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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DANIELE DOS SANTOS VITORINO 22 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa buscou compreender o fenômeno de evasão sob as modalidades de abandono e trancamento de matrícula dos estudantes de uma instituição comunitária de ensino superior. Para a realização da investigação, foram utilizados três instrumentos de análise, a saber: dados históricos de matrículas realizadas, abandono e trancamento de matrícula disponibilizados pela instituição pesquisada, compreendendo o período entre 1995 e 2019; as respostas de um questionário solicitado a cada estudante que optou por realizar o trancamento da matrícula entre 2014 e 2019. E, para melhor compreender as motivações que dificultam a permanência na universidade lançamos mão de uma entrevista semiestruturada com nove alunos que declararam ter pensado em desistir da universidade em algum momento do curso. Com os resultados, observamos que o processo de evasão, ainda que inerente ao ensino superior, nem sempre está relacionado ao fracasso ou à desistência dos estudantes. Observamos que o processo de adaptação exige dos alunos uma série de habilidades, desde o ajustamento das expectativas aos cursos até as habilidades de socialização e de buscar por meios de sentir-se pertencente ao universo da academia. A investigação nos direciona para a conclusão de que um planejamento da instituição com relação ao ajustamento dos estudantes à vida universitária pode configurar-se como um fator importante na decisão do aluno ingressante entre sair ou permanecer na universidade. / [en] This research sought to understand the phenomenon of evasion under the modalities of abandonment and locking the enrollment of students at a community institution of higher education. In order to carry out the investigation, three instruments of analysis were used, namely: historical data of enrollments carried out, abandonment and locking of enrollment provided by the researched institution, covering the period between 1995 and 2019; the responses to a questionnaire requested from each student who chose to close the enrollment between 2014 and 2019. And, to better understand the motivations that make it difficult to stay at the university, we used a semi-structured interview with nine students who declared that they had thought about quitting the university at some point during the course. With the results, we observed that the dropout process, although inherent to higher education, not always related to students failure or abandonment. We observed that the adaptation process requires students to have a series of skills, from adjusting expectations to courses to socializing skills and looking for ways to feel that they belong to the universe of academia. The investigation leads us to the conclusion that an institution s planning regarding the adjustment of students to university life can be configured as an important factor in the decision of the incoming student between leaving or staying at the university.


SANDRA CRISTINA ALVES DE M MACHADO 22 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as percepções dos servidores do IFRJ campus Realengo sobre o acesso através de reserva de vagas e o Programa de Assistência Estudantil. Buscou-se caracterizar o perfil dos educadores, identificar suas percepções sobre ações afirmativas e permanência, pesquisar suas normatizações no IFRJ e mapear as estratégias institucionais nesta área. Refere-se a uma pesquisa que aprofunda a dissertação do mestrado que abordou as percepções sobre o acesso ao ensino superior sob a ótica dos estudantes. A partir dos anos 2000 o acesso ao ensino superior passou a ser alvo de políticas públicas que tencionava democratizá-lo. Nos governos do PT, esse processo foi levado à cabo através da expansão da rede federal e tecnológica, do REUNI, do SISU do PROUNI e do PNAES. Foram implementadas legislações que asseguravam a reserva de 50 por cento vagas nas universidades e IF para estudantes egressos de escolas públicas e com renda familiar per capita de até 1,5 salários mínimos, devendo-se ainda assegurar o preenchimento de autodeclarados pretos, pardos, indígenas e pessoas com deficiência proporcional à representatividade na unidade da federação. Considera-se que a implantação deste arcabouço de legislações, chamadas de perspectivas inclusivas ampliou o acesso ao ensino superior de determinados segmentos sociais. Porém, a pesquisa apontou que algumas práticas, aqui denominadas de práticas excludentes podem inviabilizar a inclusão desses estudantes. Foi realizado um estudo sobre percepções, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa utilizando como instrumento de coleta de informação um questionário com perguntas abertas e fechadas, aplicado por e-mail entre os dias 30/09 e 30/10 de 2019. Foram respondidos 26 questionários dentre os quais 19 eram de docentes e 7 de técnicos. No perfil foi possível constatar que a maioria se encontra na faixa etária entre 36 e 40 anos e maior que 50 anos, são do sexo feminino, se consideram brancos e trabalham há mais de 7 anos no IFRJ. Quanto às percepções sobre os eixos centrais do estudo a pesquisa mostrou que a Reserva de vagas é considerada um meio de justiça e reparação, porém, destacou-se que essa estratégia não é suficiente para manter os estudantes no IFRJ. Quanto ao Programa de Assistência Estudantil observou-se ser de extrema relevância para os estudantes mas tem se mostrado insuficiente e de pouca amplitude institucional. Sobre a necessidade de alterar as formas de trabalho após o ingresso de alunos cotistas a maioria relatou que foi necessário fazer algum tipo de alteração metodológica e avaliativa ressaltando o aspecto do déficit prévio de conteúdos básicos, questão que foi destacada como a maior dificuldade apresentada por esses estudantes. O principal ponto positivo relacionado aos cotistas são de que a presença deles no IFRJ promove maior diversidade e o ponto negativo é que apresentam dificuldades de aprendizagem e permanência material. A partir da articulação com os dados institucionais e a revisão bibliográfica, ancorada nas ideias de afiliação de Couloun e da escola como aparelho reprodutor das desigualdades, enfatizada por Bourdieu, concluiu-se que apesar das perspectivas inclusivas nortearem as ações institucionais elas não se revelam como suficientes para alterar as práticas cotidianas que apesar de modificadas, ainda assim não são plenamente inclusivas. / [en] This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of the IFRJ campus Realengo servers about access through the reservation of places and the Student Assistance Program. We sought to characterize the profile of the educators, identify their perceptions about affirmative actions and permanence, research their standards in the IFRJ and map the institutional strategies in this area. It refers to a research that deepens the master s thesis that addressed the perceptions about access to higher education from the students perspective. From the 2000s onwards, access to higher education became the target of public policies that aimed to democratize it. In the governments of the PT this process was carried out through the expansion of the federal and technological network, to REUNI, do SISU do PROUNI e do PNAES. Legislation was implemented to ensure the reservation of 50 per cent vacancies in universities and FI for students graduating from public schools and with a per capita family income of up to 1.5 minimum wages, while filling in self-declared blacks, pardos, indigenous people and people with disabilities proportional to their representation in the federation unit. It is considered that the implementation of this framework of legislation, called inclusive perspectives, increased access to higher education for certain social segments. However, the research pointed out that some practices, here called exclusionary practices, may make the inclusion of these students unfeasible. A study on perceptions was carried out, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, using a questionnaire with open and closed questions as an information collection tool, applied by email between 09/30 and 10/30 2019. 26 questionnaires were answered, of which 19 were from teachers and 7 from technicians. In the profile, it was possible to verify that most of them are in the age group between 36 and 40 years old and older than 50 years old, are female, consider themselves white and have worked for more than 7 years at IFRJ. As for the perceptions about the central axes of the study, the research showed that the Reserve of vacancies is considered a means of justice and reparation, however, it was highlighted that this strategy is not enough to keep students in IFRJ. As for the Student Assistance Program, it was observed to be extremely relevant for students, but it has been shown to be insufficient and of little institutional scope. Regarding the need to change the forms of work after the admission of quota students, most reported that it was necessary to make some kind of methodological and evaluative change, emphasizing the aspect of the previous deficit of basic contents, an issue that was highlighted as the greatest difficulty presented by these students. students. The main positive point related to quota holders is that their presence at IFRJ promotes greater diversity and the negative point is that they have learning difficulties and material permanence. From the articulation with the institutional data and the bibliographic review, anchored in the ideas of affiliation of Couloun and the school as a reproductive apparatus of inequalities, emphasized by Bourdieu, it was concluded that despite the inclusive perspectives guiding institutional actions they do not reveal themselves as enough to change everyday practices that, although modified, are still not fully inclusive.

Le financement du réseau scolaire et son impact sur la sécurité d'emploi du personnel enseignant

McLaughlin, John 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2015

Dispositifs spatiaux et évolution des villes lao, persistence des pratiques et permanence des formes : la place du centre historique et de l'habitat ancien dans la recomposition de la ville contemporaine

Sayarath, Chayphet 28 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
À la recherche de ses limites, de son mode de gestion et des orientations pour son développement, sans modèles et sans références claires, le nouveau développement des villes laotiennes dans de tel processus, est mal maîtrisé. Il explicite des difficultés certaines dans la construction des cadres de vie de qualité. Il met aussi en évidence la désolidarisation de la ville par rapport à ses structures primitives composées par ses racines historiques : ses habitants et leurs pratiques, ses centres anciens en tant qu'espaces hérités et référencés. À partir des années 1995 et 2000, espaces ou centres historiques sont modifiés peu à peu parallèlement à l'apparition de nouveaux quartiers, aboutissant à une recomposition spatiale, d'où la difficulté à identifier les centres historiques et à délimiter le territoire urbain lui-même. Les liens entre les villes qui se développent et leurs espaces anciens qui fonctionnaient jusqu'alors comme leurs lieux de référence, de cohérence sociale et de structuration spatiale, sont fragilisés. Les notions de centre historique et d'habitat ancien et le mode d'habiter la ville ont été, pour ainsi dire, altérés, corollairement à l'altération de la notion même de ville. La ville, son espace, ses composants sociaux, politiques et symboliques, en tant que matrice structurante et identitaire, semblent être aujourd'hui reniés ou négligés. À ce constat, développé dans la première partie de la thèse, sont apposés dans la seconde partie les regards introspectifs (dans le fondement culturel et humain qui a forgé les caractéristiques des établissements lao) et rétrospectifs (dans l'histoire et le temps de la construction spatiale) sur l'espace des villes laotiennes. Ces regards permettent de déceler la période qui s'étend entre 1975 et 1990 comme responsable des ruptures. Le redéploiement idéologique du nouveau régime, accompagné de nouveaux dispositifs spatiaux intervenus dans cette période, aurait apporté des transformations importantes dans la perception de la ville et de son histoire, dans la pratique spatiale, dans la manière de gérer et de développer la ville. En négligeant les centres historiques et leurs principes fondateurs, on néglige en même temps les facteurs pédagogiques des espaces hérités. Les pouvoirs publics et les habitants occupaient respectivement l'espace, durant cette période, pour les uns, suivant une projection idéologique de collectivisation des biens, et pour les autres, suivant une pratique d'occupation sans acte d'appropriation. Entre la période où les villes évoluaient sans trop s'écarter de leurs matrices de fondation et les moments où elles se développent dans une profonde recomposition avec difficultés et handicaps, caractérisant la période actuelle, les années 1975 et les années 1980 semblent constituer une période transitoire, illustrée par la notion de " ville absente " et par le phénomène de " squattérisation publique. "La réflexion menée dans cette recherche est de démontrer que les difficultés de la période actuelle sont liées à la période transitoire, que la stratégie de développement urbain et territorial en cours doit probablement être mise en œuvre en revisitant les expériences de ces années transitoires. Ce qui avait été négligé, telles la notion de ville comme composant hérité de l'histoire, la notion de citoyen habitant de la ville, la notion de création, de gestion et de partage des espaces, devraient probablement être replacée au cœur des préoccupations des décideurs et des habitants. Dans ce nouveau contexte régional, c'est aussi en interrogeant ses propres données endogènes ou endogénisées tout au long de l'histoire, que le Laos pourrait constituer ses modèles d'espace et de développement adaptés et durables


Diamond, Erika 05 May 2014 (has links)
My work is a symptom of my ongoing quest to achieve immortality. I perpetually attempt to make permanent the traces we leave behind and the impressions we make upon each other. I use the body to portray boundaries – between the skin and the heart, comfort and disquiet, holding and letting go. The objects I make serve both as an agent for physical contact and as the commemoration of an ephemeral interaction. I create personal fossils, revealing the interstices formed when two bodies come into contact with one another. I use materials that reference endurance and longevity to record transient spaces whose edges continuously shift and whose membranes are particularly tenuous. This work is an ongoing catalog of the people in my life and my persistent efforts to hold on to those fleeting connections.

Stálost objektu jako metoda pro výzkum vyšších kognitivních funkcí primátů / Object permanence as a method to study higher cognitive functions of primates

Englerová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Object permanence is a cognitive ability, which allows individual to realize the existence of an object even it is not directly accessible to its senses. This ability is essential for successful using of complex cognitive operations. Object permanence is qualitatively and gradually change throughout the development of a child. Congruently, it is not developed to the same level in various species of animals. The aim of this study is to study object permanence in naive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta), because there is still some uncertainty about the development of this ability in macaques. Our results show that the naive subjects do not have the highest stage of object permanence (and they do not use representative strategy to solve the tasks), however, other results of our team suggest that more experienced individuals are able to achieve the highest stage under certain circumstances. We show that experimental design used to test object permanence can be modified and used also for studying of other cognitive abilities. We test the preferences of macaque monkeys toward novel non-food stimuli. The reactions of different species of animals can vary. The reactions depend on the type of stimuli (food or non-food), but also on the ecology and ethology of the species. Age, sex and personality of the...

Dispositifs spatiaux et évolution des villes lao, persistence des pratiques et permanence des formes : la place du centre historique et de l'habitat ancien dans la recomposition de la ville contemporaine / Spatial arrangement and developments of lao cities, persistence of practices and consistencies of forms : the fonction of the historic center and the old houses in the recomposition of thecontemporary city

Sayarath, Chayphet 28 May 2014 (has links)
À la recherche de ses limites, de son mode de gestion et des orientations pour son développement, sans modèles et sans références claires, le nouveau développement des villes laotiennes dans de tel processus, est mal maîtrisé. Il explicite des difficultés certaines dans la construction des cadres de vie de qualité. Il met aussi en évidence la désolidarisation de la ville par rapport à ses structures primitives composées par ses racines historiques : ses habitants et leurs pratiques, ses centres anciens en tant qu'espaces hérités et référencés. À partir des années 1995 et 2000, espaces ou centres historiques sont modifiés peu à peu parallèlement à l'apparition de nouveaux quartiers, aboutissant à une recomposition spatiale, d'où la difficulté à identifier les centres historiques et à délimiter le territoire urbain lui-même. Les liens entre les villes qui se développent et leurs espaces anciens qui fonctionnaient jusqu'alors comme leurs lieux de référence, de cohérence sociale et de structuration spatiale, sont fragilisés. Les notions de centre historique et d'habitat ancien et le mode d'habiter la ville ont été, pour ainsi dire, altérés, corollairement à l'altération de la notion même de ville. La ville, son espace, ses composants sociaux, politiques et symboliques, en tant que matrice structurante et identitaire, semblent être aujourd'hui reniés ou négligés. À ce constat, développé dans la première partie de la thèse, sont apposés dans la seconde partie les regards introspectifs (dans le fondement culturel et humain qui a forgé les caractéristiques des établissements lao) et rétrospectifs (dans l'histoire et le temps de la construction spatiale) sur l'espace des villes laotiennes. Ces regards permettent de déceler la période qui s'étend entre 1975 et 1990 comme responsable des ruptures. Le redéploiement idéologique du nouveau régime, accompagné de nouveaux dispositifs spatiaux intervenus dans cette période, aurait apporté des transformations importantes dans la perception de la ville et de son histoire, dans la pratique spatiale, dans la manière de gérer et de développer la ville. En négligeant les centres historiques et leurs principes fondateurs, on néglige en même temps les facteurs pédagogiques des espaces hérités. Les pouvoirs publics et les habitants occupaient respectivement l'espace, durant cette période, pour les uns, suivant une projection idéologique de collectivisation des biens, et pour les autres, suivant une pratique d'occupation sans acte d'appropriation. Entre la période où les villes évoluaient sans trop s'écarter de leurs matrices de fondation et les moments où elles se développent dans une profonde recomposition avec difficultés et handicaps, caractérisant la période actuelle, les années 1975 et les années 1980 semblent constituer une période transitoire, illustrée par la notion de “ ville absente ” et par le phénomène de “ squattérisation publique. ”La réflexion menée dans cette recherche est de démontrer que les difficultés de la période actuelle sont liées à la période transitoire, que la stratégie de développement urbain et territorial en cours doit probablement être mise en œuvre en revisitant les expériences de ces années transitoires. Ce qui avait été négligé, telles la notion de ville comme composant hérité de l'histoire, la notion de citoyen habitant de la ville, la notion de création, de gestion et de partage des espaces, devraient probablement être replacée au cœur des préoccupations des décideurs et des habitants. Dans ce nouveau contexte régional, c'est aussi en interrogeant ses propres données endogènes ou endogénisées tout au long de l'histoire, que le Laos pourrait constituer ses modèles d'espace et de développement adaptés et durables / Today's regional construction of the South-East Asia, cities are faced with accelerated development, their economic, cultural and human spaces are recomposed and restructured. Their trajectories of development are also diversified. Beginning in the mid 1990s and has intensified since 2000s, the Laotian cities began a new urban period, which question not only the future but also the past: how does Laos live its regional and especially its local integration? In search of its limits and mode of management and in search of the direction for its development, without models and clear references, the new development of Laotian cities is badly handled. It clarifies certain difficulties in building quality of life. It also highlights the separation of the city with regard to its primitive structures consisted by its historic roots: its inhabitants and their practices, its old centers as inherited and referenced space. From 1995 and 2000, spaces or historical centers are modified at the same time the new area appears, ending in a spatial reorganization, causing difficulties in identifying the historic centers with the urban territory. The links between the cities, which develop in progress with their former spaces, worked until their places of social reference, coherence and spatial structuring are weakened. As the city changes, the notions of historic centers, the old housing environments and the mode to live in the city were altered. The city, its space, social, economic, political and symbolic components, as structuring and identity matrix, seem to be denied or neglected today. This report developed in the first part of the thesis, are affixed in the second part the introspective (in the cultural and human foundation of the space which forged establishments lao and their characteristics) and retrospective regards (in the history and the time of the construction of the space) to the space of the Laotian cities. These regards allow revealing periods extending between 1975 and 1990 as something in charge of the break. The ideological redeployment of the new political regime accompanied with new spatial devices intervened for this period would have brought the important transformations in the perception of the city and its history, in the spatial practice, the way of managing and of developing the city. Neglecting the historic centers and their founding theory, we neglect at the same time the educational value of the inherited spaces. Public authorities and inhabitants occupied respectively the spaces, during this period: for some, following an ideological projection in collectivization of the properties, and for others, according to a practice of occupation without act of appropriation. Between the period when cities evolved without moving away from their matrices of foundation and when they have to develop a profound reorganization with difficulties and handicaps, characterizes the current period. 1975s and 1980s seem to constitute a period of transition illustrated by the notion of "absent city" and by the phenomenon of "public squat". The reflection led in this research is to demonstrate that dificulties of actual period are linking with the transition period, that strategy of urban development of today has to be implemented by revisiting the experiments of the period of transition. What had been neglected, such the notion of the city with its components inherited from history, the citizen living in the city, the creation, management and sharing of spaces and territories, should probably be replaced in the concerns of the policies (decision-makers) and of the inhabitants. In this new regional context, in questioning also its own endogenous data, or internalized data all along history, that Laos will establish its models of space and development in an adapted and long-lasting way

Docência: elementos de sustentação / Teaching: elements of support

Ferreira, Doralice Bortoloci 04 April 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a profissão docente vem atravessando uma grande fase de desprestígio, pois o professor é colocado como responsável pela maioria dos insucessos da aprendizagem. Como se não bastasse para se manter nessa posição o professor necessita de um aprimoramento contínuo que inclui a utilização de teorias modernas, conhecimentos tecnológicos e, além disso, uma permanente ampliação da sua rede de saberes. O que o coloca numa situação angustiante e permanente de queixas dirigidas a todos os envolvidos no processo educativo. Mesmo diante desse quadro que está estabelecido pessoas continuam estudando para serem professores e, as que estão em sala de aula também não abandonam a profissão, o que nos faz perguntar O que sustenta o professor na docência? Para responder essa questão entramos em contato com as Histórias de Vida e entrevistas de professores que cursavam uma disciplina de pós-graduação. Analisamos as Histórias de Vida utilizando o conceito de ethos modificado por Maingueneau (2005) e relacionado à Análise do Discurso e a partir do ethos discursivo obtido, organizamos as situações marcantes em termos de demandas subjetivas feitas pelo professor. Essas demandas olhadas por um novo referencial, o psicanalítico, foram caracterizadas em: dívida simbólica, reedição parental, demanda de amor e gozo. A estrutura explicativa obtida nos sugeriu uma analogia com o modelo dos Programas de Pesquisas de Lakatos (1979), pois em nossa interpretação, as condições que caracterizam o progresso ou abandono de um paradigma têm a mesma estrutura das que se referem ao progresso ou abandono da carreira docente. Inferimos finalmente que o professor se mantém na docência porque esse lugar ainda propicia condições para que ele possa atualizar e dar atendimento as suas demandas mais subjetivas. Na nossa interpretação, condições institucionais que ajudem na proteção dessas demandas primordiais também podem se constituir como fator vital para a permanência na docência. / In the last few decades, the teaching profession has lacked prestige, as society blames teachers for most learning failures. Additionally, teachers must improve continuously in order to maintain their jobs it is demanded of them that they be able to use modern theories and technological knowledge, as well as that they permanently widen their knowledge network. This puts them in a distressing position, and one in which complaints are directed towards all involved in the educational process. Even facing this scenario, however, people continue to study to be teachers, and the ones currently teaching do not abandon their profession. This makes one wonder: What keeps a teacher in the teaching profession? In order to answer this question, we interviewed teachers enrolled in a postgraduate course and got acquainted with their Life Stories. We analyzed these Life Stories using the concept of ethos as modified by Maingueneau and related it to Discourse Analysis. Using the resulting discursive ethos as a starting point, we organized the noteworthy situations according to the teachers subjective demands. These demands were then analyzed from the psychoanalytical frame of reference and characterized as: symbolic debt, new edition of parental relationships, demand for love and jouissance. The explicative structure obtained suggested an analogy with the Lakatos Research Programs, since, in our interpretation, the conditions that characterize the progress or the abandonment of a paradigm have the same structure of those which refer to the progress or abandonment of the teaching career. Finally, we inferred that teachers keep teaching because this post still provides conditions for him or her to update and fulfill his or her most subjective demands. In our interpretation, institutional conditions which help protect these primordial demands may also constitute vital factors for the permanence of teachers in the teaching profession.

Aspirantes: desafios de estudantes da USP egressos de escolas públicas no contexto do novo tensionamento político-social brasileiro / Aspirants: challenges faced by USP undergraduate students with an academic pathway in the public-sector within the context of the new political and social tensions in Brazil

Tarabola, Felipe de Souza 26 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo refletir sobre o processo de constituição de nove jovens estudantes ingressantes em diferentes cursos da Universidade de São Paulo em 2014 egressos de escolas públicas e participantes do cursinho oferecido pelo Programa Preparatório para o Vestibular da USP, PPVUSP, em 2013. Para tanto, utilizou-se a perspectiva analítica da individuação, tal como proposto pelo sociólogo Danilo Martuccelli, para analisar o conjunto de fatores estruturais enfrentados pelos estudantes, em uma articulação entre processos sociais e experiências pessoais que configura o trabalho do indivíduo sobre si mesmo. Traça-se um perfil dos alunos do PPVUSP e daqueles que ingressaram na Universidade, em comparação ao universo dos demais aprovados no vestibular da FUVEST, a partir de dados socioeconômicos fornecidos por autodeclaração pelos candidatos àquela instituição. Tendo em vista a crítica às insuficiências das teorias chamadas disposicionalistas, empreende-se um procedimento indutivo a partir da análise das entrevistas compreensivas realizadas com nove estudantes daquele grupo ao final dos dois primeiros semestres letivos de seus respectivos cursos de graduação para construir as provas que constituem esta pesquisa: a familiar, a escolar, a da mobilidade urbana e aquela referente à sociabilidade. A discussão sobre esses desafios estruturais de nossa sociedade e o modo pelo qual jovens estudantes recém ingressos na USP os vivenciam e como respondem peculiarmente a eles permite compor um cenário da individuação deste grupo social, assim como problematizar as configurações, mutações e ações da estrutura sociohistórica na fabricação de indivíduos como eles. / This research discusses the process of constitution of nine young freshmen in different undergraduate programs at the University of São Paulo in 2014, a focus group of students with an academic pathway in the public-sector who attended PPVUSP, a Preparatory Course to sit for the University Entry Exam at USP in 2013. The perspective of analytic individuation, as suggested by sociologist Danilo Martuccelli, is adopted to analyse the body of structural factors these students had to face in an attempt to articulate social processes and personal experiences that translate into the actions of the individuals upon themselves. Based on socioeconomical data gathered from selfdeclaration forms, a profile of PPVUSP students and of those who were actually admitted at the university is constructed in contrast with the profile of other applicants who passed the University Entry Exam. Considering the critique of the so-called dispositional theories, we adopt an inductive procedure rooted in the analysis of comprehensive interviews with nine students of the focus group after they had completed two terms in their respective undergraduate programs in order to collect evidence for the structural categories that support this research: family, school, urban mobility and sociability. The discussion of these structural challenges within our society and the singular ways through which these young freshmen at USP experience and respond to them allows us to depict a scenario of individuation of this social group, as well as problematize the configurations, mutations and actions of the sociohistorical structure in the fabrication of such individuals.

As histórias de vida de jovens professores de física: a contradição entre os fatores de permanência e evasão em escolas públicas / The life histories of young physics teachers: the contradiction between the factors of permanence and evasion in public schools

Silva, Renata Pojar 15 May 2018 (has links)
De acordo com pesquisas na literatura, existe uma escassez de professores no Brasil. Muitos estudos são dedicados a descrever e entender porque uma grande quantidade de professores iniciantes abandona a carreira. Eles geralmente indicam salários baixos e insatisfação no trabalho como os principais motivos para o abandono. Embora, reconheçamos que o abandono do emprego é um tópico muito importante para gerar uma compreensão profunda da situação atual, há um lado que é comumente esquecido, aqueles que permanecem na atividade de ensino. Esse trabalho busca apresentar a contradição existente entre os dois polos (evasão/permanência), fazendo uma síntese, de forma a ampliar o foco da pesquisa, não trabalhando os dois extremos de forma isolada. Para tanto, usaremos a história de vida, como ferramenta metodológica para perceber essa contradição. Essa metodologia pode fornecer elementos relevantes para entender melhor o porquê e como os assuntos se envolvem em atividades, bem como abarcam relações ao longo da vida dos sujeitos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a história de vida de seis professores licenciados em Física pelo Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, que estão iniciando sua carreira docente, com até cinco anos de ingresso, e que atuem ou tenham atuado em escolas públicas do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa visa responder: quais são os fatores de permanência ou evasão dos jovens professores de Física em escolas públicas? Inicialmente, é feito um estudo sobre as temáticas relacionadas ao tema, como forma de apropriação do objeto de pesquisa: o professor como intelectual crítico, o desenvolvimento profissional e a temática da subjetividade. A teoria da subjetividade servirá de referencial teórico para esta pesquisa. A partir dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Vigotski, González Rey elabora estudos acerca da subjetividade, afirmando que a subjetividade conduz o indivíduo e a sociedade a uma relação indivisível, em que ambos aparecem como momentos da subjetividade social e da subjetividade individual. A principal ferramenta de coleta de dados empíricos foi a realização de entrevistas, de cunho autobiográfico. Dada a profusão de dados obtidos, focou-se a análise no processo de escolha da profissão, na entrada no curso de licenciatura, bem como nos primeiros passos dentro da carreira docente, de forma a assumir-se \"ser professor\". Desenvolveu-se a análise evidenciando as relações entre família, escola e trabalho, como forma de apresentar os resultados. Para ajudar na análise de dados foi feita uma série de contradições focando nos seguintes aspectos: contexto sócio-econômico-cultural familiar; processo de escolha da profissão para cada professor(a) entrevistado(a), descrevendo a sua chegada ao curso de licenciatura e o processo de assunção à docência; incursão sobre o papel da família e a sua influência nesse processo; início da carreira docente, pretendendo demonstrar que o aspecto de formação profissional é um processo/desenvolvimento complexo de construção/transformação do \"ser professor\"; discussão das condições de trabalho e salário, como fatores que contribuem para a análise da contradição entre a permanência e a evasão do jovem professor de Física na escola pública. Por fim, nas conclusões expomos como os resultados encontrados poderão gerar impactos em políticas públicas que visam garantir a permanência do jovem professor, além de fomentar possibilidade de reflexões no atual curso de formação inicial aos licenciados em Física, bem como na reflexão de cursos de formação continuada. / According to literature, there is a shortage of teachers in Brazil. Many studies are dedicated to describing and understanding why many beginning teachers drop out. They generally indicate low wages and job dissatisfaction as the main reasons for dropping out. Although we recognize that dropping out of job is a very important topic to generate a deep understanding of the current situation, there is one side that is commonly overlooked, those who remains in the teaching activity. This research shall present the contradictions between two poles (drop out / permanence), making a synthesis, to broaden the focus of the research -- not taking the two extremes in isolation. We use life history as a methodological tool to grasp those contradictions. This methodology can provide relevant elements to better understand why and how subjects are involved in activities, as well as encompass relationships throughout the subjects\' lives. We examine the life history of six Physics teachers graduated from the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo, who are starting their teaching career, with up to five years of admission, and who work or have worked in public schools in the state of São Paulo. The research aims to answer: what are the factors of permanence or drop out of the young teachers of Physics in public schools? Initially, a study on the related themes is done as a form of appropriation of the research object: the teacher as critical intellectual, professional development and the subject of subjectivity. The theory of subjectivity will serve as a theoretical reference for this research. Drawing on Vigotski\'s work, González Rey elaborates studies on subjectivity, affirming that subjectivity leads the individual and society to an indivisible relationship, in which both appear as moments of social subjectivity and individual subjectivity. The main tool for the collection of empirical data was the conduction of autobiographical interviews. Given the profusion of data, the analysis focused on the process of choosing the profession, entering the graduate course, as well as his/her first steps within the teaching career, to acknowledge him/herself as \"being a teacher\". The analysis was developed showing the relationships between family, school and work, as a way of presenting the results. To assist in the analysis of data, a series of contradictions were made focusing on the following aspects: familiar socio-economic-cultural context; process of choosing the profession for each teacher interviewed, describing their arrival at the undergraduate course and the process of assumption of teaching; the role of the family and its influence in this process; beginning of the teaching career, aiming to demonstrate that the vocational training aspect is a complex process / development of the \"being a teacher\"; discussion of working conditions and salary as factors that contribute to the analysis of the contradiction between the permanence and the avoidance of the young physics teacher in the public school. Finally, in the conclusions we show how the results found can generate impacts on public policies that aim to guarantee the permanence of the young teacher, besides fomenting the possibility of reflections in the current course of initial formation to the graduates in Physics, as well as in the reflection of training courses continued.

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