Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SENSE"" "subject:"[enn] SENSE""
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Interopérabilité Sémantique Multi-lingue des Ressources Lexicales en Données Liées Ouvertes / Semantic Interoperability of Multilingual Lexical Resources in Lexical Linked DataTchechmedjiev, Andon 14 October 2016 (has links)
Lorsqu’il s’agit la construction de ressources lexico-sémantiques multilingues, la première chose qui vient à l’esprit, et la nécessité que les ressources à alignées partagent le même format de données et la même représentations (interopérabilité représentationnelle). Avec l’apparition de standard tels que LMF et leur adaptation au web sémantique pour la production de ressources lexico- sémantiques multilingues en tant que données lexicales liées ouvertes (Ontolex), l’interopérabilité représentationnelle n’est plus un verrou majeur. Cependant, en ce qui concerne l’interopérabilité des alignements multilingues, le choix et la construction du pivot interlingue est l’un des obstacles principaux. Pour nombre de ressources (par ex. BabelNet, EuroWordNet), le choix est fait d’utiliser l’Anglais, ou une autre langue comme pivot interlingue. Ce choix mène à une perte de contraste dans les cas où des sens du Pivot ont des lexicalisations différentes dans la même acception dans plusieurs autres langues. L’utilisation d’une pivot à acceptions interlingues, solution proposée il y a déjà plus de 20 ans, pourrait être viable. Néanmoins, leur construction manuelle est trop ardue du fait du manque d’experts parlant assez de langues et leur construction automatique pose problème du fait de l’absence d’une formalisation et d’une caractérisation axiomatique permettant de garantir leur propriétés. Nous proposons dans cette thèse de d’abord formaliser l’architecture à pivot interlingue par acceptions, en développant une axiomatisation garantissant leurs propriétés. Nous proposons ensuite des algorithmes de construction initiale automatique en utilisant les propriétés combinatoires du graphe des alignements bilingues, mais aussi des algorithmes de mise à jour garantissant l’interopérabilité dynamique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudions de manière plus pratique sur DBNary, un extraction périodique de Wiktionary dans de nombreuses éditions de langues, afin de cerner les contraintes pratiques à l’application des algorithmes proposés. / When it comes to the construction of multilingual lexico-semantic resources, the first thing that comes to mind is that the resources we want to align, should share the same data model and format (representational interoperability). However, with the emergence of standards such as LMF and their implementation and widespread use for the production of resources as lexical linked data (Ontolex), representational interoperability has ceased to be a major challenge for the production of large-scale multilingual resources. However, as far as the interoperability of sense-level multi-lingual alignments is concerned, a major challenge is the choice of a suitable interlingual pivot. Many resources make the choice of using English senses as the pivot (e.g. BabelNet, EuroWordNet), although this choice leads to a loss of contrast between English senses that are lexicalized with a different words in other languages. The use of acception-based interlingual representations, a solution proposed over 20 years ago, could be viable. However, the manual construction of such language-independent pivot representations is very difficult due to the lack of expert speaking enough languages fluently and algorithms for their automatic constructions have never since materialized, mainly because of the lack of a formal axiomatic characterization that ensures the pre- servation of their correctness properties. In this thesis, we address this issue by first formalizing acception-based interlingual pivot architectures through a set of axiomatic constraints and rules that guarantee their correctness. Then, we propose algorithms for the initial construction and the update (dynamic interoperability) of interlingual acception-based multilingual resources by exploiting the combinatorial properties of pairwise bilingual translation graphs. Secondly, we study the practical considerations of applying our construction algorithms on a tangible resource, DBNary, a resource periodically extracted from Wiktionary in many languages in lexical linked data.
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Percepção e ação : integração intermodal e medidas de avaliação de imagem corporal e senso de agênciaPinhatti, Marcelle Matiazo January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca investigar a relação da díade percepção-ação, especialmente entre percepção de imagem corporal e senso de agência. O estudo também tem como objetivo investigar se a forma como o indivíduo se percebe e seu nível de consciência da ação possuem relação com o índice de massa corporal. Outro objetivo foi avaliar que instrumentos vêm sendo utilizados para medir a imagem corporal. A estrutura da dissertação comporta dois estudos, um de revisão sistemática e outro empírico. A revisão investigou o instrumental de avaliação de imagem corporal em obesos no contexto de intervenção cirúrgica. Os resultados revelaram divergências quanto ao construto de imagem corporal e sua avaliação. O estudo empírico consistiu de uma tarefa experimental de ilusão sensoriomotora que buscou avaliar a relação entre imagem corporal e senso de agência. Os dados apontaram que pessoas com distorções de imagem corporal não tiveram pior desempenho na tarefa, mas apresentaram menor nível de confiança nas suas respostas. / This study aims to investigate the relationship of perception-action dyad, especially between perception of body image and sense of agency. The study also aims to investigate the way the individual perceives and its action level of consciousness are related to body mass index. Another objective was to evaluate what tools have been used to measure body image. The dissertation structure comprises two studies, a systematic review and other empirical. The review investigated the instrumental evaluation of body image in obese surgical intervention in context. The results revealed differences in the body image construct and evaluation. The empirical study consisted of a sensorimotor illusion experimental task was to evaluate the relationship between body image and sense of agency. The data showed that people with body image distortions did not performed worse on the task, but had a lower confidence level in their responses.
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A tríade enunciativa : um estudo sobre a não-pessoa na teoria de Émile BenvenisteBressan, Nilvia Thaís Weigert January 2003 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é discutir o status de não-pessoa na Teoria da Enunciação de Émile Benveniste. A terceira pessoa do singular, ele, é assim chamada porque, na visão estruturalista da enunciação, a não-pessoa, ele, se opõe às pessoas, eu e tu. Essa tríade enunciativa, eu, tu, ele, é o sustentáculo de todas as relações que se estabelecem no território pessoal e não-pessoal, na língua/discurso e na língua/sistema, na subjetividade e na objetividade da enunciação. Essa distinção entre pessoas e não-pessoa é transversal a toda a teoria, que tem como suporte teórico a ciência do signo de Ferdinand de Saussure, que entende a língua como um sistema, e a ciência das significações de Michel Bréal, que considera a língua em uso. Esse estudo, portanto, em um primeiro momento, reúne as reflexões de: a) Benveniste, que concebe a enunciação como um ato individual de fala que tem sua referência na instância de discurso, isto é, no aqui-agora do locutor; b) Bréal, que entende a subjetividade como parte constitutiva da língua e acredita que só a língua em uso deve ser objeto de verificação; c) Saussure, para quem a língua é um sistema de signos cujas relações são opositivas e internas ao sistema, sem qualquer referência ao que lhe é externo. O segundo passo foi a pesquisa da terceira pessoa pronominal e verbal nos dicionários e gramáticas em busca da não-pessoa. Como a questão da referência é um divisor de águas em toda a teoria, ela foi discutida em um terceiro momento quando o estatuto enunciativo da nãopessoa foi abordado. Ao final deste trabalho foi apresentado um estudo feito por Benveniste sobre a frase nominal, que é um exemplo da possibilidade de se analisar a não-pessoa, já que a frase nominal é um caso típico da mesma. Como esta dissertação optou por um estudo intrateórico da obra de Benveniste, escrita entre os anos de 1939 e 1970, o corpus é composto por artigos que se encontram nos livros Problemas de Lingüística Geral I e Problemas de Lingüística Geral II. / This research discusses the status o f non-person in the Enunciation Theory of Émile Benveniste. The third person singular is named non-person based on the structural notion that opposes the persons, I and you, and non-persons, he,she, it. The enunciation triad, I, you, he, controls all the relations between persons and non-person, subjectivity and objectivity, systernllanguage and discourse/language in this theory, that must be understanding upon two language concepts: the systernllanguage and the discourse/language. The first is sustained by the Sign Science of Ferdinand de Saussure; it concerns the objective part ofthe language. The other receives influence from the Signi:fication Science of Michel Bréal; it concerns the subjective part of the language. Consequently the first part of this study joins the retlection of: a) Benveniste, who conceives the enunciation as an individual act that has its reference in the here-now of the speaker; b) Bréal, who understands that subjectivity is constituent of language; c) Saussure, who understands that the language is a relation system of opposite signs, without reference to the world, because all linguistic facts are system internal phenomena. In the second part this research investigates the third person singular in dictionaries and grammars in order to understand the non-person. In the third part this work deals with the status of the non-person in enunciation and the reference. Reference is a significant point in this theory; it serves as the line of demarcation between subjective reference and objective reference. At last, this work presents a study of a typical case of nonperson, the nominal sentence, as an illustrative example to show how Benveniste understands the analysis of non-person. Because this is an intratheoretic study in the writings of Benveniste from 1939 until 1970, its corpus is constituted from the articles that are in the books Problèmes de linguistique générale I and Problèmes de linguistique générale II.
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L’expérience fictionnelle dans la relation intersubjective, approche de la narrativité relationnelle / collective fiction and intersubjective relations, the approach of relational narrativeTreton, Cecile 14 September 2017 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse porte sur la nature de la relation à l’autre et met l’accent sur les conditions de l’engagement relationnel. Le sujet répond à un questionnement éthique à propos de l’isolement qui remet en cause la perception utilitariste de la relation qui prédomine dans la société contemporaine, notamment à travers la conception des supports info-communicationnels et leurs usages. Notre cadre théorique emprunte aux approches de la communication affective (F. Martin-Juchat) et à l’anthropologie relationnelle à travers la notion de quête de sens commun dans la relation (C. Galibert). Il s’agit d’une démarche de recherche-action qui s’interroge sur les possibilités d’améliorer les conditions de la communication engageante. Notre terrain d’étude porte sur l’expérience des personnes âgées. Notre cadre méthodologique est pluridisciplinaire avec des emprunts à la sociologie de la dynamique relationnelle (C. Bidart) et à la psychologie (D. Winnicott). Nos outils d’analyse utilisent la biographie comme support de témoignage (D. Demazière et C. Dubar) et des grilles interprétatives modélisées à partir de la sémiotique situationnelle (A. Mucchielli). Nous démontrons la valeur heuristique de la relation. Elle contribue à une inventivité de la réalité dont nous étudions les conditions. Nous proposons une approche de médiation qui s’appuie sur la formalisation de l’environnement relationnel comme support de narration et que nous qualifions de narrativité relationnelle en référence à l’identité narrative (P. Ricoeur) et à la sémiotique narratologique ( J. Greimas). Elle redéfinit le rôle du média. Notre travail offre des perspectives dans le champ des SIC sur le sujet de la coopération à partir de la notion d’environnements de connivences. / The purpose of this thesis is to put the accent on the conditions of relationships and commitment. Thesubject is based on an ethical investigation of the isolation which challenges the utilitarian perceptionof the relation in the modern society through the communications concept and its supports. Ourtheoretical frame takes from the emotional communication approach (F. Martin-Juchat) and from therelational anthropology through the quest of common sense in relationship (C. Galibert). It is about aresearch-action approach. Our field of study concerns the experience of the elderly. Our methodologicalframe is multidisciplinary with parts of sociology of the relational dynamics (C. Bidart), and psychology(D. Winnicott). Our tools of analysis use the biography and the interpretative tables modelled fromsemiotics situational (A. Mucchielli). We demonstrate the heuristics value of the relation and the factit contributes to the inventiveness of reality which we study the intersubjective relational conditions.We propose a mediational approach based on the formalization of the relationship environment as astory. We qualify it of relational narrative in reference to P. Ricoeur and to J. Greimas. It redefines therole of the media. Our work offers perspectives in the field of SIC around cooperation from collusionenvironments.
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Tyngdlyftningens eventuella påverkan på proprioceptionen jämfört med styrkelyft : En utvecklingsstudie och inledande metodstudieLarsson, Sandra, Emén, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fysisk träning betyder rörelse av kroppen som kräver energi. Muskelstärkande träning är en del inom fysisk träning. Två idrotter inom detta område är tyngdlyftning och styrkelyft, där båda har som mål att lyfta så tungt som möjligt med skivstång. Den ena idrotten är tyngdlyftning med ryck och stöt som tävlingslyft, medan styrkelyft har tävlingslyften knäböj, marklyft och bänkpress. Proprioception är kroppens inre djupa känsel som ger information om kroppsdelarnas position och rörelse relativt varandra, samt upplevelse av kraft och ansträngning. Ett sätt att testa proprioception är genom joint repositioning sense (JPS) test. JPS tester går ut på att testpersonen ska repositionera en led i en förutbestämd position. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utföra en utvecklings- och inledande metodstudie för att undersöka proprioceptionen i extremitetsleder hos tyngdlyftare jämfört styrkelyftare. Metod: I studien deltog två manliga tyngdlyftare och två manliga styrkelyftare. De leder som testades var axelled, handled, höftled och fotled. JPS testerna som användes utvecklades som en del av studien. Resultat: Tyngdlyftarna och styrkelyftarna var mycket lika vad gäller proprioception i extremitetslederna. Tyngdlyftarna hade något bättre proprioception i axelled och höftled, medan styrkelyftarna var något bättre i handled och fotled. Konklusion: Skillnaderna i proprioception mellan grupperna var marginella. De tendenser som kunde ses var att grupperna skiljde sig åt beroende på led. Testerna som utvecklades och användes behöver validitet- och reliabilitetstestas och att standardisera testerna vad gäller rörelsehastighet kan även vara värdefullt. Testerna kräver förhållandevis lite utrustning och är enkla att genomföra vilket innebär att de är relevanta att använda ute i det kliniska arbetet. Mer forskning inom området krävs för att kunna undersöka sambandet mellan tyngdlyftning och proprioception.
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Sense of place and climate change : urban poor adaptation in the Dominican RepublicSchofield, Holly January 2017 (has links)
Adaptation has increasingly come to be recognised as an urgent and necessary response to climate change. The ability of a system to carryout adaptation is dependent on its adaptive capacity. To date, the majority of research relating to adaptation has focused on the objective and material determinants of a system's capacity to adapt to severe and extreme weather impacts. Whereas the role that subjective factors, such as people's perceptions, beliefs and values play in that same process, has received comparatively less attention. Despite being a global phenomenon, climate change is being experienced and responded to in local places. More than just physical locations, places are often imbued with meaning by the people associated with them. This thesis argues that these meanings have implications for the ways in which people adapt, or fail to adapt, to climate change impacts. It uses the concept 'sense of place', as a means of capturing this place meaning and as a lens for exploring adaptive behaviours in three low-income urban communities in the Dominican Republic. In particular it examines the specific roles of residents' place attachment, dependence and identity in motivating and constraining adaptive behaviours. Based on qualitative research with ethnographic underpinnings, the thesis shows that the urban poor sense of place is shaped by interconnected relationships between residents and; their homes, the physical and social aspects of their communities and a range of non-community actors. These relationships are shaped by physical and social interactions with and within places, but also through the discursive construction of the locations and the inhabitants of them in public opinion. Residents continuously seek out ways to enhance their sense of place, at times as an improvement in the built environment as a means of preventing or ameliorating environmental threats and events. However, often it is enhancement, in an aesthetic sense, which is envisaged as being of equal and sometimes greater importance. Although aesthetic improvements sometimes have the resultant impact of enabling adaptation, this tends to be incidental, rather than purposeful. Despite the importance placed by the urban poor on their sense of place, these subjective determinants and adaptation in the urban environment, remain unrecognised as well as absent from local institutional and policy radars. Overall the research suggests the need for a more comprehensive approach to understanding adaptive capacities. It requires an approach which continues to measure the objective determinants but which also recognises the role of people's relationships to places in converting or failing to convert objective capacity into climate change action and in dictating the type activities that are valued and prioritised by urban poor residents themselves.
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Varför fattar jag ingenting?- en empirisk studie av kritiska aspekter vid utveckling av en god taluppfattning / Why don´t I get it?-- an empirical study of critical aspects in developing a good sense of numbersSjövall, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
Framförvarande arbete är en empirisk studie som fokuserar på kritiska aspekter; elevers skilda uppfattningar av samma lärandeinnehåll. Syftet är att identifiera kritiska aspekter i undervisning av taluppfattning i årskurs 2. En Learning Study har utförts som innebär att två elevgrupper har genomfört ett identiskt för- och eftertest med lektioner däremellan. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av variationsteorin, som syftar till att effektivt och ändamålsenligt variera samma lärandeinnehåll. Resultatet identifierade följande kritiska aspekter i undervisningen: öppna utsagor med subtraktion, begreppsförmågan, muntliga kommunikationen samt elevens tålamod. Begreppsförmågan handlar om att eleverna hanterar anvisade uppgifter på ett korrekt sätt. Den muntliga kommunikationen är övergripande och påverkar förståelsen av det centrala ämnesinnehållet. Elevernas tålamod är beroende av inre och yttre förutsättningar. Resultatet visade även att kritiska aspekter är dynamiska och förändras kontinuerligt i undervisningsprocessen. Det ställer krav på pedagogens förmåga att kontinuerligt observera, organisera och reflektera i skolverksamheten. Pedagoger och elever som uppmärksammar kritiska aspekter i undervisningen har sannolikt större möjlighet att undanröja hinder och missuppfattningar i elevernas lärande, vilket utvecklar ett gynnsamt lärande.
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Um estudo sobre a relação entre a crença de autoeficácia na resolução de tarefas numéricas e o sentido de número de alunos do Ciclo de Alfabetização / A study on the relation between the self-efficacy beliefs in the resolution of numerical tasks and the number sense of students in the Literacy CycleSander, Giovana Pereira 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Giovana Pereira Sander null (giovanapsander@gmail.com) on 2018-08-07T23:09:13Z
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tese.pdf: 7366911 bytes, checksum: fb624daa5f9f487a5a4ed7b8ba8a4d9a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Minervina Teixeira Lopes null (vina_lopes@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-08-08T14:19:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar e compreender a relação entre a percepção sobre a autoeficácia na resolução de tarefas numéricas e o sentido de número dos alunos que estão terminando o Ciclo de Alfabetização (3.º ano do Ensino Fundamental). O quadro teórico integra duas temáticas: a crença de autoeficácia e o sentido de número. A crença de autoeficácia é fundamentada a luz da Teoria Sócio-Cognitiva, teoria esta desenvolvida pelo psicólogo Albert Bandura. O sentido de número é fundamentado por autores que investigam essa temática, incluindo estudos sobre o cálculo mental. Esta investigação é de natureza metodológica mista com a conjunção de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. Os participantes da pesquisa foram 407 alunos de 29 turmas do 3.º ano do Ensino Fundamental de 12 escolas do município de Bauru – São Paulo – Brasil que foram selecionadas por sorteio. Os instrumentos para a coleta de dados foram um questionário, que tinha a finalidade de caracterizar os participantes em termos de idade, gênero, ano de escolaridade bem como sua percepção de desempenho em Matemática de forma geral; uma escala de crença de autoeficácia em tarefas numéricas, que tinha por objetivo mensurar as crenças de autoeficácia dos alunos diante de tarefas numéricas; e as tarefas numéricas, que tinha por finalidade investigar o sentido de número dos alunos. A coleta de dados aconteceu em dois momentos: num primeiro momento, foram aplicados o questionário e a escala de crença de autoeficácia em tarefas numéricas; no segundo momento, foram aplicadas as tarefas numéricas. Os dados evidenciaram que: 1) de maneira geral, os alunos possuem crenças positivas de autoeficácia em tarefas numéricas; 2) as crenças de autoeficácia se diferem quando consideramos os componentes de sentido de número como objeto de crença; 3) o sentido de número dos alunos é mais evidenciado quando se trata de conhecimentos e destrezas com os números; 3) o algoritmo é o método de cálculo mais utilizado pelos alunos em detrimento de outros tipos de cálculos; 4) não foram encontradas correlações significativas entre crença de autoeficácia e sentido de número, bem como crença de autoeficácia e método de cálculo; 5) a ausência de correlações significativas pode ser devido ao fato da natureza das tarefas serem diferentes à das tarefas normalmente utilizadas para o ensino da Matemática. Concluímos na pesquisa que é preciso dar mais atenção ao desenvolvimento de aspectos cognitivos e afetivos no ensino da Matemática. Sobre os aspectos cognitivos, é preciso focar em outros métodos de cálculo, como o cálculo mental e de estimativa, que irão contribuir para o conhecimento e destreza com números e operações e para a aplicação desses aspectos. Ainda, sendo a crença de autoeficácia muito positiva para os alunos, é preciso considerar aspectos afetivos que influenciam na aprendizagem e na confiança dos alunos ao resolver tarefas matemáticas. / The goal of the research is to analyze and understand the relationship between the perception of self-efficacy in the resolution of numerical tasks and the number of students who are finishing the Literacy Cycle (3rd year of elementary school). The theoretical framework integrates two themes: the self-efficacy beliefs and the number sense. The self-efficacy beliefs is based on the light of Socio-Cognitive Theory, a theory developed by the psychologist Albert Bandura. The number sense is supported by authors who investigate this issue, including studies about mental calculation .This research is of mixed methodological nature with the combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The participants of the research were 407 students from 29 classes of the 3rd year of elementary school from 12 schools in the city of Bauru - São Paulo - Brazil that were selected by random. The instruments for data collection were a questionnaire, which had the purpose of characterizing the participants in terms of age, gender, year of schooling as well as their perception of performance in Mathematics in general; a scale of self-efficacy beliefs in numerical tasks, whose objective was to measure students' self-efficacy beliefs in numerical tasks; and numerical tasks, whose purpose was to investigate the number sense of the students. The data collection happened in two moments: at first, the questionnaire and the scale of self-efficacy beliefs in numerical tasks were applied; in the second moment, the numerical tasks were applied. The data showed that: 1) in general, students have positive self-efficacy beliefs in numerical tasks; 2) self-efficacy beliefs differ when we consider the components of sense of number as an object of belief; 3) the number sense of students is more evident when it comes to knowledge and skills with numbers; 3) the algorithm is the method of calculation most used by the students in detriment of other types of calculations; 4) no significant correlations were found between self-efficacy beliefs and number sense, as well as self-efficacy beliefs and method of calculation; 5) the absence of significant correlations may be due to the fact that the nature of the tasks is different from the tasks normally used for teaching mathematics. We conclude in the research that it is necessary to give more attention to the development of cognitive and affective aspects in the teaching of Mathematics. Regarding the cognitive aspects, it is necessary to focus on other methods of calculation, such as mental and estimation, which will contribute to the knowledge and dexterity with numbers and operations and to the application of these aspects. Also, since the self-efficacy beliefs is very positive for students, it is necessary to consider affective aspects that influence students' learning and confidence in solving mathematical tasks. / 99999.010434/2014-03.
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Étude des conceptions théoriques de deux traductologues anglophones, Peter Newmark et Eugène Nida, à la lumière de la théorie interprétative de la traduction / An examination of the theoretical views of two English translation theorists, Peter Newmark and Eugene Nida, in the light of the Interpretative Theory of TranslationInyang, Enobong Joseph 14 December 2010 (has links)
Notre thèse vise à étudier les conceptions théoriques de deux traductologues anglophones [littéraliste chez Peter Newmark et sociolinguistique chez Eugene Nida], à la lumière de la théorie interprétative de la traduction élaborée par deux traductologues françaises, Danica Seleskovitch et Marianne Lederer. Nous nous sommes proposé de voir comment trois théories, de deux univers linguistiques différents se sont développées dans la deuxième moitié du 20e siècle, et s’il y a des rapprochements à faire. / The aim of our dissertation is to examine the literalist theoretical view of Peter Newmark and the sociolinguistic theoretical view of Eugene Nida in the light of the interpretative theory of translation of Danica Seleskovitch and Marianne Lederer. Newmark and Nida are Anglophone theorists of translation, while Seleskovitch and Lederer are French theorists. We want to see how three theories from different linguistic worlds developed in the second part of the 20th century and at the same time compare and contrast them.
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Testing coherence in narrative filmVirvidaki, Aikaterini January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore how narrative films that are marked by crucial obscurities and explanatory gaps in their development manage to become coherent. More specifically, the thesis is interested in examining how these obscurities and explanatory gaps can be understood as meaningful aspects of the films' organisation. Since the function of coherence in film has rarely been examined directly, the thesis first attempts to illuminate it by drawing on the work of two aestheticians who have examined it more systematically. Thus, the first part of the thesis discusses the work of Victor F. Perkins and George Wilson, while attempting to explore aspects of the work of these two aestheticians through the analysis of specific films. The writings of Perkins and Wilson provide a good starting point for the thesis because they raise crucial questions regarding the ways through which narrative films manage to deal with significant tensions in their organisation and intelligibility. The main body of the thesis (the second part of the thesis) then examines four narrative films, each of which is marked by a significant aspect of apparent incoherence. In each case, the thesis attempts to show that this aspect of apparent incoherence - rather than merely obstructing the film's intelligibility - essentially contributes to the creation of the film's idiosyncratic internal logic. In order to understand how this becomes possible, the thesis pays close attention to the ways in which the various components of each examined film relate to each other, observing and analysing the aesthetic strategies which enable each examined film ultimately to come together.
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