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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CLAUDIO LUIZ STRINO 10 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa analisou o ruído urbano e suas implicações, e o Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança, suas necessidades e mecanismos necessários a sua realização, assim como os problemas que podem advir da implantação de novos empreendimentos pela falta de regulamentação das prefeituras que não o adotaram dentro das suas políticas e estratégias relacionadas à urbanização das cidades, onde em razão da crescente industrialização e ampliação dos estabelecimentos comerciais, sem qualquer planejamento prévio. Dentro dos parâmetros impactantes, com a implantação do Estudo de Impacto de Vizinhança analisamos o ruído urbano e as implicações geradoras do incomodo sonoro, uma vez que o aumento dos níveis de ruído é crescente e fruto do crescimento desordenado das cidades. / [en] Noise pollution according to WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (1980) after air and water pollution, is the environmental problem that affects the greatest number of people. It is noticeable the increase in discomfort due to noise and the damage this has caused people in their city environment. With industrial and technological development, various sources of environmental pollution have been causing damage to humans and the environment. From the 70s onwards, noise started to be perceived with greater attention in urban centers as an important agent that attacked the environment and people s health, especially in the most populated cities. The relevance of the noise pollution theme is increasingly significant, as it generates damage that can be irreversible. It is worth mentioning that it is almost impossible to be in big cities and not be disturbed by expressively loud sound sources. In 1980, the World Health Organization treated noise pollution as a cause among the main problems on the planet. He also mentioned that the appearance of insomnia, in addition to a series of harmful health effects such as stress, depression, hearing loss, loss of concentration, memory loss, headaches, increased blood pressure, tiredness, gastritis and ulcers, fall in school and work performance. The fact that must be taken into account is that noise pollution is not a simple problem related to our comfort, but to physical and mental health, where the general population is not at all aware of the existing risks, facing with resignation being a consequence of living in a modern world with risks, among them is the exposure of citizens to the effects of noise pollution.

The Influence of the Sensory Environment on Avian Reproductive Success and Human Well-Being

Ferraro, Danielle Marie 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Sensory pollutants such as anthropogenic noise and night lighting now expose much of the world to evolutionarily novel sound and night lighting conditions, which can have detrimental effects on humans and wildlife. In my first chapter, we exposed wild Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana) nestlings to noise, light, and combination (i.e., noise and light) treatments. Nests exposed to noise and light together experienced less predation than control and light-exposed nests, and noise-exposed nests experienced less predation than control nests, yet overall nest success was only higher in noise-exposed nests compared to light-exposed nests. Although exposure to light decreased nestling body condition and evidence was mixed for the singular effects of noise or light on nestling size, those exposed to noise and light together were smaller across several metrics than nestlings in control nests. Our results support previous research on the singular effects of either stimuli, including potential benefits, such as reduced nest predation with noise exposure. However, our results also suggest that noise and light together can negatively affect some aspects of reproduction more strongly than either sensory pollutant alone. This finding is especially important given that these stimuli tend to covary and are projected to increase dramatically in the next several decades. In my second chapter, we used a field-based manipulation to explore the role of audition in biodiversity perception and self-reported well-being of hikers. We used a “phantom chorus” consisting of hidden speakers playing bird vocalizations to experimentally increase audible birdsong biodiversity during “on” and “off” blocks on two hiking trails and surveyed hikers to record their self-reported perceptions of avian biodiversity and concepts reflective of attention restoration. We found that hikers exposed to the phantom chorus reported higher levels of restorative effects compared to those that experienced ambient conditions on both trails, although the causal relationships differed for each trail. Specifically, increased restorative effects were directly linked to the phantom chorus on one trail and indirectly linked to the phantom chorus on the other trail through perceptions of avian biodiversity. Our findings add to a growing body of evidence linking mental health improvements to nature experiences and, via our field-based manipulation, we identified audition as an important modality by which natural environments confer well-being. Finally, our results suggest that maintaining or improving natural soundscapes within protected areas may be an important component to maximizing human experiences, especially as tourism and noise pollution in protected areas grow.

Polluting The Senses: The Impact Of Noise And Light Pollution On Fledgling Movement And Evolution Within The Avian Eye

Mackinlay, Margaret C 01 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
There is more human-generated noise and light today than ever before, a trend tied to ongoing urbanization and with reverberating impacts on a wide range of organisms. While research on these impacts is mounting and particularly plentiful when it comes to birds, there is still much to explore within its effects on avian behavior, fitness, and evolution. In chapter 1, we investigated how fledgling movement is influenced by noise and light pollution. While adult birds have well-documented species-specific responses to these stimuli, fledglings are sorely understudied in this context. We experimentally manipulated light levels and took advantage of an existing landscape of artificial noise in the gas fields of northwestern New Mexico to radio track fledglings through gradients of noise and light from four species: Western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana), mountain bluebirds (Sialia currucoides), ash-throated flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens), and gray flycatchers (Empidonax wrightii). Step-selection functions assessing resource selection and generalized additive models assessing step length, step velocity, and distance from nest showed no influence of noise and light pollution on fledgling movement, but did show that ash-throated flycatchers moved further each day and further from the nest than gray flycatchers. Our results also revealed the novel pattern of fledglings moving away from the nest through day 10 of the radio tracking period, but moving back towards it after day 20. While we did not find positive results for our primary question, these observations of fledgling movement are valuable given how little we know about this vulnerable life stage. In chapter 2, we investigated whether dim light vision and its corresponding bony structures within the eye could be under selection with the proliferation of artificial light, given that variation in avian responses to light pollution was recently linked to the quality of a bird's dim light vision. We used museum specimens of six urban adapted species collected across 100+ years and light pollution proxies in the form of collection year and urban density to test two alternative hypotheses. Under the protection hypothesis, selection should drive evolution of poorer dim light vision with higher light pollution exposure, decreasing fitness cost borne via the hormone and circadian rhythm dysregulation associated with retinal-received light pollution. Under the temporal niche shift hypothesis, prolonged foraging opportunities made accessible to birds that can better detect light in artificially lit conditions should drive evolution of improved dim light vision with light pollution exposure. We found that dim light vision improved with collection year for great horned owls (Bubo virginianus) while the opposite was true for red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis); surprisingly, house sparrows (Passer domesticus) and American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) showed support for both hypotheses within single species, exhibiting different directionality in dim light vision patterns for different light pollution proxies. Our results suggest that light pollution may represent a contemporary selective agent for avian vision, but that the directionality may depend on ecological context. More broadly, our findings suggest that quantifying animal perceptual abilities may be important for understanding inter-specific responses to an increasingly bright world.

Mining extraction in the ocean depths: a baseline to understand and reduce acoustic impact on biodiversity

Mauro, Manuela 23 March 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] A lo largo de la historia, el hombre ha explotado los recursos minerales de la tierra para su supervivencia y desarrollo tecnológico sin un equilibrio con su regeneración. Dado el crecimiento de la población mundial y la reducción de recursos, el hombre comenzó a buscar nuevos depósitos que se encontraron en la década de 1960 en las profundidades de los océanos. Con estos, la humanidad empezò a pensar en extraer los minerales de estos depósitos y esto llevò al nacimiento de Deep Sea Mining (DSM). Las consecuencias de las actividades mineras en las profundidades del mar no se conocen realmente y los efectos pueden ser diferentes: contaminación acústica, contaminación lumínica, contaminación química, destrucción del hábitat, fragmentación del hábitat y pérdida de especies que son la base de muchos sistemas vitales. El impacto acústico de estas actividades puede tener importantes consecuencias en las especies marinas, aunque este es el tema más ignorado. El propósito de este proyecto de doctorado fue proporcionar una comprensión básica de los posibles impactos acústicos del DSM en la biodiversidad antes de que comiencen estas actividades. Para hacer esto, el proyecto de doctorado se organizó en varios pasos. Primero, durante un experimento indoor, se analizaron las respuestas bioquímicas en invertebrados sometidos a estrés acústico, Arbacia lixula y Mytilus galloprovincialis. Los resultados demostraron efectos significativos en la actividad de citotoxicidad, expresión de heat shock protein (HSPs) y actividades enzimáticas (esterasas, fosfatasas alcalinas, peroxidasas) en el líquido celomático de los erizos de mar sometidos a estrés acústico. También se observaron efectos significativos en el nivel de glucosa, la citotoxicidad y las actividades enzimáticas (esterasa, fosfatasa alcalina, peroxidasa) de la glándula digestiva del mejillón. En segundo lugar, se analizaron las respuestas bioquímicas de vertebrados e invertebrados sometidos in-situ a la emisión de watergun: Chromis chromis, Holothuria tubulosa y Arbacia lixula. Se encontraron efectos significativos sobre los niveles de cortisol en peces y las actividades enzimáticas (esterasas, fosfatasas alcalinas, peroxidasas y superoxide dismutasas) en membrana peristomial de erizo de mar. Además, las respuestas bioquímicas enzimáticas analizadas en los fluidos celómicos de los equinodermos fue significativa solo por A. lixula y solo en la activade peroxidasica. Tercero se estudiaron los cambios de comportamiento en las condiciones experimentales en juveniles de Sparus aurata sometidos a 4 frecuencias de emisión acústica diferentes. Este experimento demostró que solo las bajas frecuencias tuvieron efectos en todas las respuestas comportamental: altura de natación, motilidad y dispersión del grupo. Sobre la base de los datos de comportamiento obtenidos in vivo en peces jóvenes, se creó un modelo numérico para predecir los impactos de diferentes frecuencias de emisión acústica. Utilizando los resultados obtenidos y la bibliografía científica, se propuso un primer estándar técnico que es útil para la minería. / [CA] A lo llarc de l'historia, l'home ha explotat els recursos minerals de la terra per a la seua supervivencia i desenroll tecnologic sense un equilibri en la seua regeneracio. Donat el creiximent de la poblacio mundial i la reduccio de recursos, l'home escomençà a buscar nous deposits que se trobaren en la decada de 1960 en les fondaries dels oceans. En estos, l'humanitat empezò a pensar en extraure els minerals d'estos deposits i aço llevò al naiximent de Deep Sea Mining (DSM). Les conseqüencies de les activitats mineres en les fondaries del mar no se coneixen realment i els efectes poden ser diferents: contaminacio acustica, contaminacio lluminica, contaminacio quimica, destruccio de l'habitat, fragmentacio de l'habitat i perdua d'especies que son la base de molts sistemes vitals. L'impacte acustic d'estes activitats pot tindre importants conseqüencies en les especies marines, encara que este es el tema mes ignorat. El proposit d'este proyecte de doctorat fon proporcionar una comprensio basica dels possibles impactes acustics del DSM en la biodiversidad abans de que escomencen estes activitats. Per a fer aço, el proyecte de doctorat s'organisà en varis passos. Primer, durant un experiment indoor, s'analisaren les respostes bioquimiques en invertebrats somesos a estrés acustic, Arbacia lixula i Mytilus galloprovincialis. Els resultats demostraren efectes significatius en l'activitat de citotoxicidad, expressio d'heat shock protein (HSPS) i activitats enzimáticas (esterasa, fosfatasas alcalina, peroxidasas) en el liquit celomático dels capellanets de mar somesos a estrés acustic. Tambe s'observaren efectes significatius en el nivell de glucosa, la citotoxicidad i les activitats enzimáticas (esterasa, fosfatasa alcalina, peroxidasas) de la glandula digestiva de la clochina. En segon lloc, s'analisaren les respostes bioquimiques de vertebrats i invertebrats somesos in-situ a l'emissio de watergun: Chromis chromis, Holothuria tubulosa i Arbacia lixula. se trobaren efectes significatius sobre els nivells de cortisol en peixos i les activitats enzimáticas (esterasas, fosfatasas alcalines, peroxidasas y superoxide dimutases) en peristomes de capellanet de mar. Ademes, les respostes bioquimiques enzimáticas analisades en els decorreguts celómicos dels equinoderms fon significativa nomes per A. lixula i nomes en l'activade peroxidasica. Tercer s'estudiaren els canvis de comportament en les condicions experimentals en jovenils de Sparus aurata somesos a 4 freqüencies d'emissio acustica diferents. Este experiment demostrà que nomes les baixes freqüencies tingueren efectes en totes les respostes comportamental: alçada de natacio, motilidad i escampada del grup. Sobre la base de les senyes de comportament obtinguts in vivo en peixos jovens, se creó un model numeric per a predecir els impactes de diferents freqüencies d'emissio acustica. Utilisant els resultats obtinguts i la bibliografia cientifica, se propongue un primer estandart tecnic que es util per a la mineria. / [EN] Throughout history, man has exploited the earth's mineral resources for its survival and for technological development without regard for their regeneration. Given the growth of the world population and given the fall in resources, man started looking for new deposits, which were found in 1960s in the ocean depths. Humankind then began to consider extracting minerals from these deposits and this gave origin to Deep Sea Mining (DSM). The consequences of mining activities in the deep sea are not entirely known and the effects can be varied: noise pollution, light pollution, chemical pollution, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation and the loss of species which we consider the basis of many life systems. The acoustic impact of these activities could have significant consequences on marine species; nevertheless, this has been the most overlooked issue to date. The aim of this PhD project was to provide baseline knowledge of possible acoustic impacts of DSM on biodiversity before mining begins. In order to do this, the PhD project was organised into 3 different stages. First, during an indoor experiment, the biochemical responses of invertebrates Arbacia lixula and Mytilus galloprovincialis subjected to acoustic stress were analysed. The results showed significant changes in cytotoxicity activity, expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs), and enzyme activities (esterases, alkaline phosphatases, peroxidases) in the coelomic fluid of sea urchins subjected to acoustic stress. Significant effects were also observed in glucose levels, cytotoxicity and enzyme activities (esterase, alkaline phosphatase, peroxidase) in the digestive gland of the mussel. Second, the biochemical responses of vertebrates and invertebrates subjected in-situ to watergun emission were analysed: Chromis chromis, Holothuria tubulosa and Arbacia lixula. Significant effects on fish cortisol levels and on enzyme activities in sea urchin peristomes were found. Furthermore, the enzyme biochemical responses analysed in the coelomic fluids of echinoderms showed significant effects only in A. lixula sea urchin and only in peroxidase activity. Third, behavioural changes in experimental conditions were studied in juveniles of Sparus aurata subjected to 4 different acoustic emission frequencies. This experiment showed that only low frequencies had effects on all the behavioural responses analysed: swimming height, motility and dispersion of the group. Based on behavioural data obtained in vivo on juvenile fish, a numerical model was created to predict the impacts of different acoustic emission frequencies. Using the results obtained and literature, a first technical standard useful for mining activities was drawn up. / The study of the Section 3.3 was supported by grants from MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), Fondo Finalizzato alla Ricerca di Ateneo (FFR, 2018-2021) to M.V. and by the CNR research project: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SOS CONVENTION - Offshore Platforms & Impacts between MATTM and CNR-DTA, (Capo Granitola, Campobello di Mazara) Work Package E: Indepth technical and scientific evaluation of the effects on marine ecosystems of airgun technologies and the effects of a watergun The study of the Section 3.4 study was conducted in the framework of the PhD program in Mediterranean Biodiversity XXXII cycle (International) of the University of Palermo. I. Perez-Arjona, M. Bou-Cabo and V. Espinosa acknowledge the financial support of the European Comission -project 11.0661/2018794607/SUB/ENV.C2. Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status (RAGES). The other founding supports come from PhD Innovative with Industrial Characterization PON 2014-2020 and the projects CAIMAR Joint Laboratory Italy-Argentina (Laboratori Congiunti Bilaterali Internazionali of the Italian National Reseach Council, 2017-2019) and BOSS – Study of bioacoustics and applications for the sustainable exploitation of marine resources (Projects of major importance in the Scientific and Technological Collaboration Executive Programmes, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation). / Mauro, M. (2020). Mining extraction in the ocean depths: a baseline to understand and reduce acoustic impact on biodiversity [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/144131 / Compendio

Assessment of the effects of vessel noise on sound characteristics and distribution of narrow-ridged finless porpoises using sound detectors based on machine learning approach / 機械学習による鳴音検出器を用いた船舶騒音がスナメリの鳴音特性と分布に及ぼす影響評価

Ogawa, Mayu 25 March 2024 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 社会を駆動するプラットフォーム学卓越大学院プログラム / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第25346号 / 農博第2612号 / 新制||農||1107(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 三田村 啓理, 教授 益田 玲爾, 准教授 市川 光太郎, 准教授 木村 里子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Environmental impact assessment (water pollution) of a floating dock in Yam O

Cho, Tat-wing, Asam., 曹達榮. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

POLUIÇÃO SONORA NO MEIO AMBIENTE URBANO: Perspectivas na Rua Gonçalves Chaves no município de Pelotas -RS

Silva, Vinícius Castro da 05 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vinicius.pdf: 697699 bytes, checksum: a611c294c9deb91e1882a010244cfcc5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-05 / The aim of the present study is to analyze the environmental from the risks created by the contemporary society through a literature review. The focus is the high levels of noise emission in the urban areas with intense population density, innumerous activities and companies, causing noise pollution. In the study were emphasized the trends of the humanity to the ecological system, and the interest in natural resources for the political and economic development of civilization. The interest in environmental preservation is narrated from the guarantee of fundamental human rights. The instruments of protection to the balance of the ecosystem have been described within a context of environmental zoning. Finally the study deals with case studies on potentially polluting activities and the treatment destined for the judiciary / O presente estudo analisa o meio ambiente em relação aos riscos criados pela sociedade contemporânea, através de uma revisão de literatura. O foco são os elevados índices de emissão de ruídos em zona urbana de intensa densidade populacional com inúmeras atividades e empreendimentos, causando poluição sonora. O estudo enfatiza as tendências da humanidade perante o sistema ecológico, bem como o interesse nos recursos naturais para o desenvolvimento político e econômico da civilização. O interesse na proteção ambiental está narrado a partir da garantia de direito fundamental da humanidade. Os instrumentos de proteção ao equilíbrio do ecossistema foram descritos dentro de um contexto de zoneamento ambiental. Aborda ainda estudos de casos de atividades potencialmente poluidoras e o tratamento recebido pelo judiciário nessas atividades

Impacto da poluição sonora urbana no desempenho de indivíduos idosos saudáveis: estudo experimental / Impact of urban noise pollution on functional performance in elderly individuals in community: an experimental study

Oliveira, Rafaela Sanches de 27 May 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÂO: O envelhecimento da população e a poluição são duas preocupações crescentes para as próximas décadas. Os idosos são mais suscetíveis a estressores e dessa forma podem ter mais facilmente comprometida sua capacidade funcional e independência. Com o crescimento dos centros urbanos aumentam as diferentes formas de poluição, sendo a sonora uma das mais relevantes. Visto que a poluição sonora pode ser encarada como um fator estressante, nosso objetivo foi avaliar o impacto dos ruídos sonoros no desempenho funcional de idosos da comunidade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 20 idosos selecionados no ambulatório de geriatria com idade entre 60 e 80 anos. A avaliação cognitiva foi computadorizada e realizada por 4 vezes, sendo as duas primeiras em ambiente com ruído controlado, visando atenuar o aprendizado e as duas finais, incluindo as avaliações de equilíbrio em plataforma de pressão e força muscular, com teste de preensão palmar , uma vez em ambiente controlado e a outra vez com o ruído sonoro. Estes foram provenientes de uma gravação em um centro urbano, com intensidade oscilando entre 75 e 80 dB (A), frequência sonora aleatória e flutuante afim de não causar acomodação. RESULTADOS: A média de idade da amostra foi de 72,20 anos, sendo 10 mulheres. Entre as duas avaliações cognitivas iniciais observamos efeito de aprendizado apenas no teste Trial Making A com valor de p=0,019, sendo este o primeiro teste da série realizada. Nas demais avaliações cognitivas, visando comparar o desempenho mediante a presença de ruído, observamos a melhora do desempenho somente nos testes Trail Making A e B, com valor de p=0,028 e 0,008 respectivamente. Nos testes de equilíbrio a variável velocidade do movimento elevou-se na presença do ruído (p=0,028) bem como a excursão máxima (p=0,011), ambas a direita, sendo todos destros. No teste de força muscular não observamos alteração do desempenho. CONCLUSÔES: Os ruídos sonoros alteram a função cognitiva dos idosos da comunidade, melhorando o desempenho em testes de atenção, o que não foi possível observar nos testes de equilíbrio e de funções motoras / INTRODUCTION: The aging population and pollution are two growing concerns for the coming decades. The elderly are more susceptible to stressors and thus may be more easily compromised functional capacity and independence. With the growth of urban centers increase the different forms of pollution, noise being one of the most relevant. Since noise pollution can be seen as a stressor, our goal was to evaluate the impact of sound noise in functional performance of older adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 20 participants selected from the outpatient geriatric aged between 60 and 80 years. The cognitive assessment was computed and held for 4 times , the first two being in an environment with controlled noise to mitigate learning and the final two , including assessments of balance in pressure and muscle strength platform with handgrip test, a once in the controlled environment and again with the sound noise. These were from a recording in an urban center, with intensity ranging between 75 and 80 dB ( A) , and fluctuating frequency random noise in order not to cause accommodation. RESULTS: The mean age was 72.20 years, and 10 women. Between the two initial cognitive assessments observed learning effect only on Trial Making Test A p-value = 0.019, which is the first test series performed. In other cognitive appraisals, in order to compare the performance through the presence of noise, we observe the performance improvement only in the Trail Making Tests A and B, with p = 0.028 and 0.008 respectively. On the balance tests the variable speed of movement increased in the presence of noise (p = 0.028) and the maximum excursion (p = 0.011) , both right , being right-handed . In muscle strength testing we observed no change in performance. CONCLUSIONS: The audible noise alter the cognitive function of older adults, improving performance on tests of attention, which was not observed in balance and motor function tests

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hur arbetsprestationen påverkas av buller och störande ljud

Holgersson, Ann January 2010 (has links)
Ljudnivån på intensivvårdsavdelningen är hög. Övervakningsutrustning och medicinskteknisk apparatur bidrar till bullret med sina larm, patientgruppen på intensivvårdsavdelningen är mycket personalkrävande och den höga personaltätheten bidrar till den höga ljudnivån. Forskning visar att buller påverkar arbetsprestationen och kan medföra att det blir svårare att genomföra en uppgift. Mänskligt tal är mer distraherande än annat buller även vid låga ljudnivåer. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor inom intensivvård upplever att buller påverkar arbetsprestationen. Tre sjuksköterskor intervjuades och data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Lundman och Hällgren Granheim (2004, 2008). I resultatet framkom att trötthet, splittring, störning, ständig larmberedskap, stress och oro är faktorer som de intervjuade sjuksköterskorna anser påverkar arbetsprestationen. De intervjuade sjuksköterskorna beskriver att de upplever att bullret splittrar deras koncentration och stör deras uppmärksamhet. Sjuksköterskorna beskriver en oro att bullerstörningen ska leda till att fel ska begås och att patienten ska störas av bullret, vilket bidrar till att öka stressen. Personalens prat bidrar till en stor del av bullret och de intervjuade sjuksköterskorna uppger att de höga ljudnivåerna är något som ofta diskuteras på den aktuella arbetsplatsen. Resultatet av studien kan leda till att bullret i intensivvårdssjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö uppmärksammas vilket kan bidra till en bättre arbetsmiljö med bättre förutsättningar för en god kommunikation som i sig kan geett ökat välbefinnande och därmed en bättre hälsa för såväl personal som patient. / Program: Specialistsjuksköterskeutbildning med inriktning mot intensivvård

Poluição sonora no município de São Paulo: avaliação do ruído e o impacto da exposição na saúde da população / Noise pollution in the city of São Paulo: noise assessment and the impact of exposure on population health

Vianna, Karina Mary de Paiva 14 November 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As preocupações referentes aos níveis de ruído no mundo moderno têm se agravado em função dos processos de urbanização e industrialização, que têm comprometido a qualidade acústica urbana devido às múltiplas fontes de ruído existentes. O impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população ainda não está claramente estabelecido. Estratégias para a padronização de medidas de avaliação do ruído urbano, assim como a relação causal entre exposição ambiental e desfechos em saúde tem sido objeto de pesquisa. Objetivo: avaliar a situação acústica do distrito de Pinheiros, São Paulo e o impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população residente no distrito. Metodologia: O estudo foi conduzido em duas etapas: (1) avaliação do ruído no distrito em estudo e elaboração de mapas de ruído, usando o software Predictor 8.11, em áreas selecionadas como expostas e não expostas ao ruído do tráfego rodoviário; (2) avaliação dos efeitos na saúde da população residente no distrito, por meio de um inquérito domiciliar com a população residente no distrito. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas usando o Teste Qui-quadrado e a Regressão Logística Múltipla. Resultados: Foram avaliados 75 pontos, contabilizando 20h de medição. Em todos os pontos, os níveis de ruído ultrapassaram os limites estabelecidos pela legislação. Nas áreas expostas, a situação acústica caracteriza a existência de poluição sonora. Foram conduzidas 225 entrevistas. Observou-se associação entre morar em área exposta e: perceber o ruído do tráfego e considerar o local da residência um ambiente ruidoso; relatar incômodo em função deste ruído e quando da realização de atividades como assistir televisão, descansar, conversar e se concentrar na realização de tarefas. Foi identificada relação dose-resposta entre aumento do grau de incômodo com o ruído do tráfego rodoviário e aumento dos níveis de ruído. Os fatores associados a morar nas áreas não expostas ao ruído do tráfego foram: incômodo com o ruído de vizinhança e qualidade do sono regular/ruim. Conclusão: Este estudo representa um avanço metodológico na mensuração do ruído urbano, que buscou produzir dados confiáveis e comparáveis em nível local e global. Os resultados referentes aos efeitos na saúde da população mostram a importância de se reformular as políticas públicas brasileiras visando a realização de ações direcionadas à prevenção, gestão e monitoramento do ruído no espaço urbano. / Introduction: Concerns regarding noise levels in the modern world have worsened due to the urbanization and industrialization processes, that have committed to urban acoustic quality because of the multiple noise sources. The impact of noise exposure on population health is still not clearly established. Strategies for standardizing measures for assessing urban noise, as well as the causal relationship between environmental exposure and health endpoints have been subjects of research. Objective: to evaluate the acoustical situation in the district of Pinheiros, São Paulo, and the impact of noise exposure on health in the resident population in the district. Methods: The study was conducted in two steps: (1) noise assessment in the district under study and noise mapping, using the software Predictor 8.11, in areas selected as exposed and non-exposed to road traffic noise; (2) assessment of the health effects of the resident population in the district, through a household survey. Statistical analyses using Chi Square Test and Multiple Logistic Regression were performed. Results: 75 points were evaluated, accounting for 20h of measurement. At all points, the noise levels exceeded the limits established by law. In exposed areas, the noise situation characterizes the existence of noise pollution. 225 interviews were conducted. We observed an association between living in exposed area and: perceiving the traffic noise and consider the place of residence a noisy environment; report annoyance due to this noise and when performing activities such as watching television, resting, talking and concentrate on performing tasks. A dose-response relationship between increasing degree of annoyance with road traffic noise and increased noise levels was observed. The factors associated with living in areas not exposed to traffic noise were annoyance with neighborhood noise and fair / poor sleep quality. Conclusion: This study represents a methodological advance in the measurement of urban noise, as it sought to produce reliable and comparable data on local and global level. The results regarding the effects on health of the population show the importance of reformulating the Brazilian public policies aiming to carry out actions towards the prevention, management and monitoring of noise in the urban space.

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