Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] REFUGE"" "subject:"[enn] REFUGE""
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[pt] A tese se insere no campo de estudos sobre o refúgio e sua intersecção com o campo das dissidências LGBTQIA+. Nesse contexto, produziu-se uma leitura acerca da geopolítica de corpos dissidentes em deslocamento em busca de refúgio no Brasil, em particular na cidade de São Paulo. Corpos que se deslocam nas fronteiras, atravessados por seus gêneros, sexualidades e outros marcadores da diferença. Corpos que sofrem perseguições, violências e políticas de morte (necropolítica), que têm os seus direitos humanos negados: o direito à vida, à residência e a viver livremente. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho basearam-se em refletir sobre as articulações entre a tríade gêneros, sexualidades e a política de refúgio na perspectiva contemporânea; analisar o contexto sociopolítico em que ocorreu a incorporação da temática das dissidências de gêneros e sexuais no Sistema Internacional de Proteção às pessoas refugiadas; analisar as experiências dos atendimentos dos profissionais de um centro de atendimento que atuam com o deslocamento, a integração local e o acolhimento de pessoas refugiadas e solicitantes de refúgio LGBTQIA+ na cidade de São Paulo; conhecer os processos de partidas e chegadas das tessituras institucionais de refugiados/as LGBTQIA+ no acesso aos direitos em São Paulo e identificar barreiras nos serviços, projetos e programas prestados nos diferentes espaços das redes de apoio e proteção, dentro das políticas públicas aos/as refugiados/as LGBTQIA+ na cidade de São Paulo. O percurso metodológico baseou-se em pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico sobre dissidências de gênero e sexuais, Teoria Queer, refúgio, migração e análise de documentos internacionais e nacionais das políticas de proteção aos refugiados. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas de forma remota com duas profissionais do Centro de Referência e Atendimento para Imigrantes – Oriana Jara (CRAI) de São Paulo e com um ativista que atua com a população LGBTQIA+ em situação de refúgio, tendo em vista o cenário pandêmico da COVID-19. Observou-se que em São Paulo, apesar de possuir uma
rede complexa de serviços públicos e privados que integram políticas de atendimento/acolhida/integração para imigrantes e refugiados/as (heterossexuais) e políticas para LGBTIs (nacionais), ainda não dispõe de ações e estratégias consolidadas em relação ao público imigrante LGBTQIA+. Logo, o cenário vivenciado pela população LGBTQIA+ é de vulnerabilidade e marginalização, suscetíveis a sofrerem desproteção social, LGBTfobia, xenofobia e racismo. Pode-se inferir que existe uma invisibilidade das pessoas que migram devido às questões de gênero e sexualidade nos atendimentos do CRAI, pela ausência de dados oficiais dos órgãos locais, nacionais e internacionais. O maior desafio apontado pelos profissionais é a questão do trabalho para este público, por sofrer discriminação de várias ordens. Ressalta-se, porém, que mesmo com obstáculos de ordem jurídica, social, política e econômica, encontra-se potência na agenda de proteção social no Brasil para pessoas LGBTQIA+ refugiadas, como os grupos organizativos que possibilitam resistências coletivas, o respeito ao uso do nome social nos equipamentos públicos e o acesso aos serviços de saúde. São inúmeros os desafios ao acesso da população LGBTQIA+ aos tratamentos no Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS, principalmente ao grupo trans, como a transfobia, discriminação, exclusão, violências, patologização da transexualidade, porém, de acordo com os profissionais, o Brasil é um dos países compreendidos por esse público, onde possuem o direito ao acesso a tratamentos e serviços específicos. / [en] The thesis is part of the field of studies on refuge and its intersection with the field of LGBTQIA+ dissidences. In this context, a reading was produced about the geopolitics of dissident bodies in displacement in search of refuge in Brazil, particularly in the city of São Paulo. Bodies that move across borders, crossed by their genders, sexualities and other markers of difference. Bodies that suffer persecution, violence and death policies (necropolitics), who have their human rights denied: the right to life, residence and to live freely. The main objectives of this work were based on reflecting on the articulations between the triad of genders, sexualities and the refuge policy in the contemporary perspective; to analyze the socio-political context in which the issue of gender and sexual dissidence was incorporated into the International System for the Protection of Refugees; to analyze the experiences of professionals from a service center who work with displacement, local integration and reception of refugees and LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers in the city of São Paulo; to know the departure and arrival processes of the institutional fabrics of LGBTQIA+ refugees in accessing rights in São Paulo and identify barriers in the services, projects and programs provided in the different spaces of the support and protection networks, within the public policies for refugees LGBTQIA+ in the city of São Paulo. The methodological course was based on qualitative and exploratory research. A bibliographic survey was carried out on gender and sexual dissidence, Queer Theory, refuge, migration and analysis of international and national documents on refugee protection policies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted remotely with two professionals from the Centro de Referência e Atendimento para Imigrantes – Oriana Jara (CRAI) from São Paulo and with an activist who works with the LGBTQIA+ population in refugee situations, in view of the COVID pandemic scenario. It was observed that in São Paulo, despite having a complex network of public and private services that
integrate care/welcome/integration policies for immigrants and refugees (heterosexuals) and policies for LGBTIs (nationals), it still does not have actions and consolidated strategies in relation to the LGBTQIA+ immigrant public. Therefore, the scenario experienced by the LGBTQIA+ population is one of vulnerability and marginalization, susceptible to social unprotected, LGBTphobia, xenophobia and racism. It can be inferred that there is an invisibility of people who migrate due to gender and sexuality issues in CRAI care, due to the absence of official data from institutions (local, national and international). The biggest challenge pointed out by professionals is the issue of work for this public, as they suffer discrimination of various kinds. It is noteworthy, however, that even with legal, social, political and economic obstacles, there is power in the social protection agenda in Brazil for LGBTQIA+ refugees, such as the organizational groups that enable collective resistance, respect the use of the social name in public facilities and access to health services. There are numerous challenges to the LGBTQIA+ population s access to treatments in the Unified Health System - SUS in portuguese, especially to the trans group, such as transphobia, discrimination, exclusion, violence, pathologization of transsexuality, however, according to professionals, Brazil is a of the countries comprised by this public, where they have the right to access specific treatments and services.
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[pt] O objeto desta tese consiste na análise das diferentes dimensões do acesso
de refugiadas congolesas à atenção integral à saúde da mulher no município do Rio
de Janeiro. Compreendeu-se que com o princípio da universalidade estabelecido no
Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) tanto os brasileiros quanto os migrantes e refugiados
que estão no país podem acessar os serviços de saúde sem que sejam impostas
barreiras de acessibilidade, legais, econômicas, físicas ou culturais. A tese traz um
tema ainda pouco explorado nos estudos no que diz respeito as mulheres refugiadas
e migrantes, principalmente em relação aos estudos de: gênero e refúgio, violência
de gênero e a interseccionalidade. Assim, entende-se que as mulheres já vivenciam
várias formas de violações de direitos e são mais afetadas pelas desigualdades
sociais, entretanto isso se agrava com fatores como raça e classe e neste estudo,
acrescenta-se a nacionalidade e sua condição de migrante e refugiada. A pesquisa
foi realizada na Atenção Primária do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia utilizada é a
abordagem qualitativa. Foram realizadas 12 entrevistas semiestruturadas com
gestores (4), profissionais da Clínica da Família (5) e mulheres refugiadas
congolesas (3). Para analisar os dados coletados foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo
na modalidade temática. A partir da pesquisa identificou-se que no município do
Rio de Janeiro ainda não existe uma política voltada para atendimento à saúde de
mulheres refugiadas, ela segue sendo desenhada, porém, os profissionais realizam
o atendimento nas unidades de saúde. A cultura e a falta de tradutores nas unidades
de saúde são desafios para os profissionais e gestores de saúde, isso aparece
atrelados a outros problemas como a violência contra mulheres e a ausência de uma
política pública para tradutores nas unidades. O contexto de desmonte da Atenção
Primária no governo Crivella interferiu no trabalho que vinha sendo desenvolvido no município do Rio de Janeiro em relação à saúde de refugiados, atualmente há
uma reconstrução ainda em curso. A Atenção Primária é a principal porta de entrada
para as mulheres refugiadas que buscam os serviços principalmente para realizar
pré-natal, a gravidez aparece como uma busca pelo direito de cidadania no Brasil a
partir da visão dos profissionais e também é importante apontar a busca dos
profissionais em fazer com que as mulheres refugiadas compreendam e acessem
seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Cabe apontar que as congolesas utilizam os
serviços de saúde e afirmam que o atendimento foi bom, demostram que no Brasil
a saúde é melhor que na RDC, e embora sejam gratas, elas questionam a demora no
atendimento, o mau atendimento médico e precarização nos serviços. Por fim, nota-se que o contexto de desmonte do SUS também afeta as mulheres refugiadas que
buscam atendimentos de saúde da mesma forma que afeta as brasileiras e outras
migrantes, todavia, é nesse contexto que a política de saúde para refugiados vem
sendo desenhada, já que ainda não foi legitimada e trata-se de um processo de luta
com significativas conquistas nos últimos anos. / [en] The aim of this thesis is to analyze the different dimensions of access by
Congolese refugees to comprehensive women s health care in the municipality of
Rio de Janeiro. It was understood that with the principle of universality established
in the Unified Health System (SUS), both Brazilians and migrants and refugees who
are in the country can access health services without the imposition of legal,
economic, physical or cultural accessibility barriers. The thesis deals with a topic
that has not yet been explored in studies on refugee and migrant women, especially
in relation to studies on: gender and refuge, gender violence and intersectionality.
Thus, it is understood that women already experience various forms of rights
violations and are more affected by social inequalities, however this is aggravated
by factors such as race and class and in this study, nationality and their status as
migrants and refugees are added. The study was carried out in Primary Care in Rio
de Janeiro. The methodology used is a qualitative approach. Twelve semi-structured
interviews were conducted with managers (4), Family Clinic professionals (5) and
Congolese refugee women (3). Thematic content analysis was used to analyze the
data collected. The research revealed that in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro,
there is still no policy on health care for refugee women; it is still being drawn up,
but the professionals provide care in the health units. The culture and lack of
translators in health units are challenges for health professionals and managers, and
this appears to be linked to other problems such as violence against women and the
absence of a public policy for translators in units. The context of the dismantling of
PrimaryCare under the Crivella government interfered with the work that was being carried out in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro in relation to refugee health.
Primary Care is the main gateway for refugee women who seek services mainly for
prenatal care, pregnancy appears to be a search for the right to citizenship in Brazil
from the point of view of the professionals and it is also important to point out the
professionals search to make refugee women understand and access their sexual
and reproductive rights. It is worth noting that the Congolese women use the health
services and say that the service was good, demonstrating that health in Brazil is
better than in the DRC, and although they are grateful, they question the delay in
service, the poor medical care and the precariousness of the services. Finally, it can
be seen that the context of the dismantling of the SUS also affects refugee women
who seek health care in the same way that it affects Brazilians and other migrants.
However, it is in this context that the health policy for refugees is being designed,
since it has not yet been legitimized and it is a process of struggle with significant
achievements in recent years.
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Plant and Herpetofaunal Responses to Wetland Restoration on Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge, Beaufort County, South CarolinaClark, Sabrina Diane 05 May 2007 (has links)
Habitat destruction and modification are major causes cited for the decline of amphibians worldwide (Wake and Morowitz 1991). Depressional wetlands on Pinckney Island NWR in Beaufort County, South Carolina were ditched and drained during the 1950?s for agricultural development. Wetlands were restored by filling ditches with existing spoil. I surveyed herpetofaunal and vegetation communities to determine responses to wetland restoration on Pinckney Island from 2004-2005. I selected ten wetlands each in pine and maritime habitats, sampling prior to and after restoration. I recorded 14 reptile and 9 amphibian species using time-constrained searches and funnel trap arrays. I documented (first record on the Island) Fowler?s toad (Bufo woodhousei) and many-lined salamander (Stereochilus marginatus). There were differences between amphibian species richness recorded using time constrained surveys and funnel trap arrays, amphibian species abundance between pine and maritime forest, and between number of Eastern spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus holbrooki) before and after restoration.
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An Internship with the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service, Folkston, GeorgiaKamesh, Roopa 01 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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An Internship in Conservation Biology with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceWolf, Morgan Kay 11 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Population Dynamics of Small Mammals in two Plant Communities of the Merritt Island National Wildlife RefugeGoldberg, Jeffrey A. 01 April 1980 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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The Waterfront Development Community-Based Human-Centric Design in Ward 7 of Washington, D.C.Esubalew, Carina Delelegne 22 June 2022 (has links)
For years, Ward 7 in Washington, DC, has been a neglected area cut off from the rest of the city. For decades, the Anacostia River has served as a dividing line between Wards 7 and 8 from the rest of Washington DC. However, the neighborhood has much more to offer than being characterized as a location of violence, unemployment, insecurity, and isolation. The neighborhood is home to many people of color. This thesis poses the question: How can a community abandoned and neglected for decades be revived into a place of refuge?
The project's target demographic includes families, students, and the community.
However, the neighborhood has several obstacles, including food deserts, a lack of community gathering spaces, nearby amenities, residents having to drive to get necessities, and a lack of accessibility, transportation, walkability, and affordable housing.
The first thing that needs to be acknowledged about Ward 7 is the lack of equal treatment and opportunities compared to the other wards. Children and adults should not be forced to travel long distances to get necessities. They should not feel afraid and unsafe to travel around and feel left out of social gatherings by choosing to live in Ward 7.
The main goal of this thesis is to design and build a community in Ward 7 to accommodate housing and transform the neighborhood into an urban environment by enhancing different types of spaces to work in harmony to create an inclusive community experience for all. This thesis will also adapt sustainable elements to build a sustainable living environment that contributes to their well-being and the health of the individual community and the environment.
This project introduces affordable housing with various amenities, grocery shops, a gym, a community space for study and work, sit-down restaurants, outdoor seating places, a neighborhood café, a pavilion, and two bridges: One is an amenity bridge that links the building to the pavilion. The other is a pedestrian bridge that allows residents and community members to stroll or bike to Kingman Island. / Master of Architecture / For decades, the Anacostia River has served as a dividing line between Wards 7 and 8 from the rest of Washington DC. The neighborhood is home to many people of color and green spaces, and an attractive and vibrant community for everyone. However, I feel that this community, like any other, needs equality. Children and adults who reside in the area need a higher standard of living. Equal opportunities should be provided.
This thesis poses the question: How can a community abandoned and neglected for decades be revived into a place of refuge?
The project aims to create an inclusive community experience by enhancing different types of spaces and adapting sustainable elements to build a sustainable living environment that contributes to their well-being, individual health, and environment. The neighborhood has several obstacles, including food deserts, a lack of nearby amenities, residents having to drive to get necessities, accessibility, transportation, walkability, and affordable housing.
The project proposes affordable housing with various amenities, grocery shops, a gym, a community space for study and work, sit-down restaurants, outdoor seating places, a pavilion, and two bridges. An amenity bridge links the building to the pavilion; the other is a pedestrian bridge that allows residents and community members to stroll or bike to Kingman Island.
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[pt] A busca por refúgio, indubitavelmente um direito humano fundamental,
representa o anseio por segurança e dignidade em meio a circunstâncias adversas.
Contudo, este direito é frequentemente desafiado, especialmente para as crianças, que,
independentemente do gênero, merecem sentir-se protegidas e asseguradas em
qualquer parte do mundo. Com este contexto em mente, a presente pesquisa se propõe
a abordar a vulnerabilidade exacerbada observada no caso das meninas refugiadas.
Focalizando um estudo de caso específico de meninas provenientes do Afeganistão,
que encontraram refúgio no Brasil, a dissertação realiza uma análise crítica da falta de
visibilidade enfrentada por essas meninas perante a comunidade internacional, nas
normas e diretrizes, assim como nos estudos sobre Migração e Refúgio. Buscando
contribuições significativas, o trabalho propõe recomendações para lidar com esse
problema, adotando uma perspectiva de ação conjunta e intersetorial. Os objetivos
específicos delineiam a abordagem concreta da pesquisa, buscando mapear e analisar
abrangentemente a defesa dos direitos humanos das crianças do gê feminino em normas
internacionais, regionais e locais, adotando os Direitos Humanos Internacionais como
paradigma para adequar a abordagem jurídica e social. Outro objetivo específico é
analisar a situação do Afeganistão e das mulheres e meninas refugiadas oriundas deste
país que buscam segurança, educação e uma melhor qualidade de vida no Brasil. Por
fim, a pesquisa almeja examinar estratégias para melhorar a integração das meninas
refugiadas na sociedade brasileira, com ênfase na educação, propondo uma chamada à
ação dos formuladores de políticas públicas sobre o tema. / [en] The quest for refuge, undeniably a fundamental human right, embodies the
yearning for safety and dignity amid adverse circumstances. However, this right is
frequently challenged, especially for children, who, irrespective of gender, deserve
to feel protected and assured anywhere in the world. With this context in mind, the
current research aims to address the exacerbated vulnerability observed in the case
of refugee girls. Focusing on a specific case study of girls originating from
Afghanistan, who have sought refuge in Brazil, the dissertation undertakes a critical
analysis of the lack of visibility faced by these girls in the international community,
within norms and guidelines, as well as in Migration and Refugee studies. Seeking
meaningful contributions, the work proposes recommendations to address this
issue, adopting a perspective of joint and intersectoral action. The specific
objectives outline the concrete approach of the research, aiming to comprehensively
map and analyze the advocacy for the human rights of female children in
international, regional, and local standards, adopting International Human Rights
as a paradigm to align legal and social approaches. Another specific objective is to
analyze the situation of Afghanistan and women and girls refugees from this
country seeking safety, education, and an improved quality of life in Brazil. Finally,
the research aims to examine strategies to enhance the integration of refugee girls
into Brazilian society, with an emphasis on education, proposing a call to action for
policymakers on the subject.
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Refuge in Belen ValleyArias-Caballero, Diego Andres 17 June 2013 (has links)
A story about love and desire to imagine architecture in a peruvian landscape. On one hand, 'Refuge in Belen Valley' is a thesis about discovering the ideal conditions that architecture should meet in a landscape, conditions that approach the idea of an offering of man rather than a conditioning for man. On the other, it is a thesis about thinking architecture as a composition derived out of material properties, emotional intentions, inhabiting possibilities and counterpoint, the arrangement of differences through dialogue. / Master of Architecture
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The Convent: A Place of Refuge in Les Misérables and Histoire de ma vieFleming, Teresa Apple 10 April 2020 (has links)
In the nineteenth century, amidst the rise of anti-Catholicism in the Western world, narratives served as a persuasive medium to influence the reading public. Anti-clerical sentiment was conveyed in various forms of text, often depicting the Catholic convent as a place of sinister confinement. This thesis offers an alternative representation of the French nineteenth-century convent. Considering the prevailing social, economic, and political environment in France, along with the conception of social space, I argue that the convent represents a place of sanctuary and opportunity for some women and girls. Further, in view of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, I examine the representation of the convent as a place for rebirth. Likewise, in analyzing George Sand's autobiography Histoire de ma vie, I explore the representation of the convent as a haven for reviving creativity. Thus, by close reading and critical examination of these literary representations, I contend that the nineteenth-century convent can provide a place of refuge. / Master of Arts / Following the French Revolution of 1789, two opposing ideologies gathered momentum in France: monasticism and anti-clericalism. Beginning in 1815, enlistment of nuns in religious congregations doubled every fifteen years until the end of the century. During this period, anti-clericalism remained a potent political and social force. As with any institution of power, narratives served as a persuasive medium to influence the reading public. Anti-clerical sentiment was conveyed in various forms of text, often depicting the Catholic convent as a place of sinister confinement. These diverse depictions of the convent as a nefarious enclosure seem to contradict the growth and appeal of female religious orders during the epoch.
This thesis offers an alternative representation of the French nineteenth-century convent. Partially owing to prevailing social, economic, and political structures that limited women's opportunities, convents attracted women from middle- or upper-class families who desired to serve in the public domains of healthcare and education. Considering this environment in France, along with the conception of social space, I argue that the convent represents a place of sanctuary and opportunity for some women and girls. Further, in view of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables, I examine the representation of the convent as a place for rebirth. Likewise, in analyzing George Sand's autobiography Histoire de ma vie, I explore the representation of the convent as a haven for reviving creativity. Thus, by close reading and critical examination of these literary representations, I contend that the nineteenth-century convent can provide a place of refuge.
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