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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DN:s nya Norrland : En digital textanalys av representationen av Norrland efter Dagens Nyheters satsningar i norra Sverige / DN:s new Norrland : A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.

Forsman, Filip, Hellgren, Anton January 2023 (has links)
DN:s new Norrland – A digital text analysis of the Swedish national newspaper Dagens Nyheters new editorial offices in northern Sweden.     The aim of this study is to compare the coverage of Norrland in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter before and after the fourth of April 2022. That date marks the opening of two new editorial offices in Umeå and Luleå as part of new investments in the area. The material gathered for the analysis consists of articles from one year before the editorial offices opened, as well as one year after. The method utilized in this essay was a quantitative digital text analysis, as it was the method that allowed us to capture a whole year worth of news coverage. Using computers in quantitative analysis is of big help, and something that allowed the study to incorporate 1579 articles into two separate networks for our study.    The theoretical framework of this study consists of Representation (defined by Stuart Hall), concepts of media shadow (by Nygren, Althén and Nord) as well as Madeleine Erikssons thoughts about reproducing Norrland in the media. Other theories such as news values, centers and peripheries and agenda setting are also used to strengthen the analysis.    With the help of the network analysis tool Gephi, two different networks of correlations were identified and analyzed. The results show that despite the opening of the new editorial offices,  DN still portrays a picture of Norrland as “the other”. New industries and investments are covered, with lots of articles regarding the need for workers in Norrland. In the networks from Gephi, we can see a shift from focus on Sweden to Stockholm as the main local areas that feature in the articles. However, regions, and most specifically, cities, are still in the periphery of the news discourse in DN.

Ämnen och muntliga källor i Rapport och Tv4 Nyheterna

Fridolf, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att mäta hur ofta ämnen och muntliga källor förekommer. Två nyhetsförmedlare har undersökts. Den ena drivs via public service, Rapport, och den andra är ett kommersiellt företag, Tv4 Nyheterna. De två aktörernas resultat jämfördes för att kunna urskilja likheter och skillnader i hur de valde att utforma sina sändningar. Grundtanken som ledde till denna studie var att se om nyhetsförmedlarnas olika organisationer, historia och finansieringssystem leder till att vissa ämnen och muntliga källor tas upp mer eller mindre än i rivalens sändningar. Målet var att mäta, alltså att omvandla sändningarna till siffror som kan tolkas. Därför ansåg jag att en positivistisk infallsvinkel var lämplig. Därför valde jag kvantitavit innehållsanalys som metod. Själva kodningen genomfördes via ett kodschema som definierar de olika alternativen. Resultatet ger en bild av att likheterna mellan de två nyhetsförmedlarna är större än skillnaderna, men såklart existerar det skillnader. En av de kanske största skillnaderna mellan de två finns när man tittar på ämnesfördelningen under utrikesnyheter. Rapport, driven av public service, tar upp inrikesnyheter oftare än vad Tv4 Nyheterna gör. DettaPage 4 of 46är bara en av många skillnader. För att sammafatta, skulle jag vilja påstå att de olika finansieringssystemen leder vissa skillnader men det hela präglas ändå av enighet. / This study aims to measure how often news items and oral sources occur. Two news programs have been examined. One is operated via public service, Rapport, and the other is a commercial company, Tv4 Nyheterna. The results of the two were compared in order to be able to distinguish similarities and differences in how they choose to shape their programs. The idea that led to this study was to see if the news programs different organizations, history and funding systems lead to certain topics and oral sources being addressed more or less than in the rival's broadcasts. The aim was to measure, that is, to convert the broadcast into numbers that can be interpreted. Therefore, I considered a positivistic approach appropriate. Therefore, I chose quantitative content analysis as a method. The coding itself was performed via a code scheme that defines the various options. The result gives the impression that the similarities between the two news programs are greater than the differences, but of course there are differences. One of the perhaps biggest differences between the two is when you look at the distribution of topics under foreign news. Rapport, driven by public service, gives domestic news more space than what Tv4 Nyheterna does. This is just one of many differences. To sum up, I would like to say that the different financing systems lead to some differences, but the whole thing is still characterized by unity.

An analysis of international news in Malawi newspapers

Kondowe, Emmanuel Braham Zumani 31 March 2008 (has links)
The study used quantitative content analysis to compare the international news content about Africa and the rest of the world in selected daily and weekly newspapers in Malawi and explored the extent to which economic factors, as represented by the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), influence news flows about Africa into Malawi. The results showed dominance of the categories of war/international conflict and politics. International news agencies were the principal sources of news items for all the four papers. Though there were differences among the newspapers in the amount of space allocated to various categories such differences were minor. The study established that GDP is not a determinant of the amount of coverage a country receives. / Communication Science / M.A. (International Communication)

Konstruování mediální reality při odvolávání Mirka Topolánka / Construction of Media Reality during Mirek Topolánek's Resignation Period

Renovica, Vera January 2014 (has links)
The thesis Construction of Media Reality during Mirek Topolánek's Resignation Period analyses a total of 294 instances of media output published or broadcast between 20th March and 1st April 2010 and dealing with Mirek Topolanek's resignation from his positions within the ODS in the context of his statements for LUI Magazine. The interview dealt with the Jewish faith, homosexual orientation or the voters of the ČSSD. The theoretical part of the thesis elucidates themes related to the construction of reality as described by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, media routines, which can contribute to this phenomenon, and the creation of myth according to Roland Barthes. The research part of the thesis uses the propositions of Critical Discourse Analysis with an emphasis on Critical Linguistics, to isolate discourses, which were used to establish a connection between Topolánek's statements for LUI Magazine and his exit from the ODS and politics in general. A partial analysis also notices how the linguistic tools of tabloid and non-tabloid media were brought closer together. Finally, the Semiotic Analysis focuses on the caricatures of Mirek Topolánek and identifies myths which served as a basis for perceiving his image and the possibility of his further political career.

Prezentace domácího násilí v médiích v období po smrti Simony Monyové / Presentation of domestic violence in media during the period after the death of Simona Monyová

Doušová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is devoted to the media representation of domestic violence. Text is thematically divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical, the first chapter is devoted to the introduction to domestic violence issue, both in terms of socio-psychological and legal, and there is also mentioned the issue of media violence representation of violence and in particular the representation of violence against women. In the practical part of the thesis, the results of research are presented. The research method is quantitative content analysis. The analysis is focused on the period before and after the murder of writer Simona Monyová (the whole year 2011). Thesis analyzes whether and how the Simona Monyová case has affected the representation of domestic violence in selected media - Mlada fronta Dnes, Lidove noviny, Hospodarske noviny, Pravo, regional Dailies, television Nova, Czech TV and TV Prima. The aim is not only to observe and describe changes in the representation of domestic violence after the murder, but also describe how the media frames the issue of domestic violence - focus on media sources, news values, routines and how does it affect the represent the topic to public. Thesis is based on several international studies, with which our research results are compared. One of the main...

Mediální reprezentace organizací občanské společnosti / Media representation of civil society organizations

Hartová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis introduces media representations of civil society organizations (CSOs) through quantitative content analysis of four dailies (HN, LN, MFD and Právo). The aim is to analyze and describe CSOs media representations in relation to media elements that characterize these representations, as well as through space and priority, organizations and actors that are associated with. The selected method allows the comparison of media representations for particular newspapers. The study builds on a social-constructivist paradigm, focusing on the agenda-setting theory, gatekeeping and news values. Thesis also discusses specifics of the CSOs and non-profit logic in relation to media and journalistic logic and their influence on the final CSOs media representations, including potential nonprofit dilemmas. The media representations are strongly determined by regionality and relationship with other sectors. CSOs are presented through positive and uncontroversial theme of good deeds. Regionality is together with social themes the most frequent topics associated with CSOs.

Kognitivní chyby v procesu masové komunikace / Cognitive errors in mass media communication

Zíka, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This work is based on an assumption that human decision-making process is following several approximate rules (heuristics) that causes predictable and systematic errors in judgement (cognitive biases). Although this stand point is typical for fields like behavioural economics or behavioural law and economics, there is no reason to not apply this logic also on other discipline like a mass media communication studies. This work offers an analysis of the information market where supply side is represented by producers of information (e.g. media organizations) and demand side is represented by consumers of those information (audience). The analysis is focused on factors that cause perceived description of a particular event can vastly differ from this event. One of those cognitive biases which cause different perception of the same media content is called hostile media effect. In respect to this effect, sympathizers with a socially controversial topic tend to perceive information in the mass media as hostile to their own opinion. Previous research concluded that hostile perception is mainly caused by a reach of information which is explained by the selective categorization - although individuals with different worldview can see the same content, they perceive it with a different valence. The valence of the...

Mediální prezentace FIBA mistrovství Evropy v basketbale žen 2017 / Media presentation of FIBA EuroBasket Women 2017

Sitek, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the media presentation of Women Basketball 2017 European Championship which was held in the Czech Republic, in the Czech sport online media. The thesis briefly defines framing theory, concept of agenda-setting and news values theory. This paper shows a thumbnail to contemporary sport journalism. Five web sport portals containing basketball agenda are explored by qualitative framing research. The goal of this thesis is to answer how the European championship was presented in the media. The analytical part of the paper describes individual frames including their partial modifications. Conclusion summarizes results gained by the framing analysis.

Revolutionen är en man : Genus, nationalitet och nyhetsvärdering i de svenska mediernas rapportering om den arabiska våren

Petrelius, Ausi, Årling, Charlotte January 2012 (has links)
In this study we examine four Swedish newspapers’ visual coverage of the Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings in 2010 and 2011 – commonly known as the “Arab Spring Revolution”, the “Jasmine revolution” and in Sweden also the “Women’s revolution” – focusing on three main perspectives: news values and framing, postcolonialism, and gender. By means of a comprehensive content analysis and an in-depth semiotic analysis, the purpose of this study is to investigate how Swedish written media frames the revolution and its initiators and partakers through news photographs, headlines, lead paragraphs and photograph bylines, and to determine whether or not it reproduces earlier trends of media coverage and framing of non-Westerners and non-Western societies. The purpose of the extensive content analysis is to attain data for empirical research of the visual portrayal of the uprisings’ first twelve weeks in Sweden’s four largest newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen. The analysis reveals that episodic framing is regularly used in all four newspapers, and that media demonizes Tunisians and Egyptians by constructing them as a brutal, uncivilized and threatening group which almost exclusively consists of men, and whose members are neither quoted nor named. It also shows that women are symbolically annihilated by media and that the very few women who do occur are gender stereotyped in accordance with established media conventions and postcolonial tradition, with the interesting exception of women being quoted to a larger extent than men. The analysis furthermore confirms the low occurrence of female journalists in Swedish foreign reporting, as well as demonstrates that the gender of the journalists does not influence what types of stories are written or how they are framed. The variable frequencies obtained from the content analysis provide indicators which are subsequently explored in the semiotic analysis of four news photographs. The qualitative study establishes that the North African uprisings are represented and framed as being conducted by a group of angry, uncontrolled and unstoppable men. In conclusion, the results of this study indicates that Sweden’s four largest newspapers use a colonial discourse which threatens to establish and reproduce the idea of Tunisians and Egyptians as the Arabic “Others”.

Om papperstidningen försvann hade han fått psykos : En kvalitativ studie om tidningsdöden och unga universitetsstudenters nyhetskonsumtion / ”If the daily press dissapeared he would get a psychosis”

Bakalarska, Anna, Schytt, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
This report shows a qualitative study on how six young adults in the ages between 20-30 who are students at Linnaeus University in Kalmar percieve their news consumption habits and their use of news media on digital platforms. The aim of the study is to examine whether the six students feel the strogest connection with the press where they were raised or where they currently live, why they choose to use the media platforms they do and what meaning the use of the media bare to the students. We have seen a lack of information concerning why young people choose to consume news online instead of in printed media. The study is focused on theories concerning what affects people in their choice of media platforms and channels. This report shows that geographic nature, the quality of the content and which political ideology the daily press is founded on does not affect the respondents choice of media. Our study shows that the most important factor for the respondents is that the platform is easily accesssible and flexible. We can also see that the dissapering of the printed newspaper is connected to generations and techonology.

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