron recolectadas en 2010 por medio de entrevista semi-estructurada y analizadas por medio de análisis de contenido temático. Los ancianos tenían entre 60 y 89 años, eran 18 hombres y 12 mujeres, la mayoría provenientes de la ciudad de Porto Alegre. Fueron constituidas cinco categorías: (1) Motivo de la visita, (2) Atención en el área de clasificación de riesgo, (3) Atención en las otras áreas, (4) Escucha y (5) Resolubilidad. El motivo más frecuente de procura de la emergencia está relacionado al vínculo entre usuario y servicio. En cuanto a la atención en la clasificación de riesgo, las personas mayores destacaron el trabajo técnico del enfermero, la prolongada espera para la consulta en los casos menos graves, la calificación de la orientación para a la continuidad del tratamiento y la presencia de un compañero, y también informaron de las necesidades insatisfechas durante la espera para el tratamiento. Los ancianos clasificados como graves hicieron una mejor evaluación del atendimiento, en comparación con la realizada por las personas mayores clasificadas como casos de alto riesgo y riesgo intermedio, poniendo de relieve las situaciones positivas y negativas sobre el ambiente, habilidad técnica de los trabajadores, atendimiento de necesidades básicas y escucha. La mayoría de los ancianos consideró su problema de salud resuelto en la emergencia, en una perspectiva clínica. El estudio planteó discusión referente a las prácticas de atención en los servicios de emergencia, señaló posibles intervenciones para reorganización del proceso de trabajo y cualificación asistencial basada en las expectativas y necesidades identificadas por los ancianos.

Suspension of work by reason of fortuitous event and force majeure: legal and case-by-case analysis / La suspensión de labores por caso fortuito y fuerza mayor: análisis legal y casuístico

Lora Álvarez, Germán 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the theme referred to the remedies of the suspension of work by reason of fortuitous event or force majeure. Through an analysis of the current legislation in the subject and administrative precedents, the author examines how this regulation is applied, and how this mechanism allows or not the labour continuity. By recognizing labour continuity as the foundation of the suspension of work by reason of fortuitous event and force majeure, the author concludes in the need for legal mechanisms to enable the employment relationship flexibilization. / El presente artículo aborda la temática referida a la suspensión de labores por caso fortuito o fuerza mayor. Realizando un análisis sobre la legislación vigente en la materia y precedentes administrativos, el autor examina cómo es que la regulación se aplica, y cómo este mecanismo permite o no la continuidad laboral. Reconociendo la continuidad laboral como fundamento de la suspensión por caso fortuito y fuerza mayor, el autor concluye en la necesidad de mecanismos legales que permitan la flexibilización de la relación laboral.

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