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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例 / The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan

吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,支付工具越來越多元化,第三方支付在中美已發展成熟。面對第三方支付平台的崛起,並由主管機關主導開放非銀行業辦理代收代付及儲值業務。本研究以文獻分析法及制度比較法,從台灣金融業者的角度比較第三方支付中信託及履約保證機制所產生的影響,發現信託較履約保證機制為佳;而就制度而言,我國對第三方支付平台儲值款項在消費者權益保障最為嚴謹。銀行在承擔第三方支付業者倒閉風險的同時,亦可選擇自行發展第三方支付業務。 由於國內線上交易市場競爭激烈,為活絡網購市場,網購業者以引進中國網友至台灣網路特約商店消費為目標。本研究分析我國發展跨境代收轉付金流服務之方向,並以玉山銀行為案例,認為在國際第三方支付市場上,以合作取代競爭是值得採行的策略。同時結合台灣優質廠商,應是台灣未來金融業者與第三方支付業者可搶進的利基。 再者,第三方支付產業市場競爭激烈,與金融業產生競爭關係,尤其第三方支付平台所提供理財與放款服務十分具有市場競爭力。但是基於法規要求及各項互補產生的附加價值,產生合作關係,金融業者應審慎選擇與第三方支付業者競爭或合作。根據本研究調查目前我國銀行與第三方支付業者競爭或合作概況,同樣發現為競合關係。 最後,為提升金融業之競爭力,建議應強化電子商務技術能力,善用目前據點優勢,重視客戶反饋及增加創新服務,並積極爭取具有綜效之異業結盟,以爭取賽局有利條件。另建議主管機關為進一步保障消費者,短期宜修改《電子支付機構管理條例》相關子法,中長期宜研擬修改《信託法》。為解決跨境交易監理及課稅問題,則可利用跨境支付管理業務。 / As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan's financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services. Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan's financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit. In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship. To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.

電子票據發展趨勢之研究 / The Trend of Electronic Note

林占山, Lin,Jan Shan Unknown Date (has links)
現今資訊科技發展突飛猛進、通訊工具與網際網路日益普及,深深影響了人類的經濟活動,從傳統商務活動中,延展了物流、金流、資訊流的範圍,電子化提升了處理速度,改變使用模式,進而改變企業經營模式、人類思考模式與生活習慣。加上金融自由化、金融全球化等衝擊,除金融產業有擴大規模、擴大範疇之變革,金融服務亦為了因應客戶需求,趨向多元化與個人化。時至今日,商務活動中以金流的進展為最待加強,其中支付工具之電子化尤為重要。本論文研究電子票據之整體發展方向,探討電子票據能否成為安全、便利、有效、低成本之電子支付工具。 票據為支付工具之一種,其使用已久亦廣,為了能將其改進並予以電子化應用,乃有「電子票據」之電子支付工具產生。本研究旨在以票據之使用及電子票據之規劃設計機制,以我國之經濟、社會、技術、制度面等不同層面需求考量,參考歐美國家文獻與實務資料,從電子支付之角度,安全性、規模度、可靠度、低交易成本、用戶基礎等關鍵因素分析,針對電子票據發展趨勢探討,分析現行紙本票據與電子票據之優缺點,並進行電子票據與其他支付工具之比較,且比較國內外電子票據之差異性,期能對現行電子票據流程及架構提供改善及建議。此外,本研究亦研擬電子票據實施之程序及所需相關資源的配合,期能提供主管機關管理電子票據業務等之參考,進而更提昇電子支付之效率。 / Nowadays the rapid development and population of the information technology, the media, and the Internet has deeply affected all the economical movements of the human beings. The traditional commercial activities have expanded in the areas of distribution, finance, and information, because the entire entrepreneurial management strategies along with the ways that people think and live have all changed with the electronicalization that accelerates and modifies the process and usage. In addition, the financial deregulation and globalization forces the finance industry to expand in size and areas. Moreover, the financial services have become more and more various and personalized to respond the demands of their customers. Up to the present day, the development in finance area has been the one that needs to be strengthened most, especially the electronicalization of the payment tools. This essay is to study the entire development focus of the electronic note, and to find out whether the electronic note could be a safe, convenient, effective, and low-cost e-payment tool. Note is one of the payment tools and has been widely used for a long time. The so-called “electronic note” is produced in order to improve and electronicalize the traditional note. This study refers to the national documentation and practical data of the European and American countries and the different demands of Taiwan’s economics, society, technology, and regulations. It analyzes the electronic note’s design and usage in terms of safety, standard, credibility, low-cost, and user’s backgrounds. Furthermore, it discusses the development trend of the electronic note and demonstrates the pros and cons of the paper-note and electronic note. By the comparison between the electronic note and other payment tools and exploring the differences of the electronic note’s usage in Taiwan and in other countries, it is expected to come out some advice for improving the current electronic note infrastructure and the required resources. It maybe provides helpful suggestions for many financial organizations and increases the effectiveness of the e-payment systems.


NORMA ALICE DA SILVA CARVALHO 26 March 2018 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta pesquisa é classificar o perfil de pagamento dos consumidores não-residenciais de energia elétrica, considerando conhecimento armazenado em base de dados de distribuidoras de energia elétrica. A motivação para desenvolvê-la surgiu da necessidade das distribuidoras por um modelo de suporte a formulação de estratégias capazes de reduzir o grau inadimplência. A metodologia proposta consiste em um sistema inteligente híbrido composto por módulos intercomunicativos que usam conhecimentos armazenados em base de dados para segmentar consumidores e, então, atingir o objetivo proposto. O sistema inicia-se com o módulo neural, que aloca as unidades consumidoras em grupos conforme similaridades (valor fatura, consumo, demanda medida/demanda contratada, intensidade energética e peso da conta no orçamento), em sequência, o módulo bayesiano, estabelece um escore entre 0 e 1 que permite predizer o perfil de pagamento das unidades considerando os grupos gerados e os atributos categóricos (atividade econômica, estrutura tarifária, mesorregião, natureza jurídica e porte empresarial) que caracterizam essas unidades. Os resultados revelaram que o sistema proposto estabelece razoável taxa de acerto na classificação do perfil de consumidores e, portanto, constitui uma importante ferramenta de suporte a formulação de estratégias para combate à inadimplência. Conclui-se que, o sistema híbrido proposto apresenta caráter generalista podendo ser adaptado e implementado em outros mercados. / [en] The objective of this research is to classify the non-residential electricity customer payment profiles regarding the knowledge stored in electricity distribution utilities databases. The motivation for development of the work from the need of electricity distribution by a support model to formulate strategies for tackling non-payment and late payment. The proposed methodology consists of a hybrid intelligent system constituted by intercommunicating modules that use knowledge stored in database to customer segmentation and then achieve the proposed objective. The system begins with the neural module, which allocates the consuming units in groups according to similarities (bill amount, consumption, measured demand/contracted demand, energy intensity and share of the electricity bill in the customer s income), in sequence, the Bayesian module establishes a score between 0 and 1 that allows to predict what payment profile of the units considering the generated groups and categorical attributes (business activity, tariff type, business size, mesoregion and company s legal form) that characterize these units. The results showed that the proposed system provides a reasonable success rate when classifying customer profiles and thus constitutes an important tool in the formulation of strategies for tackling non-payment and late payment. In conclusion, the hybrid system proposed here is a generalist one and could usefully be adapted and implemented in other markets.


ANDREA MICHELI ALZUGUIR 29 June 2015 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação será proposta uma metodologia que contabiliza o risco de inadimplência no mercado, decorrentes de débitos não pagos à câmara de comercialização de energia elétrica (CCEE) nas estratégias de contratação de geradores renováveis. As incertezas relacionadas à geração e ao preço de curto prazo são consideradas através da simulação de cenários exógenos ao modelo como habitual em otimização estocástica. A otimização robusta é empregada através de conjuntos de incerteza poliédricos a fim de modelar a inadimplência do mercado. Dessa maneira, a metodologia proposta se baseia em um modelo matemático híbrido, robusto e estocástico. De forma mais objetiva, um modelo de dois níveis é proposto com tantos problemas de segundo nível quanto o número de cenários considerados para a produção renovável. No primeiro nível, as decisões de contratação são feitas. Em seguida, para cada cenário de geração, o problema de segundo nível encontra a pior inadimplência com base na carteira de contratos encontrados pelo primeiro nível. Para resolver o problema, o modelo de dois níveis é reescrito como um problema linear equivalente de um único nível. O perfil de risco do agente é definido por meio do conhecido valor condicional em risco (conditional value-a-risk), uma medida coerente de risco. Para ilustrar a eficácia do modelo de contratação, são realizados estudos de casos com dados realistas do sistema de energia brasileiro. / [en] In this dissertation we propose a new methodology to account for the market default risk, arising from debts not paid to the market clearing house, in the renewable generators contracting strategy. Renewable generation and spot price uncertainties are considered through exogenous simulated scenarios as customary in stochastic optimization. Robust optimization with polyhedral uncertainty sets is employed to account for the market default. Thus, the proposed methodology is based on a hybrid robust and stochastic mathematical program. More objectively, a bi-level model is proposed with as many second-level problems as the number of scenarios considered for the renewable production. In the first level, contracting decisions are made. Then, for each generation scenario, a second-level problem finds the worst-case default based on the portfolio of contracts found by the first level. To solve the problem, the bi-level model is rewritten as a single-level equivalent linear problem. The agent s risk profile is defined by means of the well-known conditional value-at-risk coherent risk measure. To illustrate the effectiveness of the contracting model, case studies are performed with realistic data from the Brazilian power system.

O sistema de pagamentos brasileiro à luz do código civil / The Brazilian payment system in the light of Civil Code.

Henrique Paulo de Brida 20 May 2014 (has links)
O estudo jurídico do sistema de pagamentos sob o enfoque do direito obrigacional requer exame prévio do fenômeno socioeconômico representado pela moeda, enquanto elemento fundamental da relação obrigacional de compra e venda, determinante do preço e objeto do pagamento. Antes, porém, da análise do pagamento e de seus instrumentos jurídicos, ou seja, da moeda (em sentido largo) como efeito jurídico, tem-se de perquirir sobre sua natureza com o auxílio dos conceitos elaborados sobretudo pela ciência econômica, mas também pela sociologia e pela história social. O exame da realidade socioeconômica sob o prisma da essência dos fatos, não apenas de sua aparência, busca na materialidade do fenômeno monetário o suporte teórico para o encaminhamento da análise jurídica desse mesmo fenômeno e seus correlatos, tanto sob o enfoque positivista (dogmático) quanto sob o interativo, ou seja, enquanto relação entre o mundo jurídico positivo e a globalidade social por meio da interpretação ou aplicação das normas. A partir desse quadro analítico, procura o presente trabalho apresentar, primeiramente, um panorama do sistema monetário, situando o problema da moeda no contexto econômico e jurídico. Na segunda parte são expostos os fundamentos analíticos da economia em sua forma monetária (análise econômica da moeda). A terceira seção abrange o efetivo funcionamento do sistema monetário, particularmente examinando as funções do dinheiro numa economia monetária. A quarta e última parte apresenta o Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro (SPB) em seus moldes institucionais, situando-o no arcabouço do ordenamento jurídico nacional. A partir de seus fundamentos jurídicos, procede-se ao exame das matérias específicas do Direito obrigacional, em particular do pagamento e de suas garantias institucionais. / The legal study of the system of payments under the focus given by law requires prior examination of the economic phenomenon represented by currency as a key element of the obligational relationship given by purchase agreement, as by establishing the price and also as an object of payment. However, previously to the analysis of the payment and its legal instruments, i.e. the currency (in broad sense) as a legal effect, one should assess his nature with the aid of concepts specially developed by economic science, but also by sociology and social history. The examination of the socio-economic reality lit by the essence of the facts, not just by their appearance, search through the materiality of monetary phenomenon for the theoretical support for legally dealing with such a phenomenon and the correlated ones, both under the positivist approach (dogmatic) as under the interactive one, that is, as a relationship between the effective legal world and the social universe as a result of the interpretation or application of law. From this analytical framework, the ongoing writing seeks firstly to show a panorama of the monetary system by focusing the currency problem in the economic and legal context. The second part deals with the analytical foundations of the economy in its monetary form (economic analysis of currency). The third section covers the effective functioning of the monetary system, particularly by assessing the functions of money in the context of a monetary economy. The fourth and last part deals with the Brazilian Payment System (SPB) in its institutional patterns, by placing it in the framework of the national legal system. From their legal grounds, one assesses the specific matters concerning the Law of obligations, in particular the payment and its institutional collaterals.

Fatores que influenciam a intenção de uso da moeda social digital: um experimento de campo

Fernandes, André Luis Milagres 10 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by André Luis Milagres Fernandes (andreluis.fernandes@gmail.com) on 2018-07-26T17:21:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2018-08-01T14:14:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T18:29:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) TESE_FGV_ANDRE FERNANDES_VF.docx: 3451877 bytes, checksum: 5b4fa9b63d61baf05037f3324339f8b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-10 / O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender fatores que influenciam a intenção de uso da moeda social digital, especificamente a influência da Percepção de Confiança Inicial, Percepção de Facilidade de Uso, Percepção de Risco e da Oportunidade de Experimentar o aplicativo da moeda social. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se nas teorias que buscam compreender a intenção de uso dos serviços de pagamentos móveis (M-payment). Os dados foram coletados a partir de um questionário em um levantamento amostral aliado a um experimento de campo aplicado a 256 usuários da moeda social em cédula de três bancos comunitários. A Oportunidade de Experimentar foi uma condição experimental aleatorizada para permitir uma inferência causal mais consistente. Para o teste das hipóteses de pesquisa empregamos o método de PLS-SEM (partial least squares - structural equation modeling). Os resultados indicam que a Oportunidade de Experimentar o aplicativo afeta positivamente a intenção de uso da moeda social digital por meio de seu efeito na percepção de facilidade de uso e percepção de risco sobre o aplicativo. A percepção de confiança também se mostrou como um fator que aumenta a intenção de uso da moeda social digital. / This study aims to understand factors that affect the intention to use a digital social currency, namely the influence of the Initial perception of trust, Perception of ease of use, perception of risk and opportunity to try the app of the digital social currency. The theoretical framework is based on theories that try to explain the intention to use mobile payment services (M-payment). The empirical data was collected by means of a questionnaire in a survey experiment applied to 256 users of the paper social currency of three different community banks. The opportunity to try the app was an experimental condition randomly assigned in order to allow for robust causal inference of its effects. Hypotheses were tested using Partial Least Squares structural equation models (PLS-SEM). Results indicate that the opportunity to try the app positively affects the intent to use the digital social currency by means of its effect on the perception of ease of use and the perception of risk about the app. Trust also showed a positive effect on the intention to use the digital social currency.

Avaliação da qualidade do leite cru refrigerado em relação ao enquadramento legal e o efeito da sazonalidade sobre o preço pago aos produtores / Evaluation of the quality of raw crust milk in relation to the legal framework and the effect of seasonality on the price paid to the producers

Guimarães, Anicézio José Da Silveira 21 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-21T15:26:57Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Anicézio José Da Silveira Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1539465 bytes, checksum: b9439c568716432c687b903a7777b394 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-21T15:27:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Anicézio José Da Silveira Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1539465 bytes, checksum: b9439c568716432c687b903a7777b394 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T15:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Anicézio José Da Silveira Guimarães - 2017.pdf: 1539465 bytes, checksum: b9439c568716432c687b903a7777b394 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-21 / Milk is a highly nutritious agricultural product and the basis of a productive chain that generates employment and income, but its quality is historically deficient and seasonal in several regions of Brazil, affected mainly by climatic variations and production conditions. In order to improve the quality of this raw material, control measures and incentives have been implemented by the dairy sector, such as normative instructions and payment for quality. Regulatory criteria are very strict, but if milk quality is not legally satisfactory, it may not only affect industrial yield but also food security and producer remuneration. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the quality of raw milk refrigerated in relation to the legal framework and the effect of its seasonality on the price paid to producers. Results of monthly analyzes of fat, lactose, protein, total dry stratum (TDS), dry defatted stratum (DDS), somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacterial count (TBC) of 35,245 samples of milk from expansion tanks of the Catalan/GO Microregion. The averages were analyzed for variance and Tukey's test (p≤0.05) for comparison of means, considering the effects of the months, seasons and periods (dry and rainy) of the year, besides the legal parameters and model of Parameters for Milk Quality Payment (PMQP). According to legal parameters, the quality of refrigerated raw milk from expansion tanks was not adequate, as approximately 25% of the samples presented legal disagreement. The total bacterial count (TBC) was the only requirement whose geometric means were above the maximum limits allowed, and the somatic cell count (SCC) was reduced in the percentage of samples in legal compliance in the temporal period. The quality of the milk was better in the months of April to June (autumn) and in the dry period of the year, when it presented high physicochemical composition and reduced microbiological composition in relation to the other periods. Considering the 'Parameters for Milk Quality Payment' (PMQP) proposed in this study, the seasonality of milk quality influenced the price paid to producers, providing a subsidy of 3.8% to 6.9% in their remuneration. The biggest bonuses occurred in April and May, in the fall and dry period of the year, being the major contributions of fat and protein, while TBC caused a penalty. The results show that the main problems of the quality of refrigerated raw milk are those related to hygiene in the production and maintenance of the product and express the relevance of programs that penalize the goals not reached, but which also subsidize the quality of milk as an incentive for producers to produce Of good quality milk. Future studies are expected to be closer to the dairy farms and producers in order to guide and justify appropriate quality improvement programs for this raw material. / O leite é um produto agropecuário altamente nutritivo e base de uma cadeia produtiva geradora de emprego e renda, porém, sua qualidade é historicamente deficiente e sazonal em várias regiões do Brasil, afetada principalmente pelas variações climáticas e condições da produção. Visando melhoria da qualidade desta matéria-prima, medidas de controle e incentivos têm sido implementadas por órgãos do setor lácteo, tais como, instruções normativas e pagamento por qualidade. Os critérios normativos são bastante rígidos, mas caso a qualidade do leite não seja legalmente satisfatória, pode prejudicar não só o rendimento industrial, como também a segurança alimentar e a remuneração do produtor. Assim, este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a qualidade do leite cru refrigerado em relação ao enquadramento legal e o efeito da sua sazonalidade sobre o preço pago aos produtores. Utilizou-se resultados de análises mensais de gordura, lactose, proteína, estrato seco total (EST), estrato seco desengordurado (ESD), contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e contagem bacteriana total (CBT) de 35.245 amostras de leite de tanques de expansão da Microrregião de Catalão/GO, coletadas entre 2006 a 2015. Submeteu-se as médias à análise de variância e teste de Tukey (p≤0,05) para comparação de médias, considerando-se efeitos dos meses, das estações e dos períodos (seco e chuvoso) do ano, além dos parâmetros legais e modelo de Parâmetros para Pagamento por Qualidade do Leite (PPQL). De acordo com os parâmetros legais, a qualidade do leite cru refrigerado de tanques de expansão não se apresentou adequada, pois cerca de 25% das amostras apresentaram desconformidade legal. A contagem bacteriana total (CBT) foi o único requisito cujas médias geométricas ficaram acima dos limites máximos permitidos, já a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) sofreu redução do percentual de amostras em conformidade legal, no período temporal. A qualidade do leite foi melhor nos meses de abril a junho (outono) e no período seco do ano, quando apresentou elevada composição físico-química e reduzida composição microbiológica em relação aos demais períodos. Considerando-se os 'Parâmetros para Pagamento por Qualidade do Leite' (PPQL) proposto neste estudo, a sazonalidade da qualidade do leite influenciou o preço pago aos produtores, proporcionando bonificação de 3,8% a 6,9% em sua remuneração. As maiores bonificações ocorreram em abril e maio, no outono e período seco do ano, sendo as maiores contribuições da gordura e proteína, enquanto a CBT causou penalização. Os resultados apontam como principais problemas da qualidade do leite cru refrigerado os relacionados à higiene na obtenção e manutenção do produto e expressam a relevância de programas que penalizam pelas metas não alcançadas, mas que também bonificam pela qualidade do leite como incentivo aos produtores para a produção do leite de boa qualidade. Estudos futuros devem se aproximar das unidades exploradoras do leite e dos produtores, a fim de nortear e fundamentar programas adequados de valorização da qualidade desta matéria-prima.

Finansiell innovation på betaltjänstmarknaden : En studie av hur tredjepartsleverantörers innovationsförmåga kan främjas genom inrättandet av det andra betaltjänstdirektivet samt andra regleringsrelaterade åtgärder / Financial Innovation in the Payment Services Market : A Study of How Third Party Provider´s Innovation Capability Can Be Promoted through the Establishment of the Second Payments Services Directive and Other Regulatory Related Measures

Björklund, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
Sedan den finanskris som uppstod år 2008 har ökade krav ställts beträffande säkerhet ochstabilitet inom den finansiella sektorn. Av den orsaken har etablerade aktörer, vilka omfattas avde alltmer extensiva regelverken, påförts ytterligare krav avseende exempelvis tillsyn ochlikviditet. De ökade säkerhetskraven har, i sin tur, tvingat berörda aktörer att agera merrestriktivt beträffande finansiell innovation och vid utvecklandet av nya finansiella lösningar. Den tekniska utvecklingen har möjliggjort för uppkomsten av nya typer av betaltjänster ochprodukter. Det har resulterat i att etablerade finansiella aktörer, under det senaste decenniet, harmött nya utmaningar i form av en ökad konkurrens från fintechbolag vilka, vid sidan avbefintliga regelverk, har utvecklat innovativa tjänster och produkter specialiserade inom ettspecifikt led inom kundkontaktskedjan. Med anledning av ikraftträdandet av det andrabetaltjänstdirektivet omfattas även fintechbolag av de bestämmelser som reglerarbetaltjänstmarknaden. Genom införandet av regelverket utökas omfattningen till att äveninbegripa leverantörer av kontoinformationstjänster och betalningsinitieringstjänster, så kalladetredjepartsleverantörer. Syftet med det andra betaltjänstdirektivet är bland annat att främjakonkurrens samt att effektivisera den finansiella marknaden. Samtidigt får inte den finansiellastabiliteten äventyras på bekostnad av ifrågavarande ändamål. För att främja finansiell innovation har vissa nationella tillsynsmyndigheter vidtagit olikaregleringsrelaterade åtgärder, såsom exempelvis en regulatorisk sandlåda, en innovationshubbeller ett innovationscenter. Med åtgärderna avses att med olika medel tillvarata den potentialsom fintech har att erbjuda finansmarknaden. Regleringsrelaterade åtgärder, vidtagna pånationell nivå, måste emellertid utvecklas och förhållas till gällande regelverk och får inte sättakonsumentskyddet på spel. I förevarande uppsats behandlas huruvida såväl det andra betaltjänstdirektivet som nationelltvidtagna regleringsrelaterade åtgärder förmår att främja tredjepartsleverantörersinnovationsförmåga på betaltjänstmarknaden, särskilt med beaktande av deras möjligheter attkonkurrera på den finansiella marknaden, utan att det sker på bekostnad av det finansiellasystemets stabilitet och säkerhet.

Povinné očkování / Compulsory vaccination

Falusová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
- Compulsory vaccination This diploma thesis deals with the legal regulation of compulsory vaccination in the Czech Republic. The subject of the thesis is a conflict between compulsory vaccination and fundamental rights and freedoms as a result of the protection of public health. An option to refuse the compulsory vaccination, regulation of following sanctions and the absence of compensatory scheme for vaccine injury issue are also analysed. The first chapter introduces the compulsory vaccination issue. It presents terms related to the compulsory vaccination and current vaccination categories. The second chapter describes the legal regulation of compulsory vaccination with its legal basis in international law. It is concerned with the function of international treaties in the Czech legal system. Moreover, it presents a criticism of compulsory vaccination with respect to its claimed unconstitutionality. This chapter also introduces a public debate concerning compulsory vaccination along with pro and con arguments. The third chapter is, on the one hand concerned with the rejection of compulsory vaccination, and its following sanctions on the other hand. The case law of the Constitutional Court has been analysed with respect to both secular and religious conscientious objections. Moreover, the chapter...

Právní regulace platebního styku / Legal regulation of payment transactions

Martiník, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Topic: Legal Regulation of Payment Transactions Author: Bc. Pavel Martiník Supervisor: JUDr. Petr Kotáb, Ph.D. Regulation of payment services plays a key role in this era driven by escalating digitalization. The aim of this Thesis is to depict current challenges that this area of financial law faces and to propose a basis for regulation that can be implemented in the Czech Republic. The main topic of this Thesis is virtual currencies, more specifically Bitcoins and their status within the system of payment services regulations. After a short introduction, the first chapter of this Thesis describes theoretical background of payment services regulation, especially general and specific aims of legislation in this area of financial law, by addressing it in full context of private and public law. Besides that, it also briefly illustrates the history of payment services and money. The next chapter deals with current regulation that has been adopted in the Czech Republic. Besides virtual currencies, electronic money is discussed in full detail due to its similar features with virtual currencies. Furthermore, foreign regulation of payment systems is briefly described in order to provide a comparison with the Czech Republic. Therefore, both Czech and foreign regulations dealing with virtual currencies that...

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