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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vi är starkast tillsammans : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om partners upplevelser av graviditet och barnafödande under Covid-19-pandemin / We are stronger together : A qualitative content analysis of the partner's experiences of pregnancy and childbirth during the Covid-19 pandemic

Sörensen, Emelie, Moqvist, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sedan december 2019 har ett nytt virus, som orsakar sjukdomen Covid-19, spridits världen över och för att minska smittspridning har restriktioner införts i samhället och vården. Detta innebär att partners inte får delta vid exempelvis besök på barnmorskemottagningar, ultraljud eller närvara på BB efter förlossningen. Partners delaktighet är viktig under graviditet och barnafödande för att främja föräldratransitionen och anknytningen till barnet, vilket försvårats under pandemin. Det är därför av vikt att undersöka partners upplevelse under Covid-19-pandemin. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa partners upplevelse av graviditet och barnafödande under Covid-19-pandemin. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats, där åtta partners intervjuades. Resultat: I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier som sedan mynnade ut i ett tema. Samtliga partners uppgav bristande delaktighet. Förstagångsföräldrarna upplevde en stark negativ påverkan av den bristande delaktigheten vilket resulterade i känslor av utanförskap och en svårighet att förverkliga graviditeten. Andragångsföräldrar upplevde en större trygghet i föräldraskapet vilket ökade förmågan att hantera den bristande delaktigheten. Konklusion: Beslutsfattare bör väga smittorisken mot de negativa effekterna som uppstår av restriktionerna. Det krävs förändringar för att främja partnerns delaktighet och motverka långsiktiga negativa konsekvenser på hälsan för partners och deras familjer. / Background: Since December 2019, a new virus, which causes Covid-19 disease, has spread around the world and to reduce the spread of infection, restrictions have been introduced in society and healthcare. This entails that partners are not allowed to participate in, for example; visits to midwife clinics, ultrasounds or attend BB postpartum. Partner participation during pregnancy and childbirth is important to promote the transition to parenthood and connection to the child, which is made more difficult during the pandemic. It is therefore important to examine partners' experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. Aim: The aim was to illustrate the partners' experience of pregnancy and childbirth during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The study was conducted with a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Eight partners were interviewed. Results: The results revealed four categories which then culminated in a theme. All partners stated a lack of participation. The first-time parents experienced a strong negative impact of the lack of participation, which resulted in feelings of exclusion and a difficulty in actualizing the pregnancy. Second-time parents experienced greater security in parenthood, which increased the ability to handle the lack of participation. Conclusion: Decision-makers should consider weigh the risk of infection against the negative effects of restrictions. Changes are needed to promote partner participation and counteract long-term negative health consequences for partners and their families.

Pandemins påverkan på revisionsprocessen : en kvalitativ studie om pandemins påverkan på revisorernas arbetsprocess och användningen av digitala verktyg / Pandemic’s impact on the audit process : qualitative study on how the pandemic affects auditors work process and use of digital tools

Abu-Tour, Ajat, Iskandarani, Aicha January 2021 (has links)
Pandemin covid-19 har haft en stor påverkan på arbetslivet då arbetare blir uppmanade att följa restriktioner vilket bland annat är att distansera sig från varandra. Detta innebär att revisorerna i denna studie har blivit tvungna att jobba hemifrån för att minska smittspridningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pandemin covid-19 har påverkat revisorernas arbetsprocess och vilka digitala verktyg som använts under pandemin. En kvalitativ metod har använts i studien för att besvara forskningsfrågan och syftet med studien. Sex stycken revisorer från BDO, Frejs revisorer AB, PwC, EY och Mazars har intervjuats. Respondenternas svar analyserades därefter med hjälp av studiens insamling av teorier. Insamlingen av data redovisas i resultatkapitlet som visar att pandemin har påverkat revisorerna både negativt och positivt. Det som har påverkats negativt är revisorernas sociala arbetsliv medan den positiva påverkan är att det har blivit effektivare att jobba hemifrån. Slutligen har digitala verktyg varit ett stort stöd i revisorernas arbetsprocess under pandemin. Utifrån den empiriska datainsamlingen kan pandemin fortsätta länge till. Teorin i studien och den empiriska datainsamlingen lyfter upp möjligheterna med digitalisering som gör revisorerna oberoende av arbetsplatsen. Revisorernas välmående under pandemin är det som ska sättas i fokus då pandemin kan pågå länge till. / The pandemic covid-19 had a major impact on the working life as workers are urged to comply with restrictions, which include distancing themselves from each other. This means that the auditors in this study had to work from home to reduce the spread of infection. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the covid-19 pandemic has affected the auditors work process and which digital tools have been used during the pandemic. A qualitative method has been used in the study to answer the research question and the purpose of the study. Six auditors from BDO, Frejs revisorer AB, PwC, EY and Mazars have been interviewed. Responses were then analyzed using the study's collection of theories. The collection of data is reported in the results chapter, which shows that the pandemic has affected the auditors both negatively and positively. What has been negatively affected is the auditors social working life, while the positive impact is that it has become more efficient to work from home. Finally, digital tools have been a great support in the auditors work process during the pandemic. Based on the empirical data collection, the pandemic could last many years. The theory in the study and the empirical data collection highlights the possibilities with digitization that makes the auditors independent of the workplace. The auditor’s well-being during the pandemic is what should be put in focus as the pandemic could last many years.

(Hur) har distansarbetet och digitaliseringen som tillkommit till en följd av Covid-19 påverkat organisationers organisationskultur? / (How) has digitalization and teleworking affected organizations culture as a result of Covid-19?

Olsson, Filippa, Juvin, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Distanseringen under pandemin har ändrat förutsättningarna för hur vi människor kan kommunicera och interagera med varandra. Detta kan i sin tur ha en påverkan på organisationskulturen. Förut fysiska och sociala interaktioner sker nu digitalt och detta har medfört en distansering kollegor emellan. Beroende på hur organisationer har valt att använda sig av digitaliseringen som följde pandemin har olika effekter skett och därav påverkat organisationskulturen på olika sätt. Syftet är att undersöka och bidra med kunskap om hur distansarbete via digitala kanaler kan påverka organisationers kultur och om sociala mönster har förändrats. För att få fram hur organisationer har påverkats har vi genomfört intervjuer med åtta olika individer på åtta olika organisationer. Det som är mest tydligt är att digitaliseringen är här för att stanna och att ingen av de individerna vi har undersökt kan tänka sig att återvända till samma arbetssätt som före pandemin. Förändringen av kommunikation har medfört en försämring när det rör sig om beslutsfattande inom organisationer och det har även skapat en distansering kollegor emellan. / The distancing during the pandemic has changed the conditions for how we humans can communicate and interact with each other. This in turn can have an impact on the organizational culture. Before, physical and social interactions now take place digitally and this has led to a distance between colleagues. Depending on how organizations have chosen to use the digitalisation that followed the pandemic, different effects have taken place and therefore affected the organizational culture in different ways. The purpose is to investigate and contribute knowledge about how teleworking via digital channels can affect organizations' culture and whether social patterns have changed. To find out how organizations have been affected, we conducted interviews with eight different individuals at eight different organizations. What is most clear is that digitalisation is here to stay and that none of the individuals we have examined can imagine returning to the same way of working as before the pandemic. The change in communication has led to a deterioration when it comes to decision-making within organizations and it has also created a distance between colleagues.

Psychologie phishingových útoků během krizí: Případ pandemie COVID-19 / Psychology of Phishing Attacks During Crises: The Case of Covid-19 Pandemic

Kaliňák, Viliam January 2021 (has links)
Events and circumstances that accompany crises such as losses of loved ones, losses of material resources, dislocation, or physical harm, have an overall negative impact on people's mental health. It is this impaired state of man which makes him vulnerable to manipulation of social engineers who wants to take advantage of him in order to enrich themselves. This was also the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the unprecedented crisis in modern history, during which phishing and fraud campaigns rapidly increased as people have been forced to stay safe at home and spent most of a day online. This work analyzes the psychological strategies of cybercriminals on a sample of more than 200 phishing e-mails in order to understand how the situation was abused and what can be learnt to prevent it in the future. It also provides theoretical and research frameworks for researchers who can apply it also on other types of crises. The results contribute to the fields of psychology, cybercrime as well as crisis management. Keywords COVID-19, phishing, social engineering, psychology, persuasion, crises, pandemic, impersonation, pretexting

Evropská komise jako aktér při řešení krizí / The European Commission as an actor during the crises solutions

Čermák, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
More than ten years after the largest economic crisis, which stroke the European Union in 2008 and thoroughly tested its readiness and ability to act, Europe was hit by a global pandemic of COVID-19. Because of this crisis, the European Union and its institutions faced a number of challenges, stemming from unprecedented measures imposed to tackle it. In contrast with the economic crisis, it was not only the European industrial and financial sectors but also more segments, essential to the functioning of the European Union itself, which were affected by the recent crisis. The aim of this thesis is to point out the differences of impacts of the two crisis and to find out the role played by the European Commission during the process of dealing with them.

Analýza diskurzu o koronavirové krizi v názorových rubrikách českých online médií / Analysis of the coronavirus crisis discourse in the opinion sections of Czech online media

Karel, Kryštof January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines how the first, spring wave of the coronavirus pandemic and its associated aspects were presented by Czech media, specifically by the opinion sections of reputable mainstream online media in three three-days intervals in different phases of this period. Its main premise is that the way media refer to a social reality can significantly influence this reality, its theoretical part is therefore focused on the reciprocal relationship between media and society, mainly the social construction of reality and discourse, besides also describing the pandemic itself and the trends in the usage of media during the analysed period. The research itself was made using the discourse analysis method. The central chapter of the thesis presents key findings in ten subchapters focused on the main discursive tendencies, common language elements and social phenomena being referred to. The interference of the COVID-19 discourse with the ones about the government restrictions, economic development and the assumed Chinese origin of the virus was salient, the parallels with other diseases or historic events or eras were also common. Metaphors, neologisms, fallacies or metadiscourse reflections appeared in the analysed texts as well. The dynamics of the discourse that was varying depending on the...

Innovation inom byggsektorn under Covid-19 pandemin

Lorik, Topalli, Simon, Janson January 2021 (has links)
The past year has been a challenging year for all industries, including the constructionindustry. The construction industry is considered to have performed slightly better whencompared to other industries. With this in mind, despite the slow pace of change, theconstruction industry is still evolving innovatively to adapt its operations to the constraintsthat have emerged since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.The purpose of the work is to investigate whether the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed toinnovative growth in the construction sector. The survey will look at how different companieshave adapted to, and whether the changes that have been made are temporary or willdisappear when society returns to normal.The study was chosen to do with a qualitative method. The literature used has been necessaryto be able to first explain the concept of innovation, and later delve deeper into theimplementation of innovation through the innovation tree (Hardie & Newell 2011).What has emerged during this thesis is that the construction industry has been affected by thepandemic, but not to the same extent as other industries. This is done by introducing newwork processes such as working digitally.

Att leda tjänsteföretag under en kris : En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer på tjänsteföretag i Kalmar län bedriver ledarskap under coronaviruspandemin. / Leading service companies during a crisis : A qualitative study of how the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way managers lead service companies in Kalmar county.

Nylander, Olof, Aspenhed, Kevin January 2021 (has links)
Research question: How do service company managers believe the coronavirus pandemic has affected their leadership? Purpose: The intention of this study is to investigate managers with a leading role in service companies and how they believe their leadership has changed during the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of this study is to see how they are consistent with the following theories in leadership during changing conditions and what current managers can learn from the coronavirus pandemic. Theories: Situational leadership II, involved leadership & leadership during crisis. Method: This study conducted a qualitative method, using interviews with managers of four service companies. The interview guide was constructed based on the above mentioned leadership theories. Result: Managers need to communicate clearly during a pandemic. Managers have expressed difficulty in remaining present and motivating employees during crises. Telecommuting has created opportunities for companies to save resources through reduced business travels.

The relationships of cell phone use with physical activity, sedentary behavior, and psychometric variables in a sample of high school students and university students and employees

Wiet, Ryan Timothy 06 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in Swedish Physical Education / Att undersöka effekterna av Covid-19-pandemin på idrott och hälsa i skolan

Kamoga, Seguya January 2020 (has links)
The emergence of the new corona virus (Covid-19) in the world has shaken many parts and aspects of our society. Sources have shown that due to the fear and panic caused by the outbreak of Covid-19, many countries have implemented lockdown measures. Schools in several countries have been closed as a result of Covid-19. In Sweden, however, the situation has been handled differently. Primary schools and lower secondary schools have stayed open, while some upper secondary schools stayed open for some time before they turned to online teaching. This investigation examines the effects the Covid-19 pandemic has had on Physical Education (PE). Specifically, the purpose of this study is to investigate how the teaching of PE in Sweden has been affected by Covid-19. Data were generated through online interviews. Seven primary and lower secondary school PE teachers took part in this study. The Deleuze-Guattarian concept of ‘becoming’ along with the concept of ‘precarity’ have been used to analyze and interpret the data in this study. The results indicate that there have been major changes in the context and content of the PE subject. PE lessons have been moved outdoors and important activities, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and swimming, have been postponed as a consequence of Covid-19. Hygiene routines, such as changing clothes and showering before and after PE, have also been removed in the subject. The duties of PE teachers today also involve cleaning equipment in order to control the spread of the virus. The results also revealed how some PE teachers have moved away from using physical contact in their lessons.

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