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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Immigranten zwischen Einbürgerung und Abwanderung / Eine empirische Studie zur bindenden Wirkung von Sozialintegration / Immigrants between naturalisation and re-migration / An empirical study of the effects of social integration on immigrants

Leibold, Jürgen 31 August 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Integrationsprojekte als Aufgabe urbaner Forstwirtschaft / Integrative Projects as a Task of Urban Forestry

Vering, Katharina 17 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.


Gaišaitė, Renata 30 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Renata GAIŠAITĖ ORGANIZATION OF YOUTH SOCIO-CULTURAL ACTIVITY IN RURAL COMMUNITIES Final project of Master’s studies written in Lithuanian language consists of 69 pages, 23 pictures, 13 tables, 56 sources of literature and 5 enclosures. KEYWORDS: youth, organization of socio-cultural activity, rural community, social problem, social assistance, social integration. Object of research – youth socio-cultural activity in rural communities. Objective of study – to analyze the organization of youth socio-cultural activity in rural communities and to present a model of youth’ socio-cultural activity organization in rural communities. The main tasks are: 1. To traverse theoretical aspects of youth socio-cultural activity organization in rural communities. 2. To present youth’, as a social group, characteristics that has its peculiar problematic aspects. 3. To analyze the survey data results of experts’ and youth’ sociological research. 4. To do a comparable analysis of survey results of experts and rural youth. 5. To present a model of youth socio-cultural activity organization in rural communities. Methods of research are: logical analysis and synthesis, comparable analysis, data analysis of nonfiction and statistics, half standardized interview of experts, youth’ questionnaire survey data analysis, graphic presentment and generalization. While studying the scientific works of Lithuanian and foreign authors, Laws of Lithuanian Republic, the theoretical aspects of youth... [to full text]

Facteurs linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l'intégration en milieu multilingue : le cas des immigrants à Montréal

Calinon, Anne-Sophie A.-S. 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour but de définir et de décrire les facteurs linguistiques et sociolinguistiques de l’intégration des immigrants dans le contexte multilingue qu’est Montréal. Elle se fonde sur un corpus d’entretiens effectués avec des immigrants, suivant les cours de francisation gouvernementaux. Notre travail repose principalement sur la notion – à la fois politique et sociolinguistique – d’intégration linguistique. Nous étudions les politiques de gestion de l’immigration et de la pluralité linguistique qui influencent l’intégration des immigrants dans une société d’installation culturellement diversifiée et francophone. Notre démarche est à la fois macrosociolinguistique et microsociolinguistique, aussi bien dans la problématique que dans la méthodologie appliquée. Nous cherchons à apprécier l’impact des mesures de politique linguistique sur la préservation du français au Québec en nous intéressant aux perceptions des immigrants concernant les fonctions sociales des langues à Montréal. La francisation étant présentée comme la mesure politique la plus significative, nous nous intéressons au contenu des cours, sur le plan linguistique et culturel. Nous déterminons le niveau de compétence que les immigrants-apprenants atteignent à la fin de leur formation à l’aide d’une grille originale d’observables énonciatifs, structurels et normatifs. Après avoir évalué le degré d’autonomie linguistique des sujets, nous décrivons leur mobilité sociale en étudiant la fréquence et le type d’interactions dans lesquelles les immigrants ont l’occasion d’utiliser les différentes langues de leur répertoire langagier, en vue de déterminer leur intégration sociale. A partir de ces données, nous mettons en évidence l’influence du degré de maîtrise linguistique sur le sentiment d’intégration. Les résultats montrent que le français jouit d’une vitalité linguistique importante. De par ses fonctions véhiculaires et sociales, le français est généralement la langue de communication première dans toutes les sphères de la vie sociale à Montréal. De ce fait, la capacité de communiquer, grâce à l’appropriation de la variété standard du français, est un facteur linguistique de l’intégration. Or, à la fin de la formation en français, les immigrants ont des compétences linguistiques et sociolinguistiques qui leur permettent seulement une mobilité linguistique et sociale limitées. Ce facteur linguistique doit être obligatoirement accompagné d’autres éléments intégrateurs qui constituent les étapes suivantes du processus d’intégration. / Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Factors of Integration within a Multilingual Context : the case of immigrants in Montreal The purpose of this study is to define and describe the linguistic and sociolinguistic factors of integration of immigrants within the multilingual context of Montreal. Based on a corpus of interviews (discussions, conversations) with immigrants enrolled in government-sponsored French language training programs, our work focuses mainly on linguistic integration, understood here as both a political and sociolinguistic notion. We examine the policies of immigration management and linguistic plurality which influence the assimilation of immigrants into a francophone and culturally diversified society. Our approach to the research subject and the methodology applied to it is both macro-sociolinguistic and micro-sociolinguistic. We attempt to determine the impact of linguistic policy measures on preserving the use of the French language. To do this, we study how immigrants perceive the social functions of languages in Montreal. Since francization is presented as the most significant political measure, we analyze training course content, on a cultural and linguistic level. In order to determine the level of skill obtained by the immigrants at the end of their training program, we use an original scale measuring observable cognitive, structural and normative items. After assessing immigrants’ degree of linguistic autonomy, we describe their social mobility to see how well they are actually assimilated into the francophone living environment. We analyze the type and frequency of the interactions in which immigrant are called upon to use the different languages making up their language repertoires. This data allows us to show how immigrants’ command of the French language affects their feeling with regard to social integration. Our results demonstrate that the linguistic vitality of the french-speaking community in Montreal is increasing. Indeed, French is the primary language of communication in all aspects of social life. The ability to communicate easily in standard French is, therefore, a linguistic factor contributing to successful social and cultural integration. However, at the completion of their French language training program, immigrants’ linguistic and sociolinguistic skills allow them only limited linguistic and social mobility. This linguistic facet of cultural integration must necessarily be accompanied by other means to facilitate and consolidate the process of integration. / réalisé en cotutelle à l'Université de Franche-Comté (France)

Social integration for people with mental health problems : Experiences, perspectives and practical changes

Granerud, Arild January 2008 (has links)
Background: The goal of social integration is part of the ideological motivation behind the transition from institutionalised to decentralised psychiatric care. Modern community mental health care considers social integration vital for improving mental health. However, reports suggest that efforts to socially integrate people who suffer from mental health problems have not been as successful as anticipated.Aim: The overall aim of the study was to achieve a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of social integration of people with mental health problems in the community. An additional aim was to develop the healthcare professionals’ insight into this phenomenon by means of co-operative inquiry. The specific research questions were: How have people with mental health problems affected their neighbourhood after re-establishing in the community? How do people with mental health problems experience social integration in the community? How does knowledge of social integration promote practical changes in mental health professionals’ practice?Methods: This study, which comprises four papers, has a hermeneutic design. The data collection methods took the form of interviews with 19 neighbours of group homes for people with mental health problems (Paper I) and focus groups in two separate studies of people with mental health problems, one of which comprised 12 participants in three groups (Paper II) and the other 17 participants in three different multistage focus groups (Paper III), i.e. a total of 14 focus groups. Paper IV utilises findings from Papers I-III by means of a co-operative approach. There were two areas of knowledge development in the research process: dialogue-based teaching and focus groups. The main emphasis of the dialogue-based teaching was to facilitate the articulation of practical and tacit knowledge. Twenty-two healthcare professionals and social workers participated in two different multistage focus groups, a total of 6 focus groups (Paper IV). Data-analysis methods included both the constant comparative process and qualitative content analysis.Findings: The first paper begins with the experiences of neighbours of people who suffer from mental health problems. The neighbours reported frightening behaviours as well as complications in their contact with people who had long-term mental health problems, which led to increased insecurity and fear. The reaction of the neighbourhood was exclusion and segregation in the form of distancing or watching. The next two papers employed a user perspective and revealed that, when meeting people, the participants experienced shame and fear of exclusion due to lack of acceptance and loss of autonomy. Integrity proved a necessary quality for the possibility to be treated as an equal. Lack of work or a meaningful occupation and a low income contributed to a sense of worthlessness and loneliness. Those who had a job or took part in club activities seemed to achieve social companionship, which gave them a sense of being more socially integrated. The co-operative research project enabled co-researchers to gain increased professional knowledge and awareness, as well as providing potential for improvements in clinical practice. Systematic reflection on practice leads to an increased awareness of one’s own attitudes and intervention methods, societal conditions and the community’s attitude to the increased social integration of people with mental health problems. The experiential knowledge gained may contribute to health-promotion strategies such as social integration.Conclusions: Integration difficulties are experienced by both individuals with mental health problems and their neighbouring community. In order to achieve social integration, a person with long-term mental health problems needs to develop adequate social competence. Those working in community mental health care must ensure that people suffering from mental health problems experience a sense of belonging in the community, which can enable them to develop a network and achieve social integration in the planning and development of day-time activities and work, thus promoting social integration. The neighbourhood requires, at the very least, general information when a group home is established. Co-operative inquiry can be beneficial in the public sector, although in order to achieve the best possible result, the whole team must be involved and play an active role in all areas of the research project. If the groups are too large, the participants’ level of engagement may suffer. Multistage focus groups proved to be a powerful method for knowledge acquisition and should be further developed as a means of expanding new knowledg / Bakgrunn: En viktig ideologisk motivasjon for overgang fra institusjonalisert til desentralisert psykisk helsearbeid er målet om sosial integrering. Moderne lokalbasert psykisk helsearbeid anser sosial integrering som avgjørende for å bedre menneskers psykisk helse. Men rapporter viser at mennesker med psykiske problemer ikke har oppnådd tilfredsstillende sosial integrering.Mål: Det overordnede målet for studien var å oppnå en dypere forståelse av fenomenet sosial integrering for mennesker med psykiske problemer i lokalsamfunnet. Et tilleggsmål var å utvikle helse- og sosialarbeideres innsikt i fenomenet med bruk av handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. De spesifikke forskningsspørsmålene var: Hvordan har mennesker med psykiske problemer påvirket deres nabolag etter reetablering i lokalsamfunnet? Hvordan erfarte mennesker med psykiske problemer sosial integrering i lokalsamfunnet? Hvordan kan kunnskap om sosial integrering fremme praksisforandringer for psykisk helsearbeidere?Metode: Denne studien, som omfatter fire artikler, har et hermenautisk design. Metodene for datainnsamling var kvalitative intervjuer med 19 naboer til fellesboliger for mennesker med psykiske problemer (Art. I), og fokusgruppeintervjuer, i to separate studier, med mennesker med psykiske problemer. En studie med 12 informanter i 3 fokusgrupper (Art. II) og en studie med 17 informanter i 3 flersteg-fokusgrupper (Art. III), totalt 14 fokusgruppeintervjuer. Art. IV brukte funnene fra Art. I-III i et handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid. Det var to former for kunnskapsutvikling i forskningsprosessen: Dialogbasert undervisning, som skulle fremme praktisk og taus kunnskap, samt fokusgruppeintervjuer. 22 helse- og sosialarbeidere deltok i 2 flersteg-fokusgrupper, totalt 6 fokusgruppeintervjuer (Art. IV). Datamateriale ble analysert med Grounded Theory og kvalitativ innholdsanalyse.Funn: Naboer til fellesbolig for mennesker med psykiske problemer beskriver i den første studien opplevelser som gav usikkerhet, skremmende adferd og problemer med å få kontakt med menneskene som hadde alvorlige psykiske problemer. Dette ledet til økt usikkerhet og frykt. Nabolaget reagerte med eksklusjon og segregering. De to neste studiene hadde et brukerperspektiv, og viste at informantene opplevde skam og frykt for eksklusjon som en følge av manglende akseptasjon og tap av autonomi i møte med mennesker. Integritet var en nødvendig forutsetning for å bli møtt som likverdig. Mangel på arbeid eller annen meningsfull dagaktivitet, samt lav inntekt, bidro til en følelse av verdiløshet og ensomhet. De som hadde et arbeid eller var aktiv deltager i klubbvirksomhet fikk et sosialt felleskap som gjorde at de kjente seg sosialt integrerte. I siste studie gav handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid medforskerne økt profesjonell kunnskap og bevissthet, samt potensiale for å forbedre praksis. Systematisk refleksjon på praksis leder til en økt bevissthet for egne holdninger og interveneringsmetoder, sosiale betingelser og lokalsamfunnets holdninger til økt sosial integrasjon for mennesker med psykiske problemer. Økt kunnskapsdannelse i praksis kan bidra til forebyggende helsearbeid som sosial integrering.Konklusjon: Både mennesker med psykiske problemer og deres nabolag erfarte vanskeligheter med integrering. For at mennesker med alvorlige psykiske problemer skal erfare sosial integrering må de ha tilstrekkelig sosial kompetanse. Det må arbeides for at mennesker med psykiske problemer opplever tilhørighet i lokalsamfunnet, noe som kan sette dem i stand til å utvikle nettverk, og få til sosial integrering i planlegging og utvikling av dagaktiviteter og arbeid, og på den måten fremme sosial integrering. Nabolag bør i hvert fall ha generell informasjon når det etableres fellesboliger. Handlings- orientert forskningssamarbeid kan være gunstig i kommunehelsetjenesten. En forutsetning for et best mulig resultat er at hele team blir involvert og deltar i kunnskapsskapningen i praksis. Blir enhetene som deltar for store, blir det ikke noe eierforhold til forskningssamarbeidet. Flersteg-fokusgruppeintervju viste seg å være en god metode for kunnskapsutvikling, og metoden burde utvikles videre.Nøkkelord: Psykisk helsearbeid i kommunehelsetjenesten, sosial integrering, sosialt nettverk, handlingsorientert forskningssamarbeid, kvalitativ metode

Educating across difference underrepresented groups, graduate program integration, and persistence-related attitudes among clinical psychology doctoral students /

Hamilton, Rachel Ann. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 70-79).

Residential segregation in post-apartheid Vredenburg : the role of racial preference

Janse van Rensburg, Hendrik Stephanus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a long history of divided towns and cities. The grave inefficiencies and inequalities that developed between the racial communities during these periods must now be redressed in post-apartheid South Africa by integrating and unifying the physical and social structures of the country's urban settlements. In spite of the positive general trends in race relations and attitudes towards residential integration, South African towns and cities generally remain hyper-segregated. This could be an indication that White attitudes pertain only to the principles of integration, but that they do not actually want to live in integrated neighbourhoods themselves. The aim of this study is to assess the influence of racial preference in the dismantling or continuation of segregation in the South African town of Vredenburg during the postapartheid era. This is done by determining the influence that the population group composition of a neighbourhood has on the desirability of living in that neighbourhood when accounting for varying levels of crime and neighbourhood deterioration. A factorial survey questionnaire was used to gather the data, which were then analysed by way of multiple regression analyses. The results of the analyses indicate that the sampled residents of Vredenburg are generally not influenced by the population group composition of the neighbourhood. However, the more unsafe the neighbourhood, the more litter that is strewn about, the lower the housing quality and the more unfriendly the neighbours, the less respondents liked the neighbourhood. The results also indicate that members of the upper socio-economic class are more critical of their neighbourhoods and tend to evaluate them according to stricter criteria than the lower socio-economic classes do. The findings suggest that the racial composition of a neighbourhood per se does not significantly affect the attitudes of Vredenburg's residents towards a neighbourhood. Rather, high levels of crime and residential environmental deterioration are the factors that strongly affect both White and non-White people's views of a neighbourhood. Higher levels of crime and environmental deterioration are commonly associated with the lower socio-economic class. In the case of Vredenburg, vast socio-economic differences exist between the White and non- White residents of the town. These differences are not likely to change considerably in the short term. The continuation of these class differences will most likely be the cause of continued segregation in Vredenburg. Keywords: Apartheid city, Centralisation, Concentration, Evenness, Exposure, Factorial survey, Hyper-segregation, Integration, Multiple regression analysis, Neighbourhood characteristics, Racial preference, Segregation, Segregation indices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het 'n lang geskiedenis van verdeeelde stedelike gebiede. Die erge ongelykhede en oneffektiewe strukture wat tussen die verskillende rassegroepe binne die stedelike gebiede ontstaan het, moet reggestel word in die post-apartheid era. Dit moet gedoen word deur die verdeelde fisiese en sosiale strukture van Suid-Afrika se stedelike gebiede te integreer. Ondanks die algemene positiewe neiging in rasseverhoudings en houdings teenoor residensiële integrasie, bly Suid-Afrikaanse stedelike gebiede steeds hiper-gesegregeerd. Dit kan 'n teken daarvan wees dat Blankes se ingesteldheid slegs positief is teenoor die beginsel van integrasie maar dat hulle nie self in geïntegreerde woonbuurte wil bly nie. Die doel van die studie is om die invloed van rassevoorkeur te bepaal in die aftakeling of voortsetting van segregasie in Vredenburg, Suid-Afrika, gedurende die post-apartheidsera. Dit word gedoen deur die invloed van bevolkingsgroepsamestelling op die begeerte om in daardie buurt te woon te bepaal, in ag genome die invloed van verskillende vlakke van misdaad en omgewingsverval binne daardie woonbuurt. 'n Faktoriale opnamevraelys is gebruik om data in te samel. Die data is daarna ontleed deur middel van veelvuldige regressie-analises. Die resultate van die analises toon dat die inwoners van Vredenburg, wie aan die steekproef deelgeneem het, in die algemeen nie beïnvloed is deur die bevolkingsgroepsamestelling van 'n woonbuurt nie. Daarteenoor het die deelnemers minder gehou van woonbuurte wat meer onveilig is, waarin meer rommel gestrooi is, waarvan die behuisingskwaliteit laer en die bure meer onvriendelik is. Die resultate toon ook dat lede van die hoë sosio-ekonomiese klas meer krities is oor woonbuurte en geneig is om dié areas volgens strenger kriteria te evalueer as die laer sosio-ekonomiese groepe. Die bevindings dui aan dat die rassesamestelling van 'n woonbuurt per se me die ingesteldheid van die dorp se inwoners beduidend beïnvloed nie. Dit is eerder hoë vlakke van misdaad en residensiële omgewingsverval wat beide Bruin en Blanke inwoners se opvattinge oor 'n buurt beduidend beïnvloed. Hoër vlakke van misdaad en omgewingsverval word gewoonlik met die laer SOSIOekonomiese klas geassosieer. In Vredenburg se geval bestaan daar groot sosio-ekonomiese verskille tussen die Blanke en nie-Blanke inwoners van die dorp. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat hierdie verskille in die korttermyn beduidend sal verander. Voortgesette klasverskille sal waarskynlik die oorsaak wees van volgehoue segregasie in Vredenburg. Trefwoorde: Apartheidstad, Blootstelling, Egaligheid, Faktoriale opname, Hiper-segregasie, Integrasie, Konsentrasie, Meervoudige regressie-analise, Rassevoorkeur, Segregasie, Segregasie- indekse, Sentralisasie, Woonbuurtkaraktereienskappe.

Pratiques et appropriation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et intégration sociale des immigrés : une étude de cas dans un milieu populaire urbain à Paris / Appropriating and practicing Technologies of Information and of Communication to further the social integration of immigrants : a case study in a lower- income urban population of Paris

Boudelia "Mohamed", Boulafroud 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse sera l’occasion de revisiter le débat sur la cohésion sociale des immigrés en s’appuyant sur les réseaux sociotechniques numériques. La société actuelle est caractérisée par de profondes mutations du fait que les TIC (Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) sont omniprésentes et envahissent presque tous les champs de la vie sociale. Cependant, ces mutations accélèrent et libèrent un formidable potentiel créatif de développement pour une partie de la population, excluant néanmoins les populations immigrées qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue du pays d’accueil et qui sont très éloignées de la culture TIC. Cette situation d’exclusion rend plus difficile leur intégration sociale.Ainsi se dégage notre hypothèse : les situations de pratique et d’appropriation des TIC dans les réseaux numériques réels de l’éducation populaire peuvent être un levier pour la réduction de la fracture numérique et par conséquent représenter des facteurs impactant l’intégration sociale des immigrés, très éloignés de ces technologies nouvelles. Si oui dans quelles conditions cela est-il possible ? Nous traitons cette question à partir de la relation pentagonale (appropriation des TIC, intégration sociale, dispositif sociotechnique, médiation sociale et pédagogie numérique). L’enjeu est d’étudier un cas concret. Effectivement, à partir d’un cadre empirique et spatial qu’est le quartier Belleville, nous avons montré comment les populations immigrées analphabètes ont pu acquérir un minimum de savoir-faire des TIC. Des tests inédits pour ce type de public ont permis d’évaluer les compétences : traitement de texte, maniement de l’ordinateur et navigation sur le Web.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la double nécessité d’examiner les aspects sociocognitifs de l’apprentissage des adultes très éloignés des systèmes de l’information et de la communication et de proposer de nouvelles approches pour la conception des dispositifs techniques de type espace public numérique ainsi que des usages TIC. / This thesis will allow us to take a new look at the debate on furthering the social integration of immigrants thanks to a socio-technical use of the web. Present-day society is being profoundly altered by the Technologies of Information (TIC) that are omnipresent and increasingly invasive in almost every aspect of the social field.These accelerating mutations are nonetheless liberating a powerful potential of creativity and development for a portion of the population hitherto excluded from mainline society, by the handicap of language in the case of an immigrant population, and by the lack of access to the new technology (TIC). The double exclusion facing these immigrant populations accounts for a large part of their problems with integration. Against this general background, our thesis develops the following hypothesis: mastering the new technologies of information and communication (the TIC) can become a formidable instrument for overcoming handicaps of background, language, education when appropriated within educational facilities outside the official school systems. Overcoming the digital divide can provide a shortcut to full participation in the culture and usages of the society at large. How can this be achieved? Under what conditions? We shall treat these questions via a five-pronged approach: appropriation of TIC, social integration, socio-technical devices, social mediation and digital pedagogy. Our conclusions will be based on the study of a concrete case in a specific environment.We have demonstrated how the people of Belleville, who are largely illiterate, have nonetheless been able to acquire minimal skills in the use of TIC. Tests specifically elaborated by us for this type of public allowed us to evaluate their competency in areas such as word-processing, handling the computer, and surfing on the web. Our study is conditioned by the need, both to examine the social and cognitive aspects of adult apprenticeship where the population concerned is far-removed from normal access to TIC, and to propose new approaches adapted to EPN technical devices as well as to the types of TIC usage this population might need.

Factors affecting vulnerability to depression among gay men and lesbian women

Polders, Louise Alida 30 June 2006 (has links)
The present study explored factors affecting vulnerability to depression among gay men and lesbian women in metropolitan Gauteng, South Africa. Risk factors consistently cited in the literature on depression among gay men and lesbian women, namely self-esteem, social integration, hate speech, physical victimisation, fear of victimisation and alcohol and drug abuse, were examined to determine their ability to predict vulnerability to depression. Data was collected from 385 participants who self-identified as lesbian or gay, using a purposive quota sampling technique to ensure representation across age, gender, race and socio-economic status lines. Participants were selected through gay and lesbian organisations, support groups, counselling centres, the gay and lesbian Pride Parade, an online questionnaire, and via snowballing techniques. Multiple regression analysis indicated that self-esteem and hate speech were the only significant predictors of vulnerability to depression. The regression model accounted for 21.7% of the variance in vulnerability to depression scores. / Psychology / M. Sc. (Psychology)

O encerramento do aterro metropolitano de Jardim Gramacho: Acenos da inclusão social e da implantação do polo de reciclagem em Duque de Caxias pelo protagonismo dos catadores e catadoras de materiais recicláveis. / The closure of the Landfill Jardim Gramacho: Nods of social inclusion and the implementation of the recycling Center in Duque de Caxias by role of waste pickers.

Tatiane Soares da Cunha Codeço 13 February 2014 (has links)
O encerramento do Aterro Metropolitano de Jardim Gramacho (AMJG) foi pioneiro na formulação de políticas públicas socioambientais no Brasil, ao incluir a questão social nas ações de saneamento e apoiar a organização de cooperativas de catadores de materiais recicláveis. Este trabalho objetivou acompanhar o encerramento desse aterro e o processo de implantação do Polo de Reciclagem situado em Duque de Caxias, Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa teve caráter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa. Utilizou-se de entrevistas aplicadas a uma amostra de lideranças de catadores organizados e não organizados que atuavam na região. O estudo foi realizado entre setembro de 2011 a novembro de 2013. A política sanitária brasileira visa à melhoria das condições de trabalho do catador e incentiva a sua inclusão social, através da organização em cooperativas e/ou associações. Conclui-se que a participação dos catadores no processo de encerramento do AMJG, através das articulações com o governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foi fundamental, embora muitos outros problemas socioambientais ainda persistam nesta região e precisam ser equacionados pelo poder público. Além disso, cabe destacar o papel dos programas sociais do governo federal que podem beneficiar essa categoria de trabalhadores. Para estudos futuros, recomenda-se acompanhar o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade deste Polo de Reciclagem. / The closure of the Metropolitan Landfill of Jardim Gramacho, the largest of Latin America, it was pioneered in the formulation of public policies for social and environmental management in Brazil. Acting both in sanitation actions, such as on social issues with a view to the inclusion of waste pickers in the recycling work in decent conditions. This study followed the closure of the Metropolitan Landfill of Jardim Gramacho as well as the process implementation of Polo Recycling Gramacho situated in Duque de Caxias, in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. This survey was exploratory and approach qualitative. Used interviews applied of waste pickers leaders organized and unorganized waste pickers operating in the region. The study was conducted between September 2011 and november 2013. Nowadays, the Brazilian health policy aims at improving working conditions of waste pickers and encourages their social inclusion, by organizing into cooperatives and/or associations. Therefore, in the area of the Metropolitan Landfill of Jardim Gramacho the participation of waste pickers in the closure process it was an instrumental in attempting to social inclusion of the waste pickers of Jardim Gramacho. The Participation in social programs from the federal Government also it was an important tool in the process of economic inclusion of waste pickers Jardim Gramacho. For the future, studies it is recommended to follow the development and sustainability of this Polo Recycling Gramacho.

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