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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Grill, Kalle January 2006 (has links)
<p>This is a thesis about anti-paternalism – the liberal doctrine that we may not interfere with a person’s liberty for her own good. Empirical circumstances and moral values may certainly give us reason to avoid benevolent interference. Anti-paternalism as a normative doctrine should, however, be rejected.</p><p><em>Essay I</em> concerns the definitions of paternalism and anti-paternalism. It is argued that only a definition of paternalism in terms of compound reason-actions can accommodate its special moral properties. Definitions in terms of actions, common in the literature, cannot. It is argued, furthermore, that in specifying the reason-actions in further detail, the notion of what is self-regarding, as opposed to other-regarding, is irrelevant, contrary to received opinion.</p><p><em>Essay II </em>starts out with the definition of paternalism defended in essay I and claims that however this very general definition is specified, anti-paternalism is unreasonable and should be rejected. Anti-paternalism is the position that certain reasons – referring one way or the other to the good of a person, give no valid normative support to certain actions – some kind of interferences with the same person. Since the reasons in question are normally quite legitimate and important reasons for action, a convincing argument for anti-paternalism must explain why they are invalid in cases of interference. A closer look at the reasons and actions in question provides no basis for such an explanation.</p><p><em>Essay III</em> considers a concrete case of benevolent interference – the withholding of information concerning uncertain threats to public health in the public’s best interest. Such a policy has been suggested in relation to the European Commission’s proposed new system for the<em> R</em>egistration, <em>E</em>valuation, and <em>A</em>uthorisation of <em>Ch</em>emicals (REACH). Information about uncertain threats to health from chemicals would allegedly spread anxiety and depression and thus do more harm than good. The avoidance of negative health effects is accepted as a legitimate and good reason for withholding of information, thus respecting the conclusion of essay II, that anti-paternalism should be rejected. Other reasons, however, tip the balance in favour of making the information available. These reasons include the net effects on knowledge, psychological effects, effects on private decisions and effects on political decisions.</p>

Funktionshinder, samtal och självbestämmande : En studie av brukarcentrerade möten / Disability, talk, and self-determination : A study of “user-centred” team meetings

Karlsson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att ur ett medborgarskaps- och kommunikativt perspektiv undersöka och problematisera funktionshindrade ”brukares” självbestämmande i samtal som förs under s.k. brukarcentrerade teammöten organiserade av en vuxen- respektive en barn- och ungdomshabilitering. I mötena deltar en funktionshindrad brukare och/eller anhöriga och professionella från skilda verksamheter. Studien baseras på diskursanalys av 18 observerade och bandinspelade möten hållna av tio olika team. Analyserna visar att brukarna hade ett mer eller mindre begränsat inflytande över samtalens organisering. Inflytandet varierade med organiseringen av samtalen samt med i vilken utsträckning brukarna deltog aktivt genom att identifiera egna problem och framtida mål. Det synliggjorde en spänning mellan ett ”idealt” självbestämmande och brukarnas förmåga/benägenhet att leva upp till de krav som det ”ideala” självbestämmandet ställde och gav upphov till situationer i vilka dilemman mellan självbestämmande och paternalism uppstod. I analyserna av hanterandet av dessa situationer framkom att deltagarna i möten utan deltagande brukare motiverade sina åsikter och beslut rörande behandlingen av brukaren genom att referera till egna övertygelser om vad som är bäst för brukaren respektive till tolkningar av brukarens egna preferenser utifrån hennes/hans agerande i vardagslivet. I möten med deltagande brukare använde övriga deltagare diskursiva strategier som var mer eller mindre paternalistiska då de innebar att de styrde brukaren på ett sätt som det inte var säkert att brukaren själv ville. I avhandlingen diskuteras vilka möjliga strategier som skulle kunna öka brukarnas självbestämmande. Utfallet relateras också till det ”samtalande” och sociala medborgarskap som brukarna i avhandlingen anses utöva samt till andra möjliga innebörder av ett socialt medborgarskapsutövande. / From a citizenship and communicative perspective the aim of the dissertation is to examine and problematize the self-determination of disabled “users” during conversations taking place at “user-centred” team meetings. The meetings are organised by two habilitation centres, one for children and young people and one for adults. One disabled user and/or his/her relatives and professionals representing different institutions participate in the meetings. The study is based on discourse analysis of 18 observed and audiotaped team meetings held by ten different teams. The analyses show that the users exerted a more or less restricted influence on the organisation of the conversations. This varied with the organisation of the conversations and to the extent that the users participated actively by identifying their own problems and future goals. Hence, a certain conflict between an “ideal” type of self-determination and the users’ ability/willingness to live up to the demands that this kind of self-determination makes on them was revealed. This conflict gave rise to situations in which dilemmas between selfdetermination and paternalism appeared. By analysing how these situations were handled it was found that the participants in meetings without participating users accounted for their opinions and decisions concerning the treatment of the users by referring either to interpretations of the user’s preferences, which were based on the user’s behaviour in everyday life, or to their own beliefs of what would benefit the user. In meetings with participating users, the other participants handled the situations by steering the discussions in directions the user may not have chosen him-/herself. These discursive strategies were more or less paternalistic. In the dissertation it is discussed what other possible strategies exist that could increase the users’ self-determination. The result is also related to the “spoken” and social citizenship that the users are considered to exercise, as well as to other possible meanings of social citizenship.

Det fria skolvalets legitimitet : En filosofisk analys om autonomins egenvärde, paternalistiska interventioner och rättviseteoretiska principer / The legitimacy of the free choise of school : A philosophical study about the value of autonomy in the context of paternalistic interventions and principles of justice.

Galatius, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
The name of this essay is The legitimacy of the free choice of school – a philosophical studyabout the value of autonomy in the context of paternalistic interventions and principles ofjustice. The aim of this essay is to examine how the free choice of school can be legitimizedthrough perspectives regarding principles of justice. The results show that the free choice ofschool can be legitimized from several different standpoints such as the intrisic value ofautonomy, the negative concept of freedom and the rights based perspective of equality.Further, the free choice of school can also be legitimized from an epistemic viewpoint aswell as through theories about fair processes and compensatory efforts. My ambition withthis study is to broaden the discourse surrounding the topic. A discussion based on ideas andprinciples is a valuable complement to the more common debate about outcome regardingthe free choice of school. / Denna uppsats heter Det fria skolvalets legitimitet – en filosofisk analys om autonominsegenvärde, paternalistiska interventioner och rättviseteoretiska principer. Syftet meduppsatsen är att undersöka hur och på vilka grunder det fria skolvalets legitimitet kanmotiveras utifrån ett rättviseteoretiskt perspektiv. Mina resultat visar att det fria skolvaletkan legitimeras utifrån ett antal olika utgångspunkter såsom autonomins intrinsikala värde,det negativa frihetsbegreppet och ett rättighetsbaserat perspektiv på jämlikhet. Det friaskolvalet kan också legitimeras utifrån ett epistemiskt perspektiv samt utifrån teorier omlegitima processer och kompensatoriska insatser. Min ambition med uppsatsen är att breddadiskussionen genom att angripa det valda området utifrån ett filosofiskt perspektiv då det iden politiska debatten kring det fria skolvalet tenderar att vara fokus på de faktiska utfallenav reformen. Min uppfattning är att en idéburen och principiell utgångspunkt i frågan är ettviktigt komplement som jag anser borde få större utrymme i debatten.

Partnerskap och paternalism : En studie av Sida och Afrikagruppernas utvecklingssamarbete i Sydafrika med fokus på hiv och aids. / Partnership and paternalism : A study on Sida and the Africa Groups of Sweden´s development work in South Africa with focus on HIV/AIDS.

Carlsson, Lena, Lindqvist Karlsson, Charlotta January 2005 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka och problematisera hur Sida och Afrikagrupperna arbetar med hiv och aids i Sydafrika utifrån den postkoloniala kritik som riktats mot denna typ av arbete. Fokus ligger på de problem och dilemman som finns i utvecklingssamarbetet med Sydafrika. För att få en djupare förståelse och ytterligare ett perspektiv sammanför vi den postkoloniala teorin med teorier om hälsa. I det postkoloniala kapitlet behandlas bland andra Maria Eriksson Baaz och Pal Ahluwalias teorier om hur kolonialismen har skapat strukturer som påverkar Afrikabilden både i västvärlden och i Afrika idag. I teorin om hälsa utgår vi ifrån bland andra Deborah Lupton som menar att folkhälsa har en stark inverkan på politiska och sociala strukturer som fungerar som ett moraliserande system och påverkar hur vi ser på oss själva. För att få en förståelse och kunna problematisera ämnet ytterligare har vi tagit del av de dokument och policys som ligger till grund för Sida och Afrikagruppernas hiv och aidsarbete i Sydafrika. Dessa dokument analyseras och sammanförs med de intervjuer som har genomförts med Sidas och Afrikagruppernas anställda både i Sverige och i Sydafrika. Studien har, förutom att tydliggöra utvecklingssamarbetets komplexitet, också bland annat visat på att de strukturer skapade utifrån bilden av Afrika fortfarande påverkar biståndsarbetet på olika sätt och att västvärldens syn på hälsa i sin tur påverkar synen på Afrika. Sverige har definierat sitt utvecklingsarbete som ett partnerskap och studien visar att Sverige i jämförelse med andra länder ligger långt fram i detta arbete, men att det fortfarande finns brister.</p> / <p>The purpose of the study is to examine and problemize how Sida and the Africa Groups of Sweden´s work with HIV/AIDS in South Africa considering the post-colonial critique that has been directed at this type of work. Focus is on the problems and dilemmas that exist is the development work with South Africa. To get a deeper understanding and further perspectives we bring the post-colonial theory together with health theories. In the post-colonial chapter are Maria Eriksson Baaz and Pal Ahluwalias theories about how the colonial era has created structures that influence how one look at Africa today being discussed. In the health theory Deborah Lupton, amongst others, argues that public health has a strong effect on political and social structures that functions as a norm building system and influence how we view ourselves. To get an understanding and to be able to further problemize the material we have examined documents and policies that are the basis for Sida and the Africa Groups of Sweden´s work with HIV and AIDS in South Africa. These documents are being analysed and brought together with interviews that have been conducted with employees of Sida and the Africa Groups of Sweden in both Sweden and South Africa. The study has, except to elucidate the complexity of the development work, also shown, among other things, that the structures created due to the image of Africa still effects the aid work on different levels and that the western view on public health influence the image of Africa. The Swedish development work has been defined as a partnership and the study shows that Sweden, in comparison with other countries lies far ahead in this work, but that there still are shortages.</p>

Deltagares upplevelser av ett kommunalt aktiveringsprogram : -En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och hinder för inflytande

Ilhan Fuchs, Erika January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine participants' experiences and descriptions of a municipal activation program, and how participants perceive their opportunities for influence on their own needs and requirements. The results are based on statements from six semi-structured, individual interviews conducted by the qualitative method. Empowerment, paternalism and social capital are among the study's theoretical frame of reference. The main results show that more participants are critical of aspects of coercion and involuntary willingness in participation. Motivation for participation seems to mainly be linked to whether the activity is experienced as meaningful, as well as to the attitude of the staff. An individual, affirmative response from the staff seems to be of concern to the participants' general experience of the program. The contact with other participants interpreted from theory of social capital and collective empowerment.

Könstillhörighet och fängelsestrafflängd i en svensk kontext : Relationen mellan könstillhörighet och domar för grov misshandel

Astby Röding, Sebastian, Nilsson, Emil, Ruus, Kristo January 2020 (has links)
Den föreliggande studien syftade till att undersöka hur förövares- samt brottsoffers könstillhörighet samvarierar med strafflängd för individer dömda för grov misshandel.  Granskning av domar efter lagändringen den första juli 2017 där grov misshandel var det primära brottet genomfördes för att samla in data för jämförelse mellan män och kvinnor som förövare samt brottsoffer. Totalt användes 100 domar till analyserna med 61 manliga och 39 kvinnliga förövare. Det översiktliga resultatet indikerade att strafflängd inte samvarierade med vare sig förövarens eller brottsoffrets könstillhörighet när dessa undersöktes separat. Det återfanns däremot en signifikant samvariation för sammansättningarna av förövarens och offrets könstillhörighet och strafflängd. Skillnad återfanns endast mellan gruppen med kvinnliga förövare och manliga offer och gruppen med kvinnliga förövare och kvinnliga offer. Vid stratifiering för om fler brott än grov misshandel har påverkat straffvärdet samt för om förövaren tidigare var dömd återstod däremot inte denna skillnad. Resultatet diskuterades utifrån tidigare forskning samt teorierna Focal concerns och Paternalism/Chivalry theory, med fokus på grov misshandel som ett könsnormativt brott samt de metodologiska begränsningarna med den föreliggande studien. / The present study aimed to examine how the gender of perpetrators and victims of aggravated assault relates to the length of prison sentences. Data was collected to compare male and female perpetrators and victims from sentences where aggravated assault was the primary offense, after the change in legislation the first of July 2017. A total of 100 cases were included in the analysis with 61 male and 39 female perpetrators. In summary the result indicated that the length of the prison sentence did not relate to the gender of perpetrators or victims when examined separately. However, a significant result was found between perpetrator and victim gender constitution and the length of sentences. The difference was only found between the group with female perpetrators and male victims and the group with female perpetrators and female victims. The effect did not remain when stratifications were made regarding additional crimes besides aggravated assault affecting sentencing length and for prior convictions. The results are discussed in view of prior research, Focal concerns and Chivalry/Paternalism theory, with focus on aggravated assault as a gender normative crime together with the methodological limitations of the current study.

Konsten att påverka med design : En fallstudie av kampanjen #VÅRTHAV / The art of influencing with design : A case study of the #OURSEA camapign

Quennerstedt, Frida January 2021 (has links)
At a time when changing habits are advocated for both personal and collective goals, knowledge from several scientific disciplines can be used for communication. In order for people to break old habits and create new ones, they may in some cases need a push in the right direction. With nudging one can in different ways help people take decisions more easily and make choices with the goal that it will benefit the individual or the collective, but in some cases there’s a risk that the one who initiates the nudge uses it for their own benefit. Through a case study of the #OURSEA campaign, initiated by Moomin Characters Ltd., in collaboration with the John Nurminen Foundation, this thesis intends to investigate and identify how nudging is used to convey information and change behaviors. The analysis is based on the behavioral science theory nudging. To go in depth, suggestions are given on how the campaign can develop communication based on the theoretical framework in relation to graphic design. Throughout the text, a critical discussion is held about the material and about how and when the graphic designer has a responsibility regarding the use of the theories. The results show how nudging can also be used in graphic design, despite the fact that the subject and the connection between the two disciplines have not previously been thoroughly explored in regards of each other.

Mellan empowerment och paternalism : - Biståndshandläggares upplevelser av bedömningsmöten för äldre med demenssjukdom / BETWEEN EMPOWERMENT AND PATERNALISM

Wälty, Wilma, Möller, Hilma January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka biståndshandläggares upplevelser av bedömningsmöten för äldre med demenssjukdom, vilka eventuella utmaningar som uppstår samt hur dessa hanteras. Vidare syftar studien även till att utifrån begreppen empowerment, advocacy och paternalism skapa förståelse för hur biståndshandläggarnas beskrivna arbetssätt förhåller sig till uppdraget om värnandet av den enskildes självbestämmanderätt. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med biståndshandläggare i en mellanstor kommun i Sverige, varefter empirin analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys samt beskrivna teoretiska begrepp. Studien visar att biståndshandläggarna möter en rad utmaningar vid dessa möten i form av kommunikationssvårigheter, bristande sjukdomsinsikt och motstånd samt utmaningen att som biståndshandläggare finna en balansgång mellan brukar- och anhörigperspektivet och att biståndshandläggarna tillämpar kommunikationsanpassning, strategier för samtycke, strategier vid motstånd och samverkan, för att hantera utmaningarna. En övergripande slutsats är att biståndshandläggarnas arbetssätt inrymmer tendenser av såväl empowerment som paternalism, vilket i viss mån kan anses stärka den enskildes egenmakt men i viss mån även motverka detta genom att professionella och anhöriga övertar beslutsansvaret för den demenssjuke på grund av nedsatt beslutsförmåga. Av analysen framkommer det även att biståndshandläggarna, i enlighet med begreppet advocacy, ofta intar positionen att företräda den äldre med demenssjukdom i syfte att värna om dennes självbestämmanderätt. / The purpose of this study is to investigate case managers experiences of assessment meetings for old people with dementia, which challenges arise and how these are handled. The study also aims to create an understanding of how the case managers described working methods relate to the task of protecting the individual's right to self-determination, based on the concepts of empowerment, advocacy and paternalism. This was investigated through semi-structured interviews with case managers in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. The interviews were then analyzed based on a thematic analysis and described theoretical concepts. The study shows that the case managers face a series of challenges in terms of communication difficulties, lack of disease insight and resistance, as well as finding a balance between the perspective of the user and the relatives, and that the case managers apply communication adaptation, strategies for consent, strategies for resistance and cooperation to deal with these challenges. An overarching conclusion is that the working methods of case managers contain tendencies of both empowerment and paternalism, which to a certain extent can be considered to strengthen the individual's empowerment but to a certain extent also counteract this by having professionals and relatives take over decision-making responsibility for the person with dementia due to reduced decision-making capacity. The analysis also shows that the case managers, in accordance with the concept of advocacy, often take the position of representing the person with dementia to protect their right to self-determination.

From paternalism and dependency to partnership and interdependency : transformation of mission within the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the KOSH Region in post-apartheid South Africa / Young-Moo Kim

Kim, Young-Moo January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the underlying factors of paternalism and dependency in the mission work of the Reformed Churches in South Africa by focusing on the KOSH region. The study will examine, as a case study, the missionary work done by the white Reformed Churches among the black communities and the Reformed Churches in the Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein, Hartbeesfontein (KOSH) region. Such a case study aims to lay bare the main causes of the black Reformed churches’ dependency on their white Reformed counterparts. It will examine the issues of attitude, cultural and world view prevalent among the Reformed church members in the KOSH region that may cause paternalism and dependency in missions. The possible influence of apartheid developments on mission methodology and the strategy of the GKSA churches will be examined closely. As a proposal to overcome the residue of paternalism and dependency in the black church community, this study will expound the biblical principle of partnership in missions. Thereafter the focus will fall on the biblical point of departure of a partnership model in missions. Some practical guidelines as recommendations will also be suggested in terms of which such a holistic transformational model of missions could help to overcome tendencies of paternalism and dependency in the missionary situation. Chapter 1 focuses on the formulation of the research. It states the background, problem statement, research limitation, main research question, aim and objectives as well as central argument and method of research. To conclude, the chapter division is presented. Chapter 2 studies and outlines definitions, historical development and missiological reflection on paternalism and dependency. Chapter 3 studies and outlines key biblical perspectives on mission, paternalism and dependency from the missio-Dei point of departure. Chapter 4 investigates and analyzes the attitude, cultural and worldview issues prevalent among the Reformed church members in the KOSH region that may cause paternalism and dependency in missions. Chapter 5 investigates the field work on mission, paternalism and dependency in the case of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, focusing on the KOSH region. Chapter 6 investigates key biblical and missiological perspectives on partnership and interdependency in missions by which to overcome paternalism and dependency. Chapter 7 investigates the relevant principles and possible pitfalls regarding the motives of partnership and interdependency with the aim of establishing a holistic transformational model of missions in the post-apartheid dispensation in South Africa. Chapter 8 consists of the conclusions and summary of this study. The partnership model is proposed and practical guidelines as recommendations are made finally on the transformation of mission within the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the KOSH region in post-apartheid South Africa. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

From paternalism and dependency to partnership and interdependency : transformation of mission within the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the KOSH Region in post-apartheid South Africa / Young-Moo Kim

Kim, Young-Moo January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the underlying factors of paternalism and dependency in the mission work of the Reformed Churches in South Africa by focusing on the KOSH region. The study will examine, as a case study, the missionary work done by the white Reformed Churches among the black communities and the Reformed Churches in the Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein, Hartbeesfontein (KOSH) region. Such a case study aims to lay bare the main causes of the black Reformed churches’ dependency on their white Reformed counterparts. It will examine the issues of attitude, cultural and world view prevalent among the Reformed church members in the KOSH region that may cause paternalism and dependency in missions. The possible influence of apartheid developments on mission methodology and the strategy of the GKSA churches will be examined closely. As a proposal to overcome the residue of paternalism and dependency in the black church community, this study will expound the biblical principle of partnership in missions. Thereafter the focus will fall on the biblical point of departure of a partnership model in missions. Some practical guidelines as recommendations will also be suggested in terms of which such a holistic transformational model of missions could help to overcome tendencies of paternalism and dependency in the missionary situation. Chapter 1 focuses on the formulation of the research. It states the background, problem statement, research limitation, main research question, aim and objectives as well as central argument and method of research. To conclude, the chapter division is presented. Chapter 2 studies and outlines definitions, historical development and missiological reflection on paternalism and dependency. Chapter 3 studies and outlines key biblical perspectives on mission, paternalism and dependency from the missio-Dei point of departure. Chapter 4 investigates and analyzes the attitude, cultural and worldview issues prevalent among the Reformed church members in the KOSH region that may cause paternalism and dependency in missions. Chapter 5 investigates the field work on mission, paternalism and dependency in the case of the Reformed Churches in South Africa, focusing on the KOSH region. Chapter 6 investigates key biblical and missiological perspectives on partnership and interdependency in missions by which to overcome paternalism and dependency. Chapter 7 investigates the relevant principles and possible pitfalls regarding the motives of partnership and interdependency with the aim of establishing a holistic transformational model of missions in the post-apartheid dispensation in South Africa. Chapter 8 consists of the conclusions and summary of this study. The partnership model is proposed and practical guidelines as recommendations are made finally on the transformation of mission within the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the KOSH region in post-apartheid South Africa. / PhD (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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