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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mathematical models to investigate the relationship between cross-immunity and replacement of influenza subtypes

Asaduzzaman, S M 08 January 2018 (has links)
A pandemic subtype of influenza A sometimes replaces (e.g., in 1918, 1957, 1968) but sometimes coexists (e.g., in 1977) with the previous seasonal subtype. This research aims to determine a condition for replacement or coexistence of influenza subtypes. We formulate a hybrid model for the dynamics of influenza A epidemics taking into account cross-immunity of influenza strains depending on the most recent seasonal infection. A combination of theoretical and numerical analyses shows that for very strong cross-immunity between seasonal and pandemic subtypes, the pandemic cannot invade, whereas for strong and weak cross-immunity there is coexistence, and for intermediate levels of cross-immunity the pandemic may replace the seasonal subtype. Cross-immunity between seasonal strains is also a key factor of our model because it has a major influence on the final size of seasonal epidemics, and on the distribution of susceptibility in the population. To determine this cross-immunity, we design a novel statistical method, which uses a theoretical model and clinical data on attack rates and vaccine efficacy among school children for two seasons after the 1968 A/H3N2 pandemic. This model incorporates the distribution of susceptibility and the dependence of cross-immunity on the antigenic distance of drifted strains. We find that the cross-immunity between an influenza strain and the mutant that causes the next epidemic is 88%. Our method also gives an estimated value 2.15 for the basic reproduction number of the 1968 pandemic influenza. Our hybrid model agrees qualitatively with the observed subtype replacement or coexistence in 1957, 1968 and 1977. However, our model with the homogeneous mixing assumption significantly over estimates the pandemic attack rate. Thus, we modify the model to incorporate heterogeneity in the contact rate of individuals. Using the determined values of cross-immunity and the basic reproduction number, this modification lowers the pandemic attack rate slightly, but it is still higher than the observed attack rates. / Graduate

Etude de la pandémie grippale A/H1N1 2009 en France et en Bolivie / Study of the the pandemic Flu 2009 in France and in Bolivia

Delangue, Julie 17 December 2013 (has links)
Par le passé les virus influenza A ont montré leur capacité d’émergence dans la population humaine. En 2009, l’apparition d’un nouveau variant réassortant a provoqué une pandémie. Ces travaux avaient pour objectifs d’étudier la propagation de la pandémie en France et Bolivie. Premièrement en Franve avec l’étude sérologique d’une population hospitalière et la surveillance hebdomadaire mise en place grâce au programme SéroGrippeHebdo. La séroprévalence prépandémique était de plus de 20% (au1/80) chez les plus de 60ans et de moins de 10% dans les autres groupes. Il a été possible de calculer un taux d’attaque d’environ 12% au sein de la population française métropolitaine. Mais aussi d’observer la perte d’anticorps rapide après le pic d’infection. Les taux de séroconversions les plus importants étaient chez les 0-24 ans (23.4%). La deuxième partie de ce travail s’est déroulée à Santa Cruz de la Sierra, en Bolivie. Le programme CoPanFlu international en association avec le CENETROP a permis l’étude de la sérologie sur une cohorte de foyers en 2010. Par ailleurs, nous avons caractérisé les pathogènes respiratoires de 2010 à 2012 à Santa Cruz. La grippe représente entre 40 et 58% des cas chaque années, suivie des rhinovirus, des coronavirus et des VRS. L’épidémiologie moléculaire des virus influenza a mis au jour un cluster de circulation sud américain pour les virus H1N1(2009).Les sérologies pré-pandémiques montrent une séroprévalence de 23% pour les ≥60ans. Après la pandémie la distribution par tranche d’âge est différente entre les villes de haute altitude et les autres.Enfin une estimation de la séroconversion montre que les jeunes adultes entre 20-39 sont les plus touchés. / Influenza viruses A have shown their ability to emerge in the human population and in 2009, the appearance of a new variant has caused a pandemia. The objective of this work was to study the pandemia’s spread in France and in Bolivia.In France, first, with the serological study of a hospital population and the weekly supervision established with SeroGrippeHebdo. The prepandemic seroprevalence was more than 20%(au1/80) for the >sixty years, and less than 10% in the others groups. It was possible to reckon an attack rate for about 12% in the metropolitan French population, and to observe a quick loss of antibody after the infection rate. Most important seroconversion rates concerned the 0-24 years(23.4%).The second part of this work took place in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Bolivia, developing country in the tropical zone of South America. The international CoPanFlu in partnership with the CENETROP, has enabled to study serology among a cohort of families in 2010. Moreover, we have characterized etiologies of respiratory pathogenesis from 2010 to 2012, in Santa Cruz. Flu represented about 40 to 58% of the cases each year, followed by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and SRV. The molecular epidemiology of influenza viruses has shown a South American circulation cluster for the H1N1 viruses(2009). The prepandemic serologies in Santa Cruz show a seroprevalence of 23% for the ≥60. After the pandemia, the distribution by age is different for the towns at high altitude and others. Finally, an estimation of the sero-conversion showed that young adults between 20 and 39 were more affected in Bolivia.

Individens oro för den nya pandemin COVID-19 / Peoples concern for the new pandemic COVID-19

Oskarsson, Jean-Philippe, Montalvo Panezo, Adonaldo January 2020 (has links)
Ångest/ oro är något som vi alla drabbas av på olika plan. Vid världskatastrofer har detta haft en påföljd för människans ångest/oro som till exempel vid den nuvarande pandemin COVID-19 påverkar människors beteenden och ageranden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka oron för COVID-19, bland studenter och vårdpersonal. Den frågeställning som berör studien är hur oron för COVID-19 skiljer sig mellan studenter och vårdpersonal inom fyra olika dimensioner. Dessa var oro för; individen, andra, samhället och totalen. Denna studie utfördes genom ett enkätformulär som behandlar frågor gällande oro för COVID-19 från en modifierad version av Swine Flu Anxiety items mätskalan. 64 vårdpersonal (åldrarna mellan 21-63) och 113 studenter (åldrarna mellan 19-33) undersöktes i studien. Resultatet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna och dess oro för COVID-19 inom de olika dimensioner som i studien berördes. Alltså skiljer sig studenter och vårdpersonal inte i den upplevda oron för COVID-19. / Anxiety and concern is something that we all experience on different levels. Global catastrophes have had an impact on people's anxiety and concern, in this case with the novel corona outbreak COVID-19 which impact people's behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 differs among students and healthcare workers. The issue is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 is distinguish between students and healthcare workers regarding four dimensions. These being concern about; the individual, others, the society and the total concern. This study used a questionnaire to addresses questions regarding concern about COVID-19 using a modified version of the Swine Flu Anxiety items scale. 64 healthcare workers (ages between 21-63) and 113 students (ages between 19-33) were examined in the study. The result showed that there were no significant differences between the groups and their anxiety for COVID-19 within the different dimensions examined. Therefore there’s no difference between students and health care workers in their experience of anxiety amid COVID-19.

COVID-19-related anxiety predicted by three different psychological behaviors; Health anxiety, Disgust sensitivity and Intolerance of uncertainty / COVID-19-relaterad ångest förutsedd genom tre olika psykologiska beteenden; Health Anxiety, Disgust sensitivity och Intolerance of uncertainty

Ahmad, Sara, Sved, Vanessa January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine whether three different psychological predictors; Health anxiety (SHAI), Disgust sensitivity (DS-R) and intolerance of uncertainty (IUS-12) could predict COVID-19-related anxiety in students at Orebro University, Sweden. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant relationship between the three psychological behaviors and pandemic-related anxiety. An online survey, consisting of both standardized and non-standardized questionnaires, was constructed. The survey was completed by 199 participants, aged between 19-48 (M = 25.14 and SD = 5.35) from Orebro University, Sweden through Limesurvey. A correlation revealed that Health anxiety and Disgust sensitivity were significantly correlated with COVID-19-related anxiety. The regression analysis revealed that there was a significance between the three psychological behaviors and COVID-19-related anxiety. In conclusion, Health anxiety, Disgust sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty, could indeed be associated with COVID-19-related anxiety in the students. / Syftet med studien är att examinera huruvida tre olika psykologiska beteenden; Health anxiety (SHAI), Disgust sensitivity (DS-R) och Intolerance of uncertainty (IUS-12) kan förutse COVID-19-relaterad ångest i studenter på Örebro Universitet. Det hypotiserades att det skulle finnas en signifikant relation baserat på tidigare studier. En online enkät, med både standardiserade och icke-standardiserade frågeformulär, konstruerades. Antal deltagare som kompletterade enkäten genom Limesurvey var 199 studenter mellan åldrarna 19–48 (M = 25.14 och SD = 5.35) från Örebro Universitet. Genom en korrelationsanalys kunde man se att både Health anxiety och Disgust sensitivity var signifikant korrelerade med COVID-19-relaterad Pandemi. Avslutningsvis, en multipel regressionsanalys visade att Health anxiety, Disgust sensitivity och Intolerance of uncertainty var signifikant relaterat med COVID-19-relaterad ångest i studenterna.

Analyse d'un grand jeu de données en épidémiologie : problématiques et perspectives méthodologiques / Analysis of a large dataset in epidemiology : issues and methodological perspectives

Mansiaux, Yohann 30 October 2014 (has links)
L'augmentation de la taille des jeux de données est une problématique croissante en épidémiologie. La cohorte CoPanFlu-France (1450 sujets), proposant une étude du risque d'infection par la grippe H1N1pdm comme une combinaison de facteurs très divers en est un exemple. Les méthodes statistiques usuelles (e.g. les régressions) pour explorer des associations sont limitées dans ce contexte. Nous comparons l'apport de méthodes exploratoires data-driven à celui de méthodes hypothesis-driven.Une première approche data-driven a été utilisée, évaluant la capacité à détecter des facteurs de l'infection de deux méthodes de data mining, les forêts aléatoires et les arbres de régression boostés, de la méthodologie " régressions univariées/régression multivariée" et de la régression logistique LASSO, effectuant une sélection des variables importantes. Une approche par simulation a permis d'évaluer les taux de vrais et de faux positifs de ces méthodes. Nous avons ensuite réalisé une étude causale hypothesis-driven du risque d'infection, avec un modèle d'équations structurelles (SEM) à variables latentes, pour étudier des facteurs très divers, leur impact relatif sur l'infection ainsi que leurs relations éventuelles. Cette thèse montre la nécessité de considérer de nouvelles approches statistiques pour l'analyse des grands jeux de données en épidémiologie. Le data mining et le LASSO sont des alternatives crédibles aux outils conventionnels pour la recherche d'associations. Les SEM permettent l'intégration de variables décrivant différentes dimensions et la modélisation explicite de leurs relations, et sont dès lors d'un intérêt majeur dans une étude multidisciplinaire comme CoPanFlu. / The increasing size of datasets is a growing issue in epidemiology. The CoPanFlu-France cohort(1450 subjects), intended to study H1N1 pandemic influenza infection risk as a combination of biolo-gical, environmental, socio-demographic and behavioral factors, and in which hundreds of covariatesare collected for each patient, is a good example. The statistical methods usually employed to exploreassociations have many limits in this context. We compare the contribution of data-driven exploratorymethods, assuming the absence of a priori hypotheses, to hypothesis-driven methods, requiring thedevelopment of preliminary hypotheses.Firstly a data-driven study is presented, assessing the ability to detect influenza infection determi-nants of two data mining methods, the random forests (RF) and the boosted regression trees (BRT), ofthe conventional logistic regression framework (Univariate Followed by Multivariate Logistic Regres-sion - UFMLR) and of the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), with penaltyin multivariate logistic regression to achieve a sparse selection of covariates. A simulation approachwas used to estimate the True (TPR) and False (FPR) Positive Rates associated with these methods.Between three and twenty-four determinants of infection were identified, the pre-epidemic antibodytiter being the unique covariate selected with all methods. The mean TPR were the highest for RF(85%) and BRT (80%), followed by the LASSO (up to 78%), while the UFMLR methodology wasinefficient (below 50%). A slight increase of alpha risk (mean FPR up to 9%) was observed for logisticregression-based models, LASSO included, while the mean FPR was 4% for the data-mining methods.Secondly, we propose a hypothesis-driven causal analysis of the infection risk, with a structural-equation model (SEM). We exploited the SEM specificity of modeling latent variables to study verydiverse factors, their relative impact on the infection, as well as their eventual relationships. Only thelatent variables describing host susceptibility (modeled by the pre-epidemic antibody titer) and com-pliance with preventive behaviors were directly associated with infection. The behavioral factors des-cribing risk perception and preventive measures perception positively influenced compliance with pre-ventive behaviors. The intensity (number and duration) of social contacts was not associated with theinfection.This thesis shows the necessity of considering novel statistical approaches for the analysis of largedatasets in epidemiology. Data mining and LASSO are credible alternatives to the tools generally usedto explore associations with a high number of variables. SEM allows the integration of variables des-cribing diverse dimensions and the explicit modeling of their relationships ; these models are thereforeof major interest in a multidisciplinary study as CoPanFlu.

Are the Interests of Women Included in Times of Crisis? : A comparative study of the substantive representation of women during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Southern African Region

Cederquist, Janna January 2021 (has links)
This study set out to answer how and to what extent the gendered effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed in parliamentary debates in the Southern African regional context. As both the proportion of women in parliament and the level of democracy have been established by previous research as important conditions for women to be able to act for women as a group, four countries with varying combinations of these factors are examined. By conducting both a quantitative and a qualitative text analysis on Hansards from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, the study analyses the extent to which the gendered effects of the pandemic are addressed and how they are addressed respectively. The results reveal that a combination of a high proportion of women in parliament and a high degree of democracy is the most favourable condition for enabling the substantive representation of women. A democracy with a low proportion of women in parliament is shown to be more allowing for the substantive representation of women than an electoral autocracy with a high proportion of women in parliament. Moreover, the qualitative frame analysis sheds light on the different issues which are in focus on the framing of the gendered effects of the pandemic in different parliaments depending on their level of democracy. Particularly, the issue of gender-based violence in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic is found to have reached the political agenda in the democratic cases, whereas MPs in the less democratic parliaments are more likely to feminize their cause by focusing more on traditionally feminine policy issues such as the health effects of women within the context of the pandemic.

"Det har varit en tråkigare säsong" : Elitidrottares upplevelser av förändring i motivation under våren och sommaren 2020 med Covid-19 pandemin / "It has been a less exciting season" : Elite athlete's experiences of changes in motivation during the spring and summer 2020 with the COVID-29 pandemic

Bergström, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Inom elitidrott beskrivs motivation som något essentiellt för att idrottare ska orka träna och göra det som krävs för att försöka bli bäst i världen. Motivation kan undersökas med hjälp av Self-determination theory där tre grundbehov: autonomi, tillhörighet och kompetens, måste vara uppfyllda för att en inre självbestämmande motivation ska kunna uppnås. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur elitidrottares motivation förändrades under våren och sommaren 2020 när Covid-19 pandemin satte idrottsvärlden på paus med inställda tävlingar och ett uppskjutet OS. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med individuella elitidrottare genomfördes och analyserades med en teoristyrd tematisk analys. Studien kom fram till att elitidrottarna upplevde att deras grundbehov inom motivation påverkades, både positivt och negativt, av Covid-19 pandemin. Studien bidrar till ökad förståelse för elitidrottares behov under pandemin och inom vilka områden de behöver extra stöd. / In elite sports, motivation is described as an essential factor an athlete must have to undergo training and to do what is required to become the world’s best. Motivation can be examined using the Self-determination theory, where three basic needs: autonomy, relatedness and competence must be fulfilled to achieve intrinsic self-determined motivation. The purpose of this study was to investigate how motivation of elite athletes changed during the spring and summer 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic put the sports world on paus with cancelled competitions and the postponement of the Olympics. Seven semi-structured interviews with elite athletes, competing in individual sports, were conducted, and analysed with a theoretical thematic analysis. This study concluded that the basic needs in motivation of elite athletes were experienced to be both positively and negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study contributes to an increased understanding of the needs of elite athletes during the pandemic and in which areas they need extra support.

Turism i en globaliserad värld : leder coronapandemin och klimatkrisen till ökad innovation inom turistindustrin?

Joelsson, Annie, Rosén, Nadja January 2020 (has links)
For a long time, the tourism industry has had a high growth rate. This depends, amongst other things, on globalization, increased prosperity and increased leisure time. Nowadays, more and more people across the world has the possibility to travel and explore new places, which has resulted in continuous growth for the industry. Besides the positive aspects that tourism is contributing to, the growing mobility implies a huge impact on the climate. The industry’s carbon emissions are especially a contributing factor to climate change, and the continuous growth is leading to higher unsustainability. When the corona pandemic hit, it paralyzed the global tourism industry, and in Sweden the industry has been amongst the most affected. The whole industry is expected to lose huge amounts of money, and tens of millions of jobs are threatened.  However, the corona pandemic could also be perceived as an opportunity to reset and reconstruct the tourism industry in a more sustainable way. Many of the lessons learned from the pandemic, could also be implemented to handle the climate crisis. Instead of going back to the old strategies that existed before the corona crisis, this could be a moment to reconsider how the industry could convert itself into carbon neutrality. Innovation capability is important for the industry’s recovery from the crisis, and that is why we wanted to investigate whether the tourism industry can benefit from the corona crisis, by creating innovation and converting itself to enable a more sustainable tourism. In order to answer the aim of the study, we conducted a mixed methods research, where we interviewed eight different travel companies in Sweden, whilst also conducting a survey to find out how Swedes travel patterns had changed as a response to both the climate crisis and the pandemic. In the study, approximately half of the respondents stated that they had changed their way of travelling because of the climate crisis, whilst a big majority indicated that they had changed their travel pattern because of the pandemic. On the other hand, half of the respondents stated that they will return to the same travel habits as before the pandemic. Our results also indicate that companies in the tourism industry has a high capability to innovate. Many of the companies in the study described that innovation is a way to survive the corona pandemic, while others instead are biding their time and waits until the crisis is over.  According to the results of the study, companies must create innovation in order to enable increased sustainability, but the work that is being done under the pandemic is mainly being concentrated towards the survival of the company, instead of towards increased sustainability. The sustainable development is driven by both the companies themselves and by market demand, but clear guidelines from authorities does also play an important part in the adaption. The results from the study also indicate that even if there has been a lively climate debate, consumers are still more focused on low prices rather than on more sustainable options, which implies that there is a need for government intervention, since the free market cannot adapt towards sustainability by itself. However, there is still hope that the pandemic will lead to that tourism is changing in a more sustainable way, while others think that the tourism will continue as usual, or even rise more than before. / Turistindustrin har länge haft en hög tillväxttakt, vilket bland annat beror på globalisering, ökat välstånd och ökad fritid. Numera har alltfler människor världen över möjlighet till att resa och uppleva nya platser, vilket lett till att branschen har fortsatt växa. Förutom alla de positiva aspekter som turismen för med sig, så innebär den växande rörligheten en enorm klimatpåverkan. Särskilt betonas industrins koldioxidutsläpp som en bidragande faktor till klimatförändringar, och den fortsatta tillväxten leder till att branschen blir allt mer ohållbar. När coronapandemin slog till, lamslog den hela den globala turistindustrin, och i Sverige är denna bransch en av dem som drabbats hårdast under krisen. Hela industrin förväntas förlora enorma summor pengar, samtidigt som tiotals miljoner jobb är hotade. Coronapandemin skulle dock också kunna uppfattas vara en möjlighet för turistindustrin att starta om och rekonstrueras på ett mer hållbart sätt. Många av de erfarenheter som pandemin fört med sig, skulle också kunna implementeras för att kunna hantera klimatkrisen. Istället för att gå tillbaka till strategierna som förelåg innan coronakrisen, kan detta istället vara ett tillfälle för att fundera över hur industrin ska kunna omvandlas till att bli koldioxidneutral. Innovationsförmågan är viktig för att industrin ska kunna återhämta sig efter krisen, och därför ville vi undersöka huruvida turistindustrin kan dra fördel av coronakrisen, genom att omvandlas och skapa innovation för att möjliggöra en mer hållbar turism. För att besvara syftet med studien utförde vi en flermetodsforskning, där vi intervjuade åtta olika reseföretag i Sverige, samt genomförde en enkätundersökning för att ta reda på hur svenskars resande påverkats av både klimatkrisen och pandemin.  Ungefär hälften av respondenterna i studien uppgav att de förändrat sitt resande på grund av klimatkrisen, medan en stor majoritet angav att de förändrat sitt resmönster på grund av pandemin. Å andra sidan kommer över hälften av respondenterna återgå till samma resvanor som innan pandemin. Våra resultat visar också att företag inom turistbranschen har en hög innovationsförmåga. Många av företagen i studien hävdar att innovation är ett sätt att klara sig genom coronapandemin, medan vissa istället avvaktar och väntar ut krisen.  Enligt resultaten från studien måste företag skapa innovation för att möjliggöra en ökad hållbarhet, men det arbete som utförs under pandemin koncentreras huvudsakligen mot företagens överlevnad, snarare än mot ökad hållbarhet. Hållbarhetsutvecklingen drivs både av företagen själva och av marknadsefterfrågan, men tydliga riktlinjer från myndigheter spelar också en viktig roll i omställningen. Studiens resultat visar även att trots att det förekommit en livlig klimatdebatt, så är konsumenter fortfarande mer fokuserade på låga priser snarare än på hållbarare alternativ, vilket implicerar att det krävs att myndigheter ingriper på grund av att den fria marknaden inte klarar av att ställa om mot ökad hållbarhet på egen hand. Det finns däremot hopp om att pandemin kommer resultera i att turismen förändras på ett mer hållbart sätt, medan andra tror att turismen kommer fortsätta som vanligt eller till och med öka mer än tidigare.

Maklöshet, hämtmat och oväntad personlig utveckling : Hur coronapandemin påverkar upplevelsen av ensamhet

Nordén, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Coronapandemin har medfört strikta regler om social distansering och isolering i ett försök att minska spridningen av COVID-19. Individer ombeds att arbeta hemifrån och inte träffa närstående. Forskning visar att individer upplever ensamhet som mest när den är ofrivillig, förutsättningar som den rådande pandemin har skapat. Syftet är därför att undersöka hur individer upplever samt hanterar ensamhet under pandemin. Studien bygger på ett bekvämlighetsurval där de tio deltagarnas intervjuer har analyserats med en induktiv tematisk analys. I analysen identifierades åtta teman; ​egenskaper​, ​vikten av att ta sitt ansvar,​ ​ensamhet som ett mentalt tillstånd​, ​distraktioner​, ​saknad av det gamla livet,​ ​oväntad personlig utveckling​, ​färre sociala utbyten samt ​ökad kvalité av befintliga relationer.​ Resultatet visar att påtvingade förändringar i det sociala livet som skapar flertalet ofrivilligt ensamma stunder påverkar deltagarna mest negativt. Samtliga deltagare menade att ensamhet är ett mentalt tillstånd som kräver distraktioner för att känslorna inte ska bli för påfrestande för psyket. Distraktionerna inkluderade både självständiga och sociala aktiviteter, något som stämmer överens med befintlig forskning om copingstrategier vid kronisk ensamhet. Deltagarna upplever sig dock inte som kroniskt ensamma på grund av pandemin, även om antalet ofrivilligt ensamma stunder har ökat, samt menar att social isolering bara är en av pandemins många aspekter. Slutsatsen är att det inte enbart är ensamhet som leder till att individer kan må dåligt under en världspandemi samt att framtida forskning bör fokusera på hur friska unga och vuxna påverkas av perioder av isolering då fältet domineras av geriatriska studier. / The corona pandemic has led to strict rules regarding social distancing and isolation in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Individuals are asked to work from home and not see their close ones. Research shows that individuals experience loneliness the most when it’s involuntary, conditions that the prevailing pandemic has created. The purpose is therefore to investigate how individuals experience and deal with loneliness during the pandemic. The study is based on a convenience sample where the ten participants' interviews have been analyzed with an inductive thematic analysis. In the analysis eight themes were identified; ​characteristics, the importance of taking responsibility, loneliness as a mental state, distractions, missing the old life, unexpected personal growth, fewer socialexchangesa​ndbetterqualityofexistingrelationships.​Theresultsshowthat forced changes in the social life that create a lot of involuntarily lonely moments affect the participants most negatively. All participants also defined loneliness as a mental state that requires distractions so the emotions do not become too stressful for the psyche. The distractions included both independent and social activities, which is consistent with existing research on coping strategies for chronic loneliness. However, the participants do not feel chronically lonely due to the pandemic, even though the amount of involuntary lonely moments has increased, and believe that social isolation is just one of the many aspects of the pandemic. The conclusion is that it’s not only loneliness that leads to individuals feeling unwell during a world pandemic and that future research should focus on how healthy young people and adults are affected by periods of isolation since the field is dominated by geriatric studies.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Intensivecare nurse´s experience of caring for patients with Covid-19

Chebaane, Emin, Lundberg, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: I december 2019, upptäcktes ett nytt virus som senare fick gå undernamnet Covid-19. Viruset spred sig snabbt över hela världen och klassades som enpandemi. Viruset drabbar människor olika där en del enbart får mildaförkylningssymtom medan andra blir så sjuka att de kräver intensivvård. Hittills haröver en miljon människor världen över mist sina liv. Senast Sverige drabbades av ettvirus klassat som pandemi i denna skala var 1918 då spanska sjukan bröt ut. Erfarenheten av en pandemi är därför låg bland landets intensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Motiv: Vi vill belysa intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patientersom har Covid-19 för att ge en djupare förståelse och kunskap inför framtiden. Syfte: Att undersöka intensivvårdssjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patientermed Covid-19. Metod: En kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervjustudie genomfördes medintensivvårdssjuksköterskor. Inklusionskriterierna för deltagare i studien varutbildade intensivvårdssjuksköterskor som arbetat minst fem pass på covid-sal. Intervjuerna analyserades genom innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Upplevelsen av att vårda patienter med Covid-19 varierade och trekategorier kunde identifieras; “Organisatorisk utmaning”, “Ny situation väckerkänslor” och “Utmaning med ny patientgrupp”. Konklusion: Under Covid-19 pandemin uppstod både positiva och negativa känslorhos de intensivvårdssjuksköterskor som intervjuats. I början var negativa känslordominanta som stress, oro och otillräcklighet samt påfrestningar i arbetsmiljön. I ettsenare skede minskade det negativa. Positiva känslor som trygghet och ny kunskapuppstod. Studien öppnar upp för vidare forskning. / Background: In december 2019, a new virus was discovered that was later renamed Covid19. The virus spread rapidly around the world and was classified as a pandemic. The virusaffects people differently, where some only get mild cold symptoms while others become soill that they require intensive care. To date, over one million people worldwide have lost theirlives. The last time Sweden was affected by a virus classified as a pandemic on this scale wasin 1918 when the Spanish flu broke out. The experience of a pandemic is therefore lowamong Sweden´s intensive care nurses. Motive: We want to illustrate intensive care nurses' experiences of caring for patients whohave Covid-19 in order to provide a deeper understanding and knowledge for the future. Aim: To investigate the intensive care nurse's experience of caring for patients with Covid19. Methods: A semi-structured qualitative interview study was conducted with intensive carenurses. The inclusion criteria for participants in the study were trained intensive care nurseswho worked at least five shifts in Covid ward. The interviews were analyzed by contentanalysis with an inductive approach. Result: The experience of caring for patients with Covid-19 varied and three categoriescould be identified; “Organizational challenge”, “New situation evokes emotions” and “Challenge with new patient group”. Conclusion: During the Covid-19 pandemic, both positive and negative emotions aroseamong the intensive care nurses interviewed. In the beginning negative emotions weredominant such as stress, anxiety and inadequacy as well as stress in the work environment.At a later stage the negative emotions decreased. Positive feelings such as safety and newknowledge arose. The study opens up for further research.

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