Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL BOND"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL BOND""
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Les déterminants psychiques des choix d’orientation professionnelle / The psychological determinants in vocational guidance processes.Méloni-Johnson, Dominique 17 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche considère à la fois l'intérêt de recourir aux concepts psychanalytiques pour traiter la question du choix d'orientation professionnelle, et l'intérêt pour la psychanalyse de s'emparer de ce sujet inhérent à l'entrée dans le champ social de l'adolescent, à la position subjective dans sa relation aux autres, et à la place accordée au travail. L'appréhension du choix dans sa dimension inconsciente rend compte de la complexité de cette notion, ne pouvant laisser concevoir le choix d'orientation professionnelle comme simple effet d'une causalité psychique d'un désir inconscient prédéterminant. Le choix est alors envisagé à travers ce qu'il suscite et nécessite pour pouvoir être émis. Dans un second temps, l'enjeu du travail est exploré en perspective avec la constitution du lien social à travers l'intégration du désir, mais aussi de son interdit, du poids des supports identificatoires ou encore de la position sexuée. Le travail se révèle indissociable de ses contradictions avec le désir. De ce fait le choix d'orientation professionnelle ne doit pas être seulement conçu comme la recherche d'une voie d'accès à son désir, mais comme une confrontation à l'aliénation à l'Autre. Le recours à la notion lacanienne de sinthome, permet enfin de dépasser les paradoxes laissés par une approche du choix d'orientation professionnelle comme l'expression d'une métaphorisation du désir. L'analyse de situations cliniques a permis de repérer trois phases de construction du choix d'orientation professionnelle. Cette perspective implique une reconsidération des enjeux de l'émission du choix, et amène à proposer une nouvelle orientation de la pratique. / This research studies both the significance of resorting to psychoanalytic concepts to deal with the issue of vocational guidance process and the importance for psychoanalysis to get hold of a subject so inherent to the entrance into the adolescence social field, the subjective position in the relationship to others, as well as the place given to work. First, considering the career choice from its unconscious dimension, leads to taking into account the complexity of this notion, which rules out the idea of choosing a career as the simple psychological effect caused by predetermining unconscious desire. Thus the choice is to be considered through what it generates and requires in order to enable its release. Secondly, the issue of work is put in perspective with the creation of the social link through the integration of desire, but also of its prohibition, of the weight of its identifying supports, as well as the collective ideal, or else the sexed position. The meaning of work appears inseparable from its contradictions with the desire. Thus, choosing a vocational guidance is not to be considered only as a search for an access to the desire, but also as confronting the alienation to the Other. Resorting to the Lacanian notion of 'sinthome' allows a new conceptualization of the symptom, which enables, at last, to go beyond the paradoxes left by the approach to vocational guidance process as the expression of metaphorising desire. The analysis of clinical situations showed three phases structuring the vocational guidance process. This perspective implies reconsidering the issue of making a choice and leads to offering a new vocational guidance.
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Le sujet de la folie contemporaine : de la croyance mythique au sacre de l'hyper techni-cité dans le discours post-traditionnel / The subject of contemporary madness : From mythic belief to the coronation of technique in post-traditional discourse, from mythic belief to the coronation of technique in post- traditional discourseIacono, Carole-Anne 01 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail se propose d’interroger le sujet pris sous le joug des discours de la post-modernité, à partir de ce que nous repérons comme la désacralisation de la croyance mythique. Ce remodelage symbolique fait basculer le lien social vers une société de la technique, une techni-cité, gouvernée par de nouvelles puissances économiques GAFAtisantes. Le sujet contemporain s’assujetti ainsi aux injonctions a-surmoïques d’un Père 2.0 qui le pousse toujours davantage dans la dégringolade subjective d’une jouissance absolue et massifère. Cette nouvelle organisation sociale fait alors éclore de nouvelles représentations de la folie. C’est ce qui nous pousse à réinterroger cette notion qui éclaire l’ensemble de notre propos. La clinique contemporaine témoigne de quelques formes de résistances du sujet. Celui-ci, ayant besoin de renouveler son rapport à l’Autre, se tourne vers de nouvelles formes de spiritualités qu’il prélève dans d’autres cultures. Il espère à partir de la mise en pratiques de ces traditions pouvoir extraire un savoir sur sa propre condition. Ce faisant, il technicise ces croyances importées qui aussitôt arrachées à leur socle symbolique virent à l’imaginaire et s’assignent à la logique capitaliste. Les nouvelles pratiques qui en émergent relèvent alors d’une post-traditionnalité qui offre un compromis au sujet cherchant à se renouveler subjectivement.La post-modernité ne connaissant aucune frontière, nous mettrons ces questions en jeu dans d’autres sociétés, notamment en Amazonie, au Sénégal et au Vanuatu. Nous constaterons que la folie demeure intimement liée au désordre social et que la contamination du discours économico-techno-scientifique contemporains produit des effets au-delà de la culture occidentale. / This research proposes to question the subject taken under the yoke of the discourses of the post-modernity, from what we see as the desecration of mythic belief. This symbolic remodeling shifts the social link towards a society of technology, a “techni-cité”, governed by new « GAFA » economic powers. The contemporary subject is thus subject to the a-parametric injunctions of a Father 2.0 which pushes him ever further into the subjective tumble of an absolute and massive enjoyment and « massifere ». This new social organization then gives rise to new representations of madness. This is what drives us to re-examine this notion that sheds light on our whole subject. This new social organization then gives rise to new representations of madness. This is what drives us to re-examine this notion that sheds light on our whole subject.The contemporary clinic shows some forms of resistance of the subject. The latter, needing to renew his relationship with the Other, turns to new forms of spirituality that he takes from other cultures .He hopes from the putting into practice of these traditions to be able to extract knowledge about his own condition. In doing so he technicizes these imported beliefs, which are immediately torn from their symbolic base, turn to the imaginary and take up capitalist logic. The new practices that emerge from it are part of a post-traditionalism that offers a compromise to the subject that seeks to renew itself subjectively.Since post-modernity knows no boundaries, we will put these issues at stake in other societies, particularly in the Amazon, Senegal and Vanuatu. We will find that madness is closely linked to social disorder and that the contamination of contemporary economic-techno-scientific discourses produces effects beyond occidental culture.
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Impact of Schools' Social Bonding on Chronic Truancy: Perceptions of Middle School PrincipalsGentle-Genitty, Carolyn Sherlet 18 March 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / No longer is the family the only unit of care for children and their education; schools are now the primary unit of education and are responsible for at least 6-8 hours of student connectedness. Yet, one in every 100 US students is truant. Among students ages 14-17, the number of truants is one in 10. In one township in Indiana, one in every three students is a chronic truant. Understanding why children disengage from school before reaching the compulsory attendance age of 16 is essential. This study explored the relationship of schools’ social bonding opportunities and principals’ perceptions of students’ social bond on rates of chronic truancy in middle schools. Chronic truancy was defined as 10 or more absences reported to the Indiana Department of Education during the 2006-2007 school year. Methods. A cross-sectional online survey consisting of 81 items was administered using Survey Monkey™. The list of participants was generated from the Indiana Department of Education’s online database of middle and junior high schools in Indiana. Of the 429 principals invited to participate, 144 responded. The final sample consisted of 99 public schools. Secondary data was used to compare school demographic characteristics. Results. Using multiple regression analyses, the results showed that schools’ social bonding opportunities and principals’ perceptions of students’ social bonding in middle school were positively but not significantly related to rates of chronic truancy. The variables in the model of best fit accounted for 16% of the change in rates of chronic truancy. Principals reported doing well at creating opportunities for students to attach and be involved in school but that they needed to improve on building relationships to effectively increase social bonding in their middle schools. Conclusions. Student success is dependent on not only what the student brings to the school environment but what the school environment provides to the student. Creating an environment for students to thrive and succeed relies on the opportunities for social bonding in the middle school. Truancy prevention and school engagement is a shared responsibility.
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"Det värsta har vi tyvärr varit med om, att de blir mördade" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om yrkesverksammas förståelse för sitt och organisationens arbete med avhoppare som vill lämna kriminella grupperingarAntonsson, Linnea, Sävqvist, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie har varit att undersöka professionellas förståelse för sitt och organisationens arbete med avhoppare som vill lämna kriminella grupperingar, samt studera hur samverkan fungerar mellan organisationer. För att besvara syftet har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med yrkesverksamma som arbetar med avhoppare. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit Travis Hirschis teori om sociala band och samverkansteori. Studiens empiri har tolkats genom tematisk analys. Studien visar på att professionella identifierar ett flertal påverkansfaktorer som är centrala i arbetet med avhoppare. När det gäller processen in i kriminalitet tar yrkesverksamma upp sociala aspekters betydelse, såsom påtryckningar från omgivningen, lojalitet, umgänge och sammanhang. Bristande skolgång och avsaknad av meningsfull fritid, samt individens egna betydelse lyfts också. Gällande processen ut ur kriminalitet betonar yrkesverksamma att akuta händelser, såsom dödsfall eller hot, är centrala aspekter. Många som väljer att lämna kriminaliteten gör det på grund av trauma och att orken att vara kriminell finns inte längre kvar. Nya sammanhang och nya värderingar i livet kan leda till att individer påbörjar avhopparprocessen. Samverkan beskrivs som ytterst nödvändig för att arbetet med målgruppen ska kunna bedrivas. Alla insatser sker genom samverkan och aktörer behöver inta en kompletterande roll gentemot varandra. Yrkesverksamma i arbetet med målgruppen har olika erfarenheter av möjligheter och begränsningar i arbetet. Samverkan och sekretess anses vara både möjliggörande, men även försvårande i arbetet. Att personalen är relationsskapande och personalomsättningen är låg, ger goda förutsättningar för att arbetet med målgruppen ska ge önskade resultat. Psykiatrin lyfts fram som en saknad aktör och ytterligare nationellt stöd efterfrågas för att arbetet i kommunerna ska bli mer samstämmigt. Slutsats kan dras att arbetet med målgruppen behöver fortsätta att vidareutvecklas och inkludera professionella på flera olika nivåer, lokalt, regionalt och nationellt.
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The Ties that Bind: A Secondary Analysis of Family Structure and Attachment Strength on Adolescent Sexual Decision MakingCase, Somer LeAnn 09 March 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In sociological literature and in health policies on adolescent sexual behavior, researchers, educators, and policymakers continue to express their concern with the high number of adolescents engaging in an early sexual debut because of pregnancy risk, high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In particular, much attention is given to the young age of sexual experiences among Black youth compared to those of other races. However, for Black female adolescents, the experiences and dilemmas they face can be more compelling, because the “Black female experience defies a singular definition” (Rozie-Battle 2002, p. 60). This study will fill a gap in previous literature on sexual decisions among Black teens by moving beyond a discussion of only negative decisions. If attachment and social bond theory are taken into consideration, family instability could weaken attachment and lead to riskier sex by weakening controls on undesirable behavior like condom non-use. These same theories would also pose that weakened attachment between family members and adolescent women can create replacement ties and stronger bonds to a sexual partner, which in turn leads to more sex, but not necessarily riskier sex. Utilizing the Young Women’s Project (YWP) at Indiana University, the present study investigates both of these hypotheses.
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Involvement in Sports and Engagement in Delinquency: An Examination of Hirschi's Social Bond Theory.Hass, Randy 01 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Sports have been proposed as a means of reducing participation in delinquency. One criminological theory that would support this hypothesis is Travis Hirschi's social bond theory. The involvement element of that theory proposes that engaging juveniles in non-delinquent activities reduces engagement in delinquency. However, the relationship between sports and delinquency has not been adequately tested. Data from the first wave of the National Youth Survey were examined by ordinary least squares regression to determine if there was evidence supporting school sponsored sports programs as a means of reducing delinquency. No evidence was found to support the research hypothesis. Involvement in sports actually was associated with an increase in some types of delinquency, though the slope of the regression line was very slight. This study was a piece of evidence bringing into question the legitimacy of the involvement element in social bond theory.
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The paper focuses on investigating the relationship between lifestyle and crime in vulnerable neighborhoods. To be more specific, the project will look at how football has an influence on people who live near a criminogenic environment. In addition, other factors from everyday life are also considered to evaluate the social bond of individuals. In the project, an online survey will be conducted. The survey will ask about participant’s experiences at the football club, educational institution and/or workplace, home, weekends, and the streets. Additionally, questions about crime within the participant’s whereabouts will be inquired in the survey. Thereafter, the participants (N=84) will be divided in two groups – participants living in/near vulnerable neighborhoods and those who do not. A quantitative analysis will examine the commitment, attachment, involvement, and belief of individuals and if structured activities are developing a resilience towards criminal environments, behaviors, and ideals. In result, the project discovers that a risky lifestyle is associated with peer relationship, parental bond, alcohol use and the belief and importance of work.
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”Det är svårt att se den egna kompetensen” : en studie om hur en grupp lärarstudenter resonerar om relationskompetens med stöd av digital video / "It's difficult to discover your own skill." : a study ofhow a group of pre-service teachers reason about relational competence with the support of digital videoFinné Persson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study, which is part of a research project called LÄRK at the University of Kristianstad, is to further examine how a group of pre-service teachers reason about relational competence, as well as examining their opinions regarding the importance of relational competence in the teaching profession. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate whether the project has had some kind of long term impact on the students’ ideas with regards to their way of reasoning about their pedagogical practice in stimulated recall interviews and how their understanding of their own relational competence may have been influenced by the process. The results show that the students have the conviction that relational competence is of great importance to the teaching profession and that good relationships based on trust and confidence are fundamental to learning. The results that have emerged also indicate that the students developed increased knowledge of relational competence and what distinguishes a teacher with relational competence. It is suggested that the students find it easier to apply a more general theoretical understanding of relational competence rather than engaging in a self-reflective analysis of their behavior in the recorded film sequences from VFU. It is likely that the project’s three educational sessions did not generate sufficient progression for students to develop a glimpse of the competencies that underlie the definition of relational competence. Although such an assumption supports the idea that relational competence should be initiated in an early stage in teacher education, the result indicates that more research is needed on the competence and how it should be implemented in teacher education.
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No description available.
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"Personen jag försvinner ju helt" : En kvalitativ studie av att vara förälder till tonåring med substansbruk och upplevelser av anhörigstödIsberg, Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats uppmärksammar hur föräldrar till tonårsbarn med substansbruk upplever sin situation och det anhörigstöd de fått. Syftet är att skapa en förståelse för föräldrars egen situation kopplat till sitt tonårsbarns substansbruk, med särskilt fokus på att undersöka upplevelsen av behandlingsprocessen och egna behandlingsinsatser för föräldrarna på Mariamottagningarna i Skåne samt att få en ökad förståelse för vilka önskemål om förändring och förväntningar som föräldrarna har gällande anhörigstöd. Uppsatsen baseras på nio semi-strukturerade intervjuer med föräldrar till tonårsbarn under 18 år med substansbruk. Föräldrarnas berättelser och erfarenheter analyseras genom Scheffs teoribildning kring sociala band. Resultatet visar en tung belastning och bröda inom föräldragruppen, vars tonårsbarn hade komplexa problembilder. Föräldrarna hamnade lätt i problem- och emotionsfokuserade beteenden. Likaså beskrevs ett inre föräldraproblemfokus som skapade skam och försämrad kommunikation mellan förälder och tonåring och i värsta fall kris i familjen. I vissa fall resulterade detta i att föräldern satte sitt eget liv på paus med ökad risk för stressrelaterad ohälsa. Olika sårbarhets- och skyddsfaktorer hos föräldrarna genererar olika behov vilket talar för ett kartläggande av dessa för att sedan anpassa stöd och insatser till föräldrarna. Föräldrarnas hade blandade känslor kring det professionella anhörigstödet. Ett positivt upplevt anhörigstöd relaterades till en behandlarens eller socialsekreterarens bemötande, kompetens, helhetsperspektiv och samverkan med andra professionella i kontakt med tonåringen. Önskemål från föräldrarna handlade om ökad delaktighet i tonåringens behandling. / This thesis explores how parents of adolescents with substance abuse experience their situation and the support they have received from professionals. The purpose is to create an understanding of the parents' own situation linked to their adolescent’s substance abuse, with a particular focus on examining the experience of the treatment process and interventions for the parents at the Maria treatment centers in Skåne, In addition, the thesis aims to gain an increased understanding of parents´ own expectations, and wishes for change, regarding the provided support. The essay is based on nine semi-structured interviews with parents with adolescents under the age of 18 with substance abuse. The parents' narratives and experiences are analyzed through Scheff’s theory regarding social bonds. The result shows a heavy burden and load within the parental group, whose adolescents have a high level of comorbidity. The parents easily ended up in problem- and emotion-focused behaviors. Likewise, an internal parental problem-focus was described, which created shame and impaired communication between parent and adolescent, and in the worst case a crisis in the family. For some parents this resulted in the parent putting their own life on hold with an increased risk of stress-related illness. Different vulnerability and protective factors within the parental group generate different needs, which speaks for these being mapped in order to adapt support and interventions to the parents. The parents had mixed feelings about the professional support. Positively perceived support was related to a therapist’s or social worker’s reception, competence, overall perspective, and cooperation with other professionals in contact with the adolescent. Wishes from the parents included increased participation in the adolescent’s treatment.
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